Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on May 14, 2003


Disclaimer: I still don't know Nick, and all of these characters are fictional as well. If you made it this far, it'd probably silly to tell you not to read on, but if you still feel naughty, perhaps you should stop reading now. It only gets worse from here...not really, but hey it sounded good.

Thanks for coming back for the second part. I really am enjoying this tale, and I hope you will too as it develops. I have plenty more where this came from, so stay tune for more. And on another note, you should check out X-Sync if you haven't already. That story is awesome, and I actually turn up in the latest chapter-Future Shock part 2. I've always wanted to be a super hero!

Email me at leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick

Chapter Two

DJ's been dancing all night. His friend didn't let him out of sight. DJ's been spinning all night. His friend didn't let him down that night.

Sunday morning was a rude awaking for Colin. His phone was ringing at full blast at 9 AM. He would have let it ring, but he was pretty sure it was David. So he answered knowing it would only be worse if he had to call back later.

"Hello." Colin answered into the phone.

"So how was he? Was he half as good in bed as me?" David asked.

"Who Nick??? I wouldn't know, I've never slept with him, and for that matter I've never slept with you." Colin answered

"And whose fault is that?" David asked.

"I suppose that would be me. You have certainly tried a few times." Colin giggled softly.

"Well, we shall have to rectify this problem. Tonight you'll have sex with me, then after that...You'll have sex with me, as I pretend to be Nick Carter...and then you can tell me who's best." David proposed.

"I don't know...He is going to be at the studio Monday, maybe I can sleep with him then." Colin joked back.

"OH GOD, tell me you're not interviewing him?" David said making little vomit noises.

"Okay, I won't say it then...but I am." Colin stated.

"Fine, leave me for an ex-boy band member. See if I care. Just don't expect me to wait on you." David said.

"We certainly are the drama queen today. So what time am I picking you up tonight?" Colin asked.

"Drama queen, you really do love me! Pick me up at 7, the movie starts at 7:30. Don't be late, or I'll have to send out the police to save you from that vulture of a BACKSTREETER." David said finishing there phone call.

Colin hoped that David was just being silly, but he did hear a hint of jealousy in David's voice. Colin felt bad for a moment, but he told himself that he had made no promises to David. And for that matter it was just an interview, it's not like they were running off to get married. Though the thought did bring a smile to Colin's face. He hated to admit it, but he had a celebrity crush on Nick.

That day around noon someone from Jive called Colin to confirm the interview. They asked questions about the studio, and wanted to know what questions Colin might ask. After they had done everything but hand him a script, they finished the call and Colin was more than a little upset about it. He had never been told what to ask on an interview, and he wasn't going to start now. Colin would never ask something that would hurt Nick's reputation, so he saw no reason to have to go with Jive's little script.

Colin really wished he could get a hold of Nick to tell him what happened and that he wasn't going to play along...but on second thought he was afraid that might cause Nick to cancel the interview. Colin had no idea if Nick was in on this or not. He decided that he would certainly ask Nick about it sometime before the interview.

The night was slowly approaching and Colin, freshly shaved and showered, was getting dressed for the movies. Seeing that he didn't have to impress David, he was dressing casually in a pair of khaki pants and a black tee-shirt that went well with his dark hair and green eyes.

The drive over to David's wasn't that bad since he only lived 3 blocks down from Colin's own apartment. David lived in a little house that he had custom built for him. It was a lovely home that Colin had been in many times over the last couple years. David held parties there from time to time, and all their common friends seem to agree that it was a great place to hang out.

David heard the car pull up into the driveway so he opened the door to see Colin parking the car. David looked at Colin realizing that even if he wasn't dressed up, he was still one of the more handsome guys he knew. David wasn't in love with Colin, but he could have very easily been. He longed for a day that might find them together as more than friends. But tonight he had full intentions to go out and have fun despite all of this.

"Hello there, I'm glad you could make it. Have a seat here on the porch and I'll finish getting ready." David told Colin as he approached the porch. Colin wondered what David meant by finishing getting ready, since he was obviously very well dressed, and was wearing shoes and all other necessary apparel.

But to his surprise David emerged from the house wearing a baseball cap and a pair of sun glasses. "I changed my mind; I'll be Nick first tonight. The second time is always better anyway." David stated to a not amused Colin.

"What's with the sun glasses it's already getting dark?" Colin asked.

"Isn't that what they wear when going out among us common folk?" David asked referring to celebrities as if they were a different species.

"You are so full of crap." Colin said walking back to the car. Seeing that his little joke didn't have the desired effect, David removed the hat and glasses and joined him in the car. Pulling down the mirror he checked to make sure his hair was still in tact. Luckily his hairspray was mightier than the hat!

"So what movie are we seeing tonight?" Colin asked.

"Oh Lord of the Rings." David informed him.

"Again, haven't we already seen that movie?" Colin asked.

"Sure, that's the best part! This time we can just make out instead of actually watching it." David told him.

Colin didn't respond to that knowing all to well that he had no interest in making out with David. They had kissed a couple times, but he didn't like the idea of a make out session. He already sometimes felt like he was leading David on.

When they got to the theater they picked a different movie, at Colin's request. They decided on the Harry Potter movie. Colin liked the books even if they were kids' books, so he was happy with the selection.

David did try to kiss him at one point in the movie, but Colin just gave him a kiss on the cheek and told him to watch the movie. Colin however did consent to holding David's hand for the rest of the movie. David was satisfied with that.

After the movie they headed out towards the exit. They saw a few of their friends and waved at them, and exchanged a few words. Colin knew that most of their friends thought of Colin and David as a couple, but Colin didn't correct them that often due to the fact that it kept them from trying to fix him up with other men. Colin was smart enough to know blind dates never worked out.

Colin and David rode out to a nearby diner and got a bite to eat before heading home. David was glad to spend a little more time with Colin, because his house though small...seemed awfully big and empty the past few days.

After words Colin dropped off David, who gave him a sexy look and said. "So are you coming in for a while, or all night?"

"Sorry Dave I can't tonight. I have an interview tomorrow which means I'll have to be in early to get things set up." Colin told him truthfully.

David and Colin exchanged a warm hug, and a peck on the lips before they went off in there separate directions. Colin was home before too long, and was surprised to hear the phone ringing when he entered his apartment.

"Hello?" David asked into the phone. The caller ID was not displaying any information.

"Hey Dave, this is Nick. I hope you don't mind, but I got your number from the station." Nick said.

"I don't mind, what can I do for you?" Colin asked being more than a little surprised.

"I just wanted to know how bad the guys at Jive had been this time." Nick asked.

"Oh that...To be honest." Colin paused. "They pretty much handed me a script for the interview."

"I was afraid of that. It's no wonder I don't get many interviews." Nick said with a sound of annoyance in his voice.

"I hope this doesn't scare you off, but I've never done a scripted interview, and I don't plan to start now." Colin told him.

"No, that's great. I wouldn't want to do the interview any other way. What's the point of showing up, if we can't keep it real? We might as well do the thing right." Nick told him. Colin was glad to hear that.

"Great, I'm sure the interview will go fine then. I promise not to ask anything inappropriate. I won't even ask what kind of underwear you have on." Colin stated laughing remembering a TRL interview Nick had done once.

"Gee, thanks...that's a shame it was always one of my favorite questions." Nick said laughing back at Colin.

"So what did you do today with your free time?" Colin asked.

"Well I wouldn't call today free time really. I did like ten online chats, and few more interviews for papers and such." Nick told him.

"Bummer, and here I am making you work tomorrow too." Colin said.

"Not at all man, I really need the coverage. I'll have plenty of me time after the tour ends." Nick said.

"Cool, I'll have everything set up for when you arrive." Colin informed him.

"Great, after the show do you think you could join me for dinner? I hate eating alone, and I don't know anyone here in town besides industry people." Nick said.

"Sure that would be fun." Colin answered honestly...trying not to scream. He was certainly going to have to get past this whole crush thing soon, if he was going to spend time with Nick.

They wrapped up the rest of the phone conversation pretty quickly, and Colin just fell out on the couch staring at the ceiling. What and the world was going on...he was about to go on what could be considered a date with a celebrity that he's been a fan of for so long. This had certainly proven to be a weird weekend for him.

To Be Continued

You made it through another chapter. I'm so happy! Things only get more interesting from here. So make sure to catch the next chapter. For those that are craving more Nick, the next chapter should please you. Keep the questions and comments coming to leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 3

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