Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Feb 9, 2018


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Life's Illusions - Book Four - Chapter 3

The co-pilot came back into the main cabin, informing Josef they would be starting their decent into Chicago's O'Hare International Airport shortly.

Juan overheard and took the hint, the boys had been zonked for most of the flight, predictable, after spending most of the night before, excitedly talking.

He went back to the bedroom where both boys were still fast asleep, curled up together.

Waking them, he helped them dress, then got them strapped into seats in the main cabin.

They were using Josef's plane, purchased a few years earlier, a bigger plane than Juan's, because of the trips to Australia and New Zealand they now needed to undertake, this one was capable of doing the journey in two legs, Europe to Abu Dhabi, then on to either Sydney or Christchurch, it meant they could do the Europe to US journey without a stopover.

As they exited the FBO's offices at O'Hare International, they saw Jace waiting for them.

A typical Thorn welcome ensued, everyone had to hug everyone, it was a common theme, other people shook hands, in this family they hugged, and relished it.

As they were about to leave, a familiar face appeared, Phil Coulson, just back from a trip to New York.

Jace greeted him exactly as he had his cousins, and so did they.

"I didn't know you were due in Phil, I thought you were in New York until tomorrow, do you want to share a ride, Trevor's at the house?".

Phil accepted Jace's offer, saying he'd intended to grab a cab.

In the car Josef started to apologise again, but Jace cut him off.

"Stop it Cus, you're making it right, I'm okay with that, so we're good, I'd rather we didn't discuss what you have to tell me until we get home, unless I'm mistaken, you're going to tell me the person responsible is fairly high profile so it might not just cause ripples in the pond, more like waves, I want the whole family involved, it's not just my decision, like you, what I do has the potential to affect the company, so you'll be explaining to everyone, I need them to hear, and evaluate all there is to know".

Josef just nodded.

Jace meanwhile spoke directly to Phil.

Something pretty important happened while you were away, Dillon turned up at the boys concert a few days ago, we took him back to Philly yesterday, it's where he lives, there are things you need to know before we have a family meeting this evening, I'll let Trevor fill you in.

When they arrived at the house, the same Thorn welcome played out, they never tired of it.

For Carlo and Eduardo it was exciting beyond belief, they had five cousins who were eleven years old, and waiting to entertain them.

Phil had sought out his son as soon as he arrived at the house.

"Poppa, I thought you were coming back tomorrow".

Phil detected his sons worried state.

"Okay, I get something is going on, so why don't you tell me everything, and I mean everything, including the love angle".

Trevor was completely thrown for a moment.

"You know?".

Phil laughed before replying.

"Do I know you were in love with Dillon all those years ago, yes, I knew that, did it bother me then, does it bother me now, no it didn't, and no it doesn't, so explain it for me".

Trevor spoke candidly.

"He was so young, I could only dismiss everything he said as ill informed, I was a fool, I think I caused him to run, I've been hurting for ten years, now I have that chance again, I love him, I can't envisage a life without him, I need him Poppa, otherwise my life has no meaning".

Phil smiled.

"Well you know where he is, go get him tiger, it's time you were married, and yes, I approve, you idiot, be happy, that's all I ask".

After dinner, when the younger members of the Thorn family had helped the staff clear the table, Jace announced.

"Okay, Gremlins, disappear, and take your cousins with you, entertain them for us, whilst we very important adults talk business, know your place little people, and I just might grant you favours".

He was immediately swamped by his giggling younger children wanting hugs before they went off to the top floor, taking their cousins from Europe with them.

The rest of the party stayed in the dinning room.

The staff brought in coffee and tea, the housekeeper ushered the last of the staff out and spoke to Jolly.

"I'll lock the kitchen door now Mrs Thorn, you won't be disturbed, if you need anything, call though on my line".

Jolly nodded.

When they were finally alone Jace spoke.

"Thank you Momma, I realise what I asked earlier about ensuring no one would interrupt us probably sounded a little Machiavellian, but I had my reasons".

He paused, as if having difficulty with what to say, Mel reached for his hand, and looking at her, it seemed to give him the clarity he needed.

"I've shared partly with you what Dillon told me about the night he ran away, how he was at the point where he would have returned home, when he was picked up by an officer in a police cruiser".

This pause was because he was having trouble with actually saying what he wanted to say.

"What I haven't shared is, the officer who picked him up, didn't help him, he drove him away from us, robbed him, locked him in the cruiser, told him he was going to be put in a young offenders institution, terrified him to the point where he struggled to kick out the rear windshield, then he kept running, I want to nail that bastard to the wall".

By now Jace was crying, Mel was hugging him.

Josef, put his hand on Jace's arm.

"Let me take it from here Cus".

Jace just nodded, Josef now had all eyes on him.

"This case has been the biggest failure Guardian has ever known, a child skipped, but despite everything at our disposal, he couldn't be traced, for ten years".

Even Josef became emotional, but he carried on.

That child was, is, family, it made it doubly important to us, and we had nothing, not a single clue, until Dillon returned, now, with what he told Jace, we have been able to gather a lot of information, and there's no doubt, it's explosive".

All eyes were now riveted on Josef.

"The details Dillon gave, about being locked in a police cruiser, and in particular, what he did to escape, the damage he inflicted, those are crucial pieces of information, because you don't just turn in your police cruiser with a missing rear windshield, there has to be a report, and there is, it validates Dillon's story".

Josef paused a few moments to allow them time to absorb what he'd said.

"We have established without doubt, only one vehicle suffered any similar damage that night, a police cruiser in the charge of one Officer Martyn Warren, it suffered a completely displaced rear windshield, which was reported as unknown vandalism whilst the officer was taking his dinner break, at the exact location Dillon identified".

It was clear they hadn't associated the facts, the name, so he spelled it out.

"Martyn Warren is now The Superintendent of Police in Chicago".

There was a collective drawing of breaths, and then silence.

Jace had by now composed himself, he took over.

"It is as I suspected, a matter we all needed to know the facts of, because I want to nail this bastard who stole from me, from us, from Dillon, ten years of family life, I want my, our, pound of flesh".

Jace's last statement had been said with evil intent, venom.

"So I'm proposing, I need to step away from the company, because this has the potential to seriously hurt JBJ".

For a few seconds there was a stunned silence before Billy started to reply, but his reply was short lived, as Will cut him off, in obvious anger.

"Shut up Poppa, and you Jace, stop being a twat, your child, my nephew, suffered an injustice, why the fuck do you think you have to deal with that alone, this is family business, we all suffered the loss of Dillon, I'm not okay with having you backing out from the company, if we're going to fight this, we do it as a family, it has absolutely nothing to do with how you administer JBJ, anyone who can't see that can fuck off, and take their business with them".

Jace was gobsmacked, but Jo stood up, walked around the table to hug Jace, and say.

"Rather roughly put but, Will summed it up perfectly, we're a private company, we may lose some contracts along the way, so what, we can form a plan to deal with any shrinkage until we win business back, I'm with you, let's go to war, but you stay in place, we'll need you now more than ever to guide us through any rough waters, don't worry, working together we'll weather any fall out".

Billy now did get to have his say.

"Your brothers are right Jace, and so are you to some extent, it's true, we can't ignore the effect it might have on JBJ, around two thousand employees rely on us providing them with employment, but with you in place we can put together a plan as Jo said, to minimise the effects of lost revenue, this is a family member, one who was vulnerable, a child at the time, I want that bastard to pay for what he did to Dillon, so I agree, you stay in place, if anyone here disagrees, speak now".

Jolly surprised them, addressing Jace directly.

"I don't disagree, in fact I'll be beside you every step of the way, but I do have a question, more of a worry really, have you considered whether Dillon will want to have anything to do with this, he's not the outgoing social boy he was back then, and we won't be raining down fire on just one company, Strelloe employs almost as many people as we do, and I can see from Josef and Juan's expressions, Guardian's going to take just as much heat".

Jace was getting irritated listening to his Momma, he snapped a badly worded response.

"So what Momma, you want to ignore what happened to Dillon, pretend it didn't happen, just smile, brush it under the carpet and carry on?".

Mel saw the hurt in Jolly's eyes and immediately rounded on her husband.

"Apologise to your Momma right now Jace Thorn, or you and I are going to have some serious issues, that is not what she said and you know it, you need to get your anger under control, it's clouding your judgement".

Jace felt as though Mel had slapped him, but it had the desired effect.

"I'm sorry Momma, I was totally out of order, I know what you meant, and you're right, I'd already thought about that very subject, it's partly why I wanted so much secrecy placed on this meeting, nothing can get out at this stage, we need to speak with Dillon first".

Jolly just nodded, but it was clear she was hurt.

Josef spoke.

"I can tell you, Juan, Carry, and I, are in agreement, we will participate fully, providing every bit of evidence we have to your legal team, Guardian's investigators will also continue to actively seek further evidence, I have to admit, I broke confidence to seek guidance from my father in law, but Aly, like all of you, was clear, pursuing this individual was the right thing to do, irrespective of how that affected Guardian, in fact, he and Bo have offered us financial security, a war chest if needed, to deal with any fall out".

Jace now turned to Trevor.

"I'm sorry to put this on you Trevor, but I'm asking for your help in talking to Dillon, would you help me do that?".

Trevor didn't hesitate.

"Yes, but it has to be on my terms".

Everyone was surprised by Trevor's response, not least of all Jace who asked.

"And what might those terms be?".

Trevor wasn't fazed.

"You leave it completely to me, I pick the time, I explain it in my words, and until he makes his decision, none of you have any input, but you should know, whatever Dillon decides, I will back him, if that puts me at odds with anyone here then so be it".

Jace was about to reply but Ary beat him to it.

"I agree with Trevor, how Dillon hears about this is crucial to how he will respond, I lost ten years from my little brothers life, I'm not willing to lose even another day, if Dillon's answer is negative then we drop this plan to seek revenge, because like Trevor, whatever Dillon decides, I'll be standing at his side".

Bobby now jumped in.

"What Ary said goes for me too, seeking revenge sounds good, but not if it causes Dillon more hurt in the process, you would be right to let Trevor handle it Poppa, he and Dillon have a bond that remains strong despite all those years of separation, but you have to agree to Trevor's terms, because I'll be standing with Dillon too if he needs me, he was my little brother, he still is, and I will not lose him again, that hurt is still far too real".

Looking around the table, Jace could see just about every face told him they agreed with Trevor.

"Agreed, and Trevor, thank you, for having Dillon's best interests at heart, if this does go forward, I'd challenge you to never be afraid to call a stop if you were concerned about anything, Bobby was right, nothing is worth causing Dillon more pain".

Jace paused for a few moments before going on.

"In the meantime I'd like to set up a series of meetings over the next few days where we plan contingencies for JBJ, now I think it's time to get back to showing our guests some Chicago hospitality".

As they adjourned to the large lounge in the main house, Jace made a beeline for his Momma, sitting next to her and pulling her into a hug.

"Forgive me Momma, I don't know what came over me, I know you only meant well, I just saw red, I'm sorry".

Jolly's reply was maybe not what Jace wanted to hear, but he understood the message.

"And that is exactly what is troubling me Jace, I'm worried you'll lose your sense of balance in fighting this thing, in business I have no worries, you make clear, calculated, sensible decisions, but in personal matters you've never been able to mirror that, I can see clearly, there is someone in a position of power who has falsely represented himself to obtain that position, hurt a member of our family in the process, who genuinely should be made to atone for his past sins, but you, you're not focused on why we are doing this, you said it yourself, you want your pound of flesh, I'm afraid you'll cause pain without realising it in your quest for that goal, I shouldn't have to remind you, but at the risk of upsetting you I will, the rift with Jo, was because you allowed your quest for a pound of flesh to rule, I'm sorry son, but you have to convince me you can exercise a more balanced degree of decision making where family is concerned".

Jace was almost crying as he replied.

"I can't argue with what you say Momma, I know it's true, I love my family so much, I would fight any battle, right or wrong to protect them".

Jolly saw an opening.

"But there Jace, you just hit the nail on the head, sometimes protection is about not fighting the battle, it doesn't mean you can't achieve the downfall of the devil, it just means you have to do it with subtle means, you employ diplomacy, rather than a bulldozer".

Jace realised he was getting the talk, as did everyone else, which is why no one interrupted them.

Later that night Billy and Jay were desperate to know, and it was finally Jay who asked.

"Do you think you got the message across Jol?".

She was slow to respond, something which troubled them.

"I don't know, I've never been able to understand Jace, he has an almost split personality, he's the ultimate perfect decision maker in business, but he cannon balls around in private matters like a renegade, I tried to drive that home, but I can't be sure if I succeeded, we need to keep a really tight rein on this, we go nowhere until it's resolved, he has to be supervised, we can't let Dillon down again".

Trevor left for Philly on Friday morning, he'd been intending to travel commercial, until Jace stepped in.

The company jet will take you to Philly, when you're ready to come home it will be waiting for you, give me your phone, I'll program the FBO and our chief pilot in for you, you only need to give two hours notice, but if you can give more it helps with scheduling, transport at the other end will be taken care of by the pilots".

Trevor tried to object, saying he'd be fine traveling commercial but thankfully Ary, Bobby and Phil were there to back Jace up, Ary explained it.

"We're not the unknowns we used to be Trev, if the Paps get wind of you on a commercial flight, they'll be waiting like sharks when you land, that's assuming someone doesn't tip them off at this end and they don't besiege O'Hare's departure lounge, if they get you landing in Philadelphia it will be a potential front page item, where's he going?, who's he meeting?, you'll both be in the spotlight, it's not what you or Dillon need, not right now, take Poppas offer, please".

Phil didn't give Trevor chance to say anything.

"I agree, do as Jace says".

Even now, at twenty three, it was unknown for Trevor to go against a direct instruction from his father, he just nodded in agreement.

When he exited the FBO arrival facility in Philadelphia, he was greeted by the biggest beaming smile he would always remember.

Dillon had been waiting nearly an hour, he'd arrived early, nervous, terrified, a whole mixture of emotions, all in complete turmoil.

As he saw Trevor emerge he couldn't contain himself, he smiled that beaming smile, and he felt good, not something he was used to, but at the same time he realised, compared to Trevor, he looked like a vagrant in his thrift clothing.

As Trevor approached, Dillon held out his hand in greeting.

Trevor ignored it, shocking Dillon as he leaned in for a hug, whispering.

"Dil, one day, soon I hope, I'm intending to make you my husband, the only thing I'm going to put my hand around is your cock, but that's an entirely different scenario, so for right now, I want the hug I've been waiting, yearning for, all week".

And so, in full view of anyone watching, they'd hugged, not a business like man hug, this was a lovers, heartfelt hug, and it lasted much longer than the point where it could have been excused for anything other than, two people who craved the love, and bodily contact of the other.

They'd enjoyed a few days, doing all the things two people trying desperately to relearn the measure of the other do, sure in the knowledge they were already hopelessly in love, whatever the future held in store.

On Sunday afternoon they were sitting against an old oak tree, in the park, they'd feasted on a picnic Dillon had prepared, with Trevor giggling as he identified items from the last evenings dinner table".

There were a group of musicians singing and playing on the bandstand not thirty yards from them.

Trevor jumped up, looking back at a startled Dillon, he'd said.

"Stay there, I want to sing you a song, promise me you'll really listen to the words, they're what I want to say to you".

Dillon watched as he made his way to the bandstand, pulling his beanie hat lower to disguise his identity.

He went into a huddle, then Dillon saw it, the dawning realisation on the young musicians faces as they realised who he was, a frantic nodding of heads ensued, and Trevor was holding a microphone.

"Sorry to interrupt your afternoon ladies and gentlemen, but there's something I need to say to someone, and I'm a bit of a musician, so I find I can do it better with song, I want to explain about something that happened to me, to us, a long time ago, and what I would have done if I'd only known it was coming, if I'd known how badly I was handling the situation, if I'd only known how much it was going to hurt, so please, I hope I don't spoil your afternoon".

Then he was singing, and Dillon was crying.

It was a song by an English artist, Elaine Paige, it told a story of someone not realising the person they loved was leaving their life.

'A jacket still hanging downtown in the window, the one that you wanted so bad I should have just bought it, brought it home and surprised you, if it took every penny I had Just for one more memory of your smile I would have lit all the candles and asked you to tell me something that nobody knows I would have told you the million reasons I love you, yeah, if I only had known

I would have kissed you a little harder I would have held you a little tighter Then watched you a little longer as you walked out of sight But I didn't know I was saying goodbye

I'd reach out and touch your face Ask you to say my name to capture the sound of your voice I might have been strong and wise or just cried Cried like a baby if I'd known that I had a choice

I would have kissed you a little harder I would have held you a little tighter Then watched you a little longer as you walked out of sight But I didn't know I was saying goodbye

Just for one more memory of your smile I would have made love a little slower Then watched you while you were sleeping And memorised the moment that you opened up your eyes

But I didn't know.... No, I didn't know... Oh,I didn't know I was saying goodbye

I didn't know, I didn't know, I didn't know I was saying goodbye'.

When he finished, the gathered crowd were clapping, whistling, every one of them on their feet, except for the boy under the tree, the one sobbing, with tears coursing down his cheeks.

Before he knew it, Trevor was standing before him, pulling him to his feet, wrapping him into a hug, whispering.

"That night, my world stopped, I've been in a vacuum ever since, I knew I couldn't go forward, I could only remember, and curse my stupidity, I'd thought I was protecting you, I never gave a thought to you not seeing it the way I did, when you left, my whole world collapsed".

Trevor paused to kiss Dillon's neck.

"I love you Dillon, I always have, and for eternity, I always will, I won't push you, I won't make decisions for us, I can't, I'm too afraid I might make a mistake that will rob me of you again, and I don't know if I could endure that pain again, don't ever leave me again, I couldn't bear it".

Trevor had insisted, on the way home, they'd stopped at a little bistro.

Over a simple meal, he'd given Dillon the details of what Jace wanted to do, he'd seen the fright, and stopped Dillon in his tracks.

"I won't let anyone take you anywhere you don't want to go, tell me no, that's all you need to do, and I promise you, I'll shut him down, Ary and Bobby are in agreement, like me, they refuse to lose another moment of your life, they've told your Poppa that, don't let this get out of proportion in your mind, remember, you can stop it by telling me to stop it, above all remember I love you, and I would slay anyone who threatened your happiness".

Dillon had been panicking, there was no doubt about that, but something Trevor had said caught his attention.

"But what if my decision puts you at odds with those people?".

Trevor looked him straight in the eyes as he answered.

"I died the night you left, for ten years I've just existed, no more, I've known no real joy, until the evening you appeared after our concert, I will never, ever, willingly put you in a position where you would want to leave me again, I'm not stupid, you have baggage, so do I, be honest, that's all I'm asking, I'll do the same, and maybe, just maybe we can work it out, but remember, there's a button if you need to call a halt, all you have to do is hit it, anyone who isn't okay with that can do whatever they want, I'll remain here standing right beside you".

That night they made love, long, sexual, horny, filthy, love, the first time for both of them.

Next morning as they lay cuddling, Dillon said.

"Don't misunderstand me but, I have to talk this through with Albert, he, as much as Jonny, has been my mentor for so long, and he's always been right, he's really the one who persuaded me to see a therapist, a shrink, he helped me get back to some sort of normalcy, you don't mind do you?".

Trevor smiled, cuddling him closer.

"I'd have to be a complete idiot not to see how much Albert cares for you, that makes him very special in my book, and promise me, if he recommends going against what I've asked, you won't let it bother you, stick with the tried and tested, I have no axe to grind in this, I'm going along with it whilst you're okay with it, If the moment comes where you're not, it stops".

Albert was surprised when Dillon asked if they could talk, even more so when Trevor announced he was going out for a walk, after he'd gone Albert said.

"Why has Trevor left?, I don't want him to think he can't be a part of the relationship you and I share, I like him, really like him, I hope I've not made him feel uncomfortable".

Dillon giggled.

"Back up Albert, I'm supposed to be the nut case in this family, hands off my role".

Albert smiled, sensing Dillon was actually making a joke, something of a first.

Dillon felt good seeing Albert smile.

"He went out because he refuses to have any influence on what I want to talk to you about, in fact he said, if your decision went against what he was asking, I had to take your advice and he would stand beside me".

Albert was mystified.

"I don't understand".

Dillon shushed him, then went on to explain everything.

Neither Albert, nor Jonny, had known about the night Dillon ran away, what had caused him to be so frightened he'd felt he had to keep running, he'd never opened up about that night".

By the time he finished talking there were tears running down Alberts face, he'd been talking for more than an hour.

They talked, going back and forth for another hour or more, before Dillon said suddenly.

"Trevor's been gone for a long time, I hope he's not lost".

Albert realised how focused Dillon had been explaining his story.

"He's in the conservatory, he came back over an hour ago, so let's get this thing wrapped up, you should be spending time with Trevor not boring the backside off me".

Dillon was surprised.

"You don't think it's important,?, I need you to tell me what to do".

Alberts reply surprised and shocked him.

"I've never told you what to do Mr Strelloe, neither did Mr Strelloe Snr, all we've ever done is listen, you never realised it, but it was always you making the decisions, I would suggest you have a chat with your therapist, do I think you need to?, no I don't, but for peace of mind I think it will be beneficial, if I'm honest, I think you've already made your decision and I'm so proud of you, now go bring that boy in while I get the staff to fix you both some lunch".

Trevor was sitting in the conservatory reading a magazine.

He beamed a brilliant smile as Dillon appeared.

"Did it go okay?".

Dillon smiled as well, plopping down beside him.

"It went better than okay, it was an education, and you sir, can keep your hands off Albert, I reckon it would only take one word from you and he would be pants dropped, hands on ankles, he's so smitten with you".

Trevor giggled.

"Well what can I say, I'm a god, I have to let my disciples drink their fill".

Dillon tried to look stern, but he was verging on a giggle as he replied.

"Believe me, if anyone but I drink from your cup, that someone will experience severely battered lips, which is nothing to the ill I will inflict upon you".

Before pulling him into a long luxurious kiss Trevor replied.

"Worry not, all I ever wanted is here beside me, there's nothing more I want".

Dillon met with his therapist, a sweet homely women, who in truth was more of a friend, and it had been as enlightening as his talk with Albert, when she summed it up for him.

"It's taken you a long time to speak about that night, it's always been there in the background, I knew it was there but it never came out, and I couldn't find a way to bring it out, you've denied its existence for so long, it's been the festering thorn you couldn't pull out of the wound, I've never met Trevor, but I get the feeling he's the one you need, only you can make that decision, but I sense he gave you the confidence to pull that thorn out and start to heal, follow your heart Dillon, I can't help you anymore".

When he left his Therapists office Dillon didn't know what his decision would be to his Poppas request, he was in turmoil.

He'd thought, if I run away now, I don't have to make a decision, then he chastised himself, that had been a foolish decision in the past, and it would be an even more foolish decision now.

At home he was greeted by a nervous Albert and Trevor, they did their best not to ask but finally Albert couldn't hold back any longer.

"Well what did she say?".

Dillon smiled.

"She said you were right, I should marry him".

Their faces were a picture, but he couldn't hold it in, he started laughing, and he couldn't stop, eventually they saw he was ribbing them, and they joined him, to the point all three had tears running from their eyes.

For Albert it was like all his Christmases had come at once, in all the years since the boy came home with Jonny Strelloe, he'd never seen him actually laughing, a brief glimmer of pleasure in an expression, but never laughing.

TBC Allan

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Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.

Next: Chapter 110: Lifes Illusions IV 4

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