Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 10, 2003


Disclaimer: I still don't know Nick or any of the celebrities in this story. I was hoping one of them would have emailed me by now, but no dice. LOL! So this is all fiction, don't get your hopes up. Enjoy!

Thanks for making it back to another chapter of my story. I really appreciate hearing from people who read my story, so please continue to send your thoughts to leo1980@pride.com Check out my website www.geocities.com/leoinbama if you aren't already reading my story there.

Spinning Nick Chapter 15

The last week in Nashville went by rather quickly. It was a flurry of activity getting things all packed and put in the car. Colin hated moving, but was glad that most likely he wouldn't have to move again anytime soon. He was so glad to finally make it back to Orlando. Nick had surprised them by hiring some moving men to help them unload the truck when they got there. They were very grateful. But even with that help it still took a couple days to get everything unpacked. The house was indeed starting to look like a home the third day there.

"Wow the place really looks great. It's a shame I have to leave just as things start feeling like home." James stated.

"Don't worry it'll be here when you get back. And remember you are going to spend a fabulous three days in the city with Daniel Bedingfield." Colin reminded him.

"Oh, that does sound like fun. I really hope you have a safe trip, and a great time." Nick said.

"I'm sure I will. Do you guys think you could water my plant while I'm gone?" James asked.

"Sure no problem, we'll take care of it for you." Colin and Nick both said.

The three of them all started laughing before Nick called jinx, and to his displeasure James said Colin's name. Nick didn't even get a chance to make him coax him into saying his name. `Just think of the ways he could have got me to say his name...' Nick thought.

The boys took James to the airport that afternoon and said their goodbyes. James would be spending 4 nights and 3 days in NYC, and Daniel had a lot of stuff planned for him. He had tickets for James to one of his shows that he was doing while he was out, and they were going to do a lot of sight seeing together.

"Make sure to have lots of fun." Colin told James.

"And make sure to call us when you arrive in New York. We want to make sure your flight landed safely." Nick stated. Nick had been extra worried about flights since the last one Colin had during his first visit to Orlando.

"I know I never thought I would get on another plane once I got back to Nashville, but I guess I'll have to get used to it all the same." James said.

"Don't worry; I'm sure this flight will be fine." Colin encouraged.

Nick and Colin said good bye and left the airport. They would have preferred to wait till his plane took off, but the new security measures wouldn't allow them to wait with him at the gate. Colin said a prayer for his friend just for good measure, and they were off towards home.

Nick and Colin were excited to have the house to them selves finally. As they walked in the door they could not keep their hands off each other. Nick started kissing Colin as soon as the door shut, and they fell on the couch rolling around. They would stop kissing only long enough to mutter an "I love you" or to moan out. Their tongues met in a romantic dance in their mouths. Their love seemed to flow from one to another in a continuous loop of pleasure.

Nick was feeling somewhat cramped on the couch, so he picked Colin up and carried him to their bedroom upstairs. "I've never had anyone carry me like this." Colin moaned into Nick's neck that he was licking and biting.

"I hope we can do a number of things together no one else has done with you before." Nick moaned erotically.

"Oh baby I want you so bad." Colin said as Nick lay him down on the bed.

"I picked up something for us at the store yesterday." Nick said getting something out of a drawer they had in the bedroom they had been sharing all week.

It turned out to be a bottle of flavored lubricant. It was cherry flavored which happened to be Colin's favorite fruit. Nick quickly undressed Colin and himself. Nick put an extra sheet on the bed out of fear this would be messy. He poured a healthy amount of the lube onto Colin hard cock, and licked the head slowly to see how it tastes. "Oh baby, this stuff tastes great on your cock. Mmmm you were already so tasty, but now I could just eat you all up!" Nick moaned before he started sucking on Colin's cock.

Colin felt as though he was in heaven as he felt his body start to tingle in pleasure. He loved the way Nick was sucking on his cock while swirling his tongue around his shaft. Occasionally Nick would stop to suck just on the head, and Colin really liked that as well.

Nick felt as though he wouldn't be able to enjoy the hard cock in his mouth too much longer from the way Colin was moaning and shaking softly. He decided he'd better slow his lover down, before it all ended too soon. "Baby, I want to make love to you." Nick told him.

"Oh yes! I'm all yours Nick." Colin moaned as he felt Nick begin to lick softly at his rosebud.

Colin felt almost like he would be able to cum just from the tonguing he was receiving. He moaned out loudly as he felt Nick's tongue penetrate softly into him. Nick poured more of the lube out on his cock as he felt his lover being to open up to him more and more. Soon he would be inside Colin's warmness.

"Are you ready love?" Nick stated. Colin saw Nick getting ready to push his cock into his ass and he was so ready for it! But all he could do was to moan out as an answer.

Nick's thick head started to slowly slide into Colin's warm and wonderful ass. Nick felt wonderful sensations start to run through his cock and to the rest of his body as more slid in. Nick would slow down for a few seconds occasionally to let Colin adjust. Colin was encouraging him on though, he wanted to feel the whole of his lover inside him.

Nick began to slowly pump in and out after he felt Colin was ready. Colin was in great pleasure at this time, and was slowly pumping his shaft. He felt his legs resting on Nick's shoulders, as Nick pushed in and out of him. They made love in this position for a while, and Nick felt like he was getting close already. He didn't want to cum too soon, so he whispered to Colin "Let's try something new."

"What baby?" Colin asked.

Nick motioned for Colin to roll over on his stomach, and then he started to enter him again. He felt his cock return to the warmness again, and then he could rest his body on Colin's. Colin hadn't had someone lay on his back like this before, and it felt really nice. It seemed to radiate a warmness into him like he has never had before. Colin then got the idea to start flexing his muscles and to his delight it had the desired effect of pumping on Nick's hardness.

"Ohhhh, yeah that feels so good baby!" Nick moaned.

"I love you." Colin moaned out as he continued to pump Nick's cock with his ass.

"I'm going to cum baby!" Nick said as he started to pump his penis with the same rhythm as Colin's flexes. It wasn't long before Colin felt Nick start to shake uncontrollably and his ass to fill with the warmness of his lover's seed.

"Oh that was so wonderful." Colin said as felt Nick just lay on top of him.

"It was the best baby. I love you so much." Nick stated.

"As I do you my dear." Colin responded. Soon Nick pulled out and rolled to his side.

Colin rolled back onto his back, and started stroking his cock. Nick got his composure back and began to lick and suck on Colin's nipples. Colin was moaning out. Then he grabbed Nick by the head softly and pulled him into a kiss. The two kissed with a great passion. Nick ended the kiss a few moments later, and slid down to suckle on his lover's hard penis. He wanted to make him cum in his mouth. Colin was ready to shoot by the time Colin had his dick completely in his mouth, and when he did cum it was like a volcano erupting. Nick tried to swallow it all, but it was too much for him. It was running out the sides of his mouth.

After that the two lovers pulled together, and just held each other for the longest time. Neither wanted to end the moment, or spoil it with words...because at the moment words were just not enough. Only touch, and hearts beating together could express the emotions.

Afterwards when they had rested properly, they got up and took a long relaxing shower together. After reluctantly getting dressed, Nick decided to take Colin out for a romantic evening. They went to a park for their date and Nick bought them some cotton candy.

Nick and Colin had fun feeding each other. They took a long walk around the lake their at the park, and held hands all the way. Then they found a little secluded place where they could lay on the grass together. They stared up at the stars, and just enjoyed the moment.

Nick rolled over on top of Colin and they made out for a short while. After that they decided they should get home before it got cold. Nick and Colin found the entire evening to be very wonderful. Little did they know it would be the last peaceful day they would have for a while...

The next day Colin had his meeting scheduled with Kevin. Kevin and Nick were still not talking except when absolutely necessary. Brian had done his best with his cousin, but it seemed like this meeting was bound to happen for good or ill.

That night Nick and Colin lay in bed talking about this and other things. "So what do you think he has to say about the song?" Colin asked.

"I don't know. He seems to really like it!" Nick told him.

"Maybe, it's not about the song at all." Colin stated.

"Perhaps not, maybe he just wants to get to know you better." Nick offered.

"Yes maybe so. Nick, where do you see us a year from now?" Colin asked out of the blue.

"I guess I imagine us living together by that point, and very much in love as we are now except even more so. You know what I mean?" Nick asked.

"Totally! I think about it a lot lately." Colin confessed.

"So do I my love, I am really happy to have you in my life. Would you want to stay here or my house?" Nick asked.

"I don't know. Your place is bigger, but this place is great too." Colin stated.

"True, I guess we could always get a separate place that's all ours." Nick offered.

"Perhaps so, but I guess we don't have to decide now. But whatever we decide will be okay with me, as long as I'm with you." Colin said.

"You know I feel the same way, we have become way too sappy!" Nick told him.

"I know isn't it wonderful?" Colin said with a dreamy look.

"You know I couldn't agree with you more." He replied and gave him a big kiss.

The remainder of the night went smoothly with the two lovers falling asleep in each other's arms. The morning was brought in with a phone call. Colin really disliked waking up with a phone ringing in his ears, but it happens to everyone from time to time.

"Hello?" Nick said being the first person to get to the phone.

"Hey Nick, How are you doing this morning?" David asked.

"Fine David, what can I do for you this EARLY in the morning?" Nick asked trying not to be rude.

"Oh yeah, sorry about the wake up call, but apparently Kevin is in a bit of a rush to have his little pow wow. Colin needs to be at my office in an hour. I truly apologize once again, but your band mate was rather curt with me this morning." David told him.

"Ah, I guess it's my time to apologize. He doesn't really mean to be rude, but it's just he is all business sometimes. I will make sure to tell him off for both of us though. Well make that all three since Colin here will have to wake up earlier than planed." Nick said with a chuckle.

Colin had fallen back to sleep. With the phone call ended, Nick woke him up in the best way he could think of. He started to lick softly at Colin's lips. Soon his tongue was met by another and moans came from his sleepy lover. "That's a much better way to wake up!" Colin stated as the kiss ended.

"I thought you might like that." Nick told him. "I hate to tell you this, but you have to be at David's office in an hour. Kevin moved the meeting up."

"Okay you know the guy, is that a good sign or a bad one?" Colin asked.

"Both I think...it's good because if it was something really bad he'd put it off...but if he is just pissed about something he would rush it. I can't say for sure though. I'm still hoping for this to be civil." Nick told him.

"We both want that, but I think we both can realize at this point that Kevin's a wild card. Neither of us know what to expect. I wish you were going with me..." Colin said.

"I am going with you. I know you both need to talk privately, but I will be outside David's office if you need me." Nick stated firmly.

"That means so much to me, you're the best." Colin told him.

"No problem, I wouldn't ask you to face something like this alone. You'd do the same for me!" Nick stated.

"You're right about that. I will always be here if you need me." Colin said truthfully.

The two were unsure of a few things at this moment, but they were sure that whatever lay ahead...it couldn't possibly compare to the love the felt for each other. And they would stand strong together. With that feeling in their hearts, they went about their morning rituals getting ready.

The meeting would be starting soon, and Colin to a degree was glad it would soon be over for good or ill.

To be continued.

What will happen at the meeting with Kevin? Come back next time to find out!

Send your thoughts and comments to leo1980@pride.com and once again thanks go out to Randy for editing my story. Four words "This is the Night".

Next: Chapter 16

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