
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Nov 1, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick 10/23/2020

Jaiden - Chapter 70

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Greg Patrick

Peyton, you seem more tired than usual. I want you to stay home tomorrow and spend some time with the boys and relax. You can take them to the temple to attend services since you haven't been able to go lately. I'll work a double shift tomorrow so you can be off. I think it would do both of us good to change up our routines. I'll swap out Sunday morning and let you work the short shift, and I'll take the evening shift in the emergency room after making rounds."

"Monday, after we get out of class, we can take our boys for a walk in the neighborhood and spend some quality time with each other. Afterward, we can get our notes edited and do our assigned readings while the boys play on the floor in the den. When they go to bed at 7, I want to give you a massage and then cuddle with you. After it gets dark, we can sit on the deck and have a little bit of fun."

"Jaiden, does that mean I can kiss you while we are sitting on the deck?" "Peyton, it would undoubtedly lead to what I am thinking I would like to do! I have missed holding you like I used to before med school and work. When I get to hold you, smell your hair, touch your skin, and watch you sleep in my lap, that is heaven to me. I love it when the boys are awake, and we get to play with them; it makes me wonder what it would have been like for me if my Dad had been there to hold and play with me."

"Jaiden, you are just like your Dad from what everybody has said about him, so I have to think he would be just like you are to our boys. You are so much fun to watch when you play with the children because you become a different person; you glow."

Dale walked into the den and handed Jaiden a cup of coffee with Stevia and light cream. Charley walked in behind Dale with a cup of coffee in his hand, dimmed the lights in the den, and put some jazz on the stereo, and relaxed. The babies were playing on the floor and crawling everywhere and speaking their language to each other. Peyton said he would love to know what they were saying. Dale spoke up and said he would like to know too, but he wouldn't want the boys to know he understood their language because they might stop.

Jaiden laughed and said that would be their luck. The weird thing that happened when Jaiden said that was how Nathan Robert looked at him and laughed. Peyton laughed hard at the way their son laughed at Jaiden's remark.

While Nathan Robert was a bit confident in himself, David and Jason liked to be held by Jaiden. They crawled over to him and grabbed hold of his pants leg, and tried to pull up. Jaiden reached over and picked up his boys and began to play with them by tickling them and snugging them on the neck. Everybody got a kick out of how the babies responded with their giggles and laughs. They didn't know Charley was filming everything with his cell phone. Jaiden got down on the floor and started tickling and playing with all ten children the way he played with Jason and David, and they were all laughing and giggling for Jaiden.

Charley quietly sent a copy to Dr. Mom, saying, "Mom, thought you would enjoy seeing our fun tonight. Jaiden has all the children giggling and laughing, and they are having a ball with him. Hope this makes you smile. Much love, Charley." He then sent a copy to all their parents, and shortly after, all the parents were calling their sons.

Dr. Mom called Charlie and told him he was a jewel for sending her the short video of Jaiden and the babies. She really got a laugh watching them having so much fun; it made her day. She sent a copy to Becky, Carol, Angie.

Peyton got a text from his Mom and Dad saying how much they had enjoyed the video Charley texted to them and how much it had put them on cloud nine for the night. At the end of her text, Peyton's Mom told him to Kiss Jaiden for her. She sent a copy of the text to Jenny and asked her to forward it to Jennifer, Marty, and Angie so the boys could keep playing with the children. Shortly after that, they got a call from Jenny telling them how proud she was of them at the way they were parenting the boys in the video her mom texted to her.

What got to Charley was Angie's son, JJ, calling to thank him for the video. The part that stunned Charley most was when he called him Uncle Charley; that hadn't happened before. While it drastically lifted Charley's spirits, a bit of melancholy set in when he realized how much he and the brothers still missed the surrogate moms. "Uncle Charley, Mom would like to speak to you for a moment."

"Charley, this is Angie. The video Jenny sent to us was such a spirit-lifter. I am so proud of the four of you for being the great parents you are and have been."

"The boys and I, and their Dad, love the updates, and the boys have already planned our vacation for us in Pennsylvania come early spring. I can't wait to see you guys and the babies, and my boys are dying to see their cousins. One last thing, would you please put the phone on speakerphone so I can say something to everybody? Sure, Angie. The speakerphone is on. "Guys, I am so proud of you for being such great Dads. The little videos Charley sends to us have made us so happy. If I was there, I would give you all a kiss on the cheek."

"Since I am not there, Peyton, please kiss Jaiden for me, and Dale, you kiss Charley for me. You guys have a great night, and I will talk to you soon. Love you guys." "We love you, too, Angie, have a great weekend."

Jaiden looked at Peyton and wrinkled his nose. "Peyton, do you smell that?" "Yep, time for diaper changes and to give the boys their last bottles, and put them to bed." "Dale, do you feel like changing the diapers?" "Jaiden, not a chance, not a dirty diaper." Everybody laughed at the way Dale said, "Not a chance!" Peyton and Charley went to their children's bedrooms and got the wipes and fresh diapers. It was funny when Charley walked back into the den, handed Dale the diapers, and then watched him turn green. He started gagging as soon as Charley handed him the diapers. Charley said, "Don't worry, babe, I'll change the dirty diapers; you can change the wet ones. Jaiden and Peyton laughed at Dale's response to being handed the diapers and thinking about changing the dirty ones; green is definitely his color when it comes to diapers. Even his Mom laughed when she watched him.

Peyton, Dale, and Charley awakened and got their children ready to go to the temple. Jaiden is working a double today, so Peyton can have some time off since he has been working many night shifts. The three brothers were going to the country club for lunch, and Peyton is taking Jaiden lunch at the hospital. When the guys got inside the club, the surprise meal of the day was Jaiden's favorite: Prime Rib with grilled asparagus. The club is jam-packed today, and everybody wants to see the babies as they are leaving the restaurant, so the brothers are having a hard time finishing their meals. One patron asked Dale how they keep the babies so calm, why they don't cry and act up like other children. Dale told him it is the way they love on and treat the children. We don't have arguments in our home, and if we disagree, we do so respectfully. A calm, accepting, loving family makes for loving, peaceful, and accepting children. It isn't hard to do if you set your mind to achieve those goals. Jaiden and Peyton taught Charley and me to be that way. I have to give them all the credit for helping us achieve peace in our lives. We have great Rabbis, and our temple members are the most loving people I have ever met. Their love is an example of peace for us, so it isn't hard for us to be calm and peaceful regardless of the situation.

Incredible, gentlemen; I am going to work hard to establish that peace in my family. I am sure I will see you again here at the club, so I'll let you know how it works for my family. You guys have a great day!" "You do the same, sir."

Dale looked at Peyton and said, "Thank you for what you, Jaiden, and your parents have taught us. When people say things to me like that, my heart swells with pride. "

"Dale, Jaiden and I love you two beyond measure; we always have and always will. When people speak to you the way that gentleman did, it is because you earned that esteem."

"Knowing what you had to go through after you escaped the closet, how you were treated by your families and some of your peers in Florida, when I see you two recognized for being the great young men you are, it makes me very proud to be your brother, and it is the same for Jaiden. So enjoy the accolades; you earned them." Dale looked at Peyton and said, "thank you, I love you too."

"Jaiden and I have just under a year before we head to St. Jude's in Tennessee to complete our residency and medical education; we will be there for three years instead of five because of the experience we are gaining at the hospital as physician's assistants."

"Jaiden and I have talked about the move, and the time we will be away from you two, and your children, is going to be the most painful aspect of our lives. I have sat in the bedroom with the door closed and cried until I had no more tears. You are our closest family, and the thought of being so far away from you for the time we will be gone is horrifying to us. Besides each other and our families, we have never loved anybody the way we love you and Charley." Dale's reply was simply "wow," after which he became very silent.

They got the children loaded up in the van and headed to the hospital to give Jaiden his lunch. Since the babies could hold their bottles, they each had their bottle while Peyton was inside the hospital with Jaiden. When Peyton came outside and got into the van, he turned green as he said, "yours, mine, or ours?" Charley replied, "yep," as he started laughing so hard tears came from his eyes. Dale cut his eyes at Peyton and aid, "I bet you don't laugh at me anymore." Peyton told Dale he was right as he drove out of the hospital parking lot holding his head out the van's window.

When they got home, they changed the babies' diapers and put them to bed for their afternoon nap. The three brothers decided they would nap while the babies slept, something they usually didn't get to do.

The guys had been asleep about an hour and a half when Peyton's Mom called to check on him, Jaiden, and the babies. She asked Peyton if everybody was doing OK, and he told his Mom that everybody was doing well and that they had gone to the club for lunch. They had Jaiden's favorite meal, so he and his brothers took a meal to Jaiden at the hospital.

"Mom, you know how Dale wretches when he changes dirty diapers. Well, we can't rag him anymore about that. When I got back to the van after taking Jaiden his lunch, I got in the van and literally turned green. I asked Charley, `yours, mine, or ours?' All Charley said was, Yep."

"When I got in the van, it had been closed up with the AC on, and all ten of our children had dirty diapers. You wouldn't believe what that smelled like. Peyton's parents were laughing so hard they couldn't talk. His mother finally said, "Peyton, you were bad enough when you were a baby; we had to stop several times to change your diaper and air out the car. I think Jenny got used to smelling your dirty diapers; that's why her boy's diapers didn't bother her."

"Mom, it isn't her getting used to smells that make her immune to what others gag over with their children; Jenny is simply that great of a Mom. I want to be that kind of Dad to my and Jaiden's children, but when I got in that closed up van, even with the air on, with ten babies and ten dirty diapers, geez, that was stifling." "Peyton, I don't mean to laugh so hard; it's just that I can picture that happening. And by the way, your Dad and I have watched you and Jaiden, and I can assure you the two of you are as good as Dads as Jenny is at being a mom. "Thanks, Mom, that means a lot to me coming from you."

"Peyton, I'm home." "Hey, sweetheart, have you had dinner?" "No, sir, not yet." "Dale and Charley said they would listen out for the boys so we could go to dinner; I'm taking you to eat."

"OK, love, where are we headed?" "Where would you like to go?" "Somewhere quiet where we can talk and relax." "How about Ruth Criss?" "That sounds good. We can get a quiet table on a corner in the back of the dining room."

"Welcome to Ruth Criss; how many are in your party?" "Two, please." "This way, gentlemen."

"Peyton, did you see a patient named Craig yesterday?" "No, there wasn't anybody on the floor by that name; why?" "I sat with him for at least an hour. He must have come in early this morning. His attackers beat him almost as bad as Jeremy was, except this happened in a restaurant bathroom because someone got mad at him for being a transgender male using the men's bathroom. The assailants were two Army sergeants, and they nearly killed Craig by stomping and kicking him. He has a ruptured spleen, a bruised liver, and bruised kidneys. We have him on dialysis to allow his kidneys to recover with as little stress as possible. Guess whose courtroom they will appear in Monday morning. Don isn't going to be very happy Monday morning, is he?" "I don't think so, Peyton."

When Peyton and Jaiden got home, Peyton drew a warm bath, undressed Jaiden, and sat him in the water. He didn't say anything; he softly bathed Jaiden from head to toe and then dried him off. Still, nothing was said as Peyton led Jaiden to their bed and snuggled as close to his lover as possible. When they awoke Sunday morning to change and feed their babies, they were still holding each other the same as when they went to sleep.

Once the babies were changed and went back to sleep, Jaiden went downstairs to fix Peyton's breakfast before Peyton headed to the hospital. Dale had come downstairs and made a pot of coffee, so Jaiden poured himself a cup and went and sat on the deck. He was still reeling from the beating Craig took for no other reason than being transgender. It didn't and never would make sense to Jaiden why people couldn't love each other because they deserved to be loved.

Dale's and Charley's children had fallen asleep, so they went and sat on the deck with Jaiden. Charley looked at Jaiden and said, "Jaid, you look stressed; what's going on?" Jaiden told him about the case at the hospital.

"Charley, I have a hard time understanding how people think it is OK to try to kill someone because of their sexuality, the color of their skin, even their religion when neither of those factors cause them any harm. Jeremy was severely beaten because he came out to his parents as gay. Craig was beaten senseless because he is transgender and had to pee."

"Last week, Jake, a drag queen, was badly beaten outside the club where he performed. He isn't gay; he simply likes to dress in women's clothing and do a drag act on the weekends. He has been allowing a young drag queen to stay in his home so the young lady wouldn't have to sleep in her car. The younger queen tried to help Jake, and the thugs busted his head open."

"Shontell, the younger queen, was still able to get Jake inside and call an ambulance. Nobody at the club knew Jake had a very fast-growing cancer and had been told by his oncologist three weeks earlier that he had six weeks tops to live."

"Jack's wife died five years ago, and, before she died, she asked Jack not to go to her funeral because of his crossdressing. He paid for the funeral but didn't attend her service. His daughter never forgave him for not attending her mother's funeral and supporting her and she hadn't spoken to her Dad since until Shontell got on Facebook and found her by creating a page for Jake. Shontell and Debbie, Jake's daughter, met in a local bookstore, and he told Debbie about her Dad's condition."

"That night, she went to the club where her Dad did his drag act. They mended fences, and she asked him to give her away at her wedding. He was so sick, but didn't tell Debbie. Somehow, he willed himself to live long enough to give her away. As she got home from her honeymoon, Jack died. Debbie and her husband went to the club a week after Jake died to watch a tribute for her Dad. From what I hear, Shontell did a magnificent job of imitating Jake's humor and honoring him. He and Debbie intend to remain friends, and she gave him her Dad's things and allowed him to continue living in Jake's house."

"Peyton and I have seen more than we have wanted to because of what we do. There is a transgender female named Stephanie who went to a party with some friends. A guy who thought she was adorable came on to her and scared her so bad she got an erection, which he felt when he pushed her into a wall. When the idiot felt the erection, he yelled for his friends who joined him in kicking and stomping the hell out of Stephanie."

"Her brother and another friend came to her rescue and did to the thugs what Peyton did to Gronkowski at the lake's beach. Thankfully, Stephanie was treated and released from the ER. There have been too many attacks on gays; the city has to stop the violence against LGBTQ individuals. Sadly, I think it will take LGBTQ members scaling down where they go, what they do, and ensuring they are always with several other people; I wish that did not have to be the case." "Dale and I are with you on that, Jaiden."

Peyton called Jaiden to let him know he was on the way home from the hospital and should be there in fifteen minutes. Fifteen minutes later, Peyton walked into the kitchen from the garage and headed to the shower. He washed away the germs he had from work, checked on his and Jaiden's boys, kissed them, and whispered to each child that he loved them to Mars and back. Then Peyton walked out on the deck and kissed Jaiden. Dale and Charley started laughing when Jaiden stood up and said, "Dayum, I think I'm about to have some fun!" as he headed upstairs with Peyton.

A few minutes later, Charley looked at Dale and said, Sweetie, did you see the flashes coming from the bedroom windows? Yeah, Charley, I did. I thought it was bottle rockets and roman candles, and I think I heard a yee-haw from the bedroom. I swear, if I didn't know there wasn't a chandelier in the bedroom, I would think they were swinging from one with the light that is flashing through the window and across the backyard. The lovers were laughing about what they said to each other.

Next: Chapter 68

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