Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Mar 30, 2018


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Life's Illusions - Book Four - Chapter 10

In Dubai, they were focused, Milo's body was lifted speedily by his team, and almost thrown into the truck, his number two barking orders to the Medics.

"Get him back, that is not a request, he saved my life".

The medics went into a seemingly frenzied attack on the lifeless body presented to them, they loved this guy, he'd known the risks, there was no way he was qualified to do what he'd just done, and still, he'd chosen to lead, he'd faced the fact he was quite possibly destined to fail, and still he hadn't flinched, add to that, he'd saved the life of Paul Wood who they all looked up to, hell no, there was no way on earth this one was escaping them.

Far and beyond the point where any other team of medics would have given up, they continued working their magic, until his vitals returned, weak, impossibly weak, but they were vitals non the less, he was just about alive, and they were heading for the Emirates Hospital, favoured by the Ruling Family in Dubai, its reputation outstanding, one of the Medics was talking directly to the hospital ER team on the approach.

"We have restored vitals, but they're impossibly weak, you're going to need a theatre ready, we suspect a bullet has gone somewhere near to his heart, there's a second in the spleen, and several minors, he shouldn't be alive, but he can't die, he's a bloody hero, we're approximately four minutes out".

Milo had patiently waited nearly three hours, whilst Jo pulled every string possible with the Dubai authorities.

Whilst waiting, he'd spoken with Piers, telling him.

"Don't shout at me please, I'm sorry my love, but this time it's an argument you can't win, I'm going to lead, I can't leave Daniels fate in someone else's hands, he's family, Juniors partner, I'd never forgive myself if anything went wrong".

Piers went cold at that point, he'd still tried to talk Milo out of leading the assault, but to no avail, Milo was adamant, telling him.

"If this was you, ask yourself, would I accept Junior handing it off to someone else, I can't do that Piers, family is family, we go the extra mile, I have to do this, for him, and for me, he's just as important to Junior as you are to me, and my world wouldn't exist without you, so I'm doing it".

Piers hadn't argued, with tears coursing down his cheeks, he'd simply said.

"I understand, go get em tiger, I'm with you".

Milo was surprised, but he'd accepted Piers endorsement, not knowing Piers was lying, if he'd seen how completely terrified Piers was, maybe he'd have changed his mind, but the deal was sealed.

Milo had his green light, they'd agreed the format, he would be lead, there would be an incident staged outside the front gates to draw the gate guards out, a simple car accident, enough to occupy them, then disable them, whilst an excavator with front bucket took out a section of the rear walling, allowing a team of six to take up positions around the villa.

Once in place the team entering the villa would wait to hear that the guards at the front gate were engaged before moving forward.

At the point they entered the villa, Milo's directive was clear, neutralise any and all opposition, by whatever means necessary, until they reached, and secured safety for their principles, in this case Daniel and his security team.

All four of the guards inside the villa were neutralised, and Milo found himself facing Daniel, saying.

"Well hello cousin, it seems someone in London needs you to come home, so let's make it happen".

As he'd been speaking, Milo sensed a body moving behind his number two, and he new instinctively, it wasn't one of his team, he'd launched himself to protect his number two, firing in the general direction, it saved his number two, but it didn't take out the threat, he felt the pain, knew he'd been hit, it was like a sledgehammer in his chest, and then the blackness enveloped him.

His men quickly despatched the threat with several shots, but that didn't change anything, Milo was down, and he wasn't showing any vital signs.

It was at that point his number two advised Control.

"Lead is down, no vitals".

The truck carrying Milo screeched to a halt outside the main ER entrance, to be greeted by a waiting team of medical staff.

He was loaded, unceremoniously, onto a gurney and whisked inside, lines and monitors were being expertly attached all over his body as the gurney moved.

They took him straight to theatre, where they expected he would remain for several hours, if he survived.

In Sydney, when news came of Milo being alive, Piers was a mess, he was bundled still sobbing into a car to head for the airport.

As they drove his PA was busy on a cell phone, chartering a plane.

They were wheels up, lifting out of Sydney in little more than an hour after learning that Milo was still alive.

It would prove to be an arduous fifteen hours later when Piers arrived in Dubai, looking terrible he was met by Aly, and Bo, his Poppas, who had arrived from Nice some seven hours earlier, along with Juan and Junior, they'd driven him straight to the hospital, where Milo was still in theatre.

When Piers walked in he was shocked by how many were already there waiting for news.

Besides Daniel and most of his security team, there were all of Milo's team, including two who had sustained severe injuries and been patched up, plus Juan and Junior, and now his Poppas and himself.

The first one to grab him into a hug was Daniel, sobbing as he told Piers how sorry he was, that it was all his fault, Piers shushed him, saying.

"None of this is your fault, stop blaming yourself, Milo made the decision to lead".

Milo's number two, Paul Wood, heard Piers reply to Daniel and felt he had to say something.

Turning to Piers he said.

"Begging your pardon sir, his decision to lead had nothing to do with his injuries, his plan, and execution of the mission, were nothing short of field excellence, it was a hidden sniper, Milo took fire that was meant for me, he threw himself at me, moved me bodily out of the line of fire, he saved my life, I should be dead, instead, he's fighting for his life".

By the time he finished speaking, his eyes were clearly wet with imminent tears.

Piers knew the man, he pulled him into a hug, saying.

"Thank you for explaining Paul, that sounds about right for my guy, everyone else's safety is always more important than his own, but it won't stop me giving him the rollocking of a lifetime when he wakes up".

Nearly two hours after Piers arrived, the Surgeon who had orchestrated Milo's surgery came to find them.

He was visibly surprised to find so many bodies crammed into the private waiting room.

He asked for Piers, who stood nervously, to make himself known, the fear obvious in his expression, and by how much he was shaking.

The Surgeon smiled, saying.

"I hope you're going to be wearing a happier expression than that one when he wakes up, and he will wake up, of that I'm certain".

Piers burst into tears, stumbling sideways, causing Aly to reach out and catch him before he fell.

Aly lowered him into a chair next to Bo, the Surgeon sat opposite him.

"I won't make light of the injuries he sustained, it's nothing short of a miracle that he's alive, the bullet actually grazed his heart and ripped vital arteries, we lost count of the number of times his heart stopped, it's why we were in there so long, each time it stopped, we had to bring him back and stabilise him before we could continue with the repair work, he's heavily sedated, has masses of wires and pipes going in and out of him, his chest was cracked open to give us access, but don't be concerned, in three days everything except a few monitors should be removed".

Piers hesitantly asked.

"How long do you think before I can take him home?".

The Surgeons reply did little to give Piers confidence.

"By, take him home, if you mean somewhere local, I would think he will be well enough to be discharged in around three weeks, but any travel can only be by a stress free mode, if you were eluding to your home in Australia, he cannot fly for at least six months, quite possibly a lot longer, and I warn against any stressful activities, anything more stressful than standing from a sitting position, and slow walking, is banned, his heart needs time to recover and strengthen".

He was taken to the intensive care unit, where again, the nurse assigned to Milo reassured Piers.

"All of this stuff is designed to take the stress away from his body, leaving it nothing to do but concentrate on recovery, the biggest shock you'll experience is how fast he improves, in three days the majority of this will be removed, talk to him, he'll hear you, it helps no end to calm a patient when they hear a loved one, let me know when you're leaving and I'll show you his responses".

Piers stayed talking to a sleeping Milo for around three hours, different members of those waiting joined him, each speaking to Milo, Piers was close to tears, listening as Paul Wood told Milo of his gratitude for saving his life, and promising eternal brotherhood.

When his Poppas finally convinced him to leave the hospital for a few hours to get sleep and freshmen up, he told the nurse he was leaving, she asked him to wait for a couple of minutes, when she came back she was carrying a print out of Milo's brain activity, which she showed Piers, pointing out.

"Here's where you started talking, see the peaks, he's been listening to you, tell him you're going to get some sleep, but you'll be here when he wakes up, which should be in about twelve hours time, lean in and kiss him, his senses will register the feel and smell of you".

Piers went back to Milo's bed, leaned over and kissed him on the corner of his mouth, telling him he'd be back in the morning, before Milo woke up.

As they were leaving the hospital Piers had a sudden thought.

"Did anyone set up his account for payment of the medical bills?".

It was His Uncle Jo who answered.

"His medical bills are being taken care of by the Ruling Family, apparently a very important lady from England, who by the way eclipses them in Royal terms, pointed out in a telephone call how grateful they must be that Milo dealt effectively with a threat they didn't know they were harbouring, it seems we have the Ruling Family's gratitude".

Aly caused Piers some worry when he said.

"Don't be upset by this Piers, but I noticed, you didn't thank the Surgeon for saving Milo's life, you might want to correct that in the morning".

Piers stared for a moment at his Poppa, before saying.

"Oh shit, you're right, thanks for pointing it out Poppa, I'll take care of it in the morning, he must think me terribly rude".

Despite being desperate for sleep, one of the first things Piers did when they arrived at the hotel was to chat through an idea he had, with their joint PA, about how to show their appreciation to the people responsible for saving Milo's life.

Around midday on the following day Milo opened his eyes.

The first sight he had was his beloved Piers, with tears streaming down his face, and the first words he heard were.

"I thought I'd lost you, don't ever do that to me again, you idiot".

It was almost a month before Milo was discharged from the hospital.

Everyone except Aly and Bo had returned home weeks earlier, as soon as Milo was reported to be on the mend.

Bo had secured a Villa which was truly opulent, six bedrooms, well, suites actually, with a permanent staff of fifteen, who catered for their every whim, though in Thorn family tradition, their requirements fell decidedly short of what the staff were used to providing, and at times produced complete shock, when their employers decided they would look after themselves, whilst the staff were given a day off.

Milo arrived home from the hospital in a wheelchair, declaring that this was a one off, only to be told by Piers that he should shut up and do as he was told.

His recovery was excellent, his doctors marvelled at his advances, in truth he hadn't fought any of their advices or exercise programs, mostly because of his fear of Piers wrath.

But there became apparent a steadily building anger, he couldn't make any decisions, everything had to have Piers approval, if he wanted to move from the patio to the lounge, the staff would ignore him, scurrying away, coming back several minutes later with Piers, to help him move.

Until the day his anger exploded.

Well, to be precise, Milo exploded, with catastrophic results.

He'd been sat, in a recliner, in the shade, on the patio, and he was bored, he knew Piers was struggling, running both the Australia, and New Zealand divisions single handedly from there in Dubai, which was no easy task without the sophisticated media set up they had at home.

He'd wanted to see if there was anything he could help with, so he'd asked for help to get to the office where he knew Piers would be.

The response had come back as a definite no, and that had been the catalyst.

Milo hoisted himself up with great effort, and strode angrily towards the office, walking much faster than he should have, with the staff looking on terrified.

Completely breathless, he opened the office door as Piers was finishing a call.

Piers looked at him in horror.

Milo didn't understand.

What Piers was looking at, was a person so devoid of any colour, he was surely about to collapse.

And collapse he did, in a pile, in the doorway as Piers screamed.

The following three days, whilst Milo was secured in a suite at the hospital, saw them hardly speak a civilised word, mostly it consisted of.

"You idiot". "Fuck off" "When you get out of here you're doing nothing". "I'll do exactly as I please". "Fucking idiot". "Bollocks".

Until Aly was forced to step in.

Piers was visiting Milo with his Poppas when Aly announced.

"You two need to stop this constant bickering and get your fucking act together, you Piers, for goodness sake, you have to stop smothering him, cut him some slack".

Milo was smirking at that point, until Aly turned on him saying.

"And you Milo, need to lose that stupid grin and stop acting like a spoiled little cunt !!".

There was complete silence, both Piers and Milo were looking at him in shock, but it didn't matter, he carried on.

"We've watched this develop, knowing what the outcome would be, you forget, we've been together a long time, you're not doing anything we haven't, but until now we didn't know what to do about it, so we've put up with your constant spats, well no more, you can both do whatever the fuck you want, we're going home, you've finally pissed us off enough, we'll leave as soon as we can arrange transportation, sort your fucking selves out, or accept you don't want to be together and get a bloody divorce".

At that both Aly and Bo walked out of the hospital room, leaving both Piers and Milo with open mouths, just staring.

Milo started to hyperventilate, his alarms started screaming, Piers started to tremble as nurses appeared, but Milo recovered quickly enough, saying.

"They're right Piers, we have to talk, this is not good, I love you, but right now I don't really like you, and that's stupid, because I can't live without you".

When Milo was stable and the nurses had left them, Piers said.

"It's my fault, I've been so frightened you might over exert yourself I put restrictions on everything, I see know, I can't do that, you have to be the one who decides what your limits are, don't hate me Milo, I'm just terrified you'll die".

Milo drew him up onto the bed beside him saying.

"I'm not going to die Piers, unless it's of boredom, and I don't hate you, I couldn't, I know why you've been acting this way, but it has to stop, I have a suggestion, which I think will help us, but first, go find your Poppas, they deserve an apology for the shit they've endured from us".

When Piers brought his Poppas back, Bo spoke first.

"If this is you pair trying to tell us anything other than you understood Aly's message, then you're wasting your time".

Milo smiled.

"Aly did exactly what was needed, I admit I have been a cunt, and Piers has been smothering me, but thankfully we love each other, and we need to apologise to you guys, you've endured our dramas, and thank you Aly, it did the trick, I have a plan".

They were all staring at him as he lay there smirking until Aly said.

"You're doing it again Milo, I swear if you don't wipe that silly grin off your face and explain we'll definitely be taking you home in a body bag".

Milo realised, he hadn't told them his plan.

"Stay please, just a little longer, I want to go home, at least there I can be of some help to Piers, sit me in the office and I have everything at my fingertips, I can use my brain, not tax my body, and not feel so absolutely useless, please, just give me seven days, by then I'll have our travel arrangements set".

There was a confused look on every face until Milo said one word.


And it was as if three faces exhibited expressions of wonder, as Milo continued.

"It was Woody's idea, before they left he told me it was how they got his Poppa back to Montclair after his heart attack in New York, as he put it, they sailed across the pond, well it's what I want to do, except it takes a wee bit longer, would anyone mind a thirty three day cruise, visiting some absolutely amazing places before we arrive in Sydney?".

Bo was the first to answer.

"I'm in".

Aly and Piers just nodded grinning, as Milo looked at Piers and said.

"No interfering, I'm arranging this, agreed?".

Piers just smiled saying.

"Yes Cap'n, ship ahoy, but I do believe you'll want to do some unspeakable things to your faithful cabin boy on the voyage".

Then he realised what he'd just said aloud in front of his Poppas.

And they all burst out laughing, except Piers, who, despite not being able to avoid giggling at his terribly embarrassing faux pas, had a very red face.

Milo spent a lot of time in the office of the villa over the next seven days, to the point Piers wanted to intervene, tell him he was pushing his limits, but he held his tongue, and on the day they were due to leave he understood, and he cried".

Milo had called Junior with a simple question.

"We're going to cruise home, would you and Daniel fancy joining us?".

The response had inspired him, so he'd made a host of other calls.

On the morning they were due to leave Dubai, Piers took a call from the gate staff.

"Sir, your guests are starting to arrive, we have Mr Woody, Mrs Jacqueline, Miss Fluer and Miss Rosalyn on their way up the drive, in the second car are Mr Junior and Mr Daniel, the third car has Mr Juan, Mr Berto, Mrs Maria, with Masters Eduardo and Carlos, we are just clearing a taxi with Mr Josef, Mrs Carry and Miss Paulette, we have only two names outstanding from the list Mr Milo gave us, and we understand they're arriving shortly.

Still holding the receiver, in complete shock, Piers turned to face a grinning Milo, who said.

"Surprise, surprise, a family reunion, to make you happy my love, they're all coming with us, quite a few more wanted to come but they couldn't clear their diaries, now, I think it might be a good move to put that phone down and go greet our guests, because you'll only shout if I get up".

Piers dropped the phone, kissing him full on the lips and saying.

"It's times like this when I'm reminded of why I love you Milo".

Piers had done exactly as Milo requested, greeted his wider family with hugs all round.

But the last two guests proved to be a wrench on Piers heartstrings, a cousin who had been a virtual recluse for over ten years, and his recently released from captivity lover, two people his dearly departed brother Pierre had held close to his heart.

When the call came Piers was shaking.

"Mr Piers, we have Mr Danny Boy, and Mr Petre, in a car cleared to proceed to the house".

That call sent Piers into a spiral, it was as if Pierre was speaking to him, he knew the problems this might cause, he had to greet them as Pierre would have.

Petre had originally received a seven year sentence, for his part in the terrorism plot on French soil, hoping to be out in four, maybe five years, but there had been an outcry from all quarters, his case had been referred to France's Cour de Appel, who overturned the first judgement, then retried the case, handing down an increased sentence of ten years, with the possibility of parole.

But still the outcry continued, the case was referred to the Cour de Cassation, that court, unlike the Cour de Appel, isn't set up to re-try the case, it simply investigates and verifies the sentence passed.

In Petre's case they ruled the sentence had been lenient, but in light of his cooperation, and the agreements made at that time, the length of sentence would remain as passed down, but, with no remission possibilities, no parole, it was still a lenient term as the maximum a court could apply was twenty years, the one positive note, there was no possibility of leave for a further appeal, finally Petre, and Daniel, had an exact period to work with.

The court had also agreed, it would not be lawful, or ethical, to alter the other agreements, made in exchange for Petre's testimony, he was allocated a cell to himself, quarantined in isolation, away from the general population, and on release, he would be issued with a new identity, which included a new passport.

Piers was waiting on the front steps of the villa as their car drew up.

Danny was first out, Piers had him wrapped in a hug almost before his feet touched the ground.

Petre got out of the car timidly, looking past Danny, Piers saw the worry etched on his face.

Breaking away from Danny, Piers took him into a hug, saying.

"I think I understand that look, you're worried about how the family will receive you, well fear not, Pierre accepted you, forgave you, that trumps anything else, I'm looking forward to getting to know you, and we have over a month at sea to do just that, now come on, let's go test the waters inside".

As they walked in, Piers had an arm around each of them.

All conversation stopped as they entered, Petre was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry for what I did all those years ago, the part I played, and how it affected all of you as a family, I don't want to hurt you anymore than I already have, if you don't want me here, I'll leave".

For a few moments there was no response, until Jacqueline stood, then walked toward him, stopping right before him, she looked him directly in the eyes, then at Danny, then back to Petre, as she answered him.

"It's true, the plot you played a part in caused us much pain and suffering, but one of the most loved members of this family forgave you, if he were still alive, he would have been here today to welcome you, that same person forgave Woody and I, for the appalling way we treated him, the hurt we caused him, we don't hold grudges in this family, you've completed the sentence handed down by the court, Woody and I will always be grateful to you for saving our son's life, and today we're grateful to Milo for having the forethought to get you here, we've hardly seen our son for ten years, I hope now, as you build your life together, we see much more of you both, now give me a hug, both of you".

From the rest of the family came a round of applause, signalling that they all agreed with Jacqueline.

An hour after Danny and Petre arrived, a fleet of limousines took them to the port, to board their cruise ship.

Petre was nervous as they checked in, still nervous about using his new name, but everything went smoothly, with the crew helping Piers, Bo, and Aly get Milo to their suite which had two bedrooms, lounge, dinning room, kitchen, and a massive balcony which would take all of the family when they decided to visit, plus a Butler.

From Petre Alonse, Petre had chosen to keep his first name, changing his last name to Epine (French for Thorn) becoming Petre Epine.

When Danny had heard his choice he'd laughed, saying.

"Let's see how long it takes the family to work that one out".

On the fourth night into their cruise, Piers and Milo, along with Aly and Bo, hosted a private dinner in their suite for everyone.

When they'd had dessert, and were enjoying coffee with brandy and liqueurs, Milo asked for everyone's attention.

"Apologies, I'm not allowed to stand, and I know you'll understand if I get a little out of breath but, we wanted to tell you what we've done as a thank you gesture to the medical team in Dubai who saved my life".

Everyone was listening.

"It was Piers idea really, and I agreed with just one little tweak, we have set up a trust fund, the income from which, yearly, will fund one student of medicine in Dubai who's family are struggling to raise the necessary funds, for the entire four years it takes them to graduate".

No one spoke as he paused, understanding as he'd said, that he got a little out of breath when talking.

"By year four, as the program rolls forward, there will eventually be a constant four medical students funded by the Pierre Alonso-Caswel-Thorn Trust, the Ruling Family currently fund an identical scheme, it will double the number of struggle students that can take advantage, no longer having to work long hours outside of the hospital, as well as completing their work within the hospital".

They waited whilst he again caught his breath.

"The Ruling Family have agreed to administer who is eligible, they showed Piers how they decide, he thought it was a well managed process, my little tweak was naming the trust after Pierre, I don't know if what I remember is real or not, but I believe he came to me several times after I was shot, when my heart stopped, he told me it wasn't my time, to go back and continue with the task he set me, looking after his little brother, that convinced me, he's still with us".

There were tearful eyes all around the table as they agreed it was a good thing he and Piers had done, and naming it after Pierre made it doubly special.

By the time they were halfway back to Sydney, everyone could see how well Milo was doing, but Jo and Juan had a shock coming, something no one had foreseen.

TBC Allan

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Next: Chapter 117: Lifes Illusions IV 11

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