Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Sep 23, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- I'm even a nominee for a slashfiction award! Vote for me please!!!! ( or I'm nominated in the Best Joey story' and Best Slash Fiction'.

As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!! (before anyone else asks...I boo-booed in the last chapter and had the people going to two separate restaurants, that's what I get for finishing the chapter late at night! Sorry.

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 11--

A few minutes later, there came a knock at the door. "Come on in Lance, it's open!" The door cracked open and he peeked around the corner at me. He smiled, but it was forced. He came over and sat on the bed next to me, but wouldn't look at me in the eyes. We sat there in silence for a moment, then he started finally speaking softly.

"Dale, I'm sorry for earlier."

"Which part James? The part where you hurt Joey's feelings, the part where you snapped at me, or the part where you made the snide comment about Joey being with me for dinner with my parents?"

He flushed, and didn't say a word.

"James, what is it? Did I say or do something that you didn't like? If so then just tell me!"

He flopped back on the bed and let out a sigh. I lay next to him and took his hand in mine as I looked into his eyes (got to admit they are nice! OOPS...can't go there!). "Hey to me. Whatever it is it can't be that bad."

I saw a tear run down his cheek as he blinked and swallowed. "Okay fine. Dale, I'm jealous."

"For God's sake James, OF WHAT?" Joey was standing at the door from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel.

Before Lance could say anything, I pulled him up off the bed with me. I put my finger on his lips. "Don't say a word." I then turned to Joey.

"Honey, we're going for a walk. I'll be back." I gave him a quick kiss and began pulling Lance to the door.

"James. What are you jealous of?"

"Joseph, I told you that we're going for a walk. Now you get in bed, I'll be back soon." I pushed Lance out the door, and followed. I turned and saw Joey glaring at me, but his glare softened when I blew him a kiss. He told me he loved me, then got into bed.

I turned to look at Lance, "Okay hon, where to? We can go talk at your room or we can go for a walk. Your choice."

He looked at me with a tentative smile on his face. "Do you feel up for a walk Dale? I won't keep you too late I swear." The look on his face was so cute that I couldn't refuse.

"Lead on."

He grinned and ran to his room to get a coat. I went back in my room briefly. Walked over to the gorgeous man lying naked in the bed. Gave him a passionate kiss, and told him that I loved him. He put his book aside and cupped my face in his hands.

"You be careful out there. Wake me up when you get back, since our interviews are by phone I don't have to worry about looking pretty so I can stay up." He reached down and rubbed the bulge in my pants. I giggled and pushed his hand down.

"Gotta go babe, don't want to keep him waiting." I trotted out of the room, and saw that I'd timed it pretty good. Lance was just closing his door. He turned and saw me closing mine.

"Dale, you ready?"

"Let's go." We headed to the elevator, and rode down in a companionable silence. He put on the infamous floppy hat and pulled a pair of glasses out of his pocket. He looks totally different wearing his glasses as opposed to his contacts, so it was actually a pretty good cover. We walked out the side entrance of the hotel and headed down the street.

"So spill. What's going on in that head of yours James? What did Joey and I do that threw you over the edge."

He looked at me over the top of his glasses for a second, then started talking. "There's no easy way to say this. So here goes... I'm jealous, and a little hurt. I really am happy for Joey that he's found you, but ever since you two have gotten together our dynamic has changed! I miss having someone who I can sometimes cuddle up with at night, I miss having someone who I can come to if I'm hurt. Plus, Joey isn't being as careful as he used to be. If someone found out that a member of this group was gay our career would be OVER Dale, do you get that?"

His volume had risen at the last statement, and it took him a second to notice that I had stopped walking. I looked around, saw a bench and went to sit down.

"Dale, don't look at me like that! I'm sorry what I said came out like that. I just miss Joey. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate you or anything. You're a truly sweet guy and I do think the world of you. I just envy what you and Joey have. How come I can't find that? How come I can't find the guy who completes me?" He broke off at that, then continued. "`Completes me'? God I sound like that chick in Jerry fucking McGuire!"

"James. Did you mean what you just said? You don't hate me for coming between you and Joey?"

"Dale...I could never hate you. Hate is something that's never been natural for me. It takes a lot for me to truly say that I `hate' somebody or something. I just felt like I needed to pull away so I could cushion myself from being hurt. Does that make sense?"

I took his hand in mine, and looked into his eyes. "Why didn't you say something sooner? Now I feel like total shit. Do the other guys feel put out that I'm here too?"

He let out a laugh and sat next to me on the bench, removing his hand from mine. "Gods no. Chris adores you, and Josh and Justin love the fact that you're making our friend Joey happy. They kept their distance at first, but you got through to them by being yourself. You're the first person that's been interested in a member of the group who's NOT fake or full of themselves. It's kind of refreshing."

I didn't say anything for a minute. "So how do we resolve this James? I meant what I said before. If you tell me to go I will. It'll hurt like hell, but if you want me to leave so you can have Joey I will. If the only way I can have the two of you in my life is as a friend then so be it." I started getting up when he put his hand on my shoulder and held me down.

"For God's sake Dale that's not what I'm saying!" His voice was full of emotion, and I saw a tear fall from an eye. "I can't be mad for your happiness, or Joey's. You'll just have to realize that it'll probably take me some time. I'm happy for you, I really am."

"So are you going to stop pulling away and being distant hon? It feels too weird if you're like that. I miss you dammit Scoop!" He flashed that killer smile of his at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Now give me a hug and we can go get some rest. You guys have a big day tomorrow."

"Don't I know it Dale. Hey, what are you going to be doing while we're at the concert?" My smile fell slightly.

"Oh I dunno. You guys probably have enough going on backstage, I don't want to get in the way. I'll probably just hang out at the hotel or go shopping. I need some new clothes." We got up from the bench and started heading back to the hotel.

"You know Dale, if you're going shopping tomorrow you have to invite Justin and Chris. If you don't it's like a sin or something." He laughed as he said it. I knew that we were okay for now. But his jealousy did disturb me.

We got back up to our floor, and I gave him a hug and swatted him on the ass to send him off to bed. I went down to my door and keyed in. Joey had fallen asleep while reading and the book was propped on his chest. I smiled as I locked the door and started stripping my clothes. I got into bed with him, and wrapped myself around him. I kissed his shoulder and began nuzzling my way up. He began waking up as I started chewing on his earlobe and running my hand down his chest. He turned and faced me, kissing me passionately while penetrating my mouth with his tongue.

That night our lovemaking was leisurely and unhurried. Every time we do this I feel like our souls connect. I can't picture my life without this man now. God, how did he manage to get through my defenses into my heart? I start softly crying as we lay there in our afterglow.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying Dale?"

"Tears of happiness babe. They're tears of happiness." I snuggled into his arms, and we fell asleep. We slept through until dawn, when the sunlight streaming through the window hit us in the face. Joey got out of bed to pull the curtain shut, then got back into bed to snuggle some more with me. A few minutes later, the phone started ringing. I saw him glare at it for a second, then answered it.

"Hello? Hey Lance, what's up?" He listened to Lance say something on the other end, then began talking again. "Is there any way we can conference our lines together? I REALLY don't want to get out of bed right now. We can't? Damn! Okay, I'll be down in a few minutes." He hung up the phone and glared at it for a minute. Turning to me, he wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly. "Baby, I'm sorry...the time of the interview got changed. And we can't tie the phones together like we've done before. I have to go down to Justin's room where we're going to call on the speakerphone." He kissed me, and I snuggled back under the covers. He got out of bed and dressed in sweats and a Superman T-shirt. He blew me a kiss as he headed to the door. "I'll be back in 20 minutes babe."

I lay back in bed and fell asleep. My cock being enveloped in a warm and moist place woke me up. You haven't lived until you are woken up by a blowjob. I looked down, and saw a hot-blooded Italian man between my legs on the bed. Joey was sucking on my meat and taking the entire thing each time. I groaned and put my hands on the back of his head.

"Oh fuck Joey...that's nice. God, you're good." I moaned and jabbed my dick into his mouth. He stuck a finger down underneath me. I gasped as it entered me, and my cum began shooting into his mouth. "AAUUGHH Take it baby. Oh fuck yeah!" I lay there gasping as he milked the last few drops out of my dick, then pulled himself up onto me. Passionately kissing me, he snuggled close. I sucked on his tongue as it entered my mouth.

After my breathing had calmed down, I was able to form a coherent though. "So, how'd the interview go?"

He giggled and turned me on my side, so he could lie behind me, his hand running lazy circles on my chest. "It went really well. I told Justin and Chris that you were going shopping.

They're expecting a call in about thirty minutes. I figured I'd wake you up. Did I do a good job?"

I kissed him for an answer, and pulled him out of bed with me so we could shower together. We decided to just shower and no hanky panky this time. It felt nice when he washed me though! As we got out of the spray and began toweling off I heard the phone ringing. I went and picked it up, and finished drying off.

"Hello? Hey Chris. Yeah, I need to get some shopping done. You wanna go? Coolness. Justin too? Aw, okay, if we have to." I turned and winked at Joey. "I'll be down momentarily, and we'll head out to burn up the plastic. Bye for now." I went to my bag and pulled out some denim shorts and a green polo shirt. "Do you want to go shopping with us babe? Should be lots of fun. If you play your cards right I may buy you a gift."

He pulled me into a hug at that, and held me tight. Looking into my eyes, he didn't say anything for a minute. Then gently kissed me. As his lips pulled back, he told me that every minute I'm with him is all the gift he needs.

Lord, this man knows what to say! I passionately kissed those lips of his, and we fell back onto the bed. We were starting to tear each other's clothes off, when someone knocked on the door.

"Dammit! Come in!" The door swung slowly open and Chris peeked around the corner.

"OH MY GOD! Guys, give me a little notice next time!" He put his hand over his eyes, and gave a little mock scream.

That did it. I busted out laughing, and pushed Joey off me. "Oh stop being such a drama queen Chris!"

"Drama queen? ME? Dale, what a thing to say!" He started laughing, and finished coming into the room. "So, we ready for shopping or do you guys want to go at it some more?"

Well Joey piped in with about wanting to do some more, and glared at me when I said shopping. I smiled at my man, and he just rolled his eyes and got out of bed when I did.

"You never answered me Joey, you want to go shopping or do you want to go do your own thing?"

"I think I'm going to go hang out with Lance." Well, I did a double take on that one. I looked at Chris, and he even looked a little shocked. Finally, I turned back to Joey.

"Honey, you have to promise me something. Don't bug him about last night. Okay?" He looked like he was going to rebel, but I put my hands around his waist and kissed him lightly. "Please?" The rebellious look fell off his face, and he melted into my arms. Damn, he always feels good there!

"Okay baby. We'll just hang out like we usually do. I love you." He kissed me and held me tight. Over in the corner I heard Chris making gagging noises. Without even turning around, I flipped him off. He started laughing.

"Come on Dale, we need to get Justin and take off. You only get the privilege of our presence until about one, then we have to turn back into the men who millions of girls scream over." He smiled when he saw my look. "Okay, and a lot of guys too. Now let's go!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Joey. We took off down the hall, grabbing Justin as he came out of his room. As we piled into the elevator, Chris asked what I needed to shop for.

"Oh you know...clothes. I didn't know that I was going to be away from the house for weeks, I only packed for 4 days. I want a fresh look. Shit I almost forgot something." When the door opened down in the lobby I picked up a house phone and dialed mom's room.

"Mom? Hey it's me. I'm going shopping. I'll be back this afternoon, if you and Debbie want to go sightsee around the city I'll meet up with you for dinner and drinks. No, I probably won't be joining Joey at the concert mom, he'll be busy." I was going to say more when Chris took the phone out of my hand.

"Hello? Hi Chris this is Chris. We're going shopping, so we need to get hopping. Wow! Who taught you to cuss like that? Did you teach those words to Dale?" Laughing, he continued. "Damn. Okay, I have to meet you too. Do you guys want to do dinner with the group tonight? Great.

I'll give Dale the details, we'll eat probably about 6:30 tonight. We're scooting now. Bye for now." He hung up the phone.

"Chris? Thanks for letting me say goodbye to my mom."

He and Justin pulled me to the door and we took off for a taxi. Piling into the back seat, Justin told him the name of a mall (I'm guessing) and the car pulled away from the hotel.

Next: Chapter 12

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