New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Aug 28, 2006


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Chapter Six:

(Scene: the afternoon meeting, same day.)

"It's only fair for the new staff to let you know what's happening and how certain events will affect you. We just got here yesterday afternoon and started making changes to the schedules and events you had just become accustomed to. Well, I'm afraid we are about to make a couple more changes, but I don't think you will object too much. First change, you will not be fed any more soup using slave chow as a base. (that gets a good response.) Second, those of you who have had your pictures taken but have not sat with Mark or his assistant will be called up during this meeting. Simply get up and remove yourself to where they are sitting. If for some reason we do not get all the data entered today, we will pick up on this tomorrow morning.

"Tomorrow morning, beginning around 7:00AM, physical exams will begin. (There are a few groans.) Now I don't know why I'm hearing groans, would you rather be working in that big warehouse I saw yesterday afternoon? I didn't think so. The exams are important. I understand the state gave you an exam when you were picked up, but I don't trust their exams and don't really think they will be as thorough as Dr Mike and his staff. Let's cut to the core of this matter: You boys lived on the streets and we all understand what you have to do sometimes to be able to eat. We want to know that you are in good health; if not, care will be given to get you there. Exams will be complete for the older boys (I wave my middle finger to clarify my meaning; and hear several groans.). Blood and urine samples will be mandatory for all.

This is a fasting exam; which means no breakfast early in the morning. Because of this we want to run the youngest through first; they should also be the quickest. Mentors are to have their charges here ready to go no later than 6:50AM ^Ö we will try to have a time schedule posted with names by supper time. The exam with Dr Mike and his assistants will include eye exams. Following the medical exam will be a dental exam. Unless there are major issues treatment and repairs will not be made at this time; our primary goal is to get an accurate picture of your health and then develop a plan of treatments to get everyone up to par. "Also, during the exam each of you will be given a shot. It will be administered with an air gun so it should only feel like a mosquito bite. What's really happening is we are injecting in the side of your neck this tiny microchip. The chip identifies you as New Horizon boys. Should anything ever happen while you are away from here, the authorities, including hospitals, scan your body with a wand. The wand will detect the chip and tell them who to contact. This is one way we have to protect you from anyone trying to treat you as a slave."

"The next topic we need to discuss is hormones running wild in this group." While talking to the boys I'm also wandering around a bit. I spot the 'victim' from the shower scene, he definitely has a deep bite mark on his neck. I'm still wondering if he is queen-bee or bitch-boy. I also wonder what the other boys think of the bite mark, it's too easy to see for some of them not to know it's there. Now that I can see him better his features do almost appear to be pretty; soft and almost effeminate. I'll let him deal with those issues so long as it doesn't have a negative effect on the other boys or the project. "I'm not going to talk to you like your innocent or naïve. The only ones I expect to be there are the little ones and I'd like to keep them that way as long as possible; let them have a chance to enjoy their innocence. When boys get together, particularly those who have gone through or are going through puberty, they have a tendency to experiment or play games for pleasure. I know it happens, you know it happens, we know it's going on within this group ^Ö so here's the bottom line. Use common sense and try to be discreet." I've strolled to where Danny is sitting with Sean. When I look down at him, he smiles and turns on that charm by cocking his head to one side. I put my hands out and he reaches out. He parks his butt in the seat I've formed by interlocking my fingers. "When I say discreet I mean I don't want to be standing here talking with you and all of a sudden one of you gets so horny you have jump somebody else's bones right now. Until the physical exam reports are complete and on file, and that includes full lab reports on blood and urine samples, there will be nothing done that involves an exchange of bodily fluids. Note that I am not suggesting that, I'm telling you that's how it will be. One of you could be carrying an STD without realizing it; don't take the chance of infecting someone else. When the reports have been received each of you will be notified and advised of your health status. Now, in the interim I suggest you entertain Five- Finger Mary, if you've never met her let us know and introductions can be arranged." Subdued giggles filter though the hall.

"Understand we are not condoning sex between any of you, we are just trying to be realistic. Any activities must be totally consensual. If you want to see my really ugly side, let me find out someone has forced another boy into something he didn't want to do. That same ugly side will show if I ever find out you have been using these so-called apparatus you see on this stage. They will never be used to satisfy someone's warped sense of pleasure. Likewise, they are never to be used to punish someone.

Since we've broached punishment, might as well go there now. The devices you see on the stage will not be transported to the new facility. I don't know if they have ever been used here for punishment, but I doubt they were installed for decoration. I do not believe in that form of punishment. If heating up your backside is required to get your attention, that can be done; in fact, it was done yesterday." Ben's face turns red as several of the boys look at him and grin. "There are other ways to press a point home. Three paddles were chosen yesterday that will go with us to our new home. Also, we will take three collars with attachments; please, don't put me in a position to use them. If you see me pull the collar out you will know you are in deep, and I mean deep, shit.

The last point I want to make with you now can be stated in two words: trust and respect. Trust is particularly critical to the mentors. Realize the young ones chose their mentors. The choices come from natural instincts that tell them you can be trusted. We are trusting you not to violate your charges trust. Violate that trust and that child will never be the same. It's also important that the group as a whole can trust us to do what is best for the group and all individuals within the group. We must be able to trust you to work with us to reach common goals. In our case, trust is given in the beginning; violate that trust and you will have a very hard time earning it back.

Respect must be reciprocal. We will respect your needs and feelings, but you will need to respect the fact that we are here to help you. Sometimes we may do things that you don't fully understand, while we will always try to explain things to you, there may be times where we will have to ask you to respect the fact that we will never deliberately do anything to harm you.

Now we have two pieces of good news to pass on. First, the new facility has a recreational area. The details on it are not here yet, but I can tell you it includes a swimming pool for everyone to enjoy. The second piece of news is that, assuming we receive confirmation on the charters, we will be moving to our new home the day after tomorrow." These last pieces of news bring cheers.

"Now, I will stop lecturing and turn this gathering over to you. We've thrown a lot at you in a short time frame. If you have any questions, now is the time; and, don't be afraid to ask anything."

"Mr Daniel? When we were brought here, the officials took all of our clothes, at least from most of us. I think those who were left with anything it was only because they were rags. Are we going to be wearing uniforms or anything?"

"No, they like looking at naked boys' bubble butts^Å.." was whispered off to the side, "^Å. and swinging dicks." The smirk on a couple of faces lets me know who said this.

'Son, for right now, the answer is no to both. There's reasons for this. Of course, you know that under civil law boys fourteen and under can appear nude in public with no problem. You don't see this in the urban areas much, but in the rural and residential areas is quite common to see them running around nude. I'll assume they like the freedom and it's cooler. The main reason is we want to break you away as much as possible from the lifestyle and habits you once knew, get a new start. As part of this we believe you need to become completely comfortable and secure with who you are. You should be confident enough to walk down the middle of main street completely nude and smile at everyone you meet. If they have a problem with that, let it be due to their insecurities, not yours. Now, that does not mean that we are going to do that to you. I'm sure the little ones could care less. Most young ones prefer to go without the clothes, they enjoy the freedom. We are taught over time that we shouldn't walk around nude, it might offend someone. We aren't worried about you offending someone, we are concerned with you being secure and confident with who you are. Clothing, uniforms if you will, is going to be ordered. The standard clothing will consist of navy blue shorts, sandals and a white t-shirt. The t-shirt will have the New Horizon logo consisting of a straight horizontal line, the horizon, under a half sun with the sun's rays spreading out, representing the start of a new day. There will be seven lines representing the sun's rays; each line represents a day of the week. About thirty of these in various sizes will be requested. When any of you leave the facility, such as visit the dentist, this is what you will be given to wear. When you return the clothes will be washed and stored away until needed again."

The cell phone rings, Danny is shifted to the right hip to free one hand. "Something has come up in the office I need to deal with now. Mark, can you take over for me till I get back?" I walk Danny back over to Sean and start to put him down.

"Noooo, stay with you." He's crunched his eyebrows together creating that vertical wrinkle and sad eyes pleading look. This kid is learning real fast how to wrap me around his little finger; I'll have to be sure to have a talk with him. (Yeah, like that's going to do any good.)

"I'll take you with me this time, but after we finish our meeting you'll have to go with Sean." Danny nods with a big smile and we head to the office with me wondering what's going on..

"Gentlemen, question and answer time is over for now. My turn to lecture, and if you can't tell by my voice, I'm not happy with you. I heard, and you can be sure Daniel heard, the smart comment about "naked boys' bubble butts" and "swinging dicks". Right now I think someone should have their 'bubble butt' kicked. That remark was as disrespectful as they come; far worse than what Ben took three licks for yesterday. Since arriving here, Daniel has done nothing but bust his butt trying to help you. Think about what you had for supper last night, and then what you had for breakfast and lunch today ^Ö that was all his doing. More significantly, think in terms of six of your friends. Two boys who haven't even reached puberty yet. One had his cherry popped by a sadistic bastard while a second bastard beat the other boy with a leather strap; why?..trying to protect his friend. Look around and you will see neither of those bastards here today. What about the three boys picked up and delivered to the slave center yesterday? Did you know one of them had already been processed, assigned to a group, and was to be auctioned off last night? Daniel knew those boys didn't belong there, he also knew he had to move fast to save them; which he did. What you don't know is he had the director of the Department of Corrections on the phone to stop the auction ^Ö that's right, the director of DOC. The man has the contacts and organization to make this work, but it will require your support and cooperation. Daniel has fought for this program for three years, every dime he has is in it; more importantly, he believes in New Horizon and what it represents. Remember TJ? He's the last boy I'm referring to. I'm sure all of you have heard about what happened to TJ. Officer Williams, the same one that sent the three boys to the slave center, took TJ home with him for 'training'. We all know what that means. Williams is a sadistic bastard that gets his thrills from inflicting torture and pain ^Ö and he was doing a job on TJ until Daniel arrived to stop him. Daniel got a little upset when he saw TJ; he grabbed Williams, threw him against the wall, delivered a strong right hook and finished with a sharp knee to the groin. Williams was rolling in the floor the last he was seen. TJ is in the infirmary now recovering. Question, who's been to the infirmary to see how TJ is doing? Has anyone here volunteered time and effort to assist with his care? Who do you think sat up in the infirmary all night with him? Who do you think has bathed him, placed bed pans under him when needed and wiped his ass? You complain because tomorrow you have medical and dental exams. You complain because Daniel says you can't fuck one another or give blow jobs until the medical tests come back. You bitch because you're naked. Well, forgive Daniel for wanting you to be healthy and not make one another sick ^Ö I'm sure your worlds will end without full contact sex for a week. Remember where you were headed two days ago. You had never heard of Daniel or New Horizon. You'd still be eating slave chow and running around not only naked, but filthy. When sold you would have to serve any freeman that demanded your body. A freeman wouldn't care how much he hurt you, anyone ever been dry fucked? These young ones, except those younger than six, would even have to allow their little bodies to be ravaged by adults ^Ö think of what that would do to them. They probably would never live to puberty. Now, it's time for an understanding. Who in here has the balls it takes to lead this group and see to it the group assumes responsibility for the actions of its own members. How many of you are capable of looking at the potential you have been offered and take advantage? I'm going over to the office now. I hope I've gotten at least part of my message through to you. If not, you may want to consider opting out of the program now. By the way, maybe you should remember when Daniel first spoke to you yesterday he said you had the privilege of opting out. What he didn't tell you is he has the same privilege. He can accept or reject this group without it affecting the program. He can also pick who he wants to keep and who would be sent to market. His choice, so far, has been to keep you all. There's the clock. We'll be back in exactly thirty minutes. No one is left in the building except you. I hope you can come up with some answers."

"Mark, what's going on over there? Paul called and said you called him wanting me to leave the meeting so you could have a talk with the boys."

"Daniel, do you remember saying I was an asset because I was closer in age to the boys and they could relate to me better? You heard the snide remarks and disrespect, just as I did. You need to trust me on this one, the boys and I just had a relating experience with me doing most of the relating. They have thirty minutes to figure out how to assume responsibility for their own actions and stop being so self-centered ^Ö my fingers are crossed. Danny. How are you little guy?" Danny just holds on a little tighter.

"Mark, Danny can sense that you're a little upset. Remember, I always said don't underestimate their instincts. He knows he's safer right where he is, and at the moment I don't blame him."


WHACK!!! "GOD DAMN IT ^Ö STOP IT I SAID" the boy cries out

WHACK!!!! WHACK!!!! WHACK!!!! "NOOOOO!....I'm sorry, I'm sorry,^Åjust stop," the boy is pleading through his sobbs.

WHACK!!!! "STOP, PLEEEASE!.... I swear, it won't happen again^Å" the boy begins screaming but ends with a whimper; he is really crying and sounds panicked. WHACK!!!!

Daniel starts for the door when Mark grabs his arm. 'Daniel, they need to work this out. We can't do everything for them." Danny has heard the cries and gets scared. 'Seventeen minutes, pretty good time."

"Mark, do hear that boy's voice? They could really be hurting him."

"I know, but I don't think they'll do any permanent damage. If the boys know they have to answer to one another and see what's happening here, they'll think twice before crossing the line again. Right now I think Danny needs you. Daniel, remember"

"Danny, look at me." I sit down and move Danny into my lap facing me, he's holding on tight.

"Somebody's been bad and getting spanked." Danny is so serious when he says the obvious.

"That's right, somebody was bad and the other boys are having an understanding with the bad boy right now. We know you wouldn't do anything that bad, would you?" Danny gives an emphatic shake of his head. I just hold him and begin to scratch his butt for him while we wait for the rest of the time to go by. At the twenty-eight minute mark we begin the walk over to the dining hall. On the way over we stop by the car and retrieve three soccer balls. Danny takes one while Mark carries the other two.

All's quiet as we walk in. There's a boy in the area formed by the tables, down on one knee, bent over with both hands flat on floor, his head down looking at the floor ^Ö slave submit position. The heavy paddle sits at the end of a table. Daniel and Mark exchange glances and Mark moves to the side. Danny looks at the boy and says "Joey." Daniel decides to leave the boy where he is for now and let him think, and worry, about what happens next.

"Boys, I believe we were in a question and answer session. Did I answer the last question to everyone's satisfaction?" No one responds. " Okay, next question?"

Kevin rises, "Sir, could you tell us how TJ is doing?"

"Sure. I'm assuming all of you know TJ was removed from here for pleasure. Plainly stated, he was taken to be used as a sex toy. We found him last night, unfortunately he had already been treated pretty bad ^Ö the bastard's idea of pleasure was torturing the victim. There's nothing broken, but there's plenty of muscle strain and bruises. We've been giving him pain killers and trying to let him rest. Has anyone noticed someone else missing?"

"Kyle, sir, TJ's shadow ."

"That's right. Kyle is with him now. I let him come over for a visit; it seems TJ is his mentor. Anyway, when Kyle saw him he refused to leave. With TJ's consent I let Kyle stay with him. TJ is unable to get out of bed to handle personal necessities and Kyle has assumed the job of helping him. The last time I checked on them Kyle was lying in bed, curled up on TJ ^Ö I think TJ hopes Kyle doesn't kick too much when he sleeps." Most all the boys sound out a knowing chuckle.

"Mr. Daniel, if it would help, a coupe of us would be glad to sit with TJ tonight."

"Thanks boys, let's wait until after supper and see how he's doing then. I just may take you up on that offer."

"And, Mr. Daniel, some of us are pretty good with computers and if the new place needs cleaning, some of us could go over and get started, we don't mind, really."

"And, Sir^Å" it's the boy who asked the first question, "^Åwe don't mind going naked, really. Yesterday it meant slavery, now it's kinda nice to feel free."

"Whoa boys. I appreciate all the offers. Right now the best way to help is to get ready for tomorrow. I'll be busy trying to confirm the bus charters for us to move the next morning. If I can get the buses here early enough I'm hoping to have another treat for you." Mark is asked to get two cold wet towels. "Would someone like to explain this to me?"

Everyone looks at Kevin, seems he's been elected spokesman for the group, "Sir, this is Joey. He's the one who was being a smart ass and disrespectful earlier. You might say we had to come to a mutual understanding and Joey was a little slow on seeing the light."

"Looks to me like Joey now has a burning ass. That must have been some understanding. Joey, does that burn or sting still?"

"Sir, yes, sir, quite a bit." Mark and Daniel both can't help but crack a smile and have to turn away to laugh a little. These boys have really done a job on Joey's butt and seem to have made the desired point.

Mark hands the two wet towels to Daniel. "Joey, you can stand now."

Joey stands and reaches for the paddle, then places the paddle on a table near Daniel. "Sir, I know I was disrespectful and will be punished. I just wanted to apologize and say it won't happen again." Then Joey bends over and grabs the back of his knees. "Sir, please don't let one of the guys do it. They were a lot rougher than you were on Ben last night."

"You said 'they' were a lot rougher. How many guys did this?" Kevin holds up four fingers. "Interesting job fellas, remind me not to get on your bad side. Joey, how old are you?"

"Fourteen, sir."

"Well, let's look at it this way. I understand it was four of your companions that combined to do this. That was smart on their part, no one individual can take the blame or credit. Now, if you don't mind me touching your little 'bubble butt' I'll apply these cold towels to relieve some of the discomfort. Looks like they did a good enough job you may be sensitive when sitting down, but I think you'll live."

"Sir, aren't you going to punish me, too, like you did Ben?"

"Joey, if I was going to punish you it wouldn't be like I did Ben. For one he's a lot younger than you and to paddle him this hard could really hurt him^Å."

"HIM? hurt me!.....uh,sir."

"Okay, but I think you deserved it. You're older and I expect you to set a good example for the younger ones, not a bad example. Also, I could tell from the way he was acting there was something else wrong, I just needed to figure out what it was. Of course, it was the loss of Kevin. If you look I believe you will see a totally different Ben now. I'm hoping to hear and see a different Joey now, too. Now guys, there's something I want understood. What's done is done and over. There's to be no heckling or chiding Joey and Joey is not to give any crap to whoever did the paddling. Joey, I'm having an entry made in your file what was done here and why. There will also be a notation that if you repeat the offense, the same four boys with the talented swings will be called forward and told to give you three swats each, understood?"

Joey is ready to go into shock. "Yes, sir, it won't happen again, I swear."

"Well, if it does we know there's only going to be one person to blame. Mark, it looks as though Joey's butt may be a little raw. Why don't you take him to the infirmary for a little ointment and I'll be right behind you. Boys, I'm proud of what you did. You're beginning to come together as a group and assume responsibility for your actions. That's good, it'll make things easier for us all. Now, did everyone notice what Danny and Mark carried in? Soccer balls. I suggest we break up this gathering and all of you go outside and get some fresh air and exercise before supper. The little guys might enjoy playing dodge ball. I'll see all of you later."

Mark has Joey leaning over the arm of a chair while his 'injuries' are tended to. Kyle is out of the bed and comes up to me with uplifted arms, I pick him up. "Joey was bad. He got spanked." I have to laugh, so do Mark and Joey.

"Kyle, why did you get out of bed?"

"When I moved it hurt TJ, so I got out. He's sleeping."

"Joey, the other boys are outside playing ball. I think there's a game of dodge ball going for the younger ones and possibly a couple of games of soccer. Why don't you join them?"

"Sir, I don't think I could run too well right now and I definitely don't want to slide on the ground. Would it help if I stayed here with TJ for a while? It would probably help me rest too."

Kyle objects. "No! I stay with TJ. He needs ME to help him pee."

Joey gives us a 'what's he talking about' look, I explain what happened earlier.

"Kyle, if TJ wakes up and needs to pee I promise I won't do anything till I come get you. You can go outside for a little while and then come back to sit with him while I go out for a little while."

"You promise?" Joey nods his head, Kyle gets down after giving Joey and me a hug and goes out.

Entering the dining hall it looks like the same old crowd of boys, all naked and dirty. I can remember an old saying I read that said something about how dirty a boy gets is a measure of how much fun he had. If that's so, these boys must have had a great time, there's not a clean one in the bunch. I see Kyle headed out the door with two plates, I assume one is for Joey since TJ shouldn't be eating anything this heavy right now. I decide to get a plate and ask Barry for something soft for TJ, he'll need to eat.

"Guys, let me have your attention for just a moment. Looks like from the amount of dirt and sweat I see on you, you must have had a good time this afternoon." Plenty of heads nod and smiles break out. "I hope none of you plan on showing up for your physical exams like this tomorrow. You know what this means, don't you? I'll have to ask that each of you take another shower tonight after supper. Mentors, I have a delicate subject for you. Notice that some of the young ones are cut, and some are uncut. For those uncut, be sure to pull everything back and get them clean ^Ö the same goes for yourselves. Given how early we are starting this tomorrow I suggest everyone get to bed early. Mentors may want to consider keeping their charges close by. Dr. Mike will have three other doctors with him to help get this completed tomorrow. If we do get finished, we have confirmation on the buses to move the next morning. There will be two dentists here with a mobile unit to check your teeth; only emergency repairs will be made as required tomorrow. Dr. Mike is also bringing in two people to transcribe your records and four nurses. I hope you are able to keep all body parts under control ^Ö I don't know if the nurses are male or female." There's lots of surprised looks and I hear more than one 'oh, shit' as I leave the hall.

Looks like Joey has one of the cold towels spread over the seat of a chair and is sitting on it. Kyle is next to him, they share a plate. The second plate sits on a table. I look over and see TJ still sleeping. The bowl of broth Barry has prepared for TJ is set on a table and I sit with the boys to eat a little. I deliberately let Joey see me look down at the towel and at him, "See you found a way to be more comfortable." He blushes but smiles at the same time.

"Joey, I'm asking Dr. Mike to come in here early. I'd like for him to check on TJ and give us an idea of the best way to move him. Also, I'm going to ask him to check you while he's here. There's no need for you to go out there and get embarrassed in front of those people."

"Thank you sir, but I don't mind. All the guys know and it's probably best if we move along like everything's normal. If the doctors or nurses ask I'll just tell them it's a souvenir from an understanding that needed to be reached." I can't help but look at the boy and give him a smile and a gentle squeeze on the arm. He is showing some maturity. "Sir, when I came in the covers were off TJ. He really took a beating, will he be alright?"

"I'll be okay in a few days." Came out of a sleepy boy who was having trouble waking up. "Joey, is that you."

"Yeah, it's me. Been waiting for you to wake up."

"Who put this sheet back on me, it's hot. Is Mr. Daniel here, man I gotta piss bad."

"Mr. Daniel's here, but Kyle made us promise not to let you piss till he was here to help you. Hold on and I'll get him."

"Mr. Dan'l, that didn't make any sense. Why can't I piss?"

"Kyle, says that's his job. TJ, understand that Kyle loves you, he practically worships you. This is all he knows to do to help. Have you been drinking a lot of fluid?" TJ nods his head, but I make a note to have Michael check him. It seems he's pissing a lot for someone that's not too active and I haven't seen him drinking that much. "I'm going to wipe you off with a damp cloth while we wait on Kyle." TJ tries shifting more on to his back to make it easier. I wipe him down and he gets some goose bumps from the cool cloth, the look on his face says it feels good though.

As I approach his groin and stroke gently over his dick and sac he shows a sense of humor is returning. "Careful, Mr. Dan'l, I used to keep that part fairly active, even in this place. Stroke too much and I won't be responsible for what happens." I just grin, thankful for the sign that he is doing better.

When Joey returns with Kyle I can't believe how dirty the boy has gotten in such a short period of time. Joey tells me he found him out wrestling in the dirt with a bunch of other boys. I tell Joey if he will stay here for a little longer, I would try for a little nap and then return to relieve him. Also, I would appreciate it if somewhere along the way he could either get Kyle to take a bath or when he leaves take Kyle with him for a shower. Kyle starts to give me an argument but the look I give him says this is not negotiable ^Ö he will have a medical exam early in the morning and he will be clean. Kyle takes the urine cup and disappears under the sheet. I've been here before and tell Joey he can deal with it this time. I leave for some well-deserved rest.

Deciding a shower would just wake me up at this point, I decide to just strip and lay down. I'm glad the facility has these private rooms for the staff, even though they are at the end of the boy's barracks area. I hadn't been on the bed more than two minutes when Mark comes in with just a towel around his waste. He still looks pretty wet but I guess the dampness helps him feel cooler. I let him know I'm trying to get a nap before going back to the infirmary for the rest of the night.

"The boy's got me into their soccer game a little this afternoon. I decided I was too ripe and dirty to go to the dining room; thought a cool shower would give me a boost." Mark eyes Daniel for a minute and knows how exhausted he must be. Daniel is lying on his stomach with his eyes closed, but the movement of his arms and head let Mark know Daniel's not relaxed enough to sleep. "Daniel, just lay there and I'll massage your shoulders to help you relax."

"That's okay, Mark, I'll relax in a few minutes. You need some rest, too."

"I know, but I remember the other night when I was so tense and uptight, you and Michael helped me. Remember, I was studying physical therapy ^Ö I can give a pretty good massage." Daniel doesn't say anything but hears the cap coming off a bottle. Mark has opened a bottle of oil he found in the infirmary. As he pours some in the palm of his hand and lightly rubs his hands together he straddles Daniel's back, settling just below his butt. The massage begins with Mark's fingers gently kneading the muscles and nerves at the base of the neck and along the tops of the shoulders. The thumbs are pressed between the shoulder blade and backbone pressing in a little and moving in a circular motion.

"Mark^Å.are you sitting on me naked? It feels like your dick is traveling up and down my crack."

"Yes, Daniel, I'm naked; usually am coming out of the shower. I'm not trying to do anything to you, I just enjoy the feel of skin to skin. I won't do anything you don't want me to, you just say stop and I stop. Now relax."

Mark continues to knead the tense muscles along the knap of the neck and shoulders. After moving along the top of the shoulders five or six times he flattens his palms and, applying a little pressure, begins making smooth slow strokes over the shoulders and onto the upper arms. This is done several times, each time the palms move a little lower until they touch the tricep area. Mark keeps applying oil to keep a smoothe flow and moisturize the skin. When pulling the fingertips back from the tricep area, he continues along the side-lat area pulling his palms and fingers to the middle of the back. Transferring weight to the butt of his palms he moves up to the base of the neck again. This process is repeated several times, each time the concentric circle gets smaller.

"Mark, if you keep that up, I'll never get up from here. ^Å^ÅI want to ask you something: What did you say to the boys this afternoon, I couldn't believe the difference in their attitudes when we went back in there. And, I felt sorry for Joey, I would never have hit him that hard."

"Remember you said the other day you thought I could be an asset because the boys might relate to me more easily? Well, that's because of how close we are in age and I understand how they feel. They recently lost everything and didn't know what to expect, so they kept asking for more trying to figure out what's coming." During this conversation Mark has continued to work his way down Daniel's back. The constant circular motions from the top to the bottom of Daniel's back has required Mark to keep shifting his weight and moving some. In other words, Mark's dick has been getting a gentle massage from Daniels crack and Mark is as hard as he's ever been. Also, unbeknownst to Daniel, each time Mark has been getting more oil for Daniel's back, Mark has been using some to lube his crack and hole.

"I just challenged the boys to remember where they were and where they were headed a few days ago and what's happened since you arrived. I told them they needed to be more grateful for the things you have done and to have a little faith. I also challenged them to take responsibility for their own actions, individually and as a group. Of course, I mentioned the wise cracks Joey had verbalized ^Ö I just thought somebody needed to give them a wake-up call. Fortunately, it worked." Roll over.

Daniel, now about half out of it, does as Mark asks. When he's settled on his back he feels mark settle down on him again, this time Daniel's dick is smothered by Mark's scrotum. Mark reaches up and gently massages the temple area, slowly moving down to the side of the neck. A little more oil is put on and Mark begins to massage the pecs and nipples. When Mark hits the nipples and presses down while working them in a circular motion Daniel begins to feel the tingles run through his body and feels his cock engorging with blood.

"Michael told me you were sensitive there, he wasn't kidding."

Daniel looks down to see Mark has a raging hardon. "Mark, Michael and I told you the other^Å."

"Shhhh^Å^Å..I said I would stop when you said stop. I'm not trying to be your lover, you have Michael for that. Besides, I don't know yet if I'm really gay. I just want to be your friend. You will never understand how much I feel I owe you ^Ö I'll always have nothing but admiration and respect for you. I've been fucked seven times in my life, all within the past week or so, and none of them were pleasurable; at least not to me. Right now there's something I want to do for you; one friend for another, no more." As he says this Mark reaches back and begins to massage Daniel's dick, getting it well lubed with the oil from his hands and putting a little more on his ass and in his treasure hole. Mark then takes Daniel's dick and aims for his little pucker.

"Mark!...don't. I appreciate what you're saying and doing, but, believe me, this can hurt."

"I've been getting my self ready. Whenever I take a shower I work up to three fingers. At night I've been putting a carrot in there to spread me out. I can take it. I'm clean too, I've been giving myself an enema two or three times with each shower; they feel kinda good."

"A carrot!? You're joking. People don't really do that. Besides, a carrot is about the size of a twelve year old, have you taken a good look at my size?"

Mark doesn't say any more, but begins to lower himself. He keeps telling himself to push out like the guys at the detention center said so it would be easier and not hurt so much. He thinks to himself, 'damn, if this is what it feels like to not hurt so much, I wouldn't want to feel the full force.'

Daniel looks at Mark's face and realizes this is hurting him. "Mark, you're not ready for this, get off before you hurt yourself." Mark shakes his head emphatically and doesn't move to dismount. "Alright, if you're going to insist on this, then listen to me. First, concentrate on relaxing." Daniel reached under Mark and begins to gently massage the area around the anus. "Go slow, don't try to push it. When a little gets in stop, relax, and get used to the feel. When the head gets past the sphincter I'll let you know and we can do something to stretch you some." Mark does as Daniel says and moves real slow, taking a deep breath and pushing out and down as he slowly exhales. "Now sit there a minute and get used to it. When you're ready rise up slightly and then start pushing down again." Mark is biting his lip to keep from crying out with the pain, tears are forming in his eyes, but he won't stop.

"Daniel, I forgot to ask you^Å. How big are you?"

"Now's a helluva time to ask, you should have looked before you started this. I'm about seven to seven and one-half inches and a lot bigger around than a carrot. Okay, your getting part of the shaft in, now wait a moment and start moving your hips in a circular motion- that should let you stretch. I can say I haven't felt anything this tight and silky in a ling time, you're fantastic." Mark draws on the compliment for strength to keep going. He rotates his hips in a clockwise direction and feels Daniel's dick stretch him out. He feels the pain but at the same time there's a pleasure that goes with it. He stops for a moment and reverses direction and feels that same mix of pain and pleasure. He would swear this dick was entering through his ass would come out his throat before he got to the bottom. Before he realizes what's happened, he's sitting on Daniel's pelvis. While rotating his hips he must have been pushing down and now had Daniel's full length in him ^Ö God, what a great feeling. Mark looked down at Daniel and smiled like a kid that just won the grand prize in a chocolate eating contest.

"Mark, just sit there and relax for a moment. You have no idea how sexy you looked rotating your hips that way and screwing yourself down. I need to wait so I don't lose it all too soon. When you're ready rise up about half way and then slowly begin to come down again." Mark did this and felt the pain-pleasure sensation repeat itself. After repeating this process several times the pain part went away and Mark could not believe how good this felt.

"Daniel, there's no way I can tell you how good this feels. Man, I've died and gone to heaven, why didn't I do this before?" Then Mark rises up about two thirds of the way and looking down at Daniel with this mischievous grin, suddenly relaxes his leg muscles allowing himself to fall all the way down. "Awwww, Gaaaaawwdd, ^Å I need that again."

"Mark, wait!. Do that a couple of more times and I'll shoot so hard it'll come out your nose. Let's try some simple basics first. Let's try long-dicking; it's sensual and allows us to go longer. Just rise up slowly until it feels as though only the head is left in you, then slowly descend." Mark does as directed and the look on his face is incredible. Daniel knows they have created a monster now.

"Daniel, don't know how long I can keep this up, but I don't want it to ever end."

"Every time you rise I can feel your ass muscles tighten around the shaft, it feels like your trying to milk me dry or pull it off my body. When you learn how to work those muscles right, you're going to be one fantastic fuck for somebody. Let's try another one. First sit straight up. Now lock your fingers with mine, then lean back a little. Alright, now take short thrusts, if it doesn't feel absolutely fantastic, lean back a little more." Mark does as Daniel says.

"Man, it can't feel any better than this." Daniel encourages him to lean back a little more, then Daniel can feel he is beginning to rub the prostate; Mark knows it, too. "Ohhh Gaaaawwwd!....fuck fuck,^Åohhhhh shiiiiiiit!, Daniel don't stop." Daniel has begun to hump his hips now. "Fuck me, Daniel, fuck me, pleeeease, ooooohhhhhh^Å.just keep fucking me, more, harder, harder! HARDER, uuuhhhh," Mark is almost fully supported by Daniel now, his head thrown back, he's in a world of ecstatic delirium with his body covered in sweat "uuuuuhhhh, God, I know I'm in heaven now, fuck, fuck, oh shit, oh sshiiiiiiiit^Å^ÅI'm gonna cum, I don't wanna, don't wanna, stroke me, stroke me, pleeeeeassse, let me have more^Å^Å. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ^Å^Å IIIIIIEEEEEEEE ^Å.. OOOHHHH^ÅOOOOHHHH^Å" neither knows how long this has been going but both men are almost exhausted from fucking and then Mark explodes all over Daniel's abs, chest and face with an orgasm like he's never had before."GODDD!!, I FEEL YOU FILLING ME!!!!!!...DO IT!!!!...GIMME MORE!!!!" almost in a scream.

As Mark explodes the muscles contracting around Daniel's dick send him over the edge and he begins to coat Mark's insides and fill him to the overflow. Both spent and out of breath, Mark collapses on top of Daniel wallowing in his own cum. They both lay there trying to catch their breath and come down from an incredible orgasmic high. Mark, still fully impaled, uses his arms to lift his weight off Daniel's chest. 'Daniel, this was supposed to be for you, but I think I got more out of it than you^Å."

"You have no idea how much I enjoyed that. The expressions on your face were incredible. I haven't seen anyone enjoy themselves like that in a long time. Just think, you just learned the basics, when you're more experienced then it will really be nice." Mark couldn't believe it could ever get any better. "Give me your towel to clean up then get out and let me get some rest." Mark used his towel to wipe his cum off Daniel, he really wanted to try licking it but decided he pushed his luck enough today.

Mark could feel the cum starting to drain out of him. He wanted to keep it but knew he couldn't and should get another shower. As Mark opened the door and left the room he was startled to see several of the boys standing there, some with real boners. The little ones looked up questioningly while the older ones stood there with shit eatin' grins plastered on their faces.

'What are ya'll starin' at? Just because we're not as young as you doesn't mean we're dead. Go on, get out of here." Mark grinned as he flicked his towel at the retreating butts.

End Chapter Six

To Be Continued: comments welcome; contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 7

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