New Horizons

By Dwight Wilson

Published on Dec 23, 2006


All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. As in real life, the sexual themes unfold gradually and are kept to a realistic level. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, Dwight Wilson, at

This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between males, adult and minor. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now

Note: Once again, I would like to thank Colin for his support and efforts at editing and correcting my errors. His suggestions and comments have been a significant contribution to the development of this story.

Holiday commitments require this be the last chapter poster until January 7th. Thank you to all that have sent messages, I hope you continue to enjoy the story.

Chapter Twenty-Nine: New Horizons

"Mom? It's Daniel." .

"Daniel, it's good to hear from you. How are you, dear?"

"I'm fine, Mom, just a little tired from spending so much time at the Orlando Hospital with Sean. Nothing a little sleep won't cure. Sorry I didn't call last night but it was a little late by the time I was free. How are you? Paul said you had some good news."

"Yes, dear, I hope it's good news for you. Remember, I said I was active with a number of the political groups and women's associations over here? Well, we've arranged for you to make a speaking tour in about one month. You'd begin in Miami and work up the coast over a five day period. The last appearance would be a debate between you and David Arnold in West Palm."

"Mom, who is this David Arnold?" Daniel asked curiously.

"Dear, he's a local politico that fancies running for state office. Some believe he actually has his eyes set on national office. Any way, he issued the challenge when he heard we were arranging appearances for New Horizons. He's strictly pro-business, and therefore pro-slavery in so far as it generates cash for businesses, no matter the age of the victim. Daniel, he's got a reputation of being very ruthless. I told them I would pass the challenge on, but only you could accept." Linda said this with a sound of deep concern in her voice.

"Mom, did you watch the broadcasts from Orlando regarding Sean and the rest of the boys?"

"Yes, Daniel, I saw most of them. I understand you rescued some more boys from the streets, one young boy had been brutally raped. Daniel, I don't understand where you're going with this." Linda responded uncertainly.

"That station is one of our sponsors. They have sister stations all over the state. I'm going to call them and talk to them about broadcasting the debate. Tell David Arnold I accept the challenge. I will debate him in front of a live television audience. I'm going to try and convince the station to broadcast the debate statewide."

"Daniel, do you think that's wise? This man is ruthless. He'll do and say anything to get press and the spotlight," his mother cautioned.

"Mom, that's his weak point. The only reason he wants to debate me is because we are beginning to stir up some political support. He wants to jump onto what he thinks is a political bandwagon for business people who oppose us. If we come in properly prepared, I'll take care of myself."

"Okay, dear, I'm sure you know what you're doing. Daniel, I know your Dad has political contacts; use them to learn what you can," advised a concerned mother.

"I will, Mom. And, Mom, thanks."

"You're welcome, dear. Stay in touch and take care. Love you, Daniel."

"Love you, too, Mom."

After speaking with his mother, Daniel asked Paul to let everyone know there would be a staff meeting in his office at ten. The objective was to catch up on what was happening while they were gone. Paul was also asked to find out where all the new boys were. Daniel wanted the opportunity to sit with them as a group and be sure things were going well for them.

"Paul," Daniel asked," don't we have the ability to make certificates on these computers?" Paul nodded. "How about seeing if you can make me a certificate with this on it." Daniel handed a sketch with writing to Paul. Paul looked at Daniel and laughed.

The staff assembled in Daniel's office at ten, as requested. Daniel informed the group that this meeting was just to make sure everyone had the same information and knew the plans for the next few weeks. Before the meeting started Daniel told everyone he had a special certificate of recognition for unknown talents to hand out. All the men looked at one another, puzzled. No one had ever heard of such a certificate.

Daniel began by espousing the merits of this individual and how he was always willing to help a friend in need and apply his hidden talents, whether he really had any or not. At the end Daniel handed Jeff an envelope. Jeff removed a Certificate of Recognition with his name on it for his hidden and heretofore unknown talent as an amateur barber. All the men enjoyed razzing Jeff about the haircuts he gave the new boys. Daniel defended Jeff by letting everyone know not one boy complained about his haircut. Then it was time to get serious.

"Fellas, there's three or four main items we need to discuss. First, the new boys. How are they adapting; have they seen a counselor; what about testing for school?"

"Daniel, slow down," Paul interjected, "we just got back. I made arrangements for their testing for next Tuesday. The counselor hasn't been called, but the priests will be here tomorrow. Their medical tests came in day before yesterday; they're all fine. I haven't spent enough time with them to determine how they are adapting."

"I have," said Jeff, "they're doing pretty good. I think they were a little overwhelmed when they first got here. The rest of the boys have been here long enough that they've adjusted and are beginning to be kids again. The new boys are working their way around to it. One kid, Thad, he's a computer genius. He likes to write programs for fun. Can you imagine that? I have trouble getting the thing to print for me. All of 'em seem to make friends easily. Of course, we really don't know about Brad and Jimmy yet."

"Okay," Daniel responded, "I'm planning on having a little talk with them when we finish here anyway. I'll let them know the restrictions are off and see if they have any special issues. We better make a blanket announcement about the priest coming tomorrow."

"The priests coming brings up another issue. We have the one guest room the priests use. We may need more than that. Rick, can we empty the storage rooms in the dorms and store that stuff somewhere else? We have volunteers coming to help build the boys' basketball court and a baseball field. We may need to put up eight or ten people."

"That won't be a problem Daniel," Rick answered, "we can convert the priests' room with bunk beds, same in the store room of each dorm. Who are the volunteers?"

"The police." Everyone was shocked by Daniel's answer and thought he was kidding. "I'm not joking. The police volunteered to come down here and help construct the basketball court, and I mean a full court, not a half court, and the baseball diamond. When the boys find out who the volunteers are, this should get real interesting. It should also be interesting to see how the police react to having ninety-five naked boys running around while they try to work."

Everyone thought about what Daniel said and had a laugh. Daniel was right though; it would be interesting to see how secure the boys were with themselves when the police arrived. Being sensitive to the boys' situation and given the work they are coming to do, they wouldn't be in uniform or official vehicles, but somehow, the boys seemed to have a built-in radar when it came to the police.

"Next item," Daniel continued, "the hospital would like us to come back and visit the people in their assisted living facility. Since they are now one of our sponsors we should work with them as much as we can. Sean will need to go back for follow-ups so we'll try to make our visits coincide with that. Also, maybe we should consider cutting the number of cherubs to the number we can transport in our own vehicles. We don't want to abuse our transportation sponsor's generosity. If any one sees any issues popping up around the visits speak up and we'll address them."

"Rick, any idea how to store and care for the toys we just brought in?"

Rick though a moment and then offered a suggestion. "Let's use one of the rooms on the ground floor of the administration building. They're large enough to hold everything, particularly if we break out some of the metal shelves and install them. We can inventory the equipment and when one of the boys wants a skateboard or whatever, he simply comes in here to check it out."

"What's the guestimate before being functional?" Daniel asked. "The boys took most of the equipment into the dorms last night."

"We should be able to re-prioritize our projects and get on it today," replied Rick. "If I get two or three of the older boys on it we may be functional later today."

"Okay, next issue. In about a month we will begin a speaking tour along the southeast coast. Beginning in Miami and working up to West Palm. The audiences will be a mix of political groups and social organizations," Daniel informed the group. "The last stop in West Palm, is a debate. A challenge has been issued by a David Arnold. I understand he's a young up and coming politico trying to make a name for himself. I don't plan on letting him make a name at our expense. Paul will be researching this David Arnold and could use a little help. Also, we'll need the latest figures on enslavement of minors, defaults, bankruptcies, judgments and seizure of assets. The usual data for a debate. We've also been asked to bring the cherubs. Can anyone think of anything else?"

"Daniel, there is a potential issue with some of the cherubs." Said Mark. "A number of the boys will be having birthdays this summer. We have several level two's moving to three, and three's moving to four. Different responsibilities. What do we do?"

Daniel sat and looked at Mark, dumbfounded. He knew this would happen eventually, but never gave the issue much thought. "You know," Daniel spoke quietly and appeared to be despondent, "I knew this issue would come one day, sooner or later. I had hoped it would be later, much later. How do you walk up to one of them and in one breath wish them a happy birthday and in the next breath tell them it's time to learn how to have oral sex? Worse, tell one turning fourteen he has to learn to sacrifice the last bit of his innocence?"

"Post a notice that we need to meet with all level four boys after lunch, say around 1:30. Mark, in the interim, how about talking to Kevin and a couple of the other boys and see if they've been hearing anything."

"If we don't have anything else to go over I think I'll locate the new boys and then spend a little time with the other boys. It's been a while since we've communicated. Oh, sorry, one other item, anyone know where Sean is this morning?"

"He was at breakfast." Jeff responded, "Then, he was supposed to head to the computer room and start catching up on his school assignments. I don't think he was overly thrilled."

Daniel walked out of his office, followed by Michael. Mikey was sitting in the waiting area. "Mikey, why are you sitting in here?"

Mikey didn't see the men come in the room and was startled. "Uhhh, Mr. Dan'l, you said I had to find Dr. Mike first thing today. They told me he was here." The boy spoke as he looked around Daniel and saw Michael. "I'm supposed to get my bandage checked." Mikey then looked to Michael. "Dr Mike, think I could, maybe, not have to wear a bandage. It kinda sticks out, ya know?"

"What do you mean by sticks out?" Michael asked.

"Well, nobody else got one, and where it is everybody wants to know what happened. Plus, it makes it kinda hard for me to do what I need to do without gettin' it messed up, know what I mean?" Mikey asked tentatively.

"You mean it interferes when you need to sit on the toilet?"

"Yes, sir, and I can't take a shower without it getting' all wet," Mikey responded.

"Tell you what, why don't you just lay across my lap and let me take a look. Let's see what we can do." Mikey climbed up on Michael's lap and wasn't the least hesitant to bend over and expose himself to everyone, as long as he could get rid of the bandage.

Michael lifted the edge of the bandage and pulled it away from the boy to see how well he was healing. "Mikey, does it hurt or sting when you walk?"


"How about when you go to the bathroom?"

"Uh-uh; then neither."

"Okay," said Michael, "let's you and me walk over to the infirmary and get some ointment. Then I'll see if I can find a lot smaller bandage for you."

"Uhhh^Å..Dr. Mike, well, you s'pose that maybe I could take a shower before you put a bandage back on there? Jimmy says I stink and need a real bath."

"Jimmy says you stink. Well, we can't have that can we? Let's walk over, there's a shower in the infirmary and you can use that. I have some special soap I want you to use, then we'll get you set up to go out and play some, how's that? Before you play though I think we may need to find some sunscreen for that pale butt of yours."

Daniel stood by, watching Michael work with the boy. Daniel knew Michael had a lot of patience, but the way he had the kid working with him was interesting. Before it was over all three were getting a good laugh out of what was happening.

Michael handled Mikey, while Daniel headed out to survey his charges. He looked around and marveled at ninety-five boys. They knew what they should be doing and appeared to handle their responsibilities well. They had come a long way since that first day when they were so suspicious.

Daniel found Sean in the computer room. "Sean? How are you feeling this morning, son?" Daniel knew Sean would not have his full strength back but was concerned with how tired Sean appeared to be.

"Hi, Mr. Dan'l," Sean answered with a weak smile. "I'm okay, just a little tired. Mr. Dan'l nobody told me that layin' in the hospital could be so tiring. It makes it kinda hard to get my assignments done."

"Sean," Daniel said with concern, "why don't you and I find Dr. Mike. I bet he would suggest you study a little and rest a lot right now."

"But Mr. Dan'l, I'm tired of bein' cooped up. I wanna do this so I can go out some." Sean's tone said he was pleading for relief from his restricted movement.

"Sean, you don't have to do this so you can go out. We understand it's no fun having to stay in all the time," Daniel sympathized with the boy. "So long as Dr. Mike doesn't object I don't see any reason for you to have to stay inside. You can sit and visit with your friends, but you can only walk a little and when you start feeling tired, you lie down and rest. Promise me that and I won't even insist on the wheelchair. Agreed?"

"YES, SIR." Answered a very happy Sean. "No problem, Mr. Dan'l. Can I start now?"

Daniel put a hand around the young boy's shoulder and walked him to the infirmary. Daniel guessed Michael may still be with Mikey. After Michael repeated the conditions Daniel recited, with special emphasis of no running under the threat of being chained into the wheelchair, Sean left to see his friends.

"Daniel, I wish every patient I had left smiling like that," Michael commented before he turned his attention back to Mikey. Soon, Mikey was smiling and off to join his friends with a new, and much smaller, bandage.

Mark met Daniel and advised him that a number of the younger boys had said something about learning how to give head and let themselves be fucked. The boys felt they needed to do those things to help carry their weight. Daniel and the level four boys, joined by Brad, Timmy and Thad, met at 1:30. Daniel thought most of the morning about what he needed to say to the boys. He knew what he needed to say, but had difficulty deciding how to say it. He knew he needed to address the new boys and affirm they understood exactly what was expected of the boys in level four.

"Fellas, we called this meeting for a very serious matter. I'm asking now that you conduct yourselves in a mature manner. I'm sure everyone in here knows who every one else is, but just to be sure I'm going to introduce the three new boys. Timmy and Thad have been here a couple of weeks and I'm sure have gotten to know most of you. The third boy is Brad, Sean's brother. If you don't know Brad, I'd be willing to bet you know about him. Now, for the sake of the three new boys I want to be sure they know and understand the cherub rules the same as the rest of you. Then, we'll address the real reason for this meeting."

"Brad, I know that you've seen some of these other guys as cherubs, I don't know if Thad and Timmy have seen them or understand what it's about. In a nut shell we take some of the boys with us to visit with the audience. The group is known as the New Horizon Cherubs. Under our agreement with the state there's a tradition we are obligated to recognize. An adult may call on one or more of you for pleasure. We have modified that tradition so it can happen only within specific guidelines and some supervision. The guidelines are designed to protect you boys."

"Cherubs are divided into four groups. The youngest, ages five, six and seven, comprise group one. A person may hold or talk to one of them. Group two are the eight, nine and ten year olds. A person may, hold, talk and fondle one of them. Group three are the eleven, twelve and thirteen year olds. A person may request oral sex from one of them. The rest of you are group four. A person may request oral or anal sex from one of you. Guidelines require the sexual act be done in private with someone standing guard outside the door which must remain unlocked. You wear a hidden alarm that you sound should some one attempt to become abusive."

"Brad, Timmy, and Thad, understand that being a cherub is strictly voluntary. No one is required to be a cherub and submit to any of these actions. When we go out we take only a few of the boys and try to work them on a rotating basis so any exposure is limited. Do you three have any questions?"

Brad looked at Daniel. "Mr. Dan'l, can I ask about Sean. I mean, I never let him get involved before. Does he give head now?"

"Brad," answered Daniel, "I can't say with complete certainty that he doesn't. I can tell you that as a cherub he doesn't. He's been restricted on what he can do because of his health. That will continue until we have a full clearance from his doctors. After that, ^Åwell, that's part of the reason we're all here now."

"The records show that we have four boys who will move, in age, from level three to level four. The rumor mill has it that at least two of them want to learn how to take it up the butt. There's two boys turning eleven; they want to learn to suck. I knew that this issue would come up at some point. I thought I'd know how to handle the situation when it did; I don't, and I need your suggestions on what to do. Right now I have trouble approaching these boys and telling them they have to go to class and learn how not to gag or how to lay on their back for someone. Remember what I said when this meeting first started."

Daniel looked at the boys and knew several of them were stifling laughs or smart remarks. They wanted to volunteer to be the teachers. What else should he expect from teenage boys in a constant state of horniness? However, all of them wee trying to be mature and not get Daniel upset. This was a serious matter, but then again ^Å^Å Daniel watched the boys and knew he needed to get things out in the open.

"Okay, guys. I give up," Daniel began. "Who wants to volunteer to teach 'em?" Six of the boys timidly raised their hands. Daniel knew most of the others wanted to volunteer but a sixth sense warned them this might be a set-up. They were smart to just sit there. "The six of you that raised your hands, you get to be the assistants. To be fair to everyone, we'll hold at least six classes, more if required. Those of you who didn't raise your hands, you will also be assistants. That okay with everyone?"

"Yeah, Mr. Dan'l," more than one of the boys responded. "We can handle that. This oughtta be good. Whadda we do?"

"Well, maybe it would be easier to show you," Daniel explained. "Joey, I believe you were one of the six to raise his hand. Brad, I don't think you raised your hand so why don't you join us?" The two boys stood beside Daniel. Then Daniel had Joey sit on the end of the table; two other boys sat on the other end so the table didn't flip over. Daniel then explained the lesson. "First, I will explain to the boys why they are in the class and what they should learn. I will also explain to them the different positions that are customarily used. Joey, this is where you begin to assist. Lay on your back with your legs up like they're in a stirrup." Daniel paused while Joey took the position, which he did only after giving Daniel a look of uncertainty.

When Joey was in position, Daniel again turned to the group. "The boys will then hear an explanation of how your butt plugs work and the importance of proper lubrication. Of course, we all know that with younger boys you sometimes have to show them what it is they don't want to have happen. Brad, this is where you begin to assist. The boys will hear me tell them they don't want to get penetrated while they are dry. Brad, would you demonstrate, with Joey, the effects of dry penetration, please?"

"SHIT NO!" Joey exclaimed, "you ain't dry fuckin' me!" Joey leapt off the table and was out of reach before he finished his exclamation. Daniel and the rest of the boys had a good laugh at a shocked Joey.

While the boys laughed, Daniel motioned for Brad to sit down, and then for Joey to take his seat. "Now, would anyone else like to volunteer to teach these younger boys?" Daniel stood trying to regain his composure while letting the boys have their laughs at Joey's expense.

"Mr. Daniel," Brian stood to speak, "why do they need to learn right now? John, my nine year old brother, can do it but if I could, I'd turn time back and try to keep him from learnin', at least for a while."

"Same here," agreed Brad, "I don't know what Sean's learned since we were separated, but I worked to keep him from havin' to go on those streets. That's one reason I'm glad he's here. He's already said he wants to be able to contribute like the rest, and I know one day I'll have to accept that, but not now."

"Mr. Dan'l," Kevin stood, "there's, I know, twenty-two of us here experienced at this and we volunteered. Isn't that enough? I don't know if Timmy and Thad are experienced, but from what Sean told me Brad is. Aren't we enough for now? The other boys are going to learn, but I'd like for Ben to learn when he's ready, not 'cause he thinks he needs to or has to. When he does learn, let it be from somebody in his age group that he feels he can trust. Let them learn together like most boys do."

"Boys, slow down," Daniel needed to settle the boys down before things got too emotional. "I understand what you're saying and agree with you. I was hoping you'd feel like this. It's a decision each boy must make for himself and not something decided for you. At some point the boys will begin experimenting, if they haven't already. Mentors, I'm hoping you have a close relationship with your charges and will be able to speak with them when the time comes. If you need support, that's why the staff is here."

"I'll be having a similar discussion with the level three boys. There are two or three ten year olds, Ben included, entering that group. I'm sue they will feel the same as you. And, boys, thank you for not letting me or your charges down."

Daniel, Michael, Jeff and fourteen boys arrived at Orlando Hospital. Two weeks had passed since Sean left the hospital and he was scheduled for tests and evaluation of his progress towards returning to a normal and active boy. Michael took Sean to the cardio center for his evaluations. Daniel and Jeff took the remaining boys to the assisted living center to help serve lunch and visit with the residents. Clinton Thorpe was advised of their arrival and met them there.

"Daniel," Clinton began, "Welcome, and thank you for bringing the boys. Ever since we announced you may be here for a visit the seniors haven't let us rest wanting to know when and why so long. Actually, I told them I would speak with you today and try to arrange a regular visit if we could, maybe monthly?"

"Clint," Daniel responded, "it would be our pleasure. You and the hospital have been very generous with us, and the boys always enjoy a little parent or grandparent type of attention. It's the least we could do. If it'll help I'll tell the people myself that we hope they will allow us to come and visit about the middle of each month."

"Daniel, do you have two boys, a TJ and Evan, with you?" Clint asked.

"Yeah, we do." Daniel answered with a tone of curiosity. "Did they do something?"

"Well, yes, " said Clint, "they did, but it was good. We have one patient here that's been rather difficult since he got here. That is, until your last visit. Since then, he's been so good he has us worried. He tells everyone to call him Grandpa Smith. I spoke with him and he just began to rave about those two boys and how he couldn't wait to see them again. Said they reminded him of himself when he was their age. He wouldn't elaborate, but he wouldn't stop praising them either. Tell them I said whatever they did for the gentleman, we all appreciate it and keep doing it."

"They're here today," Daniel said. "I asked them why they were in the room with the gentleman so long and they said they gave their word to him that what was said or done in there stayed there. I told them I'd respect the fact they gave their word. I was curious before; now I'm really curious." Daniel saw the groups were sitting at their tables. "Guess we better get started."

Jeff read the statement required by the agreement with the state. When he finished he looked over to Danny and nodded.

"Hi, I'm Danny 02780. These are my friends here to visit you."

Daniel smiled. Danny got the first part correct this time, but changed the rest. Daniel doubted he would ever hear Danny say the introduction the same way twice regardless of how many times the boy said it. Daniel reached out and Danny jumped into is arms. The two toured the room speaking with the people.

Kyle's 'Granny' again had him in her lap. Her hand again managed to work its way under his flap to caress the boy's bare butt. Kyle looked as though he was both enjoying the attention and scared to death, all at the same time. Kyle didn't need to be here, he was here on the last visit. But wherever TJ went, Kyle wanted to go also.

TJ and Evan asked specifically to be included because of 'Grandpa Smith' and a promise they made to him. Grandpa would come in on the second sitting. TJ was sitting at one table helping feed an elderly lady who appeared to suffer from an advanced case of Parkinson's. TJ was saying something to her and she placed a hand on his arm. Whatever he said made her smile.

Evan sat at another table. He was helping an elderly man who appeared to have some form of paralysis on his right side. A nurse stood by supervising Evan's assisting the man. Daniel smiled as he watched the nurse speak to Evan and then place an arm around his shoulder to give him a hug. These boys knew how to make the residents smile and give them a good memories.

After the first sitting the boys freshened up and prepared for the second group. The first sitting had gone without incident, just the way Daniel liked. Again, Jeff read the statement required by the agreement with the state and then signaled Danny.

"Hi, I'm Danny 02780. Me and my friends are here for you."

Daniel only laughed; Danny hadn't let him down. Again, Daniel opened his arms and the boy jumped up. Neither ate during the first round so they ate something during this sitting. Daniel looked around and spotted 'Grandpa Smith' just as Evan signaled Jeff to escort and TJ out. What was going on here?

"Boys, we got us a chaperone outside the door again?" Grandpa asked.

"Yes, sir," TJ answered. "That's the rule. If he's not there Mr. Dan'l'd be bustin' through that door to get us."

"Those collars you two are wearin'; what's up with them?"

"These are alarms," TJ continued. "If somebody tries to hurt us we just squeeze the collar and an alarm goes off that Jeff can hear outside the door. If he hears it, he busts in. It also sets off a signal somewhere else so more help comes. If somebody tries to take it off, the alarm goes off."

"Sounds like this Mr. Daniel tries to do everything he can to protect you boys. That's good. I'm glad to see somebody's lookin' out for you, all of you."

"Yes, sir," Evan responded. "Uhhh, Grandpa? Me and TJ, well, we been thinkin' that maybe if you wanted us to stick you like last time, maybe we could trade places this time?"

Grandpa smiled as Evan asked his question and moved over to the boys. He smiled at both then pulled the slip knot on their thongs. In a moment, both boys were naked. Grandpa stepped back and admired the boys as he undressed.

"You know, I've always thought nature created the perfect masterpiece when she created the boy. You both are just absolutely beautiful. I could stand here all afternoon and admire you. Of course, I enjoy you even more when I can touch you."

With the last statement both boys stepped over to Grandpa and helped him finish stripping. When he was naked, each boy placed a hand on the old gentleman's shoulder and smiled as he fondled their balls. The boys looked at each other and then bent around and tongued the old man's ears. They could feel him shiver as their tongues dug deep into the canal. When he began to moan, their hands slid off the shoulder and found his nips. The boys' stimulations brought even louder moans from the man. While he enjoyed the stimulations, the boys slowly guided their 'grandpa' to the bed.

"Boys, you really know how to make an old man feel good. I'm glad you two aren't here every day, my balls would be dried up and my heart would flat give out. But I'd die with a smile."

"Grandpa, we have a treat for you. We know you like to get pig stuck so that's what we'll do. This time Evan will be in back. I get the oral treat this time. While you do us like that, I'm gonna give you the best blow job I know how. You and me are gonna show Evan what a real 'sixty-nine' is. Evan and me are gonna time things so all three of us shoot together. Can you handle it?"

"Boys, if I can't, it's like I said before, I'll die with a smile."

The three lay on the bed with grandpa on his right side. Evan lay behind him and spooned in as close as he could. TJ sat on the bed next to Grandpa's head.

"Evan, you stick that nice young cock in me, just the head. I'll show you what a well trained ass can do."

Evan smiled listening to the old man boast. The smile of amusement soon turned into admiration as he felt the man flex his ass muscles and slowly pull Evan in. Evan could feel the muscles tighten and flex in a rhythm that pulled him in. Never had Evan felt anything so fantastic. He moaned his pleasure in Grandpa's ear.

Grandpa then turned his attention to TJ. He showed TJ where to lie. Just before taking TJ in his mouth, he instructed Evan to begin a nice, slow in and out motion. He then worked his tongue and lips around TJ's tool and made it feel like a hundred ants were marching up and down. To avoid crying out in ecstasy TJ had to stuff his mouth with experienced meat.

The three then settled into a long session of mutual pleasuring that ended with three simultaneous climaxes.

Daniel paced in the dining hall. All residents had returned to their rooms, but TJ and Evan had not come out. When Daniel approached the door, Jeff told him the boys had said they would be a while and shouldn't be disturbed unless they called for help. Daniel continued to pace and was concerned that he couldn't hear any noises coming from the other side of the door.

Michael walked in with Sean, both were smiling. "Sean, you're smiling like a Cheshire cat. Good news?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Dan'l. The doctor said I could be more active now."

"Limited activity." Michael interjected. "The doctor said it would be good for you to use the pool for light swimming, walk around the grounds, and use the stairs. All exercises intended to help strengthen the heart muscle. But, no running or other heavy physical exertions. He has an appointment to come back in a month for re-evaluation."

"Well, at least I'm not havin' to just sit and watch all the time."

The boys walked out with Grandpa Smith. They stood by the door and spoke for a moment, when Grandpa spotted Daniel and approached him. "Mr. Thompson, people around here call me Grandpa Smith. I understand your concern and desire to protect the boys. TJ and Evan told me you asked about our meeting, but you also honored the fact that they gave their word that what was said or done in the room stayed in that room. I wanted to thank you for that and tell you myself that I would never consider harming these boys. They make me feel young again. At least as young as an old man my age can feel. They are an absolute pleasure to be with."

Grandpa didn't wait or give Daniel the opportunity to respond. He said what he wanted to say and left. Daniel watched the distinguished looking gentleman exit the room.

End Chapter Twenty-Nine

To Be Continued. Comments welcome; contact Dwight Wilson at

Next: Chapter 30

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