New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Dec 1, 2006


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Note: Once again, I would like to thank Colin for his support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors. His suggestions and comments have been a significant contribution to the development of this story.

Chapter Twenty-Six: New Horizons

At the hospital, Michael entered Sean's room expecting to find Daniel and one or two of the group. No one sat with Sean, although Michael noticed Danny was sleeping with him. Michael stood beside the bed watching the monitors, so far everything was going well. He then went to Mikey's room to look for his friend. As he entered Daniel saw him and stopped talking to Elizabeth. Michael lifted a hand to his friend signaling he would be with him in a moment.

Michael walked over to Mikey's bedside and read the instruments. The drip bag was almost empty. Pulling back the bandage on the boy's butt he didn't see any signs of infection or inflammation. Michael turned off the drip and then looked at a still sleeping Brad leaning against Mark and Jimmy leaning against Brad. Michael sat next to Daniel while simultaneously acknowledging Elizabeth.

"Michael, what's that you're carrying?" Daniel inquired.

"It's a model of the heart." responded Michael. "The other day I was trying to explain to Sean what we thought was wrong with him and why it caused him so much trouble. If I told him what I think I did, I got it all backwards. This should help clear things up a bit."

"You? You got it backwards?" chided Daniel, "Elizabeth, get this on tape. This could be good blackmail material down the road." Daniel smiled as he teased his best friend. Elizabeth could tell by the interaction that the two men were close.

Mark joined the trio and asked Michael what he had in his hand. Before he could answer Daniel told Mark it was blackmail material for future use. Mark didn't know what the inside joke was but figured the two men were enjoying jabbing at one another, at least Daniel was.

Elizabeth spoke in a more serious tone. "Michael, can you show me what Sean's problem is? It would help with some of the segments we're planning. In fact, if you can tell us where to get a model like that one, it would really help."

"Sure. Sean suffers from mitral valve prolapse. The mitral valve is located between this lower chamber, called the ventricle, and the upper chamber, or atrium. Blood enters the atrium and then flows to the ventricle. When the ventricle spasms to move blood out of the heart and into the body this valve should close. You can see there are two triangular shaped tissues that overlap. When they overlap properly the valve is closed preventing any blood from regurgitating from the ventricle back to the atrium. When the valve doesn't close properly it interferes with proper blood flow resulting in chest pains, fatigue or dizziness, and as is Sean's case, tachycardia or irregular heart beat. Understand?"

"Actually," replied Elizabeth, "yes. Any idea where we can get a model like that? We would use it to explain to our audience what you just said to me."

"How about if I just loan you this one?" Michael responded.

Michael then turned to Daniel. "Think we might be able to get our two sleepy heads up over there? I'm going to try and stir Mikey. It'd help if he opened his eyes and saw a friendly face."

Daniel looked over and saw Jimmy propped against Brad. The older boy had an arm wrapped over the younger boy's chest. Daniel thought all of them had been doing a lot of sleeping since being here and needed to get up and move around. Daniel looked to Mark.

"Mark, after we get them up and check on Mikey, how about taking them outside for some fresh air and a walk. I'm going to try and get Danny to go with you too. Michael, is there any chance we could take Sean out for a few minutes, maybe in a wheelchair?"

Mark nodded his head as Daniel reached over to gently wake the boys. When the eyes were open and sufficiently clear to suggest a degree of recognition, Michael spoke to Jimmy.

"Jimmy, do you remember me?" Jimmy nodded. "I'm going to wake your brother to check on him and we think it's best if he sees a friendly face when he opens his eyes. Can you help me?"

"Yes sir", replied a still heavy eyed Jimmy, "what do you want me to do?"

"Stand by the bed and call him. Watch for him to open his eyes, when he does speak to him and keep him calm. We don't want him to move much if we can help it. If he does it might hurt him or mess up the bandage. He should recognize your voice."

"Mikey----Mikey, wake up bro----Mikey, it's me, Jimmy, wake up."

Michael could see movement in the eye but they remained closed. As Jimmy called to his brother Michael put his hand on the boy's back and rubbed gently. Soon, a pair of heavy eyelids began to open. The boy smiled when he recognized his brother.

Michael moved into the line of vision to speak to the boy. "Mikey, I'm Dr. Mike. I know your butt hurts. Do you hurt anywhere else?"

"Jimmy, I gotta pee."

Daniel smiled and laughed to himself. Seems every time one of these boys woke up they had the same problem. Daniel motioned for Brad to look in the cabinet next to the bed as he moved behind the boy.

"Okay, Mikey." Michael said, "We can help with that problem. Mr. Daniel's going to help you roll over a little and then you can pee in this pitcher. Now, let Mr. Daniel do most of the work so it doesn't hurt so much." Daniel proceeded to move the boy.

"Ow, owwee, it hurts." Mikey whimpered and looked as though he wanted to cry. Michael couldn't tell how much the boy was really hurting. When he finished Daniel let the boy roll back on his stomach. The boy settled back down in a few moments, then Michael tried talking to him again.

"Mikey, do you hurt anywhere besides your butt?"

"Noooo" Mikey whimpered.

Jimmy looked to Michael for reassurance or instructions. Michael thought a minute and decided the boy was most likely more scared than anything else and decided to let the two boys visit for a few minutes before giving Mikey medications that would help him sleep.

"Jimmy, I'm going next door to check on Sean. I'll leave Mikey awake right now so you two can talk."

Jimmy smiled and nodded to Michael then turned to his brother. "Mikey, guess what. We're not going back to that building or back to the streets. We're going to a place away from here where nobody will bother you again. There's lots of other boys there just like us that you can be friends with and play. And guess what, Mikey, they all run around naked all the time, honest."

"Jimmy, are we slaves now?" Mikey asked. When Jimmy shook his head all Mikey said was "Coool". .

Daniel left the room while the boys talked. He thought it was funny the boys seemed more concerned about whether they had to wear clothes than anything else. Daniel thought he might be better off if they renamed it the New Horizons Nudist Project.

Before entering Sean's room Michael walked down to the nurse's station. After reviewing a chart and speaking with the nurse he joined Daniel and Elizabeth in the hall outside Sean's room.

"Daniel, his chart looks good. There doesn't appear to have been any more palpitations or other issues since the last time. I've asked the nurse to bring us a portable monitor. We can leave him hooked up to that for a short time if you want to take him out of the room, but I wouldn't recommend leaving the building. These portable monitors have a limited broadcast range." Michael gently tapped Sean on the shoulder. Sean opened his eyes, looked at Dr. Mike and smiled. Danny still slept.

"Hey, big guy," was Michael's greeting to Sean, "how's it goin'. Got time for a talk?"

"Wait a minute, Michael," Daniel interjected, "Sean, do you need to pee?"

"No sir, but I think Danny will when he wakes up. I can feel him sticking me in the leg."

Elizabeth covered her face and left the room. She didn't want to embarrass any of the boys, but she wasn't accustomed to such blunt honesty and couldn't help laughing.

"I'm fine, Dr. Mike. What you wanna talk about? What's that in your hand?"

"This, young man," Michael spoke in a light and gentle tone, "is a model of a heart. I thought I'd show you what your problem is and what we are going to do about it. Are your ready for this?"

"Guess so." Sean replied with a hint of reservation.

"Do you remember me telling you about the heart chambers? What's the name of this bottom chamber?" asked Michael

"The ventricle and the one on top is the atrium. You said there was somethin' wrong with the way the blood went from the ventricle to the atrium. You said there was somethin' wrong with the valve between 'em." Sean stated this very matter of factly, not even impressing himself with what he remembered.

"I was afraid of that." Replied Michael. Sean returned a quizzical look. "I gave it to you backwards, Sean. The blood doesn't flow from the ventricle to the atrium, it's the opposite, it flows from the atrium to the ventricle. Remember everything flows downhill? But, the valve still does what I said, it keeps blood from flowing backwards. That's your problem, some of the blood is flowing backwards. This little part right here is the valve, these two triangular pieces here."

"Dr. Mike, you mean you told me wrong?" asked a stunned Sean.

"Don't worry, Sean" Daniel interjected, "Dr. Mike won't be doing the surgery. We'll get somebody that knows everything flows downhill to do that." Daniel couldn't help himself, he began to laugh.

Elizabeth watched the three of them. Having two boys she easily read Sean's expression and tone. Sean, in his own way, was teasing Michael and making him pay for the error. Daniel was just egging Sean on at Michael's expense.

"Okay, you two," Michael stated firmly, "keep it up and I won't tell you what to expect tomorrow." After Sean and Daniel worked to regain a serious expression, Michael continued. "One, or possibly both, of these triangular tissues is torn. We won't know how bad the damage is until the surgeon gets in there and can see the actual tear. We're hoping to be able to repair the damage and you'll be fine. If the tear can not be repaired, then the surgeon will replace the valve, and you'll be fine. Either way, you will be fine, promise. Now, would you like to know what to expect beginning early tomorrow morning?"

"Yes, sir," a now very solemn Sean replied.

"You can have supper tonight, but nothing else to eat after that. You can not have anything to drink after midnight. The needle in your arm is feeding fluid to your body so you don't dehydrate. It's those fluids that make you want to pee even though you aren't drinking much. Okay, so far?" Sean nodded while paying close attention to what Michael was saying. "Tonight before you go to sleep and again early in the morning the nurse will give you some pills. These pills are to help you relax and for your body to fight off any kind of infection. That doesn't mean you have an infection, it's just to help make sure you don't get one."

"Tomorrow morning the nurse will put a shot in that tube going into your arm. The shot will make you start to feel real sleepy, even though you make have just awakened, you'll still feel sleepy. A short while later we'll move you to pre-op. That's a place where they'll make a last minute check that everything's okay and assuming it is, you'll see another shot put in the tube. That shot will make you go to sleep. The last thing you'll see is us, we'll be right beside you the whole time. No one is going to leave you by yourself, okay?"

"Okay," replied a teary eyed Sean. Seeing Sean's reaction to what Michael was telling him, Daniel walked around to the side of the bed, picked up Danny and handed him to Mark, who had walked in while Michael was talking. Daniel sat on the side of the bed holding Sean's hand.

"Sean," Michael continued, "you'll go to sleep and when you wake up, you'll be in a different room and it'll all be over. You'll be taken to a special room we call ICU where the nurses can watch you all the time. It's a place they take all patients that have heart problems. In a couple of days you'll be moved back here to rest and get well. In about a week we'll be headed for home."

A teary eyed boy looked to Daniel. He sat up and wrapped his arms around the man's neck. Burying his face in Daniel's shoulder, he cried "I'm scared, Mr. Dan'l, I'm scared."

"I know Sean, I know. Let it out, son, it's okay." Daniel tried to calm the boy. He pulled the covers back and reached under the boy's legs, pulling him across his lap. Sean held on to Daniel and cried while Daniel held him close. Michael and Elizabeth stood by quietly while Daniel let the boy cry out his fear.

When Sean began crying Mark carried Danny into the hall, feeling it would only upset Danny to see his mentor upset. Danny knew something was wrong. "Mr. Mark, Sean goin' be okay?"

"Yes, Danny," replied Mark gently, "Dr. Mike and Mr. Daniel will make sure the Sean will be okay. We'll go back in there in a minute." Mark stood in the hall gently rubbing Danny's naked back while Danny rested his head on his protector's shoulder.

Shortly, Elizabeth walked out to speak with Mark. "Daniel's getting him settled down now and Michael's hooking up the portable monitor. Daniel told Sean he needed to settle down before he had his system all messed up or we wouldn't be able to take him out. When he heard Daniel say something about taking him out of the room his focus went off in a completely different direction. Michael's gone to Mikey's room to give him something to sleep through the night."

Mark and Elizabeth walked back into the room. Mark walked over to the side of the bed and sat Danny down. Sean put an arm around his charge and pulled him close to speak with him. "Hey, little man, ya wanna go for a ride in a wheel chair with me?" Danny answered with an enthusiastic nod of his head.

"Sean," Daniel said, "I think we better find a gown for you. I don't think the hospital would particularly care for us wheeling two naked boys all over their facility. You'd be a real site in the cafeteria. Mark, can you pull out Danny's clothes and dress him?"

"No," cried out Danny, and then using his seductive smile and tilt of the head said, "I want a dress like Sean's---- pease?"

With Danny in Sean's lap, Brad provided the man power to push them to the cafeteria. As they walked Elizabeth suggested to Daniel that he allow the boys to stay at her house tonight. There was nothing they could do at the hospital and it would be good for them to have a distraction which the swimming pool and her boys would provide. She also let Daniel know she'd like to stay with Sean tonight and would if Mark could stay with the boys.

In the cafeteria Daniel asked the boys what they would like. When Danny asked for a hamburger Sean just nodded his head to signal he would have the same. The group sat around enjoying the meal and company, teasing a blushing Sean about having the mark of a warrior after tomorrow. Daniel told him he would have to stand in the front line of the cherubs to show off his mark of valor.

During the meal Daniel suggested to Mark that he take the boys and stay at Elizabeth's that night. They could swim and relax and then return tomorrow morning after they had some sound rest. Mark looked at Daniel and understood he didn't want Danny around tomorrow morning until they knew everything was okay with Sean.

Elizabeth said she would go with them so she could freshen up and then return to the hospital. Brad said he'd like to get clean but wanted to stay the night with his brother. Daniel understood and told him he could stay and shower at the hospital or go to Elizabeth's and come back with her. Elizabeth suggested he go with her and she would wash his clothes for him real quick while he showered.

Danny wanted to keep his dress on so Elizabeth just retrieved his clothes from Sean's room. Before leaving Elizabeth asked Sean if he'd like for her to come back and give him one of her special talcum rubs just like the one he had earlier. Sean gave her a boy's knowing smile as he hugged his young charge good night.

Mark walked into the waiting room and sat next to Daniel. His watch told him Sean's operation should have started almost two hours ago.

"Daniel, any word yet?"

"The nurse just came out and said everything was going as planned, but they expected another couple of hours. Where are the boys?"

"I left them with Elizabeth's housekeeper." Mark answered, "That lady is a real treasure. When I left, Danny was still sleeping and Jimmy was just getting up. Elizabeth took their clothes and washed them last night, but they didn't bother putting anything on. Once her boys got them into the pool they became just like little kids again. I thought I was going to have to tie all four of them down to get them to sleep last night."

"Have you talked with Paul?" Daniel shook his head and Mark continued, "I spoke with him this morning. He was going to let the boys know that Sean's surgery was this morning. Asked for us to call when we knew something. Seems a lot of the boys have been asking and wanting to see Sean."

"I figured something like that would happen." Daniel said. "I've been thinking about it and I think we can do a visual hook-up over the phone if Rick can figure out how to get the visual program in the computers to cover the boys. When it's time to call Paul we can have him talk with Rick about what we can do. Did he say anything about the new boys?"

"Not really," responded Mark, "just that they seemed a little nervous at first. All of them had stripped by the time they got to Fort Ogden except for Timmy and he stripped as they turned in the gate. The boys stayed in the groupings they had and Rick setup their beds. Paul wanted to get them a haircut or at least a trim; Jeff is doing the honors this afternoon."

"Jeff?" a surprised Daniel answered, "I didn't know he knew how to cut hair."

"Apparently, neither did any one else." said Mark.

Elizabeth stepped over to Daniel and let him know she had to go downstairs for the morning television update on Sean and the boys. She had heard most of the conversation between Mark and Daniel and planned on using some of the information. Elizabeth then stepped over to Brad and asked him to join her for the broadcast.

"Ms. Elizabeth, I'll be glad to help but I don't know what to do." Brad said.

"Don't worry, Brad," Elizabeth said reassuringly, "you just stand there and let me talk. I'll lead you with any questions I ask. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am." Brad replied and followed her out of the room after getting a nod of approval from Daniel.

Daniel turned to speak with Mark. "You know, I've been watching Brad through all of this. When we found him he was this independent cocky kid that could take care of himself. Now, I see a kid that would probably love to have someone take the weight of the world off his shoulders. I wish I could feel like we've been able to get through to him and be able to help him."

"Daniel," responded Mark, "right now I don't think there's a whole lot anyone can do for Brad. Hopefully, when all this is over he'll decide to loosen up. Right now he thinks he's having to be strong for Sean."

"I know. Right now I just pray this all works out."

When Elizabeth and Brad returned from broadcasting the morning spot on Sean, the group sat quietly. Each person sat with their personal thoughts, moving only when someone entered the room. After Sean had been in surgery for over five hours a man wearing a white smock entered the room. He paused before speaking and then solemnly spoke a name.

"Mr. Thompson."

Daniel rose and walked over to the gentleman he assumed to be a doctor. Brad quickly got to his feet and joined them; Daniel told the doctor who Brad was. The doctor spoke quietly with Daniel, Brad being the only other person who could hear them. The doctor shook Daniel's hand and left.

Brad stood and stared at Daniel as though he were in a trance. Then, without warning, Brad fell to his knees, his arms hanging by his sides, head down and began to bawl. Daniel stood with his hand on Brad's head for a moment then, moving to face the boy, dropped to his knees and brought the boy to him. He held the boy in a firm and secure grip to let him cry it out. After a couple of minutes he said something to Brad and helped him stand.

Mark stepped over and put an arm around Brad's waist to give him comfort and support. As Daniel released Brad, he turned to Elizabeth. "Sean's fine, he's in recovery. Right now I think the pressure dam just broke. We have a young man who's had to be an adult for too many years beginning far too young; he's ready to be a sixteen year old boy again. Some rest and understanding would do him a lot of good."

Elizabeth stood next to Brad rubbing his back when she looked to Daniel and asked, "Do you know when we can see Sean?"

"They'll let me and Brad see him for just a moment as soon as Brad's up to it." answered Daniel. "The doctor just told us what to expect to see with all the tubes and wires still hooked up. Most likely, Sean won't even know we're there, but we're going. Ready, Brad?" Brad nodded and walked with Daniel to see his brother.

When they returned and told Elizabeth and Mark what they saw, all were a little shocked, but also pleased to know he should be alright. Daniel asked Mark to call Paul and let him know so he could share the good news with the rest of the boys. Elizabeth then approached Mark, Daniel and Brad.

"Daniel, it will be several hours before anyone can see Sean again. Right now don't you think it would be a good idea for Brad to get some solid rest rather than the cat naps he's been getting here. You know, he could go to my house, Mark could take him, and then bring him back with the other boys this later." Elizabeth turned to Brad as she continued. "Brad, you could use the master suite. You'll find it much more relaxing and private. I bet you might even enjoy the Jacuzzi tub I have on my private patio."

Daniel thought for a moment and then looked at Brad and Mark. "I think that's an excellent idea. Right now, Brad, rest is the best thing you can get."

"But, Mr. Daniel," Brad began to protest, "I want^Å.."

"Brad," Daniel interrupted, "there's nothing you can do here now. You're exhausted. If you want to help Sean, go get some rest. Mark can stay also and bring all of you back in three of four hours. Now, I'm trying to suggest this, don't make me tell you, okay?"

"Yes, sir. Thank you Ms. 'lizbeth."

"Mark," Elizabeth said, "go ahead and I'll call my housekeeper to let her know you're coming. She'll have a light lunch waiting for you set out on my private patio. Enjoy the hot tub and take a nap."

When they arrived at Elizabeth's, the housekeeper greeted them at the door and escorted them to the master suite. Before following her Mark had to let Danny and Jimmy know Sean was alright and they could see him briefly later. They entered the suite, closing and locking the door behind them.

Mark sat in the hot tub with Brad. The tub was equipped with a stereo system which Brad turned on. They ate a sandwich as the hot water bubbled over their bodies. After they had eaten Brad sat in front of Mark while Mark massaged his shoulders. Brad then asked a question he had had on his mind.

"Mark, you told me once that you were both one of us and staff. What did you mean?"

Mark then told Brad his story of how he met Daniel and Daniel saving him from a life of slavery. He also told Brad about being on probation and under Daniel's tutelage.

"Mark, can I lean back against you?"

Mark allowed the boy to lean back against him and wrapped an arm around his shoulder. As he did Mark scooped the hot water in his palms and rubbed the boy's chest and abdomen. Brad then turned to face Mark. He wrapped his arms around Mark and buried his face in his shoulder, taking deep breaths. Mark thought he was quietly sobbing out some of the pressures and hurt and let the boy find his own comfort zone. Brad then lifted his head, looked Mark in the eyes and said, "Make love to me, fuck me. I need to feel you." They touched lips for a longing kiss.

Mark patted his charge dry and led him to the bed. There he gently caressed his body, lingering over what he knew to be sensitive areas for all boys. Special attention was given to the nipples and the side of his neck before washing out the ear and nibbling the lobe. While he gave the boy these small thrills he worked his finger in Brad's treasure hole, using first one, then two and three fingers to be sure he was loose. Mark took extra time to prepare his charge so he would experience a minimum of discomfort.

When Brad's moans and whimpering sounded as though he was relaxed and focused on the pleasures of his body, Mark applied additional lubricant he had found in the bathroom. Positioning Brad on his back with his legs propped on Mark's shoulders, Mark entered him ever so slowly, pausing whenever Brad's expression indicated any discomfort. Once full penetration was achieved, long slow strokes were used to please them both. Mark knew he had found his companions golden spot and was massaging it with each stroke. The rhythm and pace were adjusted according to the whimpers and groans coming from the younger boy.

As the moment of ecstasy approached for both participants, Brad was the first to experience nirvana, the experience enhanced by the fact that his member had not been touched. Mark followed almost immediately. When both reached their peak and began the wondrous slide back to reality, Mark slid behind the boy and spooned him while they remained connected. Both boys slept soundly.

End Ch Twenty-Six

Next: Chapter 27

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