Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Jul 20, 2023


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Life's Illusions - Book Five - Chapter 21

"Uncle Jo, I've made my decision".

Jo almost didn't want to hear but he knew he had to.

"Junior, you're on speaker and your Poppa's here with me".

Junior smiled.

"Good, that means you'll both have a serious decision to make later, I'm coming back, so, if you still want me, where do you want me?".

Josef let out an almighty sigh.

"Junior, that is possibly the best thing I'll hear for a long, long time, London needs you, the new premises are signed over, we have possession, can I leave it to you now to fit them out?".

Juniors mood was easily distinguishable as happy.

"Got it, I'll be there tomorrow morning, and Poppa, bury the hatchet, preferably not in Uncle Joe's head, I love you".

After the call had ended Josef looked at Juan, and he didn't look surprised.

"You knew, how?".

Juan didn't answer his brothers question, he posed one of his own.

"More to the point, tell me, what did you do?".

Josef was caught off guard.

"What do you mean?".

Juan's face wasn't smiling, which unnerved Josef, but he sighed.

"How did you know?".

Juan relented a little.

"Junior called me after you spoke yesterday, he was totally demoralised, convinced he'd not only signed the death warrant for Guardian, he honestly believed Daniel would never forgive him for reneging on their deal, and believe me, I love Daniel, but I would never underestimate him, I know he would never absolve Junior for breaking an agreement, so imagine my surprise when Junior called me earlier to say Daniel was all hunky dory with him not keeping his end of the bargain, that's when I checked your call log, so I repeat my question, what did you do".

Josef tried to be bullish.

"What, you didn't listen to the call, well maybe you should".

Josef picked up his desk handset.

"Hi, I made an outbound call to a number in Montclair France mid afternoon yesterday, would you find the recording and call me back, I'll need someone to listen to it, thanks".

Juan tried to stop him, but Josef wasn't having any of it.

"You'll listen, then maybe you'll understand how I feel about your kids".

The desk phone rang.

"Hi, yes, I'm just going to pass the receiver to Guardian Two, ten seconds and play the recording".

Juan heard.

'Daniel, I'll understand if you don't want to speak with me, but I desperately need your help, I have possibly the most difficult of problems, and I know you're the only person who can resolve it, but make no mistake it's one hell of a big ask, especially when it's coming from someone you really don't like, Junior doesn't want to come back to Guardian, but I happen to know he made you a promise, and to break that promise will damage him, and possibly your relationship, I love my nephew far to much to allow that to happen, so I'm throwing myself on your mercy, please, absolve him of any guilt, we'll be poorer without him, but I'd much rather he was happy, than tied to a job because of a promise he hated keeping, can you help me?'.

Daniel was heard to say only one word before he cut the connection.


Juan replaced the receiver.

"Thank you, I might have to reevaluate my opinion of Daniel".

Josef had to ask.

"So what about us, where do we stand?, because I'm not kidding, if you walk away, then so do I, it's been you and me from the beginning, I have no intention of going on if you're not here, so it's up to you".

Juan held out his hand.

"I believe I said, if Junior doesn't return, so we're good".

Josef reached out and shook his brothers hand, before pulling him into a hug.

In Montclair Daniel was surprised by Junior marching into his office and grabbing him into a lip lock, in front of several of his top financiers, but he certainly didn't object.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please give us the room for a few minutes, there's something I need to say to my pretty amazing husband".

As the door closed leaving them alone, Daniel was still smiling when Junior said.

"I'm not going to ask what, but I think you did something pretty awesome yesterday, and all I can say is I love you, more than I ever have if that's at all possible, I'm flying to London tomorrow, will you try to take a few days and come with me?, we can see some shows, have dinner, I know I'll be working in the daytime, but I've got some damn good ideas for the nights activities, what do you say Mr Pretty Amazing Husband?".

Daniel was laughing now.

"I can't travel with you in the morning, but from mid afternoon I can hand off the rest of my calendar, in fact that's the meeting you just interrupted, so you'd better not be joking about those nighttime activities Mr Husband, because when I say I'm coming, we better be crystal clear, I'm not just talking travel".

Junior groaned.

"Oh shit, now I've got a stiffy, and I have to walk past your bloody staff".

Daniel handed him an empty folder to use as a shield.

"Go you wonderfully dirty minded man, I'll see you at home later, and hold that thought".

In Chicago Mel was crying, so was Jolly, neither could believe what they'd heard, so Ary repeated himself.

"So can you arrange our wedding?, Erin wants it to be here".

It was Mel who managed to answer.

"Yes Ary, and thank you, you'll have to excuse your Gramma and I, we're a bit overwhelmed right now, do we have a date to work with?".

Ary was suddenly embarrassed.

"It err, ..... well it needs to be before Erin starts to show to much, we're pregnant, can you do it, she's desperate, she wants this one to know we were married".

If Mel or Jolly required something to bring them back to sanity, that was the kick start they needed, Jolly now took over.

"Consider it done child, we're on it, give us two days and we'll have a date for you".

And she was true to her word, two days later they, Mel and Jolly, were sat with Erin and Ary.

"July 13th, it's a Saturday, exactly six weeks from now, we can confirm if you agree".

Erin was nodding yes, Ary looked at her.

"Are you sure?, that's awfully quick, won't people question why the rush?".

Erin had giggled.

"Ary, we've already got a son who's going to be your best man, do you not think most people will say, oh, oh, she's pregnant again, it's not so much a case of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, more a case of trying to find the bloody door, I don't care what people think, I want our next child to know we were married before he or she arrived into this world, Bobby knows the score we've discussed it, he told me, I'm Bobby I had to be here, to be the best man".

Ary was suddenly gobsmacked.

"What did you say, about Bobby?".

Erin was confused.

"Only what he said when we were talking, he said he had to be here, to be your best man, it's just the reasoning of a child who adores his father".

But it wasn't in Ary's mind, it was Bobby, his brother, telling him everything was good, he would still be standing beside him on that most important day, and for Ary it was probably the best thing he could have ever heard".

"Okay, let's do it".

When Mel sent the details to Carry she sent out a save the date to the wider Thorn family which didn't mince words.

'Family, I'm a little emotional so I apologise in advance if this mail is not as all encompassing as it should be: Our own dear Ary, is marrying Erin on July 13th of this year, the ceremony will be held at Thorn House in Barrington Hills Chicago, save the date, and make no mistake, unless you are personally engaged in saving the planet from some imminent catastrophe, you will be there, don't underestimate me, I could have any one of you abducted from any city street in the world, by the forces of many a government, who will just deny such forces actually exist, this couple will have the whole family in attendance'.

The family, in the main, chucked whilst reading Carry's Mail, nobody was going to miss this wedding, because as one, they loved the boy and hell or high water they were coming, this was a celebration they weren't going to miss, a chance to hug him and his new bride, to wish them a wonderful future, and really mean it.

One person though, read and reread Carry's message, a mixture of joy and sadness washing back and forth over her, she was possibly the only exception amongst a family who were firmly committed to attending the wedding.

In a private telephone conversation Ary asked his Aunt Carry.

"Did she see it?".

Carry was factual.

"The message went out with a received, and a read receipt, she definitely got it, and she read it, but so far there's been no reply".

Ary sounded a little disappointed, until Carry reminded him.

"This was only the first move, have faith, I wasn't joking when I said I could have someone abducted off the street, perhaps we'll keep that as a last resort, but believe me, it's not off the table, speak to Piers, I happen to know he has maintained a good relationship with her, he visits regularly, I do believe if you come clean, you will find a very willing ally there".

Piers was enjoying a glass of wine with Milo in the late evening, as the days heat slowly dropped to a more pleasant level.

He was pleasantly surprised to see Ary's name on his cell phone caller display.

"Ary, what a pleasant surprise, congratulations on your upcoming marriage, and a very good evening from Sydney".

Ary could be heard to chuckle.

"And a very early good morning from Chicago, it's a little after five thirty here, I set my alarm specially for this call".

Piers laughed.

"Well now, I know you love us, but I'm not stupid enough to believe you suddenly thought, hey, it's time I got up in the middle of the night to ring uncle's Piers and Milo, so what's the crack?".

The call had gone on to a more serious subject, and Carry had been right, he'd found a very willing ally in Piers.

The rest of the evening in Sydney saw Piers explaining the purpose of Ary's call to Milo, who instantly announced he was onboard.

The following day when Baz arrived home from work he found a note from his Poppas.

'Away for a few days break, Mrs Ferguson will leave something out for your evening meal each day, please remember to let her know if you're not going to be in, back at the weekend'.

He'd smiled, they'd be enjoying a catch up with Dale and Fleur in Orange, he knew how much they enjoyed each other's company.

Late in the evening Baz had crossed the garden, gone through the screening onto the boat deck with its magical view of Sydney Harbour, that's when he noticed the lights from next door, JJ and Jem's house, he'd wandered around onto their boat deck and made his way slowly up to the house where they were relaxing after the kids had gone to bed.

They saw him approaching and waved.

"Hi, I'm surprised to find you here, with the kids off school I thought you'd have gone to Orange with them".

The way JJ and Jem looked at each other gave Baz a sudden uneasy feeling.

"What is it, what aren't you saying guys?".

JJ answered.

"We don't know where they've gone, Piers said they wanted a few days of peace and quiet, we assumed Orange, but I spoke with Fleur this afternoon, they're not there".

Jem had fetched a bottle of beer for Baz whilst JJ had been talking, he took it and pulled out his cell phone, dialling as he took a swig from the bottle.

"Poppa, where are you, is everything alright?".

JJ and Jem watched, hearing only one side of the conversation.

"Oh, ........... but you're okay?, ........... no, I assumed you'd gone to Orange, but I've just wandered over to JJ and Jem, they happened to say they'd spoken with Aunt Fleur and you weren't there, ............... okay call me a worrier, I just wanted to make sure, enjoy your break, I'll see you at the weekend, love you".

As he closed his cell, he turned to both JJ and Jem.

"They're at Coolangatta, the apartment, Poppa said they're both tired, they want a few days of strolling on the beach, they'll be back Saturday".

But they could see his expression, he wasn't convinced.

The following day in Coolangatta, Piers and Milo strolled slowly along the beachfront, stopping for lunch at 'Paradise', a fair sized restaurant with several tiers of seating which gave uninterrupted views out over the beach and ocean.

They'd enjoyed a long lazy lunch sharing a bottle of local Rose, when Piers leaned in to Milo.

"I see her, she's at the reception desk".

He'd called over a waiter.

"The lady at the reception desk, is that the new owner?".

The waiter confirmed it was in fact the restaurants new owner.

Piers passed him a small note.

"Would you deliver this to her please".

They watched as the waiter passed over their note.

Opening the note she'd read.

'A beautiful meal in such wonderful surroundings, expect us to be regular clients, Love Piers and Milo'.

They watched as her head snapped up, searching, with a magnificent smile on her face, until she'd settled her gaze on them, then she was out from behind the counter, hurrying toward them with arms wide open demanding hugs.

"Why didn't you say you were coming, I would have taken time out to join you, how are you both?".

They'd spent a few minutes sharing pleasantries before she had to get back, but not before she'd invited them back for dinner with her.

"You have to see it at night, it's what sold it to me, it's almost like a transformation, from daytime average to truly magical, I swear it outshines everything around".

They'd strolled back to the apartment completely happy, relaxed all afternoon, before taking the short stroll once more, arriving out front of 'Paradise' around eight o'clock.

She hadn't been exaggerating, it stood out like a sparkling jewel, tiny lights everywhere gave it a truly magical look.

In contrast to the daytime, when around two thirds of its tables were in use, the beach road entrance was now manned by two security staff and a Maitre de, there were a long line of prospective diners queuing, in the hope of securing a table.

They'd bypassed the queue and approached the Maitre de, expecting the usual haughty greeting associated with most successful enterprises.

Imagine their surprise when they were greeted with.

"Piers and Milo, you look exactly like your picture, it's an absolute pleasure to welcome you to 'Paradise', enjoy your evening".

He signalled a young woman in crisp uniform.

"Please escort Piers and Milo to Top One".

They would later come to understand, the restaurant had around thirty tables inside, another twenty on its outdoor upper terrace, and three descending levels outside front where they'd enjoyed lunch, Top One denoted the table number on the outdoor upper terrace.

As they approached the table they could see a beaming smile coming from Annie.

"What do you think?, isn't it amazing at night, it sparkles like a jewel".

They'd agreed, and enjoyed a wonderful night, the food was absolutely exquisite, and she'd explained, owning a restaurant had always been something she'd wanted to do, but when her music career took off it somehow got pushed to the back burner, but after she and Baz divorced, she was languishing, until she came to Coolangatta to just get away, she'd always loved their apartment at this end of the Gold Coast, she'd strolled past this place, all boarded up, with an official receivership notice on the entrance.

She admitted, in the daytime it looked good, but it was strolling back at night when she fell in love with it, the lights had been left on timer, it quite literally sparkled, almost called out to her, she'd contacted the official receiver the following day, and the rest is history.

Piers had broached gently the real reason for their visit.

"You received Carry's message about the wedding?".

She'd nodded, continuing to eat, Piers hadn't said any more, and she knew, he was waiting for a reply, to an unasked question.

"I know what you want, but I can't, Baz will be there".

Piers reply had her stumped.

"Mmm, Baz is in Oz and so are you, there will be times when Baz is in Coolangatta, and so are you, it's inevitable, after all we have an apartment only a stones throw from here, there's every chance you will come face to face at some point, a family member wants you to be at his wedding, Ary asked us to come, we would have anyway, but maybe not right now, this is a specific request from Ary".

She carried on eating whilst Piers spoke, when he finished, she laid down her knife and fork.

"I'm frightened, I don't mind admitting it, I still love him, it's been the worst four years of my life since we divorced, I've wallowed around, feeling, well it's difficult to say what I felt, other than to say there was a big part of me missing, and it hurt, it still does at times, but I suppose like someone who suffers a bereavement, I've slowly worked toward a time when I can actually start to function again on my own, I'm just about there, I can't risk going back to those dark times, I don't think I would be strong enough to survive a second time".

They sensed she hadn't finished, so neither said anything.

"Describing it as like suffering a bereavement will sound as though I'm being melodramatic, but I'm not, I lost something, someone so precious to me, I had to watch him drifting away, knowing there was nothing I could do to stop it happening, the sense of loss was all consuming, and the blame, I was the one responsible, I caused it, I said those stupid words, something I could never take back, then losing Daddy, and our baby, somehow I struggled through all that, clinging desperately to the belief that if I could just face him, he'd take me in his arms and I would feel loved again, but he didn't, I was crushed, broken, in the early days after the divorce papers arrived, I don't know how I survived, I remember thinking I didn't actually want to".

As she stopped talking she looked up at them.

"You don't seem surprised by the description of how I suffered, he's been the same hasn't he?".

Tears were rolling down his face as Piers answered.

"Worse in a way, if that's at all possible, he suffered a break down, literally drove himself into the ground, we tried to keep an eye on him, but we had no idea what he was doing, he immersed himself in work, studying, gained his Masters Degree in Contract Law, then set his sights on becoming a Barrister, he achieved that, and the day he arrived home with his certificates, he was like a shell, he told me there was nothing left, no purpose, it was the point where he admitted out loud he'd lost you, he just crumbled in front of us, became a complete wreck, Milo called Vinny and for two days until Vinny arrived, we took turns sitting with him, he'd curled into a ball, all he kept repeating for two whole days was 'Vinny's coming', over and over".

She couldn't help herself, she had to know.

"How is he now, did you get help for him?, he needs someone to work through it with him".

Milo nodded and answered.

"Vinny spent a whole day locked away with him, he convinced Baz to see a therapist, it was a little rocky at first, but he's stuck with it, for over a year now, he's not the Baz he was, there's no fun in his life, but he's slowly returned from the wreck we saw, but it's what he will tell anyone who asks about his objective that's the important thing, he says the same every time, he wants to prove his love to you, win you back".

Annie sighed.

"Then he's never going to make a full recovery".

They were shocked, Piers said as much.

"What?, he's working his hardest to get to a point where he can do it".

She explained slowly, quietly.

"He didn't lose me, I didn't leave him, he ran away, he left me, we were due to fly to New Zealand, an hour before we were to leave for the airport I went to take a shower, when I came out of the bathroom he was gone, he'd left a note, saying I deserved someone better, someone who wouldn't hurt me like he had, he won't find any peace until he admits the truth".

They'd chatted for a long time about lots of different things, until Piers and Milo said their goodnights, promising to join Annie for dinner again the following evening, she'd stressed, she only worked daytime never evenings, so she wanted to see as much of them as possible whilst they were there.

Back at the apartment Piers called Vinny in Torremolinas Spain, where it was around eleven in the morning.

"Poppa, this is a nice surprise, how's everyone?".

They'd exchanged pleasantries before Piers got to why he was calling.

He'd explained about Annie buying a restaurant at Coolangatta, with Vinny saying he couldn't wait to visit her.

But when Piers explained what they'd learnt from Annie, Vinny went decidedly quiet, before saying.

"If what she says is right, it has to come out, I'm no therapist but I do understand what Clara is trying to do, and Annie's right, if he won't admit what happened, continues to hide behind a lie, he doesn't stand a chance of getting back to either full sanity, or to Annie, leave it with me, I know Clara won't discuss his progress with me, but she will listen to anything I want to tell her, I know she won't comment on it, but she'll listen, you have to be very careful Poppa, don't ever mention any of this to Baz, it would be dangerous in the wrong setting, it has to be Clara who encourages him to talk about it, he's due to see her tomorrow lunchtime".

Piers promised Vinny they would say nothing.

As soon as he'd finished the call to his Poppas, Vinny called Clara, Baz's therapist, she was between appointments and had time to talk.

"I understand you can't discuss Baz's progress with me, but there's something I need to tell you, I'm hoping it will be useful in helping Baz".

He explained everything he'd learnt from his Poppa, predictably Clara had said nothing until he finished talking.

"Thank you Vinny, I won't comment on what you've told me, except to say don't stop, anything you feel I should know, please, call me, I'm always available to listen".

Baz was driving to his twice monthly lunchtime session with Clara when one of Annie's songs came on the radio, but it was what the station presenter said after the song played that clicked with Baz.

'A wonderful song from Annie, who sadly quit the music scene after suffering a string of personal tragedies, but I'm really pleased to hear she's recently opened a restaurant in Coolangatta, and I've heard it's a winner, so if you're in Coolangatta visit 'Paradise' and say hello".

So that's why his Poppas were in Coolangatta, he didn't even realise he'd changed direction, his cell phone connecting an incoming call though the car's audio system snapped him out of his fog.

He'd answered the call, it was Clara, asking where he was, he'd missed their appointment.

Baz had been unsure how to answer, other than to say he would be there soon.

Clara had asked where 'there' was, and Baz had answered.

"Coolangatta, I'm nearly half way, I'll see you soon".

Then he'd cut the call.

Clara called Vinny.

It was around one in the morning when Vinny realised Paulette was shaking him, she'd answered his cell.

"Vinny it's Clara, something's happened she needs to speak to you".

Vinny took the phone.

Clara explained something had happened, she couldn't be certain what, except to say Baz was having some sort of episode, he'd missed their appointment and he was driving to Coolangatta, he was half way there.

Vinny thanked her.

"Let me call my Poppas, I'll get back to you shortly Clara".

He dialled his Poppa Piers who answered almost immediately, Vinny didn't give him time to speak.

"Did you say anything to Baz about Annie or who left who?, he's driving toward you right now, he missed his appointment, Clara thinks he's having some sort of episode".

Piers started to panic, and Milo saw it immediately.

"I haven't spoken to him since he rang yesterday, we didn't even know about that then, what's happening Vinny, I'm frightened?".

Vinny was thinking.

"Where's your plane?".

Vinny heard him ask his Poppa Milo before he came back with an answer.

"It's at Sydney FBO, Ferdie has to go to Christchurch tomorrow for Poppa Milo".

Vinny answered quickly.

"I'll get back to you shortly, I'm going to try to get Clara out there, it's possible she can beat him to you".

Vinny cut the call and dialled Clara.

"Vinny have you found him?".

He answered.

"No Clara, we can only assume he's driving, but it's a good ten or eleven hours drive without stopping, can you go now?, there's a plane at Sydney FBO, it will get you there in a little over two hours, there's every chance you could head him off, he trusts you".

Her response was almost shouted as she grabbed keys and headed for the door.

"Yes, I'm on my way, I'll call him again, see if I can convince him to stop and talk to me".

Vinny told her he'd alert the pilots and arrange a car at the other end.

Piers meanwhile had called Annie, she heard him crying as she answered.

"Piers what's wrong, are you okay?".

He blurted it out.

"It's Baz, he's having some sort of episode, he missed his appointment with his therapist, when she called him he told her he was driving here to Coolangatta, I'm worried Annie, I don't know what's happening with him".

She answered straight away.

"I'm coming Piers, don't argue, like you said, it's inevitable we'll meet someday, if he's struggling perhaps I can help him".

Annie cut the call, and Piers panic level increased even further as he explained to Milo that Annie was on the way.

Piers meanwhile took a call from Vinny.

"Clara's on the way, she'll be with you in a couple of hours, if he gets there first try to keep him calm".

Clara was on her way to the airport when Baz answered her call, she'd tried to moderate her voice, to sound calm.

"Hi Baz, just thought I'd check in, see how you're doing, what's the drive like?".

Her calm manner seemed to centre him somewhat.

"Hi Clara, it's okay, pretty boring though, I think the Sat Nav is saying around five hours to go".

She was thinking quickly.

"Baz you really should take a break, it's a heck of a drive, are there any pull off's coming up?".

Baz seemed to be listening because he answered.

"Yes there's one in a couple of miles, I'm just coming up to the sign".

She jumped in.

"Great, just what the doctor ordered, pull off and get a drink, then walk around for at least fifteen minutes, do a few deep breathing exercises, it will wake you up properly, can you do that for me?".

He was smiling, he felt good, but admitted to himself, it was pretty tiring, a break would be good.

"Yes Doc, I can definitely do that, it'll be good to have a stretch".

Clara was laughing, but she was also approaching the airport, she needed to sign off.

"Don't forget, drink water as well, I'll have to go now, I have an appointment in a couple of minutes, take care Baz, drive safe".

He responded.

"Thanks Doc, bye".

Clara slammed into the parking lot, actually bouncing her car's front fender into the mesh fence as she screeched to a stop.

Jumping out she saw the technician waving madly next to an airport vehicle, she literally sprinted toward it and jumped in as it took of toward the waiting plane.

She had hardly buckled up when the plane started to taxi, Clara couldn't believe the speed at which it seemed to shoot up into the sky.

As soon as they'd reached cruising altitude the cabin phone beside her rang.

"Hi this is your pilot, I have Vinny on the line for you".

She waited only seconds before Vinny was speaking.

"Clara, I'm monitoring him from our end through Torremolinos Control, we have him pinpointed, his personal security monitor puts him a lot further from Coolangatta than he thinks he is, we're estimating about six hours away so you'll definitely be there before him, one other thing, I've just heard that my younger brother Jez found out and he's gone after Baz, driving as well, we have Jez pinpointed about an hour or so behind Baz at the moment, I've ordered a chopper up to monitor them both, but they have orders not to intercept unless there is any clear danger, I do have a slight problem for you, it's up to you how you deal with it, Poppa Piers called Annie, she'll be at the apartment".

Clara was thinking rapidly.

"Can you contact Jez?, if you can, tell him don't try to stop Baz, it's quite difficult to explain but he might not recognise Jez as his brother, he may see him as a threat and react violently, warn him to stay back".

Vinny responded straight away.

"You just told him yourself, Jez is linked in, copy Jez?".

Jez chipped in.

"Got it Clara, I'll take care".

It was now around five in the morning in Spain, and four in the afternoon in Coolangatta, Vinny had taken over Josef's office at The Nest in Torremolinas, Paulette was talking with her father, explaining what was happening.

Josef entered the office just as Vinny cut the call to the plane.

"Vinny, how are things, can I help with anything?".

Vinny had a sudden thought.

"Shit, yes please, it's Thursday, Poppa Milo ordered a full scale attack on Sydney IT starting at 0800, it has to run spasmodically for fifteen hours , could you do me a favour and ask Rick to put it in motion?, I have the team set up in Sub Control Room B, they're experts, they only need monitoring".

Josef beamed.

"Better yet, I'll do it myself, you focus on Baz, hard or soft attack?".

Vinny was quick to respond.

"Hard as you can Joe, Poppa was concerned with both the lack of discipline, and the ability of the Head of Department to cope with a crisis, his orders were to pull no punches".

Josef disappeared, with both Vinny and Paulette looking questioningly at each other, but Vinny didn't have time to dwell on Josef's reaction, a voice from Control confirmed.

"Baz is on the move, gaining speed, confirmed he is back on the road".

Vinny asked.

"How far behind him is Jez, and where's that chopper?".

Control took only seconds to answer.

"Jez is about forty minutes behind him and closing pretty fast, Jez we have your speed at well over one hundred mph, please scale it back, you only need a Joey to cross and you wouldn't be able to avoid it, the chopper has passed Jez and should be on Baz in approximately three minutes".

Vinny now repeated Controls warning to Jez.

"Jez, did you hear Control, confirm please you are reducing your speed, Jez, answer me".

As Vinny heard the loud click, Control cut back in.

"Jez has cut the connection, we have his speed now climbing to one hundred fifteen mph, he's now only thirty minutes behind Baz".

Vinny hit the desk hard with his fist.

"Shit, shit, shit".

Paulette kept bringing him fresh tea, she knew her husband, he used it like an upper, it kept him on the ball

"Control, update on Jez please".

Again only a couple of seconds delay.

"A little over twenty minutes behind Baz, but his speed has increased to one hundred twenty mph".

Vinny made a decision.

"Control, connect me with the chopper".

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima responding"

Vinny replied.

"Tango, Zulu, Four, Four, Lima, this is Vinny, drop back and use low level tactics to reduce the speed of the second vehicle, if there is not an appreciative response go in hard for a definite stop, and do a final crush, that vehicle must not continue at that speed, once you've administered the crush, scoop the driver".

Paulette looked shocked and Josef had just walked back in as well, Vinny picked up on both of their reactions immediately.

"Don't anyone argue, I know Jez is going to be pissed at me, but I'd rather have him pissed than seriously injured, or dead, he's lost it, I don't have a choice".

Josef spoke up.

"I agree, good call Vinny".

The chopper pilot came back.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, no response to soft slow, vehicle appears to be accelerating, going for hard stop unless directed otherwise".

Vinny kept quiet.

A few minutes later he heard.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, vehicle is stopped and driver out of vehicle, jeez is he pissed, he's hoping about, confirm crush please".

Vinny replied.

"Crush and scoop, advise I gave the order".

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, affirmative, crush confirmed, landing for scoop".

A few seconds later.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, scoop confirmed, continuing to vehicle one".

Vinny almost burst out laughing as he heard Jez.

"Vinny you fucking bastard I'm gonna rip you limb from limb when I see you".

Vinny replied.

"I love you Jez".

Control came on.

"Baz has slowed a little, he's about three hours out from target".

Vinny asked.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, do you have eyes on the target, what's his driving pattern like?".

The reply came back instantly.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, erratic, looks to be falling asleep, and he's speeding up again".

Vinny didn't hesitate.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, hard stop, crush and scoop, Jez, I know you're pissed at me but this is important, keep him as relaxed as you can, tell him you're taking him to the Poppas, I love you both, do this for me please".

Only one word came back from Jez.


"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, stop effected, crush effected, going in for scoop, ................. scoop effected, destination of cargo requested".

Vinny responded.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, destination, Coolangatta FBO, there will be a reception committee waiting with transport, my thanks Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, we need to meet up for a bevy sometime".

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, you bet, and I'm buying, best bloody fun I've had in a long time, hats off to ya mate, but I've got two very pissed blokes here, they might need to slap you around a bit before they calm down".

Vinny replied.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, totally expected, but they're my brothers, I made them a pledge a long, long time ago, it'll stand until I don't".

Surprising him, Vinny heard from Jez.

"I got ya, I understand".

Vinny then replied.

"Jez, is Baz linked in?".

Jez replied.

"No he won't put the headset on".

Vinny breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good, listen carefully Jez".

"Control Sydney and Torremolinas thank you for staying on point, cracking job so far guys, I need a car and two restrainers, the cargo is for delivery to the apartment of Aus One in Coolangatta, be very clear, the cargo is personal, soft handling is vital, any marks on the fruit will be explained in person to me".

Vinny sighed, leaned back and rubbed his eyes, just as Paulette placed another mug of tea in front of him.

"You my love, are an absolute angel, I'm guessing you've kept my Poppas up to speed?".

She smiled coyly.

"Yes Vinny, you knew I would".

He smiled, and said to Josef.

"One smart cookie you raised there Mr Chairman".

Josef just laughed.

Vinny then snapped back into role.

"Control have we got clean up crews onto the two abandoned vehicles, we don't want the police thinking we make a habit of squashing cars".

Control could actually be heard to laugh.

"Confirmed, one is being uplifted as we speak, two is ETA ten minutes, confirm a destination for the cargo please".

Vinny replied.

"Cargo in both cases to Aus One Sydney address please, place them to the side of the main driveway".

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, status please".

The reply was instantaneous.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, ETA one minute, dropping as we speak, ................ touchdown confirmed, meet and greet advancing, and a pleasure to be of service sir, Tango, Zulu, four four Lima out".

Vinny replied.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, it's Vinny, not sir, what's your name?".

The reply had Vinny and Josef in stitches, Paulette just tutted.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, it's Jumbo Vinny, don't laugh, me Mam reckoned I'd got something that resembled an elephants trunk, and it ain't on me face, so I've been stuck with it ever since, mind you, I ain't complaining".

Vinny replied.

"Tango, Zulu, four four Lima, Thanks mate, a good result, I'll catch ya for that beer at some point, out".

His next call was to his Poppas.

"Control, connect me to Aus two's private cell".

He heard it connect.

"Poppa, sorry I've been a bit busy, are you okay, is Clara there?"

Piers replied.

Yes Vinny, and so is Annie, we're worried Vinny".

He was actually on the verge of crying as he replied, but he felt Josef's hand on his shoulder, and it steadied him.

"Poppa, trust Clara, don't question anything, I hate that I'm so far away, I want to be there, to take charge, but don't worry, I've got it from here, you're in safe hands, now put Clara on".

It only took a moment before Clara was talking to him.

"Vinny it's Clara, instruct your operatives to withdraw once Baz and Jez are delivered, don't argue Vinny, you need to trust me now, it's vital".

He replied.

"Okay I'll do it, but Clara, I'm frightened, I admit it, but I'll do it".

He cut the call and returned to Control.

"Control, instruct the operatives to deliver and desist".

Control from Torremolinas, who'd been monitoring came back.

"Repeat please, that doesn't sound wise".

Vinny repeated his request, with an extra force.

"Control, I say, instruct the operatives to deliver and desist, back off".

Sydney Control came back.

"Confirmed, operatives to deliver and desist".

Vinny replied.

"Not amused Torremolinas Control, I don't expect to be challenged, I won't be challenged".

Vinny then had a thought.

"Control, put Aus One on".

A couple of seconds later he heard his poppa Milo.

"Vinny, what do you need?".

Vinny replied.

"In your office, you remember asking what the blue switch did, and I said we'd never need it, well we need it now, it gives clarity on everything that happens in the apartment through the speaker system, go and flick it on now Poppa, it'll give me ears".

Less than a minute later there came an audio feed from the apartment, they heard Baz and Jez coming in, the greetings, the operatives withdrawal, and then they heard Baz talking to his Poppas, and Vinny's blood ran suddenly cold.

"You lied to me, you've been laughing at me, you came here to see Annie, she left me, and yet you see more in her than in me".

Vinny could hear Clara.

"Baz, no, let's talk here, don't go outside, we can sit and make up the session you missed".

But Baz was having none of it, he'd already moved out onto the balcony, he was leaning against the wall.

"Twenty floors up, you reckon that's enough time to decide if you love me Poppas, before I hit the ground?".

TBC Allan

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Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.

Next: Chapter 175: Lifes Illusions V 22

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