
By David Preecher

Published on Sep 10, 2015


Unexpected: Five Years On 4

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This document contains homosexual themes and acts. If you are underage or don't like the subject, then don't read it.

The story is not autobiographical and is a product of the writer's fertile imagination.


Jeremy smiled. "We need to seal the deal again."

Timothy's answer was to start again but this time he was more aggressive, not what Jeremy expected, not that he would complain. Eventually, they broke apart. Both scanned the other's body. Yeah there was a reaction.

Timothy was surprised. He was attracted to this guy; he was not the guy he had imagined. He was not the jock. He had a great career. He liked good film and classical music. He was sexy as hell. All that posed a major problem for him with his parents. He would have to deal with that when they met again. His mind flashed back to his mention of water skiing and a plan was forming in his head. It might work.

This was another first for Jeremy. This was all he wanted tonight, a kiss to seal the deal. He wasn't sure exactly what the deal was but he knew that he wanted to explore it more. This guy had taken him by surprise. He was not a football or hockey team player but he loved skiing and working out. He liked good film and music. He was bright and a lawyer with a well know firm. He didn't even dare to hope: some time, some place ....


Jeremy was quite unsettled after that surprising Wednesday night with Timothy. Surprised at himself that he had wanted only the kiss. His body wanted more but his mind told him to go slowly. What was there about this guy? He was quiet and laid back but he was amusing and spoke his mind. It had been he who had suggested the movie and then said that he wanted to date, to get to know Jeremy better. He was not the kind of athlete that Jeremy was but he had his own style. He loved good film and interested in music. There was that lovely toned body that must have been under his clothes and he was a good looking guy. Must be bright to be a lawyer working for one of the best firms in town. He decided that he had to make the next step. Jeremy decided that he would look through his newspaper on line and come up with something.

When Timothy woke up the next morning he was excited. His first thoughts were of the big, handsome man who he had kissed last night. His body reacted this morning as it had last night when he climbed into bed and he had relieved himself again as he had last night, with his trusty left hand. Jeremy was the star of the little video in his head. Beside the body, what was there? A lot more. Obviously bright as he worked for one of the best accounting firms in town and was going back to the other top firm. You can't be stupid and be a forensic accountant. He had wiped away any concept that Timothy had of the jock. He had looked at him several times during the movie. He was intensely engaged and spoke so well about the film afterwards. He liked classical music and wasn't afraid to play it on a first date. He really wanted to see him.

Later in the morning, Jeremy found what he was looking for and he phoned Timothy before the lunch hour. He was put through immediately.

"What a nice surprise. I was thinking about you earlier. Really enjoyed last night."

"Me too, that's why I am calling. The orchestra is playing a really interesting program next week. There is the Brahm's piano concerto No. 2, a beautiful piece of music and a piece by Stravinsky, the Dumbarton Oaks Concerto. A little more difficult but interesting."

"I would love to go but we won't see each other until next week."

"We could go dancing this weekend. Remember I told you that I would like to ask you to dance at the wedding and you said that you would accept."

Timothy was thinking quickly. It was what he wanted but he had to be honest with Jeremy. "I would love to but we have to talk something over first. Could we have lunch or supper before?"

"Sounds serious. You are with someone else?" He paused but before Timothy could respond. "I am actually free today."

"To answer your question, no, nothing like that at all. I could be at the Arrow pub which is close to both of us, today at 12:15."

"You are on. Looking forward to seeing you."

Jeremy was a little nervous as he waited for Timothy who must be running a few minutes late. He really wanted to get to know him better in several ways if he was honest with himself. He spotted Timothy as he entered. He was even better looking than Jeremy remembered from the other night at the film. Yes he knew that he wanted to know him much better.

They ordered and chatted about the the last few days. Finally, Jeremy could not wait any longer. "OK, enough of the small talk. While I enjoy talking to you, there was something that you wanted to tell me."

"Jeremy this is tough for me. I hope you don't think me a coward and a loser." Jeremy just gave him an encouraging look. "My parents don't know that I am gay and I don't know how to break it to them. My dad is very much against the entire gay movement. He is quite vocal. That is why I have to get home early and can't stay over unless I plan it carefully. I made up a whole scenario for the film the other night. I can't tell you how much I wanted to stay longer with you."

"The whole night?"

Timothy shook his head in a yes. "You bet I would. I have had an idea of how I might approach this with my parents, especially my dad. We have a lot of people up to the chalet on, Canada Day (the first of July). I would like to invite you, as a friend, to come up to try some water skiing. I would like my parents to meet you and become at least comfortable with you."

"That is a little ways off. What about the next month?"

"I have another idea as a starter. My parents are going up tomorrow for this May, holiday weekend. I am certain that some of the guys from work are going out for a celebration tomorrow night. I shall just have to be in the city. So I shall drive up later on Saturday to join my parents and help open the chalet for the season."

"Tell me that we don't really have to go out with the guys."

"Are you crazy? No we go dancing wherever you want."

"Want to stay the night at my place?"

"You don't know how much."

With a smile and raised eyebrows, "Oh, believe me, I know how much I want that."

A look passed between them. If they had been somewhere private, there would have been a very different reaction. Like jocks, they only bumped their fists.

"I assume that you are going home after work tomorrow to get ready. Why don't we meet at my place. Have a drink and go from there. You can leave anything there when we go out."

"We might not make it out."

"Always a possibility but I do want to go dancing. Just a little build up. You know what they say about delayed gratification. Can make things very hot." Jeremy gave him a crooked smile.

Jeremy decided that there was something that he had to add to this conversation. "Timothy, I am really looking forward to this but I do have to say something to you. I really do want to date but I want you to know that there may come a time when I shall want you to be out to everyone. Dad and I had a talk about this years ago. I don't want to have to hold back and lie to people forever. I want to share someone's entire life. That is not an ultimatum but I want you know where I stand. I have been lucky with what happened to me and I can only imagine the pressures on you but at some point ...."

"Jeremy, honest and to the point as usual. You must make one bloody good forensic accountant. I know that you would make one hell of a good lawyer. Please just give me some time to work this out in my own mind. June is going to be a difficult month for getting together but I shall have to creative. OK?"

"OK. If you want, I can have a bit of supper for you at my place tomorrow. Come on over and we can eat together and then go out. I would really enjoy that."

They stood to leave and as they exited the pub, Timothy let his hand touch Jeremy's. Jeremy gave him a big man hug out on the sidewalk.

Both guys were excited about the next day. Jeremy felt that a lot things had had been understood if not actually spoken. They were dating and Jeremy was going to meet the parents in a month''s time. Timothy was actually planning to come out to his parents for him. He had better make sure that he understood his own feeling before letting him do that.

Timothy was walking on air as he went back to his office. He had not met anyone like this in a long time. He would have to plan his days until July 1 carefully. He wanted to spend as much time with Jeremy as possible before he talked to his parents.

How do you explain how he felt? He enjoyed being with Jeremy. He opened all sorts of new feelings and interests. They had never had classical music in his home and he had become involved with it immediately when Jeremy had played it after the movie. He was looking forward to the concert next week to say nothing about the dancing tomorrow and spending a night with a man, this man! He had had some experience with guys at university but he had always kept it simple. He was still a virgin in one respect. He had taken a couple of guys but had always backed off that for himself.

"Michael to Jeremy. Is there anyone there?"

"What? Oh sorry boss."

"We have a bit of a deadline here. I need you focused. You OK today?"

"Oh jeez, I'll pull myself together."

Michael pushed his chair back and put down his pen. "Alright, tell Father Michael what is happening in Jeremy's life. Get it out and then we can get on with this. You know, what we are paid for." He did have a smile on his face.

"I met a guy at the wedding that I told you about and we went to a movie Wednesday and we are going dancing tonight. I was planning supper for him."

"With a sleep over? Excited about the prospects?"

Jeremy actually blushed as he nodded yes.

"Remind me sometime to tell you how Stephen and I met. You feel that you have clicked?"

Another affirmative shake of Jeremy' head.

"Jeremy go with your instincts." Michael gave Jeremy an almost fatherly look. "Come here." Michael stood up and gave him a hug. "I wouldn't do that if you were staying here. You are a great guy with good instincts. I hope it works out for you." He tried to keep a serious 'boss' face, unsuccessfully. "Now back to what I pay you for."

The rest of the day was productive and passed quickly. Michael even sent him off early to get supper ready. Jeremy had learned some cooking skills from Jamie and even Philipo but a lot from Momma. He was going to do his version of chicken Parmesan. It didn't taste as wonderful as Momma's but he always received compliments when he made it. He had bought all the ingredients Thursday evening as he came home from work. He even had a secret ingredient which had delighted Momma.

As he left the kitchen for a shower, he breathed in the wonderful odours of sauteed garlic and onions with the his favourite herbs, thyme, rosemary and oregano. The Parmesan was on a plate ready to put on top of the aubergine he had sauteed and added a bit of the sauce to flavour it. A few minutes under the broiler and it would be ready for his linguine pasta cooked al dente.

The buzzer rang at 7:30. Timothy was punctual. "Come on up."

Timothy put his small kit down. They looked at each other. Jeremy made the first move. He moved in and kissed him.

They broke the kiss. "Haven't been kissed like that for a while. Well not since Wednesday."

"Why don't you put your stuff in the bedroom." Timothy gave him a look. "You can always take it out if you want to sleep on the couch." Timothy, the bugger, shrugged his shoulders.

"Jeremy, what is the smell? It is all over the condo."

"Let's go and see. A little something that I threw together."

Minutes later, "This is delicious. Wow and he can cook too. Any other talents?" Jeremy just gave him a lecherous smile. "I guess I stepped right into that one."

"Yep! You can step there anytime you want."

They sipped their wine and ate slowly as they chatted about the last couple of days. Jeremy certainly did not mention his lapses of concentration earlier in the day and his talk with Michael. Timothy did not mention how excited with anticipation he had felt all day. He had been so relieved when he arrived home and there was note from his mother saying that they looked forward to seeing him on Saturday and hoped he had a good night with the guys. He smiled as his mind took the plural off guys.

Jeremy had decided that they might as well go to the club. If some of the guys were there, it would be a chance for Timothy to meet them. He would just stick to his story that they had met at the wedding and they had decided to go out tonight. He was glad that the dads would not be there tonight; they had something on that night. He wanted to save Timothy for another time.

Almost the first people he saw were Tom and Eric. He headed for their table. Introductions and trips to the bar were made. Tom and Jeremy chatted. Jeremy could see that Eric was using his charm on Timothy and vice versa. The were laughing and joking together. Jeremy felt a wonderful feeling of calm and pleasure. The music started up. Jeremy and Timothy looked at each other. Jeremy nodded his head to the dance floor. Timothy smiled and said something to Eric who laughed as Timothy stood up.

They danced as if they had been dancing together for a long time, each following the other's moves. A few dances later a slow one started and they just automatically held each other close starting to dance. It felt so good to Jeremy to be holding this man close and moving to the music with him. He smiled to himself as he realized that they were both starting to become hard.

The dance ended. To take away any possible embarrassment, he held Timothy out from himself and whispered that the wait had been worth it.

With a mischievous smile, Timothy looked in his eyes and then scanned Jeremy's body, head to toe lingering slightly below the middle. "Are we talking delayed gratification?"

Returning Timothy's scan, "I suspect that you know the answer to that question."

They left the dance floor laughing with an arm around each other. They returned to the table. Tom looked at Jeremy. "Do your dads know?"


"Jeremy, you, you are smitten and so is he." Jeremy looked as if he were going to protest. Tom held up his hand. "You and Timothy are giving each other the same looks Jamie and Philipo gave each other the first night they came in together and the same one Eric still gives me. Embrace it and see where it will go. I repeat do your dads know?" Tom had a lovely look on his face. "I guessed they didn't. Don't wait too long; they will be overjoyed. I promise not to say a word." He gave Jeremy a hug.

They danced until the others decided to go. Timothy had really enjoyed the evening meeting the guys that Jeremy knew at the club. He had particularly felt a real attachment to Eric and Tom who had received him with open arms. On the way back to Jeremy's, Timothy wondered how he should act when they arrived. He suddenly realized that it was Jeremy's condo and he would let him lead the way. He suspected that he might have more experience than him anyway.

They entered the condo and Jeremy asked him if wanted anything to drink. He didn't. They were standing in the hall. Jeremy looked at him. "Where do you want to sleep tonight?"

"My kit is in the bedroom. Why move it?"

Jeremy looked at him. "Can I do something that I have wanted to do for the last hour or more?"

Timothy shrugged.

Jeremy reached out and pulled him close. "I don't know if you know it but you are so damn good looking and a hell of a dancer. Sexy as hell. "

He pulled Timothy to him and kissed him. That was all it took. It was like lighting a fire with kindling. It burnt hot and quickly lighting all the surrounding material. It was Timothy who opened his mouth and his tongue touched Jeremy's lips. He opened his lips and the tongues just lightly touched the other. Totally erotic.

Timothy increased the pressure and the kiss became more insistent and demanding. Jeremy felt fingers on the buttons of his shirt. Timothy started to slowly and lightly run his finger over his chest and nipples. Jeremy closed his eyes and let out a small groan. The fire was catching all over his body.

Timothy pulled his body away which caused Jeremy to open his eyes almost in alarm. He saw an intense set of eyes looking at him. "Jeremy I have been dreaming of this for days. You are so fucking sexy that I can't even imagine why you are here with me." He took off Jeremy's shirt. "Oh shit, look at that defined chest and the wonderful hair. I could lose myself in this forever."

"Let's get something straight." He almost ripped Timothy's shirt off. It dropped to the floor. "Your body is toned and graceful." He made Timothy turn around for him. "I may be a bit bigger than you but your body is perfection." He scanned Timothy from head to toe. He reached out and lightly ran his fingers over the bulge in the front of his pants "It looks as if I may be in heaven from this."

"Jeremy .... Oh fuck, this is killing me. Let's go somewhere more comfortable." He paused. "Just so that you know. I had myself tested last week. I have the results with me. All negative."

"I like it. You lawyers are always prepared. I was tested just before the wedding. It was a sort of just in case. I did meet someone as it turns out. It just took some time. I haven't been with anyone since I was tested. I'll show you the results." He put his arm around Timothy's waist and moved them to the bedroom. His hands went to that perfect bubble butt. Timothy shivered as Jeremy caressed his butt.

Timothy was a bit worried. He was certainly no virgin with men but he had never bottomed. He wanted to with Jeremy but maybe not right away tonight. He decided to be frank with him. He just hoped that Jeremy would understand. His thoughts were interrupted by Jeremy.

"I want to undress you slowly. I love undressing a guy. It seems so much more erotic and intimate."

Timothy just nodded OK. Jeremy slowly undid Timothy's belt and then very slowly undid the zipper. Jeremy swallowed involuntarily. It was true; some smaller boned guys could have large cocks. He smiled to himself; he wanted that tonight. Hope he likes topping. The pants were off with the socks. He turned Timothy around admiring the lovely hair on the legs and thighs and the beautiful ass. He slowly lowered his briefs over the beautifully rounded cheeks. It had very little fuzz on it it. He leaned over and lightly ran his tongue over it lightly biting it. Timothy was moving and making sounds in his throat.

Slowly Jeremy turned him back to face him as he carefully lowered the briefs over his cock and pulled them off him. Timothy's eyes were closed. His cock was magnificent. It was not small. It stood straight up and had a small curve up. There was light hair surrounding it. He leaned forward to lick the little pearl of precum off. Timothy shivered and sighed. His eyes opened wide and he muttered oh fuck as Jeremy engulfed the head of his cock with his mouth.

Finally, Timothy gently pulled his mouth off him. "My turn to undress you. You are such a stud." He put his hand over Jeremy's mouth to stop his denial.

He finally had Jeremy facing him with just briefs on. He slowly lowered them. He and Jeremy were almost the same size. Jeremy perhaps just a bit shorter but the same girth. His cock only stood at about 45 degrees. Beautiful. He licked it from balls to tip. It was now Jeremy's turn to make noises and move his hands through Timothy's hair.

Timothy slowly manoeuvred Jeremy over to lie on his stomach on the bed. Timothy forced his legs open and knelt between them. He kissed and licked his back from the top until he reached the magnificent butt.

At first it was just kisses all over it and then he forced Jeremy's leg to open wider and he started to lick down his crack. He finally arrived at his opening. The angle was little difficult so he had moved Jeremy onto this back, spread his legs and had him bend his legs up. His tongue was everywhere and was soon pressing into his opening. Timothy loved the taste of soap, musk from a night dancing and just the taste of Jeremy. Jeremy was totally surprised at the guy he had figured would not be too inventive to begin with. Did he get him wrong! He smiled to himself. He was not complaining.

He felt Timothy come off him and kneel. Jeremy opened his eyes to see Timothy with a little smug look on his face with a finger in his mouth. He looked at Jeremy with determination. The finger went to Jeremy's opening and then slowly went in. Jeremy's eyes widened and they had a look of total pleasure as the finger found his prostate. He was in overload very quickly.

Jeremy looked with yearning in his eyes. "Timothy please lie on me and kiss me."

They lay like that for minutes kissing gently. Finally, Jeremy broke the kiss. "I hope you are alright with this. Please take me." Timothy smiled softly nodding OK. Jeremy reached for the lube.

"Use lots." As he lightly stroked Timothy's cock, "I think I am going to need it. Go slowly."

With a bright smile, "Oh I figured you would want me to just ram it home."

"Smart ass. Second thought, lovely ass." Jeremy fondled Timothy's ass.

It felt so intimate as they each put lots on each other. Jeremy moaned as two fingers went in with almost no effort. Quickly, more of everything was added, lube and fingers.

Timothy was poised over Jeremy. Jeremy used two fingers on Timothy's cock to place him at his entrance. Their eyes were locked on the other. Jeremy put his hands on Timothy's lovely ass and started to pull him in slowly. Timothy stopped as he sank into the first opening. Eyes still locked.

"You feel great."

"Jeremy I feel as if I am going to explode."

"Think of something you don't like. Just stay still; enjoy it. Kiss me."

That seemed to distract him a bit. Timothy had never felt this hard before. He realized it was mostly because of this man below him. He felt such a strong connection to him. Finally, he started to move slowly in and out. By watching Jeremy' reactions, he figured out how to stimulate his prostate; one long stroke and then several short strokes over it. Jeremy looked as if he was totally involved and loving every minute of it.

Jeremy smiled. "I suspect that you are not going to last long. That is OK, neither am I." He started to stroke himself. "I'll catch up very quickly." He stroked harder and faster.

Timothy could feel Jeremy flexing around his very hard cock. He moaned that he wouldn't last long if Jeremy continued. Jeremy flexed harder and stroked himself harder. Suddenly Timothy moved hard and fast crying out. He went in hard and pushed in as far as he could. After a few seconds he started to stroke to the remaining pulses of his orgasm. Timothy almost in a fog of sensations looked down to see shots of Jeremy's semen firing over Jeremy's chest and then his stomach. Jeremy and Timothy looked at each other through a mutual haze of pleasure and completion.

Timothy let himself down onto his chest and they kissed. They were tears in Timothy's eyes.

"You OK?"

"Just emotional with happiness. I react this way sometime."

Jeremy responded by hugging him tighter and kissing his eyes.

"That is the nicest reaction that I have ever had. Dad usually tells me to 'man up' when I am emotional."

Jeremy brought back a warm wet cloth an towel and he gently cleaned Timothy up. Timothy took the cloth and cleaned up Jeremy.

Jeremy looked at him. "I am ready for a repeat anytime you are."

"I am ready for as many times as you can manage."

"Up to you. Timothy, I haven't had an experience like that for a long time."

Jeremy spooned him and Timothy turn his head for one last kiss. They drifted off.

Comments preecherdave@gmail.com

If you liked this story, you might want to read the others that I have published on Nifty. In particular, my first story, Unexpected Change which has had the most positive comments and one of my other favourites, What a Difference a Year Makes. I have recently reread Introspection and it is worth a read.

Unexpected Change, Nifty, College, April 16, 2011

Friendship, Nifty, Adult Friends, May 20, 2011

Surprising Last Year at University, Nifty, College, June 9, 2011

Murder Changed My Life, Nifty, Beginnings, July 8, 2011

What is Love?, Nifty, Beginnings, August 31, 2011

Getting My Act Together, Nifty, Adult-Friends, November 10, 2011

Surprised, Nifty, Adult-Friends, January 14, 2012

Surprised Eric and Dave, Beginnings, February 10, 2012

Surprised Graham and Robert, Nifty, Adult-Friends, March 22, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes, Nifty, Adult-Friends, September 13, 2012

Discoveries, Nifty, Beginnings, November 1, 2012

Introspection, Nifty, Relationships, August 1, 2013

Bad Boy Series, Nifty, Beginning, January 2, 2014

Unexpected, Nifty, Adult Friends, September 10, 2015

Next: Chapter 32: Five Years on 5

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