Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Mar 19, 2015


Life's Illusions - Chapter - 13 - Family and Friends

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I was reading by the pool on the lower terrace when a shadow fell on me.

Looking up and squinting against the sunlight I could make out Ramon.

"Am I disturbing you?".

I smiled, "You will be if you have come to chastise me".

He sighed, "I do want to chastise you, you knew what I was planning and you almost spoiled it, I realise you were just teasing but I was embarrassed and nervous, you are my host and my employer and you should have shown more restraint".

Unfortunately coming from him, someone I thought of and treated more as a brother and friend than an employee, what he'd just said was like a slap in the face and served to make me both sad and annoyed.

"I closed my book and as I got up from the lounger I said, "It's true I was teasing because I foolishly thought we were friends, I only saw today what has probably been staring me in the face for some considerable time. I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful it was to see two people I hold dear being so happy, but right now you've destroyed that feeling for me by describing me as just your host and employer, I apologise for upsetting you and as that's how you see me then yes, I agree, I definitely overstepped the mark, it won't happen again, now please excuse me I have things to do".

At that I walked away, he called after me but I was so pissed off I ignored him and continued on up to the Great Room where I found Lenny talking to Pip, I headed to the other side of the room and sat down to read again.

Lenny looked over quizzically, I knew she sensed something was wrong but to give her credit she didn't delve right away she just left me alone.

It was only a matter of minutes before Ramon appeared in the Great Room, he stopped dead like a deer caught in headlights when he realised Lenny and Pip were also there.

I could see him agonising over whether to approach me again or to let it go when Lenny asked, "Am I missing something here, is there a problem with you two?".

Ramon looked as though his world had come crashing down.

I stood and said just one word, "No", before heading towards the door.

Well I should have known I wouldn't get away with that as Lenny's voice boomed out.

"PJ Thorn you take one more step and there's a very expensive vase with your name on it and believe me it's coming your way".

She walked over to me, "I don't like seeing you upset lover and before you deny it I believe I've told you many times before that I can read you like a book now come sit with me".

She led me over to a couch and I noticed Pip holding a dejected Ramon's hand and leading him to the opposite couch.

Pip tried to get him to sit down but he remained standing.

"It's my fault Lenny, first I was rude and when I tried to make it right I made it worse, I hurt PJ, I think I hurt him really badly and I'm sorry, really sorry, what I said didn't come out right".

He turned to me now, "I described you as my host and employer, I didn't say you are one of the most important people in my life, I didn't say I value your friendship on a level with my son and my father, I'm sorry, I wouldn't intentionally hurt you for the world, please believe me".

I stood up and walked around the table, he held out his hand in a gesture of apology but I brushed it aside and pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry too Ramon, I'm afraid I overreacted, I should have just called you on it not gone all broody".

I felt him relax, "I'm really sorry PJ, I got it all wrong, you are my host and my employer and my business partner but first and foremost the thing I value most of all is your friendship".

As I released him I said, "Okay let's hear no more, who's for a glass of wine and you two can explain how I didn't see this coming".

The following day we did as Lenny had suggested to Pip and had an afternoon barbecue with a twist, all of the household service staff were told to get changed into civvies (Their own clothes) and to enjoy being waited on because this was to be our last day here and we wanted to show our appreciation of the way they had looked after us over the holidays.

Ana, Allis and Mrs Albright had spent the morning marinating steaks and chicken, making burgers and preparing side dishes.

I manned one grill with Billy and Ramon manned the other with Leo.

Casey, Phil, Bryan, Doug and David served drinks it was a wonderfully relaxing afternoon and I think all of us guys loved showing our prowess on the grills.

Soon enough the children's entertainers arrived and gathered everyone on the lower terrace where they first arranged a Punch and Judy Show and then a cabaret of songs most of the kids new and could sing along to.

Ramon and Pip had slipped away around 6pm and it seemed everything was going well.

The older crowd had opted for an early night.

The rest of the adults had fallen back to the Great Room and upper terrace and the entertainers were doing a fantastic job down on the lower patio with the children

At around 8.30pm Lenny, leaning against the balustrade and looking down at the lower patio noticed we were short of several children, and it didn't take long to identify four were missing, Zach, Lisa, Reya and Raul, she went down the steps and I could see her asking questions and being answered with negative shakes of heads.

Coming back up Lenny called me over along with Leo, Rosa, Casey and Phil.

She addressed Casey, "We're missing 4 kids, your 2 plus Reya and Raul, none of the other kids seem to know where they've gone but they did say Raul was upset about something and crying".

Leo took charge immediately, "Casey you and Phil were in the Great Room I'm assuming no one came through there?".

Casey agreed they'd not seen any of the kids.

Leo continued, "Rosa and I were out on the terrace in front of the Great Room with Lenny and PJ and none of them came up the stairs towards us so that leaves the bedroom floor and the lower terrace where the garage and store rooms are, the promenade gate and front entrance guards would have called one of us if anyone tried to leave so it's a given that no one has left the property, we'll split up and take a floor each, Lenny, PJ, Casey, you check the lower floor, Rosa, Phil and I will check the bedroom floor, meet back here if you find nothing".

As we made our way down to the lower terrace I was feeling decidedly queasy, this was something I couldn't control and it frightened me, not knowing where the kids were was causing me a mild panic.

The door into the store room next to the garage was just slightly open so I led the others towards it pointing as I went.

Opening the door I was confronted with Zack and Reya sitting in the corner with arms protectively around a sobbing Raul and Lisa sat in front patting his arm, in fact all four had tears streaming down their cheeks.

I switched on the lights and they all jumped from the shock, "It's ok guys, it's only us, now what's the problem here?".

Surprisingly it was Lisa who spoke up in a jerky sobbing voice, "Raul's frightened his Poppa won't love him if Pip says no because she doesn't want Raul and he'll have to go to a children's home".

At this Raul sobbed even more so I reached down and scooped him up into my arms.

"Okay first, Raul, non of you kids would ever end up in a children's home, Lenny and I would adopt every one of you first so that's no reason to be crying".

I looked now right at Raul and saw a little boy with a heart that was breaking, "Now young man why on earth would you think that your Poppa would ever stop loving you, I can tell you with my hand on my heart it could never happen, he lives and breathes just to know you are safe and happy, so tell me what's all this nonsense about Pip maybe not liking you".

By now the others had found us and the rest of the kids were being comforted by their parents, I was sitting on a sack of potatoes cuddling Raul who had at last stopped sobbing.

In a shaky little voice he explained, "Poppa told me he was going to ask Pip to do a marry, but she might not want me, I know because people have said it, when they don't think I'm listening, I'm not a full person I'm damaged, what if she wants a real little boy not me, what if she says no to doing a marry with Poppa, what if he wants Pip and sends me away".

And he dissolved into more sobbing, I looked at Lenny and made a phone motion with my fingers, she understood straight away and went outside to ring Ramon, this needed sorting quickly he was really worried and he'd built this to the point only one person would be able to reassure him, we needed Ramon back pronto.

I was doing my best to reassure him when the door almost burst off its hinges and Raul was scooped out of my arms by a crying Ramon and it only took one sentence to stop Raul from sobbing.

"You silly boy, I love you more than anyone and anything in the world, me and you are Team Perez forever, nothing will split us up, others can join our gang but we're together forever, now let's all go upstairs and get you some hot milk before bed".

As we walked back upstairs a little voice said, "I'm sorry Poppa, I was frightened, I didn't mean to spoil your marry party with Pip, I like Pip, will she hate me?".

Raul looked at me and Lenny before saying, "Sometimes you are such a silly boy, no one could hate you, you are so wonderful, we all love you and actually Pip has something to ask you, she's waiting upstairs and she's nervous and crying as well so I think we should settle this now, but you have to remember me and you are 'Team Perez' forever okay?".

That shaky little voice said, "Okay Poppa, Team Perez forever".

Up on the terrace Pip was sitting alone, with tears falling down her cheeks, Lenny and I both wanted to comfort and shield her but we knew instinctively we couldn't we had to stand aside and let them settle this.

As Ramon put Raul down he saw Pip crying and instantly ran over to her throwing his arms around her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to spoil your party, Poppa said I'm silly".

Pip was hugging him as she answered, "Well I agree with your Poppa, you are silly if you think any of us could stop loving you, and you didn't spoil my party in fact it's the most wonderful night of my life so far but only you can make it real, you see, your Poppa did ask me to marry him but I told him I couldn't give him an answer until I could ask you a question so can I whisper my question for you?".

Raul nodded his head and Pip leaned in close to whisper.

At first there was a look of confusion on Raul's face and then it was like he understood, followed by a big broad smile before he almost shouted.

"Yes you can be Team Perez".

Ramon was beaming and wrapped them both in his arms, Pip was smiling and crying too, along with each of us.

I went to get champagne whilst Casey and Leo organised glasses then we toasted the happy couple.

I watched as Zack went over to Raul who was sat holding hands with Reya, he put his arms around him and asked if he was okay now, Raul nodded, "Didn't I tell you everybody loves you, remember in future it's like Pop tells us, if we get frightened or confused talk about it don't bottle it up, if you can't find your Poppa or Pip find me or Reya or PJ or Lenny, we'll all listen and we'll all help.

Phil was positively beaming he was so proud of Zack.

The following day we said our farewells and all headed out for our various destinations, as it was going to be a short stop in New York for Lenny and I we decided we didn't need the full traveling staff and would rely on the staff at the New York apartment.

Lenny needed to be in New York and meet with John Winter her partner in Winter - Thorn Developments to speed up the construction on SPECTRUM at Fielding New York so we decided we would hitch a ride with Gramps as his plane could carry 20 passengers plus crew and Ben would bring our plane to New York after ferrying the European passengers home.

Gramps was taking a full plane load back to New York.

Billy, Julia and Will. Edward and Esther. Josh and Bryan. Charles, Celia and Billy. Add on our party, Lenny, myself, the triplets, 2 Nannies, Casey and 1 security guy.

Leo, Rosa, Reya, Anna, Anton, Analee, Philipe, Ramon, Pip, Raul, David, Abbey, Phil, Zack and Lisa plus Mr and Mrs Albright were taking our plane and heading to Torremolinas first then London.

After dropping Mr and Mrs Albright in London, Ben would overnight then bring the plane over to Teterboro New York and await our instructions.

Rosa had spoken to the staff at our New York apartment and advised them we were traveling without any staff so they would need to be on their toes.

We didn't expect to be in New York for long but Lenny suggested once we'd wound up our business there it might be sensible to hop over to England and spend a few days in London and view the newly completed renovations to the house.

Whilst we were in New York Lenny's partner in 'Winter-Thorn Development, John Winter asked for a meeting after we'd sorted the SPECTRUM problem so we invited him to dinner a couple of days after we arrived.

The schedule for SPECTRUM at the New York Fielding was easily shortened by increasing the amount of labor, all of the steel and purpose made components were on schedule and after a couple of meetings and a few contract amendments including the addition of a much increased timely completion bonus clause it was agreed that 4th February would be the new completion date.

John Winter arrived for dinner and presented Lenny with a beautiful bouquet of flowers which prompted the usual ribbing that I only bought her flowers when she delivered children so she probably wouldn't get any more from me.

Following a nice relaxing dinner we moved to the lounge and John explained why he wanted to meet up.

He surprised us both with a folder of paperwork and told us the company had been inundated with requests to take on renovation and new build contracts.

The box contained 25 projects he had selected as worth investigating, they had received considerably more, most of which were not the sort of project John and Lenny felt comfortable with.

Lenny had agreed several months earlier to a proposal from an English TV Company who wanted to follow the remodel of our London property and there were a couple of clips in the program which showed our Lanzarotte and Torremolinas homes and SPECTRUM, all of which had been completed by Winter - Thorn Development.

The result of that program had been a deluge of requests to take on projects, most of which were high end remodelling but there were also a selection of new build projects.

John admitted he had been overwhelmed and didn't know what to do other than select the projects which would offer a good return but he needed Lenny to do her part and present a vision for the finished projects.

He had a forecast of turnover and profits which blew me away showing that on the current projections if they continued at the current pace accepting only word of mouth recommendations and didn't take on any of the newly offered projects the company was on target to produce a pre tax profit of almost 10 million Euros for this financial year.

It wasn't all roses, he told us the projections were great but in order to even complete all of the current projects they were substantially short on working capital and he was proposing they try raising capital or working cash from the banks.

Lenny looked to me and indicated I should jump in because she admitted finance was not her field.

I asked John what sort of amount he estimated they needed to ensure they could meet all of their working commitments including payroll.

He passed a report which was a bankers dream, he had drafted a business plan detailing the cost and profit of each project underway at present.

A second more detailed report was compiled in the same way but forecast the cost and profits should the company take on the 25 proposed extra projects John had shown us.

I congratulated him on his attention to detail and his easily understood reports.

In a nutshell if they concentrated on just their current projects they needed around 5 million Euros.

If they took on the extra projects they would need around 50 million Euros, they would want it as a credit line not a loan.

The difference being they knew they would need the full amount but they weren't sure at exactly what point they would need the cash.

Neither amount covered emergencies and overspending which could easily occur.

As is normal with a credit line loan the amount drawn could be repaid as the income rolled in without there being a penalty for early repayment, the amount drawn down would incur interest only on the days it was outstanding.

I put the reports aside and decided we needed to get to the most important decisions before we dealt with the cash flow situation.

"Guys first off the cash flow situation is no problem and we don't need to involve banks but we can get back to that.

I saw John look puzzled but he nodded for me to go on.

"The most important decision here is what you want, you have a pretty successful, lucrative business already so it's time to decide, do you want to carry on as you are or do you want to expand?".

I gave them a moment to let that sink in.

"A company that doesn't move forward and continually grow eventually stagnates and withers. If you opt to expand and take on the projects we have been considering here you have to realise you will be committing to a full on program and these projects will generate even more business. I understand you are okay with this John but in Lenny's case I know how busy she is with our children, I don't want her to be overstretched".

I looked at Lenny and I could see she was turning it over in her head.

"Thanks PJ, as usual you pick up on the things that matter.

I could see she was torn, she wanted desperately to continue with this business. I knew how proud she was that she was generating her own money to add to our wealth but I also knew she valued her time with our children, we had discussed this before and we both agreed if you missed these early years you didn't get a second chance they were gone.

I decided to try and help her out.

"Tell us your thoughts whatever they are and maybe we can find a compromise"

She thought a little more before she started out.

"I want to be around the children as they grow I can't be jetting around the world and missing chunks of their lives as they grow up if that's the deal then I think I need out".

She went quiet and I knew she hadn't finished, I could see John itching to jump in but I caught his eye and gestured that he should just stay silent for now, then Lenny started again.

"I'm worried that if I give it up I'll regret it later, I enjoy it, and I'm stoked that I contribute something to our income. Oh I know we don't need it but it gives me a sense of worth, so there you have it, I don't know what to do".

I knew she was handing over to me now.

"As I see it we need first to identify what it is that you do in this business then maybe we can see how to get that done with the minimum of travel. I'm not going to ask you Lenny, I'm going to ask John to explain what you do because that's the critical element, can you continue to do whatever it is that he needs you to do and be comfortable with it".

John hesitated then smiled.

"I could sum it up by saying she makes it all work, I'm not trying to stroke her ego, I mean it sincerely, she produces something absolutely breathtaking at the end. I've seen that once before and I didn't think I'd ever see it again, that doesn't really tell you much does it so I'll try to break it down but you need to be patient.

We had been talking for over 2 hours and it was nearly 10.30pm.

Lenny suggested a light super and I asked John where he was staying and he laughed telling us he was at The Woodruff.

Whilst Lenny went off to organise some supper with the kitchen staff I asked John to stay over with us and see if we couldn't get this ironed out to everyone's advantage.

He said he didn't want to be a nuisance but I assured him he would be more than welcome and I called the Woodruff and asked for the Hotel Director on duty (Alex Forbes).

"Alex it's PJ Thorn, how are you".

"I'm well thanks PJ and what can I do for you?, I'm assuming you're not calling me at this hour to pass the time of day, because if you are then you seriously need to get out more my friend".

By now we were both laughing.

"Less of the cheek young man, and you're right I do need a favour, you have a business partner of Lenny's staying with you, John Winter, I need you to pack up his room and deliver everything over to our apartment, charge the room to me personally not Woodruff and bill it over to Pip".

"No problem PJ, I'll have everything over to you in the next hour, enjoy the rest of your evening and give a big kiss to that beautiful wife of yours.

The line clicked off and I turned to John, "Sorted, and in future when you're in a town where we have a home it's your home too so don't go booking into hotels, just contact Pip and tell her when you are arriving".

Lenny returned at that point just as John said, "Most people wouldn't understand this but the best thing that ever happened to me was hitting financial troubles with the Torremolinas property because it brought two incredible people into my life".

Lenny disappeared again to tell the staff to prepare a room for John and a few minutes later she was back.

John restarted the conversation, " I think, although we've completed quite a few projects now your house in Lanzarotte is the best example of us working together. If you can forget that you were the clients".

He paused to get his thoughts in order.

"Normally Lenny listens to what the client wants, makes suggestions and draws up her wish list as we call it. That's the best way I can describe it because she says very little in the initial interview she just listens, but I have to say she hears things I don't, I'm convinced she hears things the client means to say but doesn't, it's almost as if she reads their minds.

He stopped for a sip of his drink.

"Once she has that part pretty much mapped out she brings in an architect to draw up the plans. When the plans are completed Lenny goes back to the client and between them they make any necessary changes but see, this is where Lenny has this knack, she can look at plans and see a finished product, I just see plans, nothing but black and white lines, so when she looks at a set of plans and tells me that something is not going to work I don't challenge her because I know instinctively she'll be right and she has this ability to describe what she wants, how she wants it to look, and once she describes it I can rearrange walls, doors, windows to give her the look and feel she is after, I've even altered ceilings".

He stopped and smiling turned to Lenny, " Is this where I collect on that bet, nobody noticed did they?".

Lenny smiled, "PJ, if I remember rightly, on Christmas morning when we were lying in bed you said something about the view and I told you when you figured it out to let me know, well I think John just gave you a big clue".

I thought back to Christmas morning and I remembered our conversation, "So what exactly did you do because it's magical looking at both sea and sky?".

John chuckled, "See that's exactly what I'm talking about, she had this idea that if you were lying in bed you would be looking half at the view and half at the ceiling so she had me slope the ceiling so there's a 14 inch rise from the rear wall to the window, she said that way lying in bed you would have both sea and sky before you, and you PJ have just cost me".

At that he pulled out his wallet and handed 100 Euros to Lenny who was laughing.

I asked John if he could spare some time the following morning and he said he could devote the whole morning but he would need to book a flight to London for later tomorrow as he had several meetings there the following day.

I looked at Lenny, "Are you finished here, can we travel tomorrow or would you prefer to delay until the following day?".

Lenny agreed her work was finished and we could travel on to London whenever it suited me.

Turning to John I said, "If you don't mind traveling with the equivalent of a flying circus, we can offer you a lift tomorrow afternoon which will get us into London the following morning and we promise you can use one of the bedrooms on the plane so you should arrive fresh for meetings, that way we can use tomorrow morning to look for a resolution to your current problems".

John thanked me and said he'd love to hitch a lift and he welcomed the chance to discuss the this further in the morning.

I reminded him that we had a home in London which was where we were heading and he should know the address seeing as Winter - Thorn Developments had completed the remodelling so we expected him to stay with us.

At that we called it a night just as one of the staff came in to tell John which room they had set him up in and to let him know they had unpacked for him and if he put his used laundry in the bag in the room and hung it on the outside door handle it would be ready for re packing by morning.

Before I went to bed and while Lenny was checking in on the kids I placed a call to Gramps who I knew would still be up, "Hi Gramps sorry to call so late but I wanted just a quick knock about, (our way of saying a hypothetical situation)".

He greeted me and chastised me for not visiting him.

"Actually this is a double edged call, can you do lunch tomorrow, because we're flying out in the early afternoon".

He agreed and said why not come to the office and I'll get them to cater for us in the boardroom".

I agreed and then ran a couple of proposals past him which he agreed could be arranged subject to seeing the right backup material, and mutually agreeable fees, so we said our goodnights and ended the call.

I made a quick call to Bens cell phone and left a brief message asking if we could fly out to London the following afternoon, I told him there was no urgency on the reply and we'd have 1 extra adult traveling with us.

I knew Ben would understand I didn't need a reply until the following morning, he was using one of our guest rooms but I didn't see any need to disturb his night.

That night Lenny and I were more frisky than we'd been all over the Holiday period and I put it down to the stress of being exhausted from the first ever Christmas we had arranged and hosted.

The next morning when I awoke she was cuddled into me and I was feeling extremely passionate, before we knew it we were into a rerun of the night before and we both arrived for breakfast looking decidedly flushed but very happy.

Once breakfast was out of the way and with 3 gurgling, crawling children on the carpet at our feet I outlined what I had taken from their explanations the previous evening.

"Okay as I understand it the work splits into several areas and I see a possibility that some of those areas could become what I call remote actions, for instance :,

The initial request comes in and Lenny contacts the client to set up a meeting. That could stop, you need to set up an office with the right staff to take care of the mundane items, you will need them anyway if you are going to increase in size.

Lenny meets the clients in person for a briefing session. That shouldn't need to be in person, it could be a teleconference link and I have a way of setting that up if we agree it's a possibility.

Lenny appoints an architect and briefs him in writing on the client requirements. No need to change that leave it as it is.

Lenny meets the client to discuss the architects plans and finalise their requirements then draws up the contracts before taking them back to a further meeting with the client. I agree to the first meeting with the client this is the important one where Lenny fine tunes the plans to their requirements but after that everything could be handled by an assistant, I agree there needs to be a physical presence for the contract signing but unless it's a really high profile client who needs to be coddled I don't believe it needs to be either of you. Lenny you need an assistant you can trust to understand you and carry out your wishes.

John you are really the number 1 site manager you interpret Lenny's vision and instruct your individual site managers then you watch them to make sure everything matches your brief but there's no way you can be in more than 1 location at a time and that leaves you open to the opportunity for error which as well as being costly to remedy has the potential for bad press.

I believe the answer is a top notch photographer/cameraman maybe more than 1, who would inspect the sites you are not going to be able to get to so that you both can see a live progress report, and John you need an assistant who can understand Lenny the way you do and who you trust to make decisions in your absence.

The cash flow we can cure by arranging a competitive interest rate on a line of credit with Woodruff Financial which is the Woodruff banking arm of the company administered by Gramps.

The teleconferencing can be achieved by using Woodruff Boardrooms they are already set up in most major cities and it shouldn't present a problem for a client to get to one of them, alternatively you have an assistant meet up with them and you Skype by laptop.

So any questions?".

To say there was a stunned silence would be something of an understatement.

They sat there just staring at me, John was the first to speak.

"When we were initially discussing you holding 10 percent of the shares Lenny said it would be you we turned to if we got into deep water or needed general advice but I had no idea we were hitching our wagon to a miracle worker my god PJ how do you do it?, everything you've said makes sense but I doubt we could have come to all of those conclusions in a month of Sunday's, no offence meant Lenny".

Lenny was smiling, "No offence taken John, I didn't doubt he could guide us, he does it every day, he's my hero".

I told them we were meeting Gramps for lunch at Woodruff and I'd set up the line of credit but I would be setting a requirement of 100 million Euros on free call so they didn't have to continually have to do an Oliver Twist.

John knew immediately what I meant but Lenny looked puzzled so I explained, "Oliver Twist was a child protagonist in the novel Oliver Twist by the famous English author Charles Dickens and the famous saying is".

I gestured to John.

"Please sir I want some more".

Lenny laughed, "Don't indulge him John he gets far too cocky if you encourage him.

Around 1pm we arrived at Woodruff Corporate Headquarters and were ushered up to the top floor and into the boardroom where Gramps was waiting.

We had soft drinks and chatted generally before Gramps asked for several others to join us.

Over lunch I outlined the amount of credit Winter - Thorn Developments required and it was approved.

The Teleconferencing facilities were agreed subject to the usual checks being made that there was no clash of requirements and Gramps insisted that any Winter - Thorn clients visiting a Woodruff office would need to be accompanied by a Winter - Thorn representative.

As we left John thanked Gramps for his hospitality and for raising a Guru to guide them, Gramps laughed replying, "Don't thank me, he's been guiding us at Woodruff since he was twelve years old".

We said our farewells and promised next time we were in town we would do dinner.

Casey was waiting for us as soon as we exited the building and within a matter of 30 minutes we were boarding our plane which was warm and cozy.

The nannies had been busy and the children were fast asleep in the one bedroom, we looked in and it was a picture, all three cuddled together with Beth between the boys.

We lifted off at around 3pm and were scheduled to arrive into London around 6am local time.

We chatted for an hour or so before John decided he would try to get some sleep and we agreed we'd make sure he was awake before we landed in London.

Lenny and I enjoyed a buffet for dinner and when the children woke we had them out with us in the main cabin and told the Nannies to get a well deserved rest.

The flight was a fun family time with 3 little happy souls who enjoyed being the centre of attention.

Eventually they wore themselves out and Beth fell asleep in Lenny's arms.

I had Pete and Pauly in my arms and I waited for the inevitable, it was no more than a minute before I could sense the boys listening and it was as if a signal had been given, Beth was asleep and both boys snuggled down in my arms and within moments they were asleep.

The freshly rested nannies took them into the bedroom and settled them down whilst Lenny and I took a couch each and got a couple of hours sleep.

Ben came back into the cabin to tell us we were 2 hours out so the crew were preparing breakfast.

I asked him if he could spare the time for a chat, he said no sorry he was number one today and he'd be into landing procedures pretty soon but he would make time once we landed or whenever suited me so I asked if he could make time to dine with us that night.

Ben smiled and said, "PJ, I work for you, you are the most considerate person I know, I consider you a friend but sometimes you are infuriating, you are too considerate by a mile, it will be a pleasure to join you guys for dinner".

Ben and the 3 crew were staying at our London house anyway but to me it was only a courtesy to ask if they would join us for dinner, after all when they weren't flying they were on personal time.

At dinner that evening Mr and Mrs Albright joined us along with Ben, Jimmy and Buz and John made it back from his meetings just in time for dinner.

After Dinner I asked Ben to join me in the office.

"Ben I'd like if what we discuss could be just between us for now, Lenny and Leo are in the loop but at this point I would prefer that's as far as it goes okay?".

Ben nodded his agreement.

"As you know about a month ago I had the plane overhauled at Malaga, and I know you were curious why it was being done".

Ben had that, 'Here comes the bad news' look, and said, "PJ, if this is your way of telling me gently that you're getting rid of the plane it's ok, I mean sure we'll be gutted, working for you guys has been like a vacation not a job but we'll understand so don't worry about us".

I smiled, he was such a nice guy, "Oh so we've been paying you to have a vacation have we?, so if I tell you I wasn't getting rid of you, I was actually thinking of getting a bigger plane you wouldn't want a raise, in fact you probably wouldn't want a salary at all seeing as how you enjoy your job so much, would that be right?".

I saw the shocked look on his face before he replied, "You're not, well of course you're not, you just told me that, I mean, I thought, well you know what I thought, I told you that as well, I'm sorry, I jumped the gun didn't I, hang on, did you say a bigger plane, how big, have you got one in mind, where is it, what is it?".

He seemed to realise he had been rambling and just went quiet.

I was laughing at his outburst, "Shall we start again from, lets keep this between us?".

He nodded but stayed quiet.

"I have been in negotiations to acquire a Boeing 727 which is currently configured to carry 85 passengers which, if we went ahead with I would have reconfigured to carry around 40 passengers and add more exclusive areas, bedrooms and private lounges or office space".

I paused to let him take that in before going on.

"I have also been in negotiations to purchase a second plane identical to our current jet and if that were my choice there would be very little needed to have it ready to go".

Again I paused, as much to get my thoughts in order as to allow Ben to take it all in.

"At this time I am really unsure if it is the right decision to, 'Go bigger' or should we, 'Go double'.

Ben started to say something but I stopped him because I had a train of thought that I needed to complete.

"Sorry Ben, I'm not being rude but I've got a mental list of things I need to get out before you jump in, I need something from you to help me in my deliberations, I need to know what we would face in the way of extra training were we to go with the one larger aircraft and how that would impact our travel arrangements and for how long. I also need to know how we would cope with a second aircraft, what would we need in terms of extra crew and how difficult would it be to obtain them?".

Ben didn't answer immediately, he appeared to be deep in thought before he finally spoke, "I'll need to do some research PJ, but initially my instinct tells me to go with a second aircraft purely on the basis it gives much more flexibility, can I have a day or so to get back to you?".

I nodded, "Again Ben, I'd prefer this stays between us for the time being and take your time with the research, I'd rather this was done right than have to put it right later".

He nodded his agreement which I'd learned was equal to him giving his word.

Ben and I rejoined the others and I could immediately see the other flight crew badgering him with questions but true to his promise he gave them nothing to raise any suspicion there might be changes afoot.

I'd laboured with this decision for some time because I realised we increasingly traveled in a party size which caused us to either send some of the staff and luggage ahead flying commercial or leave behind people we would have chosen to have with us.

I'd been certain a short time back the larger jet was the way to go and had been on the point of making an offer. That was all thrown off track by John Winter, Lenny's partner in Winter - Thorn Developments when he had laid their future growth plans on us.

Suddenly I knew my idea of a bigger plane was not necessarily the best option, I needed to consider that Lenny and I may be traveling in opposite directions at the same time and with the children at home neither of us would want to be held back from traveling home because the plane was being used somewhere else.

All day the following day this was going around in my head when I received a call from Ben, his input allowed everything to fall into place and my mind was made up, I just needed to run it past Lenny and Leo.

That night at dinner the flight crew joined us again along with Mr and Mrs Albright but this time John brought a guest.

He apologised for not asking our permission but he had thoughtfully called ahead and advised Mrs Albright.

He introduced Steven or Stevie as he preferred, his brothers son who had almost completed his university courses before dropping out and was now working in a soft furnishings shop.

Lenny asked the inevitable question why and Stevie looked like he was about to burst into tears when John put his arm around him.

"Can I tell them?, you don't have to worry, these people don't judge they'll either like you for you or they won't, the rest is of no consequence as far as they are concerned".

Stevie nodded and John continued, "Stevie was caught in an embarrassing situation with a man by his father. My brother and sister in law threw him out of the house and for 6 months he was living on the streets then he got himself a job and now he has a little bedsit. That all happened 18 months ago and I knew nothing about it until today when I went to their home to talk to them about Stevie. I was disgusted and I'm guessing my ex brother, the prick, will be visiting his dentist tomorrow".

John stopped to look at Stevie who was head bowed, he gave him a hug and carried on.

"I tracked him down and I've brought him for you Lenny. When we were talking the other night I said I'd seen what you were able to do, visualising the end product, once before, well here he is, he's just like you Lenny he can listen to what someone wants and hear the things they don't say, I thought maybe you could interview him, don't worry if it doesn't work out I'm on his case now, I've got his back, and I've boxed his ears for not coming to me before. If you do take him on I'm insisting he completes University and Graduates, so factor that into your decision".

We'd been sitting in the lounge and at that point the staff announced dinner was ready.

Lenny got up and linked arms with Stevie, "You young man are next to me at dinner, now calm down and let's eat".

Lenny did her usual and had him eating out of her hand before we had completed the first course.

I could see him describing how he understood what people wanted, I listened to him explain that it was as much about what they didn't say as what they did say.

Lenny was smiling, I knew that look, this guy was going firmly under her wing, like it or not.

After dinner I watched as Buzz offered to get Stevie a drink and they sat talking, Stevie appeared to get emotional and I was completely gob smacked when Buzz, with tears running down his face put an arm around him and pulled him close, after a few minutes they went out into the garden.

Ben, sat down next to me, Lenny and John, "Buzz can identify with Stevie".

Lenny was shocked, "Buzz is gay, how the hell did I not see that coming?, and he can identify with Stevie, you mean that beautiful boy was thrown away by his parents?, I want to meet them, I want to beat them to a pulp, I want to ask them why'd they have kids if they can't accept they're individuals who they're supposed to love, nurture and keep safe not judge and throw away, Jesus they make my blood boil".

Ben could see how upset Lenny was but he wouldn't expand on Buzz's story he would only say if Buzz wanted us to know he would tell us, but if we asked him, he suspected Buzz was too honest to do anything other than tell us the truth.

Later John told us Stevie would be staying over if it was okay with us and we agreed assuming Stevie would be either sharing Johns room or John would ask the staff to allocate him a room.

The next morning I was surprised to see Stevie emerge from Buzz's room and the two of them looked like they'd forged a strong bond.

I sat next to them in the garden whilst they shared a cigarette and I bummed one from them swearing them to secrecy.

Buzz turned to me as we we smoking, "PJ, Stevie stayed in my room last night".

I replied, "Yeh I already knew that".

Buzz looked confused, "We didn't do anything, except sleep, its just, I know what he went through, I've been through it too, I thought I could help him see that the future needn't be dark, it's whatever he wants it to be".

"Buzz, it's okay, I think it's great that Stevie has someone who can identify with him but I'm concerned that you had to suffer something similar as well, if you want to talk anytime, Lenny and I would listen you know".

Buzz looked at me and I could see he was almost on the verge of crying, "Thanks PJ, we might both take you up on that sometime but not yet it's all too raw".

"No problem guys, look you're both safe now, Buzz you have a secure job and future and you Stevie have exactly the same working with Lenny if you want it, so relax. There is one thing I would ask you to consider, I once went through a pretty intense incident which really messed up my head and although it took someone else to suggest it I eventually saw a councillor and I admit it helped me immensely, so I'm offering to arrange it and cover the cost for both of you if you want it, just think about it please. Now who's for breakfast?".

I felt the guys were both going to be okay, they were strong and they were fortunate to have each other to lean on and share experiences with, but that's the trouble with life you sometimes build this illusion and it's not real.


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Author ARB

Next: Chapter 14

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