Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Jul 1, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this.

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



I got out of the shower, and wrapped the towel around my waist after drying off. I padded to the bedroom, where Joey and Lance were conversing in low tones. Looks like Lance was crying a bit, but I didn't want to get in the way of whatever was going on. I quietly got dressed, and since they were still talking headed into the living room of the suite.

I had made a decision in the shower. I don't know if it's the right one, but I'm tired of thinking my problems into the ground. I sat, took a deep breath, and called mom. "Hi, it's me. We have to talk."

"Hey son, what's up?"

I started talking. I was afraid she'd interrupt me so I almost didn't stop to breathe. I told her the entire story of Brandy. When I finished I apologized for not telling her at the time. She didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.


Lance and Joey came out of the bedroom just as mom had hung up the phone. Lance seemed to be smiling a little more now, so I guess they had a good talk.

"Dale, are you hungry?"

I took a deep breath as I stood up. "Yeah, let's go." I left the room without a backward glance and headed to the elevator. I looked at the door as the two of them came out. Lance was looking at me funny. He didn't say anything, just kept looking at me. The elevator opened just as I lost it. "What are you staring at dammit?" I started walking into the elevator, then realized what I'd done. "Shit Lance, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you."

"What happened Dale?"

I didn't answer Lance, but looked at Joey. "I told her." Joey didn't understand until I clarified. "Mom." Joey's face drained of all color.

"About Christina? Oh man. What happened?"

"She hung up on me." I tried being nonchalant about it, but anyone could probably tell that I was on the verge of crying or something.

We weren't alone in the elevator, so our conversation was put on hold until we got down to the ground floor. As soon as we had been seated at the restaurant in a back booth away from the people Lance began asking the questions that he'd been holding off on.

"Christina ? I thought your mom's name was Christine?"

I didn't feel like going through the whole thing again. Twice in the past twenty-four hours is plenty. "Joey can fill you in. I'll be right back." I excused myself and headed to the bathroom.

I splashed cold water on my face for a few minutes... that didn't help. I went to one of the stalls and closed the door. "Oh god." I threw up. After I wiped my mouth off, I closed the lid and began crying as soon as I sat. After about five minutes of letting myself cry, I wiped my eyes and headed back out to the table. I saw Justin and Chris were sitting at the table now, I didn't say anything as I sat back down. I felt Joey's hand give my knee a soft squeeze under the table, so I gave him a smile. He blew me a kiss and mouthed "are you okay?"

I nodded, and looked down in surprise as the waitress came by and put down a plate of french toast and a side of sausage.

"You were gone Dale, so I took a guess on what you wanted for breakfast. I hope it's okay." Joey looked over at Lance who was devouring his french toast, and winked at me. I mumbled something and took the syrup from Lance, who was talking excitedly with Chris about the concert last night.

"What time do you guys have to be at the arena today?"

"We don't have a meet and greet, so we can get away with getting there at five for soundcheck. What did you have in mind Dale?" Justin was smiling at me over his breakfast.

"I just want to spend some time with Joey. But that's up to him." I went back to eating and let them figure it out. Joey's hand was on my leg again, and it helped cheer me up knowing he was right there. We had just finished eating when JC and Gabriella finally made an appearance. Chris, Lance and Justin hung around to keep the two of them company while Joey and I headed up to the room. The elevator ride was silent until we were alone (some ugly ladies got off the elevator four floors before mine). As soon as the door closed Joey pulled me into his arms and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you Dale?"

We didn't say anything else as the door opened, and walked slowly down the hall to the suite. Joey led me to the couch and we curled up with each other. "I told Lance about Christina, you don't have to worry though...he won't tell anyone." I didn't say anything, just cuddled into Joey's arms deeper. I ran my hand up under his shirt, and played with his chest hair. It was nice to have him in my arms, I had a fleeting thought of what life would be like if he wasn't famous and touring on the road...then dismissed it. Part of who I fell for was the man who was touring. The touring and the fame had helped shape his personality...if that wasn't a part of his life then he wouldn't be Joey.

We lay there, talking softly, for about an hour. It was nice being in his arms, hearing the beat of his heart. I suddenly pulled myself up and gave him a passionate kiss. He tried asking me a question, but I wouldn't let him. I pulled myself up from the couch and pulled him into my arms. He groaned as my tongue entered his mouth, and he ran his hands down my back to cup my ass.

I broke the kiss, panting for breath. Without a word I took his hand and led him to the bedroom, closing the door. I came up to him and started removing his clothes. In no time he was naked and on the bed. I stripped and slowly sank to my knees.

"Dale what are you...oh man...." Joey's head fell back on the bed as I took his dick into my mouth, not stopping until my mouth was at the base. My hands were running up and down his thighs, I stopped sucking and pulled myself up and kissed him. He let out a sound as he tasted himself on my lips.

"What do you want me to do Joey?" He broke the kiss long enough to tell me that he wants to be fucked. Without hesitating, I began kissing him again as I got into position and slammed into him. You could hear both of us in the next room I'm sure, but I really didn't care.

I don't know what had come over me, but what we were doing wasn't making was fucking, plain and simple. I growled as Joey's fingers raked down my back and bit my shoulder.

"Oh fuck Joey...You feel so nice. I'm cummmmmmm......" I slammed into him a final time and felt my dick start to pulse. Joey began blasting out loads of cum between us. I saw one shot land on his cheek, and his chest and mine were both coated quickly. I leaned in and kissed his cheek, then softly kissed his lips. I collapsed into his arms, and we lay there panting softly.

"Um... Dale?"

I opened my eyes, and looked at him. He had a small half-smile on your face. "Don't know what brought this on...but I liked it! Oh damn baby, I gave you a bruise." I looked at my shoulder, and noticed the mark. I grinned as I pulled myself to my feet, and took his hand so I could help him up.

"Come on hot stuff, we need to clean up so we can be presentable." We ran to the bathroom, I laughed when I heard voices in the outer room.

Joey opened the door a crack to see who was out there. "Oh my god Dale, check this out."

I stood behind him and rested my chin on his shoulder. Oh... My... God...

Out on the couch, passionately making out, was Chris and Lance. I'd never watched people making out before, so at first I felt kind of weird. Joey didn't have any problems though, after a few seconds of watching he turned his head and gave me a passionate kiss. We heard the unmistakable sound of a zipper getting lowered. I caught a glimpse of Lance sinking to his knees, when Joey pulled me into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

As soon as we got under the water Joey had me up against the wall kissing the nape of my neck. I let out a loud moan as his dick slid into me. He ran one hand up and clutched at my hair. He turned my head and shoved his tongue down my throat as we started making love. In no time at all, I was sucking on his tongue as he shot up inside of me. I shuddered as my cum hit the shower wall, then again as Joey slid out of me. I turned around and pulled him into my arms, gently kissing those lips of his.

"I love you Joey."

I smiled as he ran his finger over my lips and jawline. "Ditto sweetness... ditto"

We finished rinsing off, and got changed into fresh clothes. We took about thirty minutes, so whatever was going on in the front room was hopefully done. I opened the door all the way, and saw that Lance and Chris were now clothed and had been joined by everyone else, even Gabriella.

Chris apparently was feeling his oats or something, he decided to try and be a smartass. "Jesus you were loud enough that the entire floor heard what was going on.

"Gee Chris, and here I thought that you two were a lot louder than we were. That was my impression, what about you Joey?" I turned and looked at Joey, who was in danger of laughing out loud.

"I think you may be right Dale." He managed to get out. "I'd give them at least seven out of ten on loudness, probably a six for hot talk... oh but I'd give Chris an eight for screaming when he came." Chris' jaw dropped, and he launched himself at Joey. Lance grabbed him before he could get very far, and pulled him back into his arms.

"Look you two, play nice. If you hurt yourselves now then you'll have to suck up and do the concert in pain." Lance smiled at me. "None of us really wanted to go run around since we have the show tonight. Gabriella suggested we just lounge here for a bit..."

Joey's cell phone started ringing. "Excuse me guys." He went partway into the bedroom. "Hello? Oh, hi Chris." Joey smiled at me and blew a kiss. "Yeah, he told me." I tried hearing more that was said, but Joey closed the door to the bedroom.

"So Gabriella volunteered my room. Nice." I gave her a mock glare, which she just smiled sweetly at.

"I figured you'd want to be surrounded by hot men Dale. Since I couldn't find any I figured you'd settle for these guys." She started shrieking as JC began tickling her. Joey came out of the bedroom as she was starting to settle down, he gently pulled me after him back into the bedroom, excusing us to the group.

He didn't say anything for a second, just stood there with his arms around my waist. Finally I couldn't bear it any longer. "That was mom wasn't it?"

He ran his finger along my neck, and tried giving me a kiss but I wouldn't let him. "Why did she call you? What'd she say?"

He winked at me, and got a kiss anyway. "She called to see if I knew. I told her everything...hope that's okay. She's not mad, just was hurt that you didn't tell her. I told her your reasoning and I think she understood. She told me to give you a kiss and as tight a hug as I want. So I'm only following momma's orders." He grinned as he pulled me up in the air and gave me a twirl before kissing me again. Man this boy can kiss!

He pulled me back out into the living room and we settled on the couch holding onto each other. Suddenly Joey interrupted the conversation going on.

"Guys... GUYS! I have a question for everyone." As soon as everyone got quiet he looked at me and grinned. "So who's in charge of the wedding?" Jaws dropped all around. "Come on guys, remember? Valentine's Day! It's rapidly approaching and I want to make it legit with this man here so his mom doesn't get mad at me." He gave me a kiss and took my hand in his. "We need someone to arrange food, music, oh and guests! I want you guys to all be my best men."

I interrupted him. "Um, Joey. I love you death but I am not wearing a dress...and I seriously doubt I can wear white." Chris started snickering, "What's so funny old man?"

"Just the thought of you in a dress. Hey! Who you callin' old??? You're older than me!" He tried lunging at me but Lance grabbed him again and pulled him back. "Lance, you're taking all the fun out of this." Chris kissed him, and then pulled Lance into his arms.

Joey chimed in, "He may be older than you but he doesn't act it...and that's why I love him." We kissed again, and were accompanied by a chorus of groans.

"So do you guys want to get married in Vermont or just in your back yard?" I pulled away from Joey's lips so I could answer Justin.

"Considering if we tried doing it in Vermont the press would probably get wind of it let's just do what's safest for the group and do the backyard. We just have to try and find someone to officiate." Justin began grinning and told me he already had someone in mind for that.

Oh god...

"Okay if you guys want to hang out here, feel free. I think Joey and I are just going to lie down for a bit before you have to go to soundcheck." I giggled and stuck my tongue out at Chris. "Don't worry oldfart, we won't be too loud." I followed Joey, who closed the door behind us and then went to turn the fan on. I clicked on the tv, and we decided to watch MTV and relax. We curled up with each other... and slept.

A couple of hours later, I was sitting across the table from Gabriella and we were eating dinner. The guys had gone to what would be their last show in the Boston area. "So how'd things go with you and Josh hon?"

She didn't say anything, just took a bite of her dinner. "Hello? Earth to Gabriella?" She blinked, then focused on me finally.

"Huh? Oh, fine."

"Okay talk. I spilled my guts to you yesterday so it's your turn. What gives?"

She slammed the rest of her drink and signaled for the waiter. "Nothing to tell really. We just decided we would make better friends than lovers. HEY, NEED SOMETHING ELSE TO DRINK HERE!" The waiter scurried off to get her some more wine. "I just couldn't deal with the whole difference in lifestyles. I mean, he's a major celebrity and all. I can't exactly take him home and introduce him to mom. With my luck she'd scream and molest him or something."

I giggled at that. "Graphically put Gabby. Are you okay with this? Is HE?"

"I guess he'll have to be. I'll survive though... I always do." She began eating her pasta with a vengeance, stabbing the pieces viciously.

Okay... the trip home is going to be fun.

We had made arrangements to meet up with the guys when the concert ended. They were going to be coming back here and spending tonight instead of trying to sleep on the bus, one of the main reasons why I had decided to come up and visit Joey. Gabriella wasn't in the mood to stay at the hotel so I paid for a carriage ride and we went for a tour of the city. It was kind of neat to see all the historical places in the Boston area, it took me a few hours but I think I finally got Gabriella out of her bad mood. We headed back to the hotel around eleven. I gave her a hug and told her I'd see her in the morning for breakfast before we headed to the airport.

I closed the door to my room, and dialed Joey's number. He answered on the third ring, out of breath.

"Hey baby... how'd the show go?"

"Oh man! Okay I guess...but Chris and Lance kept screwing up! I don't know what's up but management is pissed. We'll be back at the hotel in like twenty minutes, then it's time for a team meeting to discuss it."

"Shit Joe. Do you want me to wait up for you?"

"Actually, can you go with me Dale? I need you right now... if management has a problem they can go fuck themselves."

I heard someone say something in the background and then Joey started yelling. "I don't give a fuck Justin! I'm tired, I'm hurting, and I need Dale. He knows just as much about what goes on in this group as anyone..."

He got back on the phone with me. "Baby I'll see you in about a half hour. I'm telling the guys we're meeting in your room. I'll call it neutral ground." Even though he was pissed I could tell he had a smile on his face when I told him I loved him. I hung up the phone, and straightened up the room so it was presentable.

I was sitting on the couch falling asleep when there was a knock on the door. I answered it, and the guys all walked quietly in. Joey smiled when he saw me, then went and sat on the couch. He left me some room so I could snuggle up with him. The road manager came in, and Wade Robson brought up the rear. After the manager spent a few minutes bitching about the show, Wade asked if the guys needed the routines altered or something.

The manager was apparently dumber than a box of rocks. It was obvious from how the guys were acting that there was something serious going on between Lance and Chris. Lance and the guys mumbled that they would be back on track for the next performance in Chicago. After Wade and the manager left, the guys all just sat there not talking to each other. I went and sat on the arm of the couch, taking Joey's hand in mine.

"Okay guys, anything I can do? If not just tell me to shut up." I smiled as I said it, hoping that it'd help break the ice. Lance started to say something, then Chris told me to shut up. The look on Chris' face told me that he didn't want to talk about it right now. Lance glared at Chris then asked me if we could talk in the other room.

As soon as the door had closed, the tears started in his eyes. "Chris and I are breaking up."


"Something's wrong, but he won't talk to me Dale! Could you try and get him to talk? Please..." The look on his face was so sad, "He told me just before the show started, how's that for lousy fucking timing? Now he's shutting me out. I don't know what to do here."

I told him to stay in the bedroom and relax for a few minutes, then headed back out to try and figure out just what in the hell was up. I closed the door, and turned around to see Chris talking to Joey and the others. They stopped talking as I headed back to Joey.

"Okay, he told me. What's up?"

Chris got up and started pacing. "I can't deal with it anymore. Lance always wants to be right there, I can't get any space. He's always asking me if I'm okay and asking if I love him. I thought this may be something that feels right but it's not."

He took a deep breath and looked at me. "I'm not gay."

I heard an intake of breath behind me. Oh no...please tell me he didn't.

I turned my head, and standing there was Lance. I'll always remember the look on his face as his heart was ripped out of his chest. The tears were streaming down his face now, and he made no effort to hide them. He walked to the door without saying a word. Joey and Justin tried talking to him.


He turned and looked at all of us, and didn't say a word. He softly opened the door, and closed it. I think I would have rather heard a door slam than that. Justin and Josh left and went after him. Chris took a cushion into his arms and curled up on the couch, facing the back.

Joey's hand clenched my shoulder. "God Dale, what in the hell is this going to do to the group?" I gave him a quick kiss, then pulled him into the bedroom. We both needed sleep.

Next: Chapter 40

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