Spinning Nick

By Lee McDougal

Published on Jul 26, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nick or any other celebrities that may appear in this story. I don't know their sexualities either, so just consider this all fun and games. It is totally fictional.

Welcome back to another chapter. Sorry about the delay. I've been really busy lately. But hopefully I'll get back on track soon. Please send your thoughts and comments to leo1980@pride.com

Spinning Nick Chapter 18

Nick's phone call with Jive went about as bad as could be expected. They had in fact been alerted about the article, but they were hoping to cover it up. Nick informed them of his plan of action, and they weren't pleased. Nick however put his foot down on the issue. This sadly was just one more strike Nick's management had against it (not to forget their lack of support on Nick's solo project).

Nick fought it out for a while, and then eventually had to just hang up when he heard Colin walking towards him. Management couldn't do anything much to stop him anyway, but if they release something bogus, it would just look bad for them.

The press conference number one for the day was really well done. David had managed to arrange for only local coverage for the first because it would take time for the rest to get to them. The national coverage would begin in about two to three hours from then.

So basically this was a practice run. And the guys were ready to run the opposite way, but they held each other's hands and went out to face the first pack of blood thirsty media types. Nick could have sworn he saw one girl drool as they walked onto the stage. He hoped it was because of their sex appeal, instead of her desire to rip them asunder.

"There's very little need for an introduction here, but DJ Colin (his writing name) and Nick Carter are both here to respond to the article in this morning's paper. First of all on behalf of Douglas agency we would like to express our disgust in the rudeness of this article. The article suggested that our client Colin was some kind of sexual deviant that has been living a double life, as if it was their civic duty to reveal his dark secret. In fact Colin has been openly gay for years, thus making this article pointless. If they would have had the decency to ask rather than spy. We are not legally contracted to speak on behalf of Nick Carter, but we assure you that he harbors no hard feelings against Colin-in fact he is here in support of his partner." David gave the opening statements.

"Hello, thanks David for the introduction. And thank you ladies and gentlemen for showing up promptly on such short notice. We have invited all of you here except for the paper that published the article in question; seeing how they didn't include us in their work...we had no interest in giving them the true story." Colin opened that was actually greeted by a few small laughs.

Nick continued where he left off, "Before we open up for a few questions, we want to first state that we are in fact gay. We have been in a devoted relationship for almost six months now. I want to state right off the bat that Colin did not make me gay, and I in fact have had another gay relationship before this. I will not reveal his identity at this time, because he has various reasons to keep this a secret." Nick added.

"I would also like to add that we are not angry because our sexuality has been brought to the attention of the public, but that it was handled in such poor taste. Now we will take a few questions, we will answer as many as we can." Colin said.

"Nick how do you think this will affect your career?" Some random reporter asked.

"I do not think it will affect my music at all. I believe that people are mature enough to base their musical purchases on their personal tastes not on my personal life. If I continue to produce a quality product then I believe the sales will be there." Nick stated.

"Will the Backstreet Boy's new album be pushed back due to these new developments?" A woman in the front asked.

"I would think not, we have already released our first single to select states, and will be releasing the video before the end of the month." Nick said.

"And Nick would you have come out on your own, if this article had not have been published." Another reporter asked.

"Yes given time I did plan to come out. I had no exact time set for it by any means, but as my relationship developed with Colin it was becoming more and more obvious to me that I wanted to share my love for him with the world. I think it was these thoughts that lead me to completely letting my guard down that day at the park," Nick answered honestly. He then stated, "I would like to remind you all that it's actually Colin's press conference," hoping to direct the attention away from him for more than one reason.

"Colin do you think this will affect your relationship with Jive records?" A guy in the front roll asked.

"I don't see why it would my personal life has nothing to do with my ability to write songs. I'm not even a public figure." Colin said jokingly.

"Well you will be now Colin...but my question is there any truth to the rumors about you and Daniel having a thing going on?" A guy asked who looked terribly familiar to Nick.

"I actually haven't heard these rumors yet, but I assure you they are completely untrue. Daniel and I are friends and nothing more." Colin answered truthfully.

"Do you plan to move in with Nick in the near future?" Another reporter asked.

"That is a personal question that I don't think is appropriate for my client to answer at this time." David had now come up to the front. "I'm sorry to cut this short, but Nick and Colin have many more interviews to do this morning, as I'm sure you can understand. If you have additional questions feel free to send them to our mailing address, and we will get to them as best as we can."

Later on after the guys had made it back to David's office, "I recognized that guy that asked about Daniel." Nick stated.

"Really please do tell, because there is only a limited number of people who could possibly know about the Daniel thing...and most of them are in this room." Colin said seeming flustered by the whole situation.

"He was in Kevin's office the other day. I saw him in the parking lot when we were arriving." Nick stated.

"If Kevin has anything to do with this, I'll strangle him." Colin stated.

"Not if I get a hold of him first." Nick answered back.

"Calm down guys...the person who asked the question was Nathan Sparks. He's a local reporter that does a lot of snoop work, and mostly writes for tabloids. He probably did a little research and found out you did an interview for both men, and just wanted to stir up something for his lame articles. No one took him serious I assure you. He wasn't invited to the press conference either, but I suppose he slipped in somehow." David stated.

"But that doesn't answer why he was at Kevin's office." Nick said.

"No, but this would." David said laughing and handing them a copy of the local tabloid.

In big bold print it said "Kevin of the Backstreet Boys secret affair with Julia Roberts." Passing it around the room over and over again, the three had a huge laugh. They were very glad to see Kevin hadn't sunk to a new low of trying to expose Daniel and Nick both in one swoop.

"My favorite part is the really fake picture of them kissing...I mean the only way it could be more fake would be to have Kevin as a seven foot woman." Nick stated.

"I know and that doesn't even look like Julia." David said.

With the first conference over, the boys were a little more confident. The next one was to be the interview with MTV. Jive had set it up and insisted that Jive representatives be there and really wanted to exclude Colin from this interview, but Nick and Colin weren't backing down. It was their life here after all that was being exposed to the world.

The other members of the Backstreet Boys were alerted to this situation by now, and all of them were planning to be at the press conference including Kevin! Nick was both glad of this and nervous too. Would Kevin say something hurtful at the interview?

Before the press conference began, the guys all met at the Orlando MTV studios. (Who knew they even had one?) It wasn't a very big set up, just a small building used for interviews that were set up during the days of Backstreet Boys and Nsync's more popular days. Nick said that they had only been there a few times. But it was a comfortable setting to say the least.

"Listen before this whole thing gets started. I want to say I'm sorry for being a jerk lately. I mean I know I should have been more supportive, but I wanted to know you guys were for real. And I think after seeing the interview this morning on TV, I'm convinced it's the real thing. I'm sorry it took me so long." Kevin stated to them.

"I'm glad you finally realize that, but be aware that it will take us time to forgive you." Nick answered back. It was hard to be overly gracious.

"I totally understand that. Just as long as we can start being civil towards each other, and hopefully become a group again." Kevin said.

"I hope that's possible I really do. I'd hate to see you guys split up or anything. I'm a huge fan you know!" Colin said trying to lighten the mood.

"Awwww isn't he sweet. Makes you want to keep him don't it?" Brian said giggling and pointing along with A.J.

"You are ever so funny Brian. I'll let you paper train me." Colin answered back.

"Nah, I think Nick is more into handling your, how you say, fluids." Brian joked.

"Argh...you guys are so gross." Howie stated laughing at them.

The interview went quite nicely. And with MTV and local coverage, it would be pretty much all over the world before long. The guys were all very supportive during the interview, even Kevin which to Colin was somewhat disturbing. He had gotten so used to nothing good coming from Kevin that it was hard to swallow.

But with Cameras on they were all certainly a happy family! After that Nick and Colin did a few radio interviews, and called it a day. They were so tired by that evening that they almost forgot that James was coming home.

James however was quite unaware of all the media buzz below as he flew towards Orlando. He however was very aware of the fact he was already missing Daniel. He was so looking forward to the next time they would meet. Daniel had planed to have Colin out for a week the next month. They had planed to spend some time working on their mutual music projects. They both agreed that the beautiful London setting would be great for inspiration.

Soon the plan landed and James and the rest slowly made it off the plane. James had his carry on bag with him, but he had to pack an extra bag on the trip back...it seems like you always have more stuff to take home when leaving a big place like New York City! James purchased a newspaper to read while he waited for his bag at baggage claim and for Colin to arrive.

James read the front page and saw the infamous article about Colin and Nick. "Shit, I better call Colin now." James pulled out his cell phone, and called his friend's house. There was no answer. `Maybe he's already on his way here.' Colin reasoned.

"Hey James!" Colin said showing up.

"Hi, where's Nick?" James asked worried.

"Oh he's back at the house. He didn't want to risk getting mobbed at the airport. My face is not quite as familiar yet, but his is way popular right now. Even with this article and media coverage, only a few people recognized me on the way in, and they were nice enough to just smile and walk by. So let's get out of here now." Colin stated.

James took his word and he grabbed the bag that luckily had just arrived. They made their way out of the airport with out much trouble. One girl screamed at Colin on the way out calling him a "faggot". Colin tried to ignore this though.

When they got out to the car, Colin handed James the keys and he drove them home. Colin refused to break till they got home. Then he just cried for a few minutes. "Is this what life is going to be like now?" Colin asked.

"No babe. It won't be like this for long. Just wait and see things will get better." James said as he gave him a big hug, and they walked back into the house.

Nick would not find out about the girl at the airport anytime soon, but he did know that Colin looked upset. He just assumed it was from the stressful day though. They had both had long days. So they excused themselves from James. "I'm sorry dear; I truly don't want to be rude. But I really must get some sleep; today's been too much for us both." Colin told James.

"I totally understand. I'll tell you about my trip in the morning then?" He asked.

"Yes that'd be great. I'm really looking forward to it." Colin said and Nick shook his head in agreement.

James picked up the phone to call David to see what all had happened since he was gone, as it seemed all hell had broke out.

"It's not as bad as it could be I guess. Jive is furious about the article. And to be honest they are furious with Nick most of all. He wouldn't even discuss the possibility of covering up the situation." David stated.

"Ah, well I can understand why they would want to cover it up, but I'm sure Nick's fans will adjust with time." James said.

"You see the way they look at it, Nick doesn't have time. His album was not a huge success, and if the Backstreet Boys' album doesn't sale well their career is as good as dead." David stated.

"I guess so, but I have faith that one incident won't stop the sales. I might even boost the sales." James offered.

"I truly hope so. It would better for both Jive and our agency if this album and your song in particular do very well." David answered.

"Have faith David, it's got me this far!" James said happily.

"That's very true. So how did your trip go?" David asked.

"Great and guess what?" James asked.

"Daniel snores?" David joked.

"No, but he's one hell of a kisser." James shot back.

"Oh my god! You guys kissed?" He asked.

"Yes. And better yet we are going to be a couple." James said.

"I'm truly happy for you James. You're a great guy, and you deserve so many good things. Okay, Eric is calling me to come to bed, so I'll let you go. I will talk to you boys tomorrow. I'll need you to do a couple press conferences I'm afraid to say." David warned.

"No problem, you know I'm up for it." James joked as they hung up.

The next few weeks were indeed hectic for everyone in Colin's little family. But the future despite this was looking bright.

To be continued.

More to come. Send your thoughts and comments to leo1980@pride.com

Next: Chapter 19

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