
By David Preecher

Published on Nov 26, 2015


Unexpected: Five Years On 15

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This document contains homosexual themes and acts. If you are underage or don't like the subject, then don't read it.

The story is not autobiographical and is a product of the writer's fertile imagination.

Email Comments to preecherdave@gmail.com


Over many chapters, I have mentioned Michael Burtchell. This name comes up in several of my stories. If you are interested, you can meet him and his strory at Discoveries, Nifty, Beginnings, November 1, 2012. We first meet him in passing in What a Difference a Year Makes, Nifty, Adult-Friends, September 13, 2012 in Paul 2 but in more detail in Paul 3. You might find it interesting to read about him.


By this time, Timothy's shirt was on the floor. Timothy had his eyes closed as Jeremy's hands and then his tongue roamed over his chest, nipples and stomach. He groaned when Jeremy lightly nipped his nipples. Jeremy was slow and methodical with his tongue, just how Timothy loved it. He was shuddering with the assault on his body.

Timothy finally looked at his partner. With just little bit of shortness of breath, "Let's go somewhere more comfortable. I have some things that I want to say and do as well."

Within minutes, they were laying on the bed naked with arms around each other, kissing slowly and softly. It felt so intimate and loving. Finally, Timothy raised himself up on his side looking at his lover. "Attractive? I think sometimes that you have no idea what you look like to me. I see that golden tone to your skin and the lovely hair on your chest and the small treasure trail leading my eyes to a magnificent cock between two of the most incredible thighs covered in short dark hair. If you think that you go crazy, I get erect just looking at you."

With that Timothy, quickly turned around on the bed, stretched out and was licking those thighs and pulling the hair gently so that he could see Jeremy's cock reacting as if there were little shocks going through it. Then his tongue was licking around and around the head and then he suddenly took it in his mouth using his tongue at times and then sucking gently with his mouth. Jeremy moaned loudly when Timothy took him all the way and Jeremy could feel his nose on his stomach.

Timothy felt movement on the bed. He was quick to discover what was happening as Jeremy's mouth surrounded him right to the base. Again by non verbal communication, the two guys felt that mutual attention at the same time in the same way was what they wanted that night. So finally, with moans and noises both finished within a minute of each other. Neither swallowed and again saying nothing to the other, they shared with each other. It was one of the closest moments so far in their relationship.

This time it was Timothy who was licking the tears from his lover's eyes.


They both were awake after a good nights sleep. "Jeremy, it is not possible. Yesterday morning, last night, in the middle of the night. Now again?"

"Can I help the effect that you have on me? I won't be able to concentrate at work. It will probably help you as well."

Laughing, "Stop the puppy dog eyes. Come here. You know that I want it as much as you."

The shower had to be rushed. They both made it to work on time.

Jeremy knew that he would be leaving in mid August and he really wanted to get back to the Accountants. He found that the time was going quite slowly. He felt as if he was neither here nor there, in no man's land so to speak. He did work hard with Michael on this last case with the firm. He enjoyed working with Michael and learning all that he could in the last weeks with them. But still he felt unsettled.

Timothy was in a very different situation. His case in court had been successful again and he noticed that he was being given more and more challenging assignments. In the first week of August, he received an email from one of the partners for an appointment for him on Wednesday. There was no agenda and no reason given.

That evening after a good workout with Jeremy at their gym, he sat down with a smoothie with his guy.

Jeremy looked at him. "Something is on your mind. You are not quite totally with me."

Timothy smiled. "You know me too well." He reached out and touched Jeremy's hand. "I am not sure what is happening but I have been called by one of the partners to a meeting tomorrow."

"What's it about?"

"That's the question?" He sounded a bit doubtful and anxious.

"Come on, be positive. You have won your second court case. You have been given challenging work and have been asked to attend some meetings about overall planning for the firm. I'll bet that they want to give you some more responsibilities. Don't underestimate yourself!"

Timothy moved over to sit by Jeremy and gave him a kiss.

"What is that for?"

"Jeremy, you are my rock. You put things into perspective for me."

The next morning Jeremy noticed that Timothy was putting a little more time on choosing his wardrobe. He smiled to himself. His guy knew how to handle himself. He was putting on some of his best clothes but it didn't look like too much. It just gave him that look of the young, competent executive. He realized that if he took the jacket off, he had on an excellent coloured shirt and tie to match and that it all complimented his skin tones. In effect, he looked very good and he added to himself, hot.

In his office, Timothy took the jacket off and loosened the tie a bit. He was preparing some papers for an appointment in the afternoon and when he finished, he looked at the clock and realized that he had 10 minutes before the meeting. He straightened his tie and then put on his jacket. In the washroom, he looked at himself and smiled. He looked pretty good. He was ready. He put on his confident face and told himself that this was good news.

The minute that he entered the partner's office, he realized that this was going to be a good meeting. There were china coffee mugs and a few pastries on a matching plate.

"Timothy, come in." The partner looked at him and smiled. "You do plan ahead, don't you? You look very good this morning. Would you like a coffee?"

"Mr. Rushworth, I like to be prepared for any eventuality. Yes I would like some coffee; it smells delicious." His boss was correct. He had anticipated the possibility of coffee and had had just enough at home to get him to the meeting. Again, he loved the unspoken word, 'at home'.

They chatted for a few minutes. Timothy knew not to ask about the meeting although he could hardly contain himself from asking his boss to get down to the purpose of the meeting.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, his boss smiled. "I bet you can hardly wait to hear why I called you in."

He smiled back. "It did cross my mind but you are doing what I like to do with my clients, establish a rapport."

"Nicely put and that is one of the reason for speaking to you. We have been noticing a difference in you in the last couple of months. Any reason for that?"

"Possibly. I have met someone and we have clicked. I feel free for the first time in a long time. My parents have accepted my choice and our relationship after a few problems. I guess I have a new outlook on life."

"Can I ask his name?" He paused looking at Timothy's reaction. "Yes, we know your orientation. I hope that I didn't get it wrong."

"Jeremy Marchese-Wilner."

"Philip and James are his fathers? We know them both very well, old established clients. Excellent. I always wondered about the 'son'."

"Long story which you may know. They took him in after his father assaulted him for being gay and they treat him as their son. He calls them the dads." He paused to change the conversation. "I have really enjoyed my last few months here immensely. I love being in court and I enjoy my clients."

"We know. We would like to ask for your help. As you know we have a group that specializes in our gay clients. The head of the group is going to go on leave for a while and we would like to appoint you as assistant head." He paused. "You would take over when he goes on his leave. We also want you because you speak French. We would like to reach out to the French speaking LGBT community."

"Would I still get court cases? I have really come to enjoy that." He paused thinking quickly. "To be honest, I don't want to be put off to one side of the firm. I have enjoyed doing all the varied work that I have been doing."

"Timothy, you are not being put to the side. You will gain administrative experience. You will get court time. Believe me the cases that we handle in that department run the whole range of the law. There will be an increase in salary and I think that future holds a lot in store for you in this firm."

"I hope that I get a chance to think this over and talk it over with Jeremy."

"Of course."

"Thank you Mr. Rushworth. I may come back with more questions."

"I would expect nothing less."

Timothy was surprised and pleased, yet thoughtful of all the ramifications of the position. He had a quick lunch at a local deli. Just as he was finishing, his cell rang. It was Jeremy.

"You just caught me with my mouth full."

"I hope it was just food. You looked pretty sexy with your mouth full last night. Oh, shit, I'm getting hard with just the memory."

"You are so bad!" He couldn't help chuckling. "I just finished a big smoked meat sandwich with pickles and sauerkraut."

"I am glad that it was that kind of full. The meeting? Details! I have been anxious all morning!"

"Jeremy, do you know how good that makes me feel to have someone who cares the way you do for me?"

"I can see you now. jacket off, tie undone, hair probably blown a bit by the wind today, sexy man. OK enough counsellor, the details, please."

"I have been asked to be assistant to the head of our department that handles our gay clients. As you know, our firm has made a niche for that clientele. In addition, they want me there for the French clients. The head is going on leave in the next while and I shall take over his duties."

"I sense promotion, advancement. You will find that area really interesting. There must be a huge diversity of situations with possible court room action."

"Were you talking to Mr. Rushworth? That was almost exactly as he put it. I just don't want to be shunted to the side as the French, gay lawyer."

"As acting head you have to attend partner planning meetings. Make certain of that especially; you have to know how decisions will affect your department. You will have an overall view of the firm. You will make your mark."

"I have to give it a lot of thought. We can discuss it at length tonight. Oh by the way, I get a good raise in salary."

"Oh Europe here we come next year! Oh, I am being called to meet with Michael. See you tonight. I"ll bring a celebratory feast home with me. We are going to really celebrate."

"Love you M&M, a lot." Timothy was walking on air as he went back for his afternoon meetings. They went well.

Jeremy was waiting for him when he came home with a wonderful meal from a Greek takeout place. It was the first time that they had tried it and it was delicious. But not nearly as delicious as the kiss that Timothy gave Jeremy after the meal was finished.

"What was that for?"

"Does there have to be a reason?" He looked at his guy. "You are always there for me. The kiss was just from me to you."

They read and watched some Netflix and then went to bed. Sleep did not come for a while and when it did both were well exercised and feeling very close.

Timothy made his decision to take the position. He had had a short meeting with Mr. Rushworth and he agreed that Timothy should attend board meetings. He liked the fact that Timothy was already looking at the department as his responsibility and he knew that he would stand up for it. He realized very quickly that they had made the correct decision. For Timothy, the rest of the next two weeks went by quickly.

During the second week of August, Jeremy knew that his time with Michael Burtchell was running out. He was leaving on the Friday of that week. He really buckled down to the case that he and Michael were working on. Michael commented several times how well they worked together. Jeremy knew that he was making the right decision but Friday was going to be tough. He hoped that he and Michael would remain friends.

On Friday, Jeremy came in dressed a little better than usual. He knew that it would be a quiet farewell but he still wanted to look good. Michael and he worked hard in the morning and went out for a quick lunch together. They came back and went immediately back to work. Michael had jokingly said that he wanted to get the most of Jeremy's final hours with him. In fact, they basically came to very nearly finishing the case by early afternoon. Michael asked him to do his usual summary page and Michael said that he had a client phoning him around 3. Michael brought him some coffee and said that he was looking forward to that final piece of work.

Michael came in just after 3 and told Jeremy that the client had phoned early and he was clear. Jeremy handed him the finished document.

"Come on down to my office for a cup of the good stuff. I can take a look at this there."

They went down to hall. As they neared Michael's office, he stopped. "Damn, I left a folder in the conference room. Ah, let's just take a detour and pick it up."

Michael opened the door. He had manoeuvred Jeremy into the room and turned on the lights. Jeremy stopped dead and gasped. The room was full of people. As he took in the sea of faces, he was stunned. There were many of his colleagues from Michael's firm. There was his mother looking at him with such pride. That didn't even come close to the looks on Jamie and Philipo's faces. David stood beside them looking so happy for him. Then he saw Momma and Pops. The tears came. He finally walked over and hugged his mother, then Momma and Pops. He grabbed the dads in huge bear hug. He did the same to David.

He heard some noise behind him. He turned. Standing in the door was Timothy flanked by his parents. Timothy was dressed for work in a beautifully fitting, medium grey suit with the lovely rich blue tie that Jeremy had given him. He was stunning. There were times that Jeremy couldn't believe that this man had come into his life. This was not the time for restraint. He hugged Mrs. M and then a hearty handshake to Mr. M. Finally, he turned to Timothy and stood in front of him and clasped both his hands and just stared at him. He leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss. "I'll get you for keeping this a secret." He must have said it louder than he thought. It broke the ice and there was laughter around the room. He heard Michael clearing his throat.

"I think we did it. He is either very surprised or a very good actor. I cannot explain to you how much I have enjoyed working with this young man, our newly minted CPA. Jeremy, there was in fact a folder here that I had to retrieve." He reached over to the table that was loaded with food and drink. "I cannot tell you how honoured I am to have had you work here for the last year and that I am the one to give this to you."

He turned and looked at the guests. "Even today, he has worked hard without any comments that this was his last day. We basically finished the case and it was several of his insights that helped finish it. I have here the final summary for the client that he did this afternoon after lunch. I'll bet that there won't be many changes to it. Jeremy, I would have hired you in a second but I wish you all the best with Jamie and David at the Accountants." He paused and put on a stern face. "And that is last plug they and you will get from me." Big smile. He handed Jeremy the folder. "Congratulations young man. You have a good future ahead of you. Now let's eat and drink and celebrate this new stage in your life."

Again Jeremy was fighting back the tears. "Michael thank you so much for taking me on. I have enjoyed my year here immensely. You know that I just want to go back to the Accounts to find my niche there with Jamie and with David. I think that you know that I have enjoyed working with you especially in the last couple of months. You were my father confessor several times as well as my teacher and mentor. To all of you here who I have worked with thank you so much. I have learned a lot. It has been a momentous year for me both at work and in my private life." He paused to look at his guy. Finally there was the big Jeremy smile at Timothy and then the room.

Timothy was so proud and happy for Jeremy. Jeremy turned to Timothy and his parents who were standing close to him. Looking at each of them with pure pleasure, "I am so happy to have you all here. Thank you so much joining me in this really surprising event. I had no idea. Come on over and I shall introduce to the family and friends and then you can get something to eat."

Timothy noticed the look of pleasure of his father and mother at Jeremy's invitation. Jeremy put his arm over Timothy's shoulder and guided him and the Malenfants over to his mother. Introductions were made and a short chat. Then it was on to Jamie and Philipo. Within minutes they and the Malenfants were chatting and laughing together. Jeremy saw Momma and Pops looking at him with such a look of pride and love. He went over and greeted them and thanked them for coming. Momma gave him the look that asked if they could have been kept away. He took them over and introduced them to Timothy's parents. He felt that he must be the luckiest person in the whole room. All the while he had his arm gently on Timothy's shoulder. It felt so good to both guys to be together in such a public way. Soon the group was talking animatedly; Jeremy was beyond happy.

"So Jeremy, this is the man. Timothy, I have been so looking forward to meeting you."

"Michael, your name has been mentioned so many times, I feel that I know you already. You are at the top of Jeremy's list of important people in his life."

"Oh come now. I let him unload a couple of times when he was excited or down about somethings. I let him talk his own way to a resolution. Oh, once I told him to leave early to prepare a meal for you. It appeared to be an important occasion."

"Oh it was, I remember the night and the next day." He blushed a bit. "It was kind of major moment in our lives. All because of you, we are here today." They both laughed at his statement and his slight embarrassment.

Everyone chatted, ate and drank. It appeared that his day was a success on many levels. Finally the celebration wound down and as they were leaving, Jeremy said to the dads and to the Malenfants that they would see them tomorrow night. He and Timothy were looking forward to it. Mr. Malenfant spoke asking if anyone wanted to go for a light supper. Timothy was surprised at his father's request but pleased. Everyone including Momma and Pops agreed it would be a great way to end Jeremy's special day.

Mr. M suggested a small French restaurant close to Michael's firm. The guys had never been there before and when they looked at the prices on the menu they knew why. It was clear that Timothy's father was paying for Jeremy and his own family. As it turned out he was paying the entire bill. There were great conversations all around the table. Jeremy happened to be sitting next to Mr. Malenfant.

Mr. M looked intently at Jeremy. "Son, I am so sorry what happened after July 2. It really struck home again this afternoon. You had obviously just entered the room and looked over everyone there. You looked totally overcome. Then you turned and when you first saw Timothy, yours eyes, no your entire face lit up in a look of total pleasure."

"I hope you don't think that it was just that. I saw you and Mrs. M and I was so pleased that you had come. But you are right, I think that you caught my look. Your son is the centre of my life now. As corny as that sounds, he does light up a room for me."

Mr. M continued. "I have never seen him so confident and excited about life as he is now. Thank you." Jeremy was getting a bit embarrassed by the conversation so he changed it slowly to other things and ended up having one of the nicest nights in a long time. Mr. Malenfant eventually stood up and went over to talk to the dads. There were lots of laughs and questions from both sides. Jeremy's mother, Mrs. M and Momma were having a great time together.

David and Timothy were talking so Jeremy went over and talked to Pops. They hadn't had such a good talk in a long time. Pops brought up the question of the new house and gave Jeremy a lot of ideas on where to look, when to look and what to look for. He volunteered to help them find the right place and he promised some of his best guys to work on it. He gave Jeremy the name of an architect who owed him some favours. It turned out to be a very important conversation.

Timothy and Jeremy thanked Mr. M profusely for taking them all out for supper and both Timothy's mother and father said that they were looking forward to supper tomorrow at their place.

Later at home, "What have you done to my father?"

"He knows that it is real at least on my part. He did wonder about you a couple of times. He says that he says that you are confident and more alive than he has seen you in a long time."

"Well it's true! I ...."

"I told him it was just the sex and that when you got tired of me, you would probably move on." Jeremy sighed.

Timothy went over and picked up the telephone.

"Who are you phoning?"

"My father! To tell him that it is all lies. That it is you who is constantly demanding to have you evil way with me, all the time. I can hardly get any sleep."

Jeremy sighed again "I'll just have to phone him back and recount this morning in the shower after seducing me last night, demanding even more this morning."

"I didn't see you complaining."

"What can I do when I see such a masculine specimen being dangled before me, literally? You would have been distraught for the rest of the day and would have spoiled my wonderful graduation this afternoon. But can I make a suggestion?"

With steely eyes, Timothy nodded OK.

"I would suggest that I come over there and put the telephone back in its cradle and then strip off that incredible suit and explore that magnificent body underneath it. I suspect that you might want to do the same to me. Then I would suggest a shower and then watching each other in the mirror in the bathroom. We could take a video and send it to your father." He said it so sincerely that they both broke out laughing.

Timothy deliberately put the telephone back, walked over to Jeremy and smothered him with kisses. "Congratulations my love. You were incredible."

"I intend to live up to that last word over the next while."

In record time, he had Timothy naked in the living room. Timothy could not stop the kisses, stroking or nips all over his body. He really moaned when lips touched his red, straining cock and he cried out when Jeremy took him all the way down sucking him as he did it.

Eventually as he pushed Jeremy back and pulled him to kiss him, "No fair, I want equal rights. Strip!"

With a grin. "See so demanding!" With a flourish, Jeremy stripped to his shorts that by this time were straining to contain the monster. Timothy ran his fingers over and over the outline and the wet spot that was quickly spreading. In one motion, Timothy knelt pulling the shorts off, taking the wet, straining cock in his mouth.

They had had a long, sensuous shower. He was so wet from the rimming that Timothy had given him that he needed almost no lube. Every nerve in his body was inflamed. He loved looking in the mirror seeing Timothy about to enter him. He tuned his head and asked for a kiss. It lasted a long time.

When the kiss was finished, Jeremy looked in the mirror giving his guy the most wonderful look. "I saw you today and felt that I was the luckiest guy there. I had all my family around me and then the most incredibly handsome man was there when I turned around and I wondered yet again how I could be so lucky to have finally found my guy."

Timothy replied by kissing his neck and shoulders again and again and then put his hands on Jeremy's hips and pulled himself into Jeremy in one slow, uninterrupted pull. Jeremy moaned with pleasure as he felt Timothy invade him. There were tears of pleasure and joy.

It became an intimate and passionate session of true love making for both men. At times each closed their eyes to savour the intense feelings both physical and mental that each had. At other times, they both enjoyed the spectacle of Timothy plunging in and out of his lover. He was fast and hard and he was slow and sensual. Timothy finally took Jeremy's straining cock in his hand and with words and looks, they edged to climax. When it came, they were seconds apart each in his own world of sensations. Both could hear the other calling out their lover's name. Finally, Timothy came out and pulled Jeremy around into him and kissed him passionately.

"I have said it before. Just months ago, I would never have dreamed that this would be my life."

They went to bed exactly as they were. It was Timothy who was spooned behind Jeremy as they drifted off.

Timothy reached out the next morning and the spot beside him was empty. He stopped and could hear sounds from the kitchen. Timothy let out a plea for help. He was as hard as a rock. "Jeremy, I need you."

"Up, out of bed. We have a lot to do before parents arrive this afternoon."

A plaintive sound. "I really need you."

There was a head at the door to the bedroom. "There is coffee and breakfast out here. I am not coming in. Someone has to be strong and sensible this morning. Don't wave that thing at me. No!"

"Thing, thing! You seemed to enjoy that THING last night."

"It was wonderful and magical. This morning, you are on your own."

By this time, both guys were smiling at each other.

"Come and give me a kiss then."

"I am not coming into that room. I too am having trouble with this thing and he opened his gown to a thing that was more than half hard. We have work. Maybe later if we are finished early."

"Spoils sport. Tease."

Jeremy just laughed and sprinted back to the kitchen yelling again that coffee was brewed and he had breakfast ready. Timothy emerged a minute later rubbing his eyes and yawning. He went over to Jeremy. "I still love you and I shall remember your suggestion. I love quickies."

Jeremy was still chuckling as they drank their coffee. They had decided on a fairly easy but tasty menu. The meat dish would be a pot roast done Italian style. They would serve it with pan fried potatoes, the special ratatouille that was baked at high temperatures and then mixed together which was delicious but did take some time to make. They worked together as a team and had a lot of fun doing it. Jeremy was correct. They needed the time because the oven would be in constant use for the various dishes that had to be cooked first because the pot roast had to be in for several hours to cook slowly.

Jeremy was the cook for the ratatouille and Timothy his sous chef. Soon it was all cut and they slowly did the roasting. Then Timothy made the lemon pies with Jeremy doing some of the sous chef chores. The potatoes were prepared and partially cooked. Finally, they prepared everything for the pot roast. They were finished. Jeremy smiled that they had one thing that they had forgotten. They had a fresh slice of Parmesan cheese which Jeremy grated it with flair and pronounced that they were finished.

They had some lunch and then set the table. Both commented that a reasonable sized dinning room and new, bigger table would be priorities for the new house. The flowers set everything off nicely.

Timothy looked at Jeremy.


"I feel that I need a bit of a rest and then a shower before everyone arrives at 4."

Jeremy shook his head and laughed. "Come on. A quickie it is. You deserve it."

It was intense and they actually slept for a short time. By the time the families arrived, they were showered, shaved and glowing.

It was everything that they had wanted back a month ago. The two families chatted and laughed. In particular, Mr. M and Jamie got on very well. They seemed to hit it off immediately especially as Jamie used his French for a lot of the conversation. Jeremy made certain that Mr. M and Philipo sat beside each other at supper and he could see that Mr. M was just as engaged with Philipo. The compliments for the supper were loud and clear. The guys had had another successful dinner at their place.

Timothy happened to be sitting with his son after dinner with, as he said, a very good brandy. He was impressed. "Timothy, Philipo mentioned that you and Jeremy are planning to buy a house together."

"Dad sorry, I haven't mentioned it to you. We made that decision very shortly after your time in the hospital and I guess in all the fuss, I just forgot. Yeah, this place is a bit small and I would like a house, a small one but a house. I am not enamoured with condos as an investment. Neither is Jeremy."

"I don't want to sound negative but is not just a bit early for that. You have only been together for a while."

"Yep two and half months. Dad I like to think that I am going into this with my eyes open. I think I know what you may be worried about. Jeremy is the accountant. He has set it up."

His father gave him a look. "I insisted that when he sells the condo, each of us would each put in one half of the money for the house. He puts any extra from the sale in his accounts. We have set up one joint account for every day expenses. He won't even let me help with the condo fees because I have insisted that the condo is his. We each have our own personal investments and other accounts absolutely separate from each other. We have it writing that anything that we bring to the relationship is ours and that all our accounts are exclusively our own. I have saved a lot of money since I started to work and with my new job, I have a substantial raise and it is all going into my two investment portfolios."

"You are quite amazing. Why do you insist that the condo is his and why buy a house together?"

"The dads gave it to him. It is his. It is as simple as that. I want an investment in some property. If we were ever to split up, it would be a straight 50/50 split of the final sale price after expenses. It makes it simple as well."

"Thank for being you again and explaining a delicate question so well. Powers of Attorney?"

"Jeremy again. Well I mentioned a while back. After you went into the hospital, he realized that if something happened to me or him, it might be difficult for him or me to easily get in to see each other, let alone make decisions, if we are travelling for instance. He insisted that we do something. By the way, we are planning a trip to Europe next spring."

His father did something that he had never done before. He reached over and touched his shoulder. "You certainly are more than my son."

"Dad ...."

"Son, I have reflected on what you said that day a lot. You were not wrong. You were forceful and direct. I was wrong. I am so happy to have you for who you are."

Timothy did something that he had never done. He moved over and gave his dad a hug. His dad looked pleased.

They saw them off and turned to each other. Jeremy looked at him. "I saw you with your father. I am so happy for you. You can tell me the details later." Jeremy pulled Timothy over to where their drinks were and he picked them up. "To us. We make a great team. Love you Timothy, a lot."

The kiss was a loving kiss. Later, it was even more intense.

Comments preecherdave@gmail.com

If you liked this story, you might want to read the others that I have published on Nifty. In particular, my first story, Unexpected Change which has had the most positive comments and one of my other favourites, What a Difference a Year Makes. I have recently reread Introspection and it is worth a read.

Unexpected Change, Nifty, College, April 16, 2011

Friendship, Nifty, Adult Friends, May 20, 2011

Surprising Last Year at University, Nifty, College, June 9, 2011

Murder Changed My Life, Nifty, Beginnings, July 8, 2011

What is Love?, Nifty, Beginnings, August 31, 2011

Getting My Act Together, Nifty, Adult-Friends, November 10, 2011

Surprised, Nifty, Adult-Friends, January 14, 2012

Surprised Eric and Dave, Beginnings, February 10, 2012

Surprised Graham and Robert, Nifty, Adult-Friends, March 22, 2012

What a Difference a Year Makes, Nifty, Adult-Friends, September 13, 2012

Discoveries, Nifty, Beginnings, November 1, 2012

Introspection, Nifty, Relationships, August 1, 2013

Bad Boy Series, Nifty, Beginning, January 2, 2014

Unexpected, Nifty, Adult Friends, November 26, 2015

Next: Chapter 43: Five Years on 16

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