Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Dec 1, 2000


n Hi everyone...

This story has now officially taken on a life of it's own. I didn't expect it to go this long or be this developed.

I'm not hearing from anyone anymore. I don't know if this means that you guys are too busy to write or no one's reading anymore. I'll go another couple of chapters, and if the feedback doesn't increase I'll wind the story down with a finale.

As always, Gabriella and Mike are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e- mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: The name of the stalker is fictional. This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 27--

"Oh my god Dale, you did not just say that!"

Josh was choking on a cheese puff that had gone down the wrong way. Around the two of us was a group of cackling men. I just arched my eyebrow at him and let out an evil giggle.

"Hey, don't blame me. I just call em like I see em." I grinned and took a sip of my drink. "If you can't handle a simple question about girls then never play Truth or Dare with me. I'd leave you in tears." We were relaxing in the living room of Lance's house. It was nice, and I was reconnecting with the guys. Joey was lying on the floor with his head nestled in my lap. It felt good.

A cell phone started ringing in the kitchen when Chris was refreshing our sodas. "Hey, someone's phone's going off!" We all bellowed for him to get it. He came back a few minutes later talking to someone. "Dale, it was yours. Some girl. You ditchin' Joey and switching sides or something?" He groaned as he got hit by pillows from both Joey and I.

"Hello this is Dale. Gabriella? Hey!! Who? The guy who answered? Hang on, I'll tell him." I pulled the phone slightly away from my mouth. "Chris, she says you have a very sexy voice and you should go into a career as a phone sex operator for circus clowns." Well, that did it. Drinks were sprayed out of several mouths as the laughter exploded. Even Chris was laughing. I got back on the phone with her. "Hey, I'm back. That was a pretty good one Gabby, have you been practicing?"

"Dale, you're ignoring us!!"

I glared at Joey. "Just a second you. Guys, can Gabriella come over? She's okay." They all looked unsure, then Joey clarified that it was the girl who I'd danced with that first night out. Chris chimed with a "damn, she was hot. Sure!" I laughed and gave Gabriella directions. Hanging up the phone I told the group she'd be there in like fifteen minutes.

We went back to the discussion, finding out all kinds of unseemly things about each other. I cringed when Justin told us about something that he and Britney did back in the MMC days.

JC just giggled and talked about `young love' rearing it's head on the set.

"You should have seen it Dale. There was so much making out going on that the producers kept threatening to fire us all. Something about `young hormones raging out of control'."

When the doorbell rang, Lance jumped up to get it. We heard a loud giggle a few seconds later, followed by a female voice saying "whatever". Lance came in a few seconds later followed by Gabriella.

"Poodle!" She held out her arms to give me an airhug. I did the same. The five guys all were just looking at us like we were nuts.

"Okay guys, you've never seen `Will and Grace'? Come on. Karen and Jack?" Finally it dawned on them. They began giggling.

"We've seen it a few times. But be fair Dale, we're usually on the road so we can't follow religiously."

I stuck my tongue out at Lance. "That's no excuse Scoop. It's a tapeable show! I love it because it shows mainstreet America that not only are gay people incredibly normal but they have just as many issues as straight people."

Chris sat forward. "Oh my god. Dale. You're gay? Get outta here! No way!!"

"Gabriella, after smacking him for me, you can sit over by JC if you want to." She walked by Chris, swatting him on his arm, and sat down by JC.

"So Dale, good to see you again. What's new?" The guys all got quiet and looked at me.

"Not much Gabby. Um, let's see. My psychotic ex boyfriend showed up and kidnapped me. I was missing for about two weeks. My return is still a little cloudy, I'm seeing a shrink to work out just what exactly happened to trigger it. But I'm back with my friends and my handsome Italian here." The guys all got really quiet at that.

"Dale, are you sure it's wise to tell her this?"

I looked at Gabriella and arched my eyebrow. "Should we tell them Gabby?" She just nodded and stood up to stretch. I couldn't help but notice that Chris and JC both stared at her midriff, which was briefly exposed.

"Guys, she already knew. When I was dancing with her at the club she asked how long I'd been dating Joey. I told her that we were just friends, she rolled her eyes and told me to pull my head out of my butt so I could smell the roses." I took a sip of my soda and continued. "She also pegged the others in the group whose bread is buttered on the other side." Lance blushed. "I think that Gabriella is totally trustworthy. She knew this information, and saw a lot of what went on in the club that night. Did any of it get out to the press or to the Internet?" They all shook their heads. I stood up, and took Gabriella's arm.

"Now, if you'll excuse us. I'm going to be refilling my soda and getting Gabriella something to drink. We'll be back." Gabriella and I headed into the kitchen. We heard them talking as we were in the other room.

"Shut up Justin she seems nice. And pretty damn cute too!"

I looked at Gabriella and grinned. "Well, sounds like JC is a yes vote." She winked at me and sipped her Diet Coke. We heard a scream, so we headed back into the living room to see who'd attacked whom. Chris was sitting on JC, and tickling him.

"Let up me up dammit Chris!"

"Not yet. Hang on." Chris then closed his eyes, and a monster fart ripped out of him. Well, that did it. A chorus of groans erupted, and pillows were being thrown at Chris. Joey and Lance launched themselves at him. Now it was Chris at the bottom of a pile.

"Um, Dale. Are they always like this?" I looked at Gabby, and saw that she was fighting the urge to laugh at the guys.

"Usually. But that's okay, it makes them relatively entertaining. And kind of cute. I mean, look at JC's butt. Isn't it just too hot?"

She laughed. "Yeah, definitely lickable."

That did it. They stopped wrestling and were just staring at us. Finally Joey spoke. "But Dale, what about my ass?"

"It's okay honey, I think you have the best ass of the group. Gabriella may have another opinion though. Well Gabby, what do you think?"

She put her soda down, and put her hand on her chin. "I dunno Dale. I mean, Joey does have a nice ass. But he's yours. Now Lance, his ass is pretty good. It's definitely at least an 8. But I'm not on his team, so that one's out. I'd have to say the best one here has to be JC."

JC just blushed, and slowly extricated himself from the pile of people. He extended his hand to her, "Please, call me Josh." Gabriella grinned when Josh took her hand, and softly kissed the back.

I made gagging noises, and ignored the daggers that Gabriella was glaring at me.

"So what's the plan now guys? Joey and I have a dinner date with his family tonight, so we should probably scoot and get ready for that."

They all began talking about what do to that night. Josh asked Gabriella if she had any plans for the evening. Within minutes, he had asked her out to dinner and dancing afterward. Josh scribbled down her address and phone, and left to get ready. As soon as he'd left, I cornered Gabriella.

"Okay hon. What do you have in mind?"

She just smiled at me. "Why Dale, a lady never talks about that. Oh yeah. Hey you guys, I have something I want to ask you." After she had all of their attention, she got down to business.

"What were you thinking? `Backstage Pass'? Please...that's so New Kids!" They all laughed at that. "Come on guys. We love you and all, but that's a little overkill. And lip balm? What were you thinking??!!" She smiled when she said it. Lance settled it pretty easily.

"Talk to management. They think that we have to `get our image out more'."

"Oh honey please. Do they even go into the real world?"

"I know Gabby, I know. We're working on them."

The group dispersed. Lance and Chris took Gabby's number because they'd enjoyed her being there. Justin was being kind of distant, but once he got to know her he'd unclench.

Joey and I headed back to our house so we could change and get ready to meet the parents (an event that I was not really looking forward to.)

I didn't say a whole lot on the ride home. "Babe? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I looked over at Joey, and he had a look of concern on his face. I took his hand and gave it a quick kiss before releasing it and putting my hand on his leg.

"I'm fine Joey. Just thinking about tonight. Trying to figure out if I should be scared or not."

He let out a snort. "Don't be. It'll all go well, I promise."

We got home and headed upstairs. "Dale, do you wanna take a shower?" I just smiled as he stripped out of his clothes and walked slowly up to me. He unbuttoned my shirt, and began kissing his way up my chest. I felt his lips touch mine, gently at first then more insistently. Without breaking our kiss, he reached down and unbuttoned my pants. I groaned as his hand went to my swelling cock, and began lightly squeezing it.

He broke the kiss abruptly, and grinned at me. "Last one in the water's a rotten egg." I was standing there panting, and ready to kill him.

"Dammit Joey, that was so mean." I got my shirt the rest of the way off, and kicked my pants off so I could join my boyfriend in the shower.

While showering, Joey did the most sensual thing he'd ever done for me. He told me to just stand there, and he bathed me. His loving hands felt so nice as they gently washed my body, and massaged the flesh as he went.

I pulled him up, and passionately kissed his lips. My tongue dueled with his. After a few minutes, we broke the kiss and came up for air.

"Make love to me Joey."

He just gave me a sweet smile, and ran his finger along my cheek. "Baby, are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." I smiled at him, and turned off the water. I wrapped my arm around him, and pulled him close.

"Joe, you could never hurt me. I love you with all my heart and soul. Now, let's go to bed." He grinned and arched his eyebrow at me. He led me to the bedroom, and gently kissed me. He held onto me and propelled me backward onto the soft bed. We spent the next few minutes kissing. He was running his hands down my body, softly at first because he was afraid to hurt me. Joey began kissing his way down my body. I was pushing him down with my hand and as his tongue hit the head of my dick, I let out a small groan. He took me inside his mouth, and began applying gentle suction. He shifted around slightly, and I didn't even say a word as we got into a sixty-nine. We spent a few minutes pleasuring each other, only to stop when I began pulling him off.

"Joey, fuck me. I need you inside me." He smiled as he came up the bed to kiss me. We spent a few more minutes just kissing each other.

He looked into my eyes. "Are you sure baby? We don't have to if you don't want to." He began groaning as I nuzzled his neck. He reached for the bottle of lube, and applied some to his dick and raised my legs slightly. As he slid into me, and I felt his weight on me I had a brief flash of Lonnie. I began tensing up, and Joey kissed me.

"It's okay baby. I'm here with you. You're never gonna lose me." He kissed me softly as he pushed some more of his dick in. The image of Lonnie was chased away, and the only thing that was there was a handsome Italian with a Superman fetish and a bundle of energy.

I felt something give inside. The past few weeks all fled away, my world sank down to the bare essentials. Our lovemaking was tender and gentle. Joey was crying as he climaxed twenty minutes later, and so was I. He collapsed onto me, and we just held each other.

"God Dale. Don't ever leave." That did it. We both lay there holding each other and crying. Joey ran his hand through my hair and rested it on my cheek. His thumb rubs my skin, and his lips tenderly fell on mine. He reached over and set the alarm clock. We took a much-needed nap. When the alarm went off at 6:30, we got up and each took quick showers. I dressed in a nice polo shirt and docker pants. Joey dressed in blue jeans and a Tommy Hilfiger shirt. We grabbed a bottle of wine off of the wine rack.

Leaving the house about 7:15, we got in the car to head off to meet his parents. I was terrified about the night...but I knew that Joey wouldn't let anything bad happen.

We didn't say much on the drive over, just held hands. When we pulled up in the driveway, he pointed out that it was a true family dinner. The cars of his brother and sister were there also.

Heading up to the door, I swallowed the lump that was in my throat. Joey didn't even knock, he just opened the door and bellowed that we were there. I nervously stepped into the house.

Next: Chapter 28

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