Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Nov 9, 2018


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Life's Illusions - Book Four - Chapter 43

Having been stopped from leaving by the TF Chicago Manager, Baz and Jezz walked back toward the meeting room with him.

On the way he'd said.

"Please, don't think the threats were our idea, they weren't, none of us condone that sort of behaviour, and if I could possibly ask a favour, "None Missing", that's your cousins, Ary, Bobby and Trevor, wanted your younger brother to be completely reassured, whenever he's ready they'll be there for him, they've asked that I make a very specific point, no one speaks for them on that subject, if it doesn't come from their collective mouths, it's not their decision, and you should bypass everyone, call them directly, would you make sure your brother understands that?".

Baz nodded.

"Thank you for explaining, and thank our cousins, we extend our apologies for doubting them, we all should have known better, in fact, Jezz and I will text them later, and we'll ask our younger brother to do the same".

In the meeting which followed, the Chicago Manager appeared to be the one in control.

He addressed Jez first.

"Jez, am I right in thinking, if Baz decides against returning to TF, you wouldn't return either?".

Jez nodded, saying.

"That's correct".

The manager smiled at him.

"That's fine, I really do get that it's a family honour thing, which I find quite admirable, but it also suggests we should leave you until we have resolved the issue with Baz, is that okay with you?".

Jez again gave his agreement and the manager now turned to Baz.

"You understand I think, the position we find ourselves in requires that we appoint a new Manager for TF Sydney as soon as possible, I can't lie, and I know I speak for everyone present when I tell you, given the choice, you would be the person we would like to see in that role, but again, we all understand the reasons you've given for rejecting the role, and we respect your decision but, I'm led to believe you might have a solution to our problem".

The meeting had eventually gone like a dream, the guy Baz suggested as Department Manager had been accepted as a suitable candidate, but more importantly, by the time they left, he'd been given a Carte Blanch invitation to do very much as he wanted, liaising with the newly appointed manager, if it brought the other artist managers anywhere near to being as capable as he was.

At home that afternoon, whilst Baz and Jez were telling the family about their day, there was an unscheduled, unannounced visit, by Van and Reece.

It could possibly have gone better if Milo hadn't answered the door, and if he hadn't, just a few minutes before, heard of their total disregard for the rules laid down surrounding the meeting Baz and Jez had attended.

But he did answer the door, and he was freshly aware of their actions, so it was never going to be a smooth ride for Van and Reece, they didn't even get chance to speak before the family were alerted by his raised voice.

"Why would you imagine you're welcome at our door, after you deliberately went against your agreement, to not be involved in the meeting Baz and Jez were attending earlier today?".

Whilst he'd been talking, Milo had his cell phone out dialling.

"Security, this is Milo Grant-Alonso-Bowles-Cruz, please explain why you have allowed unescorted visitors onto the estate who are most definitely not welcome, ............ you are not there to make guesswork decisions, kindly send someone to escort them off the property, and in future, please ensure you gain approval before sending visitors to my door".

As he closed his cell phone, he also shut the door on Van and Reece.

Piers walked into the hallway just as Milo slammed the door.

"What's going on?".

The scowl on Milo's face gave him a good idea who'd been at the door, but he wanted Milo to explain.

"The gatehouse let Van and Reece through without checking, I've told them not to do it again".

Piers hesitated to ask the inevitable question.

"So where are Van and Reece now?".

Milo's expression was still dark.

"Being escorted off the estate I would guess, to be honest, I neither know, nor care".

If he'd expected Piers to be in agreement, he was in for a shock.

Piers tone told Milo to tread carefully.

"Were they here to apologise?".

Milo shrugged his shoulders, replying.

"I didn't give them time to speak, I don't want them in my house".

His answer had Piers bristling, but the sharp reply brought Milo's head up with a snap.

"Who's house?, and when exactly did this family become the subjects of a dictator called Milo, because I sense revolution in the air".

Milo tried to backpedal, understanding immediately, Piers was pissed.

"Sorry, that was a silly slip, of course it's our house, but I thought you agreed with me, they deliberately went against their word, so why would we want to welcome them in?".

Piers now had his cell phone out, he was dialling whilst he answered Milo.

"Because you just admitted, you don't know why they were here, I agree they did something I don't like, but two wrongs don't make a right, lowering ourselves to their level is not the answer, irrespective of their past behaviour, it's not how we treat family when we don't know the reason for their visit".

As he finished talking it was clear his call had been answered.

"Security, It's Piers Grant-Alonso-Bowles-Cruz, I apologise for troubling you, are those visitors still on the estate?, .............. Okay, please keep them there, I'm coming down to the gatehouse".

Milo made to protest, until he saw the look on Piers face, then he said only one word, before walking away.


Piers collected Van and Reece from the gatehouse, apologising to the Security staff.

He'd walked to the gatehouse, then jumped into their car to bring them back to the house.

Piers could see Van smirking.

As they drew up on the driveway, making to get out of the car, Piers stopped them.

"I may not approve of Milo's actions a few minutes back, but make no mistake, you have some serious grovelling to do before this situation is even close to being resolved, and a word of warning Van, lose the smirk, unless you want me too wipe it off your face for you, remember who caused this whole mess, who's actually in the wrong here".

Entering the house through the side gate onto the rear patio area, they could see Milo and the boys, along with Gracie, sat in one of the Gazebos.

Piers led Van and Reece over to them.

As they approached the youngsters all stood, Milo didn't, he remained seated.

Van and Reece took a seat on one of the sofas the youngsters had vacated for them.

As everyone settled back down, silence reigned, until Baz asked if Van and Reece would like a drink, Reece answered him.

"That's very kind of you Baz, especially after how we've treated you, but could we talk first, we came to apologise, to all of you, but in particular to you Baz, and you Pil, our behaviour was totally out of order, and for that we are both truly sorry".

Milo answered him, and he didn't sound convinced.

"Which part of your behaviour are you apologising for?, the part where you threatened our children, the fact that you had the audacity to do it under our own roof, or the part where you blatantly lied about not being involved in this mornings meeting?, I'm confused".

Piers almost giggled, he may not have approved of Milo's earlier actions, but he wasn't going to stop him now, they'd already been warned it wouldn't be easy, and Piers couldn't see anything wrong with Milo's question, or rather questions.

Van completely surprised Piers by answering Milo.

"Reece was apologising for our actions overall, but it should be me apologising more so than Reece, he wasn't okay with me issuing threats to Baz in the first place, he'd already ticked me off before you started in on us Milo, mostly this is my fault, I convinced Reece we could sit in on the meeting this morning, maybe apologise to Baz and Jez at the same time, that was another stupid decisions, as Reece again pointed out to me, I'm truly sorry, I handled this whole business very badly".

Van had laid himself out, but Milo still wasn't giving up.

"Threats generally were not warranted in the first place, being made against younger family members who are vulnerable, who would normally look up to you, is most definite a no no, and to do it under our own roof, I hope you see why we reacted as we did, something we make no apology for".

Reece now replied.

"We do understand Milo, and my bringing up your positions with Josef and Juan was just silly posturing, I was miffed at being scolded, it was a foolish thing to do, I apologise to you both for that, but we want to see an end to the bad feelings, the thought that there are members of our family who hate us doesn't sit well".

Piers moved between them on the sofa, saying.

"Baz, would you get those cold drinks now please son?, as for you two, why on earth would you think we hate you, we were upset with you yes, we retaliated, kept you at arms length, but that's all, even Milo will be nice to you again eventually, though it might not be today, he's a funny breed my man, it takes a heck of a lot to fire him up, even longer to calm him back down, when you trash the trust he places in you, you have to earn it back, but that's your problem, for now we can say it's done, apology accepted, time to move on".

Milo was grinning at Piers description of him and nodded his agreement.

Thankfully another broken fence had been mended.

A couple of hundred miles away Dale was sitting in the local park enjoying a picnic with his three children.

Fleur had been back two and a half years.

She'd purchased the farm property from Roslyn and Cecile, which they'd never done anything with.

Their original intention had been to build their home on it, but all that had changed, they'd built their home, and the winery, on the poorer quality section of one of the vineyards they'd purchased, meaning the farm, and it's buildings were left unused.

When Fleur had approached them about buying the farm, they'd jumped at the chance to get rid of it.

She'd had the original farmhouse demolished, then set about building a home for her family, which they'd moved into a little over two years ago.

Dale had helped as much as possible, moving furniture, baking supplies for her freezer, taking the kids to his house whenever Fleur had conflicting appointments, like today, it was Saturday, normally he'd have the boys, and she'd be out with Rosie, but she'd had a meeting in Sydney.

He'd collected them early, Jimmy and Franky were bouncing around, eager to see their Daddy, little Rosie was grumpy, at three years old she was learning quickly how to get her own way, but he soon had her giggling, she was her daddy's girl.

He'd taken the boys to their Saturday morning football match, Jimmy, now ten, played for his junior school team, Frankly, at almost six, was a constant shadow, wherever you found one, the other was sure to be close by, they were always together.

It hadn't ever been discussed, in fact, it just fell into a pattern, although Jimmy was Dale's son, Fleur treated him exactly as she treated Franky and Rosie.

All three youngsters lived together, whether at Fleur's house, or Dale's.

Jenna, Dale's Mum, was always welcomed with a warm hug by Fleur, and she visited often.

To the outside world, it probably looked strange, but for them it worked, in their own way, they were happy.

After Jimmy's match they'd gone to the park.

Dale spread out the blanket, opened the picnic basket he'd gotten up early to prepare, only to be surprised by all three children screaming 'Mummy', as Fleur approached them.

"I hope you don't mind, my meeting was cancelled, and I knew where you'd be, can I join you?".

Dale couldn't hide his happiness, it literally oozed out of him.

"You bet you can, come, sit yourself down".

"Kids, make Mummy comfortable whilst I get her a plate of food.

They'd had a fun afternoon before returning to Fleur's house, where she'd thrown him a little.

"Stay for dinner Dale, we hardly ever eat as a family".

His reply wasn't meant to be critical, but it dampened the happy mood she'd been feeling all day.

"We're not a family Fleur, we're two, damaged, disjointed adults, who happen to have three wonderful children between them, we do our best to give them stability, but we're not really a family are we?".

Despite how much his comments hurt, she persevered.

"Okay Mr Philosopher, but will you stay for dinner?, a simple yes, or no would be a lot easier to understand please".

He'd grinned.

"Yes I'll stay for dinner, I guess that means I'm cooking".

Now Fleur laughed.

"Hey, not my fault I have trouble boiling water, when you're virtually a restaurant level Chef, now get those cute little buns into the kitchen".

Dale smiled, addressing the youngsters, causing Fleur to blush.

"Hey guys, you hear that?, Mummy thinks Daddy has cute buns, well of course I do".

The youngsters were all laughing as he shimmied away, slapping his butt cheeks for effect.

In the kitchen he really was a god, seeming to float back and forth effortlessly, from hob to chopping board, refrigerators to work surface, chatting away constantly, whilst producing a truly delicious meal, which was devoured in record time by appreciative young mouths.

Fleur and Dale were left sitting at the table long after the youngsters had departed, when, out of the blue she said.

"Why haven't you and I ever gone out on a proper date?".

Instead of being thrown by her question, he stopped to think before answering.

"I think it's because we rushed it, didn't get to know each other in the early days, neither of us took the time to understand how the other would react to any situation, I got seriously burned, for me anyway, that's how I see it, I don't ever want to get burned like that again, it hurt too badly, I've resigned myself to the fact I'm destined to be alone, if I can enjoy the kids growing up, it's enough, I can get by with that".

She was prepared for his negative response.

"But we've had quite some time since then, don't you think we know each other a little better now, that maybe we wouldn't make those same mistakes?".

He was looking quizzically at her.

"Too be honest, even as we are now, the thought of us somehow messing up again terrifies me, what if one of us decided to run again?, I know how I'd feel, I've been there before, those scars will never go away, but the kids, what would it do to them?, they share everything, do everything together, Franky and Jimmy would be devastated if they were parted, Rosie idolises both of her brothers, she would be so hurt if she were separated from Jimmy".

He'd paused for a moment.

"I know what you're suggesting Fleur, but I don't want to risk everything, I'm not sure I'm strong enough to cope with the pain if I lost it all again, even less sure I would be capable of dealing with the kids if they had to suffer another breakup, what we have works, why change it?"

Her reply didn't surprise him, but it gave him a lot to think about.

"Because it's not enough Dale, I want more".

The following week probably looked normal to anyone outside of their unusual family set up.

Fleur drove Jimmy and Franky to school each morning, dropping Rosie at her playgroup on the return journey.

Dale collected Rosie around three each afternoon, before heading for the boys school where, each weekday except Wednesday, they would be waiting by the main gates, chatting with friends.

On Wednesday, Dale prepared a picnic basket early in the morning, leaving it refrigerated, before starting work, then collecting it before he set out to pick up Rosie.

Wednesday was Jimmy's after school football training, or matches.

Dale and Rosie would get settled in the stand seating arranged around the sports field, along with all the other parents, to enjoy the picnic he'd prepared earlier, leaving enough for the boys to wolf down later.

Jimmy was on the team, Franky wasn't, but it was a given that Franky would be in the changing rooms, and on the touch line, until either training, or match were completed

A similar pattern played out on most Saturday mornings, when Dale collected both boys for Franky's turn, he was signed up to the 'Under Tens Saturday League', Dale found it interesting to listen as they compared notes after their sessions, each pointing out without a hint of malice, areas the other could work toward improving.

For Rosie and Fleur, Saturday became their pamper day, with no boys around they could visit the Spa, go shopping, have a girly lunch, before Fleur collected the boys from Dale's house late in the afternoon, occasionally staying for dinner, before heading back to her house.

Life may have looked normal, but an observer would have needed to know what was going on in Dale's head, the constant replaying of Fleur's statement.

'Because it's not enough Dale, I want more'.

He'd argued back and forth with himself all week.

On Saturday afternoon, the boys had been playing ball when Fleur and Rosie arrived.

Dale had cuddled his daughter, telling her to find the boys, and she'd scampered off, giving him chance to speak with Fleur.

"I've been thinking about what you said, and I have to admit, the thought of us trying to change what we have right now frightens the hell out of me, but I'm prepared to try doing something about it, would you have dinner with me this evening?, I've asked my mum to come to yours whilst we're out, if that's okay with you?".

Fleur was completely taken by surprise, but her beaming expression told him how pleased she was, even before she'd replied.

"That's a treat to look forward to, I'd love to have dinner, just the two of us".

Fleur left for home with the children about an hour later, but before they left, Dale gathered the children, handing a bag each to Jimmy and Frankly.

"Okay guys, I need all of you to help me this evening, I'm taking Mommy out for dinner, so, in the bags you will find, Chilli, Cooked Rice, Garlic Bread, salad, and Lemon Frosted Cake for afters, the labels say how long for Mommy to microwave each dish, and the Garlic Bread needs about fifteen minutes in the oven, Grama is coming to look after you so please, be ready for bed, bathed and in your Pj's by 6.30 when I pick Mommy up and deliver Grama, now I need hugs, and plenty of them".

Fleur rolled her eyes laughing.

"I can reheat food Dale, I'm not completely useless".

He could see Franky about to speak, but a look from Dale shushed him immediately.

He suspected Franky had been about to recount any number of microwave incidents, where Fleur had completely obliterated food she'd been supposedly reheating, she really was a kitchen nightmare.

Fleur was known for whizzing the timer dial to maximum, promising to take the food out at the correct number of minutes, only to become distracted.

Dale had given up delivering food in his best containers long ago, because more often than not, they came back with an unidentifiable dark mass permanently welded to them, destined only for the trash.

He regularly cooked, and boxed up meals, for Fleur to freeze, as he said, cooking was therapeutic for him, and it eased her workload.

She wasn't fooled, good naturedly, she would often shout out to the kids.

"Okay waifs, you're saved again, Daddy's emergency rations have arrived".

Jemma collected Dale around six o'clock, driving him out to Fleur's house, and she couldn't resist".

"So, a date night, that's nice, you'll get to talk, without any distractions, I can stay the night if you want a real break".

Dale heard his mum, but he knew she was just digging.

"Mum, don't, please, it's a meal out to give Fleur a break, a little pampering, nothing more, we'll be back around midnight, then you can drop me off at mine".

Jemma understood, he didn't want her reading too much into their evening out, but she was still driving with her fingers crossed.

Dale had ordered a Cab to collect them from Fleur's at seven o'clock, he'd booked a table on the rooftop terrace at La Scala, a new Restaurant in town, he'd never been there, but he'd heard excellent things about the place.

When booking, he'd requested a shared plate of Bruschetta for starters, and a particular Rose Wine which he knew, like him, she was particularly fond of.

He'd reached for her hand to help her out of the Cab, and didn't realise until they were being shown to their table, he hadn't let go.

As they were seated, their wine was already chilling, and the Bruschetta arrived before the waiter who'd shown them to the table had finished pouring, then they were alone.

Dale lifted his glass, offering it to Fleur in a toast.

"Here's to our first date, and a wonderful evening, in beautiful company".

She didn't respond verbally at first, simply touched her glass against his before both took a sip, then she spoke.

"What changed your mind?".

He knew she could have asked so much more, but she didn't, those four words asked enough.

At the point where he was about to answer, their waiter arrived, to take their order.

Once he'd gone, Dale could see she was still waiting for him to answer.

"Fright, pure and simple, on just about every level, in every direction".

His pause didn't throw her, he realised she was waiting for him to explain.

"I realised, you were right, if things carry on as they have done, I could wake up one morning and find you gone".

This time she did reply.

"And that's what worries you, that I might run again?".

His reply really did surprise her.

"No, it's not that, you wouldn't do that, you told me you'd be here for eighteen or twenty years, I know you won't go back on that, I know the kids will keep you here".

Now she was confused.

"Dale, you're not making sense.

She could see the glint of moisture in his eyes as he answered, so quietly, slowly lowering his head, she had to strain, but she heard, and her heart soared.

"I don't mean from your house, I mean from my life, that would be as bad as you moving away, it would finally break my heart".

By the time he was finished talking he was looking down at the food in front of him.

She'd reached across the table, using her finger under his chin, raising his face up until he was looking at her.

"And you think I don't have those exact same fears?".

Now that shocked the shit out of him, that was something which had never figured in his deliberations, she felt the same things, had the same fears, how had he not considered that?, and his heart skipped a beat.

His hesitant reply clearly showed his surprise.

"You ...... you worry about it too?".

She just nodded, looking directly into his eyes, before adding.

"I think it's time we started trusting each other, telling each other how we feel, and I think we need a date night on a regular basis".

The night was indelibly printed in Dale's memory as the most wonderful night he'd ever enjoyed, he truly didn't believe it could ever be beaten, until, on the porch, when he'd seen Fleur safely home, he'd taken a risk and said.

"Maybe I'm being foolish, forward, presumptuous, I don't know what you thought of tonight, but I want to ask if we can do it again next week, no agenda I promise, just two people having dinner, because tonight was the most amazing night I've experienced in so long, and that's only because it was with you, do you think we could do that?".

And that's when a rainbow of stars exploded for him, because she leaned in and kissed him, full on the lips, twice.

Breathing between kisses.

"Yes Dale, we can do it again, because it's been my most wonderful night too, one I never thought would happen".

And then she was gone, inside, leaving him waiting on the porch for Jenna, his Mum, to drive him home.

All that following week he'd been walking around with a permanent smile plastered across his face.

On Tuesday evening he'd been sat in the garden reading a couple of reports, and compiling work rosters for the next month, when his cell signalled the incoming call he'd come to look forward too each week.

Flipping open his cell phone he'd heard Piers voice.

They'd fallen into a familiar pattern, most weeks, usually on Tuesday evening, one or other would call for a catch up.

After they'd been talking for around ten minutes Piers said.

"You haven't mentioned how Saturday night went, but I'm guessing by how happy you sound, it went better than alright, so spill the beans buster".

If they'd been on FaceTime, as they sometimes were, Piers would have seen the beaming smile on Dale's face.

"I can't describe how great it was Piers, on one hand I can't stop smiling, but on the other hand, I want to beat myself up for not having had the balls to do it sooner, and I learnt something pretty amazing too, she still cares for me, feels all the same stupid insecurities that I do, I thought she was only staying here for the sake of the kids, but it turns out we're both afraid the day will come when the other one will meet someone else, I'd never considered she might still have feelings for me, now I feel like a love struck teenager, I really can't tell you how happy I am".

Piers was beaming at the news and had a question.

"Have your brood got next week off?, Gracie and Pil finish school Friday for a week, then they have the following Monday off as well".

Dale got up, heading to the house as he spoke.

"Let me just check the calendar, Fleur puts term dates on it for me, but I think you might be right, I know it's soon".

Piers heard him flicking the pages before he replied.

"Yes, the boys finish Friday, they have a week, and an extra day, they go back on the Tuesday, it looks like a Teacher Conference Day on the Monday".

Piers then made him an offer.

"How would you fancy driving over to us on the Friday evening, then on Saturday morning we'll all go over to the The Gold Coast apartment for a week, there are five bedrooms, we can make it work?".

Dale wanted to say yes, but he had to ask Fleur, and a sudden thought made him nervous.

"Fleur and I, we'd need separate bedrooms, I don't want to go there right now, I want to court her, that's something we missed out on in the past, I'm determined to get it right this time".

Piers came back immediately.

"That's easily doable, Jimmy, Franky, and Pil, can share, Gracie and Rosie will share, that leaves a bedroom for Fleur, one for you, plus one for Milo and I, sorted".

Dale really liked the idea, he'd grown close to Piers and Milo over the last couple of years, often taking the kids on a weekend trip to visit them in Sydney.

"It sounds great, can I get back to you tomorrow evening, I'll put it to Fleur tomorrow?".

They were a little later getting to Fleur's the following afternoon, Jimmy's team had a prize giving ceremony after the match.

Jimmy had won 'Player of the Year', though the way Franky was bouncing around, everyone would have been forgiven for thinking he'd won it, he couldn't have been any more pleased for, or proud of, his big brother.

Dale had sent a text to Fleur, telling her they'd be late, and saying he'd cook dinner when they got back.

Whilst he was preparing dinner Fleur came into the kitchen.

"Fleur, I got a call from Piers last night, he's invited us all over to The Gold Coast for a week, it means leaving Friday evening, would you fancy doing that?".

She brightened immediately.

"Yes, that sounds great, it's been ages since I spent any time with Piers and Milo, I'll let you tell the kids over dinner".

Dale was over the moon.

"Great, and talking of the brood, can you shout them to get washed up, dinner in about ten minutes, I've made Salmon fish cakes, with a Prawn Stir Fry, Garlic Bread, and a couple of dips, I've put a few of the Fish Cakes in the freezer for you, with cooking instructions on the outside".

Fleur was laughing.

"Is that all, wow, you make it sound so simple, and even you know, having cooking instructions doesn't guarantee a successful outcome when I'm in charge".

He chuckled as he served up onto individual plates.

Just as he finished dishing out the stir fry, three hungry children slid into their places around the table.

Dinner was fun, with Franky telling everyone about Jimmy's trophy.

Part way through dinner Fleur caught their attention with a simple statement.

"Your Daddy has something to tell you".

All eyes were immediately riveted on Dale, who deliberately took twice as long chewing a mouthful of food, whilst grinning, until Jimmy couldn't stand it any longer.

"Dad, hurry up".

Dale and Fleur were almost choking, they were laughing so much, but Dale decided to ramp it up a notch.

"Okay, okay, uncles Piers and Milo invited us out to the Gold Coast for a week, so we're going".

The kids went wild, bouncing up and down in their chairs, until Dale carried on.

"So I've prepared a whole load of ready meals, they're all labeled with microwave instructions, you'll be fine whilst we're away, and I'm really pleased that you're happy for us".

He and Fleur had to stuff their faces with food to stop themselves laughing at the expressions the kids were showing, but they hadn't bargained for what happened next.

Rosie burst into tears, Jimmy slammed down his cutlery, pushing back his chair to storm out of the room, Franky just shook his head as he got up to follow Jimmy.

Dale and Fleur sat gobsmacked, unable to comprehend what had just happened, it was a joke, how had the kids not seen that.

Dale was out of his chair, chasing after Jimmy and Franky, whilst Fleur dealt with a sobbing Rosie.

He caught up with them, putting an arm around each, bringing them to a halt.

"It was a joke boys, just teasing, we're all going, I'm sorry, I was only playing with you, now come back, Rosie's really upset".

As they walked back into the dining room, they were greeted by a now smiling Rosie, with Fleur saying.

"Sorry guys, we were only teasing,

Late Friday afternoon they packed everything into Dale's 4x4 and set out on the drive to Sydney.

Dale had originally asked Cecile if it would be okay to take the week off, telling her their plans, but he'd been surprised when Roslyn visited him in the Estate Office.

"Cecile said you asked for a few days off to spend some time with Piers and Milo on The Gold Coast".

Not being sure where she was going on the subject, he just nodded, as she continued.

"A few days, no, a week plus, yes, I spoke to Piers, they're staying until the following Monday, and so are you".

He was beaming, he'd only expected to be away until the following Friday, back for the weekend.

"Are you sure, we can get back for the weekend, it's hectic at times with the tours coming in?".

Roslyn sat down across from him.

"Dale, when I had the idea of inviting tour parties in, I thought it might be the odd one now and then, I had no idea what I was getting us, or more to the point, you into, and not once have I heard a complaint from you, I know how much extra work that has put onto you, Cecile and I are really grateful".

He wanted to accept the extra days but, he knew the second weekend was booked solid with tours, and they could be quite demanding.

"Right now I'll figure on being back for the second weekend, I know the first one only has three tours booked in, but the second one is booked solid, back to back from ten in the morning until the last one at four in the afternoon, that's six tours, it's a killer, I need to see if I can put enough staff in place to deal with it, once I know how that pans out I'll decide how long we're staying away, is that okay with you?".

She nodded saying.

"Yes, but don't look at putting a temporary fix in place, look to put a permanent team together, one that can deal with the tours on a regular basis, you need to hand the extra work off, it's eating into your family time, none of this was part of the original agreement, Cecile and I want you to parr back a fair amount of these extra duties that you've taken on over the years".

He grinned, asking half heartedly, though really, there was a hint of seriousness in his question.

"You're not planning on getting rid of me are you?".

She smiled, rising out of her seat to leave, but giving him something to ponder on before she departed.

"Far from it Dale, far from it, but I'll leave that for another day, when I'm more sure of some other elements, just be certain, you will always be an important part of this company".

TBC Allan

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Thank you for giving me your time, enjoy.

Next: Chapter 150: Lifes Illusions IV 44

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