Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Mar 14, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this.

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



The cab had taken me to a Sprint store, which was where I had decided to go to another make of car. (It probably helped that a dealership was across the street from the phone store). While the girl behind the counter was programming my replacement phone I looked on the BMW dealership lot and saw a blue vehicle that caught my fancy. She finished up my phone and I ran across the street. I found what I was looking for in minutes. It was a metallic blue BMW X5 with all the options.

I finished my paperwork, grabbed my new phone, and took off. I pulled up to a stoplight and dialed Joey's cell phone. He answered on the third ring.

"Hey studman, how's it hanging?"

He growled into the phone, and I could hear someone laughing in the background. "We're at the compound and these people are driving me nuts. Wanna be my knight in shining armor and rescue me?"

"I can Joey, but won't they get mad?"

He laughed. "Fuck `em! I want to spend time with my honey before I go. I figure we'll have two hours before they send Tiny out to get me. Now get your ass over here and pick me up!" He sounded like he was going to start crying. I heard a sob then the phone went dead.

Thank god I had a head for numbers. I dialed Lance's cell. "Poofoo, what's up with my Joey?"

"Beats me Dale, he's been moping around since we got here. Now he's off crying," he pulled away from the phone for a second by the sounds of it. "Oh shut up Chris, Joey will not be pissed I tell him!"

"Tell me what?"

"Joey asked management if you could go with us. Johnny said no."

"Okay, that's understandable. Joey was pissed about it I take it?"

"That's putting it mildly. You on your way here?"

"Yeah, I think I remember how to get there."

Lance rattled off some directions after I told him where I was. "Okay Lance, I'll be there in probably twenty minutes, I have to go pick up something. Do me a favor, pull him aside and tell him I love him."

I swear I could hear him grin. "Will do."

I made it in about thirty, I saw Chris and Justin standing by an eighteen-wheeler. The security guard at the gate recognized me, but when I first pulled up I could tell that those two didn't. They were just staring at the car, but smiled when they saw me.

"Hey Dale, nice new toy."

"Thanks Justin, where is he?"

He didn't say anything, just pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. I walked over to the door that he'd pointed to. I saw him talking on his cell phone with someone, he looked like he was yelling. I put a smile on my face as I opened the door.

I swear to you his face lit up when he saw me. He didn't even say goodbye to who he was talking to, just closed his phone and pulled me into a tight embrace.

"Thank God you're here! Can you take me to the airport later?" He grabbed me by the arm and was pulling me out towards the car. "Hey you got a BMW! I like it." He pushed me towards my side of the BMW and jumped into the passenger side. He rolled the window partway down, "Chris, Justin I'll see you guys at the airport in a few hours."

He was sitting there with a broad grin on his face, I just smiled gamely at Chris and gave Justin a quick hug. "We'll see you guys at the airport in a little bit."

"Okay Dale. We're doing Delta. Hang on a second." He ran inside the main building briefly, and came back out with Lance following. "Here's Joey's ticket."

Lance glared at Joey, then smiled at me. "Talk to him Dale, he's not making this easy." We hugged, and I got in the car.

Joey ran his hand along my leg, and was grinning at me. "Thanks for rescuing me. My last nerve was getting worked."

I sighed. This wasn't going to be easy. "Joey, think about it. The guys are gearing up for the final leg of the tour. Capped off by the charity concert. Remember that? It's how we met after all." He tried sliding his hand up my body, but I took the hand into my right one. (Thank God I bought an automatic). "Not this time Mister Fatone. We're heading home so we can talk. No nookie, just talk."

He pouted the rest of the drive to the house. I got out from behind the wheel and headed towards the door, and didn't hear him open his door. "Joey, we don't have much time."

I finally heard the door shut. He didn't say anything as he walked past me and opened the door of the house.

Perfect...just perfect.

Joey was sitting on the couch when I walked in. Not saying a word, just looking out the window. I sat down behind him and began massaging his shoulders.

"Hey handsome."

He didn't say anything, but I could feel some of the tension leave his shoulders. I began intensifying the massage, and talking as I went.

"Joey, you have to remember who you are. We can't wrap ourselves up in each other, god I'd love to but we can't. You have certain obligations that you have to meet." I finally got him so I could pull him back to me, He didn't say anything as I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled his neck.

"Baby, I love you more than you can possibly know...but you have to go on the road with the guys. You have to get on that stage and smile and dance and sing. People expect to see Joey Fatone doing certain things and acting a certain way, they already are questioning things because of the past few can't afford to have that continue. It's only for a few weeks, and we have phone and email to keep in contact. I promise to call you daily."

He turned around and flashed that devastating smile at me. "How'd you get to be so smart Dale?"

We kissed. I grinned as he began unbuttoning my pants. "You met my moms...they brought me up right." I trailed off with a groan as he began rubbing me through my boxerbriefs. "Joey, we don't have a whole lot of time."

"If I can't have you in my arms the next few weeks I want something to remember." He pulled his shirt off and then pulled mine over my head.

"Joey! Be good..."

"Don't know what to tell ya babe, except I'm always good!" We made love on the couch. My orgasm hit just as his did, so we just held each other as the sensations overtook. I collapsed into his arms, and gently ran my nose along his goatee.

"I hope you know I'm going to miss you."

"Of course you will Dale."

I grabbed a throw pillow and smacked him in the face with it. He laughed as he held me down. "I love you Dale." He gently kissed me, and we lay there for a few minutes.

I started falling asleep in his arms, so I made myself get up. "Come on Joey, let's get you to the airport to meet the others."

He got dressed, pulled me into his arms for a final hug, and we headed back to the BMW. I began backing down the driveway, but stopped before we pulled out.


I grinned at him as I leaned over and pulled something out of the glove compartment. It was a small box. I handed it to him and finished backing out so we could head to the airport.

I didn't say anything as he looked at me, and slowly opened the box. He got the ribbon off, and I was pulling up to a stoplight when I heard his intake of breath.

"Oh Dale. You shouldn't have."

I turned and looked at him, he had pulled the necklace out of the box and had put it on. He was looking at himself in the vanity mirror.

"I love it." He looked around, and took a few seconds to sneak a kiss.

I had given him a silver man's necklace with a single charm on it. It was like Lance's cross necklace with one exception. The necklace I had given was one with an infinity symbol on it. We held hands as I drove to the airport. I parked, and Joey put on the patented `N Sync disguise' of glasses and floppy hat as we got out. The others had his luggage so all we had to do was meet them at the private lounge Delta has for their premier flyers.

The security guard at the door let Joey in, then glared at me as I followed.

I saw the guys standing in a huddle over by the window. Lance saw us as we headed towards them, and for some inexplicable reason broke into a huge smile.

Those guys exchanged a round of hugs, and Lance pulled me to the side. "Okay Dale, what'd you say to him?"

"What to you mean Lance?"

"He's grinning and happy. He looks like the old Joey. Considering how he acted when you two left the compound, I have to wonder what you said or did. Well, I know at least something you did."

I blushed.

"Dale, you got a hickey on the side of your neck." He let out a small laugh at my obvious embarrassment, then continued. "Seriously, whatever you told him, thank you. We need to be back on our best behavior for this final leg of the tour...if not then Johnny gets angry."

"And we don't like it when he's angry!" Justin came over and was standing behind Lance grinning like a maniac. "Hey Dale, glad you're getting rid of the ball and chain for a bit?"

"Gods Justin, what do you think?" I felt tears start to fall down my cheeks. I wiped my eyes and turned away, walking across the room to sit down away from the guys. I looked over at them, at least they all seemed to be talking and acting normal again. That's got to count for something...but why was I feeling so lousy?

Oh man, I think I know what it is... I'm scared of Joey leaving. I have to get out of here.

I walked over to the guys and said my goodbyes. I couldn't hug or even touch Joey because we were in public, so I just smiled at him and mouthed the words 'I love you' to him. I turned and walked away quickly, hearing Chris over my shoulder.

"Joey, what's wrong with Dale?"

I heard my baby let out a sigh. "Hopefully nothing."

I made it back to the house on autopilot. I locked the front door and headed upstairs to the bedroom. I curled up on his side of the bed. I could smell Joey's cologne, and it made my heart give a little lurch. I was just starting to cry when the phone rang.


"Okay bitch, stop your crying. We're going out."

"Gabriella? I don't feel like it."

"Tough shit Dale. I knew you'd be a wreck, I'm not exactly feeling my best either. Oh, get your door."

Just then the doorbell rang. I sat up in bed, looked at the cordless, and then started heading downstairs. "Okay Gabby, you psychic or something?"

She let out a laugh. "Hardly babycakes...I'm sitting in my car and I saw a large black guy walking up to your door."

"You're such a dork girl. So you coming in or what?" The doorbell rang again. "I'M COMING!" I opened the door to a very large muscled black man with a scowl on his face. "Can I help you?"

"Okay first off you should never just open the door like that, there's a peephole that's on the door for a reason!" He grinned at that, and extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Cyrus. I've been hired to be your personal security.

HHMm...this isn't what I expected.

"Okay mountain, move. I'm expected." Cyrus, who was standing in the doorway, turned around and growled at Gabriella.

"Don't you growl at me! I know ten ways of dropping a man to his knees. Only two of those methods involve sex." She let out a giggle and elbowed her way in.

"You're the girl who was sitting in the car? You're a friend?"

"Yeah I am. Probably the bestest friend in the Orlando area right now. Is that a problem?"

Cyrus didn't say anything, just pulled out his cell phone and hit a button. "Cancel the cop car to this address, suspicious character was a friend."

I invited Cyrus in and got the story. Apparently Joey took my words to heart about finding security, just didn't want me to have to `worry about it'.

"I'm with you whenever you go out in public, even if it's just to the store.

Don't worry about me cramping your style or anything, in no time you'll be used to it like your friends are."

Gabriella's cell started ringing. "Dammit I'm in the middle of planning my overthrow of the world so this better be good!"

"Oh, Hi Josh." She blushed and ran from the room. I heard her giggling like a schoolgirl. Lord, do girls take classes to perfect that?

Cyrus and I made small talk and went over my `schedule' such as it is for the moment. "I may be returning to college though, so my life could get hectic."

"That's not a problem Dale."

Gabriella yelled out for me. I excused myself and went to chase her down. "Joey wants to say something."

I took the phone. "Hello?"

"Did he get there?"

"He?" I smiled at Gabriella.

"Yeah Cyrus. I arranged for you to have some security." I heard a bellow on his end. "Okay, Lance and Justin arranged it. They're making some type of noise about keeping me from worrying. You're not mad are you?"

"Of course not honey, I just have to get used to the rock star treatment."

"We're getting ready to taxi down the runway so I have to go. Just wanted to hear your voice and tell you I love you. I'll call you tonight from Atlanta."

"Bye Joey, love you."

I heard the other end of the conversation disconnect, so I hung up the phone and filled Gabriella in on things.

"Aw, that's so sweet." She grabbed my arm and yanked me towards the door. "We're going out. Cyrus, we're going to go see a movie."

Gabriella and I headed out, my new shadow firmly attached, and got into my new car. (As Gabriella put it, `dammit Dale you got a new car so your ass is driving.')

Something tells me the next few weeks are going to be interesting.

Next: Chapter 35

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