
By Namab Mas

Published on Jul 7, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Two

On the night shift a few days later Liam thought back on his birthday session as he worked. It helped to pass the time, and it distracted him from the fact that he still was still feeling the effects of the previous night, when he'd been out celebrating his birthday in the next big town with his mates. They'd got pissed on cocktails, gone to a club and ended up drinking a load more, and he had no recollection of getting home. He'd spent most of the day in bed with a pounding head and a queasy stomach, and until a couple of hours before his shift started he'd been thinking about phoning in sick. Yet he was going on holiday with Ed and a few other lads the following week and he needed to save up for it, and the night shift paid well. In the event the walk to work had cleared away the last of his headache and just left him thick-headed and faintly horny. The awesome memories of being shat on by all five lads came easily to him, and especially the recollection of Connal shitting on his cock. He wanted that to happen again! In the past he'd always regarded having his face used as a toilet as the ultimate thrill, but now the thought of one of his playmates curling one out on his bouncing, dribbling dick was giving him a semi as he worked. No doubt he'd be able to make it happen sometime soon, although since he was on nights for the next few days he wasn't going to have much opportunity to play.

At the end of his shift he went for a piss before he walked home. It was usually a good time to go: the day shift were starting to arrive, and quite a few of the guys would go for a morning shit before starting work. He got lucky that morning. A tall, slim, fresh-faced kid with wavy fair hair who he'd never seen there before went into the toilets ahead of him and took the right-hand cubicle. The left-hand one was still out of order. Liam couldn't resist taking the middle one and watching under the partition as the tall boy dropped his skinny jeans and designer pants, and sat down. Silence descended, aside from the hissing noise of the lad pissing, and over it a couple of faint plip-plops. As that tailed off the lad lifted his heels from the floor, and there came an audible slimy crackle.

'Plop-plop ... Plomp! Plop!'

Liam grew a semi as the lad's plops echoed round the room. It sounded like a sturdy shit hitting the water; big, thick turds from that slender arse. The lad's heels went down again as he grunted contentedly. Then he lifted them again.

'Plop! Ploop.'

The lad gave a long, low sigh of relief as he lowered his heels to the ground again. He sat for a minute or so as Liam listened intently, then did a couple of little, rasping farts.

'Plip ... ploop ... plop-plip.'

Liam expected him to sit for a bit longer, but instead there came the rustle of him putting his phone in his pocket, and the rattle of the toilet roll holder. He wiped his arse standing up, using a lot of paper. When he'd flushed, washed his hands and gone Liam was alone, and he dived into the lad's cubicle. His smell was really nice; raw and ripe and dirty, and a bit of floating, stained paper showed off the orangey-brown colour of his shit. Liam went straight to bed when he got home, and before he drifted off to sleep he had a wank imagining that pretty boy having a big dump on his face.

Two weeks later found him lounging on a beach in Tenerife as the tail end of the hangover from the previous night's clubbing cleared away. He looked over to where four of his mates were swimming in the sea, and wondered vaguely where Phil was. He'd pulled at the club the night before, some stunning blonde girl, and hadn't been seen since. Oh well, he had keys to their apartment, Liam thought, and it wasn't as if they had anything planned for the day apart from lazing about on the beach. And going clubbing again that evening, of course. He looked around. The place they were staying at wasn't one of the big resorts, and the beach wasn't too busy. They'd walked half a mile or so up it, carrying some food and a cool-box full of beers, until they'd found a quiet spot under the cliffs. The nearest people were a couple of hundred yards away now, and Liam was enjoying the peace and quiet. He looked again to where Ed, Rob, James and Ryan were splashing about in the breakers and was tempted to join them for a moment, but he felt too lethargic for that, and instead he took a swig of beer and went back to his book. A few minutes later Ed wandered up the beach towards him, wet swimming shorts clinging to his legs and showing off his package, water glistening on his toned body. Liam eyed him as he sat down next to him and opened a beer. They chatted idly for a bit, and then Ed said casually that he was starting to need a shit.

Liam smiled inwardly. The bedroom he was sharing with James was right next to the bathroom. His bed was against the thin wall between them, and that morning he'd lain and listened to James farting and grunting, and the plops and splashes as he pushed out his hangover dump. He'd sat on the toilet for nearly ten minutes. Liam had gone for a shower as soon as he got back. The smell was really ripe and fruity, there were big, reddish-brown skidmarks in the pan, and he'd had a quick wank whilst he showered, sniffing at it and imagining the turds coming from cute, solidly-built James's round arse. Encountering his mates shitting was one of the pleasures of going on holiday with them. The memory of Ed sitting on the toilet at the party came back to him suddenly, and his dick twitched in his pants. He lay back, daydreaming about something else to avoid getting a hard-on.

'Actually, I really do need a shit,' said Ed, breaking in on his thoughts.

'Unlucky,' said Liam innocently, his heart fluttering a little. 'What are you gonna do? It's a bit of a walk back to the hotel...'

'I know. Er ... does the tide come all the way up here?'

'Reckon so,' Liam replied, looking around him. 'You can see the marks on the cliff there. Why?'

'I can't be arsed walking back to the hotel. Just gonna go and do it over there. We got any tissues with us?'

'Yeah. There's some wipes in the bag there.'

He tried to look uninterested, watching surreptitiously as Ed fumbled in the bag, pulled out some wipes and walked over to where the cliff turned slightly inland, though not far enough to hide him from view. Ed stood by the cliff, facing away from him, and Liam willed him not to turn round. Then he pulled down his shorts. Liam couldn't resist twisting round to watch as he squatted, shorts around his thighs, showing off his gorgeous arse. He was too far away to hear anything, but he saw it all. Ed's turd was dark and thick and solid; a cracked, glistening column that grew from his arse, hung for a second or two, and then dropped to the ground. He held his dick down to piss on the ground, and as he did so he began to push out the lump still showing between his pert cheeks. It grew into another lumpy column before it fell from him. The smell wafted over to Liam in the hot, still air; that sultry, rank odour he'd smelled once before, and just as it had then it made his dick hard in his pants. He drew his legs up to hide it as Ed's arse heaved and curled out another couple of smooth turds, wondering whether he could get away with a sneaky photo of his hot friend squatting over his pile. Then Ed rocked forward and began to wipe. Liam could see a big brown stain on the wet-wipe as he inspected it, and then folded it over and began to rub at his hole again. He used several wipes, dropping each one on top of his shit as he finished with it. Liam looked away quickly as he stood and pulled his shorts up, and gazed down to where the others were still splashing about in the water.

'That's better,' Ed grinned as he rejoined him. 'But I'd best go wash my hands in the sea. You coming?'

'Nah,' said Liam. 'I'll just stay here for a bit.'

In truth he quite fancied a swim, and in time he'd go for one, but not until the hard-on tenting out his shorts had subsided! In the meantime he could just read his book and sip his beer, and cast furtive glances at what Ed had done.

He ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room that night. James got chatting to a girl at one of the bars they went to during the evening, and didn't join them clubbing. Phil wasn't with them either, although he'd texted earlier to say he might. Hours later they ambled back to the apartment, and when Liam opened his bedroom door without thinking he found the girl on her hands and knees, naked on James's bed. James knelt behind her, rolling a condom down his shaft.

'Fuck off!' he shouted.

Ed had found Phil shagging as well, when he opened the door to the room they were sharing. Instead the four of them put some music on and sat down in the living room with another drink, trying to ignore the sounds of sex coming from either side of them. The noises from James's room got louder and louder, until the girl raised the roof as she came.

'Fuck's sake,' laughed Ed. 'Trust James to pull a screamer!'

Rob got up, swaying slightly, as the howling died down. He looked completely out of it. That wasn't like Rob: tall and smiley and floppy-haired, and a bit of a hippy, he was one of the more self-controlled of the group, and Liam couldn't ever remember seeing him so drunk. He stumbled and fell against the wall as he went to the bathroom, missed the door when he went to shut it, then began to fumble with his belt. The others watched, laughing. Liam thought he was just going to piss, but then he turned around, pulled down his pants and plonked his sturdy bottom down on the toilet. Liam pricked up his ears as he heard him do a squeaky little fart, and then another one, longer this time.

'Ploop ... ploop ... plomp.'

'Oh for fuck's sake Rob,' called Ryan. 'Shut the door, will you? We don't wanna see you having a poo!'

Rob didn't seem to hear. He was sitting with his head in his hands, very still. Then he started to sag forwards. Another turd fell from him and plopped into the toilet.

'He's passed out, hasn't he,' chuckled Ed.

'Yup. Best wake him and put him to bed.'

They got up and went into the bathroom, where Ryan got out his phone and photographed Rob, who'd started to snore softly. The smell tickled Liam's nostrils; not very strong, but quite harsh and dirty. He reached out and prodded Rob.

'Wake up mate!'

Rob stirred and looked up, eyes struggling to focus.

'Wake up you Muppet! You can't stay there all night ... I need a piss!'

Rob looked at him blankly, then seemed to realise where he was and reached for the toilet paper. He was too out of it to care that he was showing off his big cock, or that the others were laughing and photographing him as he half-stood and reached around behind to wipe his bum. Liam couldn't resist a furtive look down into the toilet. Rob's turds were big and chunky, jutting up above the water in two or three places; a dull, greyish brown. The smell rose from them like smoke. Rob could barely coordinate himself to wipe, and he nearly fell over when he reached round to flush the toilet. He was a big guy, Liam realised, as he helped him back into the living room. Ed and Ryan took him through to his room and put him to bed, and Liam went back to the bathroom for a piss and another cheeky sniff at Rob's lingering smell, and then rejoined them for another beer.

A few days later they took a break from the beach and the nightclubs, and went hiking in the mountains. It was a good move, Liam reckoned: they'd all spent far too much money already, and he for one was feeling the effects of nearly a week's heavy drinking. Rob and Ryan had said as much too. Phil was looking fresher, but then that was no great surprise: he'd done far less drinking and a lot more shagging than the others, although Ed also had a spring in his step after spending the previous night with a stunning French girl. Either way, the change of scene was welcome, and they bantered idly as they walked up the hill, away from the coast and into the trees. They walked for a couple of hours, stopped to eat the food they'd bought with them, and then carried on, now high up in the mountains with the shimmering sea visible through the trees.

Liam started to need a shit as they ambled on, skirting the edge of the mountain now with a cliff on their left and the land falling away steeply to the right. Sometime soon he'd find a quiet spot to squat, he thought dreamily, faintly turned on by the prospect of shitting outside. They'd be back in the trees at some point, and he could hold it until then. He wondered if any of the others would need to as well. James wouldn't, he knew, for he'd lain and listened to him taking a dump in the toilet again that morning, and Rob had been too, just before they came out. He smiled inwardly as he remembered him passed out on the toilet, and the smell he'd left in it that morning. Then Ryan's voice cut into his thoughts.

'Guys, I need a shit.'

Liam glanced over, stomach fluttering a little. He didn't fancy Ryan as such – he was just an old friend – but he really was good-looking; tall and trim and bronzed, with a nice oval face and spiky hair. His shit smelled really nice too, as Liam well knew from going into toilets he'd just used, including at his own house only a couple of weeks ago. The thought of him having to do it in the open was a definite turn-on. Then blonde, clean-cut Phil spoke too.

'Yeah, I'm starting to need one an' all. How far are we from town?'

'A good hour, I reckon,' said Ryan. 'I ain't gonna last that long. Anyone got any tissues?'

'Yeah I have,' said Liam. 'Need a shit as well.'

There was nowhere to get off the path so they walked on for a while, down towards the treeline, with Ryan complaining that he was getting desperate. Liam walked slightly behind him and Phil, eyeing their pert arses and hoping that when they found somewhere to stop and relieve themselves he'd be able to see.

As they reached the top of the trees the land levelled out a bit, and finally they came to a place where the path turned sharply left, past a scrubby bush, and beyond it a rocky ledge. Liam, Phil and Ryan stopped, looking at it, and then at each other.

'Shall we do it here?' asked Phil. 'Not very private, is it, but fuck it, I really need a shit!'

The others sat down and opened their water bottles as the three of them skirted the bush and went onto the ledge. Not private was an understatement: the three of them would have to squat side by side, looking out over the stunning view of the land falling steeply away to the town and the sea. They stopped and looked at one another once more, Liam's heart pounding as he realised he'd be in the middle. He'd have to try not to get too much of a hard-on.

Ryan pulled down his shorts, showing off his peachy, rounded arse. To Liam's right Phil did did the same to reveal a pair of perfectly pale, smooth cheeks. Liam bared his bottom too, and took a discreet step back as the three of them squatted. Without having to turn his head he could see what was happening either side of him. He relaxed, and felt the welcome sensation inside as his bowels began to empty. Next to him Ryan grunted audibly and began making that lovely soft crackle. Looking down Liam saw his turd come into view. It was thick and smooth, a lovely darkish ochre colour, glistening in the sunshine. It came slowly, in fits and starts as Ryan strained and grunted faintly, extending from his arse until it almost touched the ground. Liam marvelled at the size of it, as Ryan's thick smell began to tickle his nostrils and get him hard. Then it dropped with a soft thud, and a second later Liam's log fell too. To his right Phil was still holding on. Then he bowed his head and gave in, and did a soft wet fart. His shit came quickly, in a long, light-brown snake that broke three or four times as curled from his arse with a filthy squelching crackle, until he had a big, ragged heap under his arse. His smell was sharper and riper than Ryan's, and Liam's dick stiffened further as he sniffed at it and pushed out another turd of his own. On the other side of him Ryan was holding his dick down as he pissed, and then he let go a squeaky little fart and began doing another thick, glistening turd. It hung from him for several seconds, swaying slightly to and fro with the smell perfuming the still air, before he pushed again and it tapered off and thudded to the ground, bending as it flopped down beside the first. Liam realised he was about to piss, and held his dick down to keep it away from his shorts. He was half-hard by now, and he listened intently to the sounds of his mates on both sides pushing out some more, with the smell hanging thickly around them.

'Gotcha!' came James's voice. 'Havin' a shit, all three of 'em! Fuck me it stinks round here!'

They looked round, just in time for James to take another photo of the three of them squatting over their piles. It was lucky he had his hand over his cock, Liam realised, otherwise it would have been all too obvious that he was turned on.

'Oh fuck off!' laughed Ryan. 'I wanna wipe ... got those tissues, Liam?'

'Yeah. There you are.'

Ryan rocked forward and supported himself on his left hand as he reached around to wipe with his right. Before he dropped the first brown-stained tissue on top of it Liam got a good look at his shit; two hefty, curled, cracked logs, and then some smaller, slimmer curls piled on top. He was still finishing his own shit, and next to him Phil farted again and another slim snake coiled from his smooth arse. Liam watched discreetly, loving the sight of his cute blonde mate taking a big dump. He'd finished, but he pretended he had more to come so he could watch discreetly as Phil wiped his bottom, still squatting, needing a lot of paper to get himself clean. When Phil was gone he was alone, and he examined his mates' shit as he wiped; Ryan's thick, cracked logs and Phil's lighter, smoother curls. When he was done he arranged his cock carefully in his pants to disguise his hard-on before he went back to join the others.

'That's going on Facebook,' laughed James, showing off the photo on his phone. 'All three of you havin' a crap.'

Liam smiled inwardly. He'd be downloading that photo just as soon as he could!

A few days later he was back at home, sorting through his photos as he waited for the washing machine to finish so he could get on with hanging his clothes out in the garden He was horny, and glancing at the picture he'd grabbed from James's Instagram made him hornier still. James had got them at just the right moment: Phil was in full flow, he had a log hanging from his arse, and Ryan was curling out the last of his turds onto the hefty pile under him. The memory made his dick twitch in his pants, and it did so even harder as he thought back on the journey home. There'd been a spyhole in the toilet cubicle at the airport, and through it he'd seen the most gorgeous twinky lad having a dump. His plops had been slow and loud, and the ripe aroma he'd left was burned into Liam's memory. Then Ryan had gone to the toilet, and given Liam the chance to have another sniff of his heady smell. Having a shit next to him and Phil had been deeply sexy, and so had watching Ed on the beach that time. He'd heard Ed having what sounded like a massive shit in the apartment toilet on the final afternoon, too. He'd sat for several minutes after the first few heavy plops, then farted out a load of looser, splashier turds. The bathroom had really stunk when he was done, he'd left big, dark skidmarks, and Liam had sat down on the still-warm seat and had a crafty wank. He stroked his cock through his pants as he thought back on it all. Then his phone bleeped.

Hey Liam. U home now? Am horny and I need a shit. ;-) Aston

An hour later he was in Aston's bathroom. He was kneeling on the floor, naked, with his nose between Aston's beautiful smooth cheeks and his dick sticking out like a ramrod. It twitched and bounced as Aston farted, he felt the hot gas on his face and the smell filled his nostrils; Aston's smell; slightly sharp and dirty, and madly erotic. He moaned softly as Aston grunted and did another squeaky little fart, and flared his hole open until the tip of his turd peeked out. Liam sniffed deeply, inhaling its foully exciting smell and whimpering with desire.

'Yeah...' breathed Aston, his voice low and husky. 'I gotta take a shit. Want it...?'

'Oh yeah...' Liam rocked backward and lay spread-eagled on the floor. 'On my cock ... shit on my cock.'

He whimpered again as Aston knelt down over his legs, and shuffled back until his arse was right above his pulsing cock. He knelt right down, so that his hole was touching Liam's shaft, and farted again. The puff of gas made Liam moan. Then Aston knelt up a bit.

'I'm gonna shit now,' he whispered. 'Here it comes...'

Liam watched, transfixed, as Aston's arsehole puckered out, in and then back out again, and the tip of his turd poked through it. He held it there for a couple of seconds, grunted and pushed, and let it grow into a crooked brown finger, pointing down towards his throbbing cock. I paused for a second, the smell started to tickle Liam's nostrils, and then Aston grunted softly. His hole opened wider, and the pointing finger began to grow into a solid log. Then the knobbly end snapped off, struck Liam's shaft and landed on the top of his thigh, and he moaned and clenched up desperately to stop himself cumming there and then. Aston grunted again, the broken-ended turd jutting from his hole started to slide slowly out, and he sighed with relief as he let out a cracked, glistening log. Liam watched it come closer and closer, sniffing deeply, letting the slimy sound ring in his ears, then it broke and a hefty sausage dropped onto his cock. He nearly came a second time, and then again as Aston pushed out more, tapering to a point that slid cleanly from his hole.

'Like it...?'

'Oh yeah,' sighed Liam. 'Feels fucking awesome!'

Aston's shit was hot and slimy and heavy, and as his cock twitched and bounced it felt like the best wank he'd ever had. The smell hung heavily around them. Then Aston did another one, long and slim and solid. It touched down on top of the first, slid down over it and brushed stickily along Liam's shaft, making him moan and clench up, and then he yelped aloud as it fell. As he drew back from the brink of cumming he fixed his eyes on Aston's pink hole, now fringed with brown, clicking softly as he pushed it in and out. Aston was taking his time over his shit, spinning out the pleasure and making Liam wait for the next turd. When it finally came it was smoother and snakier than before, shining dully in the light, and it broke off two or three times. Liam's cock was covered now, and he was edging constantly as he waited for Aston to do more, his cock bouncing amid the slimy, heavy mess. Then Aston pushed his dirty hole out once more and farted, and he realised he'd passed the point of no return. As the last slim turds dropped onto him he threw back his head and yelped, and shot his spunk into Aston's hot shit.

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Next: Chapter 23

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