
By Namab Mas

Published on Feb 3, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Eleven

A few weeks later found Liam sitting on a train, on the way home for the Easter break. Two days from now he'd be back in the factory, working to pay off his overdraft. He'd exchanged messages with Callum the night before, and he was looking forward to meeting up with him, and with Nick and Simon, sometime in the next week. The thought of what they might do together got his cock stirring in his jeans. One of them had acquired a rimseat, and only a few nights before he'd wanked off as he watched a new video Callum had put online, of him lying under it, moaning and wanking as Nick – he knew it was Nick from the tattoo on his leg – did it in his mouth. Then Nick got up and Simon took his place, farted and curled out a big load all over Callum's face.

At the next station a guy got onto the train and sat opposite him. He was very cute; a tall, sturdy lad, probably about 20, with a pleasant round face, short brown hair and slightly dark, bronzed skin. Liam cast him a few surreptitious glances as the train got going again, his mind working through kinky fantasies, noting his broad, rounded bottom and imagining how it'd look when he sat on the toilet. The thought of the lad shitting made his dick harder still. He looked away and thought of something else as the train began to slow for the next station, where he was to change onto a train for home. He began putting his things into his bag ready to get off, and as he did so the fit lad also tucked his phone into his pocket, stood up and reached for his bag on the luggage rack. His shirt rose up as he did so, showing the top of his designer pants and a tantalising glimpse of his lower back and the top of his crack.

Liam was just behind the lad as they both got off the train. He looked a bit uncomfortable, Liam noticed suddenly; the look of a guy who needs the toilet, perhaps. Sure enough, he looked around him and then set off purposefully towards the toilets. Liam pulled on his rucksack and followed at a discreet distance. The station was pretty quiet and the toilets were empty, except that one of the two cubicle doors was closing as he walked in. He hastened into the other cubicle, pulling his rucksack off as he did so, dropped his pants and sat down. Looking under the partition he saw the lad's trainers turn round away from the toilet, his belt jingled, and then his jeans and pants came down round his ankles, and he sat down. Wishing there was a spyhole so he could see this hottie doing his business, Liam sat and watched, and waited, listening intently. Then the lad grunted softly and lifted his heels off the floor.

'Plop! ... Plomp-plop ... plomp!'

The plops were heavy and resonant and slow, as if the lad was curling out a big, solid turd. He breathed out contentedly as he did one more, and lowered his heels to the floor again as his piss hissed and splashed softly into the bowl. He sat for a couple of minutes, lifted his heels and plop-plopped one more time, and then reached for the toilet roll. His feet swung back as he shuffled forward to wipe. He didn't sound as if he was using much paper, and he only wiped a couple of times before he stood, reached down and pulled his pants back up. Then there was a muffled clank as he pulled the chain, but there came only a trickle of water.

'Shit,' he muttered.

Liam made a show of wiping, listening as he did so to the lad trying again to flush the toilet, but it was to no avail. Instead the lad vacated the cubicle and washed his hands quickly. As soon as the door had shut behind him Liam shot out of his cubicle and straight into the other one. The smell hit him at once, a thick, slightly sharp odour that was deliciously dirty. His dick stiffened as he looked down into the toilet, where, only part-covered by stained and crumpled toilet roll, was the lad's shit. His logs were long and thick and cracked, two of them floating side by side amid a few smaller chunks, a vivid russet brown with the odour rising up from it all like smoke. Liam couldn't resist it. He pulled his pants down again, sat down on the warm seat and wanked off.

Two days later he was back in the factory on the 6am-2pm shift. The first few days back were always hard going as he readapted to the hours and the heavy lifting, and by late morning he was tired and irritable. As he worked he let his mind drift off into kinky fantasies, thinking back on that gorgeous lad having a shit at the railway station; imagining himself lying underneath him, getting ready to take his thick, reeking turds right in the face.

All of a sudden Nick was alongside him. Liam chatted briefly with him and Simon earlier when he'd popped into the warehouse. Now Nick was looking a touch pensive, and he spoke as softly as he could over the noise of the machinery.

'You finishing at 2?' he asked. 'Yeah, me and Simon too, and we're off back to his place for a bit. Wanna come along, have a smoke? Callum's coming over too, and we might have some fun if you fancy it?'

'Er ... yeah!' said Liam, his heart fluttering and his dick hardening under his overalls. 'Yeah I'm not doing anything else.'

'Cool. Have you..' He looked around furtively. 'Have you been for a shit today?'

'Nah, not yet. Reckon I will this afternoon though.'

'Ooh, Callum'll like that! Okay then, meet you by the clocking-in machine at 2.'

Nick bustled off, leaving Liam to try and disguise his hard-on and get on with his work. He was excited, and he got hornier still when a hot, tattooed, chavvy lad he'd not seen before emerged from the toilet cubicle next to him when he went for a piss. He couldn't resist going in to find big chocolate-brown skidmarks and a really harsh smell. The vision of that tattooed lad on the toilet, and the awesome prospect of a session with the others, were still whirling round his brain when the 2-10 shift arrived to wake over, and he headed gratefully to the changing room to get out of his overalls.

Back at Simon's flat he started to need a shit as they sat and smoked. The dope and his full bowels turned him on, and he looked from Callum to Simon to Nick, and wondered hazily what was going to happen. Then Nick leaned to one side and let off a resounding fart, and grinned slyly as his familiar, fiercely erotic smell tickled Liam's nostrils. He glanced at the rimseat in the corner. It was the first time he'd seen one in the flesh, and he was transfixed by it, and the awesomely sexy things it could be used for!

'I need a shit,' Nick said softly. 'Anyone else...?'

'Yeah, big time,' said Simon, blowing out smoke.

'And me,' admitted Liam. 'I wanna use that rimseat!'

Callum stirred in his seat, pawing at his cock through his pants.

'Mmm,' he breathed. 'All three of you! Make me your toilet. Do it on me face! I'll eat as much as I can. Wanna film it? Liam, you wanna go first and feed me on film...?'

'Fucking hell,' breathed Liam, shocked at the thought. 'Er ... yeah! Why not?!

Everything felt unreal as Simon got his tripod and set the camera up, and then the four of them stripped. Liam's mouth was dry and his legs felt soft, and he was as hard as he'd ever been. Callum was shaking in excitement as he pulled on his mask, whimpering softly as he always did before a session, with his cock twitching and dribbling as he lay down, and Simon placed the rimseat over him. He looked up through it with his eyes wide.

Liam couldn't believe what he was doing as he straddled Callum and sat slowly down, feeling the hard plastic of the seat on his bottom and thighs, and then Callum's hoarse breathing all hot around his crack. He was desperate to shit now. It was painfully intense. Then Callum opened his mouth wide, and he could relax and abandon himself to the relief and pleasure of letting his shit go. He let out a loud grunt as his thick log slid out, straight into Callum's waiting mouth. Callum began to chew below him, his dick twitching and dribbling, whimpering down his nose and gulping frantically as the smell began to thicken. Simon and Nick watched from next to the camera, stroking their erections. Callum began to gag, and Liam tensed up to try and stop his flow, but he couldn't: he was too desperate, and his bowels were emptying whether he wanted to or not. He looked down, between his legs, to where his shit was piling up on Callum's masked face. A big clump slid off down his cheek as Liam finished with a loud, rasping fart. He sat for a space longer, stroking his cock and listening to Callum trying desperately to swallow beneath him. Then another turd began to slide out. Callum opened his brown mouth again and let him fill it, but then he began choking and retching, twisted his head to spit it out, and took the last of Liam's shit on his cheek. Liam looked over at the others.

'I'm done,' he mouthed.

He stood up slowly, his dick twitching, suddenly conscious of his dirty bottom. He looked down at Callum, who was gasping for breath and whimpering. For second Liam thought he was in distress, but his dick was rock hard and dribbling, and as Simon stepped forward to take Liam's place he steadied himself and opened his mouth wide once more. Liam watched in silence. He was faintly horrified by what they were doing, yet the sheer nastiness of it made it even more exciting. The atmosphere in the room – the silence, the tension, the smell – made his head spin. Then Simon began to grunt softly, and a smooth, dark snake nudged his hole open and slithered fluidly out and straight into Callum's mouth, cramming it full and piling up above his lips, twitching about as he began to chew. Liam couldn't help wanking as Simon's harsh smell reached him. Callum gagged softly, then retched as he swallowed, and a little sick bubbled up round Simon's shit and trickled down his cheek. He paused a moment, gasping for breath, then fought to swallow again, retching constantly. Just as he was sick again Simon farted and curled out another long turd, all over his face. It slid down his cheeks and joined Liam's on the floor. Then Simon stood up, leaving Callum lying there with his masked face covered in it, still choking and wanking and trying to swallow down that vile mouthful he'd been given. Finally he managed it, and he lay there with his shitty mouth wide open, as if to say 'I can do it.'

Nick grinned, faintly sadistically. He really needed a shit, he mouthed silently as Simon came back over, and as he sat down and his cheeks parted Liam could see the pointed end of a thick turd jutting from his hole. It was coming out even as his arse touched the seat, and he filled Callum's mouth straight away. Callum retched and groaned and tried desperately to swallow some of it as Nick's stink thickened the air still more. For some reason Liam was suddenly conscious of his unwiped arse as Nick paused, his dirty hole flaring in and out right over Callum, who was retching and gasping again, trying desperately not to puke. Then Nick farted onto his face and began curling out another thick log, onto his lips and then curling round on his face, piling up so it nearly touched Nick's arse. He shook his head to clear his nose and a great lump of it slid off him and landed on the floor by his ear. And then he came, right as Nick finished. He wasn't even touching his cock, but even so he cried out, all muffled through the filthy mouthful Nick had given him, and he spurted all over himself. Simon switched off the camera, and the three of them stood over Callum and wanked until they came all over their beaten, retching toilet.

Liam found out how sadistic Nick could be a few days later, when the four of them were having a smoke at Simon's again after work. Thinking back afterwards he couldn't remember why he mentioned the time he and Olly had been caned, but he'd always remember how Nick's eyes lit up. He'd spanked a few guys, he said, with his bare hand and a heavy gym shoe, and he'd chatted about it with other guys online. He fingered the thick belt he was wearing as he described how one lad had wanted a proper leathering with it. Liam's cock began to twitch at the very thought.

'Be hot, giving you one like that,' Nick said evenly, looking straight at him. 'I need a shit too. I'll tan yer arse, then shit on yer face.'

Liam's heart pounded a little and his cock pressed uncomfortably against his jeans. Simon and Callum leaned in closer, and Liam realised they, too, were turned on by the prospect. He looked at Nick again, taking in his muscular right arm, his buttocks suddenly tingling in anticipation.

'I've had it,' said Callum softly.

Nick looked round sharply, and Liam realised a secret was being given away. Simon evidently didn't know either, judging from his surprised look.

'Yeah,' Callum said. 'I like being spanked ... and that belt fucking hurts!'

Liam's heart pounded again. He was faintly scared, he realised, but the prospect of getting a beating in front of the others was turning him on like nothing else. Now the idea was out there he really wanted to do it, he realised. He looked from Simon to Callum, who was fingering his bulging crotch, and then he turned to Nick and nodded.

'Good,' said Nick, with a touch of menace. 'Strip. Stand over there, bend over and put yer hands on the chair.'

Liam felt intensely self-conscious as he stripped naked in front of the watching lads, his erection leaping from his pants as he pulled them down. He bent over obediently with his hands on the chair seat and stood, red-faced, with his bare, vulnerable bottom in the air as the others stripped too. Nick advanced on him with his cock bulging out his pants, folding that heavy belt in half and wielding it menacingly. There was complete silence as he took up a firm stance with his legs well apart. Then suddenly he lifted the belt high above his shoulder, and swung with all his force. It made a loud 'swoosh' as it cut through the air.


The noise was flatter and less gunshot-like than the cane as it struck Liam's buttocks. For a split second he felt nothing, but then his eyes widened as the pain flooded in. It didn't sting as intensely as the cane; instead it scorched a broad swathe of his skin, shocking him with how much it hurt. He gritted his teeth as Nick swung again.

'Smack! ... Smack! ... Smack!'

After just a few strokes his whole bottom was smarting, and as the belt lashed down again and again on his red and tenderised skin his cheeks began to catch fire. He kept his head down and forced himself to stay still as the pain grew more and more intense.

'Harder!' said Simon behind him. 'Hit him harder, make him yell!'

Nick responded enthusiastically. Liam's eyes began to water with the pain and he gripped the chair until his knuckles went white, teeth clenched tight to stop himself making a noise. He'd long ago lost count of the strokes; all he knew was that his bottom hurt beyond belief. He was dimly aware of the others watching, Simon wanking excitedly at the sight of him having his arse tanned, while Callum was wincing in sympathy, though he too was stroking his cock. On and on it went; again and again the belt shrieked through the air, and each time he gasped as it landed and gritted his teeth tighter to stop himself crying out. Oh god it hurt so much!

'That's enough,' Nick said somewhere behind him. 'I need a shit. Fuck me, you can take a belting well!'

Liam straightened up slowly, and reached round to feel his wounded backside. His cheeks were hot to the touch, and twisting round he could see they were bright red. Despite the stinging pain, his dick was rock hard. He looked around, blinking, to see Nick stripping naked behind him, with his huge cock springing free as he pulled his pants down. Then Simon, too, undid his belt.

'I gotta take a dump as well,' he said softly, looking at Nick, and then straight at Liam. 'Lie down. I'm gonna give it you in the face too!'

Liam lay down slowly on the plastic sheet spread on the floor, wincing from the pain in his bottom as he put weight on it. He felt faintly scared again as Callum watched and wanked, and Nick and Simon stood over him. Nick had farted too, and the smell hanging in the air turned him on even more. He wondered dimly which of them would use their toilet first. Then Nick stepped back and Simon stepped across him and squatted down, and Liam watched in awe as his hairy arse came nearer and nearer, until it stopped, hovering a few inches above his face. He clamped his mouth shut. The moment seemed to last forever; that exquisite moment of shame and degradation and unbelievable excitement, anticipating the stink and the hotness and the sheer vileness of having his face covered in shit. His bottom was throbbing and his cock was pulsing uncontrollably. Then Simon farted. His gas puffed onto Liam's face, and the sharp smell roared up his nose and assaulted his brain, setting him whimpering.

'Ready? I'm gonna take such a fucking big dump. Here it comes!'

Liam kept his eyes open as long as he dared, watching the smooth brown snake slide from Simon's flaring hole and come nearer and nearer. The filthy smell pounded at his brain and his ears heard nothing but Simon's grunts and the slimy crackle of his arse. Then the turd began to pull stickily apart, and he closed his eyes. A second later it landed right across the bridge of his nose and curled down over his cheek, hot and slimy. His brain struggled to process it, and then another one landed and fell down near his mouth, and then another. He clenched up frantically, afraid he might cum even though he wasn't touching his cock, and opened one eye cautiously to look from close quarters at the pile on his face.

'Yeah...' breathed Nick. 'Give 'im yer shit!'

He closed his eyes again as Simon began to grunt above him. Slimy crackling and little gassy farts rang in his ears. Then came another blow in his face, and another and another. Slimy, glutinous shit rolled down his cheeks, the stink hammered at his senses, and then his nose was blocked and he had to shake his head to clear it. One last lump flopped onto his face, and then he lay there helpless as Simon stood up, shocked and dazed and struggling to take in what had just been done to him as his cock twitched and dribbled uncontrollably. And there was still Nick's to come, he realised dully as another pair of legs straddled him, and he sensed another arse being lowered down to hover over his face. Seconds later Nick's shit hit him like a punch in the face, a great solid turd that landed right on his nose, fell fatly across his eyes and rolled off through his hair. Nick's ripe smell blasted up his nose, then overpowered him completely as another hefty turd fell across his nose and mouth. Somewhere above him came a fart and another sticky lump, and he realised he was going to cum. There was nothing he could do to stop it. His whole body convulsed and he could only just keep his mouth shut as the orgasm broke over him, and as another gooey turd landed the dam burst and he fired cum all over himself. He lay there in hazy ecstasy as Nick got up, and his three playmates wanked off over him.

He was off work a few days later. He lay in late, catching up on sleep after a string of early shifts. He had the house to himself when he got up and he lazed around for an hour or two, drinking coffee and chatting to a friend online. Presently he went and had a shower, made himself some lunch, and then took the dog out for a walk in some woods a few miles from town. He liked walking there: it was a good place to think as he ambled along, and he always enjoyed the drive out there too, imagining himself as a rally driver as he slung his mum's little Peugeot along the twisty back-road. The car park was nearly empty when he got there, except that a minibus was discharging a big group of lads about his age; a walking group of some kind, he guessed, or perhaps they were doing the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. They were a good-looking lot, and as he put his walking boots on he eyeballed a few of them discreetly. Then they set off in one direction, and he whistled for the dog to join him and set off up another path into the trees.

He walked for a long time, listening to music on his earphones and musing, and he was so lost in thought that it didn't really register that he was starting to need a shit until he got back to the car. He hadn't been feeling horny until then, but as usual the slowly mounting pressure in his chute started to turn him on a bit. He was about to change back into his trainers when the lads began to arrive back at the minibus. Reasoning that some of them might need to go as well he locked the dog in the car and ambled over to the toilet block on the edge of the car park. It was shut. He toyed with the idea of just driving home and going there, but then, he'd always enjoyed doing it outside and it'd feel pleasantly naughty doing it now, especially with those lads around. Instead he went back to the car, got a pack of tissues from the glovebox, and wandered back into the trees. After a hundred yards or so he turned off the path and pushed his way through the undergrowth until he found a spot next to a bush. A small tree had fallen there leaving its trunk horizontal, eighteen inches or so off the ground. It was ideal. He looked around to check he was out of sight, lowered his jeans and boxers to his knees, and sat down.

The breeze whispered pleasantly around his balls and his bare bottom as his shit began to slide down the chute. He grunted in satisfaction as it started to come out, looked down between his legs to watch his first thick, golden-brown log drop onto the ground with a soft 'thud,' then held his dick down to piss. He wasn't desperate and he took his time over his shit, relishing the sensation as each turd slid out, and his smell hanging around him. He'd been sitting there a good five minutes before he concluded he'd finished, and reached into his pocket for the tissues. Then, as he was wiping his bum, he heard voices, and the sound of the undergrowth being pushed aside. They were coming nearer quickly. He stood up and pulled his pants back up, ready to slope off into the undergrowth.

'This'll do,' said a young man's voice. 'I really need a shit. Pass me them tissues, will you?'

Liam's heart pounded as the footsteps stopped. They were just the other side of the bush, in the small clearing he'd passed through. He couldn't run now even if he wanted to, but he didn't. It was pretty obvious what was about to happen, and he took a silent step closer and peered through the branches.

Two of the lads from the minibus were there. One was a tall, solid lad with pale skin and very dark hair whose cute face and rounded arse he'd noted earlier; the other was slim and ginger, fumbling in his pocket for some tissues that he handed to the cute dark-haired boy. They took a few steps apart, until Liam could see both of their lower legs, one on either side of the bush where they must have been just out of one another's sight. Silently he took a few steps back until he could see both of them at once. His cock stiffened in his pants as two pairs of trousers were pulled down. To his left the ginger lad's slim bottom came into view as he squatted, then to the right the broad, smooth cheeks of the other. Liam pawed at himself through his jeans.

The desperate dark-haired lad began to shit immediately. His turds were smooth and dark and sinuous as they came from between his pale cheeks. Liam could hear the soft sounds as they dropped, and the aroma wafted over to him. It smelled really good; thick and fruity and harsh. Then the ginger kid farted loudly and let out a sturdy log that reached almost to the ground before it snapped off. His hole flared out further as he pushed out some more, which fell to the ground with a soft thud. To his right the dark-haired lad's rippling hole puckered open again and another mahogany-coloured log began to slide fluidly from him, and at the same time the lad to the left farted again, and pushed out another couple of slim, stiff turds. Liam wanked quietly as he watched both of these horny lads dropping their shit together.

'Oh Chris,' said the ginger-haired one, with a crooked brown finger still jutting from his hole that slowly curled around and dropped with a soft thud. 'That fucking stinks! Can smell it from here!'

It did too: the smell was really turning Liam on, and he had a full hard-on by the time the boy called Chris folded some tissues and half-stood to wipe his bottom, dropping the stained bog roll next to the pile he'd made. His arse was dirty and he used a lot of paper. Then the other lad levered himself upright and began to wipe too. He'd only used a couple of tissues when both of them pulled their pants back up and set off back towards the path, bantering about what they'd both had to do. Liam waited until they were out of earshot, then went over, crouching slightly thanks to the hard-on in his jeans. The ginger lad's shit was solid and cracked, the colour of pine, and didn't smell very much. Liam stroked himself as he admired it, then stepped over to look at what Chris had done. His curled, glistening pile was huge and beautiful, and Liam dropped to his knees to see it all the more closely. The thick smell filled his nostrils. Suddenly he couldn't stop himself: he pulled down his pants and wanked off until he shot his cum all over that horny boy's shit.

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Next: Chapter 12

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