New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Mar 1, 2007


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Note: I would like to thank Colin and John for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors contribute significantly to the reader's pleasure.

Chapter Thirty-Eight: New Horizons

"Your Honor," Arthur began, "thank you for taking your time at this late hour to hear our petition for an emergency injunction. We can assure you, Your Honor, that without this injunction irreparable harm would be suffered by the subjects of our petition."

"Arthur", the judge began, "let me make sure I understand the nature of your petition. You are asking this court to issue an injunction prohibiting the sale or delivery of minors enslaved under a Writ of Attachment or Writ of Execution and ordered sold to satisfy a judgment creditor. You are aware of the State Supreme Court ruling that minors are property, I presume?"

"Your Honor, we are aware of the ruling. The ruling classified children as property of the parents. The important term here is 'parents', that is the property of both parents. If the child is the property of both, we contend the child is held as an estate by the entireties. Under Ohio Butterine Co. v Hargrove, Hart v Atwood, and several subsequent rulings, an asset titled in the entireties tenancy can not be attached to satisfy the debt of one party. We contend that to do so, Your Honor, would cause irreparable harm to the remaining title holder and the asset. We ask that this court issue an injunction under the powers granted in Chapter 222.09, suspending any sale or delivery of a minor slave until our case can be heard. We have, of course, filed a case against the state and other defendants to challenge the practice. A sister case has been filed in the federal courts with a request for an emergency injunction on bankruptcy cases."

"Arthur, if I agree to issue this injunction, who is supposed to care for the minors until this case is resolved? Do you have any idea of what it would take to care for them in the interim?"

"Your Honor, the statute, a copy of which is attached to the papers I've just placed on your desk, clearly states the asset is to be retained and cared for by the sheriff; or, the sheriff has the option of returning the asset to the owner until the issue is resolved. All costs related to caring for or returning the asset are to be paid by the plaintiff or party requesting the writ."

"Very well. Arthur, I'm signing the injunction suspending the sale and delivery of minor slaves or those to be enslaved until there is a ruling issued regarding the application of statutory protection. If you will ask my assistant to come in, the order will be faxed to the auction houses within the next few minutes."

"Thank you, Your Honor."

"Arthur?" Arthur turned to face the judge. "You know this will be in appellate as fast as someone can get over there. Good luck, I hope you win this one." The judge offered his hand as his old friend departed.

Outside, on the courthouse steps, Walter waited with a television crew. When Arthur walked out, a call was made to the studios for a special announcement. Within five minutes all of the network's stations within the state had interrupted current broadcasting for the announcement. On the signal from the director, Walter announced news of the injunction and its possible implications.

Paul, Barry, Larry and Rick sat in the hall at Fort Ogden with many of the boys waiting on the announcement. Daniel called to let them know the injunction was granted and a special announcement would be made. When the announcement aired, the room erupted with cheers. As a bonus, the broadcast also stated a similar injunction was issued almost simultaneously by the federal courts. Sons of a parent in bankruptcy could no longer be seized and sold; at least temporarily.

"Paul," Larry asked, "I didn't know Daniel was going to try for the federal order, too. When did this happen and what argument did they use?"

"Daniel said they could use the same argument as with the state since bankruptcy rules allow the application of state protections and exemptions. They had an additional argument of a civil rights violation because the schedule the bankrupt has to complete for exempting property doesn't disclose to the bankrupt that children are assets that can be claimed as exempt. This should really stir things up. It's a small victory, but it's a step in the right direction."

Many of the boys filed out of the hall to tell those who hadn't heard the news. The men could tell by the whoops and yells coming from various areas that the news was spreading.

Word spread among the boys who remained at Fort Ogden. All of them were excited and happy for the victory. Almost as quickly as they became excited, they became subdued when they realized the victory would not affect them. At least, not so they could return to their homes and see their parents again. Most of the boys knew they would most likely never see their parents again.

Paul and Barry saw the quick change in the boys' moods and guessed what the problem was. They opened the dining hall and told the boys there was ice cream available for anyone who wanted some. The little ones didn't waste any time getting to the hall. Barry also pulled out some cookies. As the boys came in, the men tried to circulate and talk with them. If nothing else, they wanted to be available for anyone who wanted to talk.

"Mr. Paul, there's something I don't understand. We know that Mr. Dan'l was involved with getting that injunction and stopping the sale of boys. We also heard he used laws that already exist to do it. If the laws were there, why didn't somebody else stop it before now?"

"TJ, I was wondering when one of you was going to figure that one out. I can only explain to you what we think happened. The initial ruling was a shock to almost everyone. The very idea that a child could be classified as property was beyond comprehension, but it happened. The ruling was handed down by the Supreme Court based on arguments that were paid for by big business. In other words, big money hired powerful lawyers to make their argument so they could make more money.

To fight a case in the state's highest court requires special expertise and experience. All that translates to more money. If someone is already in bankruptcy or court over unpaid bills, how could they afford to hire the attorneys they needed? In this case, it's Mr. Daniel's step-father that is heading the effort. There are other attorneys involved and they are hoping that news of the initial ruling encourages attorneys specializing in working before the appellate and supreme courts to step forward."

"Whatever the court rules, it won't help the boys in here, will it?" TJ stated more as a rhetorical question.

TJ and Evan left the dining hall. Rather than heading to their dorm or the rec. hall, the boys strolled out to the garden area. TJ found a tree and sat, leaning against the tree with his right knee drawn up. Evan sat between TJ's legs, leaning back against his friend and wrapping an arm around his leg. Evan enjoyed the feel of TJ's arm over his shoulder and lying across his chest.

Both boys were lost in their thoughts. Evan never expected to see his parents again; both were dead. This knowledge gave Evan some closure. TJ wondered occasionally what happened to his parents; they just disappeared. He knew they were most likely enslaved and he would never see them again.

"You wanna make out?"

"Not tonight," Evan replied softly, "I just wanna be held."

Michael and Linda were in the guesthouse caring for the new slave. When they heard the boys inside the house yelling, they immediately turned the television on. They were also surprised by the announcement of the injunction from the federal court. Surprised, but happy.

Michael watched the face of the slave as the news was announced and they heard the other boys cheering. He continued to lay on the mattress, expressionless. Either he didn't understand the implications of the announcement or he didn't hear. Michael couldn't tell which. When he finished the physical examination, he gave Linda his opinion.

"Linda, I don't see any physical damage that requires an overnight stay at a clinic. The existing physical problems would cure themselves with time. He is malnourished; he appears to have been almost starved. I'm going to give you a prescription that should help boost him in the short run. Give him something light to eat three or four times a day and use your best judgment as to how much he can handle.

The emotional damages would be the challenge. I can arrange for therapy, but right now, I think you can do more than a therapist."

"Michael, Daniel said after his appointment tomorrow with David Arnold, that he's going to let the other boys have contact with the slave. Do you think it will help?"

"I don't know, Linda; I really don't know. Right now, all I can say is that I don't see where it could hurt anything. Are you and Arthur going to be alright with this?"

"We wouldn't have it any other way. Michael, from what Daniel has told me, I'm willing to bet you haven't had anything to eat. I was going to heat up some more soup. How about a soup and sandwich?"

"That sounds real nice, thank you. I'll stay here with him. It's best he not be left alone right now."

While Arthur worked with the courts and Michael examined the new slave, Daniel sat with the boys. Arthur called him before the announcement aired, but he didn't say anything to the boys. Daniel's feelings were mixed. This small victory made him happy, but he realized the fight really hadn't begun. He felt bad because he knew the only benefit for the boys at New Horizons was knowing they were fighting a warped system and saving others.

After the announcement Daniel reminded the boys of what he had told them earlier and encouraged them to relax. There was no reason for them not to be able to function just as they had for the past three nights. Daniel picked up Danny and asked if he'd like to play in the pool. The boy nodded and hollered as Daniel walked outside carrying Danny over his head. Daniel asked who was going to catch super boy and three of the older boys jumped in followed by a couple of the younger boys. When Daniel tossed Danny in the pool, the boys started relaxing.

As Daniel entered the guesthouse, the slave started to rise until he was stopped by Linda. When the slave looked up, Daniel expected to see signs of fear or uncertainty. All he saw was a blank stare. Michael and Daniel talked about the slave's condition and what to do to help him. They decided it might help if Daniel talked to him and explained what was going to happen.

Daniel sat on the floor so he could look the slave straight in the face. When Daniel sat, the slave looked at Daniel and his eyes betrayed confusion. Daniel understood because masters did not normally sit on the floor with slaves. While Linda continued to encourage him to eat, Daniel explained to the slave what would happen that night and what was planned for the next day. The blank look returned to the slave's face and when asked question he would only respond with "yes, master" or "no, master".

Daniel knew he had to be patient with the slave. He remembered how he acted when delivered to his new owner and master. The memories still brought back a lot of pain, but the memories of his experiences helped him deal with the current situation.

That evening Daniel and Michael stayed with the slave who was told to sleep on the air mattress. At first the boy was hesitant. As a pleasure slave he was given only a blanket to use as a sleeping pallet. Mattresses were reserved for pleasuring his master's clientele. As a slave who knew he would be beaten for not obeying, the boy lay on the mattress and fell asleep almost immediately. Daniel and Michael shared the guesthouse bedroom.

"Daniel, the doctor is in the house. His diagnosis is you've been pushing it too hard and need to relax."

"Michael, how can I relax now? We got the injunction, but still face an appeal. Then there's the show tomorrow with David Arnold, and the boy. The sight of him brings back a lot of harsh memories."

"That's precisely why the doctor is prescribing a long session designed to relax you, beginning with a long hot shower." Michael took his friend and led him to the shower. After undressing Michael pulled Daniel into the shower with him. Standing behind Daniel he pulled his friend to lean against him and then wrapped his arms around him. Michael whispered words to encourage Daniel to let his mind and body relax and enjoy the sensations as he caressed and bathed his friend.

Michael did not allow Daniel to do anything for himself. After drying him off, Michael led him to the bed where both men stretched out on their sides and reacquainted themselves with the other's body. Michael took special care to remind Daniel of the pleasures his body could give him.

Thursday morning, Arthur and Daniel sat by the pool drinking their morning coffee. The men discussed the previous day's victories and their chances for winning the appeal they knew was coming. Arthur told Daniel he believed that if the district court upheld the injunction, there was little chance the Supreme Court would overturn it. Therefore, their hopes rested on the emergency hearing they knew would come some time today.

The importance of the injunction and affirmation by the district court wasn't just that it would save some of the boys, but it gave them exposure through both state-wide and national media. This allowed them to bring attention to the situation to more people. They hoped to gain grass roots support for new legislation that would forever ban the existing streamline enslavement system for all but confessed felons.

Thad, Clay and Marich walked outside. When they saw Daniel and Arthur sitting by the pool they turned to go back in. But Daniel told them if they wanted to use the poo, to go ahead. He could remember when that was a nice way to awaken in the mornings.

"We didn't want to intrude, Mr. Dan'l." Thad stated.

"Boys, you're not intruding. We just got up early and thought if we sat here we might avoid disturbing the boys trying to sleep. If you want to take a dip, go ahead. Just remember, some of the boys are still trying to sleep. Marich, are you doing alright?"

"Yes, sir, I'm fine," the boy responded, but his demeanor and tone betrayed his sadness. "Mr. Dan'l, and Mr. Arthur, thanks for letting me stay here and spend time with my brother. I just hate to see him leave, but I know you finish what you came here for today and my mom will be coming to get me."

"Marich, we're glad you and Clay could have time together. Your mother and I are working on setting things up so you and Clay can have more time together. I've told her that maybe during your school vacations or long weekends you can come to Fort Ogden sometimes and stay for a visit and see how Clay lives now and what he does every day."

"Really?" said an excited Marich. "I can really come and stay there with all of 'em? Clay said ya'll have a pool, and a basketball court, and a baseball field, too. My mom said it's okay?"

"You're mom said it was okay. She wants the two of you to have time together. Now, why don't you use the time you have today to enjoy being together?"

While Marich spoke with Daniel the other boys slipped into the water. When Clay heard Daniel ending the conversation he immediately grabbed his brother by the legs and pulled him into the pool. Soon, the boys forgot about being quiet and became an alarm clock for the rest of the boys. The day had begun.

Daniel and Arthur removed themselves to Arthur's study. Plans needed to be made for the care of the slave. The immediate problems centered on his physical and mental health. Daniel told him what would happen today and hoped he understood he did not have to worry about being harmed. Daniel also wanted the boys to have time to get to know the slave and understand what had happened to him and for them to give the slave encouragement. Daniel needed to decide when he and the boys would head back to Fort Ogden.

Daniel called Paul to determine if he was needed back at Fort Ogden right away. They had been in daily contact and things appeared to be running smoothly. Paul told Daniel about the boys' reaction to the announcement regarding the injunction and what was done for the boys. They agreed that it didn't matter if Daniel returned tonight or tomorrow. Daniel told Paul he would play things by ear for right now. A great deal depended on how the appellate court ruled, which they expected to happen this afternoon, if not before.

While Daniel spoke with Paul, Arthur's fax machine activated. It was notice of a special hearing to be held regarding the injunction issued the previous day. The hearing would be at 12:30. Daniel could not be in court, he was due at the television station then to set up for a one o'clock broadcast. This would be the first meeting with David Arnold, who had already accepted Daniel's invitation to five additional meetings or debates. The schedule for the times and places to be determined within the next few days. Daniel was sure the injunction would figure into the debates.

"Arthur, does the notice tell us who filed the appeal?"

"No, not really. Once the style of the case has been set, it doesn't change. We listed a number of defendants; it could be any one or more of them. My guess is the company that's listed as profiting from the executions on judgments. I'll call you as soon as we know something, but I imagine the station will have reporters there, too."

"I appreciate that, Arthur. Since you'll be at the courthouse, we can let Mark and Michael drive the extra van to the station. I know we have to comply with the law for transport, but I'd like to go as easy as possible. To let him keep some dignity, I want to wrap an overcoat or something similar around his shoulders. Also, let's just clasp his wrists to a belt around his waist and use loose leg clamps. Like I said, just enough to maintain compliance so no one can cause us trouble."

Daniel and the Cherubs arrived at the station right at 12:30 as planned. Walter and Elizabeth, who would normally be there, were at the courthouse. When the ruling was issued they would interrupt the programming for the announcement. Daniel was confident that the injunction would be upheld, but still felt very nervous; there was always the unknown factor. Mark and Michael were scheduled to arrive just before the one o'clock air time.

When they walked in, Daniel saw David Arnold. He had not met the man, but recognized him from pictures he had seen. Mr. Arnold was talking with a group that Daniel assumed was part of his research and support group. A station representative escorted Daniel and the boys to their dressing room.

Daniel and Arnold were scheduled to appear on the early afternoon show which ran for one hour. The agreed platform was for each man to have fifteen minutes to state their position. Another twenty minutes was scheduled for a question and answer session with the studio audience and questions called in by home viewers. To avoid bogging down, an individual could ask only one question with a single subject. No one could ask a question with multiple parts. Each man would have the opportunity to respond to a question, but their response was limited to three minutes.

Five minutes before air time the studio, which had been filled to capacity for over a half- hour, was closed to the general public.

Larry stepped forward and made the announcement required by the agreement with the state. When Larry finished, he stepped to the side of the stage, out of sight, where he was joined by Marich and Clay, who spotted their mother in the audience. The studio announced the boys were there as guests and would not be allowed to leave the studio.

While the announcements were made, Mark and Michael entered the studio through the back stage, escorted by several security guards. The boy was taken to the dressing room where they made sure he was clean and the chains removed. On their return, they stood off stage with Larry and the boys.

David Arnold was the first to speak. As Daniel expected, he extolled the virtues of the slave system including the financial benefits and removal of felons and other undesirables from society except under strict control. Those who once drained social resources and were considered a liability, were converted into a controllable and contributing asset. Daniel sat in the chair provided on the side of the stage. He watched and listened, making sure to show the highest degree of courtesy and respect to the speaker. The thought that kept repeating itself in his mind was simple: 'keep going, you're setting things up for me, beautifully'.

Daniel did not take offense to what was said until near the end when Arnold made reference to those who would destroy the system at the expense of the responsible citizens that worked hard and paid their bills.

Arnold used thirteen of his allotted fifteen minutes and this was followed by a short break to allow for the audience's reaction and commercials. During the break the two men exchanged positions. Daniel's allotted time would not start until he began speaking.

Daniel opened with the customary courtesies extended to the sponsors and hosts, and then to Arnold himself. With those satisfied, Daniel proceeded to his true message.

"Ladies and gentlemen, those of us at New Horizons agree with Mr. Arnold in so far as some of the benefits society has realized from the slavery system. It has removed felons and others who were not willing to contribute their fair share to society."

"It has also relieved responsible citizens from the burden of paying another citizen's obligations. However, we feel that we must question whether, over time, the system has been modified to the extent that rather than just benefit society as a whole, it now penalizes a segment of our society that is not capable of caring for itself."

"Please note that I said 'not capable of' as opposed to 'not willing to'. We feel there is a big difference.

The boys circulating among you now are New Horizon boys. These boys lived on the streets. Why? Because, for one reason or another, they have lost their families. Look at them. If you are a parent, should you become ill, make a bad business decision, or be responsible for a bad accident that places you in a financial bind; your child could be in the same position as these boys."

"Under current law, these boys could have been enslaved. Instead, the state has turned the care and custody of them over to us. We care for them at no cost to the public. One day, when they are grown, they will be contributing members of our society."

"Now, there is another side to slavery we haven't mentioned. It's a very dark and ugly side. Rather than just describe it to you, we thought it would be better to show it to you."

Daniel turned and signaled for Mark to come out. Mark walked onto the stage holding a chain that was connected to the slave's collar. When he had reached the point indicated by Daniel he stopped, told the slave to assume the rest position and removed the coat from the boy's shoulders.

He deliberately dropped the chain on the floor. The intent was for the harsh sound, coupled with the sight of the almost naked and malnourished boy, to make an impression on the audience. Daniel and Mark backed away from the slave. The room became eerily quiet. Daniel waited a moment for the audience to absorb and understand what they saw.

"Ladies and gentlemen, what you see on this stage now is a slave that turned twelve years old less than three weeks ago. He was enslaved approximately two years ago. Why? His father was in an accident and was held partially responsible for injuries to other people. At the trial the judge entered a judgment against the father."

"I direct your attention to the slides now showing on the monitors. What you are seeing is this boy's parents' home. It's their homestead, so, under state law, it is protected from attachment by judgment creditors. The father is head of household, his income is likewise protected. The creditor discounted the judgment to a company that specializes in purchasing distressed judgments and then moves in to collect. How did they collect? They secured a writ against the father's most precious asset, his son ^Ö this boy. He was enslaved and sold to pay the debt at full value plus interest and legal fees."

"The reason I asked you to view the slide show and home is simple. Anyone from this area knows that is not the picture of your average home. That home is worth a lot of money. A check of the public records revealed the boy's parents had a considerable equity in the home. The creditors did not even wait long enough to allow the boy's father to get a second mortgage, or a credit line, or let him refinance to get the cash to pay the debt. It was much faster and easier to make this boy a slave."

"Any of you that have children at home around his age, actually any of you that have children, period, I'd like for you to think about what you see in their faces. Think particularly about their eyes. What do you see when you look into your child's eyes? Is it hope? Maybe it's love; maybe it's happiness or a reflection of security. That child knows you will protect them."

"This boy believed that once; until society devised laws to take it away from him."

Daniel moved near the boy and asked him to look at a point on the far wall just above the audience.

"Look at this boy. What do you see in his eyes? I doubt you will see happiness, or hope, or even love. Look closely and what you will see is ^Å nothing. Life has been stolen from this child. He no longer lives, he merely exists. How much has been stolen from him? He doesn't even have a name. This child was purchased by his current master day before yesterday in Miami."

Daniel moved over to the boy to speak to him. "Son, what's your name?"

"Sir, my master has not named me, sir," was the mechanical response, hardly above a whisper.

"Your master has not told you what your name will be. What name did you have with your former master?"

"Sir^Å" The boy strained to hold himself together. "Sir, my former master called me mostly 'boy', sir."

"You say he mostly called you 'boy'. What other names did he use for you?"

The boy looked at Daniel, pleading not to answer. It had been beaten into him that it was forbidden for any slave to talk about a former master. Daniel assured the boy he would not be punished for telling the truth.

"Sir, he called me 'whore', 'cunt', 'fag' and ^Å.."

"That's alright son, you don't have to say any more." Daniel then turned back to the audience.

"If you didn't hear what he said, be thankful because it was heart wrenching. This boy was purchased by a boy brothel and used as a pleasure slave. You will notice he is wearing a diaper. That isn't so no one is offended by his nudity. It's because he has been abused so much that he can no longer control part of his natural bodily functions."

"My time is about up. We are going to leave the boy here while I'm on the stage. I'd like for each of you to look at this child and answer one question. Is this what we intended when slavery was approved?"

"Thank you for your time."

Before the question and answer session began one of the hosts stepped out on stage for an announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as stated earlier, the remaining time will be for the audience to pose questions to our guests. However, we received notice just a couple of minutes ago that the district court of appeals will issue its ruling regarding the injunction order handed down yesterday. If you would watch your monitors, we will let you know when the ruling is about to be given. In the interim, our guests will accept your questions."

They should not be in multiple parts. Both guests will have the opportunity to speak. When recognized, please stand and identify yourself and the party you wish to address. First question please."

"Reynolds with The Sentinal, my question is for Mr. Thompson. The slave boy, now that he's been trained as a pleasure slave, what do you think he can do in the future?"

"Mr. Reynolds, I wouldn't say that this boy was trained to do anything. The doctor that examined him found evidence of many old wounds. This boy was beaten until he submitted his body and his soul to someone else for their pleasure. He was used and abused to the point of being unable to control his bodily functions. What can he do? In time, anything he chooses."

"Mr. Arnold, your answer?" Arnold waived off.

"The names Smith, I'm a private citizen. Mr. Thompson can you tell us who owns this boy now and what their plans are?"

"Yes, his new owners are my mother and step-father. They have placed the boy in the care of a doctor for his physical health. When the doctor believes the boy is strong enough, he will begin work with a therapist and be home schooled. Tentatively, the plan is that at the right time, the boy will be freed and then adopted by his former owners. One day, he will become my little brother. Like these other boys, he will have a chance at a decent life."

As he spoke Daniel turned to look at the boy. The boy violated a rule by looking a master in the eye. The boy didn't see much; his vision was blurred by the tears running down his cheek. Daniel signaled the other boys. Without instruction the Cherubs joined Daniel on stage, surrounding him and the slave. Without anyone saying anything, one of the boys reached out and removed the chain from the slave's collar and dropped it on the floor. When one of the boys held the bindings and looked to Daniel, he handed the boy the keys to remove the collar.

"Mr. Thompson, please, could you tell us what we could do as citizens and parents to help these children?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, our apologies to Mr. Arnold and Mr. Thompson. However, if you will watch your monitors, we have a special news report under way."

"Good afternoon, this is Elizabeth Risler reporting from in front of the courthouse where the appellate judge has just handed down his ruling. We do not yet have a copy of the order, but have been advised of its contents. The injunction issued by the lower court has been affirmed in part and remanded in part."

End Chapter Thirty-Eight

To Be Continued; comments welcome, contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 39

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