New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Oct 31, 2006


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Note: Once again, I would like to thank Colin for his support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors. His suggestions and comments have been a significant contribution to the development of this story.

Chapter Twenty: New Horizons

The staff gathered at the same table they occupied for yesterday's meeting. Three sipped on their morning coffee as Daniel began.

"Gentlemen, I assume Michael has told all of you the good news." Three of the men shake their heads when Michael speaks up.

"Daniel, I hadn't said anything. I thought it best to wait until we had firm dates."

"Michael, I thought this news was too good to keep under wraps. We have a commitment from a hospital in Orlando to conduct the tests we need for Sean. The commitment includes the services of their surgical staff for the operation itself, if needed. Right now we are just waiting on them to tell us when."

Jeff asked the question on everyone's mind. "Daniel, have they given any indication of 'when'?"

"Jeff, all they've said so far is they will contribute the facilities and expertise for the tests within the next ten days. The services of the surgeons will follow based on the test results. All this came in last night after supper."

"Has anyone said anything to Sean?" Barry's tone reveals concern for the boy.

"Not yet, Barry," Daniel responded, "we thought it best not to get him excited right now. When we have the specific date we can talk with him then."

Daniel proceeded to tell the group about his calls to DCF and DOC, and his dad's call to the governor. He expressed his opinion that Ron's suggestion that he come to the capitol for a presentation would be the most likely scenario and would occur very soon.

"There will be minimal time to prepare for the presentation so we all need to begin now. The plan will be to contact Jon Caruthers or Ron Folsom to schedule a live appearance in Tallahassee the morning of the presentation. The plan, of course, is to apply a little pressure on the board. That may sound like dirty politics, but I don't ever recall anyone telling me politics was a clean game. Right now I'm willing to take every advantage we can get."

"Mark," Daniel continued, "Ron wants us to bring the Cherubs. We shouldn't need as many as we had at the television station, I'm thinking about eight boys this time. Danny will be one and I'd like to have Kevin there; Michael will have to make the call on Sean. Rather than use a motel we may try to impose on my dad; of course, he doesn't know that right now either."

"Larry and Jeff, put together a slide presentation depicting the boys when we found them and how they are now. Intermix pictures of their daily activities. We can let the slide show run while I'm talking to the board. They can then both hear and see our progress."

"Michael, watching Sean and making arrangements for his testing will stay with you. I suggest you call Jon Caruthers when we finish here to let him know how to contact you and ^Å well, you know what to do."

"One more item; and I think we may want to see this in the slide presentation. We need to write out a New Horizon Creed, something that expresses our values and purpose very concisely. This project belongs to everyone; when we gather for supper tonight I'd like to discuss it further and hopefully, review suggestions."

The meeting ended with everyone focused on their short-term responsibilities.

Daniel worked on the outline for the anticipated presentation as Paul entered, announcing there was a Linda Whitehurst holding on the phone for him. As Daniel answered the phone he motioned for Paul to stay and take a seat.

"Mom, this is a surprise ^Å. How are you?"

"Daniel, you know I should be fussing with you for not calling me more often. However, I saw the announcement on television about that boy, Sean, and his brother. I just had to call and tell you that I think what you are doing is so good it's almost beyond words."

"Mom, thanks, that means a lot coming from you."

"Daniel, it just goes to prove that good acts can come from bad. I just wish your father were around so I could shove this down his throat; but, never mind, that's all in the past. Still, I'll never forgive the son-of-a-bitch. Anyway, I didn't call to fuss or create a downer for you. I did call to ask if you were doing any of the public appearances yet."

"We just started. Some of the boys and I were on an afternoon show in Orlando. The station offered to schedule us at all of their locations in the state."

"Daniel, I'm active with a number of the women's groups and political party here and would love to be able to help with your project. This would mean a lot to me if there is something I can do to support you."

"Mom, that means a lot, it really does. Until we can confirm a schedule of appearances over there it would be a big help if you could start spreading our message. It's a lot easier if people at least know who we are when we come in. That may not sound like a lot to you, but, believe me, it's really big to us. The person that answered the phone while ago is Paul, he does our public relations co-coordinating. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to speak with him."

"Daniel, by the time I finish people will greet you like the long lost neighbor. Just leave it to me. Oh, there is one more thing^Å"

"What's that, Mom?"

"You could call or visit a little more often?"

"I hear you, Mom, love you."

When the call ended Paul handed Daniel a note; his Dad called and Daniel needs to be in Tallahassee on Thursday at 1:00PM. Daniel thanked Paul for the message, and then picked up the phone to call his dad to thank him for his help and ask another favor.

"Dad, we'll be there. Also, we're trying to schedule a television appearance for Thursday morning while we're there. Uhh ^ÅDad ^Å there is one more thing you could do that would help the boys, that is if you don't mind, of course."

"Daniel, every time you start setting me up like this it means you're hoping I don't say 'no'. Personally, I can't recall a time when I did say 'no', but that doesn't mean I shouldn't have. What is it, son? You know I won't say 'no' unless it's something wild and crazy."

"Well, Dad, you see we'll be traveling most of Wednesday afternoon and I'm sure the boys may be a little tired. It would help them if rather than staying in some old stuffy motel, if I could bed them down in a real home, you know it ^Å.."

"Yeah, I know, what you want is for me to say it's okay to bed them down here, right? Daniel, you know I'm not going to turn you away as long as the boys don't mind the floor. Tell you what, get here before five and we'll do an old fashioned cook-out for them; they can enjoy the pool too."

"Thanks Dad, I knew I could count on you, love ya."

Daniel told Paul he was headed out to find Mark and Larry to break the news. Paul needed to call Jon or Ron at the television station and arrange for a spot in Tallahassee, if possible.

Daniel spotted Mark leading a calisthenics class and signaled him over. Mark turned the class over to one of the older boys and joined Daniel.

"Mark, we are due in Tallahassee on Thursday morning. We need to take eight of the boys with us as Cherubs. I made a list for you to review and see if you agree. Danny goes, and we can match him to Kevin; Ben went last time so he'll remain here. Then let's take Jamie with Greg; Jimmy with his mentor, Gerry; and either Brian or Josh with one of the twins. You and I will complete the group. Do you see any problems?"

"Daniel, did you know that both Brian and Josh went last time?"

"Yes, I remembered, but what I'm really after is one of the twins. Why don't we just ask one of them if they mind going; I have a feeling neither one will turn us down. Also, we'll be staying at my dad's home and if we get there early enough he's going to do a home-style cookout for the boys and they can use his pool. They'll all need shorts, shirts and sandals on this one."

Mark nodded to Daniel and headed off to locate the boys. Daniel headed to the admin building looking for Jeff and Larry to advise them of the time frame.

The van is loaded and ready for travel. Daniel goes over his checklist once more while waiting on Barry to send out their package lunch. He asked Mark if he remembered to get butt plugs for the older boys and identification units for each boy. Mark initially looked surprised, the boys are supposed to be protected at the television station and Mark never considered someone at the capitol might take advantage of one of the boys. He then retrieved lubricated plugs for the four older boys, standard plugs for three other boys, and the identification units. Danny was the only boy on this trip that did not require a plug.

Kevin and Daniel had a challenge convincing Danny that Sean couldn't come because he needed to be available for tests. Ben was also upset about being separated from his mentor. Only when Daniel promised to take care of Kevin and bring him back in a couple of days did Ben settle down. As they prepared to leave, Kevin approached Daniel.

"Mr. Dan'l, the little ones want to know if they have to wear the shorts and shirts right now. They want to stay naked."

"Tell them they can stay naked for now, but when we stop to eat they have to wear at least the shorts. I don't want any unnecessary problems out there."

Daniel and Mark left around 10:30 on the drive to Tallahassee, a trip estimated to take between five and five and one-half hours. Mark spotted a rest stop about two hours later and the decision was made to stop for lunch and let the boys stretch their legs. Daniel had the boys put on their shorts and identification units.

Lunch was set out on the picnic table but the younger boys were more interested in burning off energy. Daniel watched as they played a game of tag. The laughter and squeals were like music to his ears. As they were preparing to leave a man who appeared to be in his mid-thirties dressed in what Daniel thought to be a truck driver's uniform approached the group. Daniel told the boys to get in the van. When he got closer the man called out to Daniel.

"Hey, ain't them those New H'rizon boys I seen on television?"

"Yes, they are. Can we help you?"

"Yeah, I been wantin' a good piece o' chicken meat and I know if I tell 'em to come with me they gotta do it. Ain't that right?"

"Well ^Å yes, I'm afraid so. But, do you really want to hurt one of these boys now?"

"Damn right, I need some sweet chicken ass ^Å now. Gimme that one."

Daniel looked at the man, calling on every ounce of reserve to maintain control of himself and the situation. While talking to Daniel, the man didn't notice Kevin as he walked off.

"I can't do that. That boy is too young, he's protected." Daniel noticed Kevin walk away and stalled for time.

"Then which one can I have? I knows I can have one of 'em." Gerry and Brian stepped up behind Daniel. It was Gerry who spoke.

"You can take one of us, sir. Which one of us would you like?" Daniel admired Gerry for being calm and courteous. He did nothing to antagonize the man.

"You, you look nice and sweet; got a nice ass, too; can't wait to feel how tight it is. Now, come on w'me."

"Excuse me, the boy will accommodate you, but if you'll let me know where you'd like to have him I'll escort him over."

"Bull shit, he can come w'me, now. You're jus' stallin' and it ain't gonna work. I want me a nice piece of boy ass."

"No, the rules we have with the state say he is escorted to the location where he will service you. Someone stays nearby to assure the boy isn't abused. He may not be taken onto the requesting party's private property, nor can he be taken into an area where he could be secured inside. That means there's only three places to do it. Out here in the parking lot, in the public restroom, or in the woods. Now, if you will tell us where you want him, I will escort him to that location so you can have your nice piece of boy ass." Daniel strained to maintain control of his emotions but couldn't help the sarcastic tone.

Kevin approached with a security guard. The guard looked at the truck driver, then Daniel and the boys.

"There some kind of trouble here?"

The truck driver spoke. "Yeah, these here's them New Horizon boys. I heard if you wanted you could get one and fuck 'im. When I told this guy here I wanted me one of them boys he started givin' me a hard time."

Daniel then interrupted. "Officer, that's not quite the way it was. The gentleman said he wanted a nice piece of chicken ass. He demanded one of the underage boys, and then an older boy stepped forward and volunteered to service him. When I explained the rules as to where he could be with the boy and that I would be glad to escort the boy over to the area of his choice, he got belligerent. I tried to explain there are only three areas here to choose from. He didn't like any of them."

"Now, Mac, you've been comin' here for a long time, and I know you have an appetite for young boys. I also know you are married and have kids at home. Do you really want to cause a ruckus and the newspaper prints the story of how you got arrested for getting into a fight over a young boy? Your wife might get a bit upset. Now, if you really want to do this, Mr. Thompson said he'd escort the boy where you wanted, that seems more than fair to me."

"Shit, how you know his name?"

"He's all over television. Has friends in high places too. Mr. Thompson is known for protecting these kids and trying to help others. By the way, one of his friends happens to be in charge of the department that controls your license. Now, what do you want to do?"

"Awww, screw 'em all. I ain't in the mood no more."

The man spit on the ground at Daniel's feet, gave Daniel an evil glare and walked off.

"Officer, thank you for your help. How did you know about me being friends with the head of DOT?"

"Didn't, but he didn't know that either. Mr. Thompson, I admire what you're doing. Just be careful, there's others like him out there."

"Thanks, we will. Uhhh ^Å would you happen to know if there are any soda bottles lying around, particularly with caps?"

"No, but I know how to get some. Follow me."

Daniel instructed the boys to get in the van and stay there; Mark stayed with them. Shortly, Daniel returned with three soda bottles, all three had caps but were empty. Daniel remembered a trick from a happier time when he was little and traveled with his parents.

"Mr. Dan'l, what are these for?"

"Boys, when the time comes you'll figure it out. We're not stopping until we get to my dad's house and I'm willing to bet those bottles won't be empty then."

As the van pulled into his dad's driveway, Daniel turned and saw the four young ones were napping either in their mentor's lap or leaning against their side. Greg and Gerry also appeared to be out of it. Somewhere along the way the boys had managed to get naked again.

Daniel walked into his dad's house and called out. After the third call his dad appeared through the patio doors.

"Daniel, good to see you. Where are the boys?" The two men embraced as a close father-son team that had been apart for too long.

"They're in the van trying to get decent again. They started out with no clothes, put on shorts when we stopped, and then took them off again somewhere along the way. I imagine they're trying to figure out what shorts belong to what boy."

"Daniel, just tell them to come in. You know I don't care, as much as you ran free around here. Besides, I imagine they'll hit the water about two minutes after getting in the door."

Daniel walked out and told the boys they didn't need clothes if they didn't want to and the pool was ready for use. Two boys had already put their shorts on, but a quick adjustment took care of that problem. The boys entered the house and lined up to meet Dr. Thompson.

"Boys, this is my dad, Dr. Thompson. Dad, this is Kevin, Danny, Greg, Jamie, Gerry, Jimmy, Brian, and John."

"Daniel, do you really think I'm going to remember all those names that quickly? Is he always this unreasonable with you boys?" Three older boys nodded while smiling at Daniel. They sensed Daniel's dad had no problem using Daniel as the butt of his jokes, but truly loved his son.

Dr. Thompson told the boys the pool was out back and if they wanted to jump in, help themselves. A blur of bare skin passed the two men. Daniel and his dad stepped out on the patio to watch the boys play. Danny had pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his legs, curling himself into a ball; Kevin and Gerry tossed him from one end of the pool to the other like a beach ball while the boy shrieked with joy. The other boys appeared to be diving under water, playing a little game of grab-ass. Mark was also in the pool to make sure things didn't get too far out of hand.

"Dad, you can't know how much it means for these boys to be able to step into a real home and relax. Look at them, they act like they don't have a care in the world."

"Well, son, what you need to realize is that at this moment those boys don't have a care in the world. You're with them and they trust you to protect them. Right now they are kids being kids, let 'em have there fun. Come on, I'll treat you to a beer."

"As far as not knowing what this means to them you seem to have a short memory. When you first came to me I had to fight you all the way to keep you from acting like a servant. When you realized I wasn't like your former master you couldn't do enough for me. In time you came around to acting just like them boys. Some of my best memories are of you laying around while running free and being totally uninhibited. You'd jump in the pool at the old house then come sit at the dinner table still naked and dripping wet."

The two men talked and exchanged memories while they prepared the cookout for the boys. Daniel related some the experiences they have had with the boys, some good and some not so good, but normal. Daniel told his dad about Jamie and Greg and how he had a difficult time getting Greg to understand what he had done that was so wrong.

"Daniel, I understand what you are saying. The only thing I'll say to you is always remember they are just boys, they're kids who've been through a lot. They can't always express themselves the way you want, but that doesn't mean they don't understand. I know you care about them a great deal and that you will protect them. They know that too, even though they may not always show it or express it."

When Daniel called 'food's ready' the boys ate like Daniel hadn't fed them in days. Rather than sit at the table, they made their burgers and sat near the pool or on the grass. Daniel enjoyed watching them sit around joking with one another and having a good time. After dinner each boy contributed to the clean-up and then it was back into the pool. While the boys continued playing in the pool Daniel and his dad had a serious conversation.

"Dad, do you remember when we talked on the phone once I mentioned I'd like to get some experienced help for the boys to set up an ornamental plant garden and possibly instruction on how to make topiaries. You were going to check with some of your colleagues for volunteer time."

His dad looked at Daniel with a smile, the son never let his mind relax from caring for these boys. "Getting volunteer help, and actually even some startup materials, is no problem unless it conflicts with your agreement with the state. The time would have to be during term breaks or during the summer months. Some professors teach year-round, others don't. The issue will be in the wording of their contracts."

"Some contracts are set to run on an annual basis, usually beginning in the fall semester. The wording says they are paid for the entire twelve months, but may only require they teach through the spring term. So, we'll have to review the contracts and possibly get permission from the state to avoid a violation of your agreement."

Daniel continued the conversation while in deep thought. "Dad, what's your personal feelings on how much trouble I'm going to run into tomorrow when we face the board? When I spoke with Amos Crawford I felt pretty comfortable. I felt the same way at the beginning of my conversation with Ron Wilson, but I wasn't sure after they asked me for this presentation."

"Daniel, always remember these people are politicians who have to answer to a constituency; a constituency that reads newspapers and can be influenced by negative publicity. They must do everything possible to be sure the public knows they are following the rules, watching out for the public's best interest, and not showing any form of favoritism. Also, understand that most approve of your project, but again, they must protect themselves. I wouldn't think you'll be facing much hostility tomorrow; just go in and do what you know how to do and you should be okay. Like last time, I've been asked to sit in and will be there to support you and the boys."

"Right now, " his Dad continued, "you may want to consider getting some rest, you and the boys. Tomorrow's a busy day."

When it was time to retire each boy received a blanket and was told he was on his on for a place to lie down. Somehow, the boys knew the softest floor was in the formal living room and made themselves comfortable there.

After checking on the boys and locking the house, Daniel headed for the guest room. A warm shower helped him relax for the evening. A few minutes after falling asleep Daniel felt the bed shake. Opening his eyes he saw Danny climbing under the covers. He reached over and pulled the boy in close, spooning the boy against him. Danny lay his head on Daniel's arm, both slipped into a sound sleep.

Mark read the required disclosure regarding the boys' availability for personal service. The station immediately followed with their announcement the boys were under their protection as guests and would only be available for visitation within the confines of the audience. The time for the New Horizon segment arrived.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Elizabeth Crooms, your host for this portion of our show. We are pleased to welcome Daniel Thompson from the New Horizon Project as our guest. Good morning Daniel and thank you for joining us."

Daniel replied, "Good morning Elizabeth, and thank you for having us."

The camera then focused on a closed curtain that parted revealing the eight Cherubs. When the curtain was fully open, the camera then focused on Danny.

"I'm Danny 02780 ^Å.. and these are my friends ^Å" Kevin coached Danny from behind, "^Å and we're here to visit with you."

Daniel then continued by speaking to the audience, "Ladies and gentlemen, if you would like for one of the boys to visit with you just look at them and open your hands. The boys will respond and be glad to answer any questions they can."

Elizabeth Crooms then addressed Daniel, "Daniel, Danny has an interesting introduction, I mean regarding his name, can you explain that to us?"

"Sure Elizabeth," Daniel responded, "it has to do with our values and creed. The name reflects how New Horizon views him and how the law views him. Danny is the boy's given name. It identifies him as a boy ready and willing to both give and receive love and caring. We believe children are a gift to be treasured, loved, cared for and nourished. The numbers '02780' are the last five digits to the identification the state gave him. It is not a name but an identification number just like you would find on a piece of equipment or any other thing. When he introduces himself as Danny 02780 we are asking you whether he is a boy who deserves to be loved and nourished, or a thing to be purchased, used and possibly abused, then discarded at will? At New Horizon, we believe children are a gift to be loved and nourished to have a positive effect on society. That is also part of the basic creed of New Horizon."

Elizabeth continues with her interview, "Daniel, that's a challenging statement and of course, this station and management do support your efforts to save and help these boys. Now, I understand there is a special project underway and it has something to do with why you are in Tallahassee today?"

"That's true," Daniel answered, "one of the boys, Sean, has a serious heart condition that we believe will require surgery to correct. This station's owners and management have contributed significantly to arranging for the necessary tests to be conducted and the surgery, if required, at no cost to the state or public. Sean's brother is still out on the streets; his name is Brad, and we are trying to locate him. The doctors believe he could have information on Sean's past health issues that could contribute to making the correct treatment decisions. Brad's presence could also contribute to supporting a good attitude on Sean's part helping him to recover."

"The problem we have encountered is that our agreement with the state does not allow us to offer Brad a safe haven. Sean believes his brother will not contact us for fear of being picked up by the authorities and enslaved. We are here to ask the state to amend the agreement to allow us to offer a safe haven to any boy that asks for it up to the capacity of our facilities. The presentation will be made to the governor and the board early this afternoon."

Elizabeth continues with the interview. "Daniel, is there anything the people here in our audience or watching at home can do to help these children or New Horizon?"

"Elizabeth, the laws allowing these children to be enslaved can only be changed through the legislature. The legislature will move only when they perceive the will of the people want the changes made. The New Horizon Project was designed to prove to the people and politicians that abandoned children can be cared for and taught to be contributing members of society without creating a drain on public resources by allowing privately funded groups such as New Horizon to care for them."

"We simply ask each person watching today to imagine that should something happen to you to the point you are no longer financially able to care for your children, or should you have an illness or accident ending your life and there is no one to care for your children, would you want to see them enslaved or in the care of a privately funded group that will care for them and nourish them to become positive members of society?"

"We believe no parent wants to see their child enslaved. If you believe as we do, please contact your representatives in Tallahassee and let them know you approve and support the privatization of foster care of children. Help us to help these children."

Elizabeth closes the interview segment. "Ladies and gentlemen, the phone number appearing at the bottom of your television screen at home, and on the monitors in our studio, is the number for DCF to call to express your support for saving these children. Please take a moment and call."

Daniel, Mark and the boys entered the governor's large conference room. As requested, monitors were placed on either side of the podium; an area was cleared for the boys to stand. The Governor and board members, accompanied by Daniel's dad, entered with the Governor approaching the podium and the others taking their seats. After greeting Daniel and the boys, the Governor opened the meeting.

"Gentlemen, as you know Daniel and New Horizon have requested an amendment to their agreement that would allow them to offer safe haven to boys seeking New Horizon's assistance. We felt that it would be good for Daniel to make this presentation showing us what the project has accomplished to date, what plans are in the works, and their plans for the future. Daniel, the podium is yours."

"Thank you, Governor, and thank you, members of the board, and my dad, for taking the time out of your busy schedules to accommodate us on such short notice. Normally, at this point Mark would read the rules governing the boys' accessibility. However, since this group helped write and approved those rules, we'll assume it isn't necessary to repeat them. If you would like to speak with one of the boys all you need do is signal the boy and he will come to you. The boys will answer any questions you may have to the best of their ability."

"As part of this presentation we have a visual aide in the form of a slide show that will run while I speak. The slides will appear on the monitors set on either side of us and will reflect the condition of the boys when we too charge of them, how they appear today, and some of their normal daily activities. If there are no questions, we'll proceed with the presentation."

Daniel paused a moment to give the board members the opportunity to ask questions, then proceeded.

"Approximately three months ago the state and New Horizon entered into an agreement allowing New Horizon to undertake a project to establish that abandoned children can be properly cared for, including training to become valuable members of society, without using any public funds. During the past three months New Horizon has accepted responsibility for eighty-seven youths that were held at the detention center outside of Tampa. The images on the monitors will show how these youths appeared at the time they came under our care."

"Shortly after assuming responsibility for this group we instituted the Little Brother/Big Brother program. Under the program each youth aged ten and under chooses an older youth to be their mentor. The boys we have with us today are mentor/charge pairings with the exception of young Danny and Kevin. Kevin's charge, Ben, is back at the facility; Danny's mentor, Sean, is the boy with health issues you may have heard about recently. The mentor is responsible for making sure his charge fulfills his responsibilities regarding showering, school work, personal hygiene, getting to bed on time, and occasionally functions as counselor. The idea is for the older youth to learn responsibility and the younger youth to have someone he is comfortable with, someone he can talk to that understands the problems the boy has had to face and can help him deal with them."

"At this same time, prior to relocating the boys to Fort Ogden, each boy received a complete medical and dental examination. Any problems discovered during the exams were addressed with curative measures. The sole remaining issue, of course, being Sean's heart problems which we are now addressing."

Daniel pauses a moment to allow the men to view the entire recreation area and absorb it's meaning, then continues. "The boys were then transferred from the detention center to the facility at fort Ogden. The images on the monitors show the facility as it currently exists. Note, there is a recreation area containing volleyball courts, swings, and what appears as monkey bars for the boys to play on. The monkey bars are actually part of a military physical fitness program and are also used to meet physical education requirements. There is a basketball project in the works. The boys requested the court and were told they would have to put together a proposal to include the layout and equipment required. When the proposal is complete, they will be responsible for building the court. Another part of the recreation area is the pool which is used for swimming instruction and recreation; again, it is maintained by the boys."

"Behind the recreation area are two dormitory buildings. The boys' sleeping areas are divided based on age groups. Each building currently houses forty to forty-five boys. Each floor also has four private rooms occupied by staff members. The staff members oversee older boys known as 'guardians' who supervise what the boys on each floor do. Each floor also has a communal bathroom and shower facility designed, we are told, to handle up to thirty-five individuals each. Based on bathroom-shower capacity we have determined the two buildings can actually comfortably accommodate one hundred and forty people; that's sixty-three additional youths less current staff."

Daniel again pauses, waiting for the men to absorb the numbers just mentioned. "Beyond the dormitory buildings you will see a large garden divided into four sections. Each section contains vegetables related by size, growth time and harvesting period. The gardens were cleared, planted, and are maintained by the boys on a rotating schedule. One of the garden sections also contains citrus trees donated by one of our sponsors. We hope to expand the citrus are to the size of a small orchard. We are also currently assessing the feasibility of an ornamental plant garden; however, the project is just in the planning stage."

"In front of the recreation area is the administration building. In addition to the administrative offices this building contains a conference room, infirmary with emergency medical supplies and the meeting hall. The meeting hall is used when we want to gather all the boys together for announcements or handle what we refer to as internal affairs. Also, the building has two rooms dedicated to the use of computers and study. The number of computers available to the boys has recently doubled from ten to twenty. They have full internet access with a program restricting access to what we call undesirable sites."

"The computers are an essential element of the boys' schooling. The schooling program is designed by and supervised by the Catholic diocese. The boys work at their own pace for most courses and are tested when they feel they are ready. The scholastic program covers all areas from kindergarten through high school including advanced study courses. A number of the boys are working well ahead of the individual study programs and talk of taking the advanced courses to prepare for college. There are a very few having some problems, mostly due to being out of school for too long, and are receiving remedial tutoring. In addition to assisting the boys scholastically, the church has provided religious services, at our request, about every three weeks."

Daniel continued through this portion of the presentation as he saw one of the men escort Kevin to the governor's private conference room. Daniel remembered what happened to Mark in there and would have smiled under different circumstances. This was the one presentation where he hoped none of the boys would be bothered. Daniel watched as the man and boy disappeared behind closed doors.

Kevin walked through the door the man held open for him. He knew Daniel didn't think anyone would call on them for pleasure, but Daniel did tell them to be prepared for anything. Kevin serviced many men when he lived on the streets and believed this was not nearly as bad as what he experienced before. If staying at New Horizon required him to give head or be fucked occasionally, he would pay the price.

After he entered the room Kevin reached behind himself and released the support pouch from the rear flap. The slip-knot on the thong was pulled and Kevin stood naked before the man. The man looked Kevin over for a long moment before speaking.

"What's your name, son?"

"Kevin, sir." Kevin answered as politely as he knew how; he didn't want to be the cause of trouble for Daniel, nor did he want to irritate his 'John'.

"Kevin, do you know who I am?"

"No, sir."

"Son, why did you get naked?"

"Sir, you asked me to come in this room with you. We are supposed to follow the directions of anyone who calls on us for service. I am here to please you sir, if you will tell me what it is you would like for me to do."

"Well, Kevin, I will say you have a nice body, and you certainly don't have anything to be ashamed of in the equipment department, either. You're a good lookin' boy."

Daniel watched the door close. He was both disappointed and surprised that one of these men would call on one of the boys for pleasure. Mark walked over by the door as Daniel continued with the presentation.

"A moment ago I mentioned what we refer to as internal affairs. When you have this many boys together for extended periods, nothing is perfect. The boys do have their little arguments or disagreements from time to time, fortunately there have only been a few. We normally try to let them work these things out on their own, however, if the matter is serious enough or the boys do not work things out, the offenders can be required to appear before a review board of their peers. Subject to our review and approval, the board has the right to question the boys, pass judgment and administer punishment. We feel a board of their peers can better understand the boys' perspectives and the offenders are more willing to accept the judgment of their peers. The program is designed to let the boys learn responsibility for their actions."

While he spoke, Daniel kept an eye on the closed door; the seconds and minutes seemed to drag by as Daniel continued with the presentation.

"Gentlemen, our purpose for being here today is to ask you to amend our agreement to allow New Horizon to offer a safe haven to any boy that approaches us for help. I have already mentioned Sean, and his medical problems. Sean has a sixteen year old brother on the streets that cared for and protected him for almost three years. When authorities found and then chased them, Sean couldn't keep up due to his heart condition."

"An Orlando hospital has offered to conduct the required tests and provide the surgery, if that is necessary, to help the boy. The doctors feel Sean's brother, Brad, can offer invaluable information about Sean's medical history and give the boy a big boost to help him recover. Sean believes his brother will not contact us for fear of being caught and enslaved. If any of us was in Brad's position, would we be willing to come in? I wouldn't and I don't think any of you would either. If Sean was your son, what would you want to see happen? We believe the answer lies with amending our agreement, we hope you feel the same way. Does anyone have any questions?"

Ron Wilson, head of DOC, spoke up. "Daniel, suppose we agree to this amendment and New Horizon fails, what then? Who has the responsibility of cleaning this up?"

Daniel collected his thoughts and then answered. "Mr. Wilson, the same people or departments that would have the responsibility would be the same ones who would have to clean up if we failed today."

"There are two questions I would like to ask you. First, would an extra thirty of forty boys make that much difference in the overall scheme of things? And second, after seeing the progress we have made in the past three months, knowing who our sponsors are, and also knowing we have added a major, in the number one, media group in this state to our list of active supporters, do you really think this project will fail? I suggest it would take a catastrophic economic event for that to happen, and possibly not then. Those of us involved with New Horizon are totally committed to its success."

Kevin and his 'John' rejoined the group as Daniel spoke. Daniel saw Kevin making final adjustments to his flaps and was heartsick the boy had to pay the price. The 'John' was the state attorney whom Daniel knew by reputation to be a strict family man. Kevin walked over to Danny as his 'John' approached the podium. Daniel couldn't believe the audacity.

"Gentlemen, I've just had a very interesting exchange with our young friend here, Kevin. I've been keeping up with events at New Horizon for the past three months. In the event one or more of you is not aware of a problem that arose let me tell you about Evan. Evan's name and picture appeared in all the newspapers and television stations about two weeks after New Horizon went to Fort Ogden. He was a party boy that was afraid he couldn't handle the program. Contact was made via the internet with an underground unit that promised to bring Evan back to the world he both knew and was comfortable in. When picked up Evan was made into a sex toy against his will."

"Some may say Evan got what he asked for. Daniel didn't question what, or why, Evan did what he did, but organized a concerted effort of police, newspapers and television stations to recover the boy. Daniel also stood up against the underground, he phoned those that he could and intimated exposure if he didn't get the boy back. Evan's kidnappers tried to dispose of him. One night they gagged him, and deliberately broke the boy's leg. The boy was transported to a vet in an area the kidnappers thought he would not be known. The vet was given instructions to put the boy down, just like he was an animal. Fortunately, Daniel had had the boys implanted with microchips that would identify them and indicate who to call in the event of trouble or emergency. When the vet removed the slave collar placed on the boy by his kidnappers, the signal from the microchip alerted both the vet and Daniel, allowing the boy to be located and recovered."

"Daniel took Evan's brother with him to get the boy. The brother is Brian, the boy standing next to Amos Crawford. I understand Daniel was really excited to find Evan, upset about the broken leg, and really pissed off at what Evan had done; but he took him back anyway. Daniel did not deal with Evan directly; he had the review board deal with him. Kevin tells me he sits on that board and they dealt with Evan's transgressions in such a manner as to let him learn to believe in himself. Believe it or not, they enslaved him because he couldn't make good decisions on his own. Anyway, to get to the end, Evan is now doing fine."

"There is no doubt in my mind that Daniel and New Horizon are fully dedicated to these boys and working in the right direction. Caring for these boys does not mean to provide them with just shelter and food. Caring means to also provide the boys with guidance, opportunity, understanding and discipline when needed. This presentation has shown they do all of these."

"My recommendation to this board is to let Daniel and New Horizon have the room and authority they feel they need to accomplish their goals. Also, if Kevin is an example of the type of boys he has down there, I'm sure the project will succeed."

The state attorney turned and shook hands with Daniel and wished him the best. He also offered to help at any time in any way he could. Daniel was perplexed; this man took one of the boys in for sexual pleasure and comes out a supporter. What had happened in there?

The Governor approached the podium, then turned and asked if there was any more questions or comments.

Amos Crawford spoke up. "Daniel, I've always been curious to know how you managed to convince all those big companies to become sponsors. You know that part of the problem in the past was the public opposition to using public funding to support this type of program, but you have shown it can be done. How?"

Daniel responded with a smile. "Amos, it really wasn't anything magical. We took advantage of good accounting techniques and existing tax laws. We were able to show sponsors how they benefited financially and from a public relations perspective by supporting our efforts to protect the children."

The Governor addressed Daniel. "Daniel, I think the board would like a little time to discuss your request. I'm sure you can see there are some in favor of the request, but we don't know if a majority will concur or on what conditions. If it's convenient for you we would like for you to stay in town for the night and be available to answer any questions that may come up. Can you do that?"

Daniel's dad answers for Daniel. "Governor, he'll be glad to stay; after all, he has the best deal anyone can get on food and lodging right now. If you would like to talk with him tonight, they'll be at my house. Right now, if the boys don't mind, I think I'll treat them all to an early dinner and make the pool available to them."

"Daniel, I assume you brought enough clothes for all these boys. I'm not sure how the restaurants feel about the flaps, but I do know they require shirts."

After dinner Daniel was able to get a few minutes alone with Kevin.

"Kevin, what happened between you and the state attorney in that room earlier?"

"Mr. Dan'l, I walked in and removed my flaps. He stood there looking at me as I told him I was there to please him. Then he told me I had a nice body and that I don't have anything to be ashamed of in the equipment department. Then he told me that all I needed to do to please him was talk with him. We talked."

End Chapter Twenty

To Be Continued: comments welcome; contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 21

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