Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Jul 6, 2018


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Life's Illusions - Book Four - Chapter 24

Fraser hadn't been surprised to receive a call from Milo a few minutes after he arrived at his desk on Monday morning.

"Fraser, it's a definite go, and whatever you can do to speed up the process would be greatly appreciated by all parties, it was a really strange conversation yesterday, Piers and I thought we were asking them something they would need to go away and consider, it hadn't even occurred to us that they might have already talked about it, well it seems they had, and they cut us off at the knees, they were already agreed and totally committed, Piers and I ended up in tears".

Fraser was overjoyed, telling Milo he'd have some initial paperwork couriered to them by close of business, explaining it would be general questions, mostly financials, which needed to be answered and returned, as soon as he had that back he would apply for a tentative date from the court for a hearing.

The paperwork had arrived that afternoon.

Piers sat with Milo completing the multitude of questions, dragging together their birth certificates, marriage certificate, work documents, etc, etc, they'd toiled into the early hours, before falling exhausted into bed and cuddling.

Fraser had called them the following day.

"I need to verify your financial status's for the court submission, have you any objections to my approaching Guardian HQ in relation to your employment and salary verifications, or any objections to me contacting a Peter Montclair in relation to your personal wealth situations?".

They'd replied that Fraser could do whatever he needed to do, but that just produced another raft of authority forms to sign, which were again couriered over for speed of completion.

By the end of the first week they were exhausted, Milo exclaimed at one stage that it was more labor intensive attempting to foster than to run Guardian's Australia Division.

But they got through it, they had a hearing date, and that's when the real nerves kicked in, what if the court said no.

They'd kept the children informed at every step, even going through some of the complex forms with them.

At one point there came a collective gasp from all three boys.

Milo realised, they were looking at the documents returned by Pete, in Montclair, who managed their personal fortunes.

In particular, the boys were looking at the bottom line figures for Milo and Piers individual wealth.

Milo decided it needed explanation.

"Guys, I know it seems a lot, but it's only money, and we're so fortunate to have it as a back up, we very rarely use it, most of the annual interest goes to a number of charities, Piers and I try not to duplicate charities, so we keep a list of which ones we each support, that way we can spread our donations further, it's important to remember, there are a whole lot of people out there who are much less fortunate than we are, so we believe we have a duty to help, always give where you can, if you need advice come to us, but we don't advertise our charity work, we don't see the need, it's not done to gain credit".

Just over two weeks later on a Friday morning they were all dressed in Sunday best clothes, sitting in family court number one, before His Honour Judge Warwick.

They'd had the physical home inspection, by Child Services personnel, Fraser had requested that an impartial Officer did the Home Inspection, he told them it would be better received by the court.

They suspected the Child Services Officer who carried out the inspection had been completely blown away by their house and gardens, she'd wandered around asking hardly anything.

The Judge, outlined what the objective of the case was, to decide on the fostering application of Milo and Piers Alonso-Bowles-Cruz to foster Vincent, Barry, Philip, and Gracie Grant.

"We will examine in detail the suitability of the applicants, from financial, employment, and character reference, points of view, we will also be examining the security, and wishes of the subject parties, namely the four children in question, most of the later I will do in private, by chatting informally with the subjects, but right now we are ready to commence, we will hear first the submissions from Child Services, Mr Delaney, I would urge you not to feel the need to shorten your submission, we are deciding the future of six lives, I will not put a time constraint on however long it takes us to make the right decision, if you feel it's pertinent, from a positive, or negative perspective, include it, allow me to be the judge of whether it should hold sway in my summing up".

Fraser had spoken for nearly an hour, and in truth, his glowing testimony put Milo and Piers on pedestals up some several miles above the earth, so revered were they by Fraser.

Next, before they adjourned for lunch the Judge fired questions at both Piers and Milo, what were they doing about schooling, did the children have separate bedrooms, or did they share, what were their plans for encouraging activities, extra curricular to school life, etc, etc.

During the lunch break they went out of the court to a small park just across the road, settling down, the big bag Piers had been lugging around disgorged a veritable feast, which was immediately attacked by the equivalent of a hungry locust swarm.

When it came to repacking the bag, Piers chuckled at the sight of one remaining tiny lettuce leaf, there was nothing else except empty containers.

When the afternoon session resumed, the judge announced that he believed all of the required criteria had been met, and he would shortly be retiring to confer with the children before delivering his judgment, he had just a couple of points to clarify, but before he did that, did any of the interested parties wish to ask, or add anything.

Vinny put his hand up as the Judge asked if they had any questions.

"Vincent, what is it you wanted to say?".

Vinny stood up, gripping the paper that held the speech he and his brothers had worked on for most of the previous evening, glancing at his brothers, he received nods, urging him on.


Piers leaned forward to whisper, cutting Vinny short.

"Address him as your honour, apologise and start again, take my hand, squeeze if you need any help".

Vinny looked at Piers, mouthing, 'thanks'.

"I apologise your honour, I addressed you incorrectly, your honour, I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, but my brothers and I don't understand why we are discussing our becoming foster children, when we're adamant we want to be adopted, surely it would save the court both time and cost to just get straight to the adoption, we feel if our prospective parents are prepared to take on three teenage boys and a five year old girl, with all of the difficulties that will undoubtedly bring them, then we, and the court, ought to be prepared to make the process as easy as possible for them".

The Judge was actually enjoying this morning, he'd mentally noted, it had been a while since that had happened.

"I'm inclined to agree with you Vincent, Mr Delaney, could you foresee Child Services having any objection to the court being prudent and moving directly to adoptive mode?".

Fraser was on his feet immediately.

"I foresee non whatsoever you honour, if fact Child Services would wholeheartedly agree with the courts prudent work ethic, a move which would result in substantial savings for Child Services also".

The judges response saw Fraser scurrying from the courtroom at the judges bidding.

"In that case Mr Delaney, you have my permission to leave the courtroom, have your staff supply the amended paperwork as quickly as possible".

The room appeared to be full of happy people, and the judge didn't miss the furtive bump of fists between Vinny, Baz, and Pil.

The short interlude between Fraser leaving and the Judge speaking again saw him scouring the paperwork he already had in front of him.

The Judge appeared to be studying something intently, going back and forth until, when he looked out again at the courtroom he directed a question to Vinny.

"Vincent, as spokesperson for your brothers and sister, are you agreeable to giving up your family surname, and taking Alonso-Bowles-Cruz as your future surname, have you been advised in relation to this point, I must say I have some real concerns that your heritage is being lost in the process, please take time to confer with your brothers and sister if you need to?".

Vinny jumped up, he hadn't prepped for this, but for moral support he grabbed for Piers hand as he stood.

"Your Honour, we, that's my brothers and I, talked a little about this, we didn't think it really mattered, and we don't want to hold up anything, we really want to be adopted".

The judge heard an almost pleading element in Vinny's reply.

"I understand your desires Vincent, but I'm still concerned by the loss of your surname, I can't help but feel the loss of heritage may cause you some genuine regret in the future".

The judge saw Piers lean over to whisper to Milo, and Piers clearly nodding his approval at whatever Milo had given in answer.

Milo raised his hand.

"Milo, what is it that you and Piers wish to add?".

Milo stood.

"Your Honour, Piers and I can understand Vinny's, sorry, Vincent's explanation, but we tend to agree with you, heritage is an important part of who we are, I was abandoned by, and without ever knowing my parents, hence why it didn't bother me, I actually chose to take Piers surname when we married, Piers on the other hand was orphaned through an RTA, his parents were snatched from him, just as Vincent's parents were, Piers chose to honour his parents when he and his late brother were adopted by keeping his surname, and incorporating it with his adoptive parents names, with that in mind, we, Piers and I, are prepared to change our surname, after all, if the children can magnanimously offer to lose it, then so it follows we can offer to restore it, if it would please the court, we would offer to become Piers and Milo, Grant-Alonso-Bowles-Cruz, this would retain for our children their dear late Daddy's name and heritage for all time, whilst still giving all of us the same family name, sorry for droning on your honour".

The Judge was actually smiling.

"Please, don't apologise Milo, that is an exceptionally generous offer, and I have to say, this is turning out to be the most enjoyable Foster/Adoptive case I've ever had before me, so let's do our best to try getting it exactly right".

He turned back to Vinny who hadn't sat down, and was still hanging onto Piers hand.

"Vincent, what say you on Milo's suggestion?".

Vinny looked at Baz and Pil, they were nodding frantically, turning back to the judge with a beaming smile he replied.

"Your honour, my brothers, my sister, and I, would be proud to be known as Grant-Alonso-Bowles-Cruz".

The Judges next question was directed to Milo.

"I'm a little perturbed to see no mention of any recompense for you and Piers, it would be usual where there is income available to the subjects that it would be taken into account for awards toward the general family household budgeting, you are aware the children have a substantial income which will continue even after the adoption becomes final, don't you feel you should be awarded some part of that income to offset your expenses in raising the children?"

Milo stood to answer.

"No your honour, it's very kind of you to enquire but, as parents we would prefer to follow old style tradition, it's our belief that when they become our children, and we their parents, we should be supporting them, in all ways, we would prefer that all of their private income is routed into their trust fund, you will see from the financial statements before you, we both have substantial private funds, and enjoy extremely good salaries from our positions with Guardian, our employers, the children will have a set allowance which again we will fund".

The Judge was heard to say, to no one in particular.

"How absolutely refreshing".

At that point Fraser reentered the courtroom carrying a pile of documents which he handed to the bailiff, who in turn, handed them to the judge.

After skipping through them the judge chuckled.

"It would normally be my duty to now thank you, yet all I can do is apologise Mr Delaney, you see, whilst you were out of court, we agreed to a change of eventual surname, the paperwork needs further amendment, I am truly sorry, it completely slipped my mind to have you informed, I could hand write in the amendments, but I particularly want everything to be done correctly on this case, the court is about to go into a short recess, whilst I take the children into my chambers for a discussion, if you could get the amendments done before I come back I will owe you an immense debt of gratitude".

With that the judge left for his chambers, the bailiff asked the children to accompany him, leading them through the same door behind the judges bench they'd seen the judge leave through.

In the judges chamber they were surprised to see he'd taken off his robes, and was relaxing with a cup of tea.

"Come in guys, get comfortable, there are a variety of soft drinks on the tray for you, help yourself".

Vinny was in the process of thanking the judge when he spotted Baz and Pil grabbing cans of coke from the tray.

His voice was louder than talking, but not shouting, though it was clear he was not happy.

"Put those back now, you know what the Poppas said about drinks, just because they're out of sight it doesn't cancel out the rules, come on bro's, that was a bit flaky, and in front of the judge, cheers for that, now get water".

Vinny sat down with Gracie on his lap, his face clearly not showing a happy expression.

The judge was fascinated.

"Explain for me please someone, just out of curiosity I would add".

As neither Baz nor Pil spoke, it fell to Vinny to answer.

"Poppas Milo and Piers have banned heavily sweetened fizzy soft drinks, except in moderation on special occasions, with specific permission, well this isn't a special occasion, we don't have permission, and those two don't understand the meaning of moderation, they'd empty that tray given the chance, I'm sorry if I shouted, but I'm really disappointed".

Baz and Pil apologised, sitting down rather sheepishly on either side of Vinny, who by now was cradling a sleeping Gracie.

The judge dismissed Vinny's apology as not needed.

He chatted with them, it was seemingly innocent banter, but by the time he was ready to return to the courtroom he'd gained an exceptional insight into the style of family life Milo and Piers encouraged, and he was more than a little impressed.

Before they left his chambers, the judge spoke directly to Baz and Pil.

"You guys are going to have to get your act together, step up your game, those two men out there are giving everything for you, like your brother said, it's a bit flaky if you lie to their faces by promising to do something, then do the exact opposite behind their backs, they don't deserve to be treated in that way, so think on".

The bailiff returned the children to the courtroom, and Piers relieved Vinny of a sleeping Gracie, much to Vinny's relief as his arms were aching.

The court was instructed to rise as the judge returned to the bench.

The bailiff handed the judge a new set of papers, obtained from a completely frazzled looking Fraser moments before the judge reappeared.

"Mr Delaney, I am in your debt, you have gone above and beyond today and I thank you".

Fraser nodded, there was no need to waste court time by replying.

An hour and a half later, they were exiting the courtroom as a family, getting everyone settled into the car Piers was saying.

"Okay, we're eating out, this is a celebration, so you guys can have whatever fizzies and junk food you want, and I'm going to enjoy a glass of wine with my dinner".

He didn't see the look Vinny gave to his brothers, but Milo did.

All was revealed to Milo when Baz said.

"Pil and I are going to stick to water, we did something wrong this afternoon, we don't deserve fizzies".

Milo was intrigued.

"Would anyone care to enlighten us about what you did?".

Vinny just stared at them, deliberately saying absolutely nothing.

In the end Baz spoke again.

"In the judges chambers, he offered us drinks, me and Pil grabbed cokes, but Vinny made us put them back, then Vinny had to explain the rules, the judge ticked us off before we came back into court, he told us agreeing to something then doing the opposite behind your back was really just lying to your face and you didn't deserve that, we're sorry".

Milo was smiling.

"Okay, I believe I can hear your Poppa Piers teeth grinding at the use of incorrect grammar, you should have said, Pil and I, not me and Pil, however, returning to the matter in hand, today I refuse to be disappointed by anything, so here's my ruling, if Poppa Piers will agree, tonight isn't just a special occasion it's a mega special occasion, you're officially our children, we're officially your parents, that is getting celebrated whatever happened earlier, so fizzies and junk food are definitely on the menu tonight".

Baz and Pil were grinning like Cheshire cats, but Piers was grinning an even bigger grin, because he knew what was coming next, Milo was definitely no pushover, as many of their staff had found out, to their cost.

"However, after tonight, we need to see some retribution, so you will forego fizzies for a period to be determined by Vinny, after all, you lied to us, but you also embarrassed Vinny in front of the judge, it's only fair he gets some payback too".

Vinny was stoney faced when he announced, one calendar month each, but not together, separate months, and when Pil objected he explained why he'd said two separate months.

"I don't want you to have camaraderie while you're paying your penance, I didn't have anyone helping me out when the judge asked for an explanation, neither of you volunteered to explain so rather than be rude I had to step in, it was embarrassing to admit that my brothers would behave in that way, so that's my decision, and unless you'd like me to request Poppa extends the period for each of you, I'd recommend quitting whilst you're ahead".

Baz spoke up.

"I accept, and I'll give Pil the choice of going first or second, I'm the eldest, I should have known better, I'm sorry Vinny, and I apologise to you as well Poppas".

Pil relented.

"I'm sorry as well Vinny, Baz is right, we should have both known better, and we shouldn't have left you to explain, sorry Poppas, and I don't want to decide who goes first, Vinny can flip a coin".

Vinny's coin flip resulted in Pil going first, but for the rest of the evening, the subject was forgotten.

As luck would have it, two months took them to the end of school term, when they broke for summer vacations.

Vinny and Baz were already back to being part of various school sports teams, Vinny was on his first love the football team, and Baz had returned to the wrestling team, Pil was part of the school choir, registered for extra curricular drama classes, and with his Poppas encouragement taking singing lessons, he really did have a beautiful, and powerful voice.

Piers and Milo had tasked Andy with employing a second driver, it was an essential.

Rather than change the boys school, Piers and Milo decided, enough was enough in relation to further change, and that meant having cars on hand to cope with the boys different schedules, they'd agreed, if two drivers wasn't enough, they'd take on another.

If they thought the fostering/adoption process had been a strain, it was nothing to when Piers received a call from his Poppas the morning after they arrived home officially as a family.

His Poppa Aly's voice boomed over the line.

"Can I ask when you were planning on telling us we had four new foster grandchildren?".

Piers actually laughed, before answering.

"Today Poppa, I was planning on calling you today, but I must admit, I couldn't believe anyone hadn't found out sooner, court applications for financials have been hitting Guardian HQ for at least a month or more, we expected Juan or Josef would catch on and drop a hint, it was made official yesterday, but I have to correct you, the court saw fit to skip the foster stage, we achieved full adoption recognition, they're officially our sons and daughter, officially your grandchildren, there was a small blip, we changed our surname slightly in the process, the judge was worried about the children losing their family surname, and to be honest, we agreed, it's a heritage thing, so we amended our surname to Grant-Alonso-Bowles-Cruz".

While they were talking the background noise and static on the call alerted Piers, as he was talking he wrote on a pad for Milo.

'I think they're in the air, stand by, goodness knows how many are coming'.

Milo just giggled.

When Aly replied it didn't surprise Piers.

"I think that's an admirable thing to do son, and Poppa Bo agrees".

Piers decided to call his Poppa out.

"So Poppa, what time do you land, and how many rooms should we have ready for you?".

There was general laughter down the line, before his Poppa answered.

"They all bet me I couldn't pull it off, I guess I forgot how smart you are, what gave it away?".

Piers was also laughing now.

"I'm used to talking to Milo on his return flights from Christchurch, we get the business stuff out of the way whilst he's in the air, I know the sounds, so I'm still waiting, how many, and when?".

Aly laughed.

"Eleven, Poppa Bo and I, Juan and Ralph, Berto, Maria, and the boys, Josef, Carry and Paulette, Sofia and Rick, we need seven rooms, and we're just starting our descent into Sydney so a couple of hours I'd say, we have transport arranged, see you soon son".

As the call ended Piers grinned at Milo, who said.

"Those kids are going to get so spoiled, wait till they get back from practice".

Half an hour later three hungry boys arrived home from their various Saturday morning activities, Vinny and Baz hadn't bothered showering because Pil had finished early and was waiting for them to finish, it meant they could car share instead of sending for another car, Vinny insisted, where possible they economised to keep costs down, and they worked well together.

Hearing news of the impending arrival of family had a visible effect, so Piers sat them all down.

"Okay, stop the worried looks, this is incoming family, and there's only one reason they're arriving, because they're happy, they want to meet you, you know how Poppa Milo and I are, we don't just shake hands, we have this inbuilt need to hug, well it's a family thing, so stand by for some serious hugging, the main two are my Poppas, Aly and Bo Bowles-Cruz, they will love you and spoil you rotten, remember what we told you about abusing privilege, if you feel you should say no, be courteous but firm in your refusal, if you're struggling grab us, we'll step in, now off you go, get showered and changed, we need to cater for a hoard of hungry visitors, Vinny would you get the BBQ going after you've showered, I'll nip to the Store for fresh steaks and suchlike".

Piers pulled out of the store car park turning right into a seemingly empty oncoming traffic lane, he was completely preoccupied, running through the list of items he'd needed to buy, convinced he'd forgotten something.

The Semi and Trailer that hit him, couldn't avoid him, it crushed his little car like crumpling paper.

TBC Allan

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Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.

Next: Chapter 131: Lifes Illusions IV 25

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