Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Jul 16, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. Mark has also been great. I've even inspired him! Check out his story "Blind Date", it's also here in the Boyband section.

I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



Joey and I got in bed, but we couldn't sleep. After about twenty minutes of lying there holding each other, we called room service. While we waited for them to arrive I had Joey lie down on the floor of the main room and I gave him a backrub. He was so tense that it took me forever to get the muscles to start relaxing. He was starting to moan when there was a knock at the door. I opened it and the waiter came in with a cart in tow. The waiter's eyes bugged out when he saw Joey lying there apparently naked (he was wearing boxers, but they were under a towel G ).

I gave the waiter a big tip, then told him to put his eyes back in their sockets. Even before I had the door closed Joey was giggling. "Dale, don't you think that was a bit mean? He's probably just not used to seeing half-naked celebrities." He stood up and came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck softly. I smiled as I felt his dick jump, and it was getting harder as he began nuzzling my neck and softly biting it.

"Go take a warm shower hon, I got a present for you." Joey stopped licking my neck, and moved up to my ear. He began talking softly as his hands worked their way down to slip into my sweats.

"You joining me this time?" I shivered as his tongue found its way into my ear, and his teeth nibbled on my ear.


That stopped him.

"What do you mean no?"

I gave him a quick kiss, then swatted his ass. "Go take a hot shower, then get your sexy ass back in here so I can give you my present! Move it mister!" I winked at him, then curled up on the couch with a magazine.

He gave me a sniff of exasperation, then smiled as he pulled his boxers down. He bent over facing away from me and slowly pulled them off, doing a little striptease. As he stood up facing me his fingers gently traced up his body, I could see the hairs on his stomach stand up as his stomach muscles quivered. His dick was getting harder. He slowly traced up his treasure trail, giving his nipple a tug with one hand, he licked the other hand and slowly started jacking on his meat. He then swiveled around and shook his butt in my direction suggestively. He looked over his shoulder and stuck out his tongue at me.

"See what you're missing." He headed off to the shower without a backward glance.

"Little pervert" I thought to myself as I tried reading the magazine again. Realizing I was holding it upside down, I hoped that he hadn't noticed that. All I could picture was Joey naked. My mind kept flashing to images of the past months. I felt a glow on my face as I remembered some of the steamier moments. I hadn't really thought of it, but I'd turned into a little horn dog since Joey and I had found each other. There was something about him that just made me want to kiss him, run my hands through his hair, feel his body in my arms...

I was sitting there, lost in thought, when I heard the bathroom door open. Joey came out with a great billow of steam. His skin was flushed, and he had a big grin on his face. "Damn Dale, I'd forgotten how relaxing a hot shower is." He was drying his hair as he walked, he dropped the towel in front of me and gently lay down so he was on top of me on the couch. He had a twinkle in his eye as he cupped my face with one of his hands. "Hey handsome." He gave me a soft kiss, which increased in intensity for a few minutes before I felt his tongue work its way into my mouth. I was getting into it, but had to put a stop to it when I felt his hand inside my sweats.

"Hey now! Be good there mister Fatone." I reluctantly pulled myself out from his arms. "Okay, put your towel down and lie on it. I'll be right back." I headed into the bedroom to pick up something that I had been saving. I got back in the room and saw Joey smiling at me from the floor. I took off my sweatpants, and got down on the floor by Joey's feet.

"What're you doing back there Dale?" He was looking over his shoulder trying to see. I didn't say anything, just opened the bottle and began massaging the contents onto Joey's legs. "Oh Dale, that feels nice." Joey put his head onto his arms, and let me give him a massage.

I started at the feet, and began working my way up his body with my massaging. I had learned how to give good massages a few years ago, and hadn't gotten to use my skill that much. I had thrown a bottle of scented oil into my bag. It had another quality I enjoyed. I leaned down and softly blew on the back of his left leg. I saw the hairs rise as he got goosebumps.

"Oh man, it gets warm?" I giggled and resumed giving my man a massage. Within minutes of starting it was obvious that Joey had a hardon, but I wouldn't turn him over or even touch it. I finished massaging his legs, and moved between them and worked my way up some more. He was practically humping the towel as my fingers ran along the outside of his crack, and I drizzled oil between the cheeks. "Dale, I'm dying here... would you fuck me please?"

"Nope. Just wanna massage you some more." I then resumed my rubbing. My cock was rockhard and leaking precum, but I didn't give in. I wanted to give him something that he would remember. He was making noises as my fingers worked the tension from his body. I stopped for a minute, but it was just to reposition myself. I straddled his waist, and resumed massaging his back. My cock was sliding into his crack, and he was pushing back into me trying to get me inside him. My hands began working down the back of his arms after spending about fifteen minutes on his shoulders. Joey was putty in my arms.

I got up, and slapped his ass. "Okay handsome, turn over."

He turned over in record time. "Oh jeez Dale, I'm in a wetspot!" I leaned in and gave him a soft kiss. Running my finger from his ear down his jawline. I then went down to the bottom and started my way back up again. Massaging his muscular legs, I felt them twitching underneath my hands, and I marveled at my luck in getting this man to fall in love with me.

I massaged his thighs, scooting up a bit so I could do them easier. His cock was almost touching me. I felt him looking at me, I stopped rubbing long enough to see a twinkle in his eyes. He thought I was going to suck him off or something.


I bypassed his cock and balls, and I got up and repositioned myself next to him at chest level to get the point across. He let out a small groan, but he didn't complain when I massaged his chest and arm muscles. I traced my finger up his treasure trail, he clenched the muscles because it tickled. As he let out a giggle, I think I felt myself falling more in love with him.

After I finished with the pectoral and neck muscles, I wiped my hands off on the edge of his towel, and lay down next to him. Running my fingers through his hair, I kissed his cheek softly. "How'd that feel babe?"

It took him a minute or two to respond. " god... Dale that was wonderful! I just have one little problem." He looked down at his cock, then grinned at me again.

"Yeah it is kind of little isn't it Joey?" I winked, then kissed him to take the sting out of my joke. "I can help you with that if you want. I'm in the same situation in case you can't tell." I kissed him again, then pulled myself on top of him. He spread his legs, and began sucking on my neck passionately. I pinched his left nipple, and I felt his cock leaking onto me. He was so relaxed that I didn't even encounter any resistance when my dick slid into him. He moaned and immediately came. His head was thrown back, and he was panting. As soon as his head came back down so I could get to it I softly kissed him, running my tongue around his lips. I was holding myself still inside him since I hadn't shot yet, and I noticed that his cock hadn't deflated when he came. As our kisses got more insistent, I pulled out a bit and nudged myself back in. He was sucking on my tongue, and grunting as I hit his prostate with my dick.

My thrusts got faster, and just as I felt myself get ready to cum I bit his lower lip, and then began sucking on the base of his neck. I felt another load of cum blast out of him, and this time when his muscles clenched he milked the cum out of me. I collapsed onto him, and we lay there for awhile just enjoying being near each other.

I was starting to nod off, when I felt Joey move underneath me. "Come on Dale, let's go to bed." I got up, and pulled him up into my arms. He took me into a deep hug, and gave me a tender kiss. Suddenly I felt myself getting picked up! He grinned at me, and took me through the door to the bedroom. I was hollering the whole time for him to put me down.

Joey tenderly placed me onto the bed, and curled up next to me. In minutes he was asleep in my arms. As I was almost out, I heard him say something softly.

"What's that Joey?"

"Don't ever leave me..."

I drifted off, holding him protectively in my arms.


"Aw, you two are so cute together." I came awake and saw Chris standing at the door. He had a smirk on his face, but there was something else there. He looks like he hasn't slept yet.

Joey wasn't in the mood to wake up yet, he opened his eyes long enough to see who was at the door, then snuggled back up to me. I shifted my leg slightly so it was nestled with Joey's, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"Well Chris, you had this once...but you decided to rip out Lance's heart and go it alone. Sorry."

Ouch, that sounded a little bitchy. Oh well, it's true.

"What's up Chris?"

He walked around the room for a minute, not answering. Finally he mumbled something about breakfast and left. I felt Joey's hand softly running down my body, so I know he was awake. I gave him a kiss, then ruffled his hair. He let me pull him out of bed, and we walked to the bathroom with me behind him. He shivered as I nuzzled the nape of his neck.

I grinned as I tossed him into the shower. He didn't move until I got in with him, he then wrapped himself around me. "I don't want to leave today Dale. Can I just go home with you?" His face was in my neck, and he gave me a seductive lick.

I swatted his ass in reply. He gave me a small giggle. "I know I know, I just don't want you to leave. I bet I can get Johnny to agree to you coming on the tour."

I gave him a kiss, and then pushed him out of the way so I could clean myself up. Once I was done with my hair I gave him a quick hug. "Baby, you know that you have to finish this up. You'll be home soon. Now hurry up, I have to talk to Lance about something." I sat back against the wall and watched the water cascading off of his body.

After about ten minutes I noticed him becoming perkier. He pulled me into his arms, and we just let the water run for a few more minutes. I heard someone walking around in the living room of the suite, so I knew that we had people waiting on us. We got dressed and opened the door to the other room. Most of the guys were out there, Gabriella was trying to not look at Josh, but failing miserably.

"Where's Lance?" Chris' head snapped up to look at me, then turned away again. Justin said that Lance was eating breakfast in his own room and wouldn't be joining us. I gave Joey a hug and kiss and told him to go with the others since I was going to go to Lance. I left the room, and noticed that I had someone following me.

"Gabriella? What's up hon?"

She smiled and gave my hand a squeeze. "Just thought you and Lance would want some company." We knocked on Lance's door, and knocked again after not hearing anything. Finally someone opened the door.

--//Geez Lance looks like shit//--

"Hi guys, what's up?"

"We thought we'd come have breakfast with you if that's okay." I smiled as I said it, hoping that he'd be okay with it. He didn't say anything for a second or two, then slowly moved out of the way so we could come into his room.

He ran his fingers through his hair, and exhaled softly. "They haven't delivered it yet, so you may be able to catch them before they come up if you want to give room service a call." He handed us the menu and went into the bathroom. I told Gabriella to order me whatever she's having and went to the closed bathroom door. I could hear Lance crying on the other side. It sounded so bad, like he'd lost his best friend.

"Okay Dale our food will get here when Lance's does." I jumped out of my skin as I heard Gabriella right next to me. The bathroom door opened just then, and Lance nearly collided with us.

"So did you sleep okay last night Lance?" Gabriella looked worried.

"Not really..." He sat down on the bed and began flipping channels on the TV. We all sat there not saying anything for awhile. The knock on the door made Gabriella jump, she covered it and opened the door. The waiter wheeled in the tray of food, and left without a backward glance.

We got down to the business of eating, but there wasn't a lot of small talk.

Finally I broke the silence. "Lance, are you going to be able to finish the tour okay?"

He gave me a sad smile. "I guess I have to be. Wouldn't want to disappoint our fans."

"So have details been finalized for the benefit concert?" He looked at me blankly so I clarified. "Remember? The charity concert?"

"Oh yeah. Um, I think so. If I remember right we're going to do it in Phoenix once we're done with the West Coast. Why, what's up?"

I took a bite of my omelet before answering. "Do you know when it is?" He pulled out a planner and double-checked to make sure before answering.

"It looks like it'll be in three weeks. Do you want to be there?" Lance was trying to act like the consummate businessman of the group still, but I could tell his heart wasn't in it.

"Yes please. I have a friend who lives there so I can come visit him before I meet up with you guys."

We finished our breakfast in silence. One of the road managers came by and told Lance that he needed to be packed and ready to roll in an hour. Lance pushed the room service cart out of the way and started gathering up his stuff.

"Do you need some help sweetie?" Gabriella moved to put her hand on Lance's arm, but he jerked away before she could.

"I'm fine. Excuse me, I have to get busy."

I looked at Gabriella, and pulled her to the door. "Lance we'll stop down by the bus to say goodbye to you guys before you go." He just nodded his head and went back to work packing.

Gabriella and I headed back to my room, not really talking. She gave me a hug when we were at the door then went to pack her stuff up.

I didn't expect the others to be back from eating, but they all were sitting in the living room talking quite heatedly about something.

"YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IN THE HELL YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT CHRIS!" Joey's face was flushed, and he looked like he was on the verge of smacking someone. He saw me and his face fell. "Guys we should continue this discussion in my room. I don't want to keep Dale from packing." They all headed out of the room without saying anything to me, I caught Joey's hand just as he headed out the door. He wouldn't grab back. "Now's not a good time Dale. I'll say goodbye before we take off."

He closed the door behind him, and I was left standing there. I decided to go ahead and pack my stuff and head down to the lobby. Twenty minutes later I was sitting in the lobby waiting for Gabriella. She showed up about twenty minutes after that all out of breath.

"Lord Gabriella, did you run all the way down here or something?"

She grinned and blushed before answering. "JC was just saying goodbye to me. He wants to try and make this work."

"Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye? Aren't they coming down still?"

"No Dale, they already left." Seeing the look on my face she sat down. "Didn't Joey come down?"


She began digging in her purse for something, and pulled out an envelope. It had my name on it. She showed it to me, "this isn't mine Dale."

I opened the envelope... and read the single page that was there.

"My dearest Dale,

We have issues right now with the group. I wanted to take you in my arms and give you a goodbye kiss before we left...but that's not a good idea right now.

Lance grunted at me that you'll be meeting up with us in Phoenix. I'll see you then. In the meantime know that you're in my heart and thoughts.



I folded the letter up, and told the hotel workers that we were ready to go to the airport. My cell phone started ringing as the limo pulled out of the hotel.


"Hey Dale, I'm sorry."

"Hey Joeybear. I love you."

"You're not mad Dale?"

I rolled my eyes. "Well I would have wanted to give you a hug at least, but I figured something was going on. I'll see you soon. I have to head back home and deal with that stupid trial, after that I don't know what's going on."

He sighed. "We're sitting down for a group meeting, I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry for being short earlier. I'm counting the days until Phoenix. I'll call you day after tomorrow before we head to the meet and greet to find out how things go. Love you."

"I love you to Joey."

The ride to the airport was pretty uneventful. Gabriella was all smiles since her and JC had decided to try and see where this goes. I fell asleep as soon as I sat in my seat on the plane. I began dreaming about Joey, so I know it's going to be all okay in the end.

Next: Chapter 41

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