Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Nov 6, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- I'm even a nominee for some slash-fiction awards! Vote for me please!!!! ( or I'm nominated in the Best Joey story' and Best Slash Fiction'.

This story has now officially taken on a life of it's own. I didn't expect it to go this long or be this developed. But so many people have written me that I have to see what happens next!

As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 22--

"I swear if you don't get off of me right this second the group will be losing it's `beat box' to a sound beating." He just grinned like an idiot and let me up. The guys were all standing around me and smiling like maniacs.

Before they could say a whole lot someone bellowed out that it was time for sound-check. "Guys, before you go...I have some papers from Johnny. I'll put them in your dressing room and wait for you." I looked around. "Okay, where in the hell IS your dressing room?" They all laughed and pointed me in the right direction.

I went into their break/dressing room/game area. I saw a plush chair and it just looked so inviting I had to curl up. I tried staying awake, but I conked out. I felt something crawl up into my lap, but didn't feel like waking up.

"Aw....check it out. Dale and Busta are bonding." I heard a chorus of sounds as I opened my eyes. I looked down. Chris's dog Busta was sprawled in my lap...sound asleep. I reached down and scratched behind his ears. He groaned and stretched out even more.

"Dale!! What did you do to my dog?"

I smiled at Chris as I pulled myself out of the chair. I held Busta out to him and he snatched him out of my hands.

"Nothing Chris, he just curled up with me and fell asleep. Okay guys," I opened my bag and pulled the stack of papers out, "this is from Johnny. What time is it anyway?"

JC looked at his watch. "It's a little after four. We have about forty-five minutes until the meet and greet. Now, let's see what Johnny sent along." JC took the papers from me and dispatched them to the right people. The guys all dispersed to different areas of the room.

"Um, okay. I'll just stand here like a lump on a log." I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked into the eyes of Joey.

"Hey big fella. Come here often?" I just grinned.

"Well, it depends. The guys are pretty hot around here. But there's this one guy in particular really floats my boat. Maybe you know him? Big handsome Italian. Gorgeous smile, dashing good looks, and from what I hear...he's pretty good in the sack." Joey blushed as I said that. We went into a little storage room and he closed the door behind us. Wrapping his arms around me, he gently kissed me on the lips.

"So, are you glad you came up to visit Dale?" He grinned at me.

"Oh shut and kiss me Fatone."

We spent the next ten minutes or so making out. Joey was all rumpled. I pulled his shirt out of his pants and ran my hand down to caress his dick and balls. I was lightly jacking on his meat when someone knocked on the door.

"Why is this door locked? Hey Sue, you got the key?" Joey and I panicked and began rearranging our clothes. We had just finished when the door was flung open. Standing there grinning like maniacs were Chris and Lance!

"Hi guys! What're you doing in here that the door had to be closed?"

Joey growled and launched himself at Chris. Chris for his part just squeaked and ran the other way. As they ran screaming at each other, Lance just smiled at me.

"I'm glad you came up Dale. I've missed you."

"Aw, thanks Scoop. I've missed you guys too." We hugged briefly. He held tight to me for an extra second or two, then released me. "Are you okay Scoop?" He sighed before answering.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just feeling a little lonely."

I had to smile at him. "Why not just go out clubbing like you guys have normally done? If you actually open yourself up to the possibility of having fun you just might meet someone special."

He grinned at me. "As special as you are for Joey? I doubt that." I blushed.

"Hey Scoop, you'll never know unless you try."

Some ladies came in and began gathering the guys up to head to the meet and greet. I went along with them, and sat in the corner out of the way. I began playing word games with the security guards. The guards thought I was hysterical with my catty comments about some of the girls. I noticed Lance talking briefly to a cute guy. Maybe this will be the one for him. After the horde of screaming girls (and a few guys) were led out, the guys had to start getting ready for the concert. Joey smiled when he said that I'd be helping him get into his costume before the first set. The guys all groaned at him and went off to start getting ready. About twenty minutes later they met up to play hackeysack before the first number. I headed out to watch the show, and saw the guy that Lance was talking to earlier. He was keeping an eye on three girls by the look of it. Well, hopefully they're having fun.

After the show, I headed backstage. I hung out with the guys until they had to start packing everything up to roll out for the next stop. When it was just the guys and I there I stood up and grabbed the ring out of my bag. Before I lost my nerve I walked up Joey and took his hand in mine.

"Joey, come here a second I have something for you." He came over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thanks for being here Dale. I really missed you." He lightly kissed my lips, and smiled at me. I grinned and held out the ring box to him. His eyes got big, and he just looked into my eyes for a second. Reaching with trembling fingers, he slowly opened it. He gasped when he saw the ring. I saw his lower lip quiver, and tears spring to his cheeks.

"Oh my god. Dale. It's gorgeous." He smiled and pulled the ring onto his finger. He pulled me to him and passionately kissed me. "I love it. And I also love you."

He ran off at that to show the guys. I just smiled and grabbed my bag. The guys needed to finish packing their stuff up and get ready to bail. I went around and gave everyone hugs.

I headed out to catch the limo and head back to the hotel. I was able to get another kiss and hug from Joey. He was crying.

"I'll be home to visit in two weeks Dale. I love you and I'll call you tonight when we stop. Why don't you grab Loki this trip? I'm sure he misses you terribly. It'll be good for you to have him down there with you." I grinned and pulled him into another hug. I did cry a little as the limo headed out to return to the hotel. I figured on heading up to Baltimore tomorrow to gather some stuff and get ready to take the cat with me. I knew he'd be glad to see me, according to Dan he'd been irritable and depressed.

I was snuggling up in bed at the hotel a few hours later when my cell phone rang.

"Hey baby. I wish you could come on the road with us. It was so hard getting on the bus tonight. We "

"I know Joe. But hey, you guys will get to come home for a few days in two weeks. Then if things go right I'll go back out with you."

"That'd be wonderful. Hey Dale, we're supposed to roll into Philly shortly.

I'm going to bed now. Love you."

"Love you too Joe." I hung up and went to sleep.

The next few days were pretty uneventful for me. Got some more of my stuff from Baltimore, put Loki in a pet traveler, and drove back down to Orlando. (There was no way you were going to get me trying to put Loki on a plane. The poor cat would lose what few braincells he's got left.) I had a nice trip down to Florida, and spoke to Joey daily and the other guys a couple of times.

They got into Jersey, and actually were there for a few days, so they got to stay in a hotel. I had just gotten back to Orlando and was unpacking some boxes when Joey called.

"Hey handsome. The guys and I are going to go clubbing tonight. Just wanted to hear that sexy voice of yours and let you know how much I love you."

"Aw, thanks Joey. I'm just going to curl up with a good book and relax. You guys have fun though." We said goodbyes and went our respective ways.


Joey woke up slowly to the sound of his cell phone ringing. Last night was a blur. He remembered lots of alcohol. Dancing. There was dancing. He felt someone move in the bed next to him and he froze. The cell phone was still ringing. He reached for it and turned it on.

"Hello? Dale! Hey. I just woke up, can I call you back in twenty minutes?

Great. Okay, love you too." He hung up the phone and turned over.

--/OH FUCK. NO. NO. NO./--

Lying in bed next to him was a girl in her low twenties. Joey picked up the covers and looked underneath. Oh god, he was naked. This can't be happening.

The girl woke up, and began wrapping herself around him. Joey pushed her away and got out of bed rapidly.

"Who are you? What happened last night?"

She began babbling, and Joey wouldn't even listen. He was throwing clothes on. He kept muttering to himself under his breath. He had her get dressed and was going to have to try and sneak her out of his room so no one else saw her.

He failed.

Just as his door opened Lance and Chris came around the corner. Joey couldn't say a word, just led the girl to the elevator and stood there as the door closed. He walked back up to Lance and Chris, who were just standing there glaring at him. He opened his mouth to say something and was shocked when a fist connected with it.

Lance had decked him.

Joey picked himself off of the floor, holding his jaw. "Lance, Chris...I"

"NOT ONE WORD JOEY. NOT A FUCKING WORD!" Lance stormed off and slammed his door as he went into his room. Joey just looked after him, tears starting to fall. He turned and saw Chris still standing there with a sad look on his face.

"Joey. Do you have any idea what you've done?"

Joey just started crying harder. "Yeah Chris, I think I do."

"Come on Joe. Let's get some ice on that so it doesn't swell. Then, we have to go talk to Lance."

In Lance's room, he was sitting there crying. He kept reaching for the phone, but couldn't get himself to dial the number. About ten minutes later he heard a knock at the door. He knew who it was. He went and let Joey and Chris in. None of them spoke for a few minutes, finally Lance broke the silence.

"So what's your excuse?"

"I don't have one Scoop. I did get really drunk last night, I don't remember what happened, but the way we woke up I have to assume that we did sleep together."

Lance sighed. "Okay. What about Dale? He deserves to know. I still can't believe you would do this to him Joey. He loves you for God's sake! This is how you pay him back? Doesn't the ring mean anything to you, YOU FUCKER!!!!!" Lance got up and went to the dresser. He was clenching his fists in an effort to keep from hitting someone again. Lance isn't normally a violent person, so Chris and Joey are both a little shocked to see this side of him.

Joey started crying. "I can't tell him about this over the phone. That's wrong. But the soonest we'll be able to head home is two weeks. I don't know if I can go the next two weeks and not tell him."

Lance didn't say a word, just hit a number on speed dial on his cell phone.

"Johnny. It's Lance. We have a crisis. Joey and I have to back to Orlando today. Can you delay the concert here one day and use the carryover that we were going to have before the next venue? I know, it won't be easy...but if anyone can swing it it's you. Call me back in twenty minutes? Okay." Lance hung up the phone and turned back to his friends.

"Joey, I'm going to help you fix this. But I swear by all that I hold sacred that you've lost major points with me today. And I support Dale in this. If he leaves because of YOUR mistake, then he's got my backing.

Joey started trying to talk to him. "Now Scoop, come on. We've known each other too long."

"Dammit Joey you just don't get it do you? You say you love this man. He loves you. When you're in a relationship with someone you just don't fool around on them. Alcohol or not! Now if this girl slipped something into your drink, then that may be different. But that's going to be your call to try and prove."

They sat in silence until Johnny called back. They got the dates switched. Lance told Joey to go pack for an overnight trip while he told the others what was going on and where they were going. Lance was packing his bag when his cell rang.


"Geez Scoop. Nice way to answer the phone."

"Oh...Dale. Um, hi. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Kind of bummed. I tried talking to Joey this morning but he was really out of it while waking up or something. Is everything okay up there?"

"Um, yeah. Hey, you going to be home in about eight hours? We're getting everything over to the stadium and they're saying we need to be there for basic soundcheck. You will? Great. Talk to you then."

He hung up the phone and saw Joey standing in his doorway.

"Thanks for not saying anything Scoop."

"I didn't do it for you Joey, I did it for him. Do me a favor, don't call me that right now. You can call me Lance." They strode out of the room, and headed to the elevator.


I hung up with Lance, and was be-bopping around the house. Loki was adjusted to life in the new house, so was being a happy kitty sitting in a sunshine beam in the living room.

The doorbell buzzes. Someone's at the door. I head to it and open it.

Standing there looking rumpled and disheveled, was probably the last person in the world I expected to see.

I stammered a word out finally. "Lonnie?"

He grinned wolfishly at me. "Hey Dale, nice place you got here. Glad you bought the car, made it easier to find you."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door, closing it behind him. He was leading me to the car, and punched me across the jaw when I kept struggling. I went down like a sack of grain. He pulled me up, and propped me in the passenger seat of my Acura. He was pulling the door shut when my cell phone started ringing. He grinned at me as I tried reaching for it. He snapped it open.



Joey was miserable. He can't believe what the past twenty-four hours has been like. He decided to call Dale. Talking to Dale always helps cheer him up. He dialed the number on his cell and waited for it to connect.


Joey sat up in the back of the cab and grabbed Lance. Lance was going to bitch at him when he saw the look on Joey's face.

Joey finally spoke.

"Who's this? Is Dale there?"

Joey's face drained of all color.

"LONNIE? As in Dale's ex-boyfriend Lonnie?" He listened to what the person on the other end of the phone said. "Let me talk to Dale. WHAT? PUT DALE ON THE PHONE!"

"I swear if you do anything to him I'll hunt you down and kill you."

Joey looked at the phone for a second, then dialed another number.

"JOHNNY IT'S JOEY. CALL THE COPS NOW AND SEND THEM TO MY PLACE. SOMEONE'S KIDNAPPING DALE! I just talked to the guy. His name's Lonnie. Call this number," he rattled off a phone number, "that's Dale's mom's number. She'll give you all the info on Lonnie and get you a photo." He hung up the phone and looked at Lance in horror.

"Scoop, oh my god. It was Dale's ex. He had Dale's phone. Said he was taking Dale back where he belonged."

Lance took Joey's hand in his. "Okay Joey, we're going there now. We'll be there inside of two hours. Don't worry. We should call the guys and let them know. They're Dale's friends you know." Lance then dialed Justin's cell to start the information roll. Joey just sat back and cried in frustration.


I sat in the car, scared out of my wits. I contemplated jumping out of the moving car...but dismissed it. If I was lucky enough to survive the 50+mph fall to the pavement, with my luck I'd get hit by the cars around me.

"Don't fret your pretty little head Dale. I'm back now. And nothing will ever make me leave again."

That's what I'm afraid of...

Next: Chapter 23

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