
By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 11, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Six

The following Saturday morning found Liam sitting in Wetherspoons with some friends, nursing cups of coffee with the remains of breakfast on the table in front of them. They'd been out the night before, Liam had no recollection of getting home, and the pounding headache he'd woken up with was only just subsiding, to be replaced with a dose of the hangover horn that had only got stronger when he'd gone for a shower just after Louis had been for his morning shit. Maybe he'd been too hung over after his night on the lash over to bother with the toilet brush or open the window as he usually did, because he'd left a full set of skidmarks from his big, slightly loose shit, and the bathroom had really stunk. Liam would have had a wank, had he not had to go out. His dick stirred a bit in his jeans as he thought back on how, when they were waiting for breakfast to arrive, he'd gone for a piss in the pub toilets just after Jonathan had vanished into them. One cubicle door was locked, and as he got his cock out he'd listened as Jonathan pulled down his trousers and sat down.

'Plop! Plop ... ploop-plop, ploop, ploop, ploop, ploop!'

The stream of splashes ended in a big wet fart and a loud grunt of relief. He couldn't very well hang around once he'd finished his piss, but he eyed Jonathan surreptitiously as he came back to the table a few minutes later. He was a sturdy lad, with a cute face and neat fair hair. Liam couldn't resist it: he muttered an excuse about needing to blow his nose and bolted back into the toilets. Jonathan's cubicle really stank, all thick and cloying, and his skidmarks covered the bottom of the bowl. Liam had had to disguise his semi as he went back into the pub, and now he had another as he sipped his coffee, looking Jonathan up and down and imagining him sitting on the toilet.

Then he started to need a shit himself. He tried to ignore it as they sat and chatted, hoping the urge would die down and he'd be able to hold it until later in the day. Olly had texted him a few days before, saying that Aaron might be up for a session. It was no good, though: the urge grew stronger and stronger, until he was shuffling in his seat, clenched up to stop himself farting. He gave in and went to the toilet. As he got there he clocked the most gorgeous lad standing up from a table nearby, where a couple of girls were still sitting. He was probably a bit younger than Liam, maybe nineteen or so; tall, fair and incredibly handsome, with a fine-boned, smooth face and the most radiant smile. Liam couldn't help imagining how he'd look on the toilet. As he bared his bottom the toilet door banged, footsteps sounded across the floor, and someone came and took the cubicle next to him. He couldn't resist leaning forward to look under the partition, only to see the smart brown trainers the lad was wearing, and his light-blue jeans being lowered over them. He clenched up tight, determined to make no noise and to listen to what was about to happen. In the silence he heard the lad breathe out, and then a faint, slimy crackle.


The splash was heavy and resonant; the sound of a big turd dropping into the water. Liam looked down at his hardening cock, listening intently as the soft crackling sound came again.

'Plomp ... Plop!'

The lad grunted audibly and began to piss, and then as the hissing stream died away he plopped loudly again. Liam listened in awe, and then relaxed and let his own shit go, and almost groaned with relief as his turds dropped into the bowl and water splashed up on his bottom. He couldn't piss, though: he was far too hard from shitting just a couple of feet from this exquisite young guy who was now sitting in silence, pushing out the odd little turd every so often. He'd barely finished when the toilet roll holder rattled, and looking again under the partition he saw the lad swing his feet back as he leaned forward to wipe. He did it gently, the paper rustling softly as he rubbed at his hole, and he only used three or four lots of paper before he stood up and pulled up his pants. Liam wiped his arse as the lad washed his hands, and then as soon as he heard him go he dived out of his own cubicle and straight into the next one. He sniffed eagerly. The smell was quite faint but it was definitely there; a soft, light aroma that tickled his senses and made his dick twitch. Then he looked down into the toilet bowl. The lad had left a floater; a slim, pine-coloured curl floating in the water below the seat that was still warm from his pert bottom. Liam was tempted to sit down and wank there and then, but he stopped himself. He'd save it for later, he thought. Instead he took one last sniff and went to wash his hands and rejoin his mates in the pub.

They were still drinking coffee and bantering when his phone bleeped in his pocket:

Hi Liam. U free later? Aaron's coming over. Wanna have sum fun? ;-)

A few hours later he and Olly were sitting in Olly's living room, waiting for Aaron to arrive. He'd texted a few minutes before, saying he was on his way and that he really needed a shit. Olly hadn't been that day either, and as they waited he stood up in front of Liam, bared his arse and farted long and loud. The blast of hot gas in his face and the ripe smell made Liam's dick spring to attention at once.

'What'll Aaron wanna do?' mused Olly as he sat back down. 'Didn't you say he wants to shit himself?'

'Yeah. Well, he's into the idea of it anyway. He said he gets off on being made to hold it; told when he can shit. Shall we see if we can make him hold it until he loses control and does it in his pants...?'

Aaron was visibly desperate when he showed up twenty minutes later. He had a semi too, which grew to a full hard-on as he sat and rolled a joint for the three of them to share. He winced, lifted his left cheek and did a couple of soft, need-a-shit farts as he lit it, and Olly sniffed appreciatively at the smell as he challenged Aaron to shit his pants for them; hold his shit in until he could hold it no longer and did it in his pants. Aaron's eyes widened, and he swallowed nervously. At first he refused, but then he relented as Olly talked pure filth about how hot it'd be to make him lose control and shit himself. He wanked through his tracksuit pants as he got up to go through to the bedroom and put on the pair of cheap blue trunks Olly offered him; there was a little dark dot of pre-cum showing at the head of his cock when he got back, and he was clenching his bottom tight. He wasn't farting any more: his arse was too full to risk it.

'Desperate, yeah?' Olly asked him coolly as he sat down.

'Yeah ... oh fuckin' hell I'm nearly touching cloth. I really need a shit!'

'Good,' said Olly huskily. 'Mm, you really are fucking desperate aren't you. Here's the deal. If you can hold it for an hour you can do whatever you want. You can shit on Liam's face again, do it on me, whatever. But if you do it in your pants you've gotta do what we tell you, and I'm gonna shit on you too. Okay?'

'Yeah,' grunted Aaron, wincing. 'I'll try!'

He sat and squirmed and screwed up his face in desperation, his dick rock hard in his pants. At Olly's instruction he got up and walked up and down, with his bum clenched up tight, and then sat down again gingerly.

'Oh,' he moaned. 'I need a shit so bad....'

'Beg,' said Olly curtly. 'Beg me to let you go to the toilet.'

'Please,' groaned Aaron, pawing at his cock. 'I need to go to the toilet!'

'Nope. Still 45 minutes to go...'

'But I can't! I'm gonna shit myself if I don't go soon! Oh God...'

He squirmed and writhed a bit more, with his cock leaking pre-cum through his pants, moaning about how badly he needed to take a shit. Liam watched in awe, wanking slowly: the sight of Aaron helpless and desperate for the toilet was such a turn-on. Then Olly got up, bared his arse and farted right in Aaron's face, setting him off moaning and wanking and sniffing at the smell. Olly looked round, a faintly sadistic smile playing across his lips.

'Get up,' he said. 'Go and stand over there. Face the wall and put your hands on your head.'

Aaron complied meekly, clenching his cheeks again and wiggling his hips. Olly ordered him to stand still, and he pursed his lips and closed his eyes tight. He stayed there for a few minutes more, obviously struggling now, his face red in humiliation and his cock pulsing. It was obvious that he was going to lose control soon. He knew it, and when Olly told him to come back over and kneel down on the sofa with his bottom sticking out he did it with the air of a man who's accepted the inevitable. The blue fabric tightened round his pert buttocks as he knelt. Then a few minutes later he jerked his head up and his mouth fell open.

'Oh! Oh no ... I'm gonna shit! Can't hold it!'

'Hold it in!'

'I can't! It's coming out! Oh! Oh fuckin' hell!'

His arse seemed to fill out a little as he gave up, and over his gasps and groans came the crackle of a big turd forcing its way out. He squirmed and bucked in agony with a lump already showing between his cheeks, and then gave another gasp and a beaten sigh as his body took charge and he shat uncontrollably. The lump between his cheeks swelled up quickly, with a filthy crackle and a load of gassy, hissing little farts, and the smell rolled out around the room.

'You dirty bastard,' said Olly softly, wanking through his pants. 'Your shit stinks. Look at you, crapping your pants like a little kid. Go on, keep going; push it all out in your pants.'

Aaron groaned again as another big turd forced its way out and spread across his cheeks, and then jerked his head up sharply.

'Oh! Fuck ... fucking hell I'm gonna cum!'

'No! Hold it, don't cum yet!'

'Oh fuck...' Aaron looked round, wide-eyed.

'Have you cum?'

'Nah, but I feel like I'm gonna. So fuckin' mad shitting meself like this. Feels like I'm gonna cum every time I do one ... and I ain't finished ... still got a load up me arse.'

'I know,' grinned Liam. 'Feels fucking awesome, doesn't it? Just relax a minute, try and stop yourself cumming.'

Aaron nodded, knelt still and composed himself for a while as Liam and Olly watched, wanking and sniffing at his heady smell. Then he bowed his head again, grunted and gave a little gasp. He farted, all wet and muffled in his turds, and pushed out another one that made his bulge swell up slowly, then suddenly to the right with a filthy squelching noise and another hiss of gas.

'Ooh,' he sighed, looking round, his eyes half-closed and shit still crackling softly from his arse. 'Fucking hell, I've shit meself so bad ... ooh fuck, it stinks!'

'Yeah,' breathed Olly. 'Yeah it does. Have you finished?'

Aaron shook his head, arched his back and strained, screwing his face up cutely as he added to the big, lumpy mound bulging out his pants, with little spots of dark moisture starting to seep through the fabric. He just kept on shitting, grunting and gasping with each turd that packed his crack. Liam's dick pulsed as he watched, and he could see Olly was the same. Finally Aaron relaxed and looked round again.

'I'm done,' he said in a small voice.

'Stand up.'

He stood up slowly, grimacing as his shit pushed about on his skin, turned around and stood facing them with a great splash of pre-cum across the front of his pants, and a bead of it trickling down his leg. He was breathing hard.

'Wiggle your arse a bit,' said Olly. 'Yeah, like that. Now ... bend over a bit ... squat down ... ooh, yeah, feels good, doesn't it?!'

Aaron's mouth fell open, and he gasped as he squatted down and his lumpy pile rubbed against his arse and his balls and the sensitive bit in between. He straightened up again sharply, with more pre-cum oozing through from the head of his swollen cock. He was edging constantly, whimpering, humiliated and madly turned on at having shat himself like this. At Olly's bidding he turned around, bent over with another whimper and showed off his arse, and Liam stepped closer and pulled out the back of his pants. He'd done a huge, lumpy, dark pile, pressed up hard against his smeared cheeks. The stink came up at them all the more strongly. He let Aaron's pants spring back into place. Olly came and took his place, cupped Aaron's pile in his hand and began to push it gently to and fro.

'Mm, yeah, big shit,' he said softly. 'You're gonna sit in that; sit down in your own turds and get a big messy arse.'

Aaron didn't reply. He was sweating, his teeth clenched tight, whimpering again. Then suddenly he cried out and straightened up, and came so hard that his spunk spurted out through his pants.

'Oh fuck!' he gasped. 'Oh I'm sorry. Couldn't stop it. That was fucking mind-blowing!

'Wanna clean up ... or carry on?'

'Clean up. It don't feel so nice now I've come, and ... oh such a mess. Sorry guys...'

There was no help for it. Liam was just the same: as soon as he'd cum the mess stopped being sexy and he had to clean himself up, and Olly felt that way too. They watched regretfully as Aaron took himself through to the bathroom to pull down his pants on the plastic sheet Olly had left to hand, and get in the shower.

'I still need a shit,' grinned Olly as the sounds of Aaron washing himself came down the hallway. 'Reckon he might be up for it...?'

He was semi-hard again when he came back in and started putting his clothes back on. His eyes widened when Olly reminded him that he too needed to go, and when Olly stood up, pulled down his pants and stuck his arse out he came and knelt down behind him, and whimpered as Olly did a big ripe fart in his face.

'I ... I don't wanna be shit on,' he said. 'Not now. Just do it in front of me, yeah?'

'Okay. Right in front of you though. You're gonna go behind me and I'm gonna do it right in front of your face, and really make you fucking smell it.'

Half an hour later Aaron was hard and whimpering softly again when he knelt down naked behind Olly, who was down on all fours with his exquisite arse sticking out. Olly made him sniff his crack and hole, farted in his face again, and told him to keep his face as close as he could. Then he took a dump; a big, chunky, sinuous series of thick golden turds that hissed softly as he pushed them out and dropped to the floor with big dull thuds. Aaron whimpered, and screwed up his nose at the smell. At Olly's command he leant in close to his arse again to sniff his dirty hole as it puckered in and out, then leaned his head back to let Olly finish his shit. The smell grew thicker as Olly curled out a couple of smooth, soft turds.

'I've finished,' he said. 'You gonna wipe my arse for me?'

Olly loved having his arse wiped for him, and his dick pulsed and dribbled on the floor as Aaron did it with nervous, fumbling fingers. Then when he was done Olly made him kneel down and get his face right into the big, curled pile he'd made. Liam moved in closer too, and joined Aaron in sniffing and staring intently as what Olly had done.

'My shit stinks, doesn't it. Next time I'm gonna shit on you. Want that?'

Aaron whimpered and nodded, even though the smell was making him gag. He was dribbling pre-cum with every sniff.

'Good. You're gonna be my fucking toilet. Now, wank off over my shit; fucking cum all over it.'

Aaron straightened up a bit, his cock in his hand. Liam's was pulsing already, and then Olly turned around too. Together the three of them wanked off, until first Liam, then Olly, and then finally Aaron, for the second time that afternoon, shot their spunk all over Olly's turds.

In the event it was Liam who shat on Aaron first, one day the following week when Olly was away with work. He'd been horny all day, ever since Louis had been to the toilet before he left for his morning classes, whilst Liam was sitting at his desk finishing an essay that was due in the next day. He'd done a huge one, judging from the three hefty, slow plops he did, then after a pause the little farts and soft splish-splashes that went on for ages. Liam loved the smell of Louis's shit; it was thick and rank and dirty that day, and he hadn't opened the window either. He might have wanked off there and then if Will and Haydn hadn't still been in.

Later he'd gone into uni, and when he went for a piss after his lecture he found himself walking a bit behind a lad called Mike, whom he knew vaguely from one of his classes. He'd always fancied Mike: he was very fresh-faced, with beautiful twinkly eyes, and he had a lilting voice with a faint hint of a German accent. He was a bit on the chubby side, but Liam didn't care: he was so cute, and just a touch rough-edged. A female mate of his had shagged him and said he had a big cock, and since then Liam had always fantasised about being fucked by him. When he'd gone into one cubicle Liam hadn't been able to resist going into the next one with his heart thumping, sitting and listening as Mike pulled down his pants and sat his big, no doubt smooth arse down on the toilet. In the silence Liam could quite clearly hear his soft grunts, and then that tiny wet crackling sound, a pause, and then again...

'Plomp ... plop-plop! ... plomp, plomp ... plop!'

Liam got hard as he listened, imagining what big turds Mike must be dropping to make noises like that. Mike let out a long piss that hissed and splashed in the bowl, and then began to grunt again and farted loudly. At that moment someone started using the hand-dryer, leaving Liam cursing as he imagined Mike gratefully pushing out his shit whilst the roar covered up his plops. Seconds after it had finished Mike's phone rang.

'Hi mate ... Just finished lectures ... Yeah ... What, you're here now? ... Er, okay cool...' At that moment he did another fart and a soft plop. 'What? ... Yeah, I'm having a shit ... Yeah, see you outside in a minute.'

At that he tucked his phone back in his pocket, the toilet roll holder rattled, and he stood up to wipe his bum. He did it hastily, using a lot of paper. No sooner had he washed his hands and gone than Liam had dived into his cubicle. Mike's shit smelled really thick, with a faintly bitter, nasty edge to it, and Liam's cock twitched a bit as he sniffed. He might have wanked then, too, were it not for another class he had to get to. He took one more sniff and went on his way.

He started to need a shit himself during his early afternoon seminar. It came on slowly, and as the pressure grew in his arse he began to get turned on. It felt like a big, solid load, and he relaxed and let it slide down the chute a bit until it pressed teasingly against his hole, then clenched up and felt it recede. He drifted off briefly into fantasies about shitting himself, or doing it on Olly's face. That still hadn't happened, he thought. Olly had become more and more of a dominant top recently, and maybe that was why, although Olly had also said to him only the week before that he still had sub/bottom fantasies. The thought of normally-dominant Olly lying on the floor and being his toilet started to give him a hard-on. His phone vibrated in his pocket and he wondered who it might be. Then the tutor clocked his vacant expression and fixed him with a stern look, and he forced his mind back onto the topic at hand. Only when he got outside afterwards and was considering going to the toilet did he remember the text he'd had, and his eyes widened when he looked at the screen. It was Aaron. His housemates were away again, he was horny, and he wanted to play. Liam hesitated. He'd planned on going straight home and giving the essay he'd finished earlier a final check-over before he submitted it. But he could do that in the morning, and perhaps he'd be better able to concentrate when he'd worked off his horniness. So he told himself, anyway, as he tapped out a reply.

Less than an hour later he was stoned and as horny as he'd ever been, with his dick bouncing up and down as he clenched his arse up tight. He was desperate for a shit. At first Aaron had just wanted to watch him do it, but Liam was well into the idea of shitting on someone, and he'd talked Aaron into having him do it in his hands. Aaron knelt down on the floor in front of him, all meek and submissive again, and held out his hands.

'Want my shit now? I gotta do it.'

'Yeah. Go on, do it now...'

Liam turned around and squatted, and grunted in satisfaction as he relieved himself. His log was big and firm and lumpy, and it felt so good as it slid out of his flaring hole. Behind him Aaron gave a little gasp as he saw it, and then a moan as it touched down and began to fill his cupped hands. Looking down between his legs Liam could see his dick standing to attention, its big purple head throbbing and dribbling.

'Fuck me,' he breathed. 'Your shit feels so fucking nice! Go on, do some more ... oh yeah ... ooh that's a big one!'

There was a soft 'squelch' as Liam's next thick turd landed on top of the pile he'd already made, and the smell grew even stronger. Aaron began to breathe harder, shading off into moans as Liam farted and began to finish his shit in a series of smooth curls, with his dick bouncing up and down. Then Aaron came, and his spunk shot out between Liam's legs. Even so, he held out the bulky, golden-brown pile in his hands obediently for Liam to wank off over.

'Like being shat on, then?' Liam asked him later, as they sat with another joint.

'Yeah. Fucking hell yeah! It's so ... oh I dunno, so fucking nasty. I wanna do it again!'

'Oh I reckon that'll happen soon enough,' chuckled Liam. 'Be Olly's shit next time. Or maybe my mate Toby. You've not met him yet, but he does really nice ones and he's up for anything...'

'Cor, yeah! Mm, I can't wait!'

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Next: Chapter 27

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