New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Mar 12, 2010


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually. . If you are looking for sex on every page, then this is not the story for you. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, then why are you here?

NOTE: Special thanks to Matthew for his time and efforts proof reading and editing the chapters. Without his support, this story would not be nearly as interesting.

Chapter One-Hundred Fifteen: New Horizons

Daniel stood outside, enjoying the fresh air. He moved closer to the side of the building, where he would be less conspicuous, and observed some of the boys playing volleyball. There was a lot happening at one time. Victor Owens was talking with the ambassador. Brian and Josh had been summoned and Daniel wanted to talk with them before they met with the chief. Out of the corner of his eye, Daniel saw his father approach.

"Daniel, you look tired," Dr. Thompson commented.

Daniel looked at his father and gave him a little smile at the obvious before answering.

"Tired and maybe just a little overwhelmed. I'm accustomed to being the target sometimes and I know it goes with the territory. I can't say that I've ever had to deal with the state government, federal government and a foreign government all at the same time."

"I guess when you think about it, it does seem a bit much," Dr. Thompson offered. "Of course, you do have the advantage that all of them are really after the same thing, the best welfare of the boys."

"I know," Daniel answered as he looked back out at the boys. "Dad, all this seems so . . . I don't know how to really describe it. All I can think of is stupid and unnecessary. I look at the boys and still, I cannot understand how anyone could be so greedy as to be willing to destroy their lives for money. It's just wrong."

"You won't get any argument from me." Dr. Thompson stated is support for his son.

The two men stood, silently, watching the boys when Daniel noticed a boy approaching from behind Dr. Thompson.

"Dad, I think you're about to have company."

"Company?" Dr. Thompson responded, confused.

Dr. Thompson realized that Daniel was observing something behind him and turned around to see Calvin approaching. When Dr. Thompson turned around, the boy froze.

"I don't know what that child has been through, Dad, but the look in his eyes says someone has torn his insides out and didn't care how much damage they did."

Looking at the two men, but primarily Dr. Thompson, fear and uncertainty were apparent in his eyes. His eyes also reflected a certain pleading look; pleading for someone to hold him, care about him, give him a place to belong.

"I know that look," Dr. Thompson looked at Daniel. "It's the same look you had many years ago. Someone has really mistreated this boy."

Daniel looked at his dad and knew that he was right.

"Any suggestions?" Daniel asked as his dad signaled the boy to come closer. "You know what's happening here."

Calvin seemed to perk up as Dr. Thompson motioned for him to approach. The closer he came to the two men, the smaller his steps became. Unsure, and not knowing what to expect, he continued to look down, glancing up only to be sure he was approaching Dr. Thompson.

Dr. Thompson looked at the boy a moment and decided Calvin didn't need to hear him say anything. Opening his arms, he stepped up to Calvin and embraced him. At first, the boy stiffened. When he felt the man's hands gently rub across his back, Calvin relaxed. Soon, Dr. Thompson felt the coolness from the boy's silent tears.

"Calvin, how old are you, son?" Dr. Thompson asked, and then added before the boy could answer, "Do you like to be called Calvin or Cal?"

"Cal, sir, and I just turned thirteen."

"Well, Cal, why don't you and I find us a quiet spot and sit down and talk a little bit?"

Daniel watched as his dad put an arm around the boy's shoulders and they walked off, remembering when his dad had done the same thing with him. While thinking back to that time he saw Brian and Josh approaching. He turned towards the boys.

"Mr. Dan'l," Brian spoke up, "You wanted to see us? Is somethin' wrong with the twins?"

"No, fellas, nothing's wrong with the twins. Actually, we think we may have found their family. Tests are being run right now to verify it, but we're pretty sure. Suppose we go for a short walk and I'll give you the capsule version."

Initially stunned, the boys followed Daniel as he led them away from where most of the boys had gathered. Daniel gave them the short version of the twins' story. When Daniel finished the story, the boys turned and looked at him.

"You mean they're, like, royalty or somethin' like that?" Josh asked.

"That's the way I understand it. When they go home they will be treated like royalty. In this case, the people had pretty much accepted that the boys were lost to them. The chief tells us that their return will be a huge event for all of their people."

"But, Mr. Dan'l," Brian struggled to explain his feelings. "After all this time and all we've been through with them, we kinda looked on the twins like our brothers . . . They're part of our family, too."

"I understand what you're saying, and I think I can understand your feelings. Let me ask you something. If it were the other way around and you two were the ones missing for the past five years and then had the chance to return home, wouldn't you want to go? You boys have been a very important part of their lives and I'm sure the twins will never forget you, nor should you forget them, but . . . ."

Rather than complete the statement, Daniel held his hands out, palms up.

"We understand," Brian stated unconvincingly. "It's all kind of hit us sudden like, Mr. Dan'l. We just need to think about it and let it sink in some more. You're right, deep down we know that, but it still hurts ta think of losin' 'em. They could be a real pain in the ass sometimes, but we still love 'em." Brian struggled to explain their feelings, and then continued.

"Do Evan and Randy know? Well, Randy's not here so I guess he wouldn't, but what about Evan?"

"No, we haven't told anyone until I just told you two. Do you want to be the ones to tell Evan and Randy?"

"If you don't mind," Josh joined the conversation. "Evan'll take it kinda hard."

The boys looked off as though they might see Evan. Daniel could tell that the news had been shocking and neither boy was sure what to do. He still needed to tell them how all this might affect them.

"There's more, fellas." Daniel waited until he knew he had their attention. "The twins have told the chief and the priest, that's the other gentleman wearing the feathered cape, about you boys and what you've done for them. I'm told that the boys have asked permission to adopt you into their Mayan tribal families."

"Mayan?" Brian almost whispered. "You know, we always wondered. Because of their complexions, skin color and their hair and eyes and all, but I don't think any of us ever thought they might be Mayan. We thought the Spanish kinda did 'em in a long time ago."

Brian and Josh looked at one another, puzzled and not knowing what to do.

"Does that mean we have ta go with 'em?" Josh asked.

"No, Josh, I'm not going to allow anyone to take you away," Daniel answered with a slight smile.

Both boys seemed relieved.

"As I understand this, it's considered a great honor. These people come from a very close and tightly guarded group. Outsiders are not normally allowed to know or experience what it's like to be a part of their lives, that's probably why you thought the group was extinct. Understand that the decision is strictly up to you. Wait until the offer is made and then ask questions."

"Mr. Dan'l, is there some kind of ritual you have to go through? I mean, I remember eadin' 'bout the Mayan people in school and it seems to me that they had some kind of ritual for almost everything. The part that's scary is that all I read said that in their rituals they're known to sacrifice people, 'specially kids. I don't think I like that."

"That's a common misconception about our people." A strange voice interrupted the conversation.

Daniel and the boys were startled when another person spoke up. Daniel turned to see the priest. The priest bowed slightly to Daniel and then faced the boys.

"The misconception is, unfortunately, due to some authors taking liberties with the truth. There was a time when our rituals involved the letting of large amounts of blood. However, rarely did that entail the sacrificing of children. Of course, there was always the exception for young boys who wanted to become men too early. If we found them indulging in too many of their procreation fantasies too early, then consideration may have had to be given to cutting things a little shorter?"

The boys looked at the man, trying to figure out exactly what he was saying and was he serious. They knew that procreation meant sex. What did he mean cutting things shorter? The boys' looks told Daniel that they hoped the man didn't mean what they thought he meant!

Daniel looked into the priest's eyes and noticed the twinkle; he had to look down so the boys didn't see him smile.

"I can assure you that the ritual does not include cutting anything. The ritual cannot take place, however, until the youngest twins have passed their tests. They were stolen only days prior to their first test. Once passed, they undergo additional training and are tested again on their tenth birthday, which for us would have been the summer solstice. Tomorrow, when the sun is high, the boys will take both tests. The warmth upon their bodies will be a sign of the blessings of the ancestral Hero Twins from whom all Mayan twins and rulers descend. We have no doubt that both boys will do well."

"Sir," Josh almost stuttered through a single syllable he was so nervous. "Can you tell us what the ritual is like?"

"It would not be proper for me to give you details. I can tell you that the adoption ritual is very erotic and cannot take place for two days after the young twins have passed their tests. There is a purification ritual that must take place first. You will be required to fast for two full days. You will spend most of that time in a special hut where you will be tended by me and an assistant chosen from among the boys here. All six of the twins will be with you and participate in the ritual.

"This ritual has not been performed in many years, but the twins know what it entails; it is part of their learning requirements. It is only fair to advise you, and Mr. Thompson, that the ritual will involve the planting of seed. The way it is done may involve a little pain on the entry which represents the planting of the seed and giving of life. When granting new life there is always some pain, but that is quickly replaced by love and pleasure. Given what the boys have told us of their activities while under your care, I know that they will have a most enjoyable time."

Brian and Josh looked and one another and shared a slight smile. If the young twins were going to have a most enjoyable time, that could only mean one thing – sex.

"The offer will be made right after the youngest twins have passed their tests. You will be expected to express your wishes at that time. I tell you these things because you are not accustomed to our ways and you should have time to consider what I have said."

The boys looked to Daniel and then at one another. They knew the conversation had come to an end and they wouldn't be told any more.

"Thank you," Brian said to the priest. Both boys then again looked at Daniel.

"As I said boys, this is your decision. Why don't you think about it for a little while and then if you want to talk, come find me."

Daniel and his guests sat with the boys in the mess hall during their evening meal.

"Gentlemen," Ron Wilson addressed the group. "The DNA tests came back positive with a 98.6% rating. We can only conclude that the two boys appear to be who the chief claims they are."

"I can't say that I'm surprised," Daniel commented. "I don't think any of us are after seeing them today. I'll also admit that a situation like this is new to me. Is there anything we need to do?"

"Not really," Victor Owens, the state department representative answered. "Under the circumstances the boys were never really supposed to be here and would not come under state control. We'll work with the ambassador to handle all the paperwork and the boys will return home."

"Actually, I'd like to talk to the boys before they go," Carl Hendrix, the federal marshal interjected.

"At the moment I believe you'll find them somewhat incapacitated," Dr. Thompson responded. "They are with the chief and priest preparing for tomorrow's ritual for the young twins. By the way, did anyone realize that the chief never referred to the middle set of twins or the young twins by name?"

"I did," Daniel answered, "but I thought it was something I could ask about later."

"Well, I'll save you the trouble," Dr. Thompson advised his son. "It's because the boys don't have a name. Each of the rituals is to celebrate a transition from one stage of their life to another. The first ritual recognizes the transition from baby and toddler to boy; the second from young boy to older boy entering pubescence. I think ten may be a bit young for pubescence, but that's just my opinion. It's during the second ritual that they receive their interim designation. It's like a name but since it's only temporary, it's not regarded as such. It's also during this ritual that observations are made regarding which one will most likely be a chief and which one a priest. Don't ask me how that decision is made; my research didn't go into that much detail.

"At fifteen there is another ritual where the boys are recognized as young men and that's when they receive the collar; it's a symbol of future standing. When collared, they are assigned a younger set of twins to serve them, who also act as students. If I understand the system correctly, the younger twins will stay with the older twins until they are old enough to go through their own ritual and be collared and have a younger set of twins assigned to them."

"Da-ad," Daniel interrupted. "How long have you been researching all this?"

"I began when I received the first call about this trip. Of course, I didn't do all the research. I had three graduate students working with me. It was too much for me to research by myself in the short time frame."

"Well, it's all beginning to sound a bit complicated to me," Daniel responded with a smile.

Dr. Thompson smiled in response.

"To us it may sound complicated, but to them it's a natural flow. The part I haven't mentioned is when the boys are auctioned. I believe that's the part that worried you?" Dr. Thompson deliberately needled his son.

Daniel became very serious and just looked at his father.

"Don't apply our understanding of auctioning to these boys. When the auction is held, the bidders are bidding for the privilege of having the boys live with them, and be the boys' mentor. The boys are considered to be blessed and, by association, the household they reside in is considered to be blessed. The money is quite large, always in the seven and eight figure range.

"The bid is divided into three parts. One part goes to an account for the benefit of the boys' mother who is held in high esteem for having gifted the people. Another account is set up to help care for the boys when they are older. When they are ready to take office and assume their duties, they also receive compensation. The last part goes to what we might consider to be a general fund for the people. It's to help the needy, cover disasters, and so on."

"Dad, it sounds to me as though you've become quite an expert on the Mayan customs and systems."

"Now you know why we wanted him with us," the governor commented and then continued. "Daniel, I've called some of the members of the legislature and asked them to join us tomorrow. I'm sure you know that the return of these boys to their native homes will be big news. There will be a lot of exposure for New Horizons. Also, I'd like to have those members meet some of the boys and learn first-hand what these boys have been subjected to."

"If I may express an opinion?" Daniel teased. "Why do I think there may be more to it than letting them learn what the boys were subjected to?"

The governor looked away from Daniel and smiled.

"Daniel," Dr. Thompson rejoined the conversation, "Have the boys been told anything? Given what they've been through, they might start jumping to some wrong conclusions."

"I know. I wasn't sure when I should say anything, but I was hoping Brian and Josh would be able to tell me what they wanted to do before I said anything to the others. However, I guess it's not fair to them to put them under that pressure at the moment."

Daniel waited until he thought most of the boys were finished with their meal. After observing the boys, he was aware that the boys had spent a good portion of their meal time observing him and his guests.

"Fellas . . . . Fellas, can I have your attention, please?"

Daniel stood patiently while the boys quieted down and gave him their attention.

"I know that everyone is curious about what's happening with a few of you boys and the men you saw arrive this morning. I'm fairly certain that speculation is running rampant at this point, so I thought we should tell you what's happening. That is, of course, if you're curious."

The boys kept staring at Daniel, no one took their eyes off him. Curious? He had to be kidding.

The boys had gathered into two or three small groups outside the mess hall. After Daniel had told them what was happening, everyone was curious to see what was being done to not only the young twins, but the other four boys, too.

"Can anybody see any of 'em?" one boy in the crowd asked.

"Uh-uh. They must be in that igloo shaped thing. Wha'd'ya think it is?"

"It ain't no igloo. Ain't cold enough," one boy quipped.

"Mr. Dan'l said it was a purification ceremony and somehow the boys hafta go through a ritual and be born again as big boys. You think when he said born again he meant like in church?"

Some of the boys broke into laughter.

"I doubt if it's like bein' born again like in the church like we know about. From what I hear it's got sex involved. Maybe some real heavy stuff."

"Sex?" another boy responded. "I read about some of the old Indian rituals back when I was in school. Mostly, it involved bloody stuff and people gettin' killed."

"Don't worry 'bout that part," Brad joined the conversation. "If Mr. Dan'l's lettin' this happen, then none of the boys is gonna be hurt. It is kinda strange though."

"He said they're doin' purification stuff," Patrick contributed. "I remember readin' about American Indians and when a boy reached manhood, which meant he was just barely past the point of bein' able ta grow pubes, they had ta sit in a hut like that. I don't remember what it was called, but it was like a steam bath and they had ta fast for a while. They were supposed to have a vision and the vision was supposed to help give them a name and tell something about their guardian spirits and stuff."

"What happened if they didn't have a vision?" one boy asked.

"Don't know. Don't remember the books sayin' anything about that."

"Anybody hear what kinda sex stuff is involved?"

"Nope, but we can sure guarantee that if those twins are involved, it'll be hot. They're little sex maniacs; they practically live for sex." Josh offered his opinion.

"Uh, speakin' of sex," one of the boys said, hesitantly. "Mr. Daniel and Mr. Mike said we couldn't exchange juices, so that must mean no fuckin' or suckin'. How 'bout a little jack-off party? Anybody interested?"

The boys looked at one another and grinned as they began to play with their toys, and headed for the showers. The boys would wait until tomorrow to find out what was happening with the twins. Now, it was boy-fun time.

End Ch 115 To Be Continued

Comments welcome: contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 117

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