New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Aug 23, 2008


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Note: I would like to thank Colin, John and Matthew for their continued support and patience while I try to write this story. Their support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors keep me focused. It is the emails and comments I receive from you, the readers, that encourage me to continue.

Chapter Eighty-Nine: New Horizons

Arthur, Bernie, and Greg, with Jeremy and Nigel, arrived at New Horizons around mid- afternoon on Monday. The two boys took off to find friends while the men headed for the administration building. The three men walked into a flurry of activity.

"Hey!" Paul greeted the men. "We thought you guys had found out what was going on and decided to delay coming back until tonight. Glad you're here; we could use some help."

"From the looks of things, maybe we should have delayed our trip," Arthur mused. "Is it always this crazy just before you take the boys out."

"Not really," Paul answered, smiling. "We're just not accustomed to taking this many at one time. Then, when you consider the boys are all hyper and running in and out of here, offering to help but being more of a nuisance, it gets to be an interesting experience."

"Don't just stand there." Daniel had walked out of his office when he heard the men talking with Paul. "We need help getting these kids under control. Where are the boys?"

"They knew better than to walk in here," Greg advised, laughing. "They've run off to join the other boys."

"How about Colin?" Daniel asked.

"He didn't come with us," Arthur answered. "After talking with the Marshalls, he wanted to go down to the Ft Lauderdale courthouse and do some research. We're guessing he wants to see the civil litigation file. He said that he'll join us in Orlando tomorrow if he doesn't make it back sometime tonight. In the meantime, what can we do to help?" Daniel turned and looked at Paul.

"Right now we're trying to make sure we have some clothes for the boys. We only have one set of clothes for each of them, but the Captain has said that will be handled when we get to the resort. Our guess is that someone has arranged to get the boys more clothes there. The next thing we need to do is figure out how we're going to divide the boys both for touring the resort and sleeping."

"How many are going?" Arthur asked.

"We're taking sixty three with us, plus the chaperones. They're split into two main groups. The younger boys scheduled to go this time with their big brothers; plus, some of the bigger boys who are not big brothers."

"I didn't know you had older boys that weren't big brothers."

"Technically, yes, realistically, no. All the older boys watch out and help with the younger boys. It's just that some are officially big brothers while others aren't."

"How did you decide who goes when?" Greg asked.

"Scientific approach," Daniel answered with a grin. "All boys aged eight and below go on the first trip. For the rest of the younger boys we cut up some small chits and put the number one or two on the inside, meaning first trip or second trip. The chits were placed in a bowl and the boys reached in and pulled one out. For the older boys, it just depended on when their little brother goes. Those older boys that are not officially big brothers, also drew a chit. We thought this way we could avoid most of the arguing. We're sure we didn't avoid all of it." Daniel then turned his attention to Greg.

"Greg, if you'd like to help, the best thing you can do is go find Terry. He and some of the older boys are organizing games for the younger boys, trying to wear them out so we can get some sleep tonight."

"Yeah," Greg answered, "good luck on that one." Everyone laughed as Greg headed out to find his friend.

"Paul," Daniel turned his attention back to the business at hand, "we need to be sure we take at least ten of the Cherub outfits with us. We're scheduled to serve lunch on Wednesday."

"That's something I've heard a lot about," Arthur commented. "I think I'd like to be there myself. I understand the little ones are the stars of the event." Daniel chuckled.

"Well, there's a few of the ladies that think the little ones don't get enough pampering. One lady has assumed the role of grandma for Danny. When we get there she always signals for him to come running over. She'll pick him up and hold him to her breast, just squeezing and hugging and telling him how adorable he is."

"Does Danny just eat it up?" Bernie asked.

"Well, in the beginning he did. Now, whenever she picks him up she holds him so tight, and literally buries his face in one of her more than ample, not-so-firm breasts, that I have to watch and make sure he doesn't get smothered. When she releases him though, she turns him around in her lap, feeds him, and can't keep her hands off of him. Before it's over, he's just eatin' up the attention." All the men understood and laughed as they pictured poor Danny being smothered by an over-sized, over-weight, senior breast.

"Daniel, who will go as chaperones?" Bernie asked.

"I split the team pretty much down the middle. Most of the younger boys will go this time and I'm not sure which group will be the biggest challenge. Captain Jackson and four of his men will stay with us as chaperones, also."

"Somehow, I think I would have some concern for the resort they'll stay in." Arthur commented. "I know the boys won't be bad, but how will the other guests react to all these boys running around. I'll assume you've had a talk with them about wearing clothes?" The question brought a smile to Daniel.

Just after nine-thirty in the morning, the vans pulled into the resort parking lot. As expected, the boys were too hyper to sleep much the previous night and the adrenalin rush was still going. A gentleman in uniform signaled them and pointed to where the vans should park. As the vans moved toward the VIP parking area, Daniel spotted the Captain and his men standing with several other men in business suits. Daniel turned and was pleased to see that the boys who were not dressed when they left New Horizons, were now fully dressed. When the vans stopped, Daniel told the boys to be patient for just a few more minutes while he consulted with the resort officials.

"Daniel." The Captain extended his hand. Daniel nodded to the Captain and then turned to greet the men who accompanied the Captain, all of whom Daniel knew.

"Daniel," the Captain continued, after Daniel had greeted his men, "let me introduce you to the representatives of all the resorts that will host the boys." The statement was a bit surprising to Daniel since he had not been told the boys would be visiting more than one resort. The Captain noticed the look of surprise from Daniel and smiled.

"Daniel, let me introduce George Paulsen, the vice-president of public relations here, which will be your home base. Next, we have Harold Dickinson with Sea World, and Bill Stevens with Universal Studios." Daniel shook hands and exchanged the customary greetings with each of the gentlemen. During the introductions, Daniel noticed through his peripheral vision that they were joined by additional parties, but Daniel couldn't see well enough to know who they were; he didn't need to.

"MICKEY! SEAN, IT'S MICKEY! LOOK! . . .SEE?" Daniel recognized Danny's voice and had to smile. The other men could hear the young boy and smiled, also. Danny's exclamations were soon echoed by Ryan and Ian.

"Daniel, we knew you were bringing some younger boys and thought it would be nice to have a couple of our more recognizable associates join us. I have a feeling that if you don't let the young ones out, there could be a small rebellion on the van." George Paulsen laughed as he spoke. Daniel turned and signaled Mark to bring the younger boys out with their big brothers.

Danny practically jumped from the top step of the bus with Sean in tow. The little boy was too excited at seeing one of his favorite heroes to worry about falling or being hurt. Sean had to run to keep Danny from pulling him down.

"Mr. Dan'l! . . .Look, it's MICKEY!" Danny practically screamed, with a look of total awe. Sean released Danny's hand and the boy ran to Mickey and wrapped his little arms around every young child's idol. Sean stood close by, keeping an eye on his young charge. Ryan and Ian quickly joined their friend, giving their best efforts to let Mickey know how much they adored him. Jacob and Isaac joined Sean, keeping an eye on their charges. The men watched, enjoying the sight of happiness that could come only from innocence.

Soon after Mickey appeared, he was joined by other mascots from the three resorts. The boys remaining on the bus made enough noise that Daniel gave the signal for everyone to join the melee.

"Daniel, that is why we all enjoy our jobs as much as we do," Bill Stevens commented. "All children should have the opportunity to be that happy."

"I think the boys are ready to have fun," George Paulsen added, and then turned back to Daniel. "Daniel, this folder contains schedules of shows and events at all of the parks, including the water parks. The schedule includes a bus schedule running between your campsite and all the parks so the boys can choose where they would like to go each day.

"We have set off a portion of the camp-ground for you. There are six cabins that can sleep, normally, eight people each. If the boys double-up, of course, the cabins can accommodate more. We have also set up ten pup-tents. It's been our experience that kids love the idea of camping out. If you need more, let us know and a crew will be there.

"The kitchen areas of the cabins have been fully stocked according to a list we obtained from one of your staff, Barry. There's plenty of food to cover a variety of breakfasts. Barry asked we put in a big supply of fruit, and minimize the sweets. We fudged a little on the sweets and will leave the control up to you." Paulsen smiled with the last statement, knowing Daniel would understand that all adults want to indulge the kids on vacation.

"The package includes badges for each resort. There should be enough badges for your boys, their escorts, and for Captain Jackson's men and their sons, who I understand will be staying with you. The badges allow entry to the park and will cover all expenses including food, entertainment, clothes and souvenirs. The badge will also let the attendants know who the boys are and when they approach a ride, they will automatically be moved through the VIP gate to minimize any waiting and let them have the most fun." George then turned to his associates.

"Gentlemen, have I omitted anything?" The other two gentlemen smiled and directed their attention to Daniel.

"In addition to the escorts you have brought with you and Captain Jackson's men, we will assign a couple of our park staff to accompany the boys to be sure they don't have any problems with the badges and to show them around the parks." Bill Stevens added and then paused, before adding. "Daniel, this is our way of letting you, the boys, and hopefully a large portion of the general public, know that we fully support your efforts and all that you do to help these boys."

"Gentlemen," Daniel responded, "the boys, my staff, and I, can't thank you enough. The only concern I have at the moment is whether you will have them so spoiled that I'll have trouble getting them back home."

"Oh, Daniel," George interrupted, "I forgot to tell you that each night, three or four of the mascots representing all of the parks, will join you at the campground for a cookout and entertainment."

"Like I said," Daniel laughed, "you will have them so spoiled."

The men continued to talk while the boys continued to maul the mascots.

At the camp-site, Daniel explained the program and rules to the boys. When he asked for volunteers to sleep in the tents, he was surprised that most of the boys wanted to stay in the tents and not in the cabins. Teasingly, he asked the boys if they were just trying to avoid having the adults around or if they had other plans in mind. All the boys laughed; several boys displayed tell-tale blushes. The issue was settled when Daniel told the boys they would have to use the tents on a rotating basis. The order of use would be determined by drawing lots. Sign-up sheets were laid out for the boys to sign up for transportation to the other parks beginning the next day.

"Mr. Dan'l, what'll we do for the rest of today?"

"That depends on you," Daniel answered. "There's a swimming beach at the end of our site. Those who would like to go into the park may do so using the park buses. Just out of curiosity, is there anyone that doesn't want to go to the park right now?" No one said anything; their laughter answered for them.

"Mr. Dan'l?" TJ raised his hand. "You said the badges were good for clothes? Are we supposed to wear something special. Can we uhhh . . .you know, can we . . .?"

"He's tryin' ta ask ya if we have to keep these clothes on all the time, Mr. Dan'l." Jacob spoke up; TJ blushed.

"I wondered when that question was going to come up. Around the campsite, you may be as comfortable as you like. When you are at the swimming area, you may be as comfortable as you like. This is a family area and you will see lots of young ones running free. You must follow the laws. All boys over fifteen must at least wear shorts." The last condition elicited a few moans. "How you dress inside the cabins or the tents is up to you. These people have been very generous to provide this little vacation for all of us. We need to respect them, their park, and their public image. As far as purchasing clothes goes, I would like for each of you to get a light warmup suit. Even in Florida, winter evenings can get a little chilly. Let me look around some and then I'll give you some suggestions. If you would like to get a pair of shorts and shirt, that's okay. Any questions?"

"Yeah," Someone spoke up. "When can we go to the park?"

Daniel answered by opening the folder and pulling out the badges for the boys.

The boys spent the rest of the day in the park. The older boys were allowed to tour the park on their own with instructions to return to the campsite at dusk. The time frame allowed the boys to eat supper at the cafeteria or restaurant of their choice. The younger boys were accompanied by their big brothers, who took the boys to the area designed for younger visitors.

"What did you see in the park?" Daniel had a very naked Danny sitting in his lap. Arthur and the Captain, sitting on either side of Daniel, held an equally naked Ryan and Ian. The men entertained the young boys while their big brothers spent time with boys their own age. The men also hoped that the excitement and activities of the past twenty- four hours, coupled with the lack of sleep, would soon have the young boys sleeping.

"We went on the tea-cup ride!" Danny answered, still excited. "It was the Hatter ride. Then we got to ride on Dumbo. He's the little elephant with them big ears." Danny's tones and animated expressions and hands conveyed his excitement of the day.

"Yeah," Ryan added. "And we seen Peter Pan, too."

"Really?" Arthur asked the boy.

"Yeah. And we got ta feel Captain Hook's hook, too."

"You did?" Arthur replied, excited for the boys. "What else?"

"Ummmm, Sean, him and Jacob and Isaac took us somewhere on the other side to this place where there was a bunch of real little people singin' and dancin'. We got in this long boat thing and rode it through a tunnel and we got ta sing with 'em."

"What did you sing?" The Captain asked. Ian just shrugged his shoulders.

"I dunno. It was somethin' 'bout bein' a little world." The men laughed.

"Was it a song about a small, small world?" Daniel asked and Danny nodded. Danny heard a strange sound and looked around and, suddenly, became very excited.

"LOOK! . . .LOOKEY!!" Danny screamed while pointing and looking back at Daniel and then out at two very big chipmunks approaching them.

"LOOK . .LOOK!" Ryan and Ian repeated, equally excited.

"Easy there, little fella," the Captain told Ian; then asked, "Do you think they might be coming here to visit with you?"

"I dunno . . .maybe," Ian answered without taking his eyes off the chipmunks.

"That's Chip and Dale, the two most famous chipmunks in the world," Arthur told the boys who were bouncing excitedly in the men's laps.

Most of the boys gathered in a large circle around a campfire; the three youngest remained in the men's laps. They were joined by Chip and Dale, who were accompanied by Peter Pan and Jack Sparrow. Peter and Jack acted as spoke persons for their group. The boys roasted marshmallows and made s'mores while consuming soft drinks. They were entertained by their hosts telling stories of pirates and hidden treasures. Chip and Dale confirmed the hidden treasures and assured the boys that no one would ever be able to find the treasure of acorns they had hidden away.

The hosts directed the boys' attention to the night sky, which abruptly erupted into a kaleidoscope of colorful fireworks. All the boys enjoyed the entertainment and fireworks show. All, except the three youngest, who had fallen sound asleep before the fireworks show.

After the fireworks, the campfire was extinguished and the boys thanked their hosts, then retired for the evening. The three youngest were placed in a double bed together in one of the cabins while their big brothers remained with friends.

Daniel, Arthur, the Captain and other men sat around the still glowing embers, waiting to be sure all the boys were down for the evening. They could hear boys talking and giggling as teens are prone to do. After a few minutes the sounds quieted, but were replaced with sounds suggesting that some of the boys were engaged in other activities. The men sat quietly, listening and pointing to the direction from which they thought the sound originated. Smiling, the men listened and speculated in jest about who could be doing what with whom. After a few minutes, the men retired to their respective cabins.

Arthur, the Captain, Daniel and Colin shared a cabin with a few of the younger boys. Arthur and Colin shared one of the bedrooms with twin beds.

"Colin, I'm not sure why I even thought it might happen, but I had thought that I would be sharing with Jeremy." Arthur smiled and Colin responded with a knowing laugh.

"I thought I would be spending time with my son. Maybe we have forgotten what it was like to be their age. I think we are becoming surplus baggage to be tolerated and acknowledged only when needed." Both men laughed.

When they were alone, the Captain reached in his bag and retrieved a sealed and unmarked envelope. He handed the envelope to Daniel.

"Daniel, I believe you've been waiting on this." Daniel accepted the envelope. He sat quietly, looking at the envelope and then spoke.

"Have you looked?"

"No. They were prepared for you. I thought if you wanted to show them . . . . I do know what's in there, though. It's two pictures you asked the graphics people to adjust by twenty years. Correct?"

"Yes. When I asked them to do this, I thought it might mean something important. Now, I'm not sure." Daniel pulled the photographs and enhanced photos out of the envelope. Both men viewed the results. Daniel could hear the 'humpf' sound as the Captain recognized the photos.

"How did you know?" the Captain asked.

"I didn't," Daniel answered in a matter-of-fact tone. "It was just a series of little things that made me suspicious. One of those situations where some things, too many things, seem to be happening at the most opportune times. Then there was another clue dropped at the court hearing a few weeks ago. That's when I asked your department to enhance the photos for me."

"What do you plan on doing now?"

"At the moment, nothing. I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention these to anyone." The Captain nodded his acknowledgement.

Daniel took the three youngest and their big brothers, plus Jeremy,Evan and TJ to Sea World. They knew they would visit the hospital to serve lunch and then return to the resort to join the other boys. The van arrived at the hospital just before noon. The boys were already dressed as Cherubs when they exited the van.

"Sean," Danny held his big brothers hand as they walked. "Are we still goin' to the zoo later?"

"That's tomorrow, Danny; we're goin' back ta Sea World today," Sean answered patiently, "and it's not like a regular zoo. It's called Animal Kingdom and it's where you get to ride in a jeep with the animals around you. You can pet some of the animals, too."

"Do they bite?" Danny asked with a definite tone of concern.

"Don't worry. If Mr. Dan'l thought you might get hurt, he wouldn't let us go." Danny accepted the explanation and signified his acceptance by grinning and swinging his and Sean's arms as they walked. Danny's world was as perfect as any five or six year old could want.

When they entered the cafeteria, Danny immediately heard the lady with the big breasts, that liked to squeeze him, call his name. Evan and TJ spotted Grandpa and smiled as they proceeded towards their favorite senior citizen. They knew they would spend a little time in the room, behind closed doors, both pleasing and being pleased by Grandpa.

End Chapter Eighty-Nine To Be Continued

Comments Welcome: contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 90

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