
By Namab Mas

Published on Apr 12, 2018


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Seventeen

The following week he was at home, knocking about on the internet. He didn't start back at the factory until the following week so he didn't have much to do beyond catching up with his mates and catching up on sleep. Bored, he found himself browsing through the personals on the local Craigslist, and there something caught his eye:

SH1T FUN? 24yo guy, loves scat, especially eating a young guy's shit. Looking 4 someone under 30 to play with.

The ad suggested that the guy was in the same town as him. Curious, Liam logged onto one of the scat websites he used and browsed through some local users, but none seemed to fit the bill. He went back onto Craigslist and sent an email instead:

Hi. Just seen your ad on Craigslist. I'm 20yo, and into scat too. Fancy some fun?

He didn't attach a picture. It wasn't a large town he lived in and he was wary of being recognised, but without a picture he didn't really expect an answer, so it came as a complete surprise when an email arrived just an hour later. He responded, and they got talking. The guy's name was Aston and he'd only just moved to the area, having got a job in a larger town just a few miles away. He'd met a couple of guys for dirty sex in the past, he said, and one of them had done it in his mouth. He'd managed to eat some of it, he said, and he'd been training himself to eat his own. Now he was looking for a young guy to use him as a toilet. He sent a picture with that last email, and Liam's eyes widened. Aston was tall and slim and very handsome, with bright eyes and a beautiful oval face topped with brown hair. Liam decided to bite the bullet and send a picture, and with it his mobile number. Aston rang him a minute later.

'So, what are you into?' asked Liam.

'Guys' arses,' said Aston in a husky voice. 'Everything about them. I fucking love rimming; can lick a cute arse for hours.'

'Mmm, yeah! I love that. Being rimmed, I mean.'

'I bet your arse tastes amazing. I'd love to lick your hole, and then have you shit in my mouth.' Liam could hear him wanking as he spoke. 'Do you do big shits?'

'Yeah I do. Quite smelly too.'

'You been for one today?'

'Nah, not yet.' Liam's mouth was dry and his dick was stirring. 'I normally go in the afternoon. I'll probably start needing one in an hour or two.'

'Wanna come round? I've got my own place. Go on, come round and shit in my mouth...'

An hour later Liam was walking across town, his heart pounding in excitement. He was nervous, as he always was when going to meet someone for kinky sex, and he needed a shit. It had started to come on whilst he was in the shower after he'd spoken with Aston. He wasn't desperate but it was definitely there, a big solid mass in his bowels. His nerves mounted as he walked across the estate Aston lived on, until finally he arrived at the address he'd been given, a very ordinary-looking small house with a smart new car outside. He steeled himself and knocked on the frosted glass door. His heart was in his mouth as a blurred figure appeared behind it, and then there was Aston, tall and tanned and well dressed, and even more handsome than he'd seemed from his pictures.

The same thought popped into Liam's head as he'd had when he'd first met Neil all those months ago: he was reassuringly normal. He was calm and laid back and friendly as he made a cup of tea for them both, and they settled back in the living room and chatted about his new job and Liam's degree. Aston had taken the same subject, and they quickly discovered a few interests in common. Yet Liam kept being distracted by the growing pressure in his chute, and he had to clench up a couple of times to stop himself farting. He was wondering how to bring the subject up when he reached down for his tea, and looked back up to find Aston looking at him intently.

'So...' he said slowly. 'You, er ... you need the toilet?'

'Yeah. Not desperate, but...'

'Mmm, I can't wait! Can I lick your arse before you do it? Will you fart in my face?'

'Yeah! I ... I could do to fart now.'

Aston put his mug down, rocked forward onto the floor and knelt on his hands and knees, looking up at Liam invitingly. It was all too obvious what he wanted. Liam stood up, unbuckled his belt and bared his bottom, then thrust it back into Aston's face and farted.

'Mm! Mm!' Aston sniffed deeply. 'Oh man that smells gorgeous!'

He leaned in closer as Liam farted again. Then Liam felt his tongue, all hot and wet as it probed his hole. He stuck his arse out a bit more, and moaned with pleasure as Aston began to rim him. He butterflied his tongue all over Liam's hole and around his crack, drawing little gasps from him.

'Ooh yeah,' he breathed. 'Your arse tastes so good...'

He began to lick again, pulling off his clothes as he did so. Liam too pulled off his T-shirt and kicked off his shoes so he could take his jeans and pants off, with Aston's tongue still flicking and probing around his anus even as he did it. He looked down between his legs at Aston's body, his face still buried in his arse. His cock was huge, and Liam imagined being fucked soundly by him. Then the pressure in his arse mounted a bit more and he let out another little fart, right into Aston's mouth.

'Oh man that's good ... smells like you really need a shit!'

'I do now!'

Aston thrust his tongue in even deeper, grunting in his throat, and Liam began to moan aloud with the sensation. They tumbled upstairs, where Aston threw him across the bed, grabbed a bottle of poppers from the bedside table and took a hit, then handed them to Liam as he dived back into his arse. His cock pulsing and dribbling, his head rushing and Aston's tongue doing amazing things to his most sensitive areas, Liam was in heaven.

'Oh...' he moaned. 'Oh I gotta shit soon...'

'Fucking do it in my mouth,' breathed Aston, pulling his head back a bit, his breath hot on Liam's bottom. 'I wanna eat your shit! Come on...'

Liam's head was spinning as they went over to the bathroom. Aston gave him more poppers, then laid his lithe body on the floor and looked up at him hungrily. Heart racing, Liam stood over him and squatted down, until his arse was right over his face. Aston lifted his head to give Liam's arse one more good lick, then rested it back on the folded towel he'd put down and opened his mouth wide. His huge cock was already leaking pre-cum.

'Now,' he breathed. 'Give me your shit.'

Liam moaned once again as his load began to move and his hole opened, and then his smell started to thicken the air as one of his thick, solid logs slid from his hole. He felt it move as Aston probed it with his tongue, and then it slid out further, past Aston's lips and teeth and right into his mouth. Aston sighed. He clenched up to stop the flow, lifted himself up and twisted round to see what he'd done. There was Aston, his eyes intense, smiling despite the big golden log that filled his mouth and jutted up out of it, curled slightly back across his nose. Then he began to chew. Liam watched in amazement, still desperate to shit and overawed at the sight of this gorgeous guy eating his turd, his cock bouncing up and down with sticky pre-cum trickling from its end.

'Oh that's good,' Aston gasped thickly. 'Tastes so strong. More poppers ... gimme the poppers.'

Liam's shit began to move again as he too took a sniff. It was coming whether he wanted it to or not.

'Gotta do some more ... can't hold it!'

He lowered his arse back down hastily as his turd started to force his hole open. Aston retched as he swallowed hard, then opened his brown mouth again. Liam filled it at once with his lumpy, golden-brown shit, and the smell in the room thickened even more. Aston's eyes were watering and he was gagging and choking, but his dick was harder than ever even as he tried to swallow, groaned, and a bit of sick welled up from his crammed mouth and trickled down his cheeks. Liam dropped another turd on his face.

'I gotta finish...'

'On my face,' mumbled Aston indistinctly. 'Shit on my face...'

Liam began to cum as he finished his shit. The sensation of shitting like this, using a toilet who was moaning in ecstasy as he tried to eat his turds, was just incredible. No sooner had he finished than he jumped up and turned around and looked down on Aston, who was smiling beatifically through the sick and shit covering his mouth and chin and cheeks, still chewing on the reeking mass. As soon as he touched his cock he shot all over that shit-covered face, and at the same time Aston came all over himself.

'That was fucking awesome!' Aston said later, once they'd cleaned up. 'Your shit tastes like nothing else. So much better than mine!'

'Mm, I'd love to see yours, though! Will you shit on me? I love being dumped on; being used as a toilet...'

'Er ... yeah, I'll do that. You don't eat, though?'

'Nah. Love being shat on, though; just the feeling of lying there watching it happen, and the smell and everything...'

'Mm, yeah. Sounds like we're gonna have some fun!'

It certainly did. Liam walked home a couple of hours later smiling to himself. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined earlier what was going to happen that day. It had been one of the maddest, horniest experiences of his life, and he couldn't wait for the next time!

Aston used the toilet a few days later. He texted Liam mid-morning, saying that he was off work that day and tremendously horny, and starting to need a shit. Liam was outside at the time, helping his dad to take down the old garden shed and load into a trailer, ready to go to the tip. He'd promised to do it and he couldn't very well leave his dad to finish without him, and for the next hour he fizzed with impatience as they worked. As soon as the trailer was loaded he made his excuses, grabbed a quick shower and headed over to Aston's place. He was hastening across town when a text arrived:

Hurry up! Getting desperate!

Liam's dick was stiff and uncomfortable in his jeans as he knocked at Aston's door. Aston answered at once, and as he led Liam through into the living room he was visibly clenching his cheeks.

'I really, really need a shit,' he said.

'When did you last go for one?'

'Not since Wednesday evening. I only shit about four or five times a week, and when I go it's always massive. I'm vegetarian, so I eat loads of fruit and veg and stuff. I block the toilet sometimes! I always shit really slowly too. When I was at uni my housemates used to moan about how long I was in there for. Takes me ten minutes, sometimes.'

'Mmm, sounds awesome! Will you shit on me?'

'Cor! Yeah, I'll do that. Can I do it on your chest? Oh fucking hell I do need to go, though. Let's get upstairs!'

Sometimes before a session Liam got a sense of unreality, as if the disgusting, horny thing was happening to someone else and he was just a spectator. He felt that then as he followed Aston up to the bathroom, his eyes fixated on his pert arse as he climbed the stairs. In the bathroom Aston pulled his pants down and that huge cock of his bounced free. He stroked it slowly as he watched Liam strip, and smiled encouragingly as he lay down on the floor. Liam looked up his arse as he stood over him, and then watched it come closer and closer as he knelt down, pinning Liam between his thighs. His arse was pale and smooth and rounded, with just a fringe of hair around his tight, wrinkled little hole. He reached round behind him, proffering a bottle of poppers. Liam took them and sniffed deeply.

'I'm gonna shit,' breathed Aston, his voice low and husky and deeply sexy. 'Want my shit? Tell me you want my shit...'

Somewhere inside Liam the dam broke. He didn't just want Aston's shit; he craved it; desired it like an addict desperate for drugs. His head was spinning, his cock hurt and he could see nothing except his gorgeous arse inches above his chest.

'I want your shit,' he whispered back. 'I wanna be your toilet. Please give me your shit!'

'Oh yeah ... oh it's coming now...'

Aston's arse relaxed and his hole puckered out slowly. In the middle of the pink ring it created there appeared a little brown dimple. It slipped out a little further, growing into a little finger pointing down towards Liam's chest. Liam stared at it in wonderment. It was a lovely rich, chestnut brown. Aston's hole opened a little wider and more slid out, a bit thicker now. Liam began to smell it then; not very strong, but madly erotic; a harsh, dirty little aroma that tickled his nostrils as he lay and waited. Then the first little lump pulled away from the emerging turd and dropped onto his chest, warm and solid and light.

'Yeah,' breathed Aston. 'Here it comes...'

His turd began to move again, growing into a long brown cable hanging from his arse, solid and smooth, glistening dully in the light. Liam tensed up as it came nearer and nearer, and then it touched down and began to bend back. He couldn't help moaning. There was something overwhelmingly intimate about being shat on like this; a deep connection between them forged by that brown cable leading direct from his skin to deep inside Aston's body. Suddenly it broke and fell heavily onto his chest, bent into a U-shape, all firm and slimy and heavy. He moaned again. Above him its broken, jagged end was still sticking out of Aston's hole. He pinched it off, and it dropped with a soft rustle onto the first.

'Ooh,' sighed Aston. 'Feels better. Like it? Like my shit?'

'Yes ... oh yes it feels so good! It smells so fucking nice! Give me your shit Aston ... I want your shit so bad!'

Aston grunted softly, his hole flared and he curled out another smooth turd, a slim sausage that tapered off as it slid cleanly out, and added its weight to the pile. Liam moaned, and sniffed deeply at the gorgeous smell. Aston reached out, took some more poppers and handed the bottle to Liam, who lay back when he'd sniffed from it and watched in hazy ecstasy as Aston laid another cable. It came out like a tall cone, thicker at first but then tapering off to a point that slipped cleanly out as his dirty hole closed behind it. Liam watched, transfixed and fascinated by Aston's shit. His hole was tight and his turds weren't as thick as some guys' were, but they were dense and heavy and they felt amazing on Liam's skin.

'Oh God,' he moaned. 'This feels so fucking good...'

'Yeah! You like it, don't you ... look how fucking hard you are! I'm not done yet ... love having a shit! Here comes another one...'

Aston's hole was covered in sticky dark shit that clicked softly as he gave a little strain, cocked his arse up a bit higher and puckered open, and another long, rope-like turd slid out of him. It broke off two or three times, and Liam cried out and dribbled pre-cum on his tummy as each log landed. Aston gave a grunt of satisfaction as he pushed out the end of it.

'Oh ... oh wow, so much...' sighed Liam.

The pile on his chest was hot and heavy and greasy. It felt wonderful. Aston gave him some more poppers as he lay and waited for more, telling him as he sniffed how good it felt shitting on him like this, making him his toilet. Overcome, Liam craned his head up and sniffed at his shit from close up, letting the smell fill his nostrils and hammer at his brain. Then he lay back again as Aston did another thin turd.

'Nearly done now...'

Liam was on the verge of cumming already, and when Aston reached forward and began to wank him as he pushed out the last bits of his load he couldn't hold back. He cried out in ecstasy as he came, and then lay in hazy bliss as Aston wiped, turned round and wanked off over his shit.

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Next: Chapter 18

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