
By David Preecher

Published on Oct 26, 2017


Unexpected Robert 20

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This document contains homosexual themes and acts. If you are underage or don't like the subject, then don't read it. The story is not autobiographical and is a product of the writer's fertile imagination.

Comments preecherdave@gmail.com


"Robert, both the Dean and I thank you for how you have handled the situation. By the way, your response in class today was way beyond what I expected from a first year student."

"I enjoyed the language and your class."

They had supper together with Paul and Brett. Brett couldn't stop talking about how clear and concise his explanation had been. Brett was curious. "Robert why did the professor ask you that question?"

He explained what had happened with the Dean and what had happened in class that day. Lucas was so proud of him. "I figure that it was a way to say to me that he realized that I did not steal the web site that I gave Grandad Philipo."

"Shit, I was there the day you uploaded it."

Robert made certain that everyone knew that the matter was closed. He did admit that he wasn't sure about the two guys in the class. Wentworth obviously had a long reach.

They arrived back at their room. As the door clicked behind them, Lucas pulled Robert close. "Your dads have taught you well but I know that it is mostly you when you react to a situation."

Lucas pulled him into a long kiss which led to a wonderful time together. It had been very active and intense. They fell asleep holding the other tightly. Robert drifted off wondering if some how he was a magnet for problems.


They awoke refreshed and running a bit late after the exertions of the night before. Both laughed when they realized that they were still stiff after their morning pee. Easy decision. They showered together and very quickly there were two lines of white liquid running down the tiles in the shower and they were clean as well. Not in the least romantic but it made them feel very close. They dressed, kissed and were off to classes.

Their week went well. Both were enjoying the new classes although they were given a lot of assignments, some due in a couple of weeks. There had been no more problems with the two guys in his course although neither of them ever made eye contact with him. They avoided him like the plague.

Hockey was different. Robert could not put his finger on it; the team seemed a bit lacklustre, lethargic. The workouts went well but their time on ice for practice was a bit ragged. Robert mentioned it to Lucas who had noticed it as well. They figured that they would come together at the game which was out of town.

The team left quite early Saturday morning and had some practice time and an early lunch which Coach had organized. The game was a disaster. Robert scored a goal but they lost 4 -- 1. If it hadn't been for their own goalie, the score would have been a lot worse. They locker room was quiet and dispirited.

As they left for the bus, Robert approached Coach. "Coach, Lucas and I'll talk this over with a few guys. We'll see you tomorrow for our Sunday meeting and we hope to have a few ideas."

On the bus, they tried a bit to lift the spirits but nothing seemed to really work. They talked it over with Paul and couple of others and between themselves. They didn't want coach to come down hard on the team for this one game. They came up with a strategy.

They were a little nervous as they entered Coach's office. "OK, you wanted to talk to the guys and then think on it. Anything?"

Robert took over. "Coach, we want to try something a little different. We would like to have a short meeting with the team before the workout and practice tomorrow. We want them to come up with a solution. Guided perhaps." He looked at Coach.

"What you are probably saying is that you don't want me to come down hard on the team."

"Maybe a combination. We would like to run the meeting and you can make up your mind during or after it. You can obviously intervene anytime that you want. You are the boss."

The rest of the meeting went well and Coach seemed pleased with what the guys were doing.

After they left coach, they decided on a workout and a run. They had told Paul that was what they were going to do. They arrived and went directly into the locker room. They stopped dead in the entrance. "Jeez, it's about time." That was Hank with a big smile. Most of he team was there, dressed, ready to go.

Robert looked at them as if they were nuts. "OK you crazy bunch of masochists, we'll get changed and then we'll work your asses off."

They heard a whispered voice with a chuckle. "Bet it's not what they do to each other after hours or maybe it is." Even Robert and Lucas chuckled. They were pleased that the guys had become so accepting.

They had a good workout. There were lots of questions about Coach's reaction. They told them that they would see tomorrow. They walked back with Paul after a quick supper with all the guys. Morale was higher than they had expected. They outlined to Paul what was going to happen and asked him to think it over.

Both Lucas and Robert were nervous as they walked over to the arena the next day. In the dressing room, Robert yelled out. "Guys get changed for a workout but we are going to the meeting room for a few minutes."

When everyone was there, Lucas took over. "Guys, there is no sense in getting down over last Saturday's loss. It was simple. We didn't play well. We didn't play as a team. What we want you to do now is to let us know what you think happened on Saturday."

Robert's and Lucas' heat beats went up as the silence stretched out. Both wondered if their plan was going to crash in flames. Coach began to look uneasy. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, Elliot, one of their centres, spoke up.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I had a great first week getting back into the swing of things. Then we won the game here at home. By the end of the second week, I had been given 4 assignments, one with a due date the next week and the tougher ones a bit later. I was suddenly snowed under. I figured that with the win, I could slack off a bit at practice and in addition, I stayed up late almost every night trying to keep caught up with the work. Then we had that really early start on Saturday. I was tired and down. Coach, guys, sorry, I wasn't myself."

Elliot's honest answer seemed to release the tension in the room and virtually everyone echoed his feelings. Robert and Lucas breathed a sigh of relief.

Robert looked at them. "I had three assignments and potentially some marking for a course I am a TA in. In addition, I had a lot of reading for my courses. I guess that we are all in the same situation. Suggestions as to what we do?"

Paul spoke up. "Coach, we all let the team down. We have a winning formula. Can we put this behind us and get down to some hard work? We know what we have to do. To quote, one of our team co-captains" and looking directly at Lucas with a big smile on his face, "We are number 1!!!"

Everyone looked first at Lucas and Robert and then at Coach; then Coach with a more intense look, and a no nonsense voice, "No work out today. Get dressed and on the ice, now!"

It was one of the most intense times on the ice that year. Coach had them skating doing back checking moves, making quick passes to their line mates. Then he had them trying to score on their goalie with the defence men in place. Finally, he split them into two teams and had them work playing against each other. It was a tired, happy group of men who hit the showers later.

As they left the arena, Coach came up to Robert and Lucas. "Well done, guys, I knew that I could trust you."

The week went well for both the team practices and their classes. Lucas could not say enough good things about his forensic class. He had an assignment in that class which he had been marked and he had earned an A+. Robert suggested that Lucas talk to Jeremy about the course when they were at home over the weekend. Robert knew that his Dad would be so pleased and it might make it easier for him to hire the two of them for some more hours during the summer. Robert had one assignment back and it was an A. He was really enjoying the class in which he was the TA. A lot of the students had turned to him for help in the class.

On the Friday class that he was TA in, the professor had spoken at length on a new feature of the language. It was a tricky feature and there were a lot of questions and there was a line up for the professor for a more detailed help on how to use it.

Robert had worked long and hard with that feature and had eventually mastered it and used it in the Marchese Construction web site. After he had helped a number of students, he saw the that the line up was still there. The two guys who had shown the professor the Marchese Construction web site were still not very much closer to talking to the professor. Robert thought for a minute and decided that it was worth a try.

He walked up to the two. "Guys, you aren't going to see him before the end of class and you may want to work with this feature this weekend. It took me quite a while to learn how to use it. I think that I know it as well the professor. I'll give you a hand if you want it. Your choice. In fact, I'll do it right here so that you can keep your spot in line."

The guys gave him a wary look. "Come on guys. I don't give a damn about what happened. The professor knows how well I know this language. How does he know that? He and the Dean have seen all my revisions to the site I turned in and the all the revisions I made as I learned more until I uploaded it to my Grandfather's, Marchese Constructions website." He didn't give the guys the time to speak. He launched into a demonstration on his laptop on how the feature worked. The two asked some very intelligent questions. Within 8 minutes, they understood the feature and how to use it in a number of different ways.

Doug, one of the guys, looked at him. "Thanks but why did you do this for us?"

"I could say that it is part of my job. I could say that I don't like having people who don't trust me. The truth is that I don't like Thomas Wentworth very much for a number of reasons and I happen to know that he can be nasty and spiteful. He treated someone that I know rather badly. I don't want to be like that."

"Do you mean that bitch who he went out with? The one he dumped?"

Robert was angry at the reaction but he was thinking quickly. He calmed himself down telling himself that Wentworth could spin a good story. "You got a story from Wentworth; I have another from her. Did you know that he was fucking around with other women while he was dating her? Yeah, I can tell from your reaction that you know Thomas even better than I do. Anna is bright, loyal and a modern woman. A lot of what he is saying is straight macho bullshit to cover over the fact that she stood up to him. She was not prepared to be told how she had to act as his girlfriend. Then she discovered all the women whom he was fucking while they were going out."

"Well she had lunch with her last year's boyfriend who was trying to get her back."

"I know for a fact that they broke up last June and that they had agreed to meet to see how the term went. To meet as friends, nothing more."

"Yeah, that is what she told Thomas but he suspects something else."

"Guys," He breathed in and thought to himself in for a penny, in for a pound. "I am the ex boyfriend and I am with someone else now." With a smile, "Believe me. We had no plans to reconnect. So there is a good chance that I know the ins and outs of the situation as well as I know this computer language." He chuckled. "Yeah, I am really shy and modest. In June, we promised each other to meet at Christmas and when we met at Christmas, I asked her after we had eaten and caught up with our lives to invite Thomas to come to the restaurant so that I could meet him. I invited them to drop over together to my home on Christmas Eve if they had the time to celebrate with my family. Doug, Samuel, I hope that you understand that I am here to help anyone in the class." He looked at his watch. "I have to run as I am a co-captain of the university hockey team and we are leaving this afternoon for my home town for a big game this weekend."

Robert paused and then looked at both the guys intensely and used a rather stern tone of voice. "By the way, her name is Anna and please don't ever use the word 'bitch' when you refer to her again with me." He softened his tone a bit. "She is an amazing young woman. She and I shall be friends for a long time but just friends."

Both the guys thanked him for the help and left looking differently at him. He hoped that what he had said would help.

Lucas met him outside the class and they almost ran back to their room. They wanted to leave immediately to have time with his fathers and then meet up with the team for supper as they had in the Fall.

Two and half hours later, they entered his home to the smell of Thai food. His dads must have heard the door open; they appeared quickly. Robert rushed them and grabbed his Dad. He could feel Lucas push by him. Lucas grabbed Timothy.

"Papa so good to see you. I know, it has only been three weeks."

As Lucas was hugging Timothy, Robert heard a muffled. "Lucas, you are going to squeezed the breath out of me. My god, you're strong."

Robert had heard the 'Papa' from Lucas and he was so happy. His guy felt that he was one of the family.

They only ate a bit but it was delicious. His fathers knew the routine of meeting the team for supper and at the pub and were so proud of the way their guys had taken on the responsibility of being captains of the team. They took the usual insults from the team but they had arrived there early and gave it back in kind. Then, they celebrated at the pub later.

They arrived back home and spent some more time with his dads. They filled Robert and Lucas in on what would happen the next day and Sunday. There was going to be a big supper at their home after the game with all the families and then church on Sunday with lunch at Jamie and Philipo's. Lucas' parents, sister and Justin would arrive fairly early on Saturday morning possibly after the guys had to leave for a practice with the team.

They shut the door to their room. Robert turned and looked at Lucas with a look of total concentration.

Lucas stopped. "What???"

Robert started to move slowly to him. "I watched you at the Pub tonight. You looked so happy and confident as you joked with Jason and some of the others. God, your face was alive. You looked so damn handsome. Then you turned around with your back to me. Your ass is perfection, tight, sculpted almost. You have it all, brains, an incredible hockey player and a body that I can just lose myself in."

Smirking, "So I am just a sex object for you? A piece of ass?"

"Yeah ... but I did say brains as well.'" He paused as he looked the ass. "Have to say, the ass is a work of art!"

Lucas smiled and turned around and bent slightly so that the ass was on display. Lucas turned his head and looked at Robert with a sultry look. "You going to do anything about it?"

Robert was behind him and his hands were all over that ass. Robert whispered in Lucas' ear. "You turn me on. Knowing you, I bet you're already hard." When Robert's hands checked, he was right, hard as a piece of ebony. Soon the ass was bare with the pants and shorts falling to the floor. The ass received even more attention.

Robert reached around and stroked that hard cock. Robert heard a sigh and an intake of breath and a very enthusiastic, 'oh, yeah'.

Somehow they both knew that this was going to be a slow, intense love making. There were times that they did have hard, passionate sex, two men rutting with abandon but not tonight. The kiss was gentle but soon there were tongues touching tongues, gentle and so damn sexy.

Lucas finally leaned back and looked at Robert with his eyes half closed. "Robbie, you do something to me that I can't even explain." Lucas put his arm around his guy and moved him to their bed. They slowly finished undressing each other and it was Lucas when they were naked who stood back and scanned Robert's body. "I said a while ago that your body is perfection. Your workouts have added definition and you have filled out. There are days when I can't believe how lucky I am."

Robert smiled. "You mean lucky like this." Robert was on his knees with his lips and mouth around the head of a very hard cock. He felt Lucas shudder and heard the murmured 'oh fuck'. His breathing became faster and then ragged.

Finally, as Robert was sucking harder and faster, with a breathless voice, "Robbie if you keep doing that, this is going to end very quickly."

As Robert slowed and stopped, Lucas pulled him up and kissed him. "No not just lucky like that although that was fantastic. I mean lucky to have you in my life as my partner. OK?" As he turned around to kneel on the bed, "Now I need you to take me slowly and sensuously."

Lucas had turned and knelt on the bed. Robert came behind him and let his body slowly rest on Lucas' back. The fit was incredible as the head of his cock was right at his entrance. He moved it around the entrance as he moved his hands over Lucas' chest and nipples, pinching them at random.

After minutes, Lucas heard a whisper in his ear. "Just hold, I need to get something." He came back with the lube. He stood beside Lucas who could see him and Robert slowly and sensuously put the lube on his own very hard, inflamed cock. Robert smiled at his guy and put some in Lucas. He went in several times with his fingers and stopped over the prostate and played with it with his finger. He got the moans from Lucas that he wanted. His fingers came out and suddenly there was a much bigger part of his body at the entrance, pushing in. He stopped just after the head was almost sucked in. "Oh shit, I can feel you contracting around me." Lucas started to push back against him and very quickly he was all the way in.

It was slow and sensuous as he went fast and hard and then slowly, stopping all the way in to feel Lucas massaging him with his anal muscles. They stopped and Lucas lay on his back. He wanted to see his guy. They both knew that there would be no more edging; it was slow and sure to the finish now. It was Lucas who suddenly called out 'Robbie' and Robert saw the first volley shoot out hitting Lucas' chest. The contractions of Lucas' body set Robert off and he called out Lucas' name and went all the way in and held. They both could feel Robert's pulses as he filled his guy.

Robert collapsed on top of Lucas and the kisses were hot. Robert looked down at him. "My love, that was amazing."

Lucas' mouth closed and there was wetness forming in his eyes. That was the first time that Robert or Lucas had uttered the words 'my love' after making love. Lucas arms encircled Robert's back and he held him tightly, kissing him and kissing him.

They woke the next morning with Robert spooning Lucas. They were both hard. Robert looked at his watch. "Love, we have slept in. Bathroom, get dressed and coffee. We have to meet the team at 9:30 for breakfast and a practice. This," gently touching Lucas' very hard cock, "And this," gently rubbing himself against Lucas' ass, "Will have to wait until later in the day." Quick kiss and they went to the bathroom, showered, shaved, dressed and were down for a bite to eat with the dads who they knew would be awake to see them off.

As planned and as usual, they were the first to arrive at the restaurant. They made certain that they gave a lot of grief to the stragglers for being so lazy. They took a lot of abuse themselves but everyone ended up laughing as the insults became sillier and sillier. Coach looked pleased.

Practice went well and Coach had them in a small room off the restaurant to give them his instructions for the game. At the end, Robert asked if he could say something. Coach nodded for him to go ahead.

"Guys, I remember our game against this team. Coach has given us his strategy for the game. In addition to what he said, I noticed that their defence man number 11 is a rough, tough bugger. Watch him. He likes hitting guys hard on the boards. He tries to intimidate." Robert went on to explain what he thought that they should do to neutralize him. He ended up saying that he personally owed the guy some grief. "Guys as Coach will say be careful and clever. Don't get a penalty. Just remind him that we can play his game. Oh by the way, my entire family is out for the game and all of Lucas' family will be there as well. Let's show them what we can do. We are ...." He paused looking at the team. The entire team yelled number one.

Lunch had been fun and they were soon ready to go on the ice with the final words from Coach. The minute they skated on the ice Robert saw his family stand and cheer. He could make out Lucas family cheering along side his family. He saw the huge smile on Lucas' face as he scanned the crowd and focused on his family. This was so different from the time in October when his father had come to the game by himself and surprised Lucas.

The puck dropped and the game was on. It was fast and hard. Robert was watching number 11; after about eight minutes of play, the guy appeared to be getting edgy as their team was getting out of his way and then one of Robert's team mates would then body check him after he had crashed into the boards missing their player. Both teams were playing well and there was no score after half the period had passed. At the eleventh minute, Robert took a really excellent pass from Hank and he stick handled around the defence and scored. He saw his family out of their seats cheering loudly. He noticed Mrs. S on her feet clapping and shouting. They went to the dressing room with a lead 1 -- 0.

Coach calmed them down and Robert congratulated them on their handling of number 11. Paul scored early in the second period and Robert scored again late in the period. 3 -- 0.

The third period was hard fought. Number 11 boarded Robert hard and pushed his stick in his back and minutes later Robert saw his chance and he body checked the guy sending him to the ice. As Robert leaned over to help him up, he looked at the guy and muttered, "Cut the crap. We know your game and you are going to end up in the hospital if you keep your bullshit, bullying tactics up."

The opposition scored mid way through the last period. Robert wanted another goal for insurance. With five minutes left in the game, the other team was still pressing hard. Lucas and Hank were on defence together. Lucas gave Hank a great pass and Hank skated around the other team. Robert skated fast but then slowed as he came close to the blue line. Hank saw him and gave him another incredible pass. Robert was over the blue line, around the defence, faked a shot and then went to the other side of the goalie; the goal light went on. He had his hat trick.

The dressing room was riotous. Robert stood on a bench. "Guys, we played like a winning team. Defence was fantastic and the passing and back checking were incredible. We played as a team."

Someone asked what he had said to number 11. "I told him to cut the crap and he would end up in hospital if he tried to bully us any more." He got a shout of great job. "No it was you as a team who did the great job. It was a team effort. End of discussion." Coach watched it all, knowing that he had made the right decision on appointing the two guys as co-captains.

There were surprises waiting for them. They emerged from the dressing room corridor to see more than a dozen people waiting for them clapping as they approached. His dads rushed him. Suddenly, as his dads released him from their hugs, it was Mrs. S who separated herself from the crowd and rushed towards Robert and Lucas. She hugged her son telling him what an incredible job he had done. Then she turned to Robert and gave hm a hug saying that his three goals had been amazing.

Robert looked up to see Momma standing there looking at him. She excused herself to Mrs. S and grabbed him. "Robert, I am so proud of you. Not just the goals. I saw what you did to that opposing player. You didn't just help him up. You gave him a warning. I knew from the way you acted; I was sure I could see you talking to him. I am so proud of you."

After kisses and hug, she turned. Speaking loudly, "Now I have to speak to my other grandson. Lucas, you played a great game. I saw you break up so many plays." Lucas' mother stepped aside as Momma embraced Lucas and gave him a hug and kiss. "Ah my wonderful Lucas."

As Robert watched the interaction with Momma and Lucas, he saw the look on Mrs. S as Momma hugged and talked to Lucas. It was one of surprise and almost sadness as if for the first time, she was seeing the Lucas who she didn't really know. He had seen that side of Lucas that first time at the Chalet which seemed like a lifetime ago.

Then it was Jamie and Philipo with Robert and Mr. S, Lucas' sister and her boyfriend Justin who grabbed Lucas and talked excitedly about the game. Finally the rest of the family, Robert's great grandfather Malenfant and his great Grandmother Malenfant and Philipo's brother, Tony and his family surrounded the two.

Finally, Jeremy yelled out. "OK, enough, supper is waiting at our place. These two have to relax and have some food."

Mrs. Stephenson looked at the two. She turned to Robert. "Robert, thank you so much for inviting us and making me come." She smiled as she looked at Robert and shook her head. "Yes, you were very persuasive." She paused. "Your dads were so welcoming and your home, oh my, beautiful. You were right; there are lots of rooms. Lunch was fantastic; your dads are good cooks and wonderful hosts." She gave him a hug.

They entered the house to the smell of lamb stew wafting through the air. His Papa had set the oven to start before the game and then timed it to shut off after two and half hours. Robert could hardly wait to taste the melt in your mouth lamb. When he saw his Dad's scalloped potatoes, he knew that the meal would be outstanding. Jamie and Philipo brought dessert and Momma had brought some lasagna. It was another feast. By the end of the meal, Robert could see that everyone was engaged in conversations around the table. He sat back and thought over all the events of the Fall and Christmas. For him, it had been an amazing time of discovery and love.

There were after dinner drinks in the living room and more conversation. Finally, people started to leave. It had been a long day. They were left with his parents and Lucas' family. The two guys looked at each other and both realized that they were both ready to turn in after a long, arduous day: breakfast with the team, ice time practice, lunch together, a tough game and wonderful feast with the family.

They were finally in bed facing each other. Lucas looked at Robert. "I watched you a couple of times this evening. You looked a bit pensive."

"I was reflecting on all that has happened since I arrived at the university in August. It has been an amazing six months in my life."

"Yes, your courses have gone well; your are a TA in a computer course. You are a co-captain of the hockey team and one of the top scorers in the league. You had a great Christmas and then the game this afternoon."

Robert shook his head. "You are either hopeless or you are looking for assurance. You aren't even close. What touched it off was looking at your mother's reaction to Momma's greeting to you after the game. She looked as if she was seeing you for the first time. That wonderful way that you have with people. It reminded me of me seeing the real you at the chalet at Thanksgiving. Helpful, charming, fun and then the kiss. My life changed that weekend. You thought that you were lucky; these last six months have been the best in my life so far and it is because of you."

Lucas started to reply but there were instantly two fingers on his mouth to stop him talking. "Not a word," almost pleading, "Just kiss me."

Both were almost instantly hard as the kiss deepened and tongues duelled. No winner in the duel as they both were highly charged and very emotionally together. Eventually, it was Robert who spoke in actions. He released his hold on Lucas, lay on his back, spread his legs and bent them up. Many minutes later, they finished within a minute of each other. They lay sated holding each other tightly and they slept.

They had shifted during the night. Lucas lay behind Robert with his arm resting on Robert's chest. Lucas tried to move slowly so as not wake his guy. Robert stirred and turned his head. "Hold me just for a few more minutes. It feels so good. Even that hard object against my butt feels good." He turned back to look at the clock. "Sorry, will have to hold my thoughts 'til later." Minutes later they had showered and shaved and were downstairs.

It was a simple breakfast and they were soon in their cars heading to church. As usual, Momma had staked out her spot at the entrance to the church to greet the family. Robert kept watching Mrs. S to see what her reactions were to the family. Momma was their hugging and kissing every member of the family.

As they entered the church, Robert was beside Mrs. S who commented. "Momma is an amazing person. Does she treat everyone like this."

"Not quite. She is the matriarch of the family and we all love her. There are subtle differences in how she greets people. You got the welcome to the family hug and kiss."

"She treats Lucas like her grandson."

"They hit it off big time at the chalet at Thanksgiving. The first thing that he asked her was if he could call her Momma and then he said he wanted to be as important to her as I was. He laughed and joked with her all weekend. She saw the real Lucas."

"I guess that I have missed a lot of my son with my stupid prejudices."

"You know, the past is the past. You have missed some of your son but now you have him back and you are seeing the real man. He really is part of our family. My dads call him son all the time. But he really wanted to go to his home for some of Christmas and he was so happy that you took up the offer to come here for our game yesterday."

They took their seats. Lucas' mother sat beside her son and Robert sat on Lucas' other side. Robert let his hand touch his guy's leg. Lucas looked at him. Robert whispered very quietly. "I just had a very important talk with your mother. It was good and I'll tell you all later."

The service went quickly and Robert and his dads stayed with the Stephensons during communion. The priest had welcomed the Stephensons. He knew that they were not Catholics and that his family had stayed so that they would not be singled out. Lunch was boisterous and filled with talk about the game the previous day. It all ended too quickly. The Stephensons had to leave for home as did the Robert and Lucas. There were many thanks to Jamie and Philipo for lunch and then many thanks to Timothy and Jeremy for their wonderful hospitality.

As they walked to their cars, Mrs. S stopped and turned to the guys. "You have a break in March. We would love to have you back at our place for a few days if you are free. We really enjoyed this weekend." Turning to Robert, "Your parents and grandparents were wonderful."

In the car on the autoroute, "So what was your conversations with my mother?"

"She watched how Momma greeted and treated you. She said Momma treated you like a grandson. Your mother has finally seen the real you and she was upset that her prejudices blinded her to you. I told her that the past was the past but now she had you back."

Lucas looked at Robert. "Strange, she hated me because I was gay and then accepted me when I took you home as my partner. So it must be thanks to you and your dads."

"We are not going to have this discussion again. You stood up to her and told her that you were coming for Christmas only if I came and that it was her decision. Then you gave her the backup plan that we would sleep separately." Lucas tried to speak. "No more discussion of this topic. You have your family back." Robert stopped ... thinking. He smiled. "Everyone lived happily ever after. Hm, appropriate ending for a FAIRY story. She got us, my two gay dads and two gay grandparents. A pretty neat ending to that story."

They both chuckled and Robert leaned over and gave his guy a kiss on the cheek.


I have had some feedback from some readers who were trying to read some of my previous stories. If you go to Authors on Nifty and find my name, when you try to access Surprised Eric and Dave from the Authors list, it doesn't connect to anything. Surprised Graham and Robert is just not there. If you want to read them, use the date and category, Adult-Friends or Beginnings etc. and go the appropriate category and date and they are there and active.

If you liked this story, you might want to read the others that I have published on Nifty. In particular, my first story, Unexpected Change which has had the most positive comments and one of my other favourites, What a Difference a Year Makes. I have recently reread Introspection and it is worth a read, Michael Burtchell's story is in Discoveries; its ending is a little weak but getting there is fun.

Unexpected Change, Nifty, College, April 16, 2011 Friendship, Nifty, Adult Friends, May 20, 2011 Surprising Last Year at University, Nifty, College, June 9, 2011 Murder Changed My Life, Nifty, Beginnings, July 8, 2011 What is Love?, Nifty, Beginnings, August 31, 2011 Getting My Act Together, Nifty, Adult-Friends, November 10, 2011 Surprised, Nifty, Adult-Friends, January 14, 2012 Surprised Eric and Dave, Beginnings, February 10, 2012 Surprised Graham and Robert, Nifty, Adult-Friends, March 22, 2012 What a Difference a Year Makes, Nifty, Adult-Friends, September 13, 2012 Discoveries, Nifty, Beginnings, November 1, 2012 Introspection, Nifty, Relationships, August 1, 2013 Bad Boy Series, Nifty, Beginning, January 2, 2014 Unexpected, Nifty, Adult Friends, October 26, 2017

Next: Chapter 81: Robert 21

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