
By Namab Mas

Published on Mar 27, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Fifteen

Liam hadn't expected to see Kevin again – he was just a one night stand, after all – but a few days later Kevin added him on Facebook, and they got chatting.

'I can't stop thinking about what we did,' Kevin wrote. 'I know I'm into farting, but shit always seemed way too much for me. Was so horny having you watch me do it! I wanna do it again!'

The following morning he Facetimed Liam as he was going to the toilet. Liam's cock stiffened as Kevin held his iPad out in front of him, giving the full frontal view of him, sitting with his pants round his ankles and his big cock hanging down into the bowl. He blew out his cheeks and gave a low sigh.

'Plop ... ploop ... ploop-plop!'

'Ah,' he breathed contentedly as he began to piss. 'That was a big one.'

'Mmm, it sounded good. Bet it smells good!'

'Yeah, it's a smeller. Wanna see it?'

He stood up and held the camera over the toilet so Liam could admire his logs, then sat down and did another one.

'Nice! Wish I was there to wipe you...'

'Yeah, me too. Wanna come over and have some fun, sometime when my housemates are away? And ... well, will you shit for me too?'

For all that Liam liked Kevin and looked forward to the next time they met, he was a bit worried too. He hadn't told Kevin anything about his play with other guys, and he wondered if he should now. He'd never been a good liar and he didn't think he could keep up the pretence of not having done scat with anyone else for long, but on the other hand he didn't want to scare Kevin away by admitting just how far he'd gone. He was still wondering how to handle the situation that Friday, when he took advantage of a day off classes to get the train over to where Kevin lived. His housemates were going away for the weekend, and he'd invited Liam over to stay the night. Liam was looking forward to at least two horny sessions, when he'd need to shit that afternoon and when Kevin did in the morning. Yet he was still concerned, and he sat staring out of the train window as it clattered through the countryside, wondering what best to say.

A few hours later he was naked, standing over a plastic bag as Kevin knelt behind him, breathing hard and wanking. He was desperate to shit, with a turtle's head already starting to force his arse open as he knelt down.

'Ooh, yeah, you really need to go, don't you!' breathed Kevin. 'Go on...'

He couldn't help sighing loudly with relief as he let go, and his first thick, golden-brown log crackled out of him. One glistening fat sausage after another hit the bag with a rustling thud, piling up into a ragged heap, and as the last of it curled out of his flaring hole he let out a sonorous fart.

'Oh wow!' breathed Kevin behind him. 'Oh fucking hell, that's a big one.'

'Like it?' asked Liam, twisting round to look at Kevin, who was watching open-mouthed and wanking. 'Like watching me shit...?'

'Fuck yeah! So horny! Phew, it smells...'

'Ooh yeah,' sighed Liam, feeling another one sliding down the chute. 'Gonna do some more...'

His dirty hole puckered open again, and he deposited a smooth, slimy turd on top of the pile. The smell thickened around them. His cock was rock hard and pulsing as he knelt there, shitting on all fours like an animal, with his arse sticking out and his dirty hole pushing in and out. Suddenly he began to go again, and finished his dump in a long, sinuous turd, then a few final little nuggets.

'That's it. I'm done. Wanna wipe me?'

Kevin wiped his arse with trembling fingers, giving Liam exquisite sensations as he rubbed gently at his satisfied hole, and dropping the crumpled, stained paper next to his reeking brown pile. All the while he kept talking softly, saying how awesomely intimate and sexy it was watching him dump and wiping him like this; how even the smell was turning him on. As soon as he'd finished Liam turned round, cock in hand, and they wanked off together until they shot all over his shit.

That night they went out, had something to eat and got drunk. Liam was still mulling over in his mind just how much he ought to admit to Kevin, but he'd concluded he ought to say something. He was starting to think that Kevin liked him, and although he didn't feel the same and didn't have any intention of getting into a relationship he felt he owed it to him at least to be honest. He screwed up his courage whilst Kevin was at the bar getting another drink, and as he came back over with another two pints he took a deep breath.

'There's ... er, well, there's something I ought to tell you.'

Kevin looked at him sharply, eyebrow raised in wary curiosity. Liam looked around, making sure no-one else was in earshot.

'I ... well, I haven't told you everything about my, erm ... fetish, I guess, if you wanna put it that way. You're not the first guy I've done it with. In fact, I've a few guys I play with quite regularly...'

'Oh.' Kevin's face fell a bit. 'I thought it was new to you, like it is to me.'

'Yeah. I didn't want to tell you everything at first. Didn't want to shock you too much, I guess. I'm sorry.'

'It's okay. I'm not shocked. Well, a bit, but I ain't freaked out by it. Looks like I'm starting to get into it too, doesn't it?! So ... well go on then, what have you done?'

Kevin's eyes widened as Liam told him about his pants-shitting fetish, and how he'd done it with Olly. Liam had half-expected him to look disgusted: instead he was curious and excited, so Liam admitted a bit more; about how he'd been shat on by Olly and Toby and Dalton, and how he'd played with the guys at home.

'Jesus!' said Kevin, looking at him in amazement. 'You've done so much! I mean, yeah, I've had a couple of guys piss on me, but ... well, when I admitted to one guy I was seeing that I liked it when he farted he fucked off quick and I never saw him again. I don't wanna get into all this too much; don't wanna touch another guy's shit or anything, but ... I'll do it on you, if that's what you want?'

'Fucking hell! Will you?! I fucking love being dumped on; being a guy's toilet. I'd love you to do that! Anyway, I've finished my drink. Are we staying here, or shall we move on somewhere else...?'

Liam woke up the next morning with a hangover. He was horny, and he lay there fantasising as Kevin snored softly next to him. He played back in his mind how he'd watched Kevin take a dump in the toilet. The smell was burned into his brain, along with the sight of his thick, sturdy turds. They'd eaten loads the night before, he remembered hazily; even stopped for a kebab on the way home. Sometime, quite soon, Kevin was going to do his big hangover shit right on him. Again and again he played out the scene in his mind.

'Oh I'm gonna fart,' hissed Kevin half an hour later, lying on top of Liam and rubbing their cocks together as they woke up. 'Want me to fart in yer face?'

Liam wanted nothing more. His dick was rock hard as Kevin climbed across him and knelt over his face, forcing his arse down until the hairs of his crack were tickling Liam's nose. Then he farted. The rasp rang in Liam's ears and gas blasted into his face, and the ripe smell roared up his nose. Kevin did it again; a long, sonorous one that left Liam sniffing and whimpering.

'Shit on me,' he moaned. 'When you need to go ... I wanna be your toilet.'

'Yeah,' breathed Kevin above him. 'I'll give yer my shit, if that's what you want.'

They got out of bed and made some coffee. Kevin kept saying he couldn't believe what he was about to do; he was kind of frightened by it, but he had a hard-on that wouldn't subside at the very thought of it. For his part Liam couldn't wait. He looked Kevin up and down, lusting after his toned body and muscular arse, and anticipating what was going to happen to him. Then Kevin got him to kneel down, stood in front of him with his pants down, and blasted another reeking fart into his face.

'Oh God ... oh that smells so good,' he sighed.

'Yeah!' Kevin farted again. 'Go on, sniff my farts. Ooh ... I'm starting to need a shit.'

He straightened up, his dick sticking out like a ramrod, and his eyes met Liam's, looking expectantly up at him.

'Not yet,' he said. 'I ain't gotta go yet.'

Liam's excitement mounted over the next hour as Kevin sat on his face and farted again and again, and told him in a husky voice how his chute was filling up and he needed to shit more and more urgently. It was gonna be a big one and really smelly. Liam lay under him, dick rock hard, begging him for his shit. Finally he stood up again, saying softly that he wanted to go to the toilet. He took Liam's hand and led him through to the bathroom, with his dick twitching and his head whirling in excitement.

'Lie down,' he said softly. 'I really need the toilet.'

Liam lay spread-eagled, staring up in wonderment as Kevin stood over him and then knelt down, fixating on his sturdy arse as it came closer and closer, until it hovered above his chest.

'Do it on my face,' he moaned.

'Fucking hell, seriously?!'

'Yeah ... I fucking love taking it in the face. Will you...?'

Kevin hesitated, then shuffled back until his hairy hole was right above Liam's nose. Liam lay and stared at it hazily, trying to take in what was about to happen. His cock was as hard as it had ever been.


'Yes,' he moaned. 'Oh yes, shit on me now...'

'Yeah. Oh I'm fucking desperate now ... uh ... ooh, here it comes!'

Liam clamped his mouth shut. Above him Kevin grunted and cocked his tail up a bit further. His hole began to open, opening into a pink ring, in the middle of which emerged the rounded head of a turd. As Liam stared in fascination Kevin gave another grunt and pushed it out further. It was hard and knobbly, and as Kevin gave another little strain a lump broke away and bounced off Liam's cheek. He whimpered through tight-closed lips.

'Okay?' breathed Kevin. 'It's coming now ... can't hold it!'

Liam whimpered again and held up his thumb, and then moaned as Kevin's shit began to move again. Another couple of nuggety lumps dropped onto him, and then the knobbly end jutting from Kevin's hole began to slide out, crackling and hissing as it grew into a thick column. Liam kept his eyes open as long as he dared, watching the glistening, cracked turd come closer and closer to his face, moaning aloud as the smell enveloped him. Then it touched down on the tip of his nose, slid hotly down so its tip touched his cheek, and began to pull apart. Liam shut his eyes just in time.


It landed right across his face, over his left eye, and its tip came to rest on his forehead. Its weight and stink overwhelmed him, setting his dick dribbling as he took in the sensation. Above him Kevin was grunting again, and the slimy crackle of another turd coming out rang in his ears. He opened the other eye cautiously, got the blurred impression of another thick, jagged-ended log advancing on him, then closed it quickly.


He was blinded now, buried under hot slimy shit, gassed by the stink and helpless as Kevin pissed all over his chest and tummy.

'Oh yeah,' grunted Kevin. 'Fucking big shit ... like it? Yeah? Oh ... another one's coming!'

Kevin farted, strained a little, and then Liam heard him starting to shit again. The stink suddenly got stronger. Then another one dropped, and another and another, right across his nose and mouth. He was fighting to stop himself cumming, edging madly and fighting to breathe through the hot reeking pile blocking his nose. Another one landed and he sensed the whole lot starting to move. His nose cleared suddenly as it all slid greasily down his cheek, to fall to the floor next to him. In its place another couple of small turds landed, and that tipped Liam over the edge. Without even touching his cock he shot all over himself.

His mobile phone rang as he was on the train back. He'd been lounging in the corner of the carriage, dick stiffening in his pants as he replayed what had happened that morning in his mind. Kevin had cum almost as soon as he had, and yelled out loud as he fired all over him. He'd helped him into the shower, still blinded and shaking all over with the adrenalin rush he always got from being shat on, cleaned up the bathroom whilst he washed his face, and then joined him.

'I can't believe how horny that was,' he'd said softly as Liam left. 'I wanna do it again! Do you reckon your mates might be interested in meeting up...?'

Liam was turning over the possibilities in his mind when his phone started to buzz in his pocket. It was Olly. Toby had just called him: he was horny and full, and on his way round. Then Dalton had called as well. Liam tried to think of something else and crossed his legs to disguise the bulge in his jeans as the prospect of another horny session opened up before him. The need to shit began to stir faintly in his bowels.

A few hours later Toby was holding his wrists as he bent over the table, writhing in pain and discomfort. Dalton watched on, squirming in discomfort and rubbing his smarting cheeks. Olly stood behind him, cane in hand, tapping it lightly across his blazing bottom to establish his aim for the next searing stroke. Suddenly he swung it back.


Liam's head jerked up and he yelped. He clenched his bum tightly, then sagged down onto the table again, groaning as the stinging agony peaked and he fought to hold in his shit. He'd thought being beaten over his pants might hurt less than getting it on the bare skin, but no such luck. It was hurting so much he'd lost count of the number of strokes he'd had. Maybe it was eight or nine, perhaps even ten He clenched his teeth tight as Olly raised the cane again.



The stroke lashed down right across where his hole was. Toby had to hold his wrists tightly as he writhed and yelped and his vision went blurry. His cheeks were in agony, and the pain in his chute grew suddenly more intense. Olly was literally about to beat the shit out of him, he realised grimly as the cane went back again.



That one landed lower still, right over the tops of his thighs, and he yelled out loud. The shock and pain made his hole relax and his shit surged forwards. He clenched up desperately, but he was turtle's-heading now, with a sticky lump between his tortured cheeks. There was a few seconds pause as he gritted his teeth, and then Olly swung again.


'Ooooww! Ow! Oh no...'

He lost control completely and moaned in pain and humiliation as he dirtied himself. Hot slimy shit packed his crack and bulged out his pants, and spread out onto his cheeks. It felt strangely soothing against his blazing skin.

'Phew, that stinks,' said Toby.

Olly put the cane down and walked round in front of Liam, still stretched across the table. As he did so another turd forced its way out of Liam and added itself to the pile in his pants. He put a hand under Liam's chin and lifted his head up. His eyes were full of menace as he looked into Liam's.

'I need a shit,' he said with soft menace. 'Dalton needs a shit. Toby really needs a shit. You're gonna be the toilet for all three of us for doing that. But first, put these on.'

He handed Liam a pair of thin, loose swimming shorts. Three pairs of eyes bored into him as he put them on, stretching them carefully round his shit at the back and his pulsing erection at the front. He was helpless, dominated, and facing the prospect of getting messier than he ever had before, and he was turned on beyond belief. Then Olly ordered him over the table again. The hot bulge on his bum pressed harder against his skin as he bent.


His shit cushioned the blows, at least across his lower bottom. It spread out further as the cane cracked down again, and again, and again. Dalton and Toby took an arm each this time and held him down firmly as he writhed and yelped. The pain and the mess in his pants gave him a sensation like he'd never felt before, and even though by the time Olly put the cane down again he was nearly crying his cock was still standing proud. His shit rubbed soothingly on his cheeks as he squirmed.

'Now,' said Olly. 'Time you sat in it.'

Liam winced at the very thought. The last thing he felt like doing then was sitting down. Olly grinned, faintly sadistically.

'Don't worry,' he said evenly. 'You're gonna have a cushion to sit on. Toby's gonna crap in your pants too, and you can sit in his shit as well as your own. Now, squat down a bit...'

Liam bent his legs and stuck his smarting bottom out. Toby came around behind him, pants down, and pressed his backside against Liam's, making his welts smart a bit more painfully. He reached down between his legs and pulled out Liam's waistband.

'Come up a bit,' said Olly. 'Yeah, that's it ... take a shit now...'

Behind him Toby grunted. His bottom heaved slightly, and Liam felt a little puff of hot gas from between his cheeks. Then Toby's emerging turd pressed against him, just above his hole, and his crack began to fill with Toby's shit. It was hot and firm and slimy, and he gave a little gasp as a thick turd dropped to the side, across his right cheek. Toby's thick, smoky smell hung around them. He grunted and did some more that was soft and warm against Liam's sore bottom.

'Oh yeah,' he grunted contentedly. 'That's it. I'm done.'

He let Liam's waistband spring back into place and they both stood up. Liam's pants were very heavy now, packed tight with hot shit that was pressing hard against his skin, and pushed about everywhere as Olly led him through to the bathroom. He made Liam wipe Toby's arse for him, and then as he finished he grabbed him, turned him round and forced him down onto the toilet seat.

'Ow! Ow! Ooh...' yelped Liam.

The sensation was incredible; a stab of pain that drew a squeak from him, combined with the ecstatic squish as he sat in two hefty piles at once. It went everywhere; all across his bottom and up to his waistband, down around his thighs and all around his balls; his shit and Toby's, squishing and squelching and tickling all the most sensitive parts of his body, counteracting the pain in his buttocks. He almost came at once, and only when Olly grabbed him again and forced him to keep still did he draw back from the brink. Olly thrust his cock towards him and got him to suck it, only drawing back when he began to breathe heavily and Liam tasted his pre-cum. Toby took his place and did the same, and then Dalton, who forced his cock right back into his throat and fucked his mouth until he was gagging. He squirmed about again as he sucked, moaning as the mess enveloped his balls right up to the base of his cock, and squashed out around his legs. Dalton's breathing grew heavier and the sharp taste of his pre-cum filled Liam's mouth. He drew back and looked down at Liam, and then at Olly.

'I really gotta take a dump,' he said.

'Yeah, me too,' replied Olly. 'Okay, get up.'

Liam left a great brown stain behind him on the toilet lid, and a big dark lump of Toby's shit that had squashed right out of his waistband. Olly handed him his goggles, and motioned him to get in the bath and lie down. He complied, trembling in anticipation. Toby came up to the bath, held his cock down and started to piss on his face, and then Olly came up beside him and pissed on his crotch and up and down his tummy. As Toby finished and moved away he turned around and sat down, his arse hovering over Liam's twitching, dripping cock. Dalton came and sat beside him. His bottom was well welted from his caning earlier, and Liam stared up in amazement at the scarlet lines across his pale cheeks. Being shat on by Dalton after he'd been punished was especially horny. Olly farted and let go. His shit was softer and more sinuous than it usually was, and it stank. Three slimy turds hit Liam's cock in quick succession, curling over it and enveloping it in heat, like the best wank he'd ever had. He was fighting to stop himself cumming when Dalton too began to grunt, and a thick log curled from him and dropped right into his face. The stink of fresh shit blasted up his nose for the second time that day, and again he was buried under a filthy pile. Dalton farted softly as he added another one to it, and at the same time Olly dropped another mushy one right on his cock. He was edging uncontrollably now, spunk dribbling into Olly's waste. One more turd would do it, and Dalton was straining above him, filthy hole opening...

Liam had never cum so hard in his life. His back arched and his hole body convulsed as he shot all up his torso and across his covered face, even as Dalton was still dumping slim turds on him. It was all he could do to stop himself screaming. Then it was over, and he lay in hazy ecstasy as the other three pissed and came all over him.

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Next: Chapter 16

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