Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Feb 20, 2016


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Life's Illusions - 10 years on - Chapter 24

It had been a little over eleven months since the dinner party in London.

Aly was fidgety, he always was when Bo was missing, Jacqueline was the same as they sat across the aisle from one another waiting, but she at least could see Woody sitting next to Will in the front pew, he continually turned to gaze lovingly at her.

Roslyn and Paul were also fidgeting, the youngest addition to Woody and Jacqueline's brood, Daniel, gurgled and bounced happily on his mothers lap.

Next to Jacqueline and the children were Will's parents, Billy and Julia Fielding, in Julia's arms lay a sleeping two month old Charlotte Julia Fielding, daughter of Will and Maddy.

Aly smiled to himself, who would have thought, some famous food critic was the catalyst, the reason they were here today.

It had been around twelve months ago, an article had appeared in the press announcing Bo's whereabouts, until then it had been a mystery to all but a few.

After the death of his partner Joe in a Bungee jumping accident, Bo had all but become a recluse.

The JoBo Chain of Restaurants continued to enjoy fantastic success, headed up by Maddy, Bo's younger sister, but Bo had never been seen in public after Joe's funeral.

When the article broke there had been a storm of bookings at The Inn at Montclair, which the silly food critic had labeled 'JoBo Reborn'.

Bo had been adamant, The Inn at Montclair was nothing to do with JoBo, it was Ally's dream, something Bo had signed up to, and he loved it just as it was.

They'd beefed up the staff in anticipation of the coming increased business, then fled the country, at least that was the idiotic critics take on the situation when she did her follow up piece.

It had centred around her revisit, when she'd asked to meet Bo.

The Chef on duty had come out to speak to her, advising her Bo was out of the country but didn't normally meet guests anyway.

She'd apparently become irritatingly vocal in voicing her opinion, insisting that she'd made this trip with the specific intention of enjoying the JoBo experience.

It was at that point, before a restaurant full of guests, including the local Mayor and Judge, plus Sebastian, Ally's solicitor, that the Chef told the irate food critic exactly what Bo had instructed.

"This is not JoBo, this is, and always will be, The Inn at Montclair, anyone who can't see that, should not be coming here, and they certainly should not come back', he'd asked the waiting staff to, 'Eject this fool, her type of patronage we most certainly do not need'.

Courtesy of Sebastian, the altercation made almost every major publication within 48 hours.

The response from the industry had been unbelievably supportive.

Several prominent establishments made it clear to the editors of the said critic, neither she, nor any other person representing their publication, would be welcomed by them going forward.

In truth Bo had decided their course of action, he didn't feel they should give credence to the silly claims, so in effect they had fled the country, but not to hide, only to meet Maddy, Bo's sister in London.

Dinner on the day they arrived had been a life changing experience in more ways than one.

Lenny had surprised Bo by inviting Maddy.

Aly had got to meet Maddy for the first time, then 'it' happened.

Will and Maddy met.

At this point in his reminiscing Aly looked across at little Charlotte, asleep in her Grandmothers arms, by all accounts she was conceived that very night.

Lenny, seeing the obvious attraction between Will and Maddy, rearranged the place settings to put them together at dinner, they could easily have been alone in a private dining room, they certainly didn't notice or interact with anyone else throughout that evening.

At midnight, when all of the dinner guests not staying in the house, except Maddy, had departed, Lenny suggested she stay over, Maddy was quick to accept, and therein lay the foundation of Charlottes conception.

The following morning events unfolded in an unbelievable way, almost as you'd read in a far fetched novel, except it really happened and threatened to upset so many of the close family and friends.

Aly and Bo had been making their way down to breakfast when they came across Will, dressed in last nights clothes, or rather partly dressed, leaving Maddy's room.

Will had been trying to quietly shut the door when Bo's voice shocked him, "What the fuck are you doing leaving my sisters room in that state?".

As Aly said to Bo later, 'really, you had to ask?, what did you think they'd been doing, playing bloody scrabble?'.

Even days later Bo admitted he'd been riled, to the point he'd actually wanted to beat Will senseless, Aly of course had reminded him of their first meeting, with the old saying, 'People who live in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones'.

But on that morning Bo had not held back, he'd grabbed Will by the throat and slammed him against the wall, the commotion had brought several of the family out into the corridor.

Fortunately all of the children's rooms were on the floor above, first out into the corridor was PJ, followed by Lenny, then Billy and Julia, Billy had struggled with Aly to release a gasping Will from Bo's grip.

By the time Woody joined the throng there was shouting and hurled insults in abundance from all sides.

Woody immediately took charge, demanding everyone shut up, reminding them the children on the floor above didn't need to hear this.

At that point they realised Maddy had come out into the corridor, she was crying, but instead of making for Bo, she went to Will.

"I'm sorry this is all my fault, are you hurt?.

Bo was becoming visibly enraged as Will wrapped her in a hug and replied.

"It's okay Maddy, Bo was mistaken, go back into your room I'll talk to him, don't be upset, I'll see you later, I promise".

But Maddy hadn't done as Will asked, she'd turned to Bo, her eyes flashing anger, she'd slapped him hard across the face.

"You prick, I've loved you, looked after you, carried you, managed the business you ran out on, and you humiliate me like this, I don't even want to know you right now, don't dare try to apologise for this because you can't, I hate you, you and your business can go to hell, I'll never do another thing for you".

At that Maddy went back into her room and slammed the door, leaving Bo completely bewildered.

As usual Woody had sorted the initial problem.

"Momma, Poppa, Uncle Billy, Aunt Julia, would you please leave us".

PJ, Lenny, Billy and Julia had accepted Woody was taking charge and retreated into their rooms.

Woody then turned to Aly.

"Looks like we're seconds on opposing sides Bro, you good to go?".

Aly had understood Woody immediately and nodded, just like when they were young boys, it had happened before so many times, their friends had fallen out over stupid things leaving Woody and Aly on opposing sides, but Aly never worried, Woody was a master, he would solve the problem, and Aly would back up his childhood friend.

Pointing to Will, Bo and Aly, he'd issued his instruction, indicating his own suite of rooms.

"In here now, and keep it down, Jacqueline is still sleeping".

In Woody's sitting room, Woody started the conversation.

"So would someone like to tell me what the hell just happened because it looked like I woke up and walked into the centre of Beirut?".

Bo responded with venom pointing at Will.

"This bastard raped my sister".

Will responded with equal venom.

"I did not, I made love to a beautiful woman, someone I never thought I'd find, but I have, so fuckin deal with it, I fell in love with your sister, and I'm going to be married to her some day, whether you like it or not".

Will's rant had served to render all of them, Bo included, completely dumb.

Will followed up his earlier rant.

"I'm leaving now, I'm going to see Maddy, she's upset, then I'll leave, and Maddy will be leaving with me".

Looking directly at a still dazed Bo he said.

"You may not like it but I'm telling you, I will marry Maddy, how you deal with that is your problem, but I think you should ask yourself why you're so upset, is it because someone upset your cosy little world, hear me loud and clear, you just lost your CEO, you'll need to grow a pair and do your own dirty work from now on".

At that Will stormed out slamming the door behind him.

Instead of reacting violently as both Aly and Woody expected, Bo slumped onto the sofa and dissolved into sobs.

Aly had signalled to Woody to stay silent.

"Come on love we need to go back to our room and talk".

Aly had steered a sobbing Bo back to their room.

"I only wanted to protect her, it's all I've ever wanted to do, now she hates me".

Aly had left Bo to try talking with Maddy, he'd found her completing her makeup, Will was standing waiting for her.

"Maddy, would you talk to him, he's completely devastated, he knows he was in the wrong".

Before Maddy could answer Will jumped in angrily.

"No she won't talk to him, he's a prick, it's time someone taught him a lesson, I'm surprised you would want to even associate yourself with someone like him".

Okay, up until that point Aly's mission had been as mediator, but as his hand closed around Will's throat he realised, midway through that rant, Will had gone way too far.

"Shut that nasty mouth Will or I swear it won't be Bo who beats you to a pulp, I will, now when I let go, you'd be very sensible to keep quiet whilst I speak to Maddy, do you understand?".

Will had nodded, his face turning red from the pressure of Aly's grip.

"Maddy this is silly, he's breaking his heart in our room, please, I'm begging you, talk to him".

Maddy had turned to Aly, her face was a picture of anger.

"No, never again, but you can tell him, as a last gesture, I will be in the office tomorrow, I'll appoint an interim CEO to replace me, that will be the last thing I ever do for him, after tomorrow it's his problem, come on Will, I'm ready to leave".

At that, Will and Maddy left.

The following day Maddy had done exactly as she said she would, she'd appointed a competent CEO on an interim basis, then walked out of JoBo's offices for the last time.

Bo had gone to her apartment building, only to be told he was not to be admitted, his calls had gone unanswered, he was devastated.

They'd lingered in London for a further week.

They were with Lenny, PJ, Woody and Jacqueline one afternoon when Aly suggested maybe they needed to get back to Montclair, it was then that hurt struck Aly like a bolt of electricity, this was a lot more serious than a fall out between brother and sister.

Bo told Aly he wasn't going back to Montclair, he was staying in London, taking back his control of JoBo, when Aly questioned that decision he'd been left visibly reeling at Bo's reply.

"JoBo's important, in Montclair I'm just playing, I have to ensure JoBo flourishes, it's what Joe would want".

Aly hadn't responded, devastated, he'd left the room before the rest of the occupants unleashed their attacks on Bo.

Woody had been first.

"You idiot, I never thought I'd say this but I'm with Will, you're a prick, I don't think you even know what you just did to Aly, right now I want to really hurt you so I'm leaving before I do".

Jacqueline made to follow Woody but she turned before she got to the door.

"I desperately want to slap you like Maddy did, I want to make you understand how badly you just hurt Aly, but I know if I do I won't stop at one slap, you deserve so much more".

The she too was gone.

Bo made to leave, Lenny looked ready to attack him but it was PJ who stopped him.

"Get back here now, you my boy need a reality check, in one week you've managed to alienate just about every person who loves you, you've driven away your sister and your partner with your stupid decisions, I would have said the two people in this room are the only ones left who care what happens to you, but judging by the look on Lenny's face I think you might be down to one, that's me, so I guess I'm going to have to make you see sense".

The next hour had been one of those times where a person is forced to face life, warts and all, but by the time he finished his rant, PJ had an attentive Bo before him.

"I need to tell Aly what a fool I was, I'll be back".

Bo had rushed from the drawing room up to the landing where their bedroom was situated, but on the way he heard the worst possible news from a clearly angry Woody.

"Don't bother, he's gone, I'm still try to figure out why he didn't smack you in the mouth, I guess it's because he really loves you, he wasn't playing, as you described it".

For Bo, whatever had happened up that point in his life, this was the worst feeling ever, he'd lost Aly.

"Woody help me, please".

A little over five weeks later Bo sat staring at the set of papers before him, his hand wavering, then he drew a deep breath and signed his name, they were the documents which sealed the sale of JoBo, ending his association with the restaurant empire he had built with Joe.

That same day Woody went with him to Maddy's apartment building, when they were refused entry Woody took over.

"Please convey a message for us, we intend to stay here until we can speak in person, it's not negotiable".

A little over ten minutes later Will appeared in the lobby.

Woody was prepared for an argument but he was shocked when Will addressed Bo.

"Bo, I'm as eager as you to find some sort of solution to this problem, would you take a walk with me?, Woody, could you give us some space, and not jump in whatever happens?".

Woody was about to issue a warning to Will, but he didn't, he just nodded and watched as they walked out into the gardens in front of the building.

Outside Bo turned to look at Will.

"Why did you ask Woody not to jump in whatever happens?".

Will looked off into the distance before answering.

"I sort of suspected you might be sorely tempted to lay me out, let's face it, given your physique you could do that quite easily, if it happens I don't want Woody having to choose a side, it's wouldn't be fair on him".

Bo smiled, but as Will was turned away from him he didn't see it, Bo continued.

"Woody's here with me, you don't think that places him in my corner rather than yours?".

Will also smiled, unseen by Bo.

"Woody's the all round good guy, he hasn't declared his unequivocal support for you by coming here, he's just supporting you as a friend, he's just being Woody".

Bo was about to respond but Will cut him off.

"I'm sorry Bo, I said some really terrible things to you, it seemed as though I had the right to say them at the time, but I didn't, as time went on, when my anger deflated, I realised why you were angry, it was the pack leader protecting the young, I was a threat to Maddy in your eyes, I can understand that now, feeling the way I do about her, I can't fault your reaction, I can only hope that if I weren't around in the future you would be there to look out for her".

Bo listened, it was a relief to hear Will's apology, but he wanted to hear Maddy say they were still okay, that she still loved him.

"And what about Maddy, she said she never wanted to see me again, I've never seen her so angry, I want to tell her I'm sorry not leave it like this, if I'm never to see her again, if she's determined to cut me out of her life, I want to remember her smiling, not how angry I made her that morning".

Will turned to face Bo.

"Yes, she told you she didn't want to see you again, but determined?, well, see that doesn't quite fit with the picture I'm seeing, which is one where she's devastated, convinced she caused you to sell JoBo, beating herself up because she feels she's hurt you badly, does that really sound like the little sister who doesn't love you, or hates you?.

Bo realised he was growing to like Will.

"Tell her I wasn't forced to do anything, I did it because it's the right thing to do, it's a bit like hanging onto Joe's clothes, I couldn't let go before, I can now, I need to move on, I can't do any more for JoBo, we always did it together Joe and I, every decision was joint, it's why I locked myself away, why I ran away, I couldn't face making those decisions alone, losing Aly made me realise, life's too short to live in the past, live now, be brave, that's my banner from now on, as soon as I've cleared out our apartment, I'm going to travel the world, see where life takes me, tell her I love her Will, and take care of her for me, however she feels, I'll always love her, I'll only be a phone call away if she needs me".

Will only said two words.

"Come on".

They walked back towards the building entrance, Bo was convinced this would be where Will took his leave, but as they approached Woody, Will turned to Bo, dropping a key card into his hand.

"Be gentle, expect some anger, let her work through it, she can't stay angry with you, you're her idol, now go, I'm taking my cousin for a drink, call Woody if you need us back here".

At that Will put his arm round Woody's shoulder and steered him towards his car.

Woody was smiling.

"What did you just do Will".

Will wasn't smiling, he was serious.

"I hope I saved Maddy, because as much as I love her Woody, she would never be as happy as she could be if Bo was missing from her life, whatever she says, I can see the real picture, I hope Bo can endure the ear bashing he's about to get, she'll relent eventually, then she'll hold him in her arms, if they can get to that point, they'll be able to repair the damage".

Woody could see and hear the genuine affection in his voice.

"Is this what you want Will?".

Will looked at him.

"I want what you have Woody, I want so much to be you, I want to feel good about myself, after that lesson you taught me all those years ago, almost everything I've done since, I've deliberately asked myself what you would do, this is one of those times, you would have moved heaven and earth to put them back together, so I had to do it".

Woody realised Will had done something which had the potential to hurt him really badly, it was possible Maddy would reconcile with Bo and decide Will had been the cause of their conflict, that actually made Woody smile.

"I'm proud of you Will, really proud, that was a beautiful thing you just did, now lets go get drunk".

They did exactly that, to the point of being passed out in a bar by 10pm, fortunately it was a bar where there were two Woodruff employees who'd said hello to them at the start of the evening, then watched and took charge as the boys slipped further and further into oblivion".

When Woody opened his eyes next morning he was staring at a miniature version of Jacqueline, Roslyn had her arms folded.

"Daddy you smell, Mommy says you're in a whole heap of trouble, I think it's because you hurt her bottom when you were grabbing it last night, you were really funny, what's a fuck, Mommy slapped you when you said you wanted one?, you weren't funny when you were sick on the stairs, that definitely wasn't funny it smelled horrible and Mommy said some very naughty words, Gramma's not happy either, I think that's because of the lamp you broke, or it might be the table, and the cups and glasses, you broke them as well".

By now Woody was groaning, his head throbbing, his mouth tasted awful, he could feel the bile rising.

"Enough Roslyn, my head is hurting, go away child, please, go away"

Roslyn had huffed in disgust and left him, but peace was not on the cards for Woody that day, he'd dozed for what seemed like a few minutes but in fact proved to be several hours.

When he next opened his eyes he was staring at the adult version of Roslyn, and this version was not looking compassionate, quite the opposite, this version, the Jacqueline version, looked extremely non compassionate.

"So the town drunk is awake, how nice, dinner is in one hour, I suggest you shower and dress".

Woody replied slowly, his head was still throbbing.

"I don't think I'll have dinner tonight".

One look at Jacqueline told him that was the wrong thing to say, the items being picked up and slammed down reinforced his belief she was not happy.

Willing himself to move he somehow got to the bathroom where he promptly retched into the toilet bowl.

Sensing a presence behind him he saw a hand holding out a glass of water, turning his head slowly he saw the another hand holding two pills, Jacqueline spoke clearly from behind him with a level tone, an icy tone.

"Take them, then get in the shower, or alternatively you could crawl back into bed, but be clear, if you're not sitting next to me at dinner, I won't be here when you wake up".

Then she was gone, Woody realised he now had only thirty minutes to make it to dinner.

He'd walked into the dining room exactly on time, Bo was seated across from him and looked no better than Woody though he couldn't understand why, Bo had spent the evening mending bridges with Maddy, he ought to be happy.

Dinner was a frosty affair with both Lenny and Jacqueline taking great pleasure in handing out scathing remarks about his behaviour the previous night.

Bo was silent throughout dinner.

PJ was in his element watching Woody squirm, toying with the food on his plate that was only serving to make him feel queasy.

Finally it was Roslyn who brought matters to a head by re asking her earlier question.

"Daddy what is fuck".

There was a stunned silence around the table until Woody slammed his cutlery down with enough force to almost break the plate.

"Roslyn, that is a bad word, a very bad word, you heard Daddy use it last night when I was drunk, it was very wrong of me to use it and you will never, ever, repeat it, do you understand me?".

Jacqueline and Lenny made to object but he cut them both off.

"Momma, I'm a married man in his thirties with children, it's none of your business how I spend my time, so please, butt out".

Next was it was Jacqueline's turn.

"I seem to remember a couple of afternoons this last summer where lunch with the girls saw you returning home a little the worse for wear, did I rant and rave?, no, I let you sleep it off and when you awoke I brought you cool drinks and massaged your temple, not exactly what you did for me, now whether you like it or not, I've had enough of this crap".

At that Woody rose and walked out of the room.

Taking the staircase down to the mews entrance he went out into the garden to get some fresh evening air.

Sitting in the garden already was Bo, head in hands, he didn't hear Woody approach.

"How did you get out here before me, I didn't see you leave?".

Bo looked up at him.

"You were too busy tearing a strip off everyone".

Bo went back to his earlier pose head in hands, Woody could tell there was something bothering him.

"Okay, I'm probably going to regret asking this but what's wrong?, you mended your bridges with Maddy, I thought you'd be happy".

Bo took a letter from his trouser pocket, handing it to Woody he said.

"It's from Sebastian".

Woody felt a dark cloud settling over him as he slid the letter out from the envelope.

My dearest Bo,

I hope and pray that my words find you in good health.

Although I love you dearly my boy, I wish that I did not find I had need to write, and above all else that the reason were something, anything, different to what it is.

Aly won't tell me what happened between you, he will only say that you are never coming home, the pain I see in his face is testament to how badly it has hurt him, and continues to do.

He visited my office this morning, his words shook me to the core.

I have been instructed to commence the paperwork which will see the sale of Aly's share of The Inn at Montclair.

His only explanation, "The Inn is no longer, nor can it ever again, be what it was".

As equal partner you have choices.

Buy Aly's share or agree the sale of your share, thus allowing the property and business to be sold as a whole going concern.

I am instructed to advise you that Aly will not accept anything back from you.

Like me, he suspects that you would try to give back the share he gave to you.

I am to point out, you wanted to buy your share, but it was given without financial cost in a gesture of love, that love has not diminished, nor will it ever.

There is already considerable interest shown from several sources, a lack of buyers there will not be.

I would request your decision, though it will surely break my heart to reach a conclusion on this transaction.

I send you my very best wishes Bo and I beg you please, don't let this happen, a soulmate is just that, a rarely found someone that can be so easily lost, but never replaced.

Your dear friend,


Woody looked at Bo, his head still hidden in his hands.

"What will you do, you must put this right, you two are meant for each other, you need to go home, talk to him".

Bo looked up, the glistening eyes showed how this had affected him.

"It's too late Woody, he's made his decision, he's moving on, I won't oppose him, I'll agree to whatever he wants, even though it breaks my heart knowing I'll never again share his life".

Woody didn't know what to say, he could see Bo was hardly listening anyway, he was deep in thought.

"Will you stay here for a while, until it's all settled?".

Bo looked up at him.

"If it's okay with you guys, I'd like that, I can't face Joe's and my apartment, the sale on that should be complete in a few weeks, then when The Inn is sold I'll probably travel, just keep going until I find somewhere quiet to stay for a while, there'll never be anyone else for me whatever happens, I've suffered this loss twice, I'll never let it happen again".

Woody started to walk away, but he stopped, turning back.

"Your a fool Bo, a great guy, but a fool, I told you that day how badly you'd hurt him, you're convincing yourself of how much you've lost, and yet everyone around you can see you haven't lost anything, it's still there if you're man enough to go get it, if you don't, then you haven't lost it, you've thrown it away, you didn't deserve it in the first place".

Woody walked into the house and up the stairs from the mews level to the foyer where he found Jacqueline about to enter the drawing room.

"Excuse me beautiful lady, would you care to take my arm?"

Jacqueline smiled.

"That would be nice as my loving husband seems to be absent".

Woody was also smiling.

"Oh Jacqueline, your loving husband is never absent, he's always close at hand, I suspect right now he's trying to think of a way to tell you how much he loves you, trying to find a way to apologise for his behaviour, hoping you won't think ill of him, stop loving him, even if he does deserve it".

Jacqueline stopped, turned to face Woody.

"Woody Montclair-Thorn, let's get something straight, since the first day I met you, there have been several days I was angry with you, many days when you've been irritatingly annoying, some days I've wanted to slap you, but never, not once, has there ever been a single solitary moment when I didn't love you".

Woody couldn't stop himself, nor did he want to, he pulled her into an embrace, plastering her face and neck with kisses, until she was laughing out loud.

"Touche my love, nor will there ever be such a day in my world".

Entering the the drawing room arm in arm they found PJ and Lenny.

Walking over to Lenny he knelt down in front of her.

"I'm sorry Momma I was rude and disrespectful, you didn't deserve to be treated in that way, forgive me".

Lenny being Lenny wrapped her arms around him.

"Only if you'll forgive me for being an interfering mother, you were right it's not my business, as your Poppa took great pleasure in telling me after you left the dining room".

Fences mended Woody surprised them all.

I want to go home tomorrow, there's urgent business I have to take care of in Montclair, it can't wait and I can't tell you what it is, trust me it's important".

That night after a long and passionate session of lovemaking Jacqueline lay cuddled into Woody, her head on his chest.

"What's worrying you Woody, I know there's something, tell me if you can".

With tears in his eyes he told her about the letter from Sebastian, about Aly's decision, about Bo's resignation to not challenge that decision.

Jacqueline could feel his sadness, it was typical of Woody, she knew right then why they were going home, he was going to try his hardest to fix things, that was inevitable, it was Woody, he couldn't stand by and watch something important slip away if he could save it, her grip on him tightened.

Her grip told him he was found out, he realised she knew, there was nothing he could hide from her, but she wouldn't say anything, not even when she saw the millions of Euros disappear from their accounts.

They'd arrived back in Montclair in time for lunch the following day, a lunch Woody missed, he was due to meet Sebastian in his office at 1pm.

When Woody left an hour later they had an agreement, the first stage of his plan was completed.

The next stage of Woody's plan required a meeting with Jaque and the Mayor, it took place the very next morning, both came away from the meeting staggered at Woody's plan but determined to play their part.

Aly had been surprised a week later to find Sebastian sipping coffee with Armand when he came down from his apartment.

Armand left to attend to his duties, Aly took his empty seat looking curiously at Sebastian.

"I'm guessing you have some news for me, but you're stringing it out to justify your enormously inflated fees".

Sebastian didn't smile, in truth he didn't find anything about this transaction remotely pleasant, certainly not funny.

"I do have news, you may think it good news, you'll excuse me if I don't share your joy".

Aly waited but Sebastian seemed to be deep in thought.

"Well do I get to know this news, or am I supposed to guess?".

Staring at him Sebastian knew he had to tell him.

"There have been several serious bids, two of them, the most credible, came in at 1.5 and 1.75 Million Euros, but there is now a bidder who has elected to remain anonymous, this newest bidder has placed an unspecified bid at half a million Euros above the best bid we receive without limit, 2 Million Euros have already been lodged with us as a sign of good faith, there is a Bankers Assurance Letter guaranteeing the balance".

Aly was staring, speechless.

Sebastian continued, there is something you have to understand, there is an old feudal law which must be adhered too, it had to be waived when you took control of The Inn, you weren't buying, you were inheriting from Emile, there was in effect no financial transaction, but this time as a seller..........".

He didn't finish, Aly could see something was really troubling him.

"What is it Sebastian?".

"The seller, or sellers in this case, are to attend in person, as one, The Mayor and The Comte, before the sale can be legalised".

Aly's stomach lurched, he knew why Sebastian had hesitated but he had to ask.

"What does, 'appear in person as one', mean, what's the purpose of these meetings?".

Sebastian almost whispered the answer.

"You must both be present, together, at both meetings, it cannot be avoided, you will be asked to explain the reason you wish to dispose of your obligation to the village and to The Comte".

"Why, it's my property, well ours, why do we have to do that, can't we just not do it?".

Sebastian hoped Aly didn't check up on what he was saying.

"It's not an option, either of them could block the transfer of property if they wanted to, they don't have to give a reason".

Aly was almost shaking, Bo would have to come here, against his will, he would hate Aly, they would have to meet, he didn't know if he could cope with it, having Bo hate him.

"Stop it, I've changed my mind, I don't want to sell, contact Bo tell him there's no need to come here, I'll buy back his share, there won't be any transfer, we don't need to do any meetings".

Sebastian was almost crying, it was killing him to put Aly through this, but Woody had been adamant, he had to do it.

"It's not going to work Aly, there's still a transfer of property, the only way to avoid these meetings is if there's no transfer, now I have to go I have a meeting to attend".

He knew he was being abrupt, but it was either that or openly cry in front of this boy who he looked on as a son, just as he did Bo".

"You need to think about this, let me know what you want to do".

Then he was gone.

Aly had been in a fog most of the day, his mind a whirl of different thoughts.

Unknown to Aly, Sebastian had contacted Bo, insisting he come to Montclair in readiness for the property transfer.

Bo had arrived the previous evening, he'd received the same information that Ally had been given.

Sebastian had confided in Woody later.

"There was a point where I didn't think I could keep up the pretence, it hurt me to see them so worried, so upset".

Bo had gone walking to clear his head, without realising he'd found himself in the village, he'd walked for nearly two hours.

Sitting on a bench on the village green Bo looked with sadness at The Inn, remembering happy times, remembering the day he'd first walked in there, when he'd first set eyes on Aly, realising he was here to put an end to that happiness.

Suddenly he remembered Woody's words, hearing them clearly, as if Woody were right there telling him again.

"Your a fool Bo, a great guy, but a fool, I told you that day how badly you'd hurt him, you're convincing yourself of how much you've lost, and yet everyone around you can see you haven't lost anything, it's still there if you're man enough to go get it, if you don't, then you haven't lost it, you've thrown it away, you didn't deserve it in the first place".

Unconsciously he almost shouted out, "No".

Before he even knew what he was doing Bo was striding purposefully toward The Inn.

Aly was running through the changeover shift actions with Armand.

The front door into the bar was propped wide open, the sun streaming in.

He was tired, his days no longer seem to have any purpose, after handing over to Armand, he was intending to go upstairs and rest, that was until the words from behind him stopped him dead in his tracks.

"Any jobs going Guv'nor".

Aly was stunned, he didn't turn around, he didn't want to look.

Armand wasn't stunned, he was just thanking God for this unexpected turn of events, he walked out from behind the bar and with only a look and a wave of his hand he cleared out the few remaining customers.

Aly heard the outer door close leaving the bar in silence, only a subdued sunlight filtering in through the windows.

"So, like I said, any jobs going guv'nor?, I can turn my hand to most anything, but soulmate would be my specialty, I'm not real good at it, seems I've made some stupid mistakes in the past, but I'm really willing to learn".

Aly hadn't turned, he couldn't, what if it weren't real, but he had to respond.

"It seems I have a vacancy for a soulmate, the last one deserted me, but I'm not sure I want to take on a replacement, you see, I find I still love the deserter, for all his faults, it seems I wasn't just playing, I can't let go of my feelings for him".

There was a silence until Aly spoke again.

"Don't do this Bo, I can't take any more, I'm too tired, I thought when Stevie died I'd experienced the worst life could ever throw at me, I was wrong, when Stevie died there was a real reason why I was alone, but you and me, I still don't understand why you walked away, why I feel so hurt, so empty, you told me you loved me, I believed you, I still do, but if that was a lie, if this is a pity call, I don't need it, just leave".

Before Aly had finished speaking Bo was behind the bar next to him.

"I didn't lie, I told the truth, it's still true, I've been stupid, you have to decide if you can accept me back, it's what I'm asking Aly, will you take me back, I love you, I always have, I need you, I can't live without you".

Aly didn't answer.

"Please Aly, say yes, I can exist, no more than that, but without a purpose why bother, it's you that gives me that purpose, without you I'm adrift, I'm begging, please, take me back, make me happy again, make us happy again".

As Aly turned Bo saw the tears, but Aly hadn't spoken, then he said only one, almost inaudible word.


Bo's arms closed around him, drawing him in tight.

"Never again, not ever, will I hurt you, I'm so sorry, I don't even know why I did it, you are the most precious thing I have, I cannot lose you, I wouldn't exist without you, come on, let's go upstairs, I want to hold you, I want to sleep with happy dreams, but most of all I want to wake up and find you there next to me every day for the rest of my life".

They woke up next morning still in each other's arms.

That same day a worried Will called with news that Maddy had been admitted into hospital, Bo had to go leaving Aly in a panic, he had to ask, he couldn't avoid it.

"Will you come back Bo?.

Bo had pulled him close.

"Yes, Aly, I'll be back as soon as I've made sure Maddy is alright, I need to see her, I want to see them together, to reassure myself they're okay, when that's done my only purpose in life will be to get back where I belong, with you".

Bo had been more than reassured, he'd already accepted Maddy and Will as a couple, his jaw dropped and he started laughing uncontrollably when Will, red faced, told him Maddy was pregnant.

Will admitted, they'd been careless, but they were happy with the news .

Maddy had been suffering from a really aggressive form of morning sickness which the hospital hoped to control, she was alright and so was their unborn baby.

He could see in Will a devotion which told him Maddy was in safe hands, she would be taken care of.

Bo only stayed two days in London, he was itching to get back to Montclair, to Aly.

Before he left a clearly agitated Will cornered him for a conversation he obviously didn't relish having.

"Bo, I know we didn't start off very well, but I meant what I said that day out in the gardens, don't ever feel bad about looking out for Maddy, okay in the past you were a little over protective, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, if I weren't around I'd want to know my family are protected".

Will went silent, Bo could tell he was working up to something, but he was clearly nervous.

"We've discussed marriage, Maddy's all for rushing into it now, I'm not".

Bo's head snapped up at that.

"Hear me out Bo, don't go off half cocked, I want to wait until after the baby's born, so that we can do it properly, well okay, we've sort of gotten the cart before the horse with the baby on the way, but you know what I mean, I want Maddy to have the day of a princess, I want her to be able to think back and feel happy about it, not that it was rushed".

Will was clearly thinking, choosing his words carefully.

"I want us to become engaged now, to show the world our commitment, so I guess I'm asking, please, would you give us your blessing, I'm asking, can I marry your sister, and more importantly, will you make her dream come true, walk her down the aisle?".

Bo was grinning.

"Well now, I suppose I should be asking about your prospects, but I already know you're not exactly penniless, so in the order that you asked, Yes, Yes, and Yes".

After visiting Maddy, reassuring himself she was improving and would be home in the next couple of days, he didn't linger, he was back in Montclair within a few hours.

Surprising Aly behind the bar he'd wrapped him in his arms and whispered.

"Soulmate, reporting for duty with a cock which it seems is also pleased to see you".

Aly could feel Bo's hardness pressing into his butt.

"Hmmm, you smell sweaty, dirty, I think I need to take you upstairs and see just how dirty you really are, I'm guessing you're a very dirty boy who'll need a lot of scrubbing in the shower".

As they approached the door leading up to their private apartment Bo was almost pushing Aly in his eagerness to be scrubbed clean.

Maddy and Will had become an engaged couple, Maddy planned the wedding whilst they awaited the arrival of their baby.

Will had been almost crying when he called Bo to announce the birth of their daughter Charlotte.

Bo had recounted the conversation later to Aly, marvelling at how completely emotional Will had been, telling Aly how he'd described the most incredible thing he'd ever witnessed as he watched his daughter emerge into the world, promising to send photographs later that day.

And so here they were sitting in the church awaiting the arrival of Maddy, the bride, on the arm of her big brother Bo.


ARB Allan

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Next: Chapter 44: Lifes Illusions II 25

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