
By David Preecher

Published on May 29, 2014


Unexpected 7

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This document contains homosexual themes and acts. If you are underage or don't like the subject, then don't read it.

The story is not autobiographical and is a product of the writer's fertile imagination.

Comments preecherdave@gmail.com

Don't hesitate to comment. It is always good to hear from readers. Thanks for all the comments from everyone who has written so far; I have been surprised at the favourable reception of this story. I do try to reply to all comments.

Author's Comments

This chapter was fun to write, serious at times and then light and very human at others. There are more chapters in various stages with some twists, not necessarily bad twists. Hope you enjoy


Then it was a wild ride. He had once promised me a wild ride and now I was giving him one. No edging tonight. His hands were all over me reacting to every move I made. My cock had never been as engorged, so hard. It was almost painful but every nerve in my body was sending pleasure messages to every pleasure receptor in my body. I could now feel Philip stroking himself and his head moving from side to side; his face a mask of pleasure. I knew I was just a couple a strokes away as I lowered myself to kiss him again. I felt him increase his speed and finally felt his body tense and contract around me. That set me off and I swear that there were spasms in almost every muscle group of my body.

We kissed and kissed until I finally fell limp on his body. We were both breathless. I could feel the wetness everywhere on his stomach and chest. I managed to raise myself and lick a lot of it up and then kissed him again.

"My thoughtfulness was about my first meeting with you and how blessed I have been for the rest of the year. I almost felt high this evening with the beautiful service and you and my family around me." I looked at him and we kissed a gentle kiss of closeness and love. No more was said but I could feel physically the bond between us.


It was a scramble the next morning to arrive at the Marchese's for breakfast but we did make it. Sort of. We were the last to arrive and I got a knowing look from Gio.

"Marchese men have needs do they?"

"You'll never know." But I did give him a big satisfied smile. He left me chuckling shaking his head. I think I heard him mutter that it was a hell of lot more than he got. We would have to hook him up with someone on New Years Eve. There were some unattached females attending. Who knows?

I bounded into the kitchen and grabbed Mamma giving her a huge hug and kiss with a Merry Christmas. She protested that she was busy but I could tell that she loved every minute of it. Mamma was becoming my rock and one of my favourite people in the world. Pops was in a great mood and we exchanged big Italian man hugs with a firm handshake. There were words of real thanks. Pops had given us money towards a trip to Europe that we had been talking about. Now it would become a reality. It was a lot more than just plane tickets. We had been thinking of mid spring for good weather and less crowds. We had talked about landing in Paris and then going to Italy to visit relatives and take in Florence and Rome. Now it looked as if could be a reality.

"Well, guys what did you get for Christmas?" Anna gave me a long list and thanked Philip and me for her 8" tablet.

Marcus did her one better. "Uncle Jamie, I took pictures of everything with my new camera you gave me." It included lovely pictures of all his family early on Christmas morning. It was great to see the happiness in everyone's faces.

Breakfast was as good as a full course meal with an Italian flavour naturally. It was raucous and fun as we all talked about our Christmas gifts and the Christmas celebration. We finally were able to pry ourselves away close to 11:30 with wishes of a safe trip and a good time with my family.

We arrived at my parents close to 3:30 and both of us were a little tired from the night before and the early morning with Philip's family. I was certainly a little tired and on edge and that may explain my actions before supper. Not that I would ever apologize for what I said.

My sister Jane, her husband, Mark and their Stephen, age 12 and Jessica, 10 were already there. Also there were my Aunt Brenda and Uncle Sam with one of their unmarried sons, Jacob. There were warm greetings and introductions. I had decided that that I would just introduce Philip as Philip. Everyone knew that we were together. We were sleeping in the same room at my parents. In fact, my mother had said out loud that she hoped that we would like the new bed my father had said that we needed.

We came back from putting our stuff in our room and got a drink. We chatted with Uncle Sam, Aunt Brenda and Jacob. Philip ended up on the floor playing with one of Stephen's new remote controlled cars. They were having a ball running around a course that they had set up on the floor by the Christmas tree. I was working with Jessica setting up her new 8" tablet that we had given her for Christmas. We were really enjoying the kids.

The door bell rang and Mom answered it. I could hear my Uncle Harold talking in his usual, loud, almost harsh voice and the more subdued voice of Aunt Alice. I heard Mom say to come in and meet the guys. I hadn't seen Uncle Harold for a long time. They stepped into the room and I saw Uncle Harold survey the room.

Philip must have heard the greeting and he, as usual, stood up to be introduced. Damn, he was imposing and a stud. He gave Stephen a little tussle of his hair and said that he would be right back. Uncle Harold had a strange look on his face, I would later realize that it was disgust. Philip went over to them.

"Hello, Philip Marchese. Glad to meet you." It was typically Philip, robust, friendly and welcoming.

Uncle Harold made his first mistake. He did not extend his hand to shake Philip's. He tried to pretend that he was fixing his sweater. Didn't manage it well. Philip looked quite taken back and didn't know what to say or do. I was quickly on my feet. "Uncle Harold. It has been a long time. Welcome." I would at least try civility but I did say it with my teeth clenched.

Then he made his second mistake. He muttered. "I didn't know that you would be here with HIM." Civility was fleeing me quickly.

"His name is ... Philip ... as he just told you. Yes, we came for Christmas dinner. We spent Christmas Eve and this morning with Philip's parents and we are here to celebrate Christmas with my family.

"They approve of this arrangement?"

I just looked at him saying nothing. People often don't like silence and need to fill it in, sometimes stupidly. "Well, what a terrible example to set for young people. There, you are playing with them. Terrible."

Aunt Alice, "Harold, you promised."

"Promised what Aunt Alice?" She looked panic stricken and went quiet. I could see my uncle's eyes narrowing. There was more coming.

I decided to preempt him. I leaned over and spoke softly to him. "At least, I don't go around screwing every available woman like my dear cousin, your son." His eyes almost popped out of head.

"How dare you talk to me like that."

"I dare to talk that way to anyone who refuses to shake hands with my partner and then implies that it is terrible that we are playing with my niece and nephew. May I add that his family approves of me and my family approves of Philip."

"Alice we are leaving."

Me, "Good!"

Moments later they were gone. I did apologize to my mother. "Mom, sorry, I think I am a little tired and shouldn't have acted like that in your home. I ... I just can't stand that kind of bigoted self righteousness."

Mom looked at me and then at Dad. "Thank you. It saved me or your father from having to ask them to leave."

Stephen, "Uncle Philip, did Uncle Harold do that because you and Philip are together?"

"Yep. Some people find it a challenge to have two men live together."

"That's stupid. You are a great uncle and so is Uncle Philip."

"Nicest thing that has been said to me all day. Well, except when Uncle Philip woke up this morning and said good morning to me."

"Did he give you kiss."

"Yeah, a great big, mushy one right here." I pointed to my forehead. "Yuck!"

Everyone was laughing as Philip and I made ugly, disgusted faces at each other. The place erupted when Philip came over and gave me a whooping, big, messy kiss on my forehead. If only Uncle Harold could have seen the reaction to his leaving!

Supper was delicious and afterwards, we had a lot of laughs as most of us played board games with the kids while my parents and and uncle and aunt played a noisy game of euchre. Philip had become a member of the family. Not surprising.

Just as everyone was leaving, Philip, "Anyone for skating or some hockey tomorrow? It is going to be a lovely day." Of course, Stephen and Jessica's arms were up immediately. I could see that my sister and brother-in-law responded less fervently.

"I have a suggestion. We'll pick the kids up around 11 and we'll skate and have lunch out and bring them back in the late afternoon." I looked at my sister with a very sincere, innocent look. "I am sure that you have lots of things that you can do on Boxing Day." I am certain that I saw a look pass between her and her husband when she nodded yes. I am equally certain that there was trace of a smile on my brother-inn-law's face. He gave me a little tap on the shoulder with a 'thanks' as they left.

Philip looked at me as they left. "You are something. Such a look of innocence. I know what you would be up to if you were them."

"Exactly what I intend to be up to in a very few minutes."

"Don't count your chickens ...."

"I know my rooster really well."

We went laughing down the hall, my arm over Philip's shoulder.

Mom, "You guys seem to be having a good time."

"Mom, it was a fantastic supper and we have really taken to Stephen and Jessica. They really are great kids. We are looking forward to being with them tomorrow. Now let's do some clean up." Mom protested. "Mom, not an option, we are clean up experts and you are stuck with us." She smiled her thanks. It was a nice way to end the day. Well, Philip and I had an even better way to end it a while later. I was surprised how my fatigue didn't interfere with that at all.

What can I say about the next day? It was great. Jessica and I skated until our legs were about to fall off. Philip and Stephen stick handled, bumped into each other and the smiles or looks of determination never left their faces. We ended up tired, rosy cheeked and hungry.

We took them to a good Italian restaurant in town and had a pizza feast. Stephen appeared to have a hollow leg. I have never seen anyone eat as much as he managed. We had ordered enough to take the remainder home. I phoned my sister to ask if it was safe to bring the kids home. She called me a smart ass and laughed that they had their timing down really well. We had ended up making a great new connection with my sister's family and bonded even stronger with my mother and father.

We left the next day and spent most of the ride home with Philip using his iPad to make to do lists for the days leading up to New Years Eve. By the time we arrived home, we figured that we would make it through as long as we kept to our lists.

New Years brought some really nice surprises. Tom and Eric arrived in the afternoon with food for supper and willing hands to help get ready. Gio arrived even before them with all the pick up items that we needed. He fit in with the group, especially Eric with whom he seemed to really connect. What we thought was going to be a chore turned out to be fun with all the help and joking. We were ready an hour before everyone was to start arriving. So we all changed or freshened up and sat down and started the party early.

The first to arrive were people from the office who had to leave for other parties. I had explained that no one had to come as it was a party. But you know people. You had to please the boss. We had a lot of good food and drink out just for these people and we made sure that they felt welcome and let them know that they could leave as soon or as late as they wanted. Philip, Gio, Tom and Eric were great with them and it was obvious that they were having a good time.

By 10, the ones who left early were gone and those staying until 12 were present and accounted for. It was time to really get things going. We organized the guys and took up the big oriental carpet, our Christmas present. We wanted it out of the way anyway when the renovations started next week.

Philip and Gio had both made a selection of music which we played for the dancing. Everyone took part. I noticed that Gio was out dancing with many of the females who had come by themselves. He really was a good looking man and was a fantastic dancer. I hoped that this would be his start of getting back into the dating game. If the guys dancing with guys bothered anyone, it certainly wasn't obvious. I know that Philip and I did not stopped dancing except to make sure that the food and drinks were always looking full.

Around 11, I noticed that Gio was dancing with a group of the guys from the club. Not a female in sight with them. Old Gio was showing some adventuresome spirit tonight. I also noticed that he had been drinking quite regularly and had been talking to Kevin quite often. Would have to watch his alcohol levels. He could always stay with us in the study.

We had the bubbly ready for 12 and had the countdown with the people on Times Square in New York. Philip looked at me with soft eyes and hint of a smile. After a very hot, New Years, midnight kiss, I looked at him. "A lot has changed for me since this time last year and I just can't tell how good it is."

"Jamie, this time last year I was at New Years Eve party and felt so adrift. I left just after 12 as there was no one there that interested me. Oh there was a guy who would have gone home with me but I just didn't like that kind of arrangement that night. You have told me several times how blessed you are feeling. Lover, I feel the same if not more."

We kissed again and I could feel the bond between us. I had to break the kiss as I was becoming increasing obviously hard. Philip was exactly the same. We stood for a moment holding each other but just looking into each others eyes. When I looked up, I could see Gio off to the side looking at us in what I interpreted as awe. I went over and gave him a big man hug.

He whispered in my ear. "Thanks Jamie, you have made my brother so happy. I can see it every day."

"He does the same for me. By the way, you can stay here tonight if you don't want to stop drinking." He gave me nice look.

We were in the kitchen putting out more food and I felt a hand slip down my back, under my belt and into my pants to my butt. I looked around and there was a very mischievous looking Philip. "You can't do that here in the kitchen with a party going on." I swatted his hand aside.

"Why not? It's our kitchen and our party." With a really lecherous smile, he pulled me close and kissed me hard. "My eyes must have been as bright as saucers. He had never behaved like this before in public.

I decided to get into the spirit of things. I pushed him off of me and quickly turned him around. I gave him a couple of smacks on the ass. "Two can play games."

"Oh, you want games?" He turned and leaned over and caressed my chest pinching my nipples hard. I have to admit that it was like a bomb going off. A good bomb.

By this time, we were both laughing and trying to get the other. Quick kisses, bites, pinches, smacks on the ass. We were circling each other laughing and trying to find the moment to strike.

I heard a little clearing of a throat at the door. Gio, "OK boys. I'd tell you to get a room but you have one down the hall and I am afraid that you might take me up on it. We need more food and some coffee."

I looked at Philip. "I'll get you later."

"Yeah, you and what army." He rushed forward catching me off guard and gave me a big wet kiss. By this time, even Gio was laughing and then tried to sigh in mock disgust.

We finally got ourselves together and had the food out and coffee out. Just after midnight, we had put most of the alcohol away and let people know that coffee was coming and reminded people that the police were out in force this evening with lots of road checks. We got lots of catcalls on that one but I noticed that most had stopped drinking. Gio was still at it.

People started to leave around 1 and we were finally down to just a few. I went over to Gio who was talking to Kevin again. "If you want to stay here, you can."

"Thanks but Kevin stopped drinking quite a while ago and he has promised me a drive home or the couch in his living room." Lots of thoughts went through my head. Kevin was one our gang from the club. He was big athletic guy and didn't have a straight bone in his body and was hot as hell. I was surprised that he had no one with him tonight but that was not unusual. He really never seemed to have a steady boyfriend but never an empty bed. I made the decision that Gio was an adult and that Kevin had always impressed me as an honest, upright guy.

"Thanks Kev. Gio, you can pick your car up tomorrow. It will be OK tonight where it is."

With the help of Tom and Eric, Gio and Kevin, we had the dishwasher loaded, the rented stemware and plates etc. in their boxes ready to return. The living room and kitchen looked clean and as if there had never been a party. We finally said goodbye to the guys telling Gio to give us a call in the morning if he needed a ride to our place. I saw a look pass over Kevin's face. I shook my head not believing that anything would happen between them. Gio was the guy who accused me of turning his brother gay.

The guys were not gone a moment when Philip looked at me with a smirk on his face and gave me a fairly hard slap on the ass. The game was on. He took off and I ended up tackling him on the bed and lying on top of him letting my entire weight weigh down on him.

"I can't breathe."

"Oh better get some breath into you." I slipped off and started to tickle him. He got his breath back but then was gasping from laughing so hard.


No sooner had I stopped, he pinned me with his an arm and his body and undid my pants and pulled them over my ass.

"No fair. It was a truce."

"It isn't any more." He lowered my shorts and started to smack my ass. That sent incredible shocks through my nervous system. Damn I was reacting. I was hard as a rock. I felt a hand reach under me. "Oh so my guy likes that. He likes to be punished." I think I managed to mumble something totally incomprehensible. He laughed.

I let myself relax. The moment I felt Philip relax, I suddenly erupted taking him by surprise. In one second, I turned, sat up and grabbed a nipple through his shirt and started to pinch it. His eyes opened wide as did his mouth with a moan and an 'ah fuck'.

Literally, the dam burst. Hands were taking clothes off and we were naked. Kisses were everywhere and hands and fingers were pinching as teeth were nipping. I got a couple of good hard wacks on his ass and he returned the pleasure. We went through every part of the body and we were at it for I don't know how long. Philip was breathing hard when he suddenly stopped and managed to yell out. "Take me you sexy, fucking, beautiful man."

He leaned down and wet me so that I was literally dripping with his spit. "Wet me. Use your tongue and spit and then fuck me hard."

I had him kneel on the bed and then I went after his ass. It was not gentle and loving. It was raw male sex. He was making strange noises as I probed with my tongue. When I had him totally wet. I quickly pushed him over. He landed on his side with laughter. I put him on his back and then climbed on top of him with my knees on each side of his chest at just the right distance. "Suck it and get me even wetter. Make me suffer."

He took me right to the bottom many times and towards the end he was lightly scraping me with his teeth. I was breathing hard. I positioned myself between his raised legs, spread them as wide as I could. He put me at his entrance and I pushed in holding only for a second and then pushing in all the way quickly. "You said hard!"

His hands on my ass set the pace and it was hard and fast. Philip managed to get out, "I don't care how long you last, we are going to do this for most of the night."

I was so charged that I didn't last long and I very quickly had one of the most explosive orgasms of my life. I hardly waited. I came out. I leaned down and wet his cock. and knelt on the bed. "Wet me and fuck me just as hard you can, you magnificent stud."

Very few times in my life did I have the reaction that I had. After an amazing orgasm, I usually go soft. Now, I was still hard and after entering me quickly, I stayed hard. Shortly, I asked him to let me lie on my back so I could see him. He came out and his cock was shimmering in the light from the spit: it was red and completely aroused. As he came between my legs, I reached under his ass and put a finger in him feeling the wetness I had left. I massaged his prostate. He was incoherent. Very soon, he was in me and finishing in a huge explosion.

When he came back to the world, he looked at me. "Fuck you are still hard. Take me again. You are amazing."

I made him lie on his side but turned towards the bed with legs splayed open. I was able to stroke his ass, kiss it and lick it. I spread his cheeks apart and could see his wet opening, a turn on. I liked this position because I could kiss his neck and use my hands on his chest and I could reach his cock. I managed to get him hard again as well. Suddenly, the mood changed. We made love. It was slow and intense. When I came again it was with an incredible feeling of love and attachment to this man. When I realized that he was still hard, I made him do the same thing to me. I simply revelled in the physical and mental closeness that had developed between us.

So at some point that morning totally satiated, we kissed a final time and fell asleep.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter preecherdave@gmail.com

If you liked this story, you might want to read the others that I have published on Nifty. In particular, Unexpected Change which has had the most positive comments and one of my favourites, Getting My Act Together.

Unexpected Change, Nifty, College, April 16, 2011

Friendship, Nifty, Adult Friends, May 20, 2011

Surprising Last Year at University, Nifty, College, June 9, 2011

Murder Changed My Life, Nifty, Beginnings, July 8, 2011

What is Love?, Nifty, Beginnings, August 31, 2011

Getting My Act Together, Nifty, Adult-Friends, November 10, 2011

Surprised, Nifty, Adult-Friends, January 14, 2012

Surprised Eric and Dave, Beginnings, February 10, 2012

Surprised Graham and Robert, Nifty, Adult-Friends, March 22, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes, Nifty, Adult-Friends, September 13, 2012

Discoveries, Nifty, Beginnings, November 1, 2012

Introspection, Nifty, Relationships, August 1, 2013

Bad Boy Series, Nifty, Beginning, January 2, 2014

Unexpected, Nifty, Adult Male, May 29 ,2014

Next: Chapter 8

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