Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Aug 10, 2023


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Life's Illusions - Book Five - Chapter 24

Dinner had been an absolute blast.

Ahmed came out of the entrance to his above garage apartment and met JJ, Jem, and all three children heading in the same direction, towards next door.

Right from the moment they arrived, Gracie hadn't moved more than a few feet from Ahmed all night, and it was noticeable, neither had he.

Jezz whispered to his Poppa Piers at one point.

"How long has that been going on?".

Piers smiled.

"Only a day or so I think, but unless I'm wrong, which I very much doubt, they're both quite smitten".

Jezz asked.

"What the hell happened to Gracie's face?".

Piers openly laughed now.

"She quite literally ran into Ahmed in the street, outside the office, bounced off him and hit a post".

But Jezz could see his Poppa was worried.

"Do you think we should set some parameters, tell him to keep it cool, warn him to keep his distance?".

Piers had been undecided, not answered either way, but Jezz had gone ahead anyway, speaking privately to Ahmed without anyone else knowing.

They hadn't stopped talking since he'd arrived.

He'd had the chat with Jezz, which he didn't appreciate, he felt it was disrespectful to be discussing ones sister in that way with a relative stranger, but he heard what Jezz had said, about Gracie being a firecracker, quick to commit, but not able to stay the course, and resolved himself to seeing how things went.

But even he was thrown slightly when Gracie asked.

"I don't suppose you'd consider coming to my house for dinner tomorrow evening?, I can promise it won't be so busy, this only happens on pie night".

He'd smiled, and the thought flickered into his mind, 'is this what Jezz was warning me about', as he answered.

"Are you sure about going home so soon?, if you are I'll definitely come, I'll need to check you're okay, but I'll have to make it an early night, I've a whole list of appointments the following morning".

To his surprise they'd enjoyed a wonderful evening that following night, afterwards as they sat cuddling on a sofa he'd kissed her, a long tongue duelling kiss, before breaking apart and saying.

"And on that note, I'll bid you goodnight Gracie, it's been a truly amazing evening, would you allow me to take you out on Friday night?".

She'd nodded, still clinging to him.

He'd smiled.

"I'll pick you up at seven o'clock, goodnight, sleep well".

Then he'd kissed her again, not a long one, but not short either, before leaving.

The following morning Gracie was up early, and made the decision to go to work, she felt alright, it was only the obvious bruising that confirmed she'd been in the wars.

Her colleagues were understandably concerned, as was her Poppa Milo on hearing she'd come in, he made the trip to Control to check on her.

"I thought we agreed you would take several days off?".

She hugged him.

"Poppa I'm okay honestly, yesterday I was putting on a brave face I shouldn't have even thought about coming in, but today I feel okay, it's just bruises, they'll disappear in their own time, and if I'm not here somebody has to pick up an extra shift, that's not fair when I feel alright".

At lunchtime she went next door to see Ahmed, who was as surprised as her Poppa had been, but while chatting she spotted a youth in a wheelchair sitting sullenly.

"Is that who you were telling me about, the one who doesn't want to try to walk?".

He'd nodded.

"I've never experienced anything like it, I can usually get a client to do what I want, but I'm at a complete loss this time, he listens, he's not rude, he just refuses to even try, but his mother is desperate, she brings him every two days at ten in the morning, he spends six hours just looking bored, then she collects him at four in the afternoon, she's convinced eventually he'll give in, I wish I were, but I don't know what else to suggest".

Gracie was thinking, and she asked.

"You said she collects him at four o'clock.

He nodded looking puzzled, to which she replied.

"My shift finishes at four, could you delay her a few minutes, I have an idea, if she's as concerned and determined as you say, I think I might be able to help".

At four o'clock that afternoon Gracie almost ran from Guardian's office and she found Ahmed with a woman of about forty five years waiting in the reception area, he'd introduced them, the woman was Glenys Bartholomew, Gerome's mother.

Completely out of breath she'd said hello and explained what she thought was worth a try.

Gracie had called Clara earlier that day, explaining hypothetically she had a friend who was exhibiting strange behaviour, which was preventing this hypothetical friend from participating in crucial physio work which would help him, or her, to regain the ability to walk, and she'd listened to what Clara had said, relaying it back now to Gerome's mother.

"I know this is a complete imposition but I spoke to someone who I trust implicitly about a hypothetical person, using Gerome's circumstances without giving anything away, she told me it's possibly a psychological problem, he quite probably feels guilty for surviving when his father died, and hypothetically she could see him tomorrow at ten in the morning, if you want her to try working with him".

The woman was staring at her, the expression gave nothing away, and Gracie felt nervous, perhaps she'd gone too far, overstepped, but suddenly the woman's facial expression softened, a tear started to slide down her face.

"Yes, and thank you, I'm prepared to explore any avenue that might get through to him, no one's ever mentioned that before, but I see it's a possibility, he was joined at the hip with his father, they were more like brothers than father and son".

Gracie gave a sigh of relief.

"I promise you, this lady is wonderful, let me call her and I'll pass the phone over to you".

Gracie dialled and they heard.

"Clara, we'd like you to mark that hypothetical appointment as confirmed tomorrow morning, I'm going to pass you to my hypothetical friends hypothetical mother now, and thanks Clara if anyone can help this boy I just know it's you".

Gracie passed her cell phone to Glenys and moved far enough away with Ahmed that they couldn't hear the conversation, he was beaming at her in complete admiration.

"Okay, I'm officially in awe of you, I hadn't given any thought to there being anything other than a boy being rebellious, thank you Gracie, if this works you'll have given a boy his life back".

Gracie leaned in and kissed him.

"You owe me big boy, Friday night better be good".

Glenys finished her call and walked to where they were standing, handing the cell phone back, they could see the tears in her eyes.

"Thank you Gracie, it's a long time since I was able to hope, but for once I feel I can, Clara sounds like a really nice person, you've probably no idea how that makes me feel, and I promise I'll let you know how it works out".

At home that evening Gracie was surprised to receive a visit from her Poppas, she'd opened the door in her pjs and robe laughing.

"Well to what do we owe the honour of the Harbour Elite slumming it out here?".

Piers was laughing with her.

"It's me child, you knew it would be, I wanted to see for myself that you were alright, I rollicked your Poppa for not sending you home this morning, are you sure you're okay?".

Gracie had hugged them both.

"Yes Poppa I'm okay, it aches quite a bit, but the nurse at work was really helpful, she said stop the medication, it doesn't do anything except mask the mild ache and it's not good for the body when there's no real pain, and she gave me a tip, over moisturise as much as possible, apparently it helps the bruising disappear, and I can see it happening, so I'm good".

She'd made them tea and they'd stopped an hour with her before Gracie's yawns prompted Milo to suggest it was time to get going.

On the way home Piers said.

"I'm nervous Milo, it's as if another new Gracie has emerged, I don't know what to expect next, I get a mild panic attack whenever there's anything out of the ordinary, I keep waiting for the other boot to drop".

Milo reached out to grab his hand.

"I think the last one of our rag tag brood just grew up love, it took a while, but she seems to have finally reached the point where we can back off and let her go, don't crowd her, I think she's finally found her way".

Gracie went out on a lot of dates with Ahmed over a period of several weeks.

As he dropped her off at home on about the fifth week he asked.

"Am I right in thinking you finish at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon?".

She'd nodded asking.


He was smiling.

"A surprise, will you pop in to see me?".

She'd been intrigued.

"Okay, it might be a few minutes after four, I can't always get out exactly on time, but I'll get there as soon as I can".

He'd kissed her as usual before she'd gotten out of the car.

She smiled at his practice of waiting until she'd opened the door, gone inside and switched lights on, then come back to wave him off, before driving away.

Next afternoon she couldn't believe her luck, the new shift were all in early and the changeover went like clockwork, in fact, she was heading out of Guardian's main entrance at exactly two minutes after four o'clock.

He was waiting in reception for her and greeted her with a hug and a kiss.

"Come on, someone wants to see you".

She looked sceptical.

"Me, who would want to see me?".

He laughed.

"Well you'll just have to trust me and come with me if you want to know".

She'd walked with him to the elevators and they rode up to the second floor Gym.

As soon as they came out of the elevator she recognised Glynys, who immediately came over to say hello.

"You made it, I'm so pleased, Gerome's been nagging me to get you in here, he has something he wants to tell you".

Gracie was completely surprised.

"How did it go with Clara, did it help at all?".

Glenys pointed across the Gym floor.

"What do you reckon, would you have pictured him doing that a few weeks ago?".

Gracie's eyes followed where Glenys was pointing and immediately picked out Gerome struggling to walk the length of the parallel bars".

"Oh wow, he's doing good, can I go chat with him, I want to tell him how impressed I am".

Glenys smiled.

"Of course you can, he'll be over the moon that you're here".

Gracie walked past Gerome to the end of the parallel bars, his goal, before turning to face him and saying.

"Get to here and I want a hug, you're doing brilliantly, well done you, oh I suppose I should introduce myself before I start hugging you, I'm Gracie".

He was beaming a smile wide enough and bright enough to replace the sun.

Through laboured breathing he replied.

"I had ......... to tell you ......... thanks, .......... I'd still be sat in my............. chair if .......... it weren't for you .......".

He stumbled and Gracie jumped forward the few feet to where he was.

"Stop talking, tell me when you get to the end, I'm not going anywhere, take your time, concentrate on what you're doing, and don't overdo it, there's no harm in resting for a moment".

He nodded, obviously out of breath, then, after a moments rest he started off again, this time making it all the way to the end of the bars where his wheelchair had been positioned ready for him, but his first thought was to grab her into a hug.

Gracie helped him turn and lower himself into his chair.

"You probably have no idea how much pleasure it gave me to see you do that, it's wiped away the image of a sad boy sitting all alone in his chair just marking time".

He smiled at her, his breathing under control now.

"I was a bit of a saddo wasn't I, and I've got you to thank for getting me motivated, Clara's lovely, I don't know how she does it but I feel a sort of relief when I talk to her, and yet I don't think she ever does anything except ask the odd question now and then, it's like she gives me a little push every so often".

Gracie leaned down to envelop him into a hug.

"I think you're incredibly brave, if it's okay with you I'll ask Ahmed to let me know if you're here when I have an early finish like today, then I can pop in to see your progress".

He'd nodded vigorously saying.

"I'd really like that, but enough rest, I have to get back to the other end of these bars to complete today's workout, could I ask a favour?, would you take my chair to the other end after I start off please?".

She'd hugged him and helped him get into position, then as he started off she pushed his chair to where he would be able to access it and walked across to Glenys.

"He's quite determined now isn't he?".

Gracie could see the moisture in her eyes as she nodded, unable to speak.

Turning to Ahmed she asked.

"When I'm on an early finish would you let me know if Gerome's here?, I said I'd drop in for a chat and to see how he's doing".

She'd been true to her word, dropping in once or twice a week over the next few weeks, but she could see he was becoming disheartened, then something her Poppa said planted a seed which she couldn't let go of.

It had been an innocent remark from Piers.

"Uncles Juan and Ralph are coming for a visit, they want a chill out before they start a massive development program".

Gracie had called her Uncle Juan from the Control Room whilst she was on shift, he'd been pleasantly surprised to hear from her, she'd introduced the call with the phrase.

"Code green call Uncle Juan, do you have time for a chat?".

He'd replied happily, knowing her intro meant there was no major catastrophe behind the call.

"For the down under Demon Princess I have all the time in the world, how are you Gracie?, I heard you had a run in with a street sign".

She'd been laughing as she answered.

"You're obviously a little out of touch Uncle, I've vacated the Demon Princess title, my run in with the street sign was quite some time ago, and I have a sort of steady boyfriend who my Poppas approve of, in fact I'm so boring I'm almost in line for a hallo".

He was laughing fit to burst as he replied.

"I hate to break it to you Gracie but, they don't make Teflon Hallo's yet, and I doubt anything less would work for you, now as your employer I'm actually paying you for this call and I suspect you have an ulterior motive, so spill".

When they'd ended the call Juan was sat feeling quite saddened, not in a bad way, because he felt good at the same time, and he'd felt compelled to call Piers, who admitted, she really did seem to be a changed person, but when Juan told Piers what she'd asked of him, even Piers was surprised.

Juan and Ralph were due to arrive the following Friday.

On Thursday Gracie made sure, by swapping shifts, to visit Gerome in Remedy's Gym and casually invite him and Glenys to a cook out at her Poppas home on Saturday.

Ahmed had watched and listened, then asked.

"Okay, you might fool the innocent in our flock, but I'm officially asking, what are you up to?".

Gracie looked at him sternly, there was a time when she would have exploded, but instead she sighed, and explained.

"The last few weeks he's been wavering, it's not moving fast enough for him, he's losing sight of the goal".

Ahmed nodded, he knew she was right but he didn't know how to impress on Gerome that sometimes it was all slog and very little progress before suddenly, you were propelled forward at breakneck speed.

Gracie's words completely poleaxed him.

"I'm going to give him living proof the goal is real, it's achievable, I'm going to do everything I can to re-stoke his fire, I want him to say wow, or even fucking wow, just so long as it re-motivates him, he's a really good kid, and I'm not having him give up without a fight".

He was so completely overawed with her he'd taken her out to dinner, but instead of dropping her off at home, they'd gone back to his apartment over the garage, and they'd made love for the first time, Gracie was in heaven, nothing like it had ever happened to her before, no man, no boy, had ever taken her where he did that night, she was in love.

When she opened her eyes next morning he was sat staring at her, with love in his eyes, and that should have been enough, until in his naivety, he gave her reason to declare war.

"I can't hold back from saying it anymore, I've tried to keep it cool, I've tried to do what they asked but it's killing me, I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you, I want you by my side".

Gracie's head snapped up, her tone instantly becoming icy.

"What who says?, explain, now".

And he had, how he'd been asked to play it cool, keep a distance, not let it become complicated.

Gracie was furious

Her family were going to get the rollicking of a lifetime, they would rue the day they decided to meddle in her life.

The following afternoon was arranged to be a cookout at Piers and Milo's house, everyone was invited, especially Glenys and Gerome.

Juan and Ralph had arrived mid morning, along with Josef and Carry, surprising Piers and Milo at the FBO offices when they saw Manny and Anton coming through behind them.

They'd seen the look of surprise and simply said.

"You remember Gracie's request, all will be revealed".

The day had been normal in most ways, if it weren't for all of them trying to work out what Gracie was up to, but Piers sussed it in the late afternoon, saying to Milo, she's going to show Gerome there is a reason for persevering, I understand it now, she's going to present him with irrefutable proof, just let her have her way, I think she's a genius, she's found a way to give him new hope".

They'd enjoyed a wonderful afternoon, Baz and Jezz had cooked a veritable feast of food, and after, as they relaxed, to the absolute horror of Glenys, who was totally unaware of Gerome's wavering commitment, Gracie looked directly at him and asked.

"So tell me, why have you suddenly decided you're not superman, you're just a wimp, what's with this giving up on trying?".

Gerome was taken aback, in fact most of the guests, family or not were astounded, except Juan and Anton, they'd been briefed and were waiting on their curtain call.

Gerome had been vitriolic in his response.

"It's not working, you've no idea what I put into every session, why carry on if I'm not going to be able to walk, I'm always going to be a cripple, it's time I faced it".

That was their cue, Juan and Anton stood up and walked together to stand in front of Gerome, as Gracie pointed to them and said.

"They could have said that, given up, been cripples for all of their lives, but they didn't, I think you've met my Uncle Juan, you haven't met Anton, now I'll leave you to talk, but make no mistake Gerome, if after hearing them out you dare to tell me you won't ever walk again I'll happily smack you into next week, because your father would not have been proud of that decision".

Whilst Gerome was talking with Juan and Anton, Gracie ordered a Cab to take her home.

Piers and Milo were confused, not understanding why she wasn't waiting to find out the result of her carefully planned operation, but her reply shocked them.

"I heard about the family instruction to Ahmed that I'm a loose cannon, a danger and to keep his distance, and I can tell you, if helping Gerome hadn't outweighed the anger I felt toward my own family today I wouldn't have been here, how dare you, I won't say any more, except goodbye, we don't need to meet ever again, you can communicate that to all of my former brothers".

Turning to Ahmed she'd said with tears in her eyes.

"And you I fell in love with, and although I have sympathy because of who they are, you should have trusted me, but you didn't, so I'll bid you goodbye as well".

Arising early the next morning Gracie wasn't rota'd to work, she went in search of an apartment in the city, deciding it needed to be close enough that she could use public transport to get to her work, and by midday she'd found almost exactly what she was looking for, a tiny bedsit, it wasn't exactly the Ritz, but it would serve her needs perfectly.

The following day, she'd loaded her car to the roof, then calling Sam because there was so much, she'd moved all of her things into the bedsit, and noticing as she drove past Jezz and Ferdie's house, they were loading both cars with stuff, but she didn't pay any heed to whatever they were doing.

Later in the day with Sam driving behind her, she'd driven out to her Poppas Harbourside House, parking her car in the drive and leaving an envelope with keys to both car and house in the postbox.

When Gracie left the BBQ Milo had been furious, dragging Piers and the boys into the house.

"Somebody had better tell me what's been going on, because I for one didn't sign off on whatever Gracie's upset about, so who the hell did?".

Piers looked blank, as did Baz, and suddenly they were all staring at Jezz who'd replied.

"I did it because none of you were taking any notice, I panicked, I thought Gracie was heading for another crash, okay so I was wrong, I can see that now".

Milo barked out a response that was ill thought out, in fact he didn't think at all about how Jezz would take it.

"And who in hell gave you permission to speak on behalf of this family?".

Jezz had been prepared for a rebuke, but what he heard was more than that, he heard, 'you're not one of this family', and he replied angrily with words that shocked them all.

"So I was right all along, I'm not family, I'm just some sad case you took pity on, well Gracie can crash and burn for all I care, and so can all of you".

He'd been openly crying as he'd said it and stormed out.

Piers had screamed at Milo.

"What the fuck, that was stupid you've hurt him, I am so bloody angry with you right now".

Piers had gone after Jezz but all he saw were the tail lights of their car as he and Ferdie turned out of the driveway.

Jezz had been crying and fuming as he dragged Ferdie out of his parents house.

The following day for them had almost mirrored that of Gracie, Fergie had listened to Jezz, not understanding why his Poppa would say such a thing to him, but agreeing when Jezz said they needed to find another house.

They couldn't find anything that following day but Jezz was determined, he wouldn't stay in his Poppas property a moment longer so he'd rented an apartment in the city whilst they continued to search.

If Piers thought finding the keys to Gracie's car and house was bad, he'd sat and cried the following morning when he found an envelope with Jezz's house keys in their mailbox.

Vinny was deep in thought when his PA walked into his office.

"I've just had Paulette on the phone, she needs you home now, it's a family matter, you're going to Sydney".

Vinny had looked stunned.

"What, why didn't she talk to me?".

The reply really shook him.

"She was so upset even I had a hard time understanding her, but I know Paulette, the state she was in means it's a big problem and you need to solve it, so get your shit together, because you're leaving in the next five minutes even if I have to summon security to throw you out of here".

In the car on the way home he called his Poppa Piers and gained an understanding of what had happened.

At The Nest he found Paulette in tears, he'd immediately pulled her into a hug.

"Stop it my love, we'll go and see what we can do to put it right, everybody's overreacting, now get the little ones ready, at least your Momma will be thrilled when they arrive, no doubt your Poppa will be ranting because I've upped sticks and headed for Sydney without his approval".

Milo had tried to speak to Gracie in the Control Room at Guardian's Office but she'd shut him down.

"If you have a work related issue please state it, otherwise I don't want to talk to you, now is it work related?".

Milo had been incensed and walked out.

He'd then issued a request for Gracie to attend a meeting with him in his office, but she'd thwarted him again, taking along her Senior Controller.

"I brought my Senior Controller because I'd like whatever you have to say to me documented, I assume it is a work related matter because I have no intention of discussing anything else with you".

Milo was angry that he'd had to admit he wanted to talk about private family business, and Gracie had ignored him and walked out leaving her Senior Controller looking completely clueless, and Milo having to apologise.

Gracie had tendered her resignation that afternoon, sparking a management crisis that Milo knew he would have to deal with.

Her termination letter had, in effect been an explanatory letter as well in that it said.

'I am in a quandary, my Poppa is the Regional Head of Australasia, in effect he is my Supreme Boss however, I have cut all ties with my family for personal reasons, I refuse to have any contact with my family, this shouldn't affect my work at, and for Guardian, if my 'Boss' can abide by the correct legal and moral guidelines, but it seems he can't, I find myself being pursued at work by him when there is no work related matter to answer, therefore I find myself in a position where I'm left with no option but to tender my immediate notice, I will abide by the terms of my contract and work a normal shift pattern over the next four week period. I do however register the fact that I will be lodging a claim for constructive dismissal with a tribunal forthwith".

This was something that suddenly resonated far beyond Guardian's Sydney Office.

It landed on Josef's desk in Torremolinos the following morning as 'A potential high risk payout', and when his PA saw who the involved parties were she immediately called him in Sydney.

He also learned that Vinny and Paulette had departed for Sydney the previous evening, and as predicted he was annoyed that Vinny hadn't given him a heads up on his travel plans, and calling Vinny midair hadn't helped.

"You seem to think you can jet around the world as and when you like, I already have a potential Constructive Dismissal claim against us because of your family, you need to get your priorities aligned my boy".

Paulette knew Vinny was speaking to her father, so she visibly winced when Vinny answered.

"I'm not your boy and my priorities are perfectly aligned, and if you dare to speak to me like that again I'll be the next family member leaving Guardian, now fuck off because I have much more pressing issues than your pathetic threats".

In cutting the call he'd turned to Paulette with glistening eyes.

"I'm sorry, that was your father".

She'd hugged him.

"Vinny we'll sort it, don't worry, and stop taking on the guilt, you can't assume responsibility for everyone's fuck ups, and it sounds like nearly everyone's contributed to this one".

Their arrival into Sydney delivered a surprise they hadn't previously experienced, no family greeted them, only Sam, one of Piers and Milo's drivers was waiting, even so, he pulled them into a hug.

"It's good to see you guys, even if the reason for your visit is not so good".

As they drove Vinny asked Sam.

"I'm not asking you to talk out of school Sam, but just how bad is it?".

He'd hesitated at first but after sighing.

"Gracie moved out of her house and gave her car back, she's living in a tiny bedsit in the city, Jezz and Ferdie have moved out of their house and rented a temporary apartment whilst they look for a permanent place, I know this because I helped all of them to move their stuff, I'd appreciate it if that fact didn't become common knowledge, other than that I won't comment Vinny, it's not my place to be discussing family business".

In all honesty Vinny hadn't expected Sam to say anything else.

"Thanks Sam, could you give me their addresses?, if you feel able, it would be easier than having to go through Guardian's system, but I stress, only if you feel able".

Sam hadn't hesitated.

"I'll text them to you later, I don't have a problem with that, I'm not giving you anything you couldn't easily get elsewhere".

He hesitated and Vinny could see it.

"Say it Sam, we have enough history that you're family to me, you have a right to say whatever you want, and to know I'll listen".

Sam nodded.

"My worry is Gracie, how all this will affect her, she's not independently wealthy like Jezz, not since you took back control of her trust fund, her salary from Guardian is, was, critical, she's going to have to get another job, I'd hate to think that anyone would make that difficult for her".

Vinny understood what Sam was trying not to say, but his reply showed his shock.

"You think the family will interfere with Gracie getting employment?, why would any of us do that?".

Sam's response was maybe a little too sharp but Vinny had to concede, it was true.

"Your Poppa was instrumental in causing her to tender her notice, do you honestly think she won't find every obstacle placed in her way?".

He gave Sam a reply which he believed.

"That would be a very foolish move which would not find favour with me, I'd be duty bound to rectify the situation, thanks for that Sam".

Sam didn't respond, they drove in silence after that.

Paulette could see the strain in Vinny's expression, and as they arrived at the Harbourside House, she could see clearly he wasn't happy.

The greetings were strained, something once again that none of them had experienced before.

They'd been sat in the lounge with refreshments, Paulette had taken her Momma and Poppa out to the garden with the children whilst Vinny went right into it with his Poppas.

"So who wants to kick this off, tell me how we got to this place?".

It was clear that his Poppas were at odds, the reception had told him that, despite being summer in Sydney the air was definitely frosty.

Milo suddenly spoke.

"I don't know why you were summoned Vinny, it's something and nothing which has gotten out of hand, they'll come to their senses given time".

Vinny looked at his Poppa Piers, inviting him to speak.


Piers responded, but it was like a brick hitting Milo.

"A typical response from your Poppa Milo, no acknowledgement of how badly he fucked up, and a firm belief that he'll win the game, except it's not a bloody game, these are the lives of our children, he's driven them both away and I miss them".

Piers had stood and walked out of the room toward the garden, his eyes glistening.

Milo sounded totally dejected, he'd just sighed.

"I don't understand what to say or do, whatever I do is wrong with someone, everyone, it appears I'm the problem, I just don't know anymore".

Vinny asked.

"So fill me in Poppa, tell me everything, I need it all, let me be the judge of what went wrong".

Milo had told Vinny everything he knew, about Jezz's admission, how he still believed Jezz had only had Gracie's best interest at heart, how he'd reacted, what he'd said to Jezz, how Jezz had taken it totally out of context, in totally the wrong way, he'd always thanked the lord that Jezz had been one of their children, how he'd tried to appeal to Gracie at work, and how that had brought about Gracie's resignation, and Josef's wrath, and Piers wrath as well.

Then he'd said something which really hurt Vinny.

"Maybe it is all my fault, your Poppa Piers thinks it is, but I don't know what I've done wrong, and to be honest Vinny I'm too tired to care anymore, it seems whatever I do I can't win, I'm not needed, I'm a liability".

Vinny hadn't had chance to respond, his Poppa had got up and walked away.

Finding Paulette in the garden with his Poppa Piers, Joe and a Carry, Vinny sat with them addressing his Poppa.

"You have to get some perspective on this Poppa, you know Poppa Milo didn't mean to hurt Jezz, and you know it was Jezz and his insecurities that caused him to run, so why are you being so hard on Poppa Milo?, it's breaking his heart".

Piers was caustic in his reply.

"He caused Jezz to run".

Vinny was just as caustic in his reply, causing all of them to sit up and listen.

"That's rubbish and you know it, what he said would have needed some pretty loose interpretation to mean Jez wasn't regarded as a part of this family, you know damned well that was just Jezz trying to use his own insecurities to justify the fact that he'd fucked up, with the best possible of intentions, but he'd still fucked up, and you're making it worse, you're hurting Poppa Milo and he genuinely doesn't understand why".

It had gotten to late in the evening and Vinny was tired, Paulette was nodding off beside Piers when Vinny suggested they talk more the following morning.

But the following morning they were all awoken by a hysterical Piers.

"He's left me, Milo's gone".


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Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.

Next: Chapter 178: Lifes Illusions V 25

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