
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Nov 30, 2022


Jaiden Chapter 185

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 185

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Greg Patrick

"Hey, Jay!" "Yes, sir." "We got an invitation to go to Jaiden's and Peyton's for Thanksgiving dinner. Are you interested?" "What about Jeremy and Carl; you know they will be home for Thanksgiving." "Somehow, Dan, them going with us won't be a problem since Peyton put a note in the invitation to bring them with us." "Let them know we'll be there and ask if there is anything we can take for dinner." "Will do."

"Dan, I talked to Jaiden, and he said if we wanted some wine with our dinner, we are welcome to bring it, but since they don't imbibe, they won't be purchasing any spirits - ghosts or otherwise." "Somehow, that sounds just like Jaiden; he's not going to compromise his values for himself or his family." "True, Dan, and you have to respect him for that." "Believe me, I do. Something else I love about him and his family is that I can call them with whatever needs my court has, and they take care of it. There is no telling how many children's lives have been saved because of them."

"True, and everybody they have kept out of jail and placed with adoptive families has thrived and made something good of their lives. Leon graduates from Penn State with a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology and a 4.0 grade-point average to boot. Five short years ago, we'd have all sworn he would spend his life in prison. And then there is our son. We probably wouldn't have Jeremy if it hadn't been for Jaiden and Peyton. Peyton got him a full-ride scholarship to Wellstone, and he graduates in June with a BS in Micro Biology. I'm praying he goes to med school at LECOM as Peyton and Jaiden did."

"Dan, I would be so proud to see our son do that. It would make me even prouder to see him join the Riley-Reynolds Pediatric Practice and make it become a Pediatric and Family practice." "That would be incredible, but I don't know if Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, and Peter would want to expand their practice that way. We'll have to see when and if the time comes."

Don and Jay accepted the Thanksgiving invitation, as did Pete and Allison, Richard and Sally, Peyton's parents and Jaiden's mom, and, of course, the Pediatric Practice's office staff and their families. It was going to be a Thanksgiving dinner to remember.

"Granny, Ginny, there is going to be a construction crew at the house for a couple of weeks to expand the deck along the entire back of the house and close it in. The AC and heating crew will be here to run ac and heating to the deck as well." "Jaiden, why are you guys doing that?" "Well, Ginny, it will make it easier for you and Granny to serve the fifty or so Thanksgiving guests who will be here for Thanksgiving dinner. It shouldn't take you and Granny but about three, maybe four days, to get all the food, pies, and cakes ready for everybody." Peyton winked at Granny and grinned when Jaiden said that to Ginny.

"Jaiden, in all seriousness, if you think Granny and I are going to fix Thanksgiving dinner for that many people, you've got rocks in your head! It ain't gonna happen." "Ginny, I was going to pay you five thousand dollars to prepare the food for everybody." "Jaiden, you said you wanted to serve Thanksgiving lunch at what time?" "Ginny, we're joking, but if several ladies in the church want to get together and prepare the food in the fellowship hall's kitchen, Peyton and I will be glad to make a sizeable donation to your women`s ministry in the amount I mentioned if they will cook the food. I can order it from a restaurant, but the ladies' food would be so much better." "Jaiden, let me make a phone call right quick."

"Sister Henrietta, this is Martha Stuart. Drs. Jaiden and Peyton Riley-Reynolds are having a big Thanksgiving dinner at their house, and they will have it catered by a local restaurant. Still, Jaiden said he would make a sizeable donation to the women's ministry if we cook the food for his guests." "And how many guests would that be, Sister Martha?" "He said about fifty family members and friends, plus the families of the ladies who cook the food." "How much of a donation is he offering to our women's ministry if we cook the food?" "Five thousand dollars." "And he's purchasing the food?" "Yes, mam, he is." "And when does he want us to have it ready and on the table?" "Jaiden, what time would y'all like to have Thanksgiving lunch?" "I don't know, maybe 1:30, give or take 30 minutes."

"Sister Henrietta, he said maybe 1:30, give or take 30 minutes." "Sister Martha, that's easy fixins for the lady's group, and if they get to eat a Thanksgiving dinner and not have to clean their kitchens and houses afterward, they'll jump at the chance. Where does Dr. Jaiden want to have the dinner?" "At his house. Builders are building the deck across the entire back of the house and closing it in so it can be heated and cooled." "Well, it is a big home, but the number of people you are talking about feeding would be a big crowd in that house. Ask him if he would mind if we cook the food at the church and serve it in the fellowship hall?"

"Jaiden, sister Henrietta wants to know if it would be OK with you and Peyton if the ladies cook the food and serve it to your guests in the fellowship hall at the church?" "If the Pastor and Deacons will allow us to, that is fine. I'll add another two thousand to the donation to cover the cost of the fellowship hall and having it cleaned afterward." "Sister Martha, I heard Dr. Jaiden. Tell him we'll prepare and serve Thanksgiving dinner in the church social hall." "Jaiden, y'all buy the food and have it delivered to the church. I'll go to the church while the children are in school and let the food delivery folks into the kitchen to put the food in the refrigerators." "I will do that, Ginny. Thank you so much for getting the ladies together to cook the food and letting us have the Thanksgiving dinner in the new church social hall." "Jaiden, you guys have done so much for our church that there is no way we would say no to helping y'all."

"Oh, snap, Ginny, I almost forgot to tell you to invite the pastors and the music minister and their families. That should make for a fun crowd of people." "Jaiden, are you sure you and Peyton want to feed that many people?" "Why not? We can afford a dinner party like that, especially in the church's social hall. You know we love the people in the church, and they seem to love us, so yeah, let's have a big Thanksgiving dinner; in fact, why don't I have the turkeys and hams prepared by the Congressional Hill Barbecue restaurant and get the church's ladies to cook some vegetables that the church family likes and get a few ladies – and men – to cook pies and cakes for dessert?" `Jaiden, have you gone nuts?" "Maybe, but if the whole church chips in and comes, imagine the time of fellowship we'll have. And the caveat to that is I can make the donation to the church and have the Board of Elders distribute it to ministries who need it the most."

"Now, son, that makes a lot of sense, and I like that plan. The youth can help clean up the social hall and earn some money for their summer camp funds." "Ginny, the women can buy baseball bats and golf clubs to keep their husbands in line, and the youth can also purchase some things to use in the gym so they can have some fun, and I get a tax deduction. The church can also use some of the funds to modernize the babies' nursery. If more funds are needed to complete some of the tasks the church wishes to accomplish, Peyton and I will be more than happy to supply those funds up to a total of $50,000.00."

"The pastor was standing with Ginny and Jaiden when he said that and said he didn't know what to say. Jaiden told him he didn't have to say anything, that Hashem was rewarding the church for following his will and becoming a community church accepting of all races and creeds and using the God card instead of the race card. The pastor was stunned at Jaiden's comment, but he knew it was true; he didn't expect somebody outside the church to notice and comment about that.

The weekend started with a fury getting ready for Thanksgiving. Jaiden ordered 20 turkey breasts and hams each. Any food left over after the Thanksgiving meal would be given to needy church members and Erie's homeless shelters to feed their residents.

The day before Thanksgiving, there were so many smoker grills that the church's parking lots were clouded with smoke from cooking the meat. Drivers on the road by the church had difficulty not pulling into the parking lot to savor the smells of the cooking hams and turkeys. The odor in the air was heavenly.

The youth were inside the fellowship hall helping the ladies decorate the room, which looked beautiful. Plateware and silverware looked like polished silver and china, although they each were made from plastics to minimize cleanup. One thing the pastor did unbeknownst to the Riley-Reynolds clan was to set up four long tables at the front of the fellowship hall for Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley to sit with their children so they could be honored for their contributions to the church.

Thanksgiving Day arrived, and ladies brought in so many side dishes for the meal that there didn't seem to be enough space. But the ladies performed their magic, and the scene was set for the meal to begin. Church members were told at the mid-week service to be at the church 45 minutes early on Thursday so everyone would be seated and ready to show thanks to the four dads and ten children when they arrived for the meal.

As Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley walked into the fellowship hall with their ten children; they received a standing ovation with thunderous applause. They are Jewish but dearly loved by the Christian congregation – a love they tried to return regularly. They had helped grow the church, and they also had helped to make the entire Erie community an incredibly loving town in which to live.

After grace was said over the meal, the dads got up to prepare plates of food for their children. As they turned to walk to the table where the food was placed, they were met on each side of themselves by women who crossed their arms and stood in their way, and the mother of the church looked sternly at them and pointed her finger at their seats. The dads knew what the church's mother meant, and they sat down. The ladies then prepared plates of food for the children, giving them food their dads knew they would not try. They were incredulous when the ladies started talking to the children and feeding them foods like Brussels Sprouts, collards, crackling bread, and a sundry of vegetables the children had never tried. The dads were happy to see the children enjoying the new foods.

On the way home, Dale was driving the van when Jaiden said, "Dale, will you please pull over in the mall parking lot? I need to get out of the van for a second." As Jaiden exited the van, he heard Charley exclaim, "DAMN! Did that smell come out of the children?" Jaiden assured him it did and that it had been wafting to the back of the van, where it had made Peyton and him sick on their stomachs. The boys had produced some rather malodorous stenches in the past, but this day proved their worst!

Jaiden got out of the van and walked to the rear of it, where he lost everything he had eaten at the church. Peyton went to the front of the van, where he did the same thing. Charley was sitting in the front passenger seat watching Peyton vomit, saying, "I'm not going to do it, I'm not going to do it...the hell I'm not," as he opened the van's door, leaned to his right and puked all over the side of the van.

The children had their coats on since it was freezing outside, so to make it possible to continue toward home, Jaiden and Peyton, with Charley's help, opened every window in the van and moved the children to the rear of the van, making room for the dads to sit in the front seats. The dads made it home, but they were genuinely green looking. Dale thought it was hilarious to see the other dads like that; that is, until he picked up Alaina Noelle to get her out of the van, and she farted right in his face...at his nose. He started turning Irish green as he put his daughter on the ground, pointed to the house door, and ran to the side of the driveway, where he puked his guts up.

Charley and Jaiden were laughing their butts off because Dale had acted like he couldn't smell anything. From what he did at the edge of the driveway, Jaiden and Charley knew he had gotten a full dose of what he had denied. Peyton started ribbing Dale saying, "What's wrong, Dale? Did you eat something that didn't agree with you? Was everything as good coming up as it was going down? Do you have something left in your mouth that you can chew and swallow again?"

Dale gave Peyton an eat crap look, turned and ran back to the edge of the driveway, and released stomach contents he would have sworn couldn't possibly still be in his gut. Charley walked to Dale, put his arm around his mate, and said, "Are you all right, Babe?" "That ticked Dale off to no end, and he turned to Charley and said, if you had romance on your mind for tonight, forget it. I didn't laugh at you the way you laughed at me. I hope I develop diarrhea tonight! If I do, I will slide next to you and let it go so you can roll over into it." "Dale, you wouldn't!" "Wanna bet?" Dale had no intention of doing that, but Charley didn't know that. He would lay awake all night, worrying Dale would make it possible for him to say the following day that he had been shat on. While Charley lay awake, Dale would sleep like a newborn baby.

On Friday morning, all the dads were off from work except Jaiden, who would be making rounds at the hospital. They all arose with sore muscles from the heaving they'd done the day before. The children got up and headed for the bathroom before eating a breakfast Dale, and Peyton had prepared for them. When the dads went to help the children clean themselves, their sickness started all over again.

As the children sat at the table eating their breakfast, the dads tried to figure out what made them so gaseous. Then it dawned on them: cruciferous vegetables, especially the Brussels Sprouts, and the collards and turnips – all eaten without a drop of Beano. After the children went outside to play, Charley looked at Dale and Peyton and said, "I'll be damned if that will happen again; I can't take that, and I have a stomach as strong as iron!" Dale and Peyton agreed, saying, "AMEN!"

"Dale, I just saw Charley running hard up the stairs. Do you think he could be sick again?" "Probably; let me go check." Charley opened the French door to go inside when he said, "never mind," he closed the door and sat down on the deck. "Dale, aren't you going to go check on Charley?" "No need to; I could hear him puking at the door." Peyton got up, went to the kitchen, got three small glasses, and filled them with cold water from the fridge, to which he added an adult dosage of paregoric. He handed a glass to Dale, told him to drink it, and then take the other glass to Charley. As Dale headed upstairs, Peyton drank his dose.

When Jaiden got home from the hospital, he had ten tee shirts with the words, "DO NOT FEED ME CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLES BEFORE MY DADS SAY IT'S OK!" The other dads looked at Jaiden and asked why he had gotten those shirts printed at the mall. Jaiden looked at Peyton, Dale, and Charley and said, "guys, I have been puking all morning at the hospital. I left my lab coat in the van, and I couldn't get the odor from yesterday out of it." Everybody got a good laugh from Jaiden saying that.

Peyton didn't say a word as he got up and walked to the garage, where he took a pair of grabbers and reached into the van to get Jaiden's lab coat. He held the coat at arm's length as he went inside to drop it into the washing machine; he has rounds on Sunday. He put Jaiden's coat with his and then went back outside, opened the garage door and every window in the van to air it out. He double-washed the lab coats with laundry sanitizer and fabric softener, Downey Spring Scent, his favorite. After the second wash, the odiferous smell was finally gone, and he hoped it would be out of the van by lunch on Sunday afternoon.

Jaiden was upstairs in Peyton's and his bedroom as Peyton got the lab coats washed. When he came downstairs, he was dragging a lumpy garbage bag. Peyton asked him what was in the bag, and he said the clothes the four dads had worn home in the van. He walked to the washer, dumped the clothes inside, and added double soap pods, four caps full of laundry sanitizer, and double fabric softener. When the machine had washed the clothes, he sniffed the shirts and was happy the odor was gone as he put the shirts in the dryer."

"Jaiden, drink this." "What is it, Peyton?" "Paregoric, love; and you need it." Jaiden pushed Peyton's hand away and wouldn't drink the medicine, so Peyton took out his phone, dialed Jaiden's mother's number, and got her on the cell phone.

"High, Mom, this is Peyton; how are you today?" "I'm doing well; how is my favorite son-in-law doing?" "Well, Mom, your son-in-law, your son, Dale, and Charley vomited profusely yesterday on the way home from Thanksgiving dinner." "Really; why?" Somebody at the church where we hosted a Thanksgiving dinner fed the children cruciferous vegetables, mainly Brussels Sprouts, some turnips, and a heap of collard greens. We have no idea what else the ladies got the children to eat, but we can all tell you that the children had horrific gas on the way home, and we had to stop the van at the mall so Jaiden could get out and vomit because of the stench the children created. When Jaiden went to the back of the van, I went to the front, and Charley was watching me and kept saying he wasn't going to be sick, then suddenly said the hell I'm not. He leaned out the van door and puked all over the side of the van."

"Dale thought it was funny and laughed at us, so while we were getting out of the van, Jaden, Charley, and I went inside to the bathroom as Dale was getting the children inside. When he lifted Alaina Noelle out of the van, she passed gas right in front of his nose, and he had to run to the edge of the driveway and release his lunch... twice!" Jaiden's mother was laughing so hard he could hear her from where he was sitting on the couch in the den. "Peyton, did Jaiden take anything to stop his nausea?" "No, mam, I fixed him some paregoric, and he refused to drink it." "That's interesting. Don't tell him, but I have next week off, so I`ll catch a plane at four and fly up for a couple of days if that is all right with you." "Oh, that would be wonderful, Mom. Text me when the plane lands, and I will make an excuse to go to the store to get a few things and pick you up at the airport." "OK, Peyton; love you." "Love you too, Mom."

"Who was on the phone, Peyton?" "Oh, it was Mom. I haven't spoken with her in a couple of weeks, so I thought I'd call her." "Is everything OK on the farm?" "It is, babe; it's just cold there as it is here. There have been a few storms moving through from Texas."

Peyton walked onto the deck to watch the children play, and Charley followed him outside. "Peyton, that wasn't your mom, was it?" "Charley, I said it was Mom." "Yeah, you did, but you didn't say it was your mom." "You are right; I didn't... and it wasn't." "You sly dog, you; you called Jaiden's mom when he wouldn't take the medicine, didn't you?" "I didn't say that either, Charley." "No, you didn't, but that smirk on your face says you did."

"Well, think what you want, Charley, but around 6:30, I will need to pick up a few things." "Yeah, I bet you'll get a mother-in-law and at least two suitcases." Charley smiled and didn't say a word; he was positive Peyton called Jaiden's mom and that she would be at the airport by 6:30 that evening." Charley started back into the house when Peyton stopped him. "Charley, if you say a word about this inside, I'll slip you a mickey that will make yesterday feel like an easy day in the park." "You wouldn't dare, Peyton!" "Oh, no? Say something about this inside." "You really would, wouldn't you?" "Not saying, Charley, but if I were you, I wouldn't give any hints or outright comments inside."

Charley shook his head and walked into the house. Dale looked at Peyton and said, "you called Mom Reynolds, didn't you?" "You know I did, but I'm not outright telling Charley, and I'm surely not going to tell Jaiden." "What time is she supposed to be here, Peyton?" "6:30; I'll go to the store around 6 to pick up a few things." "Dude, that is freaking hilarious; you make life so fun and loveable." "Thanks, bro. You make it easy for me to have some fun because you always have my back. And I'm damn sure going to feel awesome seeing Jaiden's face when his mom walks through the door."

"Don't you think Jaiden is going to be mad?" "Nah, he won't be mad; he'll be furious, but I guarantee next time I give him some medicine while he's sick, he'll take it when I give it to him." "Is there something you can give him before he realizes it, like a quick shot in the butt?" "I could give him a shot of Phenergan, but I don't like to do things like that since that may be going over the line with Jaiden." "Yea, you're probably right. She'll eat him alive if he tries to argue with her."

"Dale, I know I'm right; that's why I call his mother... and let her do it. He won't dare argue with her; he knows better. She will eat him alive if he tries to do that." "Have you seen her do that?" "No, Jaiden is usually cautious not to make her mad. As I said, he knows better."

"Peyton, how long is Mom Reynolds going to stay?" "She's off next week, so the amount of time she'll be here is open." "Dude, I am so going to love watching the fireworks when she walks through the door." "Frankly, Dale, so am I." "You know, Peyton, there is something else I am going to enjoy watching." "And that would be, Dale?" "Jaiden biting you in the ass." "That may happen, bro, but it will be in the bedroom with the door shut, locked, and the lights out."

"Jaiden, watch the boys for a few minutes while I go to the store, please." "OK. What are you going to get at the store? Groceries? My mom from the airport? Don't forget to get some strawberry ice cream for Alaina and chocolate fudge for the boys." "OK. Is there anything you'd like for me to get for you?" "Yes; a return ticket to Abingdon, first class on Delta." "Stop being facetious, love." "OK, Peyton, I will. Just don't be long getting back with mom so the boys will have some time to tire her out so I can go to bed early." "Jaiden, don't be funny. What makes you think I am going to pick her up at the airport?" I just have a feeling of extreme dread because she knows I have been stressed out lately and haven't felt as good as I should. Call it her mother's intuition – and your telephone call." "My what?" "Your call to her earlier this week." "I have no idea what you're talking about, Jaiden." "Maybe you don't, but the cell phone bills do; I looked at them when they came in the mail today."

"You jerk! Why didn't you say something before now?" "It's more fun to rib you a little bit and see you get anxious; besides, she needs some time away from her office; she's getting old, you know!" "Babe, you better pray your mom never hears you say that; she'll show you just how young she is." "Not if I get a running head start; she won't."

"Sweetheart, sometimes I don't believe you; you always know what's going on." "Peyton, it's called keeping your ears open and against the door and keeping your mouth shut. You learn a lot more when you say nothing and listen to everything. If you see Geoff, ask him how he knows what his grands will do before they do it. Keep your mouth shut and your ears open if you want to know what is going on."

"Well, since you know the secret - boys, do you want to go with Daddy Jaiden and me to pick up Grandma at the airport?" "Can we watch planes take off, Daddy?" "Yes, Mark, for a little bit if Grandma isn't too tired. You love to watch airplanes, don't you, son?" "Yes, sir; I love to ride on airplanes too." "What do you like best about flying on an airplane, buddy?" "I like when it goes in the air from the ground; that's fun."

Jaiden said, "I like it when the jet takes off, too, Mark, and I like it when the plane lands because it means everything was OK on the trip." "What else do you like, Mark?" "Daddy, those ladies who give me snacks and a drink, they have pretty legs and milk cartons." "Mark, where did you learn that?" "From my friends at school. Jamie and Jarred go somewhere on a jet every month, and they said their daddy always says the ladies have pretty legs and milk jugs." "Well, that's not something we should say, OK?" "OK, Daddy; I won't say it anymore unless we are on a plane and the ladies have pretty legs and have milk jugs on their cart."

Jaiden was relieved that Mark had no idea what Jamie's dad meant by milk jugs, that would be hard for him to explain to a flight attendant if Mark, or especially if Nathan Robert chimed in, because there is no telling what he would say or when or where he'd say it. Peyton was standing in the kitchen laughing his butt off at Jaiden and Mark's conversation. When he stopped laughing enough to catch his breath, Jaiden heard him exclaim, "Oh God, that was so funny!"

Everybody piled into the van and headed for the airport. When they got there, Jaiden's mom's plane was landing. They got the children out of the van and went to the carousel so the boys could watch for their grandma riding down the escalator. When the boys saw her, they ran to greet her and see what treats she had brought for them on this trip. The boys like root beer lollipops, and she brought them a large bag full of the treats on this visit. Jaiden grabbed the bag before the boys could open it and told them they could have one per day until they were gone. If he had let his sons hold on to the bag of lollipops, they would have been gone before bedtime, and he and Peyton would be nursing upset stomachs the next day.

"Mom, have you had anything to eat tonight?" "Not yet; how about if I treat everybody to a seafood buffet." Mom Reynolds had done it; she one-upped Jaiden before he could stop her. The children were yelling at the thought of going to the buffet and getting their favorite seafood. Peyton looked at Jaiden when his mom spoke about going to the seafood house, and he knew it irked Jaiden by how his face turned red.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Jaiden's mom walked into the restaurant with the children and got them a table in the corner of the dining room. Peyton took a moment to ask Jaiden if he was upset because his face had turned so red. "Love, it did irk me, but I have a plan to get even." "And what is that plan, Jaiden? I will develop a dire need to go to the bathroom when the boys do the same, and Mom will have to help them in the bathroom." "Jaiden, that is mean!" "Damn straight it is, but Mom will think twice before suggesting a meal like that for the boys before asking us for our opinion, and she won't fuss about it either; she'll just wrinkle her nose and gag for twenty minutes."

Next: Chapter 179

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