
By Namab Mas

Published on May 16, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirty-Eight

One afternoon a few days after he got back to university found Liam in his room, his ear close to the bathroom wall, trying to suppress a hard-on as he listened for the third time that day to a guy he fancied having a shit. Louis had gone that morning, just after he'd got out of the shower. He'd stood naked in his room and watched his dick stiffen as he'd listened to Louis's faint grunts and plops. Louis had gone out straight afterwards, giving Liam the chance to go in for a piss he didn't need, and get harder as he sat on the warm seat and sniffed at the cloying smell of his hot housemate's shit. About an hour later George, who'd stayed over the night before, had gone in there. His plops were heavy and slow, and the smell he'd left behind had got Liam fully hard as he sat once again on the toilet seat. And now Jake, who'd come over to work on a presentation they were doing together, had said coyly that he needed a shit, and disappeared into the bathroom. Liam leaned right up to the wall as he heard the toilet seat go down, and Jake pulled down his pants and sat on it.

'Plop! Ploop ... plip-plop.'

In his mind's eye Liam could see Jake sitting there, with his jeans round his ankles and one of those big, golden-brown turds he did hanging from his arse. His dick began to twitch as Jake farted sharply and let go another heavy 'plomp.' He couldn't resist feigning the need for a piss when Jake came back and going in to sniff at his smell, which was fainter than usual but madly horny all the same. He started to need a shit himself as he and Jake discussed the subject of their presentation, and when he went downstairs to make them a cup of tea he pulled his phone out and texted Olly.

A few hours later he and Toby knelt down on Olly's sofa in tight boxer briefs. Toby's face was screwed up in desperation, and Liam's arse was clenched up tight as he fought to hold back his shit. He'd been desperate for nearly an hour now, and the prospect of relieving himself was wonderful. Olly came and stood behind them, naked and hard, holding his phone.

'Are you ready?' he asked. 'Yeah? Okay, camera's on...'

All three of them had videos online individually, but up to now they'd never got around to videoing their play together. When Olly suggested it both Liam and Toby had liked the idea: provided their faces weren't shown and nothing else could identify them the thought of putting a video up of them shitting themselves and getting messy together was hot. Liam glanced to his right at Toby's face, contorted and intense as he nearly touched cloth. Their eyes met, and for a few seconds they shared the moment. Then the pressure in his chute mounted suddenly, and he groaned softly as he felt his turds starting to force his hole open. He was losing control, about to shit whether he wanted to or not. His chute gave another heave he could hardly control. Suddenly he could feel it between his cheeks, and his smell started to thicken the air around them. He clenched up desperately, but it was no good. His hole had been forced open and he could feel and hear his shit sliding through it. He gave up, and gasped with relief as he shat uncontrollably, and the hot slimy bulk filled his crack and began to bulge out his pants.

'Oh, that sounded big!' mouthed Toby as their eyes met again.

Liam moaned as more came out, all hot and slimy as it spread across his bottom and down between his legs. It just kept on coming, and it felt so good that he let his bowels empty completely in one long surge. It was tailing off when Toby's eyes widened next to him, and from behind them came a wet little fart, and the squelching sound as he too began taking a big dump in his pants. It stopped after a few seconds, but then he screwed up his face, farted into it and pushed out another huge load with a gasp of relief. The smell grew more potent as the two of them finished their shits together, until finally they were both done and they knelt together on the sofa with big lumpy mounds on their bottoms and pre-cum oozing from their dicks and soaking into their boxers.

'Camera's off,' said Olly behind them. 'Ooh, boys, nice work! Cor it fucking stinks in here!'

They stood up, both trembling in excitement, and admired and touched one another's bulges. Then Olly got them to stand in front of the camera in turn, cup one hand under their piles and pull down the back of their pants with the other to show off what they'd done. Toby went first. His shit was a great dark-brown clump, with the last turd he'd done stuck on top like a little cone, and his cheeks were well smeared with it. Then it was Liam's turn. He was edging as he stood in front of the camera, and as he wiggled his bum and his shit tickled him underneath he almost came. When he pulled down the back of his pants Olly whistled softly in admiration of the big mound he showed off. He turned the camera off again and moved over to where two low wooden stools sat ready, with plastic bags taped tightly over the top of them. Liam's dick bounced and oozed again at the prospect of sitting down. He stood and composed himself for a couple of minutes whilst Olly got Toby to show off his shit again and strike a few poses for the camera, and then led them over to the stools. He was breathing hard and shaking. Their eyes met again, and then as Olly turned the camera back on he pursed his lips firmly. Slowly, they both lowered themselves down, paused for a moment as their piles touched the hard seats, and then sat down firmly.

The sensation was incredible for both of them. Toby's head went back and his mouth fell open in a little strangulated yelp, whilst Liam screwed up his face and clenched himself up to stop himself cumming at once. A big firm lump squashed forwards under his balls, and as he rocked slowly backwards and forwards it did exquisite things underneath him. Another great gout of pre-cum spurted out, and he had to pause and compose himself again. Next to him Toby's heavy breathing nearly reached a crescendo, and he too stopped, with a big, dark patch spreading across the front of his pants. They both stood up a little to show off their messes, then sat slowly back down again, squelching and gasping, and fumbled their dripping dicks out of their pants. Olly turned the camera off again and came around in front of them stroking his hard-on. He leaned in close so the two of them could lick and suck it as they sat, thrust it first into Toby's mouth and then into Liam's, so deep it made him gag.

'You two stink,' he said softly. 'Go on, move. Wriggle around. Get your arses all covered in it. Make yourselves cum!'

Toby began to rock and slide to and fro, groaning and gasping with the sensation, with Olly's cock back in his mouth, fucking his face until he gagged. Olly too began to breathe harder as Toby's lips and tongue worked on his purple head. Liam watched, wriggling more slowly, then opened his mouth as Olly came for him with his cock tasting of the pre-cum that oozed into Liam's mouth as he sucked.

'Oh!' gasped Olly. 'I'm gonna cum boys. Close your eyes ... let me cum all over your faces.'

Liam was edging again now, and as he rocked harder and his shit squished around on his bottom and balls he passed the point of no return. So did Toby, who was wanking and gasping out louder and louder, with shit squashing out the top of his pants as he wriggled. And then Olly threw back his head and cried out, and spattered his hot sticky cum all over their faces. Seconds later Toby gave a sharp cry and shot across the room, and in an instant Liam did the same. It was so intense that his vision went blurry, and as he calmed down afterwards he was shaking all over. Before they got in the shower to clean up they paused for Olly to photograph them standing side by side, with their destroyed pants around their knees and their bottoms plastered in their shit.

Olly edited the video clips he'd taken together before Liam and Toby left, and interspersed them with a couple of photos. They watched it through together to make sure they were all comfortable with it, and that nothing in it could identify them. It caused quite a stir when he put it online. Within a day there were dozens of comments saying how horny it was to watch two such cute-looking lads shitting themselves and getting messy, and how lucky they were to have other guys to play with. It whetted their appetite, and they resolved to make more videos.

Before that happened, though, Charlie got in touch. He'd disappeared off the scene for a while, and not even Alfie had heard from him. When they met up he explained that he'd been seeing a girl and had pretty much forgotten about his fetishes for a while, but it hadn't gone anywhere and now he was single and horny again. As he finished telling Liam this he lifted his right cheek up a little and farted softly.

'I really need a shit,' he grinned.

The smell wafted over to Liam, and as he sniffed eagerly at it his dick began to stir in his pants. But there was a problem: they were alone in the house then, but Haydn and Will would probably be home soon. He texted Olly to see if they could go over to his, but he was working, and Aaron didn't reply. Charlie wriggled uncomfortably in his seat.

'I need the toilet,' he said huskily. 'Can't hold this one in much longer!'

'Er...' Liam hesitated, and then made his mind up. 'Oh fuck it, let's do it. I'll just watch, if you're cool with that? Wanna do it hovering?'

'Yeah. Come on!'

Liam followed Charlie up the stairs, eyes fixated on his pert little arse, sniffing at the dirty little smell as another squeaky little need-a-shit fart escaped him. In the bathroom Liam locked the door as Charlie unbuckled his belt.

'We'll have to pretend we were shagging in here or something, if my housemates come home,' he said.

'Okay. Let's get on with it.' Charlie looked pensive, but then he grinned suddenly. 'I'm near enough touching cloth anyway!'

He pulled down his jeans and boxers and his semi sprang out, growing quickly to a full hard-on as he sat down, breathing hard in his excitement. Liam fumbled his cock out too and knelt down next to the toilet. Charlie looked round.

'Ready...? I've gotta let it out!'

Liam nodded, and Charlie lifted his beautiful, smooth bottom off the seat, turning slightly away so that Liam could see his wrinkled little hole. No sooner was he in position than it began to pucker out, slowly at first, but then faster as he grunted with relief and his turd began to nose its way out of him. It was solid and cracked, like a crooked ochre finger that slowly extended from his bum with a soft, slimy hiss. The smell drove Liam wild and he pawed at himself as the tip of Charlie's tail disappeared below the seat.


Water splashed out into his face and he whimpered with desire as Charlie's shit kept on coming. It curled and crackled and squelched, and another lump broke off and plopped noisily into the water, and then the end slid out of him.

'Like it?' whispered Charlie as he settled himself back on the seat. 'Mm, yeah you do! Look at your dick bouncing!'

'Oh yeah! I wish you were shitting on my face. I wanna be your fucking toilet again, lie there and take all your shit...'

'Mmm, yeah, love to do that again! Ooh ... uh ... oh here comes another one!'

Charlie lifted that glorious arse of his off the seat, grunted, and let go again. His shit was smooth and gassy and sinuous. It curled from his flaring lips in a long brown snake that dropped lump after lump into the bowl.

'Mm!' sighed Liam, leaning in closer still, wanking hard. 'Oh God that smells so fucking nice!'

Charlie's flow tailed off once more, and when he strained he let out only a little wet fart. Breathing hard, he shuffled forwards a few steps and turned around with his cock in his hand. Liam stood up too, leaning forward to look down into the toilet, where Charlie's brown curls filled the bowl and stuck up out of the water. The smell filled his nostrils, and all of a sudden he realised he was about to cum.

'Ooh!' squealed Charlie next to him. 'Oh God!'

They shot together, spattering cum all over the toilet seat and into the bowl, all over Charlie's shit.

Two days later Liam went for a shit at university. He'd held it in during a lecture in which he'd found himself sitting behind Jake and Archie, and amused himself by reminiscing about watching Jake squat and the smell Archie had left in the toilet before Christmas. By the end of the lecture he really needed to go, so he packed his notes into his bag and ambled off to his favourite toilets, at the other end of the same building. As he walked down the corridor he glanced round and couldn't help noticing Archie walking a bit behind him, looking slightly awkward. There were a couple of lads pissing when he got to the toilets but the cubicles were empty so he took the right-hand one, locked the door and started undoing his belt. A few seconds later the door banged again, footsteps came across the floor and into the next cubicle, and then as he sat down he glanced down under the partition and recognised Archie's trainers, with his dark blue jeans just being lowered on top of them. His heart fluttered and he barely noticed the big turd that was sliding out him, dropping big lumps into the bowl and splashing back onto his cheeks, or the smell he was making. He peered through the little hole he'd used before, just in time to see Archie pull down his pants and sit down. His bottom was slim and pert and surprisingly pale, in contrast to his permanently tanned complexion. He reached down and fumbled his phone out of his pocket and sat looking at it for a space, and then his face stiffened.

'Plomp ... plop!'

It sounded like a hefty turd dropping into pieces from between his slender cheeks, and then came the sound of his piss hissing against the side of the bowl. As it tailed off he screwed up his face.

'Ploop ... plop ... plop, plop.'

Liam had finished his own shit by then, and he sat and watched with his dick starting to get hard as Archie strained and plopped softly three or four more times, sat for a few minutes, and then reached down to put his phone in his pocket. Then came the rattle of the toilet roll dispenser, and he tore off a few sheets. For some reason Liam had had the idea that Archie would wipe sitting down. He'd imagined him before, shuffling forward on the seat and then reaching round behind to rub at his hole. But no: instead he stood up straight and pressed the scrunched-up ball of paper in between his pale cheeks. Liam was intrigued by Archie's inefficient wiping technique, and he stroked his dick as he watched him rub at his hole, bring the paper round to look at, drop it in the toilet and start again. Then he bent down, flashing that pert little arse of his once more, and pulled his pants up. Liam began to wipe himself as Archie flushed the toilet and went to wash his hands, and then as the hand dryer roared he pulled up his jeans. The door banged and he knew he was alone, so he shot out of his own cubicle and into the one Archie had used. He'd left skidmarks again, big brown smears in the bottom of the bowl, and Liam sniffed deeply at the dense smell he'd left behind. He was sitting on the warm seat when his phone bleeped.

Hi mate. U free Saturday? Wanna have a cam session again? Toby n Aaron r both up 4 it. Olly x

The thought tipped him over the edge, and he grabbed a handful of toilet paper and wanked off into it, still breathing in the smell of handsome Archie's shit.

That Saturday afternoon found him, Toby and Olly standing naked and hard in Olly's living room. His hole was clenched up tight to hold in the shit he'd started to need a couple of hours earlier. Olly was desperate too, and the smell of the little need-a-shit farts he'd been letting out hung around them. He glanced at Toby, whose face was set in that impassive but intense look he always had when he really needed the toilet. Next to them was the camera, trained on the sofa. Aaron was kneeling on it, bucking his hips and gasping with pleasure and relief as he took a huge dump in his pants. He'd been a bit constipated at first, grunting and straining as he slowly pushed out a series of hard little lumps, but then he'd followed them with a big log that pushed the back of his pants out into a point, and then a series of chunky turds that made a big lumpy mound on his bottom. The smell rolled out around the room, obliterating Olly's farts and setting Liam's dick off, bobbing up and down and dribbling pre-cum as he watched. Aaron knelt there for a long time, breathing hoarsely and wriggling his hips, and then he began to push again. He farted, long and loud, and then again, all wet and bubbly, and let out a long moan as a surge of softer shit spread across his cheeks.

'Ooh, that fucking stinks!' breathed Olly.

Aaron farted into his shit one last time, and sighed. Then he reached between his legs, cupped his left hand under his load and pulled down the back of his pants with his right. His shit was a great, dark, lumpy pile and his cheeks were well smeared with it. Olly turned the camera off as he went to stand up, trembling slightly.

For the next few minutes he stayed on his feet, with Olly taking a series of photos as he bent and squatted and showed off his load, and then led him over to the usual stool, positioned the camera, and motioned him to sit down. He let out a big gasp and a yelp as he sat in his pile, squashing hot lumpy shit all across his cheeks and up between his legs. He fumbled his cock out of his flies and sat stroking it for a second, and then began to slide slowly back and forth. The other three stood just out of sight of the camera, wanking slowly as they watched him rock and wriggle and gasp, and then half-stand to show off his mess, and turn to the camera so it could take in his dripping, pulsating cock. Olly turned it off again.

'Now,' he said. 'Ready to be a toilet on video?'

Aaron nodded meekly.

'Good. Put this on.'

He held out a black bondage hood. Aaron whimpered as he pulled it over his head and turned to them, all submissive and meek. He watched, still sitting and wriggling in his shit whilst Olly spread a plastic sheet on the floor and turned the camera round to point at it, pointing downwards so as not to catch their faces. Then he stood up slowly and came over. The back of his pants was a crumpled sticky mess and his stink was overpowering. He moaned again as he sat down on the sheet, and then lay back, spread-eagled on the floor, waiting for his playmates to use their toilet.

'Can I go first?' asked Liam urgently. 'I'm turtle's-heading!'

Olly nodded and turned on the camera. Liam's head was whirling and his heart thumping as he stepped forward, straddled Aaron and squatted over his lower chest. For a few seconds he looked down on Aaron's cock, all swollen and glistening with pre-cum, and then he gave in to the pressure inside him. His shit was big and firm, and he sighed with relief as his chunky turds slid out of his hole and his own smell rose up around him. Aaron yelped as the first big turd dropped onto him and lay there moaning as Liam did more, and still more. It just kept on coming, crackling and hissing as it flowed out of him. By the time he'd finished he'd made a big, curled, golden pile. Then he reached for the toilet roll next to him. He wiped his arse ostentatiously, showing his stained toilet paper to the camera before he dropped it onto Aaron. When he was done he stood up straight, turned and grinned at the others, who'd stood and wanked as they watched.

As Liam took his place next to Olly, Toby stepped forward and squatted, his cheeks parting to show off his hairy little hole. He was a little further up towards Aaron's head than Liam had been. Aaron whimpered as it began to flare out, and he began pushing out a thick turd, all cracked and lumpy like a big dark-brown stalactite. It came out slowly, pausing for a space and then sliding further out as he grunted and strained. It stopped with about six inches hanging from his arse, swaying slightly as he moved, then slowly broke apart. Aaron visibly tensed up as he waited, and then yelped as it dropped onto him with an audible thud. Liam's dick began to dance again: having been shat on by Toby more times than he could remember he could well imagine the sensation of his chunky turds landing, and his heady smell blasting up Aaron's nose. Then Toby grunted, the broken end jutting from his arse began to move again and he grew another thick brown tail, smoother than his first. Big ragged cracks opened up across it as it slid out, and once more it pulled stickily apart just below him and dropped back onto Aaron with a squelchy thud. By now it was coming more quickly, and as Aaron dribbled pre-cum Toby curled out another long one that snapped off, leaving him with a ragged spike hanging loosely from his dirty little hole. He had to strain and push a couple of times before it fell. Then he too reached for the toilet roll.

Aaron was on the verge of cumming. Glistening streams of spunk ran this way and that on his tummy and his dick was pulsing constantly. He began to whimper as Olly stepped forward to deliver the coup de grace right in his face, just as they'd agreed before they started. Liam leaned in as close as he could without getting into the line of the camera, eager to see and hear and smell Olly taking his shit. Olly didn't disappoint. His shit was huge and it stank. No sooner had he squatted than he started to curl out a thick, sandy-brown turd that snapped off and thudded onto Aaron's face, making him gasp and yelp. Another one landed right across his nose, and the smell made him gag. Liam felt for him. He'd never had his face shat on before, and now he was having to cope with one of Olly's big, manly shits. He could just see Olly smirking in sadistic satisfaction as his turds piled up on Aaron's face and slid down his cheeks. Aaron moaned and gagged and whimpered, and then just as Olly was wiping he came. His whole body convulsed and his back arched, and he yelled out loud as his dick fired cum everywhere. Even so, he lay in silence as the others wanked off over him.

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Next: Chapter 39

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