
By Namab Mas

Published on Nov 29, 2017


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Seven

Liam went back to work a few days after Christmas. He was on the early shift, which meant a 6am start, but did also mean that he'd get chance to spend time in the toilets listening to lads taking their morning dumps. Callum wasn't there, since he was having a few days off after working right through Christmas, but on his first shift back Liam was put to working in the warehouse. Simon was there, tall and toned and boyish, and Liam remembered at once what Callum had told him. As he worked, thoughts of lying in the bath with Simon pissing all over him drifted through his mind, and he wondered whether there'd ever be a chance for it to happen for real. It wasn't impossible, now that he and Callum were playing together, but he had to be careful: Simon didn't know that he knew, and wouldn't be happy with Callum if he knew he'd said anything. The same went for Nick, who came in to speak with Simon a couple of times that day. He was ridiculously handsome, with his dark eyes and trendy haircut, and Liam couldn't help ogling his peachy arse and toned physique, and hoping something would happen.

Late in the shift Liam went for a piss. The toilet used by the warehouse workers and lorry drivers was smaller and tattier than the main block, with just a couple of stained old urinals and a cubicle full of graffiti. It was occupied when Liam got there, and someone was pissing at the urinal furthest from it. Liam spun out his piss and listened. He'd nearly finished when the guy in the cubicle gave a grunt, tailing off into a contented-sounding sigh.

'Ploop ... ploop ... plop.'

The soft little splashes came at long intervals, and ended with another satisfied grunt; the sound of a guy having a much-needed shit, and it made his dick stir in his pants. As he washed his hands he heard another couple of wet plops and a little fart. He was alone by then, and he couldn't resist sneaking a quick look down as he left. He could see the guy's brown high boots under the door; they and the grey tracksuit bottoms around his legs looked very like Simon's! Thinking quickly he nipped to the smoking shelter just outside and cadged a cigarette off one of the lorry drivers. He could see into the corridor back to the warehouse as he smoked, and sure enough Simon walked past a couple of minutes later. He crushed out his cigarette and went straight back in, and got an instant hard-on. Simon's shit smelled wonderful; a thick, dark, slightly smoky aroma that hung heavily in the air. The seat was still warm, and the bowl was streaked with big dark skidmarks. For a moment he was tempted to lock the door, sit down and have a wank there and then, but he'd been gone too long, and reluctantly he took one last deep sniff and went back to work. He passed Simon as he went, bending over to pick something from the floor, and couldn't resist casting an eye over his pert arse and imagining it hanging over him as Simon got ready to dump his wonderful-smelling shit right in his face.

Two days later Callum rang him.

'I'm gonna have a session with Nick and Simon on Thursday,' he said excitedly. 'We're all finishing work early and gonna go to Simon's. He's just got his own place, an' he's said he'll shit. I ... well, I asked 'em both if they'd mind someone else joining in. They said it's okay.'

'No way!'

'Seriously. Only thing is, they wanna know who it is. They know it's someone from work but I ain't said who. I'll have to tell 'em if you wanna do it.'

Liam hesitated for just a second, but the chance of a session with those two and Callum was one he wasn't going to miss. He said it was fine, and waited impatiently for the text Callum promised him. When it came his mouth was dry and his heart pounded. They'd both noticed him already, and they wanted him to join in.

'Save your shit,' Callum told him on the phone. 'All four of us wanna be full for this!'

He fizzed with excitement for the next couple of days, constantly playing over in his mind what might happen. He was constantly horny, and he realised when he looked back he'd probably wanked three times a day as he went through scenario after scenario in his imagination. The afternoon before the session he began to need a shit whilst he was out walking the dog in a nearby wood, so he ducked off into the undergrowth. It felt so good, squatting bare-bottomed in the bitter cold, hearing his turds thud softly on the ground, and by the time he'd finished he was rock hard. He turned round and wanked off over the gently steaming pile he'd produced even before he wiped.

The following afternoon found him walking across town with Callum to Simon's flat. He was nervous, and he was already starting to need a shit. His heart was in his mouth as they rang the doorbell, but he needn't have worried. Simon and Nick were friendly, and for a bit they chatted about their jobs and Liam's university course as they sat and smoked dope. Liam and Simon found they were into the same kinds of ambient music, too, and ended up swapping tips about new artists whilst Nick, for whom techno was more to his taste, amiably took the piss out of them for liking it. There was tension, too; a kind of suppressed excitement about what they all knew was going to happen, as if each of them was waiting for one of the others to start talking about it; and all the while Liam could feel the urge to take a shit growing stronger. He'd eaten loads the night before and had a big breakfast, and now he had a big solid load up his arse. The dope and the excitement and the need to shit were all having their effect, and as he leaned over to take the joint Nick passed him his stiff cock pressed uncomfortably against his jeans. He looked around at the others, and clocked the gorgeous curves of Simon's arse. The thought he was going to see his shit come out of it soon was just awesome. There was Nick, too: the prospect of him taking a dump was exciting beyond belief. And there was Callum, who'd agreed to shit for them even though he didn't really get off on doing it. Liam cast him a sidelong glance. He was sitting slightly awkwardly, and as Liam watched he shuffled in his seat. All of a sudden Liam could smell a fart; a rich odour that wasn't his or Simon's.

'Someone's farted,' said Nick softly, looking around with intense eyes.

'Yeah, me,' admitted Callum softly. 'I really need a shit.'

Silence fell and the four lads looked at one another, realising that the moment had arrived. What they'd come for was about to start, and in their own ways they were all as excited about it as each other. But what was going to happen...?

'Anyone else need to go?' asked Simon.

'Yeah.' That was Nick, his voice husky with excitement. 'I've not been for two days. I ain't desperate yet, but gonna be such a big one when it comes!'

'Me too. Had such a big dinner last night too. Liam...?'

'Yes, pretty soon.' Liam heard himself say. 'You really wanna go, Callum?'

'Yeah.' Callum shuffled in his seat and screwed up his face. 'Gonna be touching cloth soon. I gotta take a crap!'

'Hold it in,' said Nick softly. 'I wanna see you real desperate. Then when you can't hold it any more I'm gonna make you do it in your pants, and humiliate you for shitting yourself like some little kid doing it in his nappy.'

'No!' exclaimed Callum. 'I ain't shitting myself! I'll do anything else, but ... oh fuck, let me take a shit, please!'

Nick shook his head and started rolling another joint. As they smoked it Callum got more and more desperate. He looked scared, but his cock was rock hard in his pants and Liam guessed he was getting off on being controlled like this; desperate for a shit but completely unable to do anything about it. Liam was starting to head the same way, and he had to clench up tight to hold it in as a spasm of desperation passed through him. Then Callum stiffened suddenly and his eyes widened.

'Guys, I gotta do it now! I'm turtle's-heading!'

Simon leaned over, grabbed a plastic bin liner from the floor by his chair, shook it out and laid it on the floor.

'Do it,' he said. 'If you ain't gonna do it in your pants you can just so it here in front of us.'

Callum looked around wildly. For a moment Liam thought he might even refuse and run to the bathroom. But then he jumped up, stood over the bag and started unbuckling his belt. The others leaned in closer to watch. His cock sprang out as he ripped down his pants, and then he squatted down quickly and gave a great sigh of relief as his hole flared out and let go a sturdy log, dark brown and cracked and glistening where the light caught it. It kept on coming in one long flow, smoother and quicker as more came out, and the first solid turds that dropped to the floor were quickly covered by the soft, curled pile he dropped on top.

'Cor that stinks!' hissed Nick.

It really did too, all harsh and nasty. Liam's cock was uncomfortable in his pants. Callum looked around, mortified at having to do this in front of them but massively turned on by the humiliation of it. Then his face stiffened and he bowed his head. His sticky hole opened again with a big wet fart, and he curled out another slimy brown snake that touched down on his pile, curled around it and dropped.

'I ... I'm done,' he said hesitantly.

Simon reached down and handed him a bog roll from the floor. He looked mortified again at having to wipe in front of three other guys. He did it standing, red-faced in embarrassment as Simon, stroking his erection through his tracksuit bottoms, told him he was disgusting and had stunk up the room for them all.

'Be you that stinks soon,' he said. 'You're gonna be the toilet soon, for all of us. We're gonna shit in your mouth, one after the other, and you're gonna eat it all.'

Liam's head was spinning and his cock was pulsing as Callum pushed the bag with his shit on it away from them and sat back down. If that's what all the others wanted to do he was more than happy to go along with it. Yet there was one thing he wanted even more. He looked straight at Simon.

'Shit on me,' he said urgently. 'I smelled your shit in the toilets at work the other day, and I really fucking want it. Let me go next to Callum. One of you each on him and me?'

'I wanna feed him,' said Simon, looking at Callum. 'Never done that before.'

'I'll do it,' said Nick, looking straight at Liam, whose heart pounded fit to burst from his chest. 'I'll shit on you. But you wanna go too yeah?'

'Yeah,' said Liam. 'I really need a shit.'

'Good. You do it on Callum's face, then you can go next to him and it's me and Simon's turn to use the toilet. You eat?'

'Nah. I kind of want to, but ... no.'

'Shame. But you're getting it in the face anyway. You're gonna lie nice and still, and I'm gonna do it on your face. Now, I really need a shit. Let's go!'

Time seemed to slow down for Liam as he, Simon and Nick stripped naked. For a moment or two they stood looking at one another, breathing hard, Liam admiring Simon and Nick's toned, tattooed bodies and big cocks. Nick's was huge, long and thick with a great purple head, and Liam found himself imagining being fucked by him, before the awesome prospect of having him shit on his face jolted him back to reality. Simon spread another couple of bags on the floor and motioned Callum to lie down. He complied, wide-eyed, with his cock twitching.

'Go on Liam,' breathed Nick. 'You wanna go to the toilet? There it is ...right in his face!'

Liam realised he was trembling as he straddled Callum and squatted, overwhelmingly conscious of the painful pressure in his rectum, and Callum whimpering and wanking underneath him. Simon and Nick came close behind, so close he could feel their heavy breathing. Suddenly his load began to move inside him, and he couldn't hold it.

'Oh ... oh I'm gonna shit!' he gasped.

He gave in. High and unbelievably horny, he moaned out loud as his thick, lumpy log forced his hole open and slid out. Callum gave a yelp below him as a heavy lump dropped onto his face, and then another and another. Liam was moaning too: he could sense every crack and lump of his log as it slid through his arsehole, the smell was thickening around him, and Nick and Simon's breath was hot on his back and bottom. His flow paused, leaving a column still hanging from him, and he looked down between his legs at Callum, whimpering softly with great smears of Liam's shit down his cheeks and a fat log lying across his nose and mouth.

'Yeah,' breathed Simon. 'Fucking shit on him. Give him yer shit!'

He gave a little push, and an ecstatic grunt as the turd hanging from his hole left him and dropped. It hit Callum on the chin, toppled over and slid to the floor leaving another brown streak on his cheek. Callum's cock was bouncing up and down without his even touching it, trickling glistening beads of pre-cum onto his stomach.

'Oh...' sighed Liam, feeling more movement in his chute. 'Ooh ... got more ... here it comes ... oh fucking hell!'

Callum squirmed and moaned and the others wanked as Liam's brown hole flared out in a little fart and dropped lump after hefty lump on his face and into his mouth. He shook his head to clear his nose, just in time for Liam to gasp one more time and drop a last slim turd on him. When he'd finished he stood up, wanking.

'Yeah,' said Simon huskily. 'Big fucking dump. Now, I need to go. Lie down...'

Liam lay down, dry-mouthed with his heart pounding and his stomach full of butterflies. He glanced over at Callum next to him, his dick still twitching and his face covered in shit, breathing hard as he psyched himself up to eat from Simon. The smell of his own shit was very strong down here, mingled with Callum's still hanging in the air. Then Nick and Simon were coming, squatting down over them with their big cocks swinging idly to and fro, their manly arses coming nearer and nearer. Liam looked up at Nick in wonderment. His cheeks were smooth and sturdy, his crack almost hairless and his hole a tight, wrinkled little ring of muscle. Liam swallowed nervously as he contemplated what was going to come from it; what Nick was about to do to him. He'd never been so hard in his life as he and Callum waited. Then Simon shuffled a little, and grunted loudly.

'Gonna shit. Open yer mouth!'

Liam looked over as Callum obediently opened his mouth wide. Above it Simon's buttocks seemed to relax, his hairy hole began to pucker out, and then Liam could see his shit. It was smooth and slightly soft-looking, a dull dark brown, growing from Simon like a tail. A of a sudden Liam could smell it; the same smoky, harsh pong that he'd smelled at work, but now much stronger and nastier. Callum whimpered as Simon's long turd touched his lips, and then suddenly it dropped into his mouth and curled round over his nose, setting him gagging and choking as he tried to chew. Then Nick too began to grunt, and Liam stiffened and clamped his mouth tight shut and watched intently as Nick's hole began to dilate, and the rounded turtle's head that nosed through it grew slowly into a thick, cracked turd. Nick's shit was lighter than Simon's, a vivid, reddish brown, and he did it more slowly, his hole rippling as he pushed it on its way. Liam began to get the smell; a ripe, fruity reek that grew stronger and stronger, and then exploded in his head as the turd touched down on the end of his nose and slid down over his mouth. Then it dropped suddenly, curling so that it landed right across his face with its jagged end just below his right eye. The shock of its landing was as intense as a blow in the face, and it set Liam squirming and moaning, fighting to stop himself cumming. Next to him Callum was retching as Simon crammed his mouth full a second time, and above him Nick's arse was heaving as he began pushing out another fat log. It began to break as it came. Liam closed his eyes just in time as it fell across them. Another one landed on top. He was blinded now, buried under Nick's hot, slimy, heavy pile, gassed by the stink, his ears assailed by heavy breathing, a wet fart, and then the sound of Callum fighting to chew yet another filthy mouthful. Another turd hit him. Then somewhere nearby he heard – or maybe sensed – Simon standing up, and Nick's foot moved against his ribs.

'Like eating my shit?' Simon hissed. 'Yeah, you fucking do, don't you. Go on, cum all over yourself. And you. Get yourselves off.'

Above him Liam could hear Simon and Nick wanking, looking down at the toilets they'd just used. He could barely breathe, and every little bit of air he did take in brought with it the stink of Nick's shit. It was so horny. He could feel his cock twitching and dribbling pre-cum, so hard it actually hurt. Then suddenly there was a loud gasp above him, and something hot and sticky rained down on his chest and neck and face. At the same time Callum gave a muffled roar and came. He reached down, took his cock in his hand, and shot everywhere. He'd never cum so hard in his life.

An hour later the four of them were sitting around, drinking beer and smoking. The clean-up had been horrible, especially for Liam. Simon had had to lead him through to the shower, turn it on for him and let him wash his face before he could even open his eyes. When he finally could it was to the sight of Simon and Nick wiping their arses, and Callum puking into the toilet. Eventually they and the living room were all clean, and they could relax.

'You like that, then?' grinned Nick. 'Like having me shit on yer face? Yer dick was hard enough...!'

'Was fucking horny, wasn't,' put in Simon. 'We'll have to do it again. Hope we'll get chance before you go back to uni.'

The chance didn't come up, and the rest of the Christmas break passed quickly for Liam, who packed in as many shifts as he could to clear his overdraft before he went back to university. He saw the others at work quite a lot. At first he felt a bit awkward, making small talk with someone who'd crapped on his face, but none of the others seemed bothered and he soon stopped worrying. On his very last morning, near the end of the early shift he'd done, he was working away, faintly horny after his last trip to the toilets. When he'd been for a piss he'd found himself following some tall, bronzed lad who'd just arrived shift into the toilets. The lad had gone into a cubicle, and he hadn't been able to resist the temptation to occupy the next one and listen to the grunts and farts and plops as he took a big dump. He could smell it even from his own cubicle. He'd been back on the line just ten minutes when Simon came in.

'Hey mate,' he said quietly. 'How's it going? This is your last shift, innit?'

'Yeah. I'm off back to uni in a couple of days.'

'Shame. You doing anything after work?'

'Nah, nothing planned. Just gonna go home and watch TV I reckon.'

'Wanna come to mine? Nick's finishing too, and he's coming round for a smoke.'

The three of them headed back to Simon's when their shift ended, with Liam tired but happy. He was done with the factory until Easter now, and he had a couple of days to relax before he went back to university. His parents were out at work, and he was free to spend the day with his new-found friends. Back at the flat Simon made a pot of coffee and put some music on, and they relaxed with a joint. It was half an hour later that Simon shuffled in his seat and announced that he needed a shit.

'I'm starting to need one too,' said Nick softly, blowing out smoke. 'I ain't been for two days again. Gonna be a proper toilet-blocker.'

He looked straight at Liam, whose stomach dropped to his boots. He hadn't been expecting this! He glanced from Nick to Simon and back; from one horny young guy to the other. He could feel his cock stiffening in his pants as they looked back at him, and a vision formed in his mind.

'Shit on me,' he said hoarsely. 'Both of you at the same time, squat over me and do it. Will you?'

Nick grinned and nodded, and so did Simon when Liam looked at him.

'Yeah,' he said. 'Not quite yet. I wanna hold it for a bit. I love it when I need a shit.'

So they sat back and smoked, and talked about shitting. Nick told of how he'd first fed Callum, and what it meant for him. He'd always loved the sensation of taking a shit, he said, but doing it for a guy and seeing him get off on it was mind-blowing. For his part Liam told them about Olly and what they'd done together, and the plans they'd made for when he was back at university. The conversation tailed off as Simon finished the joint, and the three of them looked at each other. Liam's heart began to thump again in his chest.

'I really need a shit now,' said Nick softly.

Simon went and got a plastic bin liner and laid it on the floor, just as he had the last time, and with it a toilet roll, and motioned Liam to strip. He felt weirdly self-conscious as he peeled off his T-shirt and pulled down his pants, and stood naked in front of them with his erection pointing like a gun. Nick got his cock out, thrust it towards him, and he knelt down to suck it as the two horny 'straight' boys peeled off their clothes.

'Now...' breathed Simon. 'Want my shit? Lie down...'

Liam lay spread-eagled, utterly helpless but madly excited as Nick and Simon stood over him, one either side, turned and squatted down at angle, facing slightly out from his feet with their arses touching, about a foot above his chest. He looked from one to the other; Nick's sturdy, hairless buttocks; Simon's slimmer arse and hairy crack. The moment seemed to go on forever as he waited for it to start. Then Nick grunted softly.

'Ready? Here it comes...'

His tight hole opened slowly, flaring out into a pink ring, from which he began pushing out a thick turd. It came slowly, stopping, then sliding out a little further as he grunted and rippled his hole. The fruity smell hit Liam at once. He looked in awe at the sight of Nick squatting over with six or seven lumpy inches hanging from his arse, swinging gently to and fro as he moved slightly. Then Simon gave a sigh and his hairy hole too pushed open. His shit was softer and smoother, and it came more quickly, starting to pull apart even as it curled from him. Nick's turd suddenly snapped and dropped onto Liam's chest, all heavy and hot, and a second or two later Simon's first lump landed stickily next to it.

'Oh! Oh!'

Liam was heaven, struggling to take everything in as the two horny lads used their toilet. Their smells roared up his nose and set his head spinning, the grunt and slimy crackle as Nick pushed out another log resounded in his ears, and he could feel nothing except the heat and weight on his chest. Nick's shit was lighter and firmer and heavier, and he was pushing out lumpy reddish brown logs. As he pushed another broken-ended lump out Simon farted softly and shat another smooth, dark snake onto his big coiled pile. His sticky brown hole eased shut behind it. He reached out and began to stroke Liam's cock, and Liam moaned and clenched his teeth and dribbled pre-cum all over his tummy as Nick grunted and pushed out two or three more lumpy little turds. He thought Simon had finished, but then he grunted loudly and began letting out another slim turd, which suddenly grew thicker with a big gassy fart. It flopped heavily onto Liam's chest, and the smell hit him like a blow.

'I'm done. Wipe my arse for me...'

He wiped Simon first. His hole was very dirty and it took a lot of paper to get him clean, and all the while Nick was still grunting, straining and pushing out little nuggets. His hole was much cleaner than Simon's when he was done. Then they stood over him again, wanked off, and as he gave in and shot all over his stomach and chest and the lads' brown piles, they rained cum all over his face.

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Next: Chapter 8

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