New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on May 29, 2008


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Note: I would like to thank Colin, John and Matthew for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors keep me focused. It is the emails and comments I receive from you, the readers, that encourage me to continue.

Chapter Eighty-Two: New Horizons

Daniel woke early, as was his habit. At home, the breaking of dawn was his signal that a new day was about to begin. At the slave center, there were no windows, no clocks, nor anything else that would suggest what time of day it was, not even if it was day or night. The boys had been kept in a holding area where the lights remained on twenty-four hours a day. Daniel had asked Gerry to unlock the security box on the light controls so he could begin getting the boys accustomed to a normal routine. Sitting up, Daniel looked around the room and realized the boys had pretty much remained in their age groups with some of the boys cuddled together.

Arthur had taken Linda and Elizabeth away from the center to stay at a motel. There were no private facilities for the ladies and the accommodations at the slave center were not the most comfortable. Most 'guests' were required to just find a spot on the floor and lay down. If warmth was an issue, there were plenty of warm bodies around to lay with. 'Guests' at such centers were individuals who were either already slaves or about to become slaves. Slaves had no rights, including the right to stay warm and comfortable. These new boys were neither slaves nor about to become slaves. Daniel had arranged for each boy to have a pallet to lie on and a few blankets for the boys to share. Sharing, of course, meant the boys still had to cuddle together.

Michael saw that Daniel was up and joined him. Looking around, they spotted Colin off to one side with Nigel spooned into his front. Daniel gently shook Colin's shoulder to wake him and let him know he and Michael were going out to arrange breakfast for the boys and, hopefully, locate some 'starter fluid', also known as coffee. Daniel and Michael were both surprised at the amount of activity they observed in the hall. The activity confirmed this was truly a twenty-four hour operation. Daniel couldn't help but feel remorse as he watched some of the men who were being processed. Some appeared so young, and their lives were now ruined.

"Mike, what do you think the boys can eat this morning? They seemed to handle the soup last night without any problems."

"I know. I also have to admit I was a little surprised. When they've had nothing but slave chow for a period of time, their body adjusts to the food. I was afraid some of them might have problems digesting the soup and crackers. However, I think this morning we can step things up and, if it's available, we'll try some oatmeal and toast. If their systems can handle the milk, I think we'll be fine when they get to camp."

"Well, you know Barry. If the kids need something special until they adjust, he won't stop until they have it."

"Daniel! Michael!" Both men stopped and turned to see Gerry Nelson approaching them from behind.

"Good morning," Gerry continued as he neared. "I'm guessing you're looking for coffee and breakfast for the boys."

"Good guess," Daniel replied with a smile. "Since the boys are still asleep, we'll take the coffee first."

"Well, how about coming with me and we'll go to the managers' cafeteria." Daniel was a little surprised; he didn't realize the cafeterias were designated for specific personnel.

"You have to remember that these facilities were originally organized by ex-military personnel," Gerry began to explain after seeing Daniel's reaction. "They believed officers and subordinate personnel should function separately and continued that idea into civilian life. I've been in the other cafeteria several times and the topics of conversation didn't do anything for me. There are some people who find discussing discipline issues and solutions entertaining; I'm not one of those people."

"Gerry," Michael redirected the subject. "We're hoping to arrange for the boys to have breakfast, but we don't want to be an inconvenience. Your people have been very supportive."

"Good, that's what I hoped to hear. My people had been directed to give you whatever you needed. If you don't get it, I'd appreciate it if you let me know." Gerry then changed the subject.

"Let me ask you something, Mike, if I may. Have you checked the boys for chips? Some masters like to chip them in addition to their slave identification tattoo. We have the facilities for removing them fairly quickly and the boy should only feel a slight soreness for a couple of days."

"I was going to do that when we reached the camp. The area we are working in wasn't equipped for the test and we didn't want to impose any more than we already have."

"Nonsense. Let me suggest this. Bring the boys to this cafeteria for breakfast and they can eat all they want. When they finish, we can walk them through the detector, it's like walking through a door. We also have a hand-held unit you can use to test the boys; whatever's convenient to you. Anyone that has a chip that needs removal, my people will be more than happy to assist." Gerry paused a moment before asking another question. "Daniel, how's Nigel doing? Colin asked that I show Nigel some of the ugly side, and that's what we did. He saw part of the discipline area and training area. I was afraid from the expressions I saw, that it might have been a little much for him."

"Did Colin explain the situation with Nigel?"

"Yes, he did. All I can say is that it's sick. I work here Daniel; I'm a state employee. Some of these people I have no sympathy for, after reviewing their files; most have had more than one second chance. When they started bringing kids here to process, I started counting my days to retirement. What we're doing with this group of boys is the first time I have felt good about any of it."

Daniel was pleasantly amazed at how quickly the new boys blended with the boys brought from New Horizons. The boys could have been any group of school boys sitting in the cafeteria enjoying their meal. The only difference was that most of his boys were still naked. The older boys, those too old to qualify legally to be able to go nude at their leisure, were required to don shorts with the shirt an option. As slaves, they could walk around naked regardless of age, at the master's option. These boys were now free. Daniel, nor anyone else associated with the effort, wanted to give an excuse to someone looking for a reason to cause the boys trouble; they could be arrested for indecent exposure.

The adults sat at one table where they could watch the boys, but gave the boys their own space. This also gave the adults the opportunity to have a private conversation.

"Colin," Daniel began, "Gerry told us about the areas you toured and he was concerned over Nigel's reaction."

"So am I, Daniel. I'm concerned, not worried. At the moment he seems to be trying to digest a lot of what he saw and heard. It was a little rough in the discipline and training areas. There was one slave that was rebellious and not accepting his position. They had him spread and secured on the X-frame and were whipping him with a leather strap. Gerry said the idea was to inflict the pain without leaving any permanent damage. He also told us the owner had said he didn't care if there were scars, it might do the slave good. It wasn't pretty.

"I asked Gerry why the man had been enslaved and he told us the young man was convicted of driving under the influence which caused a wreck and killed someone in the other car. Drunk driving. The fella was only twenty-five years old and now a slave for life. He's now owned by the family of the person that was killed. Seems he wanted to argue over who was at fault for the wreck. He was not only dumb, he was stupid.

"Anyway, I think the strikes with the leather strap were harder than Nigel thought they might be, or harder than anything he had witnessed or experienced. At the moment he's a little withdrawn. After that we went to the training area where they were teaching them slave rest, slave present and the usual conduct expected from a slave. I asked Gerry not to spare any shock value so he showed Nigel where a slave was being trained to give oral pleasure and another slave, anal pleasures. There was nothing delicate about it and the slave's screams were almost unnerving for me. I think they would have really gotten to Nigel, but I'm waiting for him to decide he wants to talk."

"Wow!" was all Daniel could say. "Sounds like Nigel got a real eye-opener all in one huge dose. Do you think we need to have someone talk to him, like a psychologist?"

"Not now. I think the big issue for him is that what he has been told by the people back home, and what he witnessed here, are so far apart, that he needs to work it out in his own mind. I'm just hoping that what he saw registered and he understands there is nothing good about being a Devil Ray slave-boy with a master. My other hope is that I can find a way to make his so-called master pay for what he's done to Nigel and, I'm sure, a lot of other boys."

Michael entered the room where they had been staying. Daniel was talking to the boys.

"Boys, Dr. Mike has just come in with a special tool that's used to detect chips; specifically, slave chips that may have been imbedded in your body. Those of you that have already had your physical exam know that no one checked for the chips yesterday. Yesterday, we didn't know if we would have the facilities to remove any chips; today, we do. Do any of you know for a fact that you are chipped?"

The four oldest boys raised their hands. Daniel wasn't surprised by two of them, Jonathan and Nathan. Their master let them out, which meant transporting them to various locations for abuse. Any slave that spent a specified percentage of their time away from their base was required to be chipped. Several of the boys weren't sure, but didn't think they were chipped.

The simple answer was to check all of the boys. Jonathan and Nathan checked out positive for the chip. Six other boys also checked out positive. Only the youngest boys were not chipped, including young William. Michael addressed the boys so they could understand what was to happen next.

"Gentlemen, the only cure is to remove the chip. Four of you appear to have had the chip inserted through the anal canal. What happens is a probe would be inserted in the anus. The probe is flexible and can be bent around curves in your internal organs. When the chip is installed, it's usually pretty deep inside you, so that special equipment is required to remove it. That's what we plan on doing. If you don't have the special equipment, the only method that can be used to remove the chip is surgery.

"Boys, the chips must come out. If you try to leave here with those chips in you, alarms will go off all over the place, including the police headquarters. We could offer them a good explanation for the false alarm, but who wants to have to do that? The procedure shouldn't be painful. It will be a reverse motion from when the chips were planted. I'll give each of you a pill that will make you relax and numb your senses. The effects only last for two or three hours. Those who have already had an exam will go first. Those who have not had an exam, will have the chip removed as part of their exam.

"Four of you have the chip inserted between your shoulder blades not too far under the surface of your skin. For you boys, we will spray a numbing substance on your skin, make a very small slit with the scalpel, and then remove the chip. You'll need about three stitches that can be removed in about a week. When the spray wears off, it will only feel like a minor mosquito bite. If you don't have any questions, I need for those who have had their exam to follow me and we'll get this over with."

When Michael left with the boys to remove their chips, one of his assistants came in looking for the first four boys of the day. As it turned out, because Michael would be using one exam area and an assistant to remove the chips, only one boy was taken for his exam while two were privileged to visit the dentist. The boys that left with Michael didn't look too happy about the idea of someone cutting something out of them. The boys that left with the assistant didn't look thrilled with the idea of an exam and the dentist.

The last group of boys were with Michael and the dentist. Jonathan and Nathan had returned from having their chips removed. Both were happy to have the last vestige of their slavery taken from them, even if they did walk a little strangely and sit delicately. All of the boys that required anal surgery for chip removal were back; most lay on the floor resting. Daniel thought it was a combination of nerves and physical discomfort. Some of the other boys appeared to be trying to take a little nap. A few were talking, mostly about what it was like back at the camp. Others, including Jonathan and Nathan talked with Nigel.

"Nige, what is a Devil Ray?" Daniel couldn't tell who had asked the question; it really didn't matter. Daniel listened carefully.

"The Devil Rays is a group of men and boys back home, where I come from. The men are s'posed to teach the boys how to be men. They teach 'em how to stay in control and how to do the right things for the men. When you reach a certain level, you go through a test and if you pass, then you can be part of a show they do every month. The show is so everybody can see how strong you've become."

"What do they do at the shows?"

"Depends on the age of the boy and what he's been trained ta do. The boys are from eight years old to fifteen. If ya hadn't made it by the time your fifteen, they throw you out and another boy gets a chance."

"But, what do ya do? What did you do?"

"My master whipped me. I had to stand with me hands around a pole and take a leather strap over the back of my body without saying anything. He started out with just a few at a time, and in time I got to where I could take more. I was almost high enough so I could be in the auction at the end of the show, when my dad made me come here."

"Nigel, you said 'master'. That almost sounds like you let yourself be a slave. That punishment you talk about..."

"It wasn't punishment; it was a test," Nigel corrected Jonathan.

"Bull shit! You can call it a test if you want, but it was the same shit we had ta go through. Men came in and rented us. Sometimes we were taken away for a weekend or several days at a time for parties. They tied us to x-frames and then used whips and straps on us. The people at the party thought it was fun to hear us suffer and cry. They made bets on how many licks we could take before we cried out. It didn't matter, 'cause whoever lost the bet was pissed with us and would take the whip and punish us more for hollerin'. If you made a man lose, he liked to take a whip with several thin leather straps on it and whip your balls from behind. That's not any test, 'cept to see if you live through it. Any of the boys in that group you talk about ever get somethin'shoved up his butt?"

"Yeah," Nigel answered, simply, and then continued, "They had a chair they sat in with this cone shaped thing sticking up from the seat. The cone was greased up and the boy would be holding himself up by a rope. The rope would have grease on it too. The boy would try to avoid sliding down, but there was no way he could stop himself. If he could slide all the way down without using his safe word, then he got a reward. If he used his safe word, then his master would lay him over the back of the chair and whip him before he fucked him. We thought it was what you were supposed to do; that's what they told us. But, after seeing what's in this place, I'm not so sure."

"What'd you see here?"

"Mr. Nelson showed us the punishment area and the training area. He said masters brought in slaves that didn't behave and had them punished here. I saw one fella, he was grown, but he still looked kinda young to me. Mr. Nelson said the slave refused to accept that he was a slave and do what his master said. They were whipping him with a big leather strap. Mr. Nelson said it was a barber's strop. He said that they'd keep whipping him till he broke and accepted what he was." Nigel stopped talking; he thought about what he had seen. After a few minutes, he looked at the boys and spoke again.

"In the training area, they had some men tied down to what Mr. Nelson said was a horse. They were teaching the men how to please their new master with anal sex. One of the men was getting buggered in the arse and in his mouth. I saw a man who looked about as old as my dad. Mr. Nelson said he was a professional and got caught stealing money. Now, he was a slave for life. Some lady bought him and wanted him properly trained to give sex to her teenage boys. Claimed the boys could satisfy their sex drive with the man and she didn't have to worry about them getting some girl pregnant and ruining their lives like the slave ruined his. When I watched, I felt sorry for the man."

"Nigel," Nathan began, "why would you want to have a master and let him abuse you? Do you know what The Devil Rays sound like to me? They sound like an S&M club like the one that owned me and Jonathan. Do you know what happened to the boys after they got older than fifteen?"

"Yeah, my master said they got to go to a home where somebody loved them and took care of them."

"Took care of 'em? That sounds a lot like they became somebody's slave. Do you know what a dungeon or play pen is?"


"That's where they take boys and punish them for the pleasure of making the boy hurt. I was taken to more than one. Sometimes, there'd be several of us there. I saw them take this one boy and when they put cuffs on his wrists, they hooked him by a chain and pulled him up; left him hanging in the middle of the room. His feet were wrapped by a chain hooked in the floor, but they didn't pull it tight. They wanted the poor bastard to have room to bounce around when they shocked him. They put clips on his tits, a metal ring around his nuts and attached wires. They stuck a metal rod up his butt with wires, too. They connected the wires to a machine, then they sent out electrical shocks to the kid's tits, balls, and up his ass. He'd scream and jerk around. They left him there all night. When he passed out, they threw cold water on him and whipped him for passing out. Every time he screamed, they laughed and changed money. They were bettin' on how much he could take. Now, that sounds a lot like those people you talk about."

Nigel looked at the boys, but said nothing. He thought for a few minutes and looked, intermittently, at his dad. Tears ran down his face, but he didn't cry. Before long, Nigel rose and walked towards his dad.

"Father!" Daniel greeted Father Andrew, pleasantly surprised by the unexpected visit.

"Daniel, I heard you were here, and why. I thought I might come by and see if there was anything I could do to help. I assume those are the boys?"

"That's all but three of them. The last three are with Michael and the dentist. As soon as they finish, and we can get the paperwork signed, we'll take them out of here."

"The dentist? Daniel, that's almost cruel!" Father Andrew teased Daniel. "I'm sure the boys will be more than happy to get out of here." Father Andrew walked over to the boys, who stood as soon as they saw him approach.

"Boys, I'm the priest that visits all the boys at New Horizons." He then turned to Jeremy. "Hi, Jeremy. Are you doing alright?"

"Yes, thank you, Father. I'm here to help if I can."

"Jeremy, I think if anyone can, it's you. You can understand what these boys have been through more than anyone else." Looking around at all the boys, there was one boy in particular that would not look at the priest. Father Andrew approached the boy and, placing a finger under the boy's chin, lifted his head so his face could be seen.

"Young man, why won't you look at me?" The young boy's face showed the obvious signs of recent crying. "Why do you cry?"

"I'm bad, Father. I can't look at you. I did bad things."

"Son, what is your name? How old are you?"

"Carlos, Father, and I'm nine."

"What do you think you have done that was so bad?"

"Father, I did bad things. Father, I had sex with men and they did things to me."

"What kind of things, Carlos?" Father Andrew fully understood the nine year old boy's problems and wanted the boy to talk. Judging by the boy's looks, his name, the way he rolled his "r's" and the staccato finish he placed on the "o" in his name, the priest guessed the boy was Spanish and, most likely, Catholic.

"Father, they said what I did made me a cocksucker and that I was dirty. Sometimes, the men would pick me up and do other things to me. Father, they would wet me with their stuff and then make me eat it. They told me I was a low animal and didn't deserve to wear clothes like decent people."

Daniel watched as the priest took a deep breath.

"Carlos, you did not do anything bad. You were made to do those things and the people that were bad were the people that made you do them. Wouldn't you have been punished and hurt if you didn't do what they said?"

"Yes, Father."

"Then it is they who are the bad ones and have sinned, not you. Come to me child." When Carlos stood barely inches from Father Andrew, the priest reached within his bags and brought out a small vile of water. Placing his hand on Carlos' head, Father Andrew began to say something in Latin which Daniel couldn't fully understand. However, he did understand that Carlos was being anointed.

"Carlos, look at me. The Father has forgiven you for any sins you may have committed. Your Father wants you to be the beautiful and happy child that he placed on this earth. Do you feel bad because you are naked?"

"Yes, Father," Carlos answered hesitantly, and added, "they told me I was an animal and animals didn't wear clothes."

"You are the Father's creation. He did not create anything that was ugly. He created man in his own image. To say that you are ugly is to say that God is ugly. Do you think that God is ugly?" Carlos looked shocked.

"Oh, no, Father! I do not think that. I would never, ever think that, Father!"

"Then do not think that you are ugly." Father Andrew looked at the boy and smiled. "Carlos, I think that you are beautiful. Do you know Ben?" The priest motioned for Ben to join them. "Ben, can you tell Carlos how you dress at home?"

"We are naked. You said we were created beautiful and should not be ashamed to show ourselves."

"And do you show yourself?"

"Yes, Father," Ben answered with a sheepish grin.

"Ben, do you think you could stay by Carlos for now, and help him?"

"Yes, Father."

Daniel watched as Father Andrew spoke with each of the boys. With every boy he placed his hand on their head, gave them a blessing and anointed them with what Daniel assumed was holy water. As Daniel watched, not wanting to interrupt, Gerry Nelson walked in with the last three boys. Arthur and Michael were with them. The boys looked at Daniel, and Daniel nodded for them to join the others with Father Andrew.

"Daniel," Gerry spoke softly so as not to disturb the priest, "these are the papers. Sign one set for me and you are ready to go." Arthur nodded to Daniel to let him know everything was in order. Daniel signed the required papers.

"What do you do now, Daniel?" Gerry asked.

"We try to get them some help to deal with what's happened; then we look for their families and try to reunite them. All children need loving parents and a loving home."

"Daniel, it's almost noon. I know you want to get the boys out of here. Would it help if I asked the kitchen to pack a lunch for all of them? Maybe they could eat on the bus or you may want to stop someplace quiet for them." Daniel thought for a moment and then thanked Gerry for his offer; it would help. Daniel shook Gerry's hand and then joined the boys with Michael, Arthur and Colin, who had been waiting with Daniel.

"Boys, it's about that time; time to leave here and enter a brighter future." Daniel turned to Terry and Greg. "Would you mind getting the clothes for the boys?"

"Mr. Daniel?" Carlos looked at Daniel with those huge brown eyes. "The Father said I was beautiful and I didn't need to hide myself. Ben said you let them go naked at home." Daniel looked at Father Andrew, who suppressed a smile.

"Are you telling me that you want to walk out of here naked?"

"Yes, sir," one of the older boys answered, "and . . .well . . .out the front door, too. We want to show 'em we aren't ashamed like they said we should be. The Father said he would walk with us."

Daniel looked over at Father Andrew, who returned a slight smile and a shirk of his shoulders, before answering the boys.

"Okay, guys, if that's what you want. However, Kevin, you, Terry and Greg are over the allowed age limit. The three of you will have to at least wear shorts so we don't all get into trouble." Carlos gave Daniel a questioning look. "They aren't as beautiful as you; that's all." Daniel rubbed the top of the young boy's head. "Let's go home."

Gerry Nelson was standing in the reception area, ready to escort Daniel and the boys out. As they exited the building, the boys looked around, smiled and waved to everyone. Outside, standing in the warm, bright sunlight, the boys stopped and stretched. Daniel knew the boys were just putting on a show, letting everyone know that they were naked and didn't care. Daniel, Gerry and Father Andrew all had a little laughed and then urged the boys to continue towards the bus.

As the boys approached the bus, one of the guards stepped off. The boys stopped and watched as the guard smiled at them and stepped out of their way. The guard's actions were quite different from what the boys normally received from guards. As the boys boarded the bus, they began to laugh. They were proud that they had done what they set out to do. They walked out the front door, stark naked, and proud. They were also very happy that Daniel, Arthur, Father Andrew, and others were with them to give support.

After thanking Gerry Nelson for his support and saying their goodbyes, Daniel boarded the bus, smiling. He knew that what the boys thought was a big deal for them, was really a little on the childish side. He also understood that the boys had not been allowed to be kids for a long time; they had earned the right to be a little childish if they wanted.

"Daniel, it appears that Gerry had his people put enough food on this bus to feed an army." Michael commented.

"Michael, feeding this many boys is like feeding an army; they are bottomless pits when it comes to food." Daniel paused a moment, and then asked, "What time is it?"

"Not quite eleven. You thinking of doing what I think you are?"

"Why not? The boys deserve a chance to be normal and enjoy themselves. I'm also hoping it will help them relax more. Have you noticed that about the only time they are relaxed is when we have them grouped together? They're trying to be normal, but have a long way to go, yet. Besides, with the lunch Gerry's people provided us, the timing will be just about right."

Daniel had to laugh to himself as he heard the increasingly louder mumbling coming from the boys as they approached the beach and the boys read the sign that said "nude beach". There were a number of expletives which Daniel was sure that Father Andrew would just as soon not here, but had heard many times before. The boys didn't seem to believe that such beaches existed.

"Okay, fellas.' Daniel paused for the boys to quiet down a little. "Before we leave the bus, Dr. Mike has some sun block for each of you. The first trip we made with the boys to Fort Ogden, we stopped at this same beach. They, like you, were a little apprehensive at being nude. We thought we would show them that there are places people come to enjoy just being natural. The rules are simple. Don't go in water over waist deep, don't ever swim alone, and be courteous to anyone you see on the beach. Lunch will be in one hour."

The boys acted like any kids their ages on the beach; dumb and fun loving. Most of the adults sat under the shelter with the picnic tables and just watched the boys. Most of the boys had some tan, and no tan lines. All of the boys needed to use the sun block. Being made to stay inside most of the time, the freedom to run and play in the ocean and enjoy the warmth of the sun was a treat. The adults knew that the boys would be just as tanned as all the boys at New Horizons within a couple of weeks.

Daniel watched the boys, primarily to be sure none of them became too rambunctious and showed courtesy to other sun worshippers. The boys stayed in groups of two or more and before long, no one would have realized they hadn't always been just simple fun-loving kids. Daniel did watch, and became curious, when he spotted Jonathan and Nathan slipping off behind the dunes. Daniel circled around so the boys would not spot him to see what they were up to.

The boys had just stepped over the dune line and positioned themselves behind one of the higher dunes. Their actions reminded Daniel of Evan and his family during that first trip. It wasn't long before the two boys confirmed Daniel's suspicions. The two boys had dropped to their knees and were soon embracing one another. Both boys had been in the same S&M club and, from the bits of information Daniel had been able to gather, had been let out jointly for entertainment on many occasions. There was no doubt that the boys were familiar with one another.

Jonathan and Nathan began exchanging little peck-like kisses. Neither boy pushed to hold the other tightly and invade the other's mouth. They moved slowly, almost seductively, as they exchanges light kisses on the lips, the face, the neck and elsewhere. Nathan tongue bathed Jonathan's neck and slowly moved down to inhale a nipple. Jonathan reacted by arching his back and inhaling through clenched teeth. While Nathan suckled, Jonathan deftly twisted pinched and played with the younger boy's nipples.

Daniel knew that, judging by the boys' actions, they were not strangers to one another and this was more than adolescent play. The boys were not having mere sex, they were making love to one another. Two youths, their bodies lightly tanned, both thoroughly familiar with the other's body, fondled and caressed his lover. They didn't rush, they deliberately took their time and made sure the other could appreciate what was happening. Daniel knew he should give them privacy, but he was concerned. The boys had heard the rules regarding no exchange of body fluids until the lab results were returned. These two boys wee in heat and their boy-hoods evidenced their need.

Daniel continued to observe the boys as they each reached down and massaged the other's tight bubble lobes. Jonathan spread his knees further apart, while Nathan pressed his boyhood into Jonathan's perineum and began to slowly move forward and back. Jonathan reached down and cupped Nathan's full sac in the palm of his hand, squeezing only slightly. Shortly, Nathan pulled his boyhood from between his lover's legs, and the two boys allowed their tools to be pressed tightly between their young bodies. As they gripped their lover's globes and pulled themselves together, hard, Daniel was satisfied the boys would observe the rules, and left them.

End Chapter Eighty-Two

To Be Continued

Comments Welcome: contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 83

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