Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Jun 1, 2023


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Life's Illusions - Book Five - Chapter 14

At Chateau Montclair, seven people were sat, almost holding their breath in anticipation.

Jaque, Pete, Roslyn, Cecile, Paul, JJ, and Jem, were waiting for an important call, and it was clear, their stress levels were rising rapidly.

Six months earlier JJ made what at first had sounded like an off the cuff remark, but it quite literally stopped Jem in his tracks.

He'd turned to face JJ.

"Say that again".

JJ's face now took on a look almost of defiance as he'd repeated his words.

"I want children, and I want them now, not some time in the future".

Contrary to what JJ had expected, that there would be a long winded explanation of why now was not the right time, he watched as Jem set his head to the side, slowly nodding.

"I agree, now!".

That had been the start of months of interviews, and mountains of forms, which never seemed to get them any further forward because of a decision they'd made.

In deciding to declare their individual incomes, which were understandably extremely high, they had declined to declare their assets, reasoning that area was private and had no bearing on the matters in hand.

But whether or not it should have had a bearing, it did have a bearing, in fact, the case file ground to a halt, for weeks, which became months, until the day that Jaque had intervened, marching into the Mayors office in a foul mood, bellowing.

"I'm the Comte Montclair, do you people actually want my family in this town?, because right now I've a mind to close up the Chateau, leave this place, and never return".

The Mayor had been in a meeting with several influential business owners, all were completely shocked by Jaque's anger, the Mayor quickly jumping up to try and placate him.

"Whatever has caused you to be so upset Comte?, because I can assure you, this town and it's people love and value your family's presence, you are Montclair".

Jaque was visibly annoyed.

"My son, the Vicomte JJ, has been trying to adopt for months, we have an orphanage full of children desperate for a family, and yet the red tape facing anyone foolish enough to attempt what you call the adoption process is guaranteed to keep them right there, in limbo, waiting patiently, but never getting".

The Mayor made to speak, only to be stopped by Jaque's hand.

"The Vicomte and his husband have been advised the process cannot move forward until they are deemed fit and proper, by non other than you, so enlighten me, what qualifies you to judge my family?".

The Mayor was blustering, picking up the phone on his desk as he replied.

"A formality only in your family's case I can assure you Comte".

As he finished speaking to Jaque it was obvious whomever he'd called had answered.

"Why have I not seen a 'Fit and Proper Declaration' form in relation to the Vicomte Montclair and his husband's adoption application?, ........... you cannot be serious, ........... stop talking and listen very carefully, by the order of my office, the Monclair family will never be asked to declare their assets, they are this town, responsible through their generous donations for one fifth of the building, renewal, or repairs carried out each year, now, if you wish to redeem yourself, get that paperwork onto my desk within the hour".

The Mayor ended the call and turned to Jaque.

"My most humble apologies Comte, the paperwork will be completed before close of business today, please pass on my apologies to your son and son in law, it's a wonderful thing that they're doing, giving a home and family to a child".

Jaque's face softened visibly.

"Thank you, the boys were beginning to lose faith that it would ever get done, oh and bye the way, it's three children not one, the boy they originally wanted to adopt wouldn't agree, he has a friend in the orphanage who is slightly handicapped in some way, he won't leave him, then the second boy won't leave a girl, she's like a sister apparently, she's always looked out for him, he refuses to leave her behind, and to be honest, all three are wonderfully delightful children".

Bye the time he was ready to take his leave everyone in the room was queuing up to shake his hand, with Jaque saying.

"The Chateau is going to come alive again, it's been a mausoleum for far too long".

In the months whilst their application was supposedly being processed, JJ and Jem had taken to visiting the Orphanage a couple of times each week, sometimes together, sometimes alone, they'd also invited one child to have tea with them at Chateau Montclair.

He was Caden, an almost eleven year old boy with absolutely impeccable manners.

Neither JJ nor Jem had said anything to the other about being drawn to the boy, in fact they'd laughed loudly after discovering their individual attentions were focused in the same direction.

They'd become increasingly friendly with the Orphanage Warden and her husband, a couple who seemed to spend every waking moment ensuring the safety and fulfilment of each of their many charges lives.

Several of the businesses in Montclair either fielded amongst other things, their own employees children's under twelve football team, or joined forces with other businesses to field a team, the Orphanage fielded it's own team and did well under the coaching of the Wardens husband.

On a joint Saturday morning visit to watch the Orphanage under twelve boys team against a local factory team, JJ asked Caden if he would like to visit Chateau Montclair the following day for Sunday lunch and tea.

The boy had been hesitant and Jem picked up on it.

"Caden, I think I detect some reluctance, if there's something you need to say then please say it, I can promise we won't be offended".

The boy seemed to be studying before answering.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude, I would really like to say yes but, if I'm not there at lunch my friend Pev, that's short for Peverell, he probably won't get a proper lunch, our friend Gis, that's Gisella, she won't be able to fend off the older bullies on her own".

JJ's reply was quick as a flash.

"Firstly, I very much doubt you would know how to be rude, but I'm thinking we should extend the invitation to include Peverell and Gisella, that way you all get a hassle free lunch and tea, and I'll show you a few of the secret passages around the Chateau".

The boys face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Thank you sir, that would be great, can I go tell them?".

JJ laughed.

"Of course you can, and Caden, we're JJ and Jem, not sir, okay?".

He nodded smiling, before running over to where the players had gathered with fans following the match, which the Orphanage team had won three goals to two.

They watched as he chatted with a boy who appeared slightly younger than him, and a girl who looked to be about the same age, before leading them back across and introducing them.

"This is Pev and Gis, guys these are JJ and Jem, I've explained your kind invitation and we'd really like to come for lunch and tea if it's still on offer".

That had been the first of many visits, initially the Warden herself had dropped them off and collected them several hours later, until Jem had approached her saying.

"You have enough to do without taxiing these three back and forth, in future, either we or one of our drivers will collect them and deliver them back".

She'd laughed.

"Well I won't say no to your offer, but it wouldn't have mattered you know, the happiness I see in their faces when they're on the way to see you makes it all worth it".

They'd asked all three children separately if they would want to be adopted by them, all three had predictably said no in the first instance.

Caden had been first to receive what Jem called 'The Talk'.

JJ had made the request, nervous himself, and with an even more nervous Jem at his side.

"Caden, we have something to ask, I'm not really sure how you will take it, but here goes, we want to adopt you, become your parents, do you think that might be something you would want?, don't be upset if it's not, this has to be completely about what you want".

The boy had teared up, much to both JJ and Jem's horror, Jem quickly put an arm around him.

"Hey, no need to cry, we're not really that bad are we?, seriously, like JJ said, it's something we would be so proud to do, to be able to call you our son, but it's your decision, if you don't want it then it won't happen, you can still come visit, nothing will change".

He'd replied rather muffled, obviously trying to stave off the tears.

"I do want it, who wouldn't, you're both so kind, but I can't leave Pev and Gis, they'd have too hard a life if I left, we've always managed to survive as a team, in another couple of years when we're all seniors it would be different, but not now, I'm sorry, really I am".

He looked completely crestfallen by having to say no, until Jem whispered into his ear.

"Well then I guess it's a good job Pev and Gis will be getting the same talk, don't you agree?".

Caden's face was a picture, at first a questioning look, and then one of complete euphoria crossed it.

"Really?, really?".

Jem and JJ were laughing now as JJ spoke to him.

"Yes, we know how strong your friendship is, you are a family already, we want to give all of you a home, we want to be your parents, but you have to keep it to yourself until we speak with Pev and Gis, they have to make an individual decision, not based on loyalty towards the other two, do you understand?".

Caden had nodded his approval.

They'd gotten almost identical responses from them all, except that from Pev, after hearing about the same offer being asked of Caden and Gisella, there came an added hesitancy.

"I'm not like Cade and Gis, the older kids call me the retard, I can't read properly, I'm a bit slow, you have to know that because you probably won't want me then, I'll be okay if you just want to adopt Cade and Gis".

He'd been crying by the time he finished speaking.

JJ dragged him into a hug.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, you're not a retard, and you're not slow, you are suffering from a condition called dyslexia, it's a difficulty with recognising words, letters, symbols, it's quite common, and it's something we can try to help you with, I don't know if it can be cured, we'd need to get some expert advice on that, but I do know, with the right help we can certainly ease your way in life, and we won't be changing our minds, we want you as our son, so what do you say?".

He'd hugged them both whilst crying and nodding his head.

The Mayor had called JJ personally the previous evening, a Thursday, explaining that the legal side of the adoption process would still take a considerable amount of further time, but he had a suggestion, he could place the children into their care as foster parents immediately, effectively they could be bonding as a family whilst waiting for the adoption process to catch up.

JJ had jumped at the idea, accepting that the Mayors office would ring around noontime the following day to confirm when everything was settled.

It was now twenty minutes after midday on that following day, hence why seven people were acting like overwound springs which threatened to snap shortly.

The ringing of the landline telephone extension in the Salon brought all of them upright with a start, JJ lifted the receiver.

"Chateau Montclair, this is the Vicomte JJ, ............ thank you for letting me know, ............... I understand, ........... do you have any idea of when you will arrive, ......... the gate staff are expecting you and again thank you so much".

JJ replaced the receiver whilst turning to Jem.

"The paperwork is complete, we're officially their foster parents, they'll be here within the hour, I can hardly believe it".

Jem in turn looked to Jaque.

"Thanks to you Jaque, after you spoke with the Mayor everything seems to have fallen into place".

Jaque just smiled as Pete squeezed his hand and answered for him.

"I'm pretty sure Jaque would tell you no thanks are necessary, it was a purely selfish act on his part, we can hardly wait to hear the rooms and corridors of this old place brought back to life again by the laughter of children".

Roslyn confirmed what Pete had said.

"This place was so much fun when we were young, I still don't think we found all of the secret passages, I agree with Uncle Pete, it's going to breathe new life into the old place, Pierre and Woody (Their ten year old sons) know to come straight here after school, they can't wait to welcome their new cousins, Woody was so full of praise for Pev, apparently he's the class genius mathematician, even their teacher admits to looking to him for answers".

JJ and Jem just looked surprised, they'd been so focused on finding a way to help Pev with his dyslexia they hadn't explored the possibility of him excelling in any other field.

Forty minutes later the gatehouse staff rang to advise there was a vehicle from the Montclair Orphanage approaching the Chateau.

Everyone piled outside to welcome the new family members.

As the minibus drew up and the side passenger door slid open, surprising them all, the first two out were a beaming Woody and Pierre.

Roslyn and Cecile were laughing with Roslyn saying to the Warden.

"We didn't ask for these two, take them back".

The Warden was laughing with them as she answered.

"Sorry, my aim is to reduce numbers not increase them, they're your problem, but I will say you've two wonderfully thoughtful boys there, they came along to help their friends pack everything up, and I suspect there was more than a little element of lending moral support on what they knew could be a bit of an emotional day, it was a really nice touch".

Cade, Pev, and Gis were now out of the bus, standing nervously side by side until they were enveloped by multiple arms in welcome.

JJ and Jem hung onto them as everyone gave them a hug, until JJ said.

"Woody, Pierre, you know the rooms we've prepared, would you like to help your cousins pick which room they want as their own and get their stuff moved in, it would also help greatly if you could make a list between you of what basics they'll need, you know what I mean, TV's, music centres, laptops, all the usual kid paraphernalia, dinner will be at seven so you have several hours".

Woody and Pierre nodded enthusiastically before starting to gather up their new cousins belongings.

Cecile stopped them all for a moment.

"Wait this has to be recorded, JJ, Jem, Cade, Gis, Pev, gather together, I'll get a few snaps with the Chateau behind you, it's a happy day, the start of a family".

She'd taken group and individual snaps of everyone, until Pierre had called a halt.

"Okay, that's enough, if we don't stop her we'll still be here at midnight, Momma never knows when to call it a day, be warned guys, if you see her coming armed with a camera run, preferably in the opposite direction".

Cecile slapped him lightly, playfully, around the head, whilst everyone laughed, knowing Pierre was spot on with his description of Cecile's picture taking obsession.

Their rooms, actually suites, were on the same floor as Pete and Jaque's suite, at the opposite end of the corridor, each had its own sitting area, ensuite bathroom with huge marble tub, walk in shower, and twin sinks, plus a walk in closet/dressing room, which looked completely comical when their meagre belongings had been installed, one school uniform, two white shirts, two pairs of shorts, one pair of dress slacks, or in Gis's case a dress skirt, and two pairs of jeans, they took up exactly one half of one hanging rail, there were ten hanging rails in total around the dressing room.

Woody and Pierre had flitted from room to room, answering questions and helping put away their cousins belongings.

They'd gathered in Gis's room after everything had been put away, where they tried to give the trio as many tips as possible to help them, Woody, with Pierre's prompts listed things.

"Okay, so dinner is always at seven in the evening, except on Sunday when it's a big roast lunch, and a lighter tea, like us, you'll be told if dinner is formal, in which case you dress in best clothes, otherwise it's smart casual, breakfast is seven thirty in the morning, a tray will be delivered to your room around seven o'clock each morning with juice and tea, we're not allowed coffee, dirty laundry is placed in the separate bins in your dressing rooms, they're all signed for whites, coloureds, and dry cleaning, it's your responsibility to keep your rooms tidy, but the household staff will clean and replace linens".

As Woody finished Pierre took over.

"Now we need to make a list of the things that you need for your rooms, electronic things, so I've started it off with, laptops, TV's, music system, cell phones, is there anything extra that you can think of, Gis, what about things a girl needs like hair curlers or whatever they are?".

Gis just looked dumbfounded.

"We can't ask for all those things, it's not fair, everything JJ and Jem have already done for us must have cost them a lot, we don't need those things .................".

She didn't finish, she was crying, and the boys were panicking, until Pierre said.

"Wait, I'll be back in a moment, I know who we need".

Pierre disappeared leaving the others consoling Gis.

It was only a couple of minutes before Pierre reappeared, along with his Momma Roslyn, who immediately scooped Gis into her arms.

"Hey, who would believe, you could have picked any room, and yet you picked my old room, that must be a sign that you need me to make sure you have everything, now cheer up, Cecile and I will be taking you shopping tomorrow, the boys can go with JJ and Jem, we girls are going to have an absolute ball, now, Woody, Pierre, come with me because your Uncles JJ and Jem want to talk to these guys".

As Roslyn and the boys left Gis's room, JJ and Jem walked in beckoning the youngsters to join them in the sitting area on the two sofas, Pev and Caden sat either side of Jem, with one of his arms around each, whilst Gis sat next to JJ with his arm cuddling her in close.

JJ started talking softly.

"I remember many, many, years ago, I came to this house, and just like you, I was nervous, frightened, but one of the things I was most worried about, was that I might cost my Poppas too much, that they might think I was too expensive and not want to keep me, well they saw what I was thinking, just like Jem and I can see how worried you are right now, shall I tell you what they told me?".

They were hanging on his every word and nodding frantically.

"Well first they told me how precious I was to them, and then they went to great lengths to explain how wealthy they were, not so I'd be happy to go out wasting money, because they also impressed upon me how fortunate I was, and how there were so many out there who were seriously less fortunate, no, they were trying to tell me it was alright to spend as long as I wasn't wasting money, and helping anywhere I saw need, and really that's what Jem and I want to pass on to you, how precious you all are to us, we have enough wealth to not have to worry, ever, but that means we also have a responsibility to help wherever we see need, to support charitable causes that rely heavily on us, so when it comes to kitting out your rooms, stop worrying, yes we'll spend a lot tomorrow but it's a one off, and let's face it, those rails in your dressing rooms desperately need filling, now, how about you guys get ready for dinner, nothing fancy tonight just clean and tidy".

All three were going to dress in what they'd always known as Sunday best, the boys in dark grey dress slacks, white school shirts, and black shoes, with Gis looking almost identical in a white blouse, with dark grey skirt, until Pierre and Woody stopped them, as Pierre enlightened them.

"There's no need to dress formal tonight, everyone wants you to feel relaxed, Woody and I have brought jeans and a Tshirt, that's all you'll need I promise, oh and Gis, have a ball shopping with our Momma's tomorrow, they both have a fantastic eye for fashion, we'll be with the guys but we'll get everything for your room, you just concentrate on filling your dressing room".

Dinner had been fun, having Pierre and Woody there helped them no end, and the boys winked at them following dinner to signal it was time to help clear the table.

At Chateau Montclair the kitchens were some considerable distance from the two dining rooms, so clearing up consisted of stacking dishes etc, neatly on the trolleys used to bring everything in, ready for the staff to collect later.

It had been a long, eventful day and after Roslyn and Cecile left with the boys, it wasn't long before Jem noticed yawns from all three children.

"Listen, you guys don't have to stay up with us, this is your home now, if you're tired go get a good nights sleep, we have a big day of shopping tomorrow".

JJ could see Caden was wanting to say something.

"Is there something you needed Cade?".

He looked hesitant, when he spoke it was a little falteringly.

"Pev and I, we err ........ we have a footie match tomorrow, ......... is that okay? ....... they sort of need us".

JJ smiled.

"Of course it's alright, what time do you need to be there?".

They could see both boys breathe a sigh of relief.

"The kick off is ten o'clock so we need to be there around half past nine, we can get our kit on here and take our other stuff with us to change after the game, we should be ready to go shopping by midday".

Jem corrected him.

"After running around that pitch all morning I think the first port of call after the match will be lunch, we'll need to stoke your boilers, can't have two growing lads going hungry, we'll have plenty of time to shop during the afternoon".

At breakfast next morning JJ asked how they'd slept, Pev's answer made him think.

"It took quite a while to get to sleep, it was so quiet, but my bed is the business, it's so comfy".

In thinking about how Pev had described the quietness, JJ realised, until one day previous they'd been sharing a dormitory with a lot of other noisy children, he said.

"Whilst we're shopping keep a lookout for something to give you a soft background noise, it might help initially with getting to sleep, it's quite a change from what you've been used to, so anything that helps we can try".

The match kicked off on time and Pev scored midway through the first half to give the Orphanage team a lead, late in the second half Pev made a perfect pass to Cade, who easily popped it into the back of the net just before the ref blew his whistle for full time, they'd won by two goals to nil and Pev was named 'man of the match' for his goal, and his set up of the opportunity for Caden's goal.

Surprisingly, Roslyn, Cecile, and Gis turned up at the boys match, because Gis had let slip the fact that she'd never before missed one of their matches, as Roslyn whispered to JJ and Jem whilst the match was in progress.

"I hope we did right, we got the impression that she was slightly upset at the thought of not being here, and it was Cecile who decided, that could lead to her feeling they were being split up, that we were undermining an established family practice they already had, so we asked her to choose, shopping or the boys match, she didn't hesitate, she chose the match".

JJ hugged them both.

"Thank you, seriously, it's something we hadn't considered, I think we need to talk to them about it, assure them it's alright to expect us to consider their wishes, not just let us dictate their movements, you did good guys".

The afternoon shopping excursion accomplished everything that was required, Woody and Pierre were regimental in the electronics outlet, selecting all of the gadgets they knew their new cousins needed, though it almost gave the salesperson a heart attack when they said the requirement was times three on every item selected.

Clothes shopping started with school and formal, and at one stage a clearly overawed Caden whispered to JJ.

"Do we really need all of this?, we don't want to waste your money".

JJ just hugged him saying.

"Don't let it worry you, we know you'll look after everything you get, so unless you grow out of it or it wears out, it's a one off cost".

Next Woody and Pierre headed for the trendy clothes outlets, where they bought as much for themselves as they bought for their cousins, with Pev querying.

"You must have loads of clothes already, why are you buying more and costing your Momma's money?".

Pierre replied.

"They're not paying we are, it's from our allowance, we pay for all personal clothes, our Momma's only pay for things like school uniforms, sports gear, formal clothes".

Pev just nodded, thinking how lucky Woody and Pierre were.

Everything they'd purchased was delivered to Chateau Montclair before they arrived home around five o'clock in the afternoon, when they walked into their rooms everything was there waiting for them.

Woody and Pierre grafted like beavers building a dam, within an hour of arriving back at the Chateau they had every one of the electrical items set up, connected, or ready for use.

Whilst they were setting up the electrical gadgets, Caden, Pev, and Gis were placing their new clothes onto hangers, in drawers, and on shelves.

Woody and Pierre were done by six o'clock and disappeared off home with their Momma's.

Meanwhile JJ and Jem gathered the children in the small salon, where JJ handed out surprises that stopped their breath.

"Okay so, today we've covered your clothing, next we have your allowances to discuss, here I have two cards for each of you, one is a debit card, it holds your monthly allowance of four hundred Euro's, you pay for everyday items like school meals, trips to the cinema, casual clothing, your cell phone monthly account charges, the other card is a credit card, it has a one thousand euro limit, this is only to be used for unusual items like Christmas or birthday presents, things we might have missed, or maybe you don't want to trouble us for, perhaps something like a school trip payment, it cannot be used to top up your allowance if you run out part way through a month, that requires you to come and request extra funds, with an explanation of exactly how and why you have run out of funds".

JJ handed out the cards, along with a boxed new cell phone to each of them.

"I have one other item for each of you, this is extremely important, it's a wrist watch, you must wear it at all times, except in bed overnight here in the Chateau, or in any other family property, it's actually a personal security item, it monitors your vital signs, tracks your location, pressing this button turns it into a microphone which is capable of capturing every sound within a ten yards radius, pressing the button below it alerts Guardian Control that you have been taken against your will, there's also a change feature, the markers for each number on the face are gold, if those markers change to red, it means an attack is imminent, take immediate cover, if they change to green, it means a positive response, i.e. you've been located, do whatever it takes to stay safe".

Jem then added.

We know all this is a little bit daunting, but as far as the allowance and the credit card go, every child in the wider family gets exactly the same, it's an agreement that has worked for more years than either of us can remember, and every member of the wider family wears a tracking device, both old and young, we are vulnerable, our wealth makes us so, Woody and Pierre are familiar with everything we've told you, if we're not available, rely on their advice".

Pete and Jaque were out that night, but over dinner they laughed a lot about all the things they'd bought that day, and they laughed even harder when Gis said.

"Having lots of money means you can shop like crazy if you wanted to, but to be honest, it's too tiring, I don't think I ever want to go shopping again, my feet hurt".

They all perked up when JJ said he had something he wanted to highlight.

"We, that's Jem and I, decided yesterday that we were going shopping today, then last night, Cade, you very hesitantly brought up the fact that you had promised to play in a footie match, you Gis were prepared to miss that match because we'd placed you with your aunts to go shopping, but apparently you've never missed their matches before".

JJ noted they were all looking wide eyed, he could see they were unsure, questioning, had they done something wrong, so he went on.

"Okay, roll down the eyes, no one did anything wrong technically, but every single one of us did something wrong actually, and yes, that means Jem and I as well, so let's talk about it, any thoughts on what we all got wrong?".

Caden took the lead, almost timidly.

"We promised to play and we shouldn't have".

JJ smiled.

"About half right Cade, yes you promised to play, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with that, but we didn't know about it, anyone else want to chip in?".

Now they just looked confused, so JJ nodded to Jem who explained.

"We're all new at this family thing, it's going to take some adjustments on all of our parts, I think what JJ is getting at is, we need to work together, try to accommodate everyone's commitments, you guys play footie, we need to know when you're committed to matches, that way we don't organise something which conflicts, and you Gis, luckily your aunts detected that you were unhappy with the prospect of missing the boys match this morning, so they rescheduled and brought you to the match".

JJ clapped his hands before speaking.

"Excellent, so, I've put a massive calendar on the wall in the office, pencil in anything we're committed to, that way we don't roll over one another, and remember, you have a voice, if something needs to be said then say it, with courtesy and manners, speak up, however contentious the issue, we would prefer to debate it as a family, there are five people around this table, we are all equals when we debate, unless safety becomes an issue we will never overrule you, and even then, you can call us on it, demand that we explain".

Cade replied with just one word, that Pev and Gis were nodding agreement to.


TBA Allan

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Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.

Next: Chapter 168: Lifes Illusions V 15

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