Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jun 14, 2003


Welcome back to the next installment of Spinning Nick. I know it's been over a week, but I'm back again! I have had crazy writers block, but I did manage to get this out. I hope you all like it, and please let me know either way at leo1980@pride.com I depend on your feedback to know whether the story is good or bad, so let me know please. Thanks a million in advance!

Spinning Nick Chapter 12

After Nick and Colin had rested a while, Colin decided it was time to call Daniel and find out when and where they were going to meet for dinner. Nick was a little nervous about being around Daniel again so soon, but Colin had an idea that he thought would make things easier.

"Hello, is that you Colin?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah it's me, did caller ID give me away again?" Colin joked.

"Yes indeed, it's a very clever thing really. So, what are we doing for dinner?" Daniel asked.

"Well I thought you could meet the three of us at Olive Garden." Colin told him.

"Three of you, who else is coming?" Daniel asked.

"I'm going to ask my friend James to join us. I'm pretty sure he doesn't have plans yet, and Nick and I don't want to leave him at home. He'd probably get too bored." Colin responded.

"That's cool, I haven't seen James in a while. He and I met the day we faxed the papers to you about the song." Daniel told him.

"Great, then everyone should get along fine then!" Colin said happily.

"Yes, I'm sure it will be fun to hang out and get to know everyone better." Daniel stated.

After getting off the phone with Daniel, Colin went to ask James to go with them to meet Daniel. He was more than happy to go with them. So the crew put on something nice yet casual, and loaded up into Nick's car.

The ride to the restaurant wasn't very exciting, but it did give Colin and James enough time to discuss the whole deal with Daniel being gay. James thought it was pretty cool, and said that he always thought Daniel was sexy. Colin probably would have agreed, but he just smiled in response. He really didn't want Nick to worry about him and Daniel.

Daniel arrived a little early, and had arranged a table for them all in the back. It was pretty secluded so they would have plenty of privacy. Since Daniel figured the conversation would eventually hit their mutual sexuality, he was glad they had a nice out of the way section.

Nick, James, and Colin all arrived shortly after and were shown to the table. Everyone was greeted with handshakes and/or hugs. Daniel seemed to be a little sad to see Colin sit in a chair on the opposite side from him, and Nick sit in front of him. That left James to sit right next to Daniel. Daniel hardly noticed James, but they did talk a little about the song. James mentioned that he loved the way the song was done, because he had listened to Colin's copy.

"Yes, I thought `Blue Eyes' sounded great coming from your sexy British voice." James commented.

"Aw, thanks. I'm really glad you both liked it. It's a lovely song, and I can't wait to release it as a single. I think it'll be this summer sometime, and then the album should be out by fall." Daniel told them.

"That's great Daniel. I really like some of your stuff. Gotta Get Through this is awesome." Nick said. At that point Colin and Daniel both kind of laughed, and Nick didn't really get it. So Colin explained it to him.

"You see, at first Daniel was pretty much only known for the one song here, and it took a lot of work to get people to take his other stuff seriously. But now he's doing pretty well with his second single. Right Daniel?" Colin asked.

"Yes, it's been on TRL even! I was really excited about that. You know you've done well if you make it on that show." Daniel said.

"Yes, my first single was on there - but my second one was like totally ignored." Nick stated.

"That's a shame, your album was really good. I loved it." Daniel told him.

"Really, I didn't know you listened to my CD!" Nick said somewhat excited.

"Sure, it was great. When will the next Nick Carter album be out?" Daniel asked.

"Probably won't be - the album didn't catch on like we had hoped. I am not totally giving up, but I am thinking of waiting till the market is more accepting of pop music. It seems like only hip hop does any good of late." Nick commented.

"That's true, there's a whole lot of hip hop out now." James said.

"Yes, where's the Spice Girls when you need them?" Colin joked.

"Yeah, they did start the pop trend. Maybe someone else will return it someday soon. Maybe our songs will help do that!" James said enthusiastically.

"For sure! If anyone can turn the music industry around, it's going to be great song writers like yourself." Daniel said, and Nick nodded in agreement.

James and Colin both blushed at this compliment, and didn't offer much of a response. They were fortunate enough to be saved by the bell so to speak. The food arrived at just that moment. Food really does seem to quiet people down at least for a while.

James occasionally would bump into Daniel as they ate - and Daniel would return his transaction with a smile or small snigger. The two seemed to be getting along pretty well. Colin barely noticed them though, due to Nick having his hand on this leg throughout the meal. Colin could hardly eat with the thoughts of Nick's hands all over him distracting him greatly. But they did all manage to get through, with time.

Before they all left to head their separate ways, James made sure to give his cell phone number to Daniel. The two had agreed to talk some more about his new album soon, as James had another song he felt might go well with his style.

James and the others left after that, and headed back to Nick's place. Nick and Colin excused themselves and headed towards the bedroom. Nick and Colin had a long day, and they really only wanted to hold each other close at that moment. A few deep kisses, and a warm embrace later they found themselves falling into sleep's comfort.

That night Colin had a dream of a future with Nick. He saw himself ten years down the road, living in the house he and James had picked out. Nick now lived there too, and there was a small child in the house as well. Colin's dream of adopting a child had finally came true. Nick and Colin walked happily down the stairs to a nice warm Christmas morning. The young child ran to Colin and gave him a big hug.

"Look what Santa brought me Daddy!" The boy screamed as he pointed to the load of presents.

"You must have been a very good boy this year, son." Nick said giving both his husband and son a big hug.

Colin watched as the boy turned to open his presents. Soon, wrapping paper littered the living room floor. It was a very magical morning for them all. Nick and Colin sat down on the couch and exchanged their gifts as they heard their son playing with his new toys in glee.

"Here, I picked this out especially for you." Colin said as he handed him a black box.

Inside the box was a gold necklace with 3 colored pendants on it. One representing all three members of their family. Nick's eyes watered as he saw the beautiful gift, and he pulled Colin into a warm embrace as he kissed him.

"I love it baby. It's so beautiful. Here open mine now!" Nick said getting all excited.

Colin opened the small wrapped present, and found it to be a CD. He was confused at first, but was soon lead to the PC, where he popped it into the computer. Next a program launched, and music from Nick's new album started playing - and as the music played pictures of Nick and Colin flashed across the screen. It was pictures of their life together, and even shots of their child when he was just a baby.

Colin's heart melted again, and if he hadn't already loved Nick, he certainly would have fallen head over heals right then. But as love often goes, it was a magical moment to fall in love all over again. The two were both crying and just latched onto each other and kissed for the longest. That, unfortunately, was when Colin woke up!

"Wake up Colin. What were you dreaming baby? You looked so happy." Nick said as he kissed Colin's neck softly.

"I was dreaming about us, except it was sometime in the future I think." Colin told him.

"Really? What were we doing?" Nick asked.

"It was Christmas morning, and we were watching our son open presents." Colin blushed as he just realized exactly what he had said.

"That's so sweet, you know I realize we haven't talked about it. But I would like to adopt a child someday. And if we are still together, I think you'd be a great dad." Nick told him.

"That would be so great. I hope we can do that someday." Colin said as they snuggled in together.

Nick and Colin made love that morning very slow and passionately. Nick slowly suckled on Colin's neck as he moved his body against his. The friction was so wonderful as their now hardening shafts touched against each other. Nick would occasionally abandon his neck to kiss his sweet lips, and let their tongues wrestle lovingly.

The kissing and sliding lasted forever it seemed before they both started shooting their orgasms at the same time. Colin and Nick held each other as though they would float away if they didn't hold on tight. As their hearts started to slow down, they loosened up and managed to find a position with Nick at Colin's side, as they kissed slowly.

Colin realized sometime later, that he hadn't stayed in touch with David lately. So he sat down at Nick's PC and wrote him an email. He wanted to make sure to give him the address of his new house, which he had received an email about as he logged on! The house was officially sold to them. It would take a bit longer for the paper work to be filled, but at least the deal was closed.

Dear David, I hope things are going well for you. I haven't gotten touch lately I know, but life's been way crazy lately. I moved to Nashville - temporarily, as I told you last time we talked on the phone, but now I have big news. I really wanted to find a place in Orlando so I could be closer to Nick, and it's a great place to live anyway! Well as it turns out James was all for it too. We started looking for houses online. We are down in Orlando now, and we are spending the weekend with Nick. We looked at a couple houses, and even put in an offer on one of the houses. The offer was accepted today! I didn't expect it that fast, but apparently no one else had shown serious interest in the house yet, and the couple is really anxious to get it all taken care of. So in about a month the paper work should all be filled, and I'll be able to officially move into my new home. I really hope you can come and visit me when I get settled in. You're welcome to bring Eric with you of course! The house is big enough that you'd have your own room while you stay here - unless you're sharing it with Eric winks. I hope to hear from you soon buddy! And I love you lots!


With that typed out he hit send. He hoped to hear from David soon, and that they could indeed plan out a house warming get together soon. James had spent a lot of the morning on the phone with Daniel. They were talking about the song and some other stuff as well. Colin was glad to see his two friends were bonding. He hoped that Daniel would be cool with the way things worked out between them.

Nick invited Brian and his wife over to have lunch with them since Colin and James would be leaving that night. Brian was the Backstreet Boy that Colin was closest with other than Nick of course. Brian gave Colin his phone number at lunch that day.

"Here keep my number just in case you need to get in touch with me sometime. I know we just met, but I want you to know you have me as a friend if you so desire." Brian offered kindly.

"And the same goes for me Colin. Any friend of Brian's is a friend of mine. I do hope you'll stay in touch, and when you get moved in, we'll make sure to come see the new house!" Leigh Ann stated.

"You two are too much. I have really enjoyed meeting you both. I'll make sure to let you know when I get moved in, and I'll call you as well just to stay in touch before then. It means a lot to know you both support Nick and I, because I know how important Brian is to Nick." Colin told them.

They both gave Nick and Colin a big group hug before they left. James even got a hug from the happy couple, before they excused themselves back to their own home. It seemed like time just flew by before it was time for James and Colin to be at the airport.

Nick drove them, and once they arrived Nick parked the car. Nick was crying when he kissed Colin goodbye, but Colin tried his best to be strong for Nick. He held him tight and told him it would all be okay. It would most likely be a month before the two would see each other again. But Colin knew that good things were ahead for the two of them! So he kissed his boyfriend one more time, and headed toward the airport bag in hand. James had already walked on ahead, not wanting to be an interruption to the goodbye. He found his friend setting at the waiting area for their flight to be called.

"I bet that was hard, huh?" James asked.

"Yes, and I had to be strong. I didn't want Nick to see me cry then, or he'd have never let me go." Colin stated.

"I think your right, but he can't see you now." James stated.

Colin let it all out then, and just cried as James hugged him. "It'll be okay dear. You'll see him again soon. And you are both very lucky to be in love as deeply as you are." James reminded him.

It wasn't very long before Colin regained composure, and not long after that the plane was starting to load the passengers. After Colin was finally on board, he sat down and pressed his hand to the window. "I love you Nick with all my heart. Please be safe till I can return to you."

Unknown to him, Nick Carter was sitting in his car watching the airplane take off, and stating almost the exact same thing. "Colin I love you so much, please come back to me soon!"

To Be Continued

Well folks that will be the last chapter for a while. I'm flying to New York City for a week, so that will make for at least a week's delay. I know this one is a week late too, but I will be finishing up this story shortly anyway, so maybe it's good to space out the last few chapters. Thanks for all the support, and please send your comments to leo1980@pride.com And once again big thanks to my friend Randy for all his help with the editing!!!

Next: Chapter 13

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