Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Feb 22, 2001


Hi everyone...

In order to accommodate people who are asking me about notification lists, I've finally created an YahooGroup (Gods, Yahoo is like the Borg!) to do so:

This is the page of the group, If you would like to be notified when a new chapter gets posted please go join my group. {smile} I'll try and make sure there's fun stuff along with this.

As always, Gabriella is my main cheerleader. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

My story is hosted on another website. Here's it is:

It's partway down the site, just look for "Lottery Winner". There's lots of other great stories there so check them out.

DISCLAIMER: The names of the people are fictional (well, except for the members of the group). This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

Thanks guys and gals, Hope you like it.



"Who in the hell do you think you are Josh?" Joey slammed his fist onto the table. "These two don't need your shit right now. What they need is for you and Justin to see that they're the same people they've always been, just now a couple."

Josh let out an exasperated sigh and unfolded himself from the chair. "Joey would you chill out! I told you that I was fine with it now, we just have to make sure that we're very careful. It's easier for you with Dale since he's not part of the group. If two of us are a couple it's harder to cover with the press. You should just be glad that Dale's a man of his word. He knows enough to bury this group if he wanted to."

Lance let out a snort. "Josh that's stupid. You know that Dale would never do anything to hurt us."

Josh didn't say anything, just stared into space.

Finally Justin broke the uncomfortable silence that had descended. "Try and be patient guys. It's just going to take some time. We have to get back to where we were with each other though, if we don't then management will step in...and I don't want that to happen. Now I vote we go out and do something together like we usually do. If the fans don't see us then they'll probably start spreading rumors of our breakup or something." He grinned as he finished off the soda by his arm. No one else got up, so he glared at them. "Come on guys...we're going."

Joey looked at Chris and Lance to gauge their reaction. They looked like they were actually in the mood to go out as a group. "Okay, I'm game. But can we swing by the house? Want to check on Dale."

They all headed out to the car, once they got in the conversation continued.

"Joey, what was up with Dale earlier?"

"I don't know Justin, but I wouldn't worry. He's just stressed about stuff right now." They rode in silence the rest of the way to Joey's house. The police car was far enough up the driveway that the group missed it until they had pulled all the way in.

"What the hell?" Joey jumped from the car and ran inside. The first thing he saw was Dale sitting at the kitchen table talking to someone in a uniform. "Dale? What's up?"

I looked into his eyes, and saw love and concern. I didn't let my face change though, I glanced at the officer who was filing the report. "Officer Lewis, this is the owner of the residence. Do you need anything else from me?"

The cop looked at his notes, "No sir, I think this should be sufficient. I have a few questions for Mister Fatone and then we'll go process Mister Harrison."

I excused myself and headed upstairs. I heard Joey start to come after me, but the police officer said his name. A few minutes later there was a knock at the bedroom door. I didn't say anything as Justin and Lance let themselves in. I was changing the sheets on the bed.

"Dale, what happened?"

"I had gone to sleep in the guestroom, and woke up when I heard someone come upstairs and go to the master bedroom. I thought it was Joey, so I went in to talk to him. This guy was standing there jacking off onto the bed."

Their eyes had grown big at that, and Justin let out a sound. "Ugh, sounds like one of the psycho fans finally got through. Johnny isn't gonna like this one bit. Are you okay Dale? What happened after that?"

I smiled as I let out a nervous laugh. "I called the police, and the bastard tried smashing a vase over my head. How cliché is that! He went down like a sack of cement when I punched him. I tied him up before the cops got here." I smiled sadly at Lance. "Is Joey mad?"

"Gods Dale what in the world would he be mad about? He's probably going to be glad you're okay." We sat there for a few minutes, and Justin slowly took my hand.

"Dale, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for flipping on you earlier. I'm on a much more even keel now." He grinned at Lance, then back at me. "Still friends?"



"Think about it Justin, would I be that superficial that I'd end a friendship because you decided to channel your inner-bitch?" I grinned and got up to walk to the window. Chris and Joey were backing the car out of the driveway so the police car could get out. I watched them pull back in a few minutes later and get out. Chris saw me in the window and pointed me out to Joey.

Joey looked up, but didn't acknowledge me. I led Lance and Justin back downstairs, Lance ran to Chris' arms. I looked at Justin out of the corner of my eye as they kissed. He didn't even bat an eye.

--//Maybe there's hope for this one after all.//--

I just stared at Joey when he walked back into the room. Didn't know for sure what to say. He walked up to me and pulled me into a gentle hug.

"If you guys will excuse us, we'll be right back." They didn't say anything as Joey pulled me into the kitchen. I shivered as he ran his finger softly along the lines of my jaw.

"Dale, are you okay?"

I felt a grin come over my face. "I'm fine Joey. How are you?"

His lips caressed mine as he pulled me into another tight hug. "I'm so sorry you had to deal with that guy earlier baby. What'd he say to you? The cop wouldn't tell me what was in the statement you gave."

I caressed his chest, and laid my head on his shoulder. "He said you were his boyfriend and wanted to know what I was doing in your house."

Joey didn't say a word at that, he just kissed the side of my face and held me for a few minutes. "Dale I'm sorry for earlier. We've all made up and seem to be on the same page again." He giggled as he pulled my face up to kiss me. "I can't believe you destroyed your cell phone. You're such a dork!" He pinched my ass and laughed. We hugged, and just held each other for a few minutes. I heard someone clear their throat by the door, by the deepness I figured it was Lance. I looked up from Joey's shoulder...yep, it was Lance.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, Joey did you still want to go out?"

"Shit, I forgot." He looked torn.

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Go Joe, I'm going to lie on the couch and watch some TV. For some reason I'm not in the mood to sleep anymore." I grinned at Lance, and pulled Joey to me. He groaned as my tongue found it's way between his lips, and I felt his arms come around me as my hand found its way into his pants. He pushed me against the counter and growled as he bit my lip.


Our kiss broke, and I glared at Lance. He was smiling at the two of us with his hands on his hips. "Do you mind Scoop, I'm making out with the man you want to borrow." I rested my forehead on Joey's for a second, then kissed the tip of his nose. "Go. Wake me up when you get in handsome." Joey pouted as Lance led him from the kitchen. I followed a few seconds behind them, and waved goodbye as the group headed out the door.

I grabbed a blanket and curled up on the couch. I clicked on the tv and turned channels. I found a channel that was showing the movie `Mame' with Rosalind Russell. It's always good for a laugh so I kept it there.

I made it through Mame and some cheesy movie with Tori Spelling before I fell asleep. I felt lips brushing the side of my face, and I stretched my body as the lips came in contact with mine. I felt facial hair, and smiled as the man pulled me up into his arms slightly. I opened my eyes and grinned as I put my arms around Joey's waist. The kiss broke and he grinned that devilish grin of his at me.

"Hey big daddy, did I wake you up?"

"Big daddy? Geez Joey, that's bad. Now shut up and kiss me again." I pulled him on top of me and we lay on the couch making out for a few minutes.

After we came up for air, he winked at me. "Do you wanna go to bed?" He didn't even wait for a reply, pulling me up into my arms and walking upstairs pulling me behind him.

"I see how it is now, I'm just a sextoy. Here for your needs and urges." He snickered as we walked into our room. He kicked the door shut and pulled his shirt off.

"Oh I like that. I have a need that I want to satisfy right now if you're up to it." He wiggled his eyebrows as he pushed me back onto the bed, and he straddled my body with his. I closed my eyes and let the sensations wash over my body.

"Oh yeah Joey, that feels good."

The next few hours blur together as we make love again and again. I curled up against him, toying with his chest hair. "I can't believe you guys take off tomorrow to go back on the road." He sighed as I pulled him to me.

"I know Dale, but at least it's a short schedule. Don't forget we got your benefit concert!" He began tickling me, and within seconds had me writhing on the bed.

"DAMMIT JOEY STOP IT!" I was cackling like a loon. He stopped, and leaned down to kiss me softly.

"Dale, I don't think I can do it. I just got you back I don't want to leave you again."

I smacked his butt and glared at him. "You've been doing this for longer than I've known you. We'll survive. I'll stick close to home baby, I'll even hire a security guard if you want. Does Tiny have a cousin?" He grinned at the question. "Don't worry Joey, I'll be fine. You'll be fine. Once this final leg of the tour is done then we have some time to actually do stuff." We snuggled up with each other, and made small talk. We got probably another two hours of sleep before the alarm went off. Joey growled as he turned it off. I stretched and massaged his chest lightly. "What time are you guys leaving?"

He didn't say anything for a second, then smiled at me. "We're flying out at one in the afternoon." He kissed me, then pulled me from bed so we could shower. I shrieked as the cold water hit me, but soon got distracted from that when Joey began sucking me off under the water.

After about twenty minutes and a couple of cumshots, the phone started ringing. Joey wouldn't let me out of the shower though. He was just standing there holding me, with a grin on his handsome face.

"Baby, you gotta let me out of here. I'm turning all wrinkly."

He laughed as we kissed softly, "well you are the older man in the relationship."

"Hey!" I let myself out of the shower and grabbed a towel. He followed me naked to the bedroom. I smiled as he came up behind me and began nuzzling my neck.

"Come on baby, give me some lovin'. I'm going away for five weeks here!"

I shivered as the sensations of him nuzzling the side of my neck hit my brain. He worked his way around my body and began licking his way down my chest. I groaned as he gently bit my left nipple. He kept licking his way down my body. He reached for my hand and took it in his own. I fell onto the bed, and he began nuzzling on my dick.

"Oh God Joey. That feels so good."

The doorbell cut through the sensations like a knife.

"Just ignore it, they'll go away." Suddenly we heard someone yelling from the downstairs.


"It's Chris...I'm gonna kill him!" I laughed at Joey, who glared at me and got off of me to put a towel around his waist. Chris walked into the room a few seconds later.

"Hey guys. Did I interrupt something?"

"What do you think Chris?" Joey glowered at him and headed back into the bathroom to finish getting ready for the day.

I told Chris to head downstairs and I'd be down once I got dressed. He just grinned at me, and gave me a parting shot as he headed down.

"Now I know why Joey's always smiling."

Oh lord. I blushed about fifty shades of red. I put some clothes on then told Joey about it when he got out of the bathroom.

Joey blushed and put his head on his hands. "What're we gonna do with him?"

I grinned as I picked out a shirt for Joey. "How about we tie him up and sell him on the black market?"

As we headed downstairs, he turned and grinned. "Nope, he'd definitely like that way too much."

"Oh lord Joe, I did not need the image of Lance as a bondage daddy." Chris was attacking something in the fridge, so he didn't see the two of us walk into the kitchen. Joey pinched his ass, and laughed as Chris jumped.

"Hey! Stop it I'm sore." He glared at Joey, then smiled at me. "The others are on their way over here. The plan is for us to go get food and hang out before taking off."

"But I wanted to spend time with Dale before I go."

I gave his back a rub and then hugged him from behind. "I'll see you before you go baby don't worry. Spend time with the guys, I'm going to go get another car and do some shopping."

He turned and smiled. "What're you gonna buy me? Make sure you remember to get a new cell phone."

Kissing him lightly, I ran my hand behind him and pinched his ass. "Yes dear" I grabbed my housekeys and wallet and got ready to head out. The rest of the group showed up, and I said my good-byes for the morning.

"Don't worry guys, I'll see you before you go." I kissed my Joey and went to wait for the cab I'd called. I looked at the door, and saw Joey smiling out the window. He mouthed the words `Love you' at me. I smiled and put my hand over my heart.

Next: Chapter 34

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