Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Feb 22, 2002


To Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. Mark has also been great. I've even inspired him! Check out his story "Blind Date", it's also here in the Boyband section.

I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



Dale came awake with a start. It took him a second to remember where he was. He felt an arm over him and someone was snoring softly into his ear. He remembered last night, and how Joey said he'd stay.

Dale was glad. There was something about Joey that just made him feel at ease with things... comfortable. He felt Loki move, then get up and stretch. Loki jumped down from the foot of the bed, leaving Dale to his thoughts.

Joey farted.

Dale smothered a giggle, and turned over so he was lying on his back. Joey snuggled up closer, murmuring softly to himself.

Dale spent a few minutes just staring at Joey. He was just so damn cute. He'd recently re-pierced his eyebrow, and to Dale it made Joey look even cuter. Dale couldn't help it; he lightly ran his finger along Joey's facial hair.

Joey opened his eyes. Dale snatched his hand back. Joey smiled at him.

"Hey." He yawned. Dale thought he looked even cuter.

"Hey yourself. How'd you sleep?"

"Outstanding. How're you feeling?" He looked concerned.

"Oh I'm fine. What time do you have to meet up with everyone?"

Joey looked at the alarm clock. "Got a few hours." Joey stretched languidly, and then curled up against Dale again. "I vote we just stay here. This is kind of nice."

Joey fell back asleep wrapped up around Dale. Dale smiled, and fell back asleep.

Joey's cell phone started ringing from the nightstand. Dale glared at it for a second, and then since Joey didn't move to answer it he went ahead and answered.

"Hello, Joey's phone."


Dale sat up in bed, Joey muttered softly and went back to sleep with his arm draped over Dale's midsection. "Hi Lance. What's up?"

"What're you doing answering Joey's phone? Where's he? Did you finally remember everything?"

"Everything? What the hell're you talking about Bass? Here's Joey." Dale nudged Joey, who woke up with a snort.


"It's Lance on the phone. He's wiggin' about something. You try and figure it out. I gotta pee."

Joey was grinning as he watched Dale leave the room. Once he closed the bathroom door Joey got back on the phone.

"Lance? What's up?"

"Where in the hell are you? I just left your house so I know you aren't there."

"We're at Dale's new place."

"Oh really?" Lance giggled. "Did you two play hide the sausage last night?"

"God you're such a pervert! No we didn't. We just cuddled."

"Jesus Joey, I can't believe Dale doesn't remember. Most straight guys don't cuddle with each other. Would you just kiss him and get it over with!"

"NO!" Joey practically shouted it. Dale had just come out of the bathroom so he had to be careful what he said. "It'll happen eventually, I have no doubt. So you gonna come over here or what?"

Lance laughed. "Why? You want a ride to the meeting or something?"

"Hey. Should we bring Dale to this?"

Lance hesitated. "No, I think this is going to be nothing but dull business. We can meet up with him after if you want."

Joey rattled off the address and a quick set of directions, then hung up the phone. "So Dale, do you want to get together and do something after we get out of that meeting?"

Dale mumbled an assent as he was heading towards the shower. As soon as Joey saw where Dale was going he got a hard on. His libido was in constant overdrive the past few days with all the cuddling that Dale was doing with him, and it was driving him nuts.

He was lying on the bed absently playing with his dick when he heard the doorbell. Dale wasn't out of the shower yet so he decided to go ahead and get the door.

He got downstairs, and saw Lance and Chris peeking in the mini-windows that surrounded the door. He grinned as he opened the door.

"Hey it's MTV Cribs. Thanks for stopping by my place. Come on in and I'll show you around." Joey grinned as he flourished his arms to flag the two men through the door.

Lance just glared at him, but Chris snickered. "Dude, killer house. Did Martha Stewart decorate it?"

All three laughed. "Actually I don't know who did. Dale's upstairs showering, so if you want a full tour you'll have to wait until he's done. He doesn't seem to really know his way around though."

"Well, what'd you expect Joey? No shock there."

"What do you mean by that Chris?"

The three friends looked, and Dale was on the stairs. Chris covered for himself.

"Just that this place looks like a showcase. Once it looks a little more lived in you'll probably get the hang of it. Hey, want me to come over and let Busta run around here for a bit? No? You sure? Oh, okay."

"Dale, we have to go to our meeting with Johnny. Do you feel like heading over and meeting us at my place in about three hours?"

"Sure I guess Joey. What's the address?"

Just as Joey started telling him Dale said the address at the same time. "Wow. Do you have any idea as to why I know your address Joe?"

Before Joey could say anything Lance chimed in. "You've been there a couple of times for get togethers." Everyone else looked at him, so he stammered the finish. "You know, to plan for the charity show."

"Oh. Okay, gotcha."

"Here Dale, go ahead and drive my car over there This is the key for the door." He held up one of the keys. "Give us about three hours and we'll all meet you there. We can do a cookout and hang out by the pool for a few hours. Until we get there just relax and make yourself at home." He blushed and cleared his throat. "Sound good?"

Dale grinned. "That sounds wonderful."

The three bandmates said their goodbyes and left the house. "Lance, swing by my place so I can take a quick shower and change. Don't want to show up like this."

Chris made some gagging noises from the back seat, so Joey flipped him off.

After a quick shower and change, the guys met up with JC and Justin at Johnny Wright's office. After the standard part of the meeting going over finances and the feedback from promoters on the tour, Johnny broached the subject that he had been afraid to talk about.

"So Joey... how's things going with Dale?"

"Okay I guess."

"Has he remembered you yet?"

"Not entirely. I'm hopeful being around each other will help trigger it."

Johnny sighed and sat back in his seat. "Joey, what if he doesn't remember?"

Joey shook his head. "Won't happen. I'll make sure he remembers us. We're going to have a cookout at my place today, so if we can wrap this up?" He smiled to make sure everyone knew that he wasn't being a bitch about things.

"The only thing I have is we have to set a date for you guys to go back into the studio to record the new album. Justin and JC have been doing a lot of writing so there's some great material, we just have to lay tracks and go from there." They talked about it for about twenty minutes and came up with a date about six weeks from then to go into the studio. That'll give everyone a chance to take a break and relax.

Dale left his house about forty minutes before the time he was to meet up with Joey and the guys at his house. He promptly got lost. After pulling over to try and figure out the location using a map he had an idea. He's been there before from what the guys said... so he remembers the way, just can't think of it.

So... don't think about it.

He pulled back out onto the road and just drove. He didn't think, just drove along. Turning when it felt right and going where it seemed appropriate.

Voila. Here he is. As Dale parked the car and got out he felt an odd sense of déjà vu. He slowly began walking up the driveway, stopping periodically to look around him.

He had a flash of getting pulled into an SUV in the driveway. He saw Lonnie's face, and could hear him snarl. Dale whirled around to make sure he was alone.

He slowly walked up the steps, and unlocked the door. He turned off the alarm box as he closed the door. He was just thinking about how in the world he knew the alarm code when his cell phone started ringing.


"Hi son, how're you doing?"

Dale let out his breath. "Mom! You scared me."

She sounded concerned. "What's going on?"

Dale told her about getting back to his house, but not feeling like he was at home. She listened without really saying anything. "And now I'm over at Joey's house... and I feel totally at ease. I knew his alarm code even! This is weird, do you know what's going on?"

She took a breath like she was going to say something. "Trust in yourself sweetie. It'll come when it's ready. I have to go for now, but I love you."


Dale spent the next thirty minutes just walking through the house. He had a headache that was growing steadily worse. His nose started bleeding, but he didn't even notice until he looked down at something and a splash of red fell onto his shirt.

"Fuck." Dale ran to the bathroom and got some tissue. After standing there for a few minutes he got sick of waiting and made a small wad of tissue to plug his nostril with. He headed downstairs and went to sit on the couch because he was starting to feel funny. The room began spinning, and his head felt like it was going to explode. He closed his eyes and felt the universe spin around him.


He opened his eyes, and Joey was right there. "What happened? You have blood on your shirt."

Dale let Joey help him sit up. The other guys were all gathered behind Joey. "It was the damnedest thing. I was walking around the house, and got a headache. Then my nose started bleeding. I began feeling weird so I sat down." He looked down at his shirt. "Jesus, I look nasty. I'm going to go clean up."

Dale slowly made his way to the stairs and headed up to the bathroom. Joey was staring worriedly after him, the guys all telling that it'd be okay.


A few minutes later Dale was staring at his reflection in the mirror. He was using a washcloth to clean himself up. He stripped the shirt off and threw it on top of the hamper. He looked down to rinse out the cloth, and when he looked up at himself he remembered.


He stood there for a second grabbing the sink as a rush of memories came flooding back. The emotions and sensations came back as well, so he started crying. After about a five minute crying jag, he finally was able to see himself to clean up his face. He checked himself in the mirror, and saw he looked presentable.

Walking across the hall, he got one of the shirts out of the dresser, putting it on. He headed downstairs with a small smile on his face.

He heard voices in the back of the house, so he went out onto the deck. JC and Justin were sitting at the table playing cards while Lance and Chris were arguing over the best way to light the barbeque. Joey was standing at the edge of the deck watching the automatic screener floating in the pool. He turned around as he heard someone walk through the door.

"Hey Dale, how're you feeling?"

Dale didn't say anything, just walked up to Joey. He stopped when he was right in front of him. Dale slowly reached up and put his hands on each side of Joey's face. Leaning in, he softly kissed Joey's lips.

Joey pulled back. "Dale, what're you doing?"

Wrapping his arms around Joey, and leaning his head onto Joey's... Dale softly said the words that Joey had been waiting to hear.

"I remember. Oh my god, I remember everything." Dale was crying as he kissed Joey again. As the kiss broke, Dale looked into Joey's face. "I can't believe I forgot you."

Joey was crying, but he still managed to smile. "I knew you'd come back to me." He pulled Dale up off his feet and passionately kissed him.

The other four members of the band began clapping.

Next: Chapter 50

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