Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Oct 31, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- I'm even a nominee for some slash-fiction awards! Vote for me please!!!! ( or I'm nominated in the Best Joey story' and Best Slash Fiction'.

This story has now officially taken on a life of it's own. I didn't expect it to go this long or be this developed. But so many people have written me that I have to see what happens next!

As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 21--

The next two weeks passed rapidly. I spent most of the time getting my life back on track so I could relocate. I was having some nightmares still from the carjacking, but they were coming less frequently. I went to the Florida DMV to transfer my license and register my new car. I spoke with mom and Debbie at great length. We did have one fight a few days into my stay in Florida, which I didn't tell Joey about. It all started pretty innocuous.

"Dale, don't you think things are going a little rapid with you and Joey? I mean, you've only known each other a few weeks and you're uprooting your entire life to move down there."

"Oh please mom. You knew Deb for a month and she moved in to the house in California. And besides, Joey and I have connected like we are meant to be together." Our phone conversation ended with me calling her a bitch and hanging up. I apologized to her a few days later.

I did tell Joey that I wanted to look into getting my own place.

He wasn't happy about it when we talked about it during our morning phone call.

"But why Dale? Aren't you happy at the house?"

"You know I am hon. I just want to be able to have a place that's mine. I feel like I'm a guest here."

"Dale, you can do whatever you want around the house. If you want to redo a room just tell me." He was starting to sound really agitated about it.

"Okay baby. Let's drop it for now. You guys are getting ready to head into DC right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Want me to come up?"

"Oh God yes! Hang on I'll get Lance. He's got all the info. We won't be staying at a hotel there. We don't get a hotel until we get up to New Jersey. You're going to come up? Really?"

"Of course I am baby. I miss my Superman. Now, get Lance."

"GREAT!! I love you Dale. Hang on, here's Lance."

I heard a crash followed by an expletive. I giggled as Lance came on the phone.

"Hey mister Dale. How's life in Orlando?"

"Not too bad Scoop. Okay, I have the ring. But now we have to figure out a way to do this. I'm going to fly up and meet you guys in DC. Should I let you guys deal with security or give Johnny a call?"

"Why not do both? So you gonna fill me in on the ring?"

I pulled the box off of the table and opened it. Inside was a man's ring, size twelve and a half. It came out looking even better than I thought. It was a titanium band, with three stones in it. The center stone was a two-carat diamond. The stone on the left was my birthstone, a peridot. The stone on the right was Joey's birthstone, an amethyst. On the band of silver that rings the three stones I paid the engraver to put a set of Superman logos (he's really good because they're totally small!). On the inside of the band I had him engrave the chinese symbol for `eternity'.

I described it for Lance, and he was quiet on the other end once I was done.

"What's wrong? Do you think he'll hate it?"

He sniffed once. "God no Dale. He'll love it. I just can't believe you did it. It sounds nice. So we'll see you in DC?"

"Yep, I'm going to call Johnny then get ready to head out to the airport. Hey Lance, how has he really been the past few weeks?"

"Truthfully? Miserable. When he's not on stage it's like he's going through the motions."

I sighed. "That's kind of what I figured. Okay, I'll see you guys in a few hours. I'll head up and get a hotel room so I can stay a day or two extra."

"Why don't you stay at your apartment?"

"If I do then I'll get depressed Lance. Long story, so let's not get into it right now."

"Okay Dale. Hey, give me a call when you get settled. I'll give security a heads up that you're coming."

"Will do and thanks. Bye for now."

I made a quick call to Johnny, and he got me hooked up with security so I wouldn't have to deal with anything. He called and booked me a limo so he could give the guard the limo #.

"Dale, swing by my office on the way to the airport. I have some stuff I need to send up to the guys."

"Okay Johnny. See you in thirty minutes." I grabbed my overnight bag and threw some clothes in. Tossing the ring on top, I tossed my CD player and a book in and zipped it shut. Walking out the door, I set the alarm and took off.

Johnny gave me a pack of folders and envelopes. "If you can give these to the guy that'd be a lot of help." He also gave me my backstage pass and security identification so I wouldn't have to deal with local security. An hour later I was booked onto a flight up to Reagan National in DC that was supposed to touch down about eleven a.m.. I called a couple of friends of mine in Baltimore and let them know that I was returning for a day or two. My friend Steve was having some serious issues with my disappearing so much, so I told him I'd call him again once I'm up there. Also said I'd try to get over to his place, but could make no promises yet because I didn't know my schedule.

My flight was okay. I slipped my copy of No Strings Attached in to my CD player and curled up with a DragonLance book. Some dork was sitting next to me, and kept asking me questions. He actually had the nerve to pull my earphone out of my ear to ask me something! He got upset and called the attendant when I threatened him with bodily harm. She came over and asked me just what exactly I had said.

"Well. I told him that if had the nerve to touch me again or if he pulled my headphone out of my ear that I'd rip his hand off and shove it up his ass." She glared at the guy and then apologized to me for the bother. I assured her that it was no problem.

The plane touched down and I headed out at a run so I could get to the hotel in a hurry. I always hated flying into this airport for some reason.

I called Stephen once I was in the rental car and on the road to the hotel. "Hey Dale. Glad you could finally get around to phoning me. I thought we were friends?"

"We are friends Stephen. You know that." He spent the next twenty minutes guilting me about the past month. He panicked when he'd read about the carjacking. He said he'd tried coming to visit me at the hospital but the hospital wouldn't let him through.

"Dale, you know I love ya and all. But you don't do this to your friends." Great, like I didn't have enough on my mind without his guilt. Oh well.

"I'll call you once my plans for later tonight get finalized. I do know I'm going to the N'Sync concert, but after that is up in the air."

"You got tickets? That's cool. I tried but they sold out in record time."

"Do you want me to try and pull some strings Stephen? I do know a couple of guys who could maybe hook you up." He was silent for a second, then told me no.

"Besides. It's not like any of them are gay, so I wouldn't stand a chance."

I bit back a giggle. We said our good-byes and hung up.

I'd called and booked a suite at the Westin. Once I checked in and got my room number I dialed Lance's cell.


"Hey blondie. I'm staying at the Westin." I gave him the address and room number. I was just getting ready to hang up when my call waiting beeped. "Hang on a second Lance, I have another call."

He just laughed. "Go ahead and take it. I think you know who it is." I just smiled and ended his call so the other one would connect.

"Hello gorgeous."

"Baby, have I told you how sexy I find you?"

"Does this mean you forgive me for this morning Joey?"

"Honey there's nothing to forgive. I just want to take you in my arms. The past two weeks have been pure hell."

"So where are you guys right now?" I heard him put his hand over the phone and say something to someone. "We're about two hours outside of the District."

"Okay Joe, I'll see you at the arena at 5."

"Sounds good. Love you hon."

"Love you too Joe." I hung up the phone, and was jolted out of my visions of Joey by a knock at the door. I went to the door. "Who is it?"

"Room service sir."

I opened the door and a member of the hotel staff was standing there with a service cart with a light lunch on it. "I'm sorry sir, but I didn't order anything."

"That's because we did."

Joey and Lance tipped the guy, and they brought the cart inside, closing the door behind them. ..//Oh my god//...

"Joey?" I practically jumped into his arms. Our lips met. I felt tears in my eyes, but I didn't care. I was finally back in his arms. Our kiss broke after about two minutes. "What? How? When?"

Joey just stroked my hair, and lightly kissed my lips. Running his finger down my jawline, I shuddered with the passion that was racing through my body.

Joey got behind me, and wrapped his arms around me. He began nuzzling my neck. "We got in early. I wanted to surprise you. Lance is here to make sure I remember to come back for the Meet and Greet."

"Um, Lance. Do you mind if we..." I didn't even get to finish the sentence.

"Go. I'll sit here and try to ignore the barnyard sounds coming out of the bedroom." He sat on the couch as Joey practically picked me up and carried me to the bed.

I giggled as Joey kicked the door to the room shut. In what seemed like seconds our clothes were thrown all around the room. Joey's lips were mashed against mine, and I let out a loud moan as his tongue traced its way up to my ear and he began nuzzling. He was slowly kissing his way down my body. He bit at a nipple, and my arms shot around his body. I pulled him into me while pushing him down at the same time. As I felt his lips wrap around my cock, I couldn't help it. I shot. After he swallowed my load, he pulled himself back up and kissed me again. I arched an eyebrow and then tossed him onto his back.

Now, it's my turn. I had to be careful to not give him any visible hickeys.

I kissed my way down his body, but I didn't take him into my mouth. I straddled him, and let out a shuddering groan as his cock slammed into me. I rode him for what seemed like just seconds before he groaned and shuddered beneath me. I felt his climax, and as he was shooting I leaned forward and shoved my tongue down his throat.

As I felt him soften slightly, I pulled off of him and lay beside him. We spent a few minutes just necking and petting each other.

"God Dale, I've missed you." I was nuzzling on his neck, and slowly licking my way down his body. He kept talking, but a moan left his mouth as I took his left tit in my mouth and began licking and biting on it. Just when he was starting to get into it, I pulled back.

"So, how have you been sugar?"

"That's just harsh Dale!"

"Come on Joey. We need a shower." I pulled him up after me and drug him to the shower. We spent the next twenty minutes washing each other. Joey leaned against the wall and ran his hands through my hair as I sucked on his meat and savored his load. Finally we got out of the shower and got ready to head back out to the living room of the suite.

"So, Lance. How are you?" Joey came in a few seconds after I did. He just smiled at Lance and grabbed a plate off of the cart and began nibbling on the breadsticks and muffins.

Lance smiled at the two of us. "Okay, this is definitely what Joey needed. Damn Joe, you haven't been smiling this much in the entire past two weeks!" Joey just reached over and put his hand on me. I grinned back at him. "Okay you two. It's now almost 1. We have to be at the arena at 2. So guess what? That's right kids we have to leave now." He grabbed his planner and cell phone and herded us out the door. Good thing that I changed for the concert! I reached for my overnight bag, which just had the papers that Johnny had given me along with the ring as we were ushered out.

We were found out in the lobby by a teeny-bopper. But Lance just smiled at her and said something to the effect of "Love ya toots, but we're late. Bye". There was a limo sitting outside waiting for them.

"Geez guys, why didn't you say you had a car waiting. Now I feel bad for delaying us. And Joey didn't even get to hardly eat anything!" Lance just smiled at me.

"Trust me Dale. Joey needed this more than food. Maybe now he won't be so sulky tonight."

"Hey Scoop that's not fair. I have not been sulky." We were zipping out of the parking lot of the hotel, so Joey cuddled up in my arms.

"Oh hell yes you have been Joseph. You've been a total bitch and we all were tired of it, so that's why the others stayed behind to start soundcheck and get everything settled. We love you and Dale both. But enough was just enough." He grinned broadly at us to take the sting out of his words. "Besides, wait until I report to the guys about the sounds coming out of that room! Jesus guys it sounded like one of those National Geographic specials." He laughed as Joey and I both ganged up on him. Suddenly he was getting tickled by two people bigger than him.

Poor Lance never stood a chance.


Joey just looked at me and grinned. "Are you into water sports Dale?"

"Um, ew. Not really. Are you?"

"Nah, besides, we don't want a wet Scoop. He'd just get cranky." Joey got back on the seat. I got up after he did.

"Yeah, and smell funny too." I grinned at Lance. Then for good measure I reached down and pinched his nipple. Lance laughed and smacked my hand away.

"Hey. You're taken. Hands off the merchandise there buddy! Go play with Joey's." I just leaned back and held my arm out so Joey could lean back into my arms. I reached down and began playing with his chest hair.

"Okay Lance. You say so." Joey just grinned at me then closed his eyes.

All too soon, we were pulling up at the MCI Center. There were hundreds of kids there. All holding signs for the group. A lot of them were crying. We drove up to the VIP Entrance.

The driver stopped long enough to let the guard know who we were. Lance rolled the back window down slightly to confirm that it was okay.

The driver let us out by a door that was roped off. The security guard got out of our way as we went inside. There was all kinds of hammering and shouting as the crew got the stage finished. The three of us walked out onto the stage, which looked almost done. The three of us were just standing there when someone threw themselves on top of me. I went down in a pile of flesh. I looked up and all I saw was Justin's smiling face.

"DALE!!! Glad you could get off your butt and come see us."

Next: Chapter 22

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