New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Sep 1, 2006


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Chapter Eight: New Horizons

"Good morning, Rick. We all owe you a vote of thanks, the facilities look great."

"Appreciate it, but the boys had a lot to do with that; they've worked their butts off to get it cleaned up and looking this nice."

"Good morning, boys, is everyone enjoying their breakfast?" This is followed by the expected 'yeahs' and 'you bet'. It's good to see how much these kids have changed in the past ten days; no one would believe they're the same bunch.

"That's what we want to hear. Mr. Rick tells me everyone has worked hard to get this place up to par. We believe this place will be much more comfortable than the other facility and more conducive to reaching our goals......'

'"Mr. Daniel ...." Ben interrupts, ".... What's cond'suv mean?"

'Ben, it means we think you will be happier here and therefore more willing to work harder to reach the goals we are setting for all of you."

"Oh...." Daniel has to smile, the boy still doesn't fully understand, but he'll get there.

'It's time for morning announcements. First, we do not have all the results back from the lab yet, so the same rules remain in effect. I will tell you that notice has been sent to us that there appears to be a problem with some of the samples. The exact nature of the problem and who's affected is not known right now; but this should be a red flag to you of why we are doing what we are.

Second, the dental exams..." this is followed by a few groans and dropping faces, "... for the most part we did pretty well. There's twenty-one of you that will need some dental treatment for cavities; with that number I can't believe no one has complained up to this point, but so be it. As for all, and I put emphasis on all, of you will have your teeth cleaned." There's even more groans. "Okay, we could let them fall out and everybody gets false teeth, how's that? Let me put this on the bright side for you. If you had followed the original plan for you and had teeth problems, your master would send you to the vet and have all teeth pulled, probably with pliers and no pain killer. After that you get to gum all of kibbles at mealtime. Now, does this look better?"

"Mr. Daniel?..." Sean stands, "... we didn't mean to sound ungrateful, it's just that,... well ..., you know..."

"Yes, Sean, I really do know. I didn't cherish a visit to the dentist when I was young, .. uhhh, younger. I'm just playing with all of you a little. Some of this isn't a lot of fun, but it is necessary. Dr. Mike is arranging to have the mobile units here for two and a half days; a schedule will be posted for your appointments. If we cannot get all of the work done in that time arrangements will be made to take you to the dentist's office. Sorry fellas, but no one is going to miss out on this opportunity."

Third item, computers are hooked up and functional. There's twelve computers with sign-up sheets outside the study hall door for computer friendly lessons. Everyone that does not have a good working knowledge of computers should sign up. Mr. Paul, myself and Mr. Mark will be conducting the classes.

Fourth item, we have been in contact with the Catholic Diocese regarding school for all of you." Loud moans come out now, but it wouldn't be normal otherwise. "Good, I'm glad to see everyone's listening. I remind you, we cannot accept any funds or support from the state in the program. If we accept classes from the Department of Education that is accepting funds from the state. All of you will be taught right here using class rooms we are setting up here and the computers. The diocese, which has always been strongly opposed to slavery, will be sponsoring your educations. With the high school equivalency diploma you can qualify to take the college entrance exams just like anyone else.

Now, where I was originally going with this. We have spoken with the bishop, he believes the church can have the initial testing ready for us the first of next week. Assuming that happens a schedule will be posted. Anyone having big concerns over this should see myself or another member of your staff. We will do everything in our power to support you. If your concern is that you have missed too much school and are too far behind to catch up, forget that. Whatever the level, including starting from step one, if necessary, we will tutor you through to that diploma ^Ö that is an absolute promise.

There is one more item related to this. I didn't think of it until just now, but if anyone in here feels he would like to have communion or a session with one of the priests I'll be glad to talk to the bishop. Is thee anyone here who would want that?" A number of hands go up and it looks like a few more tentative hands would like to go up. Daniel just nods to them.

Fourth item. We intend to sit down with each and every one of you for a heart to heart talk. You should know that whatever is said in this meeting will be respected as confidential unless you give permission to let it be repeated. We need to know all we can about you to get a program designed for you to become independent. Mr. Paul, Mr. Mark and I will be doing this. There is no time frame on the talks, they can be fifteen minutes or fifteen hours, it's up to you and us to feel we are comfortable with the situation.

Fifth and last item. Okay, okay,.so I'm being a little long winded today, but I think you'll like this one. Everyone has been working hard these past several days, so how about a little play time today? You know, we still have those soccer balls you used the other day, and Mr. Rick tells me he thinks the pool will be ready after lunch." With cheers and loud whoops everyone seems happy and we let the announcements end.

"Paul, how about contacting all of the staff and ask them to meet in the office at 9:30 this morning. Also, look for Sean and ask him to have Danny in the office when they finish their breakfast." Paul gives a thumbs up sign and goes for his breakfast.

Sean, holding Danny's hand, knocks and enters Daniel's office cautiously, "Sean come on in son; I take it you finished your breakfast?" Sean nods.

"Yes, sir. Uhh, Mr. Daniel, are we in some kinda trouble?" Danny looks at Daniel and smiles, when Daniel smiles back and opens his hands, Danny runs and jumps in his lap.

"Sean, I feel bad that you would think that just because I ask you to come see me you'd think there was trouble. I'm trying to get you boys to understand that we are here to help you, not hurt you."

"I know, Mr Daniel, it's just that, the other place and the police station, if you were called in to the office you almost always got a whipping....."

"Sean, have you ever seen that happen with me?"

"No sir, I'm sorry, we just kinda learned to not look for anything good."

"Sean, come over here." Daniel reaches down and helps Sean get on his right leg. "Always remember that no one here will ever just reach out to whip you or hurt you in any way. We don't do whippings as you know them here; if we have to resort to that type of discipline, we do spankings, there's a big difference. Now that's not to say that if you break the rules you won't be punished, you will, but it will be explained to you before it happens ^Ö let's hope it never does, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Actually Danny and I both like when you let us be with you. It feels good in a way I don't know how to explain."

"How about, comfortable?'

"Yeah, that's good, ...I mean, yes, sir." Danny has been sitting on Daniel's left leg this whole time and Daniel has been scratching his cheek. Danny just melts into Daniel. Now, Daniel has begun to scratch Sean's cheek and he relaxes, letting the man hold him and make him feel good.

"That's okay, Sean. Actually, the staff will be here in a few minutes and I wanted you and Danny to help me show them something" Sean just looks up to Daniel. "I'll explain it when the time comes. For right now how about if we all just sit here and talk between us?"

"Okay, but what about?"

"Given your age, eleven, I think it is a pretty good guess that you didn't live on the streets all that time. At some point you would have had a home with a mom and dad, a family, like most kids. I'd like for you to tell me where that was, where did you live, what happened to put you on the streets, how long were you on the streets, and what happened to get you at that detention center? I know that's a lot, but it's something we need to know to help you." Sean stares down for a couple of minutes before looking up at Daniel with tears in his eyes. 'Sean, I know it's not easy, but we really need to know."

"I know, sir, just hurts so much." Sean sniffles a couple of times and takes a deep breath. "We came from up north. A friend of my dad's talked him into coming down here and they started a business together."

"How long ago was that?"

"A long time ago. I wasn't in school, yet."

"We lived down south of here. It was fun, I had lots of friends to play with. My brother, he played football at school. He spent a lot of time with me too, if his friends picked on me 'cause I was little, he'd stop 'em."

"Sounds like you had a good brother. Do you know where he is now?"

"Brad took care of me, but I don't know where he is; he got away, though. He took care of me in the gang...."

"Whoa, slow down a minute. Let's go back a little. Why did you leave home and when? What happened?"

"Well, one day mom and dad said some people were coming to get us. Something about executing a judgment. It had something to do with money they said dad owed them and they wanted it now and if they didn't get it they would take us, me and Brad. Brad told me later they were coming to put us in jail then sell us. Anyway, Mom and Dad told Brad to take me and run. They gave him money and said it was all they had left; we were to leave and not come back, but we did.

A couple days later we sneaked back home. At first, all we could see was the cars were gone and it looked like nobody was there. Brad and I hid in some bushes just watching for a while. Then my mom came outside, Brad made me wait in the bushes and he snuck around to see Mom. When she saw him she got scared, but she hugged him and started crying, but I didn't know why. When Mom stopped hugging Brad she held his shoulders and said something to him, then after another hug and kisses she pushed him away. Brad told me some of the kisses were for me." Tears are running freely down Sean's face, he sniffles but keeps going.

"We never seen them again. One day Brad told me Mom had said the authorities took dad and she didn't know if they would take her, too. She did know they were watching the house looking for us. But, Mr. Daniel, I didn't know what was happening, I didn't do anything wrong." Daniel just gives Sean a tight squeeze. "Brad said we could never go back and had to find some place to stay. Brad told me he did go back one day, but the house was empty and we were on our own.

Anyway, we met some other boys in the park, they said they was out, too, and we could stay with them but would have to pay our own way. Brad said something to them about he would take care of that and I was to be left alone. The boys said it was up to Brad as long as somebody paid." While Sean is talking some of the staff members have come in and just take a chair quietly to listen. Danny is looking at his friend and has been crying some too.

'Some of the other boys was older than me, there was one my age and a couple younger. All of us just kinda stayed together and away from the big boys, we didn't know what they were doing. Sometimes they'd come in for a little bit and then leave sayin' they had to meet John. We didn't know who that was, but we heard 'em say that a lot. When Brad did that he wouldn't let me go with him. One night Brad came back; he was walkin' funny and had been cryin'. I asked him if he was hurt and he said no, but he no longer had his cherry. I looked at him and told him I didn't know he had one and where was it? (Sean's trying to smile a little now.) He just hugged me and told me not to worry about it.

Mr. Daniel, do you think I'll ever see my brother again?'

"I don't know Sean, but I hope so, I really do. How long ago was this?"

"I was eight when we left home, Brad was thirteen. We stayed with the group and moved from one place to another place. One night some cops showed up. We were stayin' in a empty warehouse near 'the station'. Somebody gave the alarm to run. It wasn't the first time we had to, but this time while I was running my side hurt and I had trouble breathing; I stopped. When Brad knew I stopped he started back for me but it was too late. Somebody had me by the arm and I could see Brad's face, he was scared. I hollered out for him to run; he did, and now I'm here. Brad probably thinks I'm a slave now and gone forever."

"Sean, I have one more question I need....."

"No sir, I never did. Brad wouldn't let nobody touch me, he didn't care what they offered and some offered a lot to be the first with me, but Brad said absolutely no way. I'm still as much a virgin as Danny, Mr. Dan'l., top and bottom"

Daniel knows the staff has heard most of what Sean has said, certainly enough to make the point Daniel wants made. Sean and Danny have both been crying. Daniel had planned on showing some bright innocent faces, but these faces need brightening at the moment.

"Sean, why don't you take Danny and both of you go wash your faces. You know, Sean, it took a lot to tell me that; I think we can now understand why you watch after Danny the way you do." Sean has just turned and realized the staff members were in the room and looks at Daniel with an expression of surprise and questions. "Don't worry, Sean, everyone respects your privacy and no one will repeat anything you've said here without your permission. After lunch find Mr. Larry, he is going to take some portrait photos of the two of you. I'll see both of you around lunch time. Now go." Daniel gives both boys a little hug with a pat on their bottoms and off they go.

"Fellas, I'm assuming you heard enough of Sean's story to understand why I want to start pushing our agenda. I thought we should get together for a few minutes to make sure we're all working on the same page. Assuming we have finished the basics for being able to care for the boys, I'm suggesting we move forward to meet our goals.

There are two major issues I'm suggesting we consider working on. First, the idea of selling children into slavery to pay their parent's debts; and second, using these boys as pleasure toys. I believe the only way we can effect changes in either of those areas is to change the laws. How do we change laws? There was a former president nicknamed 'The Great Communicator'. When he wanted to accomplish change and thought he would run into stiff opposition, he would plead his case to the public. Lawmakers move only when their constituency demands they move. Therefore, we need to follow the Great Communicator's example and change public opinion."

"Obvious question, how do you propose we change public opinion?"

"That question has been anticipated. We have a prominent public relations firm listed as one of our sponsors. If I can spend three years trying to influence politicians, I have no trouble spending whatever time it takes to convince pr people to help us build a campaign.

Now, I've mentioned to all of you at one time or another an idea I had for doing part of this. Part of the idea is to create ambassadors to represent this facility. Those ambassadors will consist of the boys themselves. I have ideas on how to do this, but I'd like for each of you to think about it and then let's get together again in two or three days and kick the ideas around. This is a big project and all of us need to be involved. If we agree we may have some good ideas we may want to share them with the pr group or just sit back and let them come up with ideas. Personally, I believe the best group is here; all of us have our own reasons for being here, that gives us a wealth of knowledge and experiences to draw on."

"Daniel, I heard you tell the boys to look me up after lunch for photos, what's up there?"

"That's part of my idea. Well, look at Danny's face, that kid could work his way with anybody. I'm really curious to see what he will look like when his hair grows out. Between his facial features and olive toned complexion, give us some dark curly hair and that kid could melt anybody's heart. Sean's a good looking kid, too, he's got a great attitude and that smile of his will get to anyone; and, if anyone heard his story, well...."

"Daniel, I know you well enough that you've got a pretty good idea what you want to do. You're the leader of this group, care to share?"

"Not right now, Paul. Remember, all leaders need inspiration and support. I'm looking to you guys for both. I don't want to just jump into something and screw up. Right now I feel I'm so close to all this that I need to be very careful, I'm counting on you guys to keep me in perspective."

Rick speaks up, "Gentlemen, you just heard a true politician. He said a lot without saying anything." Everyone laughs and knows exactly what Rick means.

"Okay, guys, I don't mind being the butt of some jokes. However, there is one very serious matter we need to address. Remember I had said to everyone that when this program was approved there were some compromises that had to be made, it's time to address one of those. We have a sixty-day reprieve on these boys being called on and used for pleasure; a quarter of that time is gone. When the condition was imposed we were given the right to establish a reasonable set of rules to control the situation. This is the challenge: to establish a set of rules that will make it virtually impossible, if not completely impossible, for one of these boys to be used."

"Daniel, you're trying to change something that's been going on for decades!"

"Yes, I am! Don't tell me it can't be done. No one thought we could get the opportunity to prove privatization of childcare works, but here we are. If we don't set our own goals, and set them high, nothing will be done to help not just these kids, but all others now and in the future in their position. DCF reserved the right to approve the rules, what are they going to do if they don't like them besides say no or change them?

Has anyone in here heard of the 'shit on the wall' legal theory? Attorneys use the phrase when trying to negotiate a settlement. Ask for everything and see what holds. That's what I'm suggesting we do, but we will be careful how we do it and also try to control the parameters for any changes they want to make."

"Slow down Daniel, you're getting a little worked up and speeding along without the rest of us having a chance to catch up ^Ö so what else is new with you, right?"

All right, two main reasons to do this our way. First, the state will not pay any expenses related to the boys. If one is taken out for pleasure and hurt, ala TJ, the state doesn't pay the bill, we do. We feel we can come up with a good legal argument that if we have the liability we should have control over the situation that surrounds that liability.

Second, is a contractual argument that if the state has given control of the boys to us they should not have the ability to over-rule what we are doing unless we are in violation of the law. Remember, taking a boy for pleasure is not a law, it's a custom or habit that has been followed without challenge until now.

Now, both of these are technical issues that require legal and medical research. Dad has legal professors at the law school researching part of this and Michael is gathering data on the other part. The research should be complete in seven to ten days and we can address this again.

Plus, I'll return to the ambassador idea again. Put these boys in the right situation to charm the adults and let them help us put pressure on lawmakers to stop this practice. And, I'll stop harping on this part of it right now."

"Daniel, here are the files on those last eight boys we photographed; I believe the main one you're after is on top. Also, there appears to be a discrepancy in some of the data. Two files show six boys, not eight, were brought in at the same time. Four of those files have the same effective date, the remaining four have different dates. We don't know if there is a reasonable explanation."

Daniel opens the top file and recognizes bitch-boy, also known as Evan, age fourteen. Wow, thinks Daniel, you would have thought he was a little older given the way he was acting, but these kids have a tendency to grow up a little faster than others.

"Mark, see if you can locate these boys and tell them to be here in fifteen minutes, then locate this one and bring him back with you. Let's get to the bottom of this situation if we can."

Mark is back in less than ten minutes with Evan. As they walk in Mark nods he has notified the others and closes the office door. Evan enters looking real nervous, but that turns to almost pure fear when Mark closes the door. Mark studies Evan for a minute and realizes this kid is very effeminate. His looks are nothing short of pretty with incredibly dark blue eyes recessed a little under arching eyebrows, high cheekbones parted by a classic Greek nose over a narrow mouth accentuated by red puffy lips. The facial structure is rather narrow, triangular shaped flowing to a small but well-defined chin. Dressed properly, this boy would look like a beautiful woman.

"Evan, take a chair. Try to relax son, there's no reason for you to fear anyone here, we just want to make sure you're alright." Evan gets a quizzical look on his face. "Evan, I'm going to ask you something straight out and I want you to give me an honest answer." Evan nods. "You've been playing sex games with several of the other boys, I want to know if you were pushed or forced into that."

Evans expression shows pure shock and fear as he stares at Daniel. It's easy to see he's trying to figure out what to say.

"Evan, you shouldn't have to think about this much. Were you pushed into having sex with those boys?"

Evan's face turns red and as he looks down he answers, "No, sir. Mr. Dan'l, Randy needs to be here, he explains this better'n me." You can see tears forming in the boy's eyes and he's beginning to shake.

"Evan there's no need for you to be afraid, no one's going to hurt you. Now, are you sure the other boys didn't push you into this?"

"Yes, sir, I, sir....I mean nobody forced me Mr. Dan'l, I swear. They come up to me and let me know they wanna play and I just go with them, but they don't make me, I just do it. But we didn't do anything that you told us not to do, promise, we didn't.." The boy is now to a whining, pleading stage.

"Who's Randy, and why does he need to be here?"

"He's my brother, sir. He looks after me. Mr. Dan'l, Randy's a lot smarter than me and he can talk about it better." The boy has tears flowing down his cheeks and is on the verge of bawling.

I signals to Mark to check the waiting room.. When Mark nods I hand him three folders, indicating that's the three he wants to see. Randy, or Randall according to his file, is easily recognized; he's the boy that does the biting. The other two boys are the same two he saw tormenting and caressing Evan in the shower and behind the dunes.

The boys walk in looking a little nervous, when they see Evan they are surprised and appear very apprehensive. When Evan sees Randy he bolts to the boy with a pleading look.

"Randy, I didn't say nuthin', I promise. Randy? Please, Randy, don't let them take me away, please?" The boy is losing control at this point and Randy has to hold him.

"Sir? Can I just hold him for a minute, he'll calm down. Evan, slow down, bro, I'm here. Who said anything about taking you away? Come on, a few deep breaths for me, just relax, I'm here. Didn't I promise that I'd always be here for you?"

"Yeah, but they brought me in here alone and I didn't know what to do, I was scared. Remember, the boys said they'd take me away and sell me."

"Okay, everybody, just slow down for a minute. Evan, look at me, .... Evan.... No one is taking you away and selling you. Now, I know something is going on here and I intend to find out what, but nobody is going to punish you or sell you. Randy's going to keep his promise, but we need to talk." Mark has brought Evan a cup of water. "Now sit down in your chair, sip the water and calm down and I'll talk with Randy." Evan takes the water and does as he's told, but he holds onto Randy's arm.

"Now, I'm going to say what I need to say then you will have your chance." All nod. The other night the four of you were among the last eight to get your photos taken. You ate and headed for the showers. When I was headed to the infirmary, I saw all of you with four others in the shower. The three of you appeared to be putting Evan through a combination of heaven and hell. At the end, Randy, you placed a hard bite mark on his neck, I saw it the next day. There were four other boys in there with you. A daisy chain was formed and everyone seemed to be enjoying a mutual jack off party." All the boys are blushing by now and definitely nervous, wondering where all this will go. "Now the first thing I want to know is how the other four boys fit into this little group. At first I thought all of you were together, but only you four came together, the other four came in at different times. Randy, tell me about the other four."

"Well, sir, we met them at the other place. They caught us behind one of the buildings one day and wanted to join in. We were afraid if we didn't let them they would tell the guards, then we would be in real trouble. The only condition was no one could touch Evan."

"Okay, you say those four have nothing to do with what I'm concerned with here. Two of your files say there should be six of you.

"Yes, sir, six of us came in together, but it's not any of them. The other boys are here. Josh can get them for you."

Daniel signals to Mark, who takes Josh out. Daniel then resumes.

"When I saw what was happening in the shower I was trying to figure out if Evan here was your queen bee you worshipped or your bitch-boy. Then I realized that there was something about what I saw in the shower that wasn't quite right, but I couldn't figure it out until the day behind the dunes. Josh and Brian escorted Evan over the dunes. The way they were walking with him holding his arms, I thought they might be forcing him to go with them. I was sitting on the bus working when I saw them. I slipped out behind the bus and stood behind some bushes watching. Then you, Randy came in and seemed to take over lead position. It was evident that while one boy was pleasuring Evan, another was inflicting some degree of pain." Evan starts to say something when Randy stops him. "At the end you were holding his arms behind him attacking his neck, then you bit him, hard. When you bit him he started shooting and the rest of you followed, unloading on him. The shocker was when you let him go, he falls to his knees with his head down and the three of you piss on him. That told me he was bitch-boy until all of you got up to leave. The three of you escorted him back over the dunes in a formation that suggested you were his body guards." Daniel looks over at Evan, "Damn, I don't believe this. Five minutes ago he was bawling his eyes out and now he has a super boner from hearing me talk!" Evan turns a deep red all over and tries to hide himself. "Now, what is it Evan didn't tell me? Randy, it's your turn."

"Well, sir, we were show boys. I think you figured most of it out. Evan is both queen-bee and bitch-boy. He likes being bitch-boy more. He's also my brother. Josh and Brian are brothers, and our cousins. Maybe I should start at the beginning. About four, maybe four and a half years ago, our dad got into financial trouble. He sat down with Ronnie, our older brother, and me and told us what was wrong and what would happen ^Ö we would all be sold into slavery and most likely never see one another again. Dad had an alternative solution. Before the courts could get us he would have us indentured to him. He knew that Ronnie and I had been fooling around, he didn't know about Evan at the time except that he was very effeminate. He also told us if he didn't indenture us it would be incest, which would get all of us in trouble, and we'd be slaves for life. The idea was for us to form a show through what I now know was the underground. It would be a man and his slaves who were proven to be his sons. In the beginning the main show was for Ronnie and me to pig stick Dad. Sometimes this was preceded by some light s/m/b/d, but never enough to really hurt anyone. Ronnie and I were both into beastiality, which Dad didn't approve of, but tolerated because of the show and money. We were bred by our shepard. The crowd went crazy when they knew we were knotted, the audience would leave big tips for us. Strange thing is, we enjoyed it. Then Dad learned about Evan. Evan has been a cocksucker since he was real little. Ronnie or I would sit on the sofa leaning to one side. We would prop a foot up on the seat and Evan would crawl under our leg and nurse on us. Sometimes he suckled and sometimes he just held it there and fell asleep. He's also always been an exhibitionist. Our parents had trouble keeping a diaper on him, they put it on and a few minutes later he pulled it off. Same with his clothes. It reached the point he was just allowed to run around naked all the time, even when we went to the grocery or somewhere. Of course, it wasn't illegal for young ones so nobody said anything. He's still young enough to get away with it. At night when we went to bed he'd crawl into one of our beds instead of his own. It wasn't unusual for him to crawl under the covers and lay down between our legs and stick a dick in his mouth like a pacifier ^Ö actually he'd still do it if we let him. We stopped him when we got here."

Josh and Mark have just returned with two oriental boys that are as close to identical twins as any twins can be. Both are good-looking kids and appear apprehensive. They brighten up a little when they see the other boys and cling to Josh and Brian. When I look at them I realize they appear to be Amerasian. Both boys have very soft features; their eyes are rounded but carry a slight slant. The bone structure makes them appear very thin almost like they would disappear from view if they turned sideways. They weren't skinny by any means and had only very slight muscular definition. They walked with a fluid motion that appeared almost regal.

"This is Ching and Chang, of course that's not there real names; they belonged to us. I'll explain in a minute. Dad said when he saved up enough money to get reestablished he would set our indentures aside and we could go back to normal. We were almost there when Ching and Chang's father got into trouble. He let Dad know he was going to be forced into selling the boys and offered them to us because he knew they would be well cared for. He knew nothing of our show activities that we know of. Dad said it would mean working the shows another six months or so, but he hated the idea of them, then age six, not quite seven, being sold as slaves. So, here they are. Ronnie, who was three years older than me, and I kept on with the show. When we told dad about Evan he worked him in. When Ronnie and I would stick dad, Evan would come out and suck him, Evan loved it. The equipment you saw at the detention center was ours. We would string Evan up in the circle and pull his legs up parallel with the floor. People would gasp when they saw that, it wasn't unusual to hear an 'ow' or so in the audience. An ostrich feather was used to tickle his ass. Sometimes we stuffed anal beads in him and he had to push them out one at a time. If he missed and pushed more than one, he got a swat with the paddle or one lash with the whip for each one he messed up. Understand the paddles were extremely light weight and concave, when they hit they sounded a lot worse than they really were. The whip was lightweight vinyl stuffed with foam, hardly left a mark; Dad put dye on it before each show so it looked real. Evan loved it; he was supposed to mess up and sometimes deliberately pushed extras out. These two were not allowed to participate, they were way too young and we thought this would be ending by now. When we got them they had the names Bill and John. Our cousins, Brian and Josh, mostly took care of them. Dad and Ronnie died in a car wreck. Our uncle was the executor under dad's will. He set all of us free and left everything to us. Since we were minors our uncle became guardian and most of the money disappeared. We found out our uncle discovered what we did for the money and said we were trash that didn't deserve anything. Somehow the money disappeared and he reported us as vagrants. Funny thing, our uncle told us Dad hadn't really planned on getting out but was going to use the twin's talents. I never understood what he meant and our uncle said I was too naïve. What you saw in the shower and at the dunes was a choreographed session from the show, in full form it's supposed to last about an hour. It's one we all enjoyed and we just keep doing it. When we would begin Evan would be told to stay quiet and if he made any sound he would be punished. Of course, Evan could never stay quiet and we would put him in the circle and bring out the paddle or padded whip. And now we're here Sir, I'm not sure how to say this, but I think you can understand this situation (he's pointing to Evan) and why we are protective."

Daniel and Mark just sat there stupefied. "Randy, that story is too incredible not to be true. Ching and Chang, damn I'm too dumb founded to remember their real names, come over here. Do you have mentors?"

"Yes, sir. We were one of the pairs that had to break up. At first we wanted to go to Randy or Josh or Brian, but we were afraid to because if someone found out about us they might send us away. We waited and when you said for us to find another mentor we thought we could go then but you told all the boys fourteen and over to sit down. We had to find someone else. The boys we found are good to us, we tease them by trading sometimes and they can't tell."

"I don't understand all this 'might send us away' stuff, who told you this?"

"Our uncle said he was going to be sure the authorities knew what we had been doing and report us for incest, but we were legally indentured, we were real slaves, just for Dad. Our uncle was a real son of a bitch."

"Bill and John, would you like to have Josh and Brian as your mentors?" They respond with bright eyes and enthusiastic nods. "Then go to them and I'll let them figure out who's who." No problem for these boys. The four boys not associated with Evan and his family are then told they can leave.

"Now, Randy and Evan. First, Evan, try not to be so scared, nothing bad will happen. Question, have any of you had any schooling in the past three or four years."

"Yes, sir, we were home schooled. Uhhh, let's see, I guess the best way to say this is that we were not all schooled at the same level? Evan's talents run in a different direction, he's an excellent artist."

"Evan, take this paper and pencil. Tomorrow, bring me a sketch or drawing of something. Let's see how good you are. Understand, all of you will take the scholastic and aptitude testing; we don't expect everyone to test out as college material. Educational programs will be based on these tests, so Evan can still get the high school certificate and then move on to something in line with his aptitude. There are some things I want you both to consider though. As far as this choreographed sex thing goes, I've already said I didn't expect you to be pure. Sometimes when the boys come up and say they want to play, you need to say 'no'. When you say 'no' it doesn't mean you will lose them as your friends. I would like to see you break away from the past, you need to move forward. Evan, you depend heavily on Randy, almost too heavily. I'd like to see you try to do more things on your own. Randy, I'm encouraging you to push him in that direction for his own good. One day you will both be grown and need to have a life of your own. Also, Randy I'd like to see you develop interests of your own. Think about what you want to do and hobbies. There's plenty of opportunity to grow and expand, take advantage. We're all going to keep an eye on this situation. If necessary, I'll bring in some professional help. Any questions?

The boys shake their heads and Daniel lets them know they can leave.

"Mark, keep a close eye on this if you can. I'm really worried about Evan, he may not make it. That doesn't mean I'll let him go, it just means we may have to go for professional help. Randy doesn't realize that he's become an enabler for Evan's total dependence and lack of maturity."

End Ch Eight

To Be Continued: comments welcome; contact the author, Dwight Wilson, at

Next: Chapter 9

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