Lottery Winner

By Dale Wright

Published on Oct 17, 2000


Hi everyone...

Wow...people are actually reading my stuff. Thanks for the positive responses. -- I'm even a nominee for some slash-fiction awards! Vote for me please!!!! ( or I'm nominated in the Best Joey story' and Best Slash Fiction'.

As always, Gabriella and Mike and Charlie are my main cheerleaders. I'm a bit nervous--so if people could please e-mail me at'd really appreciate it. I love e-mail!!

DISCLAIMER: This is a fictional story that came right out of my own mind. I have no knowledge if any member of N Sync are gay or whatever. That being said, please enjoy the story and remember-- write me!!! (Especially write me if you're a member of the group! GRIN)

--The Lottery Winner Ch 18--

"Joey? Um, yeah...I, um. Downstairs. Yeah, I'll be downstairs. We have to talk."

Steve closed the door and I could hear him walking down the stairs. Joey just smiled after him, then turned to me. "Okay, that went better than I thought it would."

"What?? Joey I'm surprised he didn't pass out. Do you want me to come down with you?" He smiled and pulled me into his arms. He kissed me and then looked into my eyes.

"I'd like nothing better." As we got dressed he began filling me in on his brother, and the special place in his heart he's got for him. We went downstairs holding hands, and saw Steve pacing in the living room. Steve saw us and sat on the couch, looking pale.

"Joey, is there something that you want to tell me?" Joey sat on the coffee table in front of his brother, and just looked into his eyes.

"Steve, I'm sure you already know what I'm about to tell you. But here goes. I'm gay. Dale is my boyfriend, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him." I looked at Joey in shock when I heard that, but didn't say anything.

Steve turned pale and swallowed. He turned to look at me then, and extended a hand. "Please tell me you're Dale. If you're not then this is going to get weirder." He smiled.

"Yeah, I'm Dale. Not exactly the way I wanted to meet you, sorry about that." He had the good graces to blush at my statement.

"Well Dale, I did just come in without really making sure it was okay. It was totally my fault." He sat back and smiled. "So, Joey. Is this why you haven't been bring girls home to meet mom and dad lately? Hey, wait a second! Is Dale the person you were telling me about last week?" Joey's smile fell and he started making `shushing' noises. I sat down next to Steve and just smiled at my man.

"So, were telling him about me? What did he say Steve?"

"Oh, well...I wouldn't want to divulge any brotherly secrets. But he did say that he'd recently met someone who made him feel all tingly inside. I thought that he was talking about some random girl he'd met clubbing." I noticed that Joey was turning about twenty shades of red.

"Aw...I make you feel all tingly?" I stood up and went to stand behind him, running my hands down his chest and lightly massaging his neck and shoulders. Joey looked up and winked at me, and ran his hands along my arms.

"Steve. I want to introduce Dale to mom and dad. How do you think it will go?"

Steve, who had been smiling at Joey and I, stood up abruptly. "Damn Joe, I don't really know. It could go really well or really bad. When were you thinking about doing it?"


"What? Joey, that may be too soon."

"Oh really Steve? Why is that?"

Steve let out a sigh of exasperation. "Joe. Do you really want to do this tonight? You go back on the road tomorrow for at least two weeks. If you decide to spring this on mom and dad tonight I'll stand behind you...but I won't agree. You choose."

I excused myself to go hop in the shower. I kissed Joey softly and told him it was a family issue. I shook Steve's hand and went up to get wet for awhile. After about ten minutes I felt arms wrap around me. I turned around and saw Joey's smiling face.

"You look like you need some lovin' Joey." He nodded and we kissed. No matter what else, I have to admit that this man knows how to have some great shower sex. As his arms came around me and slowly began pinching my nipples, he was nuzzling my neck and starting to enter me.

As his pubic hair hit my cheeks, I turned my head and out tongues played with each other. Within minutes of him starting to pound me I felt his dick start spasming inside me and I knew he was cumming. He pulled out of me and fell to his knees to suck my cock to completion. After swallowing, he came off his knees and we kissed.

The next few minutes were kind of a blur, we massaged each other as our breathing slowly came back to normal. I pushed him against the wall and began sucking on his neck and ear. He moaned and wrapped his leg around me. I was running my hands up and down his body. Pinching a nipple here, playing with chest hair there. We finally decided to finish rinsing off and get out of the shower.

We padded to his bedroom (or would that be ours now?), and began picking out clothes to lounge in for the evening.

"So sweetie, what'd you and your brother decide?" He let out a sigh that didn't sound happy. He finished pulling the t-shirt over his head, then turned to sit on the bed.

"I'm going to wait until my next break to tell dad. We do have a time to meet mom for dinner though. You don't have to go if you don't want to." He looked so lost, I swept him into my arms. We stood there momentarily, just holding each other.

"Do you want me there baby?"

"Oh god, yes. I don't know if I can do it alone."

He just smiled that smile of his, and took my hand in his. "We have a couple of hours before mom can meet us, so do you want to go for a drive or just hang out?"

We were walking through the kitchen when I finally answered. "Do you want to talk about what happened earlier with the guys?"

"What's to talk about Dale?

I stopped and just stared at him. "Joe, these guys are your best friends. You guys have stood together when most people would have just walked away from the whole thing. Do you really want to lose them over this?"

"Dammit Dale, it's not like that!" He walked to the kitchen window and looked out the window. He was clenching his hands so I could tell that he was getting pissed. I didn't say anything for a second. Then I walked up to him, and gently put my arms around him. He resisted me at first, but I won him over by running my hands slowly on his chest and down his flank.

"Baby I'm sorry. Don't be mad, I hate it when you're mad or upset." I turned him around and pulled him to me. Kissing his lips, and trying my best to cheer him up. I leaned down and kissed his neck giving him a raspberry. He giggled and reached down to cup my ass. He passionately kissed me on the lips, and I couldn't help but moan as I felt his tongue part my lips. Breaking the kiss, we looked into each other's eyes. I just arched an eyebrow at him. He kept up his end of the staring match briefly, then cracked a grin.

"Okay, you win. I'll give Lance and Chris a call. But not JC and Justin! Not yet." I just smiled at him and kissed him briefly.

"Thanks Joe. Now, how about going for a drive?" He just grinned and headed out the door at a run. I just followed at a walk. I closed the door, but couldn't lock it because I didn't have a key. I headed down the walkway and saw Joe pulling his Acura SUV out of the garage. I went over to his window, and it slid down at his touch.

"Hey big fella, wanna come over to my place and play a little `slap and tickle'?" I laughed at the question.

"Sure handsome. Only problem is, your place is sitting wide open. Do you want to lock up by chance before we go?"

"Shit!" He turned the car off and gave me his keys. I just smiled at him and went to lock the door. I had just reached the door when I heard the phone ringing. I went in and answered it.


"Hey Dale, it's Lance. Got a second?"

"Well, Joey and I were getting ready to head out, but sure. What's up?"

"You're heading out? Great. Come over to my place. There's something I want to talk to you guys about."

"Okay Scoop, I'll ask Joe. He's in a little better of a mood now, so he just might say yes. If for some reason he gets too out of hand I'll call you from the cell." I hung up and headed back out to Joe.

I got in the SUV and handed Joey his keys. I leaned over and kissed him. I left my arm and hand on his leg. We pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road.

"Dale, what took so long to lock up?"

I didn't say anything for a second, just stared at the scenery flying by. Finally I squeezed his thigh with my hand. "Lance called."

"Oh...what'd he want?"

I laughed. "Damn honey...could you have sounded any less enthused?" He glared at me for a second then smiled and winked. "Do you feel like going over to Lance's house?"

He told me that he would if I wanted to...but I'd have to give him head while he was driving. He grinned at me and cocked an eyebrow.

OOH...a challenge. I always love those!

Without saying anything to him, I reached down and unzipped his khaki shorts. He just looked at me for a second, then grinned and lifted himself up slightly in the seat. I pushed his shorts and underwear down, and his dick sprang out. I leaned over and took the head in my mouth. Joey just moaned.

"Oh fuck Dale. I didn't think you'd really do it." He put one hand on the back of my head and pushed me down farther. As my lips hit his pubic hairs, he let out a loud groan and I felt his dick start to pulsate. He flooded my mouth with a thick load of cum, and I hungrily swallowed it. After taking it all, I pulled off, and gently kissed the head of his dick. He pulled off the road so he could fix his shorts, then just stared at me...laughing softly.

"Damn Dale. You really did it." He giggled and reached over to rest his hand on mine. "Have I told you how much I love you? You're so demented!" I pulled him over to me and kissed him. We sat there necking for a few minutes, until I finally pushed him away.

"Drive handsome. Lance is expecting us." As we went down the road, I pulled my cell phone out and hit redial. It took three rings before he answered.


"'s me."

"Fuck. He said no didn't he? I knew it. Damn him and his stubbornness!" I listened to him go on, holding the phone to Joey's ear so he could hear it too. Joey let out a snort as he began giggling. I jerked the phone away from him and put it back to my ear.

"Dale, what was that?"

I lost it. Through the laughter I told him that it was Joey, and we were on our way over to his house.

"Dale, remind me to tickle you when you get here!" He hung up the phone after we talked for a few more seconds.

"So Dale...what's Lance up to?" I just smiled and patted his knee.

"You have to ask him yourself's no fair to have me help you. You guys are going to start communicating if it kills you." He stuck his tongue out at me, and resumed keeping his eyes on the road.

As we pulled up in front of Lance's house, I noticed a few other cars in the driveway. We went and knocked on the door, and Chris opened it. I just smiled when Joey pulled his friend into a tight hug. Chris just held onto him, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't ever do that again Joe. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here."

"Ditto man. Ditto."

They were still hugging when Lance came in to the room. "Dale? Does this mean you're free now? If so, I'll throw my hat in the ring!" He smiled as he saw my finger being thrown at him. Joey disengaged from the hug, and glared at Lance.

"Leave my man alone short stuff, if you don't I'll mess ya up!" Joey spoke the line with an exaggerated New York accent. Chris and I were in stitches as Joey and Lance began play-wrestling with each other.

Chris elbowed me in the side softly. "My money's on Scoop. How about you?"

I just smiled. "My money is on my baby of course. He's bigger and more handsome. And besides, look at that ass. It's a nice ass!"

"Eeeeww!!! Dale. Please. Some of us don't need an image of Joseph's butt in our heads."

Lance heard that and had to interject. "I dunno Chris. It is kind of a nice ass." He ducked the pillow that Joey threw at him.

We just sat around for awhile, engaging in small talk. Nothing major. Then Lance cleared his throat.

"Joey, I want to apologize for earlier. I was way out of line. We all are."

Joey just smiled at him, then told Lance that it was okay. "But Scoop, I still want Johnny to apologize to Dale. He was way out of line."

"Well Joey, it's funny you should mention Johnny. He wants to meet with you and Dale before we head out tomorrow afternoon." Joey just nodded, and then turned to me.

"Dale. We don't have to go if you don't want to."

"Joey, you know that I'll do whatever you need me to do so we can get our lives back on track. Now, shouldn't we head to meet with your mom now?"

He just smiled and held his hand out for me. He pulled me up and into his arms. We just held each other for a moment, I felt his hand stroking my hair. He told the guys that he'd see them in the morning, and we headed out. I gave Chris and Lance quick hugs, and Joe and I headed to his car so we could meet his mom.

We hugged each other and kissed before we got in, because we knew that we couldn't do it at the restaurant. Thirty minutes later we pulled up in front of an Italian restaurant, and parked the car with the valet. We went in, and the host took us right to our reserved table in the back. I didn't say a word as I followed Joey back, we stopped in front of a booth, there was no one else around...except for an older lady sitting there. She stood up as we approached. Joey hugged her.

"Mom. Glad to see you."

"Oh Joey, I was glad you called." She stopped as she saw me. "Who's this?"

I extended my hand as Joey introduced me.

"Mom. Thanks for coming. I have something I want to talk to you about."

Next: Chapter 19

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