
By Namab Mas

Published on Nov 11, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Liam glanced over at his bedroom door, making sure it was shut, then opened up the scat sites. In the bathroom Haydn was having a shit, and he touched himself through his pants as a big, muffled 'ploop' and a juicy fart came at him through the wall. On one site he was overhauling his profile to stress that he was up for meets: on the other he was uploading a video he'd made on his phone the day before; the first one he'd ever put online. It was only of him shitting in the toilet, but then, he couldn't very well make any better videos whilst his housemates were about. He didn't have a bad arse, he thought, as he watched the video through to check it had uploaded properly: it was pale and bubbly and rounded, and the turds that came from it as he squatted over the toilet were pretty good too. Water splashed up on the seat, nearly hitting the camera as his thick logs dropped into the water. On the other side of the wall Haydn flushed. Liam readied himself to go in for a piss he didn't really need, and to sit on the warm toilet seat drinking in the stink Haydn had made and fantasising uncontrollably.

All his fantasies were about being a toilet just then; being shat on not just by one guy, but by a group; having to lie still and helpless amid the stink as one fit lad after another dropped his pants, sat above him and took a dump. He thought back on the times it had happened for real, and especially his awesomely filthy birthday session back home, and imagined it happening again. He'd lie in the bath, he mused, so that lads could hang their bare arses over the edge. As he sniffed at Haydn's smell he imagined him going first, doing something like the big, cracked log he'd not flushed away a few days earlier. Louis could go next, then Will, then Mike, and that hot lad with the baseball cap he'd heard having a huge, ploppy shit in the student union the day before... That tipped him over the edge, and he jumped up, spun round and spunked into the toilet.

He was still having those fantasies when they all convened for a session at Olly's the following week, and for the first time Aaron and Toby met. Toby had tremendous farts that day, and Olly broke the ice between them and Aaron by getting him to fart in Aaron's face, then turn around and stand over him as he sniffed and wanked.

'I so need a shit,' he said huskily. 'Not been for two days!'

'Yeah, me too. Not since yesterday morning,' said Olly, then turned to Toby and winked. 'What d'you reckon? Two good toilets here just waiting to be used...'

So it was that Liam and Aaron lay down together. Aaron was shaking, and Liam wondered if he might back out of it, even though his dick was rock hard. He reached out and put and arm around his shoulder.

'Okay?' he mouthed.

'Yeah ... fuck me, this is mad!'

Above them Olly picked up a coin from the worktop and turned to Toby. Both of them were hard too, big cocks jutting out in front of them like guns. He held the coin out, ready to flip it.

'Heads I get Aaron and you do Liam, tails the other way round? Yeah? Cool. Er ... it's tails!'

Aaron began to tremble again as Toby straddled him and knelt down, and Olly did the same. Liam lay and looked up Olly's arse, so familiar and yet so wondrously exciting as it hovered above his chest. Then Toby's hole relaxed, pushed out, and he began curling out a thick, dark log, sighing in relief as he did it. Aaron cried out and his whole body convulsed as it snapped off and dropped with a thud between his nipples, all glistening and thick, and his smoky, bitter smell rolled over them. He began to let out more, and then Olly too started. Later Liam found he had a snapshot memory of the two of them, with Olly pushing out a big, pointy-ended log and Toby a thick column, and was struck by how different the colour of their shit was; Olly's light, almost sandy brown versus Toby's dark, reddish hue. Then Olly's smell hit him, and his dick began to bounce uncontrollably. The turd touched down, hot and tacky, and grew heavier as more eased its way from Olly's flaring hole and it began to bend backwards. Then it snapped and the whole lot fell onto his chest, and at the same moment Toby's dropped too.

'Fucking hell,' moaned Aaron. 'Oh! Oh!'

Liam looked up, dazed, at the two pert arses above them, dirty holes flaring in and out, Toby's with a sliver of dark shit hanging from his anal hairs. The air was thick with the glorious stink of two hot young men's shit. Then Olly cocked his arse up a little further, did a big fart and pushed out a shining brown curl, cracked and solid at first, but getting smoother as it came. It was still coming out of him when Toby too began to shit again; a smooth, glistening, quite soft turd that just kept on coming. It half-covered what he'd already done and piled up on Aaron's chest, looking for all the world like a great brown ice-cream, ending in a pointed tip. Whilst he was doing it Olly dropped three or four raggedy curls. They felt deliciously hot and sticky on Liam's skin. He gasped and whimpered, lost in the filthy, perverted pleasure of being Olly's toilet like this, and next to him Aaron was just the same, staring wild-eyed at what Toby had just done to him.

'Gonna cum,' he moaned. 'Fuck ... I can't stop it!'

Olly gave a grunting strain and dropped another little nugget or two, and that finished it. Aaron came immediately, with a strangled little yelp. Seeing it, Olly put a hand on Liam's cock, and no sooner had he done so than Liam too shot all over his tummy and chest.

Liam got what he'd been fantasising about – or as near as he was going to get – only a few days later. He lay in the bath, naked and dazed with his head whirling and his cock bouncing up and down. Toby was sitting on the side with his bare arse thrust back over Liam's tummy, leaning forward to balance himself. His pants were round his ankles and his shirt hitched up, just as if he was on the toilet. A hefty, lumpy brown turd hung from his bottom, glistening where the light caught it, perfuming the air with his heady smell. He grunted, strained a little, and it came out further with a filthy little crackle, and then again, and again, until it hung from him like a thick column, swaying slightly to and fro. Liam stared at it in wonderment. It began to break, a crack spreading across it just below his bottom that grew slowly wider as it pulled stickily apart. Then it dropped. Liam yelped aloud as it landed on his tummy and fell with its broken end nearly up to his nipple. Above him Toby grunted, and the jagged end jutting from his arse twitched, and then grew into another solid turd that curled around, tapered off and dropped right next to the first one. Liam was fighting down the urge to cum all over the hot, heavy turds on his tummy, whose smoky, rank stink was battering at his brains. He was his mates' toilet, and it was heaven! Toby was straining slightly, his hole flaring out every few seconds, and then he gave a little satisfied grunt and Liam knew there was more to come. Toby grunted again as it slid down the chute. His hole flared out with a little fart, and he curled out another turd, sticky and smooth, that broke off right below his hole and dropped a rounded clod, then a second, and a third longer one that landed with a squelchy thud and left a ragged little tail hanging from him. He pinched his hole shut and it dropped lightly onto the big pile he'd made. Again he sat, flaring his hole out, amid that wonderful smell of his.

'Hurry up man,' said Olly, his cock bulging his jeans out. 'I really need a shit!'

'Nearly finished,' grunted Toby. 'Oh ... there we go...'

He strained once more and eased out a slim brown rope, and then reached for the toilet paper. He tore off a few sheets, folded them, then reached round behind. He wiped carefully, digging his fingers well in as he drew the pad of paper slowly from front to back across his dirty hole. Liam could see the big brown smear across it as he pulled it away, folded it in half, then reached round to do it again. His dick bounced as Toby dropped the stained paper on top of his shit and tore off another few sheets. Again he wiped slowly, forwards this time, folded it, then wiped backwards again, and twisted round to look at it. This time it came away cleaner. He tore off another few sheets and wiped a bit harder, rubbing to and fro at his hole, folded it and did it again. That time it came away with just the faintest brown mark. One more wipe, and then he stood up and pulled up his pants.

Olly and Aaron looked at one another, glanced down at Liam, lying there panting with Toby's shit slowly cooling on his tummy. His heart began to pound like mad as they both stepped forward, turned around and pulled down their pants. They sat down, with their two gorgeous arses overhanging Liam; Olly's peachy, slightly bronzed cheeks above his chest and Aaron's slimmer, hairier arse right over his cock. Olly farted at once, his hole flared slowly out, and in the middle of his pinkish ring there emerged the rounded end of one of his thick, lightish-brown turds. He grunted in satisfaction as he gave a little push and it began to slide out, coming out at an angle at first, but then curling downwards with its own weight, cracking on its outer edge, until a big, lumpy column hung from his arse. Aaron's arse was heaving too, and a big, dark spike appeared between his cheeks, whose thick end pulled slowly away. It fell heavily, and landed right next to Liam's cock, so close he could feel its warmth on his bouncing shaft. Aaron pushed again, and his arse crackled filthily as he grew a long, cracked brown tail. Liam lay with his head whirling, staring in awe at the two weighty turds hanging from those fit arses above him, with Olly's stink filling his nostrils and driving him wild. His turd began to pull apart, slowly at first, but then it swung around and dropped, winding him with its blow, bending nearly 90 degrees and falling right across his chest. Seconds later Aaron's turd tapered cleanly off to a point and thudded down right on the top of his thigh. He nearly came as it dropped across his cock. It was hot and firm and very heavy, and it felt amazing as it slid down his shaft and nestled on his balls. He was still fighting down his orgasm when Olly's hole flared once more, and the ragged-ended lump hanging from it grew into a long brown cone, then dropped onto his chest.

'Oh Olly, mate,' chucked Aaron. 'That fucking stinks!'

Liam whimpered. His dick was dancing and dribbling, and he was on the verge of cumming, dimly aware somewhere in his whirling mind that he didn't want to yet; not until Olly and Aaron had finished. His eyes fixated on Olly's hole, fringed with sticky brown shit as it flared out once more and he began pushing out a smooth, sausage-like curl. He groaned and edged as it dropped onto him, and again as he switched his eyes to Aaron, whose hole was puckering out as another turd slid down the chute. It was another long, solid one that hung from him like a stalactite for a few seconds, before he pinched it off. Mercifully it hit Liam's stomach and fell away from his dick, or he'd have cum there and then. As it was he watched, dazed and shocked, as Aaron reached for the toilet paper and began to wipe his arse. He groaned again as a wad of stained paper landed on his dick. He was so fixated on what Aaron was doing that Olly's wet fart took him completely by surprise, and he gasped as a big mushy load flopped onto his chest. He was gonna cum now. There was nothing he could do to stop it, and he clenched his teeth and bit back a scream as he shot, and spurted so hard that cum spattered all over his face and his hair, and the back of the bath behind him, and the piles of shit on his torso.

The roles ended up being reversed the following Tuesday. Liam had been horny all day. He'd lain in his room and listened that morning as Louis went for a dump before heading out to his classes, and then gone for a shower immediately afterwards. The smell of Louis's shit turned him on so much he'd been tempted to wank off at once. He had a mid-morning lecture, so he made himself some breakfast and then ambled into university, just in time to go and sit in a cubicle in the big lecture-theatre toilets and listen to what was happening around him. Three of the five cubicles were already occupied when he got there, and a tall, handsome, sporty-looking lad with spiky fair hair whom he'd seen going in was just closing the door of the fourth. Only the middle one was free now, and he ducked in there quickly and sat down, watching the shadows on the floor as the sporty guy pulled down his tracksuit bottoms and sat down heavily. He sat in silence for a second or two, and then breathed out slowly.

'Plop! ... Plip-plop ... plop...'

The lad grunted again, as if he was straining out a big one, and his feet shuffled. Then he breathed out again.

'Plomp! Plomp! ... Plop, plop!'

Liam glanced down at his stiffening cock, then back to the shadow of the lad, who seemed to be leaning forwards as he sat, elbows resting on his knees, playing with his phone. He sat there for a long time, every so often letting out a soft grunt and another little plop. On the other side of him someone wiped his arse, flushed and left, only for another guy in smart new trainers to come in, pull down his jeans and let go a big splashy dump. Liam got harder still. Then his phone vibrated in his pocket, and when he pulled it out he saw it was a text from Olly.

Hi mate. I'm working at home today. Wanna cum over later? ;-)

As he replied, saying he'd come over as soon as his classes were finished about 3pm, he noticed the time. He'd be late for his lecture if he didn't get going, and the lecturer was one who took pride in making sarcastic remarks at latecomers. He'd have liked to stick around longer: the sporty lad was obviously having a big shit and he'd have loved to smell it when he was done, but there was no help for it. He feigned a quick wipe, flushed and left.

Horniness came to him again early that afternoon as he sat in his last lecture of the day. Half-way through he began to need a shit. It was just a faint, tantalising pressure inside him at first, but it got steadily stronger. The course was one of the ones that interested him the least and the lecturer was as dry as dust, and he drifted off into fantasy as he sat there, contemplating what he and Olly might do when he got round there. Olly was in a very submissive mood, he'd admitted in a quick conversation at lunchtime. He'd been to see Steve on the Sunday, and he could still feel the twelve hard strokes he'd taken. When he'd been for a shit that morning he'd squatted on a sheet of paper in front of his camera, and a video of the shit curling from his welted arse was already online. Liam couldn't wait to see it, and as the urge to take a dump grew slowly stronger he realised that, if Olly really was feeling that submissive, the chances were he'd be squatting over his face before long. That thought gave him such a hard-on that he forced his mind back onto the dull lecture, and tried to ignore the mounting discomfort in his bowels.

Less than an hour later he was sitting next to Aaron on Olly's sofa. Olly stood in front of them, and slowly lowered his pants. His bottom was pink all over, and across both cheeks were twelve ruler-straight welts, a deep, angry red, with purple bruises where they intersected and the skin had nearly broken.

'Fuckin' hell,' breathed Aaron, pawing at his cock through his tracksuit pants. 'That must really fucking hurt!'

Olly turned around, grinning coyly. Liam recognised his submissive look, and realised that he'd been right.

'It did,' he said softly. 'I fucking love it sometimes, being the sub, getting caned til I yell. Steve made me cry on Sunday, and I had such a wank afterwards. Now, I really wanna be the toilet today. My turn to get shit on. 'Do you need one...?'

'Nah,' said Aaron, shaking his head. 'I went at home this morning, before you texted.'

'I do,' said Liam. 'Gonna be a big one, I reckon. Had such a big tea last night, and I really need a shit now.'

'Shit on me,' breathed Olly, looking at him with smouldering eyes. 'Do it on my face, just how you like it.'

Aaron knelt down close by, all wide-eyed and horny as he watched Olly lie down, with goggles on and his mouth taped up, just like Liam when it was about to happen to him. Liam stood over him, looking down on his dick, as erect as he'd ever seen it, and then slowly knelt down. Olly reached up, put his hands on his hips, and guided him gently into position, with his hole hanging inches above his face. He too was rock hard now, desperate to shit and loving the feeling of holding it in. Aaron leaned in closer.

'Ready...?' he breathed. 'I really need the toilet.'

Olly grunted through his gag, and held up his thumb. Liam relaxed a bit and his load slid down the chute a little way, and as he clenched up tight the pressure inside him turned to exquisite pain.

'Good. Oh yeah, I'm gonna shit now ... gotta take a dump ... ooh ... oh here it comes!'

He relaxed again, with a little gasp of pleasure as the tip of his turd peeped out. Below him Olly moaned and his dick throbbed. Then he could hold it no longer, and he sighed with pleasure as he began doing a big, thick log, listening to the soft hiss and crackle of his hole at it slid out. He felt a little bit fall away, and Olly yelped as he got a turd in the face for the first time. His own smell began to thicken around him as he kept going. He twisted round, to where Olly had propped a big mirror against a chair so he could see what was happening. His turd was thick and glistening and golden, a curled log coming from between his pale cheeks. Olly gave a whimper as it touched down on his nose and slid across his mouth, starting to curl back on itself and crack across the middle. He looked down momentarily to where his dick was pulsing in excitement, and his head whirled with the buzz of shitting on Olly's face in front of open-mouthed, wanking Aaron. Then he twisted back round as he gave another push, and his turd dropped, landing U-shaped across Olly's face with its curled middle below his eyes and its ends on his mouth.

'Oh yeah!' said Aaron hoarsely. 'Such a big one!'

'More...?' he breathed.

Olly held up his thumb again. He was shaking all over, and his dick was dribbling pre-cum constantly. Liam bowed his head and let another one slide out, giving him that wonderful sense of relief he always got from a much-needed shit and making his dick bounce again as it dropped a couple of thick clumps. Looking round he saw that it was all still on Olly's face, a thick pile burying him in the way that Liam loved when Olly – or anyone else – did it to him. He pinched his hole shut and the plug sticking from it fell onto the pile.

Time seemed to stop. It felt like ages that he knelt there, straining a little and flaring his dirty hole out, loving the sensation of the shit remaining in his chute making its way slowly to the exit. He did a couple of soft little farts that made Olly tense up and moan, and next to him Aaron was panting in excitement and stroking his big cock. Inside him another turd began to slide down the chute.

'Ooh...' he sighed. 'Oh I'm gonna finish now!'

He farted again, and sighed in ecstasy as his arse emptied itself. His turds were slim and snakelike now. Olly yelped as the first one landed, began to writhe around as he kept pushing out, and then reached forward convulsively and grabbed his dick, and came at once all over his tummy and chest. He lay panting as Liam finished, stood up and turned round, and came all over his own shit. Seconds later Aaron did the same.

'That was amazing!' Olly said later, when they'd cleaned up and were sitting on the sofa with a beer. 'Seriously, that was ... probably the most intense thing I've ever felt. I wanna do it again soon!'

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Next: Chapter 28

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