Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Aug 21, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- As always, Gabriella and Mike are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!!

Now the sex will be coming in further chapters, remember, all good things come to those who wait! GRIN

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 4--

Joey's jaw dropped when he saw who was in the room...and started stammering. I looked over his shoulder and saw the infamous Britney Spears. She squealed and threw her arms around Joey. I couldn't believe it...I was actually feeling a twinge of jealousy because she kissed Joey. Not a good sign!

"Hey guys!!! Long time no see." Her smile dropped when she saw me. I gave her a little smile and wave. She just glared at me. "Who the hell is this and why is he here??"

uh-oh...look out.

I put my most ingratiating smile on my face...and replied. "Gee Miss Spears. I'm just one of your older fans. You know...the ones that you think are creepy." I heard a few gasps from the guys around me. Britney's face got really red, and she looked like she was going to start yelling at me. I actually was amazed to see her arm whip up like she was going to smack me. My eyes became slits and my voice had a steel edge to it. "I swear if you hit me the world will be out one bubblegum diva." I looked down at her chest. "Nice tits, how much did those bad boys set you back?" I took off towards the elevator at a brisk walk.

I heard a door slam behind me, and the sound of three footfalls running after me. Someone grabbed me and whirled me around. Joey looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"Dale, what the hell did you say that for? Don't you think you should apologize to Britney???" I noticed that Chris and Lance were both waiting for my reply.

"Joey, I'm sorry. I just hate people who act like that. Is she always that full of herself?"

Chris replied. "Usually. Hey, Britney can be okay though. Maybe after she calms down we can try introducing you again."

The elevator arrived and no more was discussed about the bitch upstairs (sorry, but people like that work my last nerve!).

We went into a roped off section of the dining area of the downstairs restaurant. We ordered a whole bunch of REALLY good food that was bad for you, then sat around laughing like we'd known each other for years. Our juices had arrived, and Lance was relaying a story about a harness snafu at their first concert using them when he stopped talking. I looked at where he was staring, and noticed Justin, JC, and Britney. Just perfect...

As the 3 of them walked over to join us, the waiter magically appeared and took their orders. They sat down, all 3 of them looking at us. I felt like a damn frog spread open in a biology lab. Finally Justin broke the silence.

"Dale, I want to apologize for acting the way I did towards you last night. Now, I understand that you haven't been formally introduced to my friend yet." He turned to face Britney. "Britney, this is our friend Dale, he's paying for a charity concert to be put on. Dale, this is Britney Spears, former mousketeer, best friend to some of the group, and sometimes yes she gets a little too full of herself, like we all do. That's why I help keep her grounded."

Britney's head snapped around to say something to Justin, but he pinched her butt to shut her up. She squeaked and was silent.

Well that did it. I busted out laughing.

"Hi Miss Spears. It's a pleasure to meet you." She murmered a reply and Joey leaned in.

"What's that Brit? We can't hear you!!!"

Her eyes got sharp, and she glared at Joey for a second before moving her eyes to me. "Dale. If you apologize for what you said earlier I'll forgive you and we can start fresh."

I felt Lance kick my leg. I glared at him and could tell he was trying to tell me something with his eyes. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I looked at her.

"Britney, if I can call you that, I do apologize for flying off the bitch scale earlier. First impressions mean a lot to me so I hope that you don't hold my first impression against me. Let's start over." I extended my hand. "Hi, I'm Dale Wright. I won an obscene amount of money and now am trying to find something good to do with it. Oh yeah, I tend to be somewhat of a smartass. Nice to meet you."

She looked at me through slitted eyes for a moment or two. Then she extended her hand to grasp mine. I heard Lance giggle softly.

" bloodshed. Claws aren't out. It's a good start."

I turned to fix my death glare on him. "Be good blondie...or I'll put some dye into your shampoo!" His smile fell and he looked at me for a second like he didn't know how to take it. Then he lost it...giggles were just flying out of him, and Joey and Chris joined in.

What followed was actually pretty nice. The five guys of the band and Britney asked me all kinds of questions about myself. Britney's eyebrows shot up when I told her just how much money I'd won. She then cracked a smile as she asked why I wanted the `five stooges' to do a show when I could have had her. As the random "hey's" and "excuse me?" comments came from the guys...I felt myself smile.

"Well gee Britney. I would have loved to except for one small problem. I don't own one of your CDs while I own all of theirs. Besides, five cute guys dancing on stage definitely beats a single female. No offense." I then flashed a smile at all the guys in turn. I lingered on Joey though. He noticed me smiling at him and winked.

She laughed. "So guys, what are you and Dale doing today??? I'm only in town through tonight for a photo shoot. Then it's back to touring." She let out a loud sigh, and looked pointedly at Justin. He began blushing and looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

I stood up and stepped away from the table. "Gee, Britney. We have a meeting with Johnny Wright at noon. I'm trying to finalize with these guys the details for the charity concert. In fact guys, it's already 11:30. We really should hit the road. It was a pleasure meeting you Britney. Sorry I acted up towards you earlier."

The breakfast broke up and we all went out the back door to get to the limo.

Word had gotten out that the band was staying at the hotel, so the front was now officially packed with screaming fans. As the limo left the parking lot, and the crowd of fans came into view, I began snickering. Joey asked me what was so amusing.

"Nothing Joey, just wondering how long it is before the breakfast leftovers get put up on Ebay." All five guys turned to look me. Then the laughs couldn't be contained. "Guys, doesn't it disturb you that these people are THAT obsessive? I mean, do you ever worry that someone may cross that line and do harm to either you or things that you care about?"

They all sat for a moment, pondering the question. Finally, JC of all people broke the silence. "Yeah, it concerns us. That's why we protect each other so much. I'm sure you got that yesterday in Johnny's office. We have to watch over each other! We have our families, but they're so far away from this. So we have to make sure that no one hurts any of us. It's not an easy life. God knows there's nights that I've laid there crying my eyes out. But we're in this for one reason and one reason only. We all love what we do. The entire process is so special! From writing songs, to recording, to getting on that stage and showing the world how much we love it. If we can impact even one person with our music, then it's all worth it."

The guys were all silent as JC's words sank in. I turned and looked out the window, watching the traffic go by. The guys noticed that I was lost in thought. Joey (who was sitting next to me) reached over and lightly squeezed my shoulder. "Dale, are you okay?" I turned my head to look at him, and I saw his eyes get wide as he realized that I had tears streaming down my face. "Oh Dale, what's wrong?" His hand felt good as it rested on my shoulder.

Wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands, I let out a sigh. "That's my dream. To have something that I care about so much that it makes my soul ache. I've always had to put work and financial considerations first. Now that I have this money I don't know what to do. I have the means to do whatever I want, to put my HAPPINESS first. I guess it's finally starting to sink in." I lapsed into silence again, and was shocked when I felt Joey take my hand in his and give it a squeeze.

I looked over at him and smiled softly. I noticed Lance across from me. He mouthed "you'll be fine" to me. Strangely, that helped as much as Joey's hand did.

The last few minutes had pretty much killed the happy-go-lucky conversation for the rest of the trip to the office. We all made it up to Johnny's office, and sat back down in the same chairs we were in the day before. We all sat down and hammered out final details for the charity concert. There were three charities that were going to receive funds. My choice was Youth Guardian Services, the boys wanted some of the money to go to the Justin Timberlake Foundation, and then I was shocked with they told Johnny that they also wanted some of the money to go to GLAAD. The meeting was pretty tame after we finalized the charities. I contacted my accountant to get the process started for paying for the venue and the band cost. All told it'll set me back nearly $25 million. But he said I could get a huge tax break for doing it as a donation for a charity. I was thinking about these issues and a few other things, and got lost in thought.

"So Dale. How do you like Orlando?" I came back to reality to notice that Johnny had just asked me a question.

"Well, it's a great town. When do the guys head back out from their long weekend to finish this leg of the tour?"

"They'll be flying out to Denver day after tomorrow. This part of the tour finishes up 5 weeks later. Then there's going to be a nearly three month down-time so everyone can rest and recover." He leaned back in the chair, then swiveled to face the guys. "Okay gang, we have to figure out if you want to lose one of your break days or if you want to squeeze an extra date into the tour." The grumblings that came out of the guys kind of scared me at first. Then when I saw that Joey was smiling at me. After a few minutes, they decided to just add an extra day to the tour because as Chris put it. "There is no way in hell I'm giving up a day of my vacation with Busta if I can help it."

I told Johnny that I wanted to stay down there until the guys went back out.

He looked at me without saying anything for a few minutes...then told me that it was fine with him. He then recommended a few good restaurants and tourist attractions around the area that I'd probably like. As the meeting broke up, Joey and Lance stayed behind for a few minutes to talk to Johnny...then caught up with us at the elevator.

"Okay guys. Now that we're all on better speaking terms. What now? You'll be taking off in two days, but I don't want you to feel that you have to stick with me. I'm perfectly content to explore Orlando on my own..."

I felt someone swat the back of my head. I turned to glare at Joey, because somehow I just knew it was him. "Well, you and I are going to go do something early evening. We'll probably meet up with the guys and head out to a club or something."

Nothing more was said as we went back to the hotel. Only four of us got out there. Justin said that he and JC were going shopping, so would meet up with us that evening before going out. Chris and Lance went off to go look over some ideas for Chris' clothes line. He was getting ready to meet with his designers and wanted a few things to show them. As they walked away, Lance looked over his shoulder, and he looked a little hurt.

"Hey guys, wait a second."

They stopped walking and turned around. I ran to them and pulled Chris into a hug. "Thanks for being so nice." He murmered that it was no problem and patted my back. Then I pulled Lance into a tight hug and whispered into his ear. ""Thanks for being you Scoop. You're truly a sweet and handsome man. Want to come by my room later for a nightcap?" His ear turned red as he began blushing. I broke the hug and stepped back. "See you guys later!"

As I walked back to Joey, he looked so cute. I pulled him into a tight embrace, and since no one could see my face, I nuzzled his neck. He shuddered as he took me in his arms. Breaking the hug, I turned and looked into his gorgeous face.

"Dale, what was that for?"

"Oh no reason. Let's go upstairs." As we headed into the elevator, and the door closed...he made his move. Grabbing me and propelling me until my back was in the wall, he planted a passionate kiss on my lips. Gladly feeling his lips touching mine, and his tongue entering my mouth, I moaned and wrapped my arms around him. Coming up for air, he looked into my eyes. Suddenly the bell dinged. Our floor! SHIT!!

Breaking away from each other, we did a check to make sure there was nothing incriminating about how we looked.

We made it down the hall with nothing happening, and I was just unlocking my door when my cell rang.


"Hey Honey! How's my favorite son doing?"

"Oh, hey mom. How's things in Montana? Do you like your new jeep?" I walked in and shut the door, then felt it hit my arm as it was flung back open. "OUCH! Sonofabitch!!!" Joey came through the door, looking contrite at pushing it too hard.

"What Dale? What is it?"

"Nothing mom. Just hit my arm by accident on the door. I'll be fine." Glaring at Joey, I told her I loved her and hung up the phone.

"Dale, I am SO sorry!!! I didn't know I pushed the door that hard." I just sat there for a second, then sat back on the bed. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around me. Gotta admit it, it felt damn nice.

Turning to look at him, I took his face in my hands and gently kissed his lips. As our kiss deepened, we fell back onto the bed and he ended up on top of me. Wrapping my tongue around his, I ran my hands down his body, one of them stopping to cup his ass.

I broke away after a few minutes, panting from the situation. Turning him over onto his back, I was on top. "So Joey, what did you have in mind for tonight?"

"Tonight?? Um, yeah. Almost forgot. That was a damn nice kiss Dale!" He leaned his head up to try and kiss me again, but I pulled back. I smiled at the frown on his face.

"Nuh uh hon, if you want any more sugar you gotta woo. Remember? Now, about tonight?"

Joey sat back so his back was against the headboard. I snuggled up between his legs and he wrapped his legs around me. "Well, I think that we could go to dinner and then a movie.

Or would you rather just drive around?"

I sat there, running my hands on his arms, enjoying the feel of his arms around me. " about both? We could do dinner, then drive around for a bit. Then if it's not too late a movie? If it runs too late we can always skip a movie and meet up with the guys."

We sat there, enjoying the closeness of each other for a few minutes. When I finally had to break away from him. "Honey, I have to shower. I'll be right back."

I got up reluctantly and headed to the bathroom. I looked back and winked at the gorgeous man I saw staring at me.

I was in the shower, relaxing under the water...when I heard the door opening to the bathroom. I didn't say anything. Just started singing the words I knew to "I Drive Myself Crazy"

I felt arms start lightly running up and down my back, and slowly wrap around my waist. I stopped singing and turned around. There, looking quite handsome in the buff...was Joey. "Surprise Dale". He leaned in to kiss me, but the look on his face was uncertain, like he didn't know how I'd react.

I leaned against the shower wall, and placed my arms around his waist. Lightly kissing him. "Honey, if you wanted to join me all you had to do is ask." A radiant grin appeared on his face. "But nothing major is going to happen yet. I'm sorry if that upsets you Joey. But my mom taught me to take things slow. When it does happen I want it to be special."

He leaned in, and as his tongue entered my mouth, and his hand went down to gently run down my thigh and grab my ass. I reveled in the sensation. At last...we're together.

Next: Chapter 5

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