
By Namab Mas

Published on Mar 17, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Fourteen

Liam's phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat in a lecture early one afternoon the following week. He ignored it, since the lecture was on a subject he was expecting to write an essay on and he wanted to get his head around it properly. At the end he headed off to the toilets. He didn't need to go yet, but he went and occupied a cubicle for a bit anyway. By then he'd completely forgotten about the text he'd received, and he started in surprise when he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw Toby's name on the display. Just at that moment someone came in and took the cubicle next to him. Looking down below the partition he saw a pair of smart new trainers, and then a pair of jeans and checked boxer shorts dropped down over them, showing off the guy's slim, hairy legs. He sat down. In the silence Liam was sure he could hear the crackle of shit sliding out.

'Plop! Plop! Plop!'

The sound of the guy's shit falling echoed around the quiet room, and then he farted resonantly. The smell came up at Liam under the partition; a raw, filthy stink that started to get him hard. As the guy grunted and began doing more Liam opened Toby's message.

am really horny n startin 2 need a dump! U free? x

His heart fluttered a bit. He had no more classes that day, and he was getting horny himself listening to the plops and grunts to his right. He texted back straight away.

Hey. Yes I'm free. Only problem is, got nowhere to play – Olly's away with work.

The reply came seconds later:

housemates are away – cum over! Hurry cos im getting desperate! U need 2 go?

Not yet, but I will. OK, on my way.

He'd have liked to stick around and see who it was who was next to him, grunting and stinking out the room, but with Toby getting desperate there wasn't time. He made a quick show of wiping and left sharpish. On the walk over there he started to need a shit himself, and the pressure in his chute and the anticipation of a session had his dick stiffening in his pants, and his heart pounded with excitement as he rang the doorbell.

'I really, really need a shit,' said Toby softly as he ushered him in. 'I'm gonna be touching cloth in a minute!'

'Ooh, yeah you do!' said Liam appreciatively. 'You're squirming! Go on, hold it for a bit. I like seeing you desperate. What are we gonna do, anyway?'

'I wanna shit my pants. It's gonna be such a big one and I wanna sit in it and get a really dirty arse, and then ... do you need to go too?'

'Kind of. It's there, but I'm not desperate yet. Let's see where it goes...'

They sat back and talked, letting the anticipation build. Toby was in a really kinky mood. He'd been horny for days, he said, fantasising about more extreme scat play than he'd ever been into before. He'd seen someone on a scat site talking about how he loved his face covered in shit, and he'd wanked over that thought time and again. When his housemates had told him they'd both be going away for a couple of days that week he'd got hard as he planned out his play. Now the moment had arrived, he hadn't been to the toilet for nearly two days, and he was horned beyond belief and wanking through his pants as he struggled to hold in his shit.

'Oh this hurts,' he breathed, looking at Liam. 'I've gotta go!'

He stood up, unbuckled his belt and pulled down his jeans. Underneath them he was wearing an old pair of tight blue boxer briefs, bulging out at the front with a massive erection. He stepped out of his jeans and pulled off his T-shirt and stood before Liam, breathing hard and squirming slightly, his face intense and excited. Very slowly he knelt down, and as Liam came around behind him he put his hands on the sofa and stuck his peachy bottom out.

'Now,' whispered Liam. 'Do it nice and slow...'

'Yeah.' Toby bowed his head. 'Oh it's coming ... ooh ... oh yeah...'

His bottom relaxed, and he let out a gassy little fart. There was a soft crackling noise, and then a dimple appeared between his cheeks which grew quickly into a rounded bulge, and then swelled up further, slowly at first but then more quickly as he lost control. The smell rolled out around Liam; Toby's familiar stink, all smoky and harsh and dizzyingly erotic. Toby gasped with relief as his flow tailed off.


'Yeah!' Toby nodded, his eyes half-closed. 'Oh it feels good!'

He bucked his hips a little and moaned, then took a deep breath, pursed his lips and strained lightly. He farted into his shit, all wet and muffled, giving way to a filthy squelching sound as he pushed out a load of gassy turds. The lumpy bulge on his bottom swelled up further. His head shot up, mouth falling open as more came from his hole.

'Oh! Oh! ... oh yeah. I've finished...'

Liam reached forward and pulled out his waistband at the back, so he could peer down at Toby's smeared cheeks and packed crack, and the great compacted block of shit nestling against his bottom. The smell came up at him even more strongly.

'Ooh, that's such a big one! Phew, it stinks an' all!'

He stripped hastily as Toby stood up, a little unsteady, trembling, with a great splash of pre-cum at the head of his cock. Then they were tumbling upstairs, with Toby moaning as his hot shit pushed about on his bottom and tickled his balls. Liam followed him up the stairs on all fours, watching the bulge slide to and fro with its moisture starting to soak through the cotton, the smell gassing him. At the top of the stairs Toby stopped, and moaned once more as he added yet another turd to the pile. Then they were in the bathroom, where Toby slammed down the toilet lid, turned around convulsively and sat down hard, and cried out aloud as he squashed hot, lumpy shit all over his bottom and up between his legs. He fumbled his cock out of his pants. It dribbled constantly as he gasped and moaned and slid to and fro and side to side, spreading the mess all over. Liam watched and wanked, and talked.

'Yeah ... go on, slide to and fro ... mm that feels good, doesn't it? Do it some more ... now, bounce up and down ... yeah, like that. Cor, your shit stinks! Now ... I need to go too...'

Toby looked up straight into his eyes, his face more intense than Liam had ever seen it. He was in the zone now, Liam realised; horny beyond belief and ready to go further than he ever had before. He wriggled a bit.

'Your shit...' he sighed. 'I wanna get it all over my face ... do it on the floor and push my face in it...'

He got up off the toilet, leaving a great brown stain behind him. The back of his pants was a crumpled brown mass, and a lump that had squashed out around his leg fell to the floor as he knelt. Liam watched him kneel, then turned around and squatted down, and gave a low sigh of relief as his own shit began to slide out. His turds were solid and thick and golden, glistening as the light caught them and dropping onto the tiles with soft little thuds. His own smell began to thicken the room. Toby leaned in close until his face was only an inch or so, took a sniff and moaned, then jerked his head back as Liam curled out another log right in front of him. It flopped down on his pile, curled across it like a glistening snake. He strained and pushed out the end of it.

'Oh god...' moaned Toby.

Liam hadn't finished, and he squatted there for a while longer, looking down between his legs at the pile he was still adding to, and round at Toby, wanking and whimpering behind him as he contemplated what was about to happen. Finally Liam pushed out a couple of last little nuggets, turned around and looked at Toby, who looked back into his face with pleading eyes.

'Sniff it,' breathed Liam. 'Go on, get your face right in there ... yeah, like that ... now really sniff it. Smell my shit!'

'Oh...' moaned Toby as the smell gassed him. 'Oh god...'

'Yeah, that's right. Mm, you like me shit ... you want your face in it, don't you? Want your face covered in shit...'

Toby nodded, his face right in close to Liam's turds. He looked up, pleading again.

'You do it ... push my face in it.'

Liam reached out and put a hand on the back of Toby's head, pushing him in closer still until his nose was all but touching the pile. He whimpered, eyes and mouth clamped shut. Liam held him there for a few seconds longer, then pushed him slowly down into the pile until his nose was right in it. He moaned loudly, and his throbbing dick dribbled on the floor below him. Liam pushed him in still further pushing his head to and fro to to rub his face in it, then let him up a little way to get some air. His nose was brown and his inner cheeks were smeared too. He opened his eyes cautiously.

'Yeah, look at your shitty face. More...?'

Toby nodded meekly, and closed his eyes as Liam pushed his head down again, twisting it left and right to rub his cheeks in it, then straight down, deep into the pile, and up and down, wanking with his other hand as he did it. Toby's moans filled the room. Then suddenly he jerked his head up. His face was covered in shit and he was cumming uncontrollably, screaming and gasping for air at the same time, fighting to breathe through his blocked nose, just as Liam too started to come. He fell forward again, limp and drained.

'Come on. Best get you cleaned up. I'll get you into the shower.'

Toby began to retch as Liam washed his face for him. Suddenly he pushed Liam aside, buckled forward and puked, and then again. He looked disgusted as he pulled down his pants, and Liam began the long job of cleaning his plastered bottom. Finally both they and the scene of the crime were clean, and they settled back on the sofa, both now reeking of disinfectant. Toby looked awkward.

'Was ... er, was that a bit too much?' Liam asked, feeling faintly guilty.

'Er ... yeah. I feel really sick now. I got a bit in my mouth...' Toby shuddered. Then he grinned. 'Was fucking hot though, wasn't it?!'

Liam was playing in a football tournament that weekend; the second-string uni team he played for (he'd not even tried to get into the top team: he knew he wasn't committed enough and suspected he wasn't good enough either) versus similar teams from universities in nearby cities. He was looking forward to it. The football would be fun, and these tournaments were always a good laugh and drinking session as well, and an excuse to meet visiting students.

Half-way through the afternoon Liam went for a dump. He wasn't horny; he was enjoying the football and the banter too much. Even so, his heart began to pound when he opened the toilet door, just in time to see one of his teammates whom he'd always fancied closing the door of one of the two cubicles. Billy was tall and slim, a touch on the chavvy side, and Liam had always found his northern accent strangely sexy. He hastened into the other cubicle, bared his bottom and sat down, just as Billy did the same.

Billy wasn't shy about having a shit. He grunted loudly and farted, and let go a couple of weighty plops. Liam wondered as his own began to slide out how long Billy would take over it. If not too long he'd be able to nip in and have a sniff when he'd gone. Then he got a wet bottom as his own hefty load plopped and splashed into the water, and Billy did a couple of sharp, raspy little farts next to him and let go another soft 'ploop' and a loud sigh of relief. Liam's dick stirred as he imagined what was happening. Someone else came in for a piss, and then others, and the chatter and sound of the hand dryer masked the noises coming from his right. He'd finished by then, but even though he needed to get back he sat for a minute or so in the hope that Billy would start wiping before he gave up and reached for the toilet paper. Just as he stuck his bottom out and began to wipe more noises sounded outside the cubicle. Billy let go another loud 'plop.' Then something moved above his head.

'Here they are lads!' laughed a familiar voice. 'Having a shit.'

Liam twisted round and looked up, right into the faces of two of his teammates, grinning at him over the partition, camera-phones out. One of them was Mark, getting his own back for the time when he'd been caught on the toilet, months ago.

'How d'you wipe, Billy?' laughed a voice on the far side of the toilets.

'Piss off!' laughed Billy. 'You ain't seein' that.'

'Liam stands up like a girl,' said Mark sarcastically. 'Oh man that's gross. There's shit in the toilet! I can see it!'

Oh fuck off!' Liam sat back down hastily, laughing despite himself and putting his hand over his cock. 'Course there's shit in the toilet. Where else would it be?!'

'Fuckin' stinks in here,' said another voice.

'Yeah. Ha ha, this is goin' on Facebook, Liam and Billy taking a shit. Come on...'

'Yeah, fuck off!' Billy shouted after them as they went.

Liam grinned inwardly as he stood up again and started wiping. He really didn't care about being photographed wiping his arse, and if they'd got him they'd probably got pictures of Billy too. They'd be worth seeing... He finished wiping, flushed and left, leaving Billy still sitting there.

The rest of the day went well. They didn't win but they gave a decent account of themselves, and they all enjoyed the games. Later that evening they hit the bar and set about getting pissed along with the visitors who were staying the night. Liam clocked one of them at once, a lad called Kevin who was over with one of the visiting teams. He wasn't strikingly beautiful or anything, but rather quietly handsome, and beautifully dressed. His jeans and shirt showed off his sturdy arse and toned body to perfection, and he had the cutest smile Liam had seen in ages. For all that he was chatting to a couple of girls when Liam first set eyes on him he gave off a slightly gay vibe, and Liam resolved to strike up a conversation with him when the chance arose and see where it took him...

He woke up in bed the following morning as Kevin stirred next to him. They'd been too drunk to do anything much when they'd got back to his place, but now Kevin rolled over and put an arm around him, hard-on pressing into his bottom. He reached around to stroke it, and then as they woke up properly he turned over and kissed Kevin on the lips. They kissed hard, and then Liam pushed him over on his back and began to work his way down, across his hairy chest and his nipples, and then down over his tummy until he could take his big, meaty cock into his mouth. Kevin pulled him round into the sixty-nine position, and played with his arse as he licked and sucked at his cock. Liam sighed as Kevin slid a finger into him.

'I wanna fuck ya...'

'Oh yeah...' breathed Liam. 'Do it. There's a condom in the drawer there...'

He lay on his front and stuck his bottom back as Kevin tongued his back and neck and pressed his big cock against his hole. Then he was in, drawing a gasp from Liam as that thick shaft slid up inside him, impaling him further and further until his crack was full of Kevin's pubes. Then Kevin began to draw back, giving him that exquisite sensation, like the best shit he'd ever taken. Kevin pulled back until only the head of his cock was inside Liam, leaving him empty and yearning for more, and then thrust forward again, and again, and again. Liam squirmed and gasped in ecstasy as Kevin grunted and bit his neck, and fucked him so hard it hurt. He squealed aloud as Kevin hit his G-spot, and as he did it again and again his cock began to leak and he felt the orgasm starting to burst over him.

'Oh I'm gonna cum,' hissed Kevin in his ear. 'Gonna cum in ya...'

'Yeah ... so'm I ... oh ... oh god!'

They came together, Kevin deep up his arse and Liam all over his bed.

Afterwards they lay and talked, getting to know one another a bit. Kevin was bi. All his long-term relationships were with girls, but he loved fucking other guys, who he usually met through Grindr. He reached out and picked up his phone to show Liam his profile, and Liam's eyes widened a bit as he saw the emoji in the bottom corner.

'What's that?' he asked, grinning slyly. 'You into piss, then?'

'Er ... yeah,' said Kevin bashfully, his face turning red. 'Sorry, meant to take that icon off ... bit kinky, innit...'

'S'fine, I'm pretty open-minded, grinned Liam. 'I quite like it too. Feels so ... naughty, doesn't it!'

'Heh, yeah, guess so.'

'Is that all you're into...? Anything else you like? You ain't gonna shock me: I'm pretty open-minded!'

'Er...' Kevin took a deep breath. 'I ... er, I like guys farting.'

Liam spotted his opportunity.

'What, like this?!' he grinned, and let out a big, slightly wet fart through his slippy, lubed hole. 'Ooh ... sorry, that stinks a bit!'

'Oh! Er ... yeah, like that. Fuck, I can't believe I just told you this ... it's...'

Kevin sniffed, and Liam felt his cock stiffening against his leg. He reached down and fingered it.

'Ooh, you really do like me farting, don't you! Don't worry: I ain't shocked. I like it too. Go on ... can you do one?'

Kevin looked astonished. Then his face tensed, and he farted too. Liam lifted the duvet, and the smell came up at him, quite thick and meaty.

'Mm!' he said, sniffing. 'That smells!'

'Yeah,' said Kevin bashfully. 'I'm ... I'm starting to need the toilet. Can I...?'

Liam's heart raced. Now they were on the subject he wondered if Kevin might be talked into letting him watch. If he was into farting he probably wouldn't be shocked by him suggesting it. Or maybe he would be. Oh well, if so it didn't matter too much: they'd probably never see one another again, and he didn't need to tell him anything much. He took a deep breath.

'Er ... can I tell you something? You like guys farting, yeah?'

'Er, yeah?' said Kevin warily.

'I've ... I've always got off on the idea of a guy having a shit. Nothing heavy, like, just watching him on the toilet.'

'Fucking hell! That's nasty. Why?!'

'I dunno. Same as you like farting and piss and all that. It's just something that's always turned me on, the thought of being with a guy while he's having a shit. It's like ... how private it is, I guess...'

'And you wanna watch me?'

'Only if you're cool with it ... but yeah.'



'Yeah if you want. I mean, it's not my thing, but I don't mind if you wanna watch. Come on: I gotta go now.'

Kevin levered himself out of bed and stood, naked and handsome, as Liam got up to. He cast a sidelong glance at Liam's swelling cock, turned and went into the little bathroom. Liam followed, heart pounding, and stood in the shower, just inches away from where Kevin was sitting down, his sturdy, pale cheeks tightening as he bent. He looked round, face red and intense.

'Sure? Yeah? Want me to hover ... see it come out?'

Liam nodded excitedly and Kevin listed himself up, hovering a couple inches above the seat so Liam could see his hairy hole. It began to pucker open as he grunted sexily. His turd was thick and solid and lumpy, a dull dark brown column that extended from his arse down into the darkness of the toilet bowl with a soft crackling sound. The smell hit Liam at once; thicker and harsher than his farts, and madly erotic. Without thinking what he was doing he began to stroke his cock, rock hard as he watched Kevin shitting. His turd snapped off suddenly and dropped with a loud 'plomp,' sending water splashing onto his arse and the seat. He grunted again and pushed the rest of it on its way, and sat down. His piss began to hiss and splash into the bowl.

'Fuck me,' he breathed, looking round. 'You're well getting off on this, ain't ya? Wanna see it?'

He half-stood and shuffled forward so Liam could look down and see the two fat logs nestling in the bowl. Then he sat hastily back down again and farted, and another hefty turd began to crackle its way from his hole.

'Ploop ... Plop ... Plop! ... plip-plop.'

'Oh that's better,' he sighed. 'Oh ... ooh it smells.'

'Yeah,' breathed Liam, sniffing. 'It really does. Mm!'

Kevin's cock was rock hard now, sticking out in front of him like a gun. He began to wank as he strained and pushed another little nugget on its way.

'Fuck ... I can't believe this ... you watching me shit ... never thought it'd be so horny. I've ... er, I've finished.'

He reached for the toilet roll.

'Do you ... I'll wipe you, if you like?'

Kevin's eyes widened, and without a word he stood up, showing off the toilet full of his shit again. His thick turds had filled the bowl right up, and here and there broken ends jutted up like rocky brown islands out of the water. The thick smell rose from them like a fog. He bent forward and parted his cheeks, and let Liam lean over to pull off a few sheets, reach in and wipe his hole. His solid, chunky shit hadn't left him very dirty but Liam rubbed vigorously all the same. His mouth fell open and he sighed loudly.

'Ooh! Oh fuck that feels so nice!'

As soon as Liam had done he spun round with his cock in his hand, and they wanked off together until they both shot all over his shit.

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Next: Chapter 15

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