
By Namab Mas

Published on Oct 29, 2017


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Four

They met again only a few days later. Liam was on his way to an afternoon lecture when he began to need a shit. As he walked he thought about using the lecture theatre toilets. They were usually busy, and as often as not he got to sit there and listen to some hot young guy taking a dump. The urge came on slowly, though, and he'd be able to hold off until his classes finished at 5. Perhaps he might even be able to go and do it at Olly's place. There was no harm in asking, after all. He pulled out his phone and texted.

Hi Olly. U free later? I'm gonna need 2 shit ;-)

He was waiting on a reply when he arrived at university, and went for a piss before the lecture. He could hear someone wiping in the cubicle behind him as he stood at the urinal, and he couldn't resist sneaking a look round when the toilet flushed and the door opened. The lad who came out was very pretty; a slim guy with floppy blonde hair. Liam couldn't resist ducking into the cubicle for a sniff of the faint, slightly sharp aroma he'd left behind. He was sitting in his lecture, drifting off every so often into fantasies about the lad on the toilet, when his phone buzzed in his pocket.

Hey. I'm going out this evening. Not til 6 tho. Can u get here b4 then?

Hi, yes, lecture finishes at 5. Shall I cum straight round?

Yes! Not time 2 do much but can still watch u do it.

Liam couldn't concentrate for the rest of the lecture. He was too excited, and the need to shit was growing stronger. As soon as the lecture was over he packed up his things and walked the mile or so to Olly's place. He walked quickly, conscious of the heavy pressure in his bowels, and the semi in his pants. His stomach fluttered with excitement as he pressed the door buzzer.

'Hiya. How you doing?'

Olly smiled pleasantly, and kissed him on the lips as he closed the front door behind them. He led Liam through to the living room, and looked him up and down, a faint, sexy smile playing across his lips. He clocked the bulge in Liam's pants, and moved in closer to stroke it.

'Need a shit, then?'

'Yeah. Not been since yesterday. Gonna be a big one...'

'Mmm!' Olly reached round and ran his hand across his bottom, and Liam noticed he had a hard-on too. 'I wanna see this! I bet your shit smells so good. Wanna squat for me, and I can kneel behind and watch you do it?'

'Yeah ... er, now? I'm starting to get desperate.'

Suddenly they were stripping, pulling one another's clothes off as they tumbled through to the bathroom, where Olly had already spread a plastic bag on the floor. He kissed Liam hard, full on the lips, then drew away and knelt down. Liam's heart pounded as he squatted over the bag, conscious of Olly behind him, leaning in close and wanking.

'Go on. Nice and slow...'

Liam's shit was moving, sliding slowly down the chute and making him grunt with relief and the pleasure he always got from taking a much-needed dump. Then it pushed his hole open and began to slide out, a thick brown column growing steadily from him. A couple of little had nuggets broke off from it, and then it snapped and dropped a big log onto the bag with a rustling thud. The smell rose up around him as his turd kept sliding out, and he dropped another log next to the first. He pinched off the rest of it and paused, breathing hard.

'Ow wow!' sighed Olly. 'Oh that smells so fucking nice! Mmm! Got more? Come on, do another one...'

Liam relaxed and let the shit still in his chute start to slide out. His pert bottom began emitting another sturdy log. A fat lump dropped from him. Then it began getting softer, and he felt himself losing control of it. He couldn't hold back, and he farted and grunted and dropped a series of mushy lumps onto his hefty pile, and ended with a big wet fart.

'I'm done ... I've finished.'

'Cor! Jesus, your shit's beautiful. And that smell! Mmm! Can I wipe you? Let me wipe your bottom for you.'

He moaned out loud as Olly wiped him, kneeling with his arse in the air and his cheeks apart, with Olly's sensitive fingers gently cleaning his satisfied, sensitive hole. It felt wonderful. As he wiped Olly spoke softly, a stream of pure filth about how he loved guys' shit, how beautiful Liam's turds were and how good they smelled, and how sexy he looked squatting over his pile. As soon as he'd finished he pulled Liam round, grabbed his cock and wanked both of them off, until they shot all over his shit.

The very next day Olly rang him from the toilets at work, and held the phone down for him to listen and stroke his dick as Olly's shit plopped and splashed in the bowl.

'I wish I could have held that,' he whispered down the phone when he'd finished. 'I wanna shit with you again, both shit together and wank off over it. Have you been today?'

'No, not yet. Probably this afternoon I'll start to need one, like yesterday.'

'Come over? I'll be home about half five, if you can hold it til then. I wanna see you do it again. I can't stop thinking of you shitting! Will you do it in my hands?'

A few hours later he was naked, kneeling on a bin liner on the sofa in Olly's living room. His bowels were full and he was nearly turtle's-heading. Olly stood behind him, running those tender fingers all over his back and bottom, talking huskily about how he wanted to see and smell and touch Liam's shit.

'Ooh,' he sighed, as Olly began tickling his tight, clenched hole. 'Oh Olly I need to do it now. I gotta shit so bad...'

'Yeah, go on. Do it now.' Olly stopped tickling and cupped his hands under Liam's arse. 'Give me your shit ... oh yeah ... oh wow! God it feels so nice!'

Liam grunted and sighed as he eased himself. It felt amazing shitting like this, listening to the soft crackle of his much-needed shit sliding out, and Olly's moans as his turd touched down. He let most of it go in one slow, sinuous, thick log. When he felt the last of it leave him he twisted round to look at Olly, who was wide-eyed in amazement, his cock dribbling and pulsing in excitement. Then more started to slide down the chute, and he bowed his head again and lost himself in the sensation of pushing out his turds.

'Oh ... oh I'm done. Fuck that's better!'

He looked around. Olly took a step back, letting Liam see the great ragged brown pile in his hands. He lifted it slowly and leaned in, holding his nose over it and sniffing deeply.

'Oh God that smells incredible...'

He leaned in closer still, and for a moment Liam thought he might push his face in it; even try to eat it. Instead he held it down again, right in front of his pulsating cock.

'Wank me off. Please. I wanna cum all over your shit.'

Liam needed no second bidding. He took Olly's cock in his hand and gave it just a few strokes before Olly cried out and shot all over his turds, and then he got himself off too, and spattered his sticky white cum all over the reeking pile.

'It's a pity you had to go at work earlier,' Liam mused later, when they were sitting on the sofa with a beer. 'I'd love to do it together. Do you always need to go during the day? Can't you hold it?'

'Not usually, no. It comes on quick usually. Sometimes I can control it, like you can, but not usually. This weekend, though, maybe we could...?'

'Yes! I'm out on Saturday, but not got anything planned for Sunday. I might have a bit of a hangover, though, and that sometimes makes me go in the morning.'

'Mm, just like me! If we were both desperate together ... er, would you like to shit yourself for me? Do it in your pants? I'd love to see you fill your pants, and sit in it like you said you sometimes do. I could do it too...'

'Oh yes! That'd be awesome..'

Liam woke up hung over that Sunday. He'd spent the day before at an event for university sports teams, which had ended with the football team he played for going out for a huge meal, and then on to a nightclub. He vaguely remembered getting a kebab on the way home as well. Perhaps that was why his mouth felt all greasy. He drank a glass of water and necked a couple of painkillers for his pounding head, and went back to sleep for another hour or two.

When he woke up again he had a hard-on, and as he lay and stroked it he remembered how the day before they'd busted in on one of his teammates having a shit in the pub toilet. He could still see handsome Mark sitting there with his trousers round his ankles and his boxers round his knees, yelling up at them to fuck off, and then having to give in and drop his shit right in front of them. Liam, looking over the partition, could see the shadow of his turds emerging and hear the plops, and the rank smell had come right up at him. Photos of Mark on the toilet would be all over social media this morning. He drifted on to thinking about Olly, and whether he'd see him that day. He'd meant to text him the day before but after a few beers he'd forgotten. He thought back over the awesomely horny things they'd done together the week before and his cock stiffened even more. Then his phone buzzed.

Hey. U still free 2day? Fancy sum fun? Olly x

Liam was more excited than he'd ever been as he walked to Olly's place. They'd talked briefly on the phone before he set off, trading fantasies and turning one another on. Olly wanted to shit himself and sit in it, and in Liam's bag was a spare pair of pants in case he ended up doing the same. He was starting to need to go, too: the first stirrings of a big hangover dump were making themselves felt inside him. His semi-hard cock rubbed uncomfortably as he walked, turning him on even more.

'I'm really startin' to need a shit,' said Olly softly as he showed him into the flat. 'I ate fucking loads yesterday. Been farting all morning. What about you?'

'Same. Well, not farting so much, but I'm starting to need a dump.'

'Oh wow! Are we gonna...?'

'Yeah. Let's wait a bit though. So horny, both needing a shit like this. I wanna see you really desperate!'

So they sat back on the sofa and traded more fantasies and kinky exploits. Liam talked about how he shat himself at home when he had the house to himself; how he liked to wait until he could hold his shit no longer and then give in and dirty his pants; how he fantasised about being made to do it in front of other guys, taunted, spanked and humiliated; how he sat in his turds for ages before he came. Olly sat wanking through his trousers, wriggling a bit in his chair as he fought back the urge to take a dump. He had submissive fantasies too, and once or twice he'd been caned by a local dom he'd met on Gaydar. Liam's mouth fell open as Olly showed him a couple of pictures of his red-lined buttocks. He needed a shit badly now; what felt like a big, solid load was knocking urgently at the back door. Then Olly turned to him, his face contorted and his eyes half-closed.

'I've gotta take a shit,' he moaned, squirming a little. 'I really need to go!'

He fumbled with his belt and let his jeans fall down round his ankles, showing off the tight, striped boxer briefs he was wearing, the front bulging out with a huge erection. He stroked it, still squirming slightly, as he watched Liam strip to his pants. Then suddenly he froze and his eyes widened.

'Ooh! I can't hold it! I'm gonna shit!'

He turned away from Liam, pulled his T-shirt up and bent over a little with his bottom sticking out. For a few seconds more he fought it, and then he gasped as his shit began to force its way out. He did a soft little fart, and a dimple appeared between his cheeks.

'Oh! Oh god!'

He did a great thick log that crackled and hissed and pushed the back of his pants out into a tent. The meaty smell rolled out around Liam, who sniffed eagerly and wanked, madly turned on by the sight of Olly shitting himself. Olly groaned and writhed and bucked his hips, and the tent in his pants crackled and swelled out sideways, and collapsed into a big lumpy bulge as another fat turd forced its way out of him.

'Oh fuck,' he gasped, looking round. 'Man that feels amazing!'

'Mmm, looks so good ... and it fucking stinks! Smells so fucking nice. You finished...?'

'No, but I'll piss if I push out any more.'

Liam stepped closer and pulled out the back of Olly's waistband. A great clod of solid, light-brown shit nestled below his dirty cheeks. The smell rose from it like smoke. Then his own bowels cramped painfully, and he clenched up tight.

'Ooh, I'm gonna have to go too.'



Olly straightened up and turned, gasping again as his shit pushed about on his bottom. He stood stroking his hard-on through his pants as Liam turned away from him, trembling, and knelt on the sofa. He loved doing it kneeling: it felt so naughty and submissive, and having Olly watching made it all the more intense. He grunted as his shit started to move, and then gasped as it forced his hole open, filled his crack and started to spread across his bottom. It was hot and firm and lumpy, and as he sighed and moaned his smell thickened around him. Lost in the sensation he let his shit go in one long, slow, ecstatic stream. As it finished he became aware of Olly, right behind him, reaching out to stroke his back and bottom, and finger the great mound in his pants. He strained and grunted and managed to add a little more to it, loving the gooey hotness in his crack. Then Olly pulled him upright and kissed him amid the stink of what they'd both done, and as they played tongues he felt Olly strain, and heard another crackle from below him.

'Oh! I just shit some more,' he breathed. 'Oh God I can't believe how good this feels!'

'Mmm, yeah! Gonna sit in it? I wanna see you sit in it!'

Olly took his hand and led him through to the bathroom, his pile pushing sexily about on his bottom as he went. The stink of both their shit followed them down the hallway. Liam stopped him a couple of times and got him to squat and bend over and wiggle his bum, until he straightened up, gasping, with a dark patch spreading from the head of his cock. In the bathroom Olly pulled it out and pissed into the shower cubicle, grunted and strained and bucked his hips once more, and grunted loudly as he forced the last of his big dirty shit into his bulging pants. He wiggled his arse again, whimpering.

'Oh man, I can't believe this ... feels incredible! Go on, you sit down. Show me how you do it...'

Liam put down the toilet lid, turned and stood over it. As he half-squatted he caught Olly's eye, watching him intently as his pants tightened across his bottom. He smiled encouragingly. Liam lowered himself down further, until his shit touched the seat, and there he paused, rocking gently to and fro, pushing his shit about and moaning in his pleasure. He looked up at Olly one more time, stroking his cock slowly, and then sat in it.

'Oh! Fuck ... oh!'

His shit went everywhere, all hot and lumpy all over his bottom and up around his balls, and for a second or two he lost control completely, wriggling and rocking and crying out loud in his ecstasy. Olly watched open-mouthed in amazement at the sight of Liam getting off like this, and then as Liam regained his composure and looked up he swallowed nervously.

'Now,' whispered Liam. 'You do it...'

He stood up again, the back of his pants a crumpled brown mess, and motioned Olly to take his place. Olly was shaking all over as he lowered himself slowly down, and he yelped as his hot shit touched the seat and pressed more firmly against his skin. He looked up hesitantly.

'Go on ... you can do it. Sit in your shit!'

Olly hesitated a few seconds longer, swaying gently to and fro and from side to side and moaning. Then he took a deep breath and plonked himself down. His pants squelched loudly, and his mouth dropped open.

'Fuck! Fuck!' He wriggled a little and his face contorted. 'Oh! Ooh ... oh shit I've cum!'

He leaned back a little, and Liam saw the great dark patch across the front of his pants, white blobs glistening where his spunk had spurted right through the fabric. Realising it was nearly over Liam moved in, wanking. At his bidding Olly stood up leaving a great brown stain behind him, turned, and pulled down his pants, just in time for Liam to cum all over his brown bottom.

'I'm sorry,' Olly said bashfully, much later when they'd cleaned up and taken two long showers together. 'I didn't mean to cum like that. It was just so fucking intense!'

'It's okay. Same happened to me the first few times I did it. But it was good, yeah? Wanna do it again sometime?'

'What do you think?!' laughed Olly.

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Next: Chapter 5

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