New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Feb 21, 2008


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Note: I would like to thank Colin, John and Matthew for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors contributes significantly to a more enjoyable story. It is the emails and comments I receive from you, the readers, that encourage me to continue.

Chapter Seventy-Two: New Horizons rev 2/19

Colin sat with Daniel and the rest of the staff during lunch. It gave the men an opportunity to chat in a more relaxed atmosphere. Colin also used the opportunity to observe the boys and their interactions.

"Daniel, I did some research on the new slavery laws before coming here. Probably what surprised me the most was that your national government would validate slavery in the first place and then leave the implementation to the individual states. I haven't reviewed all the guidelines for each state; that would be a rather monumental task. However, I have reviewed the guidelines for what I would describe as a few of the more notorious states. Surprisingly, they are not all in what we called the original confederate states; some are out west and others up north. Of course, the majority are in the southeast."

"If it will help with your research Colin, I do have a matrix in my office that shows the guidelines and dates of amendments to the slavery laws. If you look at the matrix and are familiar with our economic growth patterns, I'm afraid that you will see a direct correlation between the two. I can also show you that, as the laws were amended to become much broader and more liberal in their application, an international influence entered the picture."

"I understand that you believe that some of the business interests in the British Isles may have gained some influence with politicians and effected some changes for their own financial gain; is that a fair statement?"

"I would say the statement is fair and very diplomatic. So long as I am not being quoted and not before the media, my opinion is that foreign financial interests have sunk their greedy claws into our future leaders and don't care who gets hurt, or who they step on, as long as their pockets get fatter."

"Okay," Colin stated with a slight smile, "I think I understand your position quite clearly." The staff members looked at Daniel and Colin and they all had to laugh.

"Daniel, please understand that I don't mean to be pushy, but there is one story that I need to do and send back as soon as possible." Daniel didn't wait for Colin to finish his statement.

"The two boys, Connor and Peter. I've spoken with them already and they don't mind talking with you. They only asked that I be with them and that their big brothers are with them, too. I'll ask them to bring the boys over to the office after lunch."

"Excellent. There's something else I saw in your office I'd like to ask you about."

The conversation then drifted more towards the staff members and the everyday functions around the camp. Daniel always asked the men if they had any problems they needed assistance in handling. The men knew that by 'problems' Daniel was really asking if the boys were doing well in their studies.

No one expected the boys to be perfect and set educational records. At the same time the boys were expected to study and make respectable grades. Daniel knew that not all the boys would want to attend college; some would want to attend vocational schools. Two of the boys worked regularly in the kitchen with Barry and Don, and would most likely go on to culinary school rather than the university. Regardless of what choice the boys made, Daniel was determined that the choice would be because that was what the boys wanted, and not because that was all that was available to them.

Daniel, Colin and Paul sat in Daniel's office waiting on the two boys to come in. While they waited, Colin pointed to the Bill of Rights that Daniel had hanging on the wall, and asked about it.

"The proper name of the document is "The Children's Bill of Rights". It was written late in the twentieth century by children located in seven countries and three continents, who communicated over the internet. Over the years the document seemed to have disappeared. People forgot about it, and then one day I came across it by accident. After I read the document I thought it sort of represented the beliefs we have here at New Horizons. There are three rights that I am particularly fond of repeating every opportunity I get.

"My favorite is the first one, which the bill states should be implemented immediately. It says: '. . .children until the age of 18 have the right to receive special care and protection.' I can't help but wonder that if society had kept that in mind, would it be necessary for New Horizons to exist today? What happened along the way? When did society decide it was alright to classify children as property or sell them into slavery? What happened to make society turn its back on the most precious gift of all?

"Another favorite of mine, and one whose theme you would recognize in many of my talks, addresses the right to life and protection from maltreatment. I believe it is number fifteen." Daniel paused to look at the document. "Ah, here it is. 'Children have the right to be protected from all forms of maltreatment by any adult, including a parent. This includes but is not limited to: physical abuse, including torture, violence, hitting and slapping; harmful drugs, including alcohol and tobacco; mental abuse; and sexual abuse.' To me, the most important four words in there are 'all forms of maltreatment'. To me, maltreatment would include abandonment which is a form of both physical and mental abuse. Abandonment would include having your child enslaved. Abuse would be having your child enslaved and turned back over to the natural parent as property. Of course, according to our state high court, children are property, so neither of these rights would apply; only people can have rights." Daniel paused and watched Colin to be sure the message was understood.

"I believe that I can see your point," Colin responded. "The words appear to be simple, but if you read them a couple of times and think about them, there is considerable depth to their meaning. There are many forms of maltreatment and abuse. Daniel, as part of my preparation for this trip, I included you in my research. I needed to know something about the man I would be dealing with. Knowing your background, I understand why number fifteen would have special significance to you. If my research is correct, you were abandoned by your natural father, and underwent extensive physical and mental abuse."

"More accurately, Colin, I wasn't just abandoned by my natural father, I was sold into slavery. I was treated as a slave for less than half the time I was technically a slave. I was beaten, raped, emotionally abused, and physically abused. Fortunately, my master and his sons grew tired of me and I was sold. My new master helped me and eventually adopted me. Those experiences, and my early childhood teachings from my mother and support from my adopted father, led me to where we are today. Believe me when I say that trying to care for over one hundred boys, particularly while trying to fight the establishment, can be challenging; but, it can also be extremely rewarding."

"I find trying to care for one boy to be a challenge; not sure how I would feel about one hundred." Colin remarked, smiling. "You stated there were three rights?"

"Yes, the third is the next to the last, number twenty-four and refers to legal rights. 'Children accused of crimes have at least the same legal rights as adults. No child shall be institutionalized against her or his will without due process rights.' A child that has committed the most heinous felony has a right to an attorney and a jury trial, even when caught in the act of committing the crime. A child seized as property to pay a parent's debt has no rights. The criminal is protected while the innocent is left to. . . ."

The two men stopped their discussion when they heard the outer door to the reception area open, accompanied by at least one older boy telling someone else to not make any loud noises. Paul looked in the reception area and saw TJ and Evan each holding a hand of one of the two younger boys with them; Connor and Peter. When Paul motioned for them to come into Daniel's office, the two younger boys tightened their grip and slid halfway behind their older boy. As they entered his office, Daniel moved to the sofa and motioned for the boys to join him. The boys did with a little encouragement and push from the older boys. Conner and Peter walked towards Daniel, keeping as much distance as they could between themselves and the stranger, and never taking their eyes off him.

The boys stood on either side of Daniel, leaning into him. Daniel picked up each boy and set him on one of his legs. TJ and Evan knew what was happening and had tried to convince the boys everything was alright.

"Mr. Dan'l," TJ spoke up, "they think they're in trouble for some reason and you might send them away." Daniel put an arm around each boy.

"Why would either of you think you were in trouble? Is there something you need to tell me?" The boys looked at one another and Daniel could tell from their expressions that they had been up to something they weren't sure they should be doing. Daniel looked from one boy to the other and it didn't take much for Peter to give in. Peter leaned close to Daniel's ear and whispered,

"We been playin'." Daniel had to think for a minute. There was nothing wrong with the boys playing and surely, they knew they wouldn't be in trouble for playing, unless. . .

"What kind of playin'? Who with?" Daniel asked in a whisper.

"We been rubbin'," Peter again answered, barely above a whisper.

"You mean. . . ." Daniel didn't need to complete his statement as Peter held on to Daniel and rocked back and forth. Daniel took a deep breath to maintain his composure; he didn't want to embarrass the boys or hurt their feelings. TJ and Evan understood what the boys were telling Daniel and had to turn their backs to hide their smiles.

"Well, suppose you talk to TJ and Evan about that when we finish talking to Mr. Colin. I can assure you that neither of you is in trouble, okay? By the way, who were you playing with?" The boys broke into big grins.

"The twins, John and Bill." Daniel definitely needed a deep breath then. He knew better than to ask what the sex fiends had been teaching these two innocents. Daniel glared at TJ and Evan, whose laughter was anything but subdued at this point.

With a hug from Daniel, both boys turned and straddled a leg. When they were comfortable, they leaned back against Daniel, who wrapped an arm around each boy. Evan watched the boys and then left the room. He returned momentarily with a pad and pencil.

Mark and Kevin were in the computer room with Nigel. If he was to live by the same rules as the rest of the boys, he needed to follow the same rules regarding school assignments and shared use of the computers.

"Nige, this is where all of us get our daily school assignments, complete the assignments, and then turn them into Kevin or myself for grading. The programs are also designed to let us know of any weak areas a boy may have so we can modify the curriculum for extra study time in that particular field. Now, where are your assignments and what books did you bring with you?"

"My instructors gave me my assignments before we left. I don't need these computers; I have one of my own."

"Technically, you're correct," Mark answered, "but, since Mr. Dan'l said you are to live by the same rules as the other boys, you'll have to give the laptop to Mr. Paul to lock away and use these computers, just like the rest of us. You'll receive your assignments on a daily basis until we can evaluate your progress. You will also be scheduled for the standard rounds of support duty like the rest of the boys."

"What's support duty?"

"That's mostly clean-up detail," Kevin volunteered. "Sometimes it's in the kitchen pullin' KP duty, sometimes it's in the barracks and around the grounds, dusting and doing the floors or cleaning the bathrooms. Other times it's out in the garden, weedin'."

"Yeah, I heard about that slave labor shit. But, what about my class assignments? My school's not like your schools here. We study different things. Plus, how are my assignments supposed to get back to England for marking?"

"Let me start with the second part of that statement," Mark answered. "I've already been in contact with your school via email. When they learned that our curriculum is set by and measured by the Diocese, they had no trouble with our proposed changes. We will provide them with a weekly report on how you are progressing. The only item they asked us to add now is a report. It can be a book report or a report on a historical figure related to what New Horizons is fighting for."

"What's bad about me using my own laptop? Why do I use these?"

"The only people here with laptops are Mr. Daniel and whoever travels with him. All the boys use these machines and it's done on a time share basis. You will be assigned a time slot for using a machine. If your time is up and you haven't finished the assignment, then you have to make arrangements for extra time after everyone else is finished. If you don't want to work after normal hours, then the option is to use the meal time, but no food or drink is allowed around the machines. If you don't finish then you have to schedule time on the weekend."

"Do you have access to the internet and emails?" Nigel asked.

"We have some access to the internet. Only the office machines have email. These machines are donated and so is the service, so we accept what is given. Besides, we've never had anything happen where we needed any more than what we have now. Hardly anyone here has anyone to send emails to; so, we don't care."

"But, I have mates back home I promised to stay in touch with. We send emails to one another."

"That shouldn't be any problem. We'll just let Mr. Paul and Mr. Dan'l know and something can probably be worked out for you. For now, though, we need to get you set up on this computer. We'll set up your account and that will be what you work through. You're getting Clayton's space, so we'll need to take him out, set your folder up, and then you need to create a password."

"Who's Clayton?" Nigel asked, looking to Kevin.

"He's one of the boys Mr. Dan'l got off the streets," Kevin answered. "Clay came out to his parents; told them he was gay. His father beat the crap out of him and threw him out of the house. He hid near the house and his mom took him food. After a couple of days his mom figured his dad had cooled down and let him back in the house. His dad went ballistic and Clay was out again. He ran and never looked back, said it wouldn't do any good. Lucky for him he fell into a group that liked him and took care of him. Clay would've been a goner if he'd been alone on the streets. He was too nice."

"Yeah, well, sounds as if he should have been in The Devilrays," Nigel stated. "There he would have learned to be tough and take care of himself, instead of actin' like he wore lace."

"Sounds like you think The Devilrays are a big deal."

"They are," Nigel responded defensively. "You learn to be a real man. There's guys in there that started when they was only seven. You should see the shit they can handle; they don't cry out and beg for mercy neither. They're just like real Spartans; they make their masters proud."

"Masters?" Kevin asked, unbelieving. "Why do they have masters? Only slaves have masters."

"We're volunteer slaves and we earned the privilege to have a master. We prove how tough we can be and take care of our masters. In turn, they teach us how to toughen up and we win competitions. When you're good enough, you get to be in the auction for the night and take care of other masters. My first time was coming up when my dad said I was coming here. I got cheated out of all the work I did. Now, I'll be lucky if my master doesn't have another boy."

"What did you have to do to earn the privilege of being in the auction?" Kevin fought to hold back a tone of sarcasm.

"I could take twenty-five of anybody's best without passing out or begging for mercy. When I started, they stripped me just like they did the Spartan boys. I served my master just like them boys. I hugged the post with my hands tied to keep from falling and bit a gag. Before long I spit out the gag and thanked whoever was givin' 'em to me for each lash. I graduated faster than anybody to being tied spread-eagle. I hung from rings by my arms with my feet off the floor and spread and tied off. Not once! Never, did I ever beg for mercy or pass out. I was strong and I made my master proud. I went through training faster than almost anybody. I bet there ain't a boy here could match me."

"I bet there ain't a boy here dumb enough to want to match you," Kevin replied as he turned his back and walked away. Nigel watched with a look of contempt as Kevin walked away.

"Okay, Nige, time to set your password." Mark talked as though he had not heard any of the conversation between Nigel and Kevin. Mark had heard the conversation and debated with himself whether to say anything. The only reason he believed what the boy said was due to things Colin had told them. Mark knew the boy had been at great risk of being injured. He also knew that Colin had brought the boy along with the hope of protecting his son and getting the boy's perspectives in proper order. Mark's primary concern had to be for the other boys at New Horizons. Nigel's attitude and views could create big trouble for himself and other boys.

Nigel sat at the computer and quickly looked at the screen. He had told his master and mates that he would keep in touch via emails. At the time, he thought exchanging emails would be easy because of the programming on his laptop. If the laptop was taken away and he had to use the desk-top units like the other boys, units that were restricted, then he could be in trouble. His master had told him to send an email when he was settled. Nigel knew the order was given so he could receive additional orders and continue with his training. If he failed to contact his master, he would be in trouble. . . and punished.

Connor and Peter, now more relaxed with Colin, continued to sit in Daniel's lap while they answered Colin's questions and talked about their family. As young boys often do, the boys would get restless and let their attention begin to wander off what Colin asked them. Daniel knew that if he held them and rubbed their backs once in a while, they would settle down again. Hardly any boy was willing to pass up a good back rub.

"Daniel, I don't think there is anything else I want to ask the boys. They've been very patient and cooperative with me."

"TJ," Daniel spoke up, "could you and Evan take the boys over to the kitchen and ask Mr. Barry if he might have something a little special for them. Tell him it's because the boys really tried hard to cooperate with Mr. Colin."

"Mr. Dan'l," Evan interrupted, "I don't know if Mr. Colin can use these or even want them, but while we were sitting here I drew these." Evan handed Daniel sketches he made while they talked of the two boys. Daniel passed the sketches to Colin.

"These are good; really good," Colin commented to Evan's delight. "Do you have any more sketches of some of the boys?"

"Evan has done a number of the boys," Daniel answered. "We display his drawings when we go on visits with the Cherubs."

"Evan, have you done anything other than sketches of the boys; maybe some landscapes or anything along those lines?"

"Yes, sir; a few. Some of the drawings I did I gave to the senior center and they're hung on the meeting room wall and in the dining area. I gave a couple ta Grandpa, too."

"Grandpa? Do you have grandparents near here?"

"He's talking about Grandpa Smith," Daniel clarified. "Everyone calls him Grandpa. He's one of the residents at the senior center and has taken a particular interest in TJ and Evan, and they in him. I think they are very good for one another."

"I think I'd like to meet this 'Grandpa' one day. Right now though, Evan, do you mind if I use these drawings you just did in my article. The paper will publish them with my story and I think I can arrange for you to make a little money from them." Evan blushed, a little embarrassed but at the same time flattered someone would think his drawings were good enough to, not only publish, but pay him money.

Connor and Peter gave Daniel a little hug and jumped off his lap. The two younger boys joined TJ and Evan; they were ready to get their special treat from Mr. Barry. As the two older boys left with their charges, they all heard another of the younger boys whining and complaining. He was standing just outside the building. Daniel looked out the window and saw Isaac down on one knee holding Brian by the hips. Isaac was saying something to the younger boy who continued to protest. Danny and Ian were standing nearby with their big brothers, Sean and Jacob. Daniel tapped on the window and motioned for the boys to come into his office.

Isaac nodded his acknowledgment to Daniel. Brian turned around and saw Daniel, and then turned back to Isaac crying and protesting. Daniel knew this was not normal for the boy and walked out to meet the boys. As Daniel walked from his office to the front room, the older boys entered with Isaac carrying Brian. Daniel motioned for the boys to follow him into his office. Brian kept a tight grip around Isaac's neck.

"Brian," Daniel spoke to the boy very gently, knowing the boy was afraid for some reason. "Brian, since when have you been afraid of me? Come here, little man, and tell me what's wrong." Daniel held his hands out to Brian who, after thinking about it a moment and, with encouragement from Isaac, went to Daniel. Daniel sat on the sofa with the boy straddling his lap.

"Mr. Dan'l," Isaac spoke up, "he's not eatin' right. Fact is, he won't eat hardly anythin' 'cept maybe some pudding or things like that. This is the third day."

"Brian, can you tell my why you don't want to eat. You know the rules. You're supposed to eat your food and then Mr. Barry gives you dessert. Plus, we all know you're a good eater." Brian looked at Daniel and held his mouth closed real tight.

"I know," Danny volunteered. Danny then opened his mouth as wide as he could and pointed to something in his mouth. The whole time he tried to tell the group something which no one in the room could understand. While Daniel couldn't understand what Danny said, he did see enough to make a reasonable guess what the problem might be.

"Brian, can you tell me if it hurts when you bite down on something or try to chew your food?" Brian nodded, sheepishly. "Okay, young man, I bet I know what the problem is."

Daniel lifted the boy and shifted him so he sat as close to Daniel's torso as possible. Brian's knees were on the sofa with his feet pointing towards the front of the cushion. Daniel rubbed the boy's back and whispered something in his ear. Shortly, Brian nodded his head and leaned back so he lay in Daniel's lap. Daniel shifted the boy when he lay back so that the boy was comfortable. He also kept his left hand under Brian's head so the boy could feel his whole body was supported and secure.

"Okay, Brian, can you open your mouth for me?" Brian opened his mouth just a little. "Okay, I need for you to open your mouth as wide as you can. Paul, bring me a toothpick, would you?"

Colin stayed in his chair, observing how Daniel handled the boys and how they trusted him. Daniel supported Brian with his left hand and gently stroked the boy's chest and stomach while he waited for Paul to return.

"Colin, these three boys are the youngest that we have here. We call them the mud monster triplets. They have a little play place they claim as their own behind the building there just behind us. They fill the dirt hole with water and make mud pies. They don't eat the mud pies, but they definitely wear a lot. Fortunately, since they run free, it's easy enough to get them cleaned up for meals and when they have to go inside. The three older boys here are their big brothers; Sean is Danny's big brother, Isaac takes care of Brian here, and Jacob takes care of Ian. Believe me, sometimes the older boys really have their hands full with these three." The three older boys laughed and nodded their agreement.

"Brian, can you show me where it hurts when you bite into something or try to chew?"

Brian opened his mouth and pointed to the upper row on his left side. Daniel tilted the boy's head back a little for a better look. Paul handed Daniel a toothpick. Daniel used the toothpick to touch each tooth. When he touched the third tooth behind the incisor, the tooth moved.

"Uh-huh! I think we found the problem. From the looks of it, I bet it does hurt when you try to chew something. And you know what? I wouldn't want to chew anything with that tooth either. Brian, did you know you are about to lose another baby tooth and get a big boy's tooth?"

While Daniel spoke to Brian, Danny decided he needed to look also and stepped over for a look. The adults saw the way he was giving Brian's mouth a thorough look-see and laughed. Danny finally turned and looked at Daniel.

"Where? What tooth?" Danny asked, dead serious.

"Right there," Daniel answered as though it was the most important question in the world. Daniel also moved the tooth with the toothpick so Danny could see it was loose. Sean then took Danny by the hand and told him to stay out of the way.

Daniel asked Paul to get him some dental floss and the spray Chloraseptic. When Daniel again looked at Brian, the boy gave Daniel a pleading look and was ready to burst out crying.

"Brian, you're loosing a baby tooth. It's just barely hanging on by a teeny, tiny little piece of gum. What we'll do is make a lasso out of the floss and toss it around the tooth, just like a cowboy lassoes cattle. But, first, I'll spray it with the Chloraseptic so there won't be any pain. Then, you get to have a whole new, big boy tooth grow there in its place. Plus, if you can lie there and let me do this and not cry, I bet there will be a little treat for you when it's over."

"What kinda treat?" Brian asked, apprehensive but excited at the idea.

"A good kind of treat. We may just have enough for Danny and Ian to share, too."

"And Isaac?"

"And Isaac, and Sean, and Jacob. How's that?" Brian nodded his head enthusiastically.

When Paul handed the floss and spray to Daniel, the first thing was to spray the gum. Daniel knew the piece of gum holding the tooth would probably give very easily, but he had promised Brian that it wouldn't hurt. While he waited for the spray to take effect, Daniel made a lasso out of the floss. Brian watched, studying every move Daniel made. Daniel sprayed the boy's mouth again, and Brian made a face like it didn't taste very good. Daniel tied the floss around the tooth; Brian began to whine.

"Brian, we'll count to three and then I'll pull it out, okay? You count with me." Brian wanted to whine, but he also wanted to be a big boy. "One. . . . two. . . .thr . .." Before Daniel finished with 'three' he was holding the tooth up for Brian to see.

Brian's eyes opened as wide as he could get them. He looked at the tooth dangling from the small string and then at Daniel. The boy then stuck his finger in his mouth and confirmed the tooth was gone. Daniel smiled at the boy and the boy smiled back.

"Now, I just bet that if you take this tooth over to Mr. Barry, he'll have a special treat for all of you."

When Daniel sat the boy up straight, Brian looked at Daniel and then gave him a big hug. A moment later, Brian was on his feet, and with tooth in hand, leading his friends to the kitchen for their treat.

End Ch Seventy-Two

To Be Continued

Comments welcome: contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 73

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